Here's an image of the final product framed. I think im going to resize it to fit the frame completely. You can download the lossless pdf version here.
A proper laptop would be first priority, but it sounds like you may already have one. I would just take notes on the laptop and have the Zoom session split screen (or an external monitor if you have one).
Or you could have your laptop/iPad for the Zoom call, and use the other free device to take notes.
I prefer pen/paper for most classes as it helps me retain better and I don't feel as compelled to write down too much information to never look at again.
If you're going the digital route, highly recommend Notion for all your note taking & life admin needs
It was quite interesting and a pretty easy class. The labs required us to visit the Natural History Museum several times(across the street. free entry with USC ID) but it was fun. The prof looked like a serious guy but he was actually very chill. People love him. Idk about other lab TAs but mine was nice and caring.
Seriously if you haven't read Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand you're doing yourself a disservice. Quick read and well written; his resilience is the embodiment of what the Trojan spirit means at it's core.
You go to Spotify on your browser and then go to your account. View your subscription (premium, regular, etc.) and it should show you a student option. Then it’ll have you verify your name and school then that’s it. Or just go here
This will help all Trojans who have Dropbox if enough people sign up! We add 3 points to our total whenever a person adds their usc email address or invites someone to Dropbox!
And you would use your own referral. (HERE'S MINE D:)
I graduated last year but haven't been at USC in two years so I can't speak to how interviews are conducted nowadays.
When I was in CTC, though, we asked pretty typical leetcode style questions. One of the questions I remember we asked was Spiral Matrix and another one was Combination Sum. So nothing impossible but not trivial either, IMO. We also asked role specific questions, for if you were doing web dev, app dev, or back end work.
It's also definitely about org fit and social skills, although those questions are much more similar to how other orgs do them (LavaLab, Scope, Spark, etc).
Really fun and high impact org to join, though, with interesting people - highly recommend it!
i’m taking it rn too with him and i’ll agree that even though he kept saying “oh if you haven’t had previous experience with this material you’ll be fine” you definitely need a baseline foundation for even this first homework
i haven’t looked at our book yet for this class but i know the book for cs170 ( covered things like set theory really well
also i would reach out to him and let him know how you’re feeling he def seems like the type of person who cares about his students although i could be wrong
hang in there, a lot of probability/stats is just simple math covered up by complicated looking expressions so just try to reason through things logically
Most cafes use cheap culinary stuff for lattes, especially if they don't advertise it as ceremonial grade. I use this one from amazon (literally the first result), its an ok compromise between price and quality and is palatable on its own.
If anything focus on your other ingredients and making sure you mix it properly.
I am selling a slightly broken monitor (Acer Nitro VG240YU bmiipx 23.8" WQHD (2560 x 1440) IPS Monitor with AMD Radeon FreeSync Technology (2 x HDMI 2.0 Ports & 1 x Display Port),Black) for $175.
The outside and everything is in good condition, just that there is internal damage as the screen will not light up properly. I bought it initially for $300. I am willing to negotiate. PM me soon.
If anyone knows where to sell not fully functional monitors please let me know.
I am selling a slightly broken monitor (Acer Nitro VG240YU bmiipx 23.8" WQHD (2560 x 1440) IPS Monitor with AMD Radeon FreeSync Technology (2 x HDMI 2.0 Ports & 1 x Display Port),Black) for $175.
The outside and everything is in good condition, just that there is internal damage as the screen will not light up properly. I bought it initially for $300. I am willing to negotiate. PM me soon.
Battery life and note taking ability ought to be prioritized. People focus too much on specs and useless shit… but keep in mind you’ll mostly be taking notes, writing papers, and coding (All of which being generally non-intensive). If I were to start from scratch on my tech, I’d ensure having enough in my budget for a dock, keyboard, mouse, and monitor rather than more RAM or better processor or storage. The specs and hardware matter much less than what you actually need from the computer and how certain pieces of hardware interact with your needs. I have a monitor, laptop, peripherals, and a drawing tablet for note taking and OneNote. This ensured me that I can work anywhere but have a base to work from at my dorm and had no need for any amount of physical written paper.
I have. The issue with the usc apartments is that the toilet seats are glued to the bowl, so you can't remove it to install one of the ones that go between the bown and the seat. You'll instead have to settle for a handheld bidet sprayer. Installation was pretty easy, just follow the instructions that come with your bidet kit.
This is the model that I use:\_encoding=UTF8&pd\_rd\_w=qQZhX&pf\_rd\_p=bbb6bbd8-d236-47cb-b42f-734cb0cacc1f&pf\_rd\_r=4X1JK1EBSGV8ZWE7JK7X&pd\_rd\_r=3198efc8-2c8d-4743-b918-01c1d...
Personally haven't taken it but was interested in TAing for it. ITP 115, an introductory programming and Python course, is supposed to be a great class especially for those that want to get their feet wet in programming. Rob Parke is a loved professor around USC and is pretty caring and good at what he does (see:
What is more important to you? Better social life or air conditioning? It may depend on what weather you're used to, see average temp by month below.
Welcome to the Church of the Eyes.
Here are some Googly Wiggly Eyes, go ahead and spread the faith of the Otter God.
Yeah I got a cheap monitor on amazon for like less than $100, still use it to this day. I bet if you got an ethernet to USBC converter you could plug it into the charging port and make it work, I did that sometimes too.
Gyms offer some terrible services with inBody being an absolute ripoff. I have been part of two gyms outside USC and both charge $15-20 for a single use (even with premium membership). Unless you're willing to pay Equinox membership, I would not expect these services to be available for free at most gyms.
I would advise you call some of the local fitness/health stores and see if they have any free body composition analyzers available. They don't often require purchase but health stores will have them in an effort to bring in customers. Otherwise, you might have to shell out $20 for the inbody.
Any big city with older buildings are likely to have a roach issue. However, there is one product that does wonders to kill roaches in your house.
For any of you with a roach issue now or in your future apartment, pick up some Advion roach gel off amazon. This gel is what professional exterminators use (you can't even buy it over the counter in Canada). It is very effective and after a few weeks will kill off all of them pretty much guaranteed. Read the 14k+ reviews which will all say the same thing on all the pest control forums. Downside: not cheap at $30 but it lasts a while.
Okay. Thanks for your long answer again. You're really helpful. I think I will just buy Speedify membership. I have used Speedify for several days and it allowed me to do online matches with any games. It gives you free data for each month, so I think you can try this too.
I also live in USC housing and own a Switch. I used Connectify and Speedify to get around the NAT type D issue. Just be aware that there's now a limit of 1GB per month for the free version, so use your data wisely. If you don't have AT&T, you can also try using a mobile hotspot from your phone (AT&T hotspot also has a strict NAT type).
It is not cheap but this is the stuff professionals use for roaches and it absolutely works:
The reviews and youtube videos on this stuff speak for themselves.
BERSEM, however they changed the product so it’s not as good. I recommend this one: Paperlike iPad Pro 11 Screen Protector(2020 and 2018 Model), XIRON High Touch Sensitivity No Glare Scratch iPad Pro 11 Matte Screen Protector, Compatible with Apple Pencil or Other Active Stylus Pens
I got the cheapest one I could find on Amazon and it works great. It's honestly one of my best purchases:
I feel you on the clean butt. I've moved quite a bit and I hate handiwork, so my portable bidets have been lifesavers. Plus I move them as desired.
If you're not in a huge rush, wait for the USC Bikes Surplus Sales, where DPS sells impounded bikes for $25/bike. Some are nicer, some are pretty bad, but they're all $25!
I personally use the Kryptonite U-lock with a 4-foot cord. It's definitely not enough to just have a cable to lock your bike as those are easy to cut. The U-locks and chains are way more durable, and I've found Kryptonite locks to hold up well. I've had mine for 3 years and have had no issues besides the lock being rusted/hard to unlock (my fault because I left the lock exposed when it rained instead of covering it with the cover that is built into the lock, and I just applied some WD-40 and it was easy to unlock again). The cord is pretty thick and feels sturdy. I'd highly recommend it!