I thought y'all were joking about that TikTok sluts pretending to get fucked meme shit, then my bud sent me the link. Attention whoring seriously at next level nowadays lol.
u/wallstreetbitch p sure you need this
Ditto on the nice chef's knife. It seems stupid to spend $70+ on a single knife at first, but jesus it's night and day compared to the chef's knife that comes in your typical knife set.
The one I got:
i worked at a amc movie theater and i will let u in on a secret
this the shit they use to make movie theater popcorn taste special
See, Big Tea Bag got you brainwashed. Put one of these in a cup. Put in some tea. Add hot water. Wait five minutes. Dump tea leaves in trash. Rinse steeper. Done and done. Grown up tea with minimal effort.
Don't let Lipton tell you what to do. Loose your shackles and go loose leaf.
Found it!
I searched high and low for the right mechanical keyboard to set up my home office. Keyboards now are all newfangled and sleek, or built to be sensitive as fuck for gaming, or super quiet. Nah bro. I want a loud keyboard. I want to click and I want to clack. At my office I switched the quiet standard issue keyboard for the loudest one I could find as a form of psychological dominance over my coworkers.
Anyways I bought this for the home office https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082NRK5P9/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_ukgrFbTVM0YTC
I'm pretty sure my Gateway had this exact keyboard in 1997 lmao
If anyone uses automations like IFTTT, they have the new IFTTT Pro and are doing a limited time promo to name your monthly price and they'll honor it forever.
If you mean audiobooks and not literal books on tape like some weirdo who still has a cassette player, there’s an app called Libby that’s like a library app but you need a library card. There’s also https://librivox.org/ and https://www.openculture.com/freeaudiobooks
I'll just write my personal DD here. Cloudflare (NET) is an internet and cloud company. If you do anything on the internet then it's a good chance you've interacted with their product before. Arguably I'd say their greatest asset is their CDN and reliability products but they continue branching into other areas of IT.
A CDN (content delivery network) basically optimizes how content is delivered to you as a user. Cloudflare has a pretty good write-up of it here. But a basic example is how Netflix is able to stream HD movies to you. If Netflix themselves were trying to stream it from one point to it's many users, the data would cause a digital traffic jam so everyone is stuck watching pixelated 🐯🤴 in 480p. Instead a CDN makes it so content is spread about in caches where it won't clog up the information superhighway. At least that's the gist of it.
On top of that NET provides services such as DDoS protection (they keep your favorite site 🏃), DNS services (they help name your favorite site) , and more. They're essentially one of the major backbones of the Internet. Anyone working remotely in tech will have either used them, competes with them in some form, or knows them. Ultimately I see it as a very valuable company with a strong future especially since it has pretty good leadership looking very far into the future. If you need similar companies to compare to understand how the market will probably value it then look at FSLY and AKAM.
Realistic Dildo Hismith Silicone Dildo for Women Dragon Dildo with Strong Suction Cup for Hand-Free Play Flexible Dildo for G-Spot and Anal Play Sex Toy for Any Couple Purple Dildo https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08MVLFZMS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_0E7611NGT6A6TXCSRSTH
Me and my cousins love your product
That with adequate filtration will eliminate 98% of contaminants. Idk shit about single room ones so this may not be any help.
I was trying to find some large, cheap plastic cups. These things on Williams Sonoma seemed way overpriced so I decided to check out what Andy has and found these beauties old school Pizza Hut cups
I use the fuck outta these hoes while I pretend to have a karate dojo, when I'm mowing lawns as part of a long con, and when I ride bikes. They sound good, battery lasts for hours and they never fall out. Also own air pods but only used them once.
Something like this would be decent if you don't need too much storage space.
Nvme drive + i7 processor will keep you from feeling most slowness. 8GB of RAM is good enough to run your use scenario assuming you don't need mega ToS usage.
I’ve had this one for about 8 years and it’s going strong. Mainline espresso. At least 5-6 shots a day for 8 years and zero issues.
Anything Breville will be good. They have more expansive fancier machines if you want to blow your entire budget.
