my surgeon had me put these “ Covidien 1238 Telfa Non-Adherent Pad Prepack, 8" x 3" (Box of 50) “ on my nipples with a good amount of vaseline or aquaphor and then tape them down. you cut the dressings in half and then in half again and tape them down with nexcare paper tape. change daily. for me the dark layer came off and is currently still light pink but melanin comes back eventually
I agree with the other commenter that the binder you had pre-op probably wouldn't be tight enough - and it may be difficult to get on, depending on the style. However - my surgeon told me the ones sold on Amazon are just fine! I did a quick search, maybe you could try these?
I know this second one says abdominal compression but I'm 99% sure it is exactly the one I'm wearing, which I was given by my surgeon 😁
I’ve been able to get my Velcro compression binder on/off by myself with a bit of a learning curve, I ordered one on Amazon that clips in the front for $25 but it won’t be here for a week so I can’t give you a full review, here’s the link tho! Mens Compression Corset Vest Body Shaper Workout Fajas para Hombres Back Support Gynecomastia Shapewear my surgeon said to get a size down from your usual binder size Bc obviously your chest is gone
Hiya! Many surgeons provide post op binders, but otherwise you can get one on Amazon. I'd call your surgeon and ask first if they provide one, then if they don't they probably have a recommendation :)
Personally I used this one (it was provided by my surgeon, but this is the same one I'm pretty sure)
I tried all kinds of binders and wraps post op. I found ace bandages to be the most comfortable but hard to put on myself. I've been using this and it's my favorite so far! It does have velcro but it doesn't touch your skin. It's easy to take on and off and adjust by yourself.
Yes, you can put extra padding in areas that are too loose. I also had this problem with the standard compression options and needed a break after wearing the Velcro vest I got at discharge. I recently bought this for a break: The arm holes are a bit small, so maybe a variation like this would be better:
It’s good to have the ability to change them up especially after swelling goes down and your size changes but you still need compression.
This is the kind of thing I mean, there will be cheaper ones out there and this one is a little bulky but it's this kind of style that I'm going to be using to get to and from my office when I can't carry things still!
i have a vest that’s like a big ace bandage, so it’s velcro and soft. it doesn’t have to go over my shoulders and is gentle under my armpits. here’s a link:
I explained it to my 4 year old that my body was making me uncomfortable, so I changed it and now I'm really happy. We talked about the ways everyone's bodies were unique, and I was still me even if I looked a bit different. We go over appearances not making someone a boy/girl pretty often since she loves having buzzed hair and often gets mistaken for a boy. We recently got her Bodies Are Cool by Tyler Feder and she loves it. It's a cute and amazingly diverse and inclusive book about different kinds of bodies, including many people with top surgery scars.
also, do you think something like this would be helpful for my caregiver moving me in the first 2 days? she is smaller than me and definitely can't pick me up lmao.
One of the best purchases that I have made in preparation for surgery were this orthopedic bed wedges from amazon, here is a link:
I also used a bed tray with legs that was helpful for eating meals and keeping my water and phone and stuff nearby so that I didn't have to reach for them. If you put it over you lap though you may need someone to pick it up for you because it could be too heavy to lift and trap you, I mostly just had it next to me in bed.
Another thing that is really important that might be easy to overlook is making sure that you have something easy to drink out of, since you need to drink plenty of water for good healing. I couldn't recommend a light plastic water bottle with a straw enough. I wasn't using one at first but once I got one staying hydrated became a lot easier during recovery.
Underworks has some that are around $40. They're long though, going down basically to your hips. I returned mine.
I also got this one and kept it. It's pretty comfy. It was about $70
I've heard good things about the Marena compression vests but those are around $125
Hey so I bought one of these
XUJI Women FTM Transgender Tomboy...
And after putting it on immediately bought another because it was perfect for me! From my experience it is true to size and having two was helpful to wash one and have another to change into. My surgeon even asked if he had sold me that one.
Unfortunately Amazon or Walmart are the two places you can grab these, but hey when you're balling on a budget sometimes you gotta make that call 🥲 good luck in recovery!
I understand, they can wear out after a while. There are similar front opening binders on Amazon, my surgeon told me I could order extras if I wanted for laundering etc
My friend! I’m 12 post op and this thing has saved my life.
I got the 60inch one.
I was a side sleeper and I too was scared about getting good sleep. I know that this could cause dysphoria bc it is a pregnancy pillow but to me it’s saved and made my recovery very cozy. It’s like a recliner for my bed. Take a look. ❤️🫶🏻
My partner ended up getting one as well bc it looked so cozy. So we now sleep side by side with them. 🤣
No, just paper. I used silicone tape for a little bit but it irritated my skin. I used this.
I have two suggestions based on my own surgery experiences. Maybe one of these will work for you!
I had surgery a few days after having my ears pierced years ago. It was the second time I’d had the same holes pierced, and I didn’t want to have to go for a third round. My ears apparently heal very quickly so I was nervous about even having the jewelry out for a few hours. One of the nurses cut little pipettes and put the bits in my piercings to hold the holes open. The pipettes were absolutely bigger than the jewelry I’d been wearing, though admittedly not be much, and it wasn’t at all comfortable, but it probably saved me having to get them redone.
I had top surgery in September, and I was again nervous about my ear piercings. I had them done years ago, but my body continually finds new ways to disappoint me and I didn’t want this to be the surprise it chose. Also I only wear captive hoops, and I knew I wasn’t going to be able to put them back in post-surgery and wouldn’t want my partner trying to. I do not do well with anesthesia at all so I wanted to prepare for the worst. I ended up buying a pack of earring parts on Amazon for folks that make jewelry. They’re stainless steel lever back hoops. I had my partner put them in after I was discharged, but I have a vague memory of the nurse offering to do it for me too. I wore those for weeks until I felt up to dealing with my captive hoops, and they worked perfectly. I’ll include the link below if you’re interested.
OH MY GOD I HAVE A GREAT IDEA. Do you know those cheap plastic hands that clap prom like the dollar store. Here I found a link
I wore my mastectomy pillow nonstop for the first 2ish weeks. I’d keep my cell phone, AirPods, remotes and snacks in the front pocket! It was very comforting to have the protection and padding, especially under my arms.
I got this one from Amazon
I have steri stripes like Leukostrips ordered (will arrive in 6 days tho) they are really good to hold everything in place. They last up to a week. but they are expensive omfg. Did not expect that to happen so I was unprepared after surgery to take care of my incisions. I did get some acupunkture cross band aid that is a really good alternative to Steristripes. These little cross things are not made for open wounds but they works really well for new incisions/scars. it tapes everything, I can shower with them and they stick well. got them on since Thursday, showered every day bc of nipple care and so far I had to replace 2 of them bc my nipple band aid ripped them of. here are some cheap steri stripes and here are some Acupuncture Cross band aids sorry that this is all in german amazon refused to tell me if thats aviable in the US. I did get these acupuncture cross band aids for almost the same price in a local pharmacy.
Seconding the U-shaped pregnancy pillow, and I also bought this wedge pillow for under my knees:
I am a dedicated side sleeper and die-hard tooth grinder as well but being nested inside the pregnancy pillow with my knees up on the wedge almost sort of replicates the "curved" feeling of side sleeping, at least enough to trick my brain.
I would follow your surgeon's instructions, but I was instructed to use non-stick pads over my nipples so that they wouldn't stick to the dressings too much, and that worked very well. I used things like these, with a little bit of medical tape to hold them on:
I’ve heard of people using an extender like this. Can’t vouch for it myself cuz i haven’t tried it myself yet. Fanwer Toilet Aids Tools,Long Reach Comfort Wipe,Extends Your Reach Over 15" Grips Toilet Paper or Pre-Moistened Wipes
I definitely would’ve needed help wiping if I didn’t buy a bidet, I know this because I tried wiping before using it and it was very difficult for me (plus I’m already not very flexible). I got this attachment that you just put on a water bottle for $9.99 on Amazon and it was super user-friendly and so compact you could literally put it in your pocket! I highly recommend getting something like this if it is affordable for you because it was very helpful for when you have a limited range of motion. I hope this helps and good luck on your surgery!!
Yes, contact the doctor, but it doesn’t look as terrible as some of the responders make it sound. If it is infected it doesn’t look bad, but they’ll want to get it looked at and cultured to make sure it doesn’t get worse, because that could be really problematic.
Leaking blood is fine. Clear liquid is fine. Thick or discolored liquid (think: pimples) is a sure sign of infection. The pain and redness are also concerning but if it is an infection it’s probably just in the skin.
I also had a stitch split and got a minor skin infection. My surgeon told me to use silver alginate dressings, stuck on with a bandaid. I used something like this.
Your friend will be fine. It’s nice you’re looking out for them :)
I removed my surgical tape at week 3. From weeks 3-5.5, I wore silicone micropore tape on my incisions as they hadn’t yet formed scars. At week 5.5 I finally has scars and I switched to wearing silicone scar tape (using mepitec or JJ Care brand). Haven’t used an oils or creams or done any massage yet.
i had to buy it and some supplies for medical dressing based on an amazon wish list they sent me. my surgeon recommended this one so it was pretty affordable
my surgeon said to use scar gel for weeks 2-4 they recommended this one but theres probably other good ones too
Chiming in to piggyback off of others talking about pillows: also buy pillows for under your butt because you'll be doing a looooooooooot of sitting, lol. Or at least, make sure where you're sitting is super cozy. My ass was SO sore after surgery from being so sedentary T___T And, of course, the classic neck pillow & a rest pillow/reading pillow (I think they're called). Since those pillows are pretty big, you may not want to buy one before going abroad (depending on your mode of travel/how long you're traveling, etc.) but they were greatly helpful for me :)
Good luck!
I used this tape. It’s about $26 for 10 feet. I cut it in half lengthwise before applying. You might be able to find cheaper options out there, too.
Heyo, I used a longer ace bandage that has velcro on both ends. I cut it in half to make it easier to put on and choose how tight I wanted it. You could also wear something or put gauze under the wrap to keep it cleaner for longer. Here's the link for the wrap-
Congratsssss!!!! 🥳 I know I’ll be hella nervous when the week comes omg & yes this is the one I have on my amazon list! It looks so convenient bc it 1) buttons down & i only have pull over shirts & hoodies which will be no good post op 2) hides drain bcos idek how ima sleep with my blood connected to tubes & drains 😵💫 hopefully, the shirt will help lol
Take your time with your healing & recovery!! I’ll be okay regardless haha My fam & friends mayyyy pull through with what i need soon heavy on the may but i still have hope :) but I live in Washington DC 🏛
& 4k!? OUCH! When I called my insurance to ask if they’d cover it with the surgeon I have they said 100% & then denied me bcos of the surgeon I chose 😐 so atp idek what out of pocket fees I’ll have even with them covering it in just hoping none but I’m grateful to have them overall. America healthcare still sucks ass regardless 😭 we should get the care we deserve without having to worry about financial burdens tbh
If you're in a pinch like I was and need them fast, I've been using these for the past 2 weeks. I had to put a bandage pad between my chest and the zipper but it's been working great and my surgeon approved. If you're between sizes go with the larger one (I'm 42" and went with the 4XL) I have 3 now so I can cycle them with washes; cold delicate wash with a smidgen of detergent, air only tumble dry. Came out just fine.
XUJI Women Tomboy FTM Zip Up Elastic Chest Binder Breathable Bamboo Slim Fit Tank Top
I use Mepitac, and it's worked pretty well for me so far- It even stays on in the shower! The worst I can say about it is that sometimes it peels up at the end but you can just push it back down. Sounds like I already have a pretty good thing going, so I'll just suck it up and stop being a cheap bastard lol
Mastectomy Drain Holder Pouches Large Capacity, Movable Drainage Pockets Stretchy for Breast Reconstruction/Abdomina/Explant/Tummy Tuck, Post JP Drains Management, Black
I wouldn't put silicone tape on the part of your incision that's bleeding, you don't want to irritate it or cause the wound to get bigger. What I did was cover the more healed parts of the incision with silicone tape, and put neosporin and band aids on the bleeding part.
I've only used silicone tape, not gel - here's the one I use and am happy with: I like this one because it comes in a roll that's precut into perforated squares, and you can tear off the lengths you want. People also use Mepitac, ScarAway, or other brands (you can also find a generic version of ScarAway at a walgreens or cvs and it'll be cheaper than the brand name)
My routine with silicone tape for the first couple months was to wear it 24/7 except when I showered. I use the same tape for a couple days but you can throw it away and switch to fresh tape whenever you want to - I find that it gets less sticky after maybe 5-7 days of use and that's when I usually switch. Before I shower, I take off the tape and rinse it (you can gently use some soap too, I did for the first week or two of use when pulling off the tape also took off glue or other stuff), lay it out to dry with the adhesive side down on a clean surface (plastic wrap or a ziploc bag usually) while I shower, and put it back on when I'm getting dressed. I personally wouldn't change them daily just because scar tape can be costly, so I'd recommend reusing them for whatever amount of time is comfortable for you.
I wore it 24/7 until about 3 months post-op, and now I usually wear them during the day because I want to have some protection on the scars so they don't get stretched out too much while I'm going about my day. I usually take them off at night before I sleep now to let the scars breathe, and do scar massage before bed.
i'm pre-op but i already bought some mepitac tape
i don't think you're supposed to wear it over any open wounds, which i think the bleeding would be considered an open wound.
also i've read people wearing them between like 12 hours to one full week. you're supposed to be able to wash and re-use them also, but idk for sure.
Yeah, no problem! I bought this kind:
Disclaimer: I do not have chest hair. If you do, I highly recommend trimming it before you use this tape. I’d imagine it would hurt a lot to rip off 😅
some items that were helpful: - wedge pillow (or lots of regular pillows) so you can sleep propped up
loose, comfortable clothing (i wore button up shirts and sweatpants, but anything works as long as you don’t have to lift your arms up to put on the clothes)
extra strength tylenol (i switched to these after the first couple days of heavy painkillers, ask your surgeon what they recommend)
body wipes and dry shampoo helped me feel cleaner for the first week when I couldn’t shower
—————— I was able to shower on my own at 1 week post op
—————— sleeping on my back was hard at first but I got used to it, it helped that I was so tired and sleepy from the surgery and pain meds lol my only advice is to get yourself lots of pillows and be as comfortable as you can so it’s easier to fall asleep
—————— I had to wear bandages for compression the first month, this really just depends on what your surgeon tells you to so
—————— this was my first ever surgery and first time experiencing anesthesia, and I was super worried too but it was perfectly fine! I didn’t even realize I was being put to sleep and it felt like one minute I was in the OR, the next moment I was waking up in the recovery room.
I used AWD. The ends would roll up so I’d tape them down with KT Tape.
A friend gave me their binders after they had surgery and one of them that I like the most has two straps that come from the back for added compression. I felt like I couldn’t get the regular one tight enough, but this one I could adjust how much compression I wanted.
This is as close as I could find.. my friend also had abdominal surgery at the same time, so it might actually be an abdominal wrap. Highly recommend though.
i got this LIPOELASTIC MTmS Comfort Medical Post OP Gynecomastia Compression vest for $79.90 on amazon, looks like price has gone up. but i highly recommend
I used AWD silicone tape. I’d cut it lengthwise then apply it in 2 or 3 sections for each scar. I’d remove it to shower and reuse it for a few days. Sometimes the ends would curl up so I put a lil piece of KT Tape on the ends.
I used this AWD tape. I cut it lengthwise before applying. The ends would roll up sometimes so I’d tape them down with KT Tape.
Mepitac 2 x 300 cm or (2cm x 3 m) Roll Non-Sterile by Mlnlycke Health Care GmbH this is what i have and it survived my first shower very well!
This is where I got mine. Seems like they range in the $10-$30 range. another trans guy recommended this product as well. I hope this helps :)
You should get a stool with rolls underneath. The kind that disables the rolls once you stand on it. I don't know the English word for that specific kind, but they look like this:
You can kick that fucker around with your feet and step on it to reach higher than you normally would be able to.
I used this tape and it works great. Stays in place all day. I’ve had it on for over 24 hours before. It’s wide, so I just cut the length I need, then cut down the center to get thin strips for both sides.
NonEcho Fajas para Hombres Slimming Body Shaper Corset Compression Shirts Weight Loss Hide Gynecomastia Chest Vest
In case the link doesn’t work; search this on Amazon. My surgeon recommended it and I really like it!
so i also was told to get my own compression vest and i was seeing a lot of super expensive options over $120 and then other options under $30 that made me suspicious of the quality. being that ur gonna wear it 20-22 hours a day for like 3-5 weeks maybe, u wanna make sure its as comfy as possible. i got this one for $80 on amazon and i really like it. i got a small (for ref im ~120lb) and had to adjust the shoulder parts to make it tighter, but it was still not tight enough so i needed some ace bandages around the outside of it. the tag is on the outside so it isnt itchy, it has 3 clasps in the front and a zipper, and its working well so far for meLIPOELASTIC MTmS Comfort - Medical Post OP Gynecomastia Compression Vest
Obv ask your surgeon or at least GP first, but this is what I use, and it was approved by my surgeon and she showed it to the residents working under her as great option for trans patients. It stays on really well and held the gauze in place well. The only thing is that the arm holes are really small, so I cut them a bit wider to accommodate me.
sure, no problem! i bought these ones exactly^ definitely in the past couple weeks of using them i’ve noticed my one scar i’m working on in particular is less raised, smaller, and less shiny, meaning you can barely even see it from certain angles. i hope it works for you as well!!❤️
im not sure if brand makes too much of a difference but i did like these. i used cica tape for a few months and didnt really like how they felt
for pillows, a mastectomy pillow was very helpful in the first week but I haven't used it afterwards. it can also be used in the car.
I got a wedge pillow to sleep on (and stacked another layer of pillows on top of it so I could sit up more) and that's been very helpful with sleeping on my back since that's not how I normally sleep.
cicatape is good, but its the only strips i have tried
gel I've used, and i liked it well enough
i have also used the scaraway brand and i like it more, but it is really 'sticky' compared to the other one i linked
i usually use both the scar away and the the cicatape on top overnight. i use the gel in the daytime too.
Oversized pj shirts that have buttons. I bought 100% cotton Nautica pj shirts and I am so thankful for them. Also any bottoms that are easy to pull up. I'm 3 days post op and I cannot pull up or down my pants. A bed tray for eating and stuff is very useful. Get many different things your son likes to eat and drink.
Also, if it's in your price range, I got a wedge pillow set for post surgery on amazon that is truly amazing and helping me sleep. Get a travel pillow to sleep with, so his neck isn't cranked to the side. Seriously, if you can get the pillow set, do it. It makes sleeping and resting during the day very easy.
This is the pillow set I bought:
This is my first surgery I remember (had surgery as a baby) and it's a lot on me. I can't do much on my own and my wife has to do everything for me. He may be different, but be prepared to be a full-time caregiver.
I had two types of pillows that really helped. One big wedge pillow—I got a nice one on Amazon that was ~$85 but I still use it now bc I work in bed a lot! Also a friend gave me a type of mastectomy pillow that has two half-holes and that you hold against your chest. It’s sooo good for icing and heating pad and generally applying pressure.
Speaking of which, highly recommend getting a good ice pack that stays cold longer than 10 min. Got a grabby-thing and didn’t expect to use it much, but it was really helpful bc even stuff that is normally within reach is hard to get to when it hurts to move. Fanny pack for drains worked well for me. Idk if you partake but a full spectrum lotion or cream with CBD and at least some THC works really well for pain (I used it on my whole chest, not just incisions, so you can start pretty early on that).
Hello! You are a kind friend!
I am a very petite human too and used this one from amazon. It was absolutely everything I needed and my most favorite recovery item.
I get this kind:
It works super well. I usually wear it for 4 days. I stick it to a non-stick parchment paper while I shower and then just put it back on. By the fourth day it doesn’t stick anymore.
a couple more you may or may not need- ice packs for your drain incisions DO NOT ICE YOUR NIPPLE GRAFTS (if you’re getting any) unless your surgeon says it’s okay
extender arm for stuff you can’t reach This can/should be used for up to six months post op as not to stretch your scars, And a scopolamine transdermal patch that they’ll probably give you. good luck with your surgery bro pm me if you need anything else
That's great! Things will just get better and better from here on out for you.
And oof, I have spent way too much money trying out different silicone tapes, so I hear you. ThisTape (search for "Mepitac" if the link doesn't work) is what I've liked best so far out of the 5 that I've tried -- a lot of tape claims to be "reusable" and "shower proof" but this is the only one I've tried that lives up to those adjectives. I cut a strip of that stuff in half lengthwise and I can take it off and put it back on over and over, and rinse/wash it when I shower and do scar massages. I've used the same piece for a week now and it's still like new and sticks well! I hope it or something like it works just as well for you. Cheers!
Ah cool! Obviously everyone is different, but that's great you could move heavy stuff safely at 6 weeks. Can I ask where you were at by 4 weeks? Also, I looked through your posts on you profile and I saw your arms were totally out of action for the first few days. 😬 Annnd that you recommended a bidet. Do you think you'd have managed one of those portable ones? (Like this, i.e. handheld.) I would truly love not to come near the landlord's dodgy old plumbing with a spanner.
I found these band aids on amazon because I'm having to change my nipples covers twice a day at least. Absolutely wonderful. They stick but not enough to irritate. Plus it's 30 for $7
I’m a massage therapist and I use these for scar release. Use with a small amount of oil or lotion that is silicon friendly.
I was told to use a tennis ball and to gently roll it over my scars applying a bit of pressure. You can do it with or without a shirt on. I also have this tool I bought on Amazon. It’s larger than a standard jade roller and works well for rolling out scar tissue under your actual scars.
Are you wearing these chonies? I have those; they’re comfy.
Yes! I used ScarAway Scar SheetsScarAway Scar Sheets and Yes to Coconut Oil Stick.
I am currently waiting on surgery, but when I got injuries on both wrists, I got a wipe extender. It's basically a long wand that you put the tissue on and then use to wipe yourself. Worked great for me.
Like others, I didn't have trouble but it was a slow and careful action. Also, you won't poop for the first 2/3 days cuz the pain meds, anesthesia, etc. But if you really want a bidet on hand you don't have to install anything you could get something like this:
Mens Compression Corset Vest Body Shaper Workout Fajas para Hombres Back Support Gynecomastia Shapewear
I commented on OP’s post as well but wanted to make sure you saw this!
Mens Compression Corset Vest Body Shaper Workout Fajas para Hombres Back Support Gynecomastia Shapewear
I am still pre-op, so I can’t speak to how this product will perform, but I heard good things about it on a facebook group I’m in and it seems pretty solid irl! Definitely much more affordable.
It freaks me out too, so I bought a massage roller (this one Sub·Zero Cryosphere Cold Massage...
I use that for the majority of the massage but try to use fingers as well when I can
Through and through side sleeper here as well. Somehow my body realized how important it was to sleep on my back, so I was able to adjust. I wasn't always comfortable, but it wasn't as impossible as I thought it would be. Hoping the same for you! You'll be so tired at times that it won't be an issue. Ha.
My friends sent me a care package that came with this mastectomy pillow. I would have not thought to get that for myself, but I LOVE IT. It has brought so much comfort. And it helps me do a sort of fakey side sleep. Like, still on my back but leaning to one side with the pillow under protecting my bod. I really recommend this thing!
gauze rolls kinda like this? Conforming Bandage,24 Pack Gauze Bandage Rolls with Bonus Medical Tape + Premium Scissors, 10cm x 4.5m Stretched,Non-Sterile
thank you so much! i’m not quite sure yet how i’ll make the kit from my breast by looking at it belly casting kiton amazon haha but i damn sure will try! thank youuuuu OP this is the one i’m thinking on (
This stuff has been awesome! I'm healing really well at three weeks post op for DI with nipple grafts!
My girl picked up a bag of these and used them on me the first week I was post op. They are pretty rad to get bathed while you're laying in bed!
I’m 2 weeks post op rn but before surgery I was debating on whether I should buy one or not but I did it it was a great decision. For the first week and a half post op I used it as directed and it’s great for propping arms up, resting your phone on, and just having an extra layer of padding, it made me feel a lot more comfortable. For the last couple of days or so since I’m farther out post op I’ve just been using it as a pillow for my head since it’s a perfect size/thickness to prop up my neck and it not as tall as a normal pillow. This is the pillow I bought. I hope this was helpful! 👍
Mepitac bothered me a lot too. I switched to this tape and it’s not bothering me nearly as much. It also sticks a lot better with sweating, And it’s cheaper! I don’t wear it for more than 12 hours at a time, storing it on some parchment paper. Reuse for about 3-4 days.
Medvance Soft Silicone Tape with Perforation for Easy Cut Size - 1" Width (3 Pack, 5 Yards)
I love this, it's only $16 for a tube. Probably not as good as the $75 bottle kind but still a miracle. I have a connective tissue disorder and use it all over my body like moisturizer. Putting it on an area is like aging backwards
I was in a sticky situation with my top surgery and had to pay everything out of pocket so I cut costs as much as possible. Also, my partner doesn't drive so I had to drive.
I ended up driving the day after WITHOUT any narcotics/pain killers (driving on that is a no-go). It was a 4-hour drive and I drove with baby t-rex arms. We took many breaks, took it slow, and I had no complications afterward. Make sure the driver goes slow over speed bumbs and stuff, cuz that shit hurts! I had an uber take me and my partner back to AirBnB after surgery because I was of course loopy, and they sped over all the bumps and it hurt like hell.
If your hubby can drive you, I don't think there should be an issue driving 4-hours in a car as a passenger with breaks.
Things that I would have on the top of your list:
A pillow to prop you up. I didn't like the feminine female mastectomy ones, so I ended up getting this and it WORKED AMAZINGLY:
A button up shirt since you will have t-rex arms and can't lift over your head
I sleep with my partner in a queen-sized bed, and we were fine. I didn't bug him that much, especially with the cushioned pillow.
I went with an airbnb and the bed was a queen-sized, so maybe go for at least a queen?
Feel free to DM me any questions!
I got this blue striped mastectomy pillow on Amazon by the brand MOYOAMA and really liked it but Amazon says it's unavailable right now so can't link. Any mastectomy pillow should be good, especially ones with pockets
For driving he can't drive until he's off pain meds but generally I was comfortable sitting in the car while someone else drove though it's different for different people. Make sure the seat is reclined back a little and use a mastectomy pillow and a neck pillow. I purchased this animal neck pillow off of Amazon that I liked here
I bought a 3 pack of this cicatape, basically like this:
They're perforated in 2-inch segments but you can make it as long as you want basically. I cut mine in half and they're the perfect width for my scars
One thing I didn’t expect to be so helpful is just buying a camelback water bladder like one of these:
It’s made staying hydrated SO EASY and I’m one who sometimes forgets to drink water. Highly recommend. There are a lot of fancy ones out there but this $13 one works perfect for me. That way you don’t have to move much just to drink water.
Yeah!! I got it on Amazon. Wasn’t too pricey and worth all the money anyway too :) Adjustable Mastectomy Drain... here’s the link! It also has a shower mesh one. I usually put that around my neck and tie it to hang there while I shower my lower part of my body.
Ya. I must second that silicone comment. Let me show you what I used, recommended by my doctor. Available on amazon in a couple size options. I’m shy of four months and my scars look INCREDIBLE. I need to post an update on reddit but peep my IG @mason.ilyas if you wanna see. Here’s the scar stuff!! - - - > BIOCORNEUM Scar Treatment
omg never even heard of that--are you talking about these?
and i'll definitely invest in a long phone charger--thanks for the recommendations!