Breville BES870XL Barista Express Espresso Machine, Brushed Stainless Steel, Large https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CH9QWOU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_DE2GNYFQQJJDNJXB33S3
One of the best ones. Expensive but absolutely worth it.
It can scan random sizes all at once and so fast it almost sends them flying across the room.
Get em while they’re hot: Best bunker buy for my winkers can’t cash in calls if the power goes down
Jackery Explorer 240 Solar Generator, 240Wh Backup Lithium Battery, 110V/200W Pure Sine Wave AC Outlet, Solar Generator for Outdoors Camping Travel Hunting Emergency https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08LDBSGM5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_JAI9Fb8EV0N2S
How much of a scam, if at all, are anti-virus programs on phones?
Also, people are hocking VPN services quite a bit. Is there practicality for every day people to invest in VPN services such as ExpressVPN? If not, what online activity necessitates such services?
If you show this to indian hitler he'll disintegrate and return to his phylactery
So far the tally is that the market is 100% fake but only 90% gay... to those that thought they were 1:1 the data is showing that they're not, exactly.
Then Twitter is probably forcing phone number on known VPN addresses, basically any corporate address which is what NordVPN uses. You can YouTube how to configure a proxy that mimics a residential address to avoid it, or to avoid the IP ban you you can call your ISP and request an IP change. Chances are your IP is dynamic not static so shouldn't be an issue.
Sorry wrong one...
I dont recommend trying this though, I'm pretty sure the power brick is meant to have a neutral even with the 240v, that's how the europoors do it...
Your best best is to reconfigure the wall outlet itself.
I don't love the pellet grills, they're just finnicky and hard to keep at 225. The vertical smoker was so simple. I also prefer the flavor imparted by real wood chips/chunks over the pellets.
Stop trying to get second rate shit. Get you the good stuff.
Don't forget proper supplies.
Yes it works well. See below:
Breville BOV900BSS Smart Oven Air... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N5UPTZS?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Pressure is key for espresso machine- I don’t have the fancy $5k-$10k barista machine to replicate my latte from my favorite coffee place lol
The Crossland looks easy to use and clean up
Really want to try this thing that creates draft beer from a can
Just make sure you read Sipping Safari and the Bum's other book so you don't go reinventing the wheel.
My favs are some classics. Jet Pilot, Booloo, and the Chief Lapu Lapu. Some of the more modern ones are fun. I dig the Top Notch Volcano and the Ancient Mariner.
I've developed a couple tiki drinks which I think are worthwhile myself, but mostly the Missionaries Landing - inspired by the Missionaries Downfall.
u/SantaAnaLobster u/Roger-Shrederer u/JeffBezosNewWife
I want this book. Ill sell it to you for 20$ after i read it
I got this one:
Renew Life: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0042L0DLO?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
The brand def matters. Some probiotic companies just pack random shit in bc they're not regulated. Renew Life was recommended in a bunch of places so I tried it.
I had diarrhea for a few days after starting them, but then it cleared up and it's been smooth sailing since
I have one that uses mechanical keyboard switches
It isn't being sold anymore but looks almost exactly like this one, so probably the same thing
It's blue switches too. Fun to push but makes some noise lol
Read this: Asset Protection: Concepts and Strategies For Protecting Your Wealth, but with an idea for laundering instead of protecting. There are a number of interesting ways to do it. But remember: Laundering money is not a profit center. It's a cost. A big one. You go in with $1,000,000 and come out with less, probably a lot less, but 'clean'.
otherwise you can find an Orabrush at target/walmart. Once you scrape you never go back. Mouth so cleeaaan.
A Chinese coworker introduced me to this. It's pretty potent stuff. I don't drink it anymore though cause I was blowing so much money on it, and felt more like an addict than a connoisseur. It's good though, and out of the ordinary. Can vouch for this brand, good quality and value for money. There are other brands that come in more of a fancy tin, more of a gift like packaging, might be a better choice.
If anyone here ever wants to nerd out and read a book on drugs (brain drugs), you should get Julien's Primer of Drug Action. It's kind of awesome and I found it very readable as a non-professional, but there's also details crammed in there for the smarties
probably the only textbook I've ever thought was actually worth the cost
It has a unique taste for sure. You want it to be like an additional flavor that doesn’t go against what it’s in. Coffee is a good example but I take these because I don’t like the taste or smell of turmeric
Perfect gift for secret santa
> A young congresswoman falls in love with a daring masked protestor in Seattle, Washington. After encountering him at a non-violent burning down of a federal building she can't tell what is hotter, the fire or her feelings developing for him.
Eh... for awhile they took it away for most items. Now it's "back" but a large portion of prime items (like this one) are "get it by Wednesday, Nov 25" for me still. It obviously depends on the fulfilment center near you. Larger cities are probably more stocked than medium sized metro areas like the Des Moines, IA area.
Light therapy boxes seem kind of dumb but have seen a lot of people report success using them. Not sure about any sort of peer reviewed studies.
Something like this I guess Verilux® HappyLight® Full-Size - UV-Free Therapy Lamp, Bright White Light with 10,000 Lux, Adjustable Brightness, 2 Interchangeable Lenses, Detachable Stand, and Wall Mountable https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0094HBU6I/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_xYYQFbBHSKDN5
Not tube socks cuz it's 2020 but I fux with these
Who knew attaching two pieces of metal in a blaze of glory was so fun. Gift that keeps giving. Car is 1/5th to 1/8th done now.
I have no idea. It's just an interest right now, but just being able to do personalized busts, scan architectural facades, vehicle models, models of parts that aren't made anymore, etc.
I haven't looked into a specific app, but there's a software (also haven't used, just researched) [https://alicevision.org/#photogrammetry]. You can just take 30-90 pictures at all angles with an iPhone or something, and you add all the images and use the software to reconstruct it.
Apparently the apps on the iPhone that are free (or cost like $2 to export STLs) work pretty well though.
I like the idea of being able to post-process the data though.
The printer I'm using right now is the MonoPrice MP Voxel (also sold as Flashforge Adventurer 3). I love it but the build plate is small and it can only really do ABS/PLA reliably.
I'm looking into getting this which can do nylon, carbon fiber, polycarbonate, etc and has a much larger build plate/leveling system.
bro I recommend this guy -- https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NGV4506/?ref=r4m_udw_bl1_ds_dd ,,, or any good ninja. the good ones tend to be $100+. if u setup a watchlist on camelcamelcamel you could probably get it for a good deal eventually
Brother I’m gonna help u out
And give u a mericle over the counter drug to sleep
This thing has saved my life as I get like 11 hours of sleep for 1 pill and wake up ready and energized
Idk why but it works so so so good
Here it is
In all seriousness, I've been looking at "pre-manufactured" homes on Amazon lately. These things are like 500sq ft. cabin shells with no insulation or electric or plumbing or foundation or anything going for like 35k. I could easily build them for like 15-20k and rent them out I think. There's a pretty sever lack of rentable space under $600 a month in the area. I think targeting the lower income and 20-30 year old demographic could be profitable with these tiny properties.
I know we were talking about real estate recently and that got me thinking about this here. I think I'm going to try and build like 3 or 4 of these with an outdoor patio, plumbing & electric next year. See how it goes. Worst comes to worse I can always just rent them out on weekends to Air B&Bers. If even that fails it'll only be like 100k sunk into the project.
It's a set of bands. Without going to check, I think there's 5 of different weights between 10lbs-40lbs, that total 110lbs. You would just attach more than one to the handles to increase the weight.
It was on Canadian Amazon. Not sure the brand.
dude buy a 12 inch rain shower-head from amazon for 30 bucks or so, attach it to the ceiling and attach the waterline with a plastic hose with fittings from home depot. it’s a fucking game changer
poor mans renovation or good for renting
12 Inch High Pressure Showerhead with 11 Inch Arm https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CVS2CWQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_YWPHEb7WFEK3A
Need new desk chair. Old one (Maxnomic from 2015) has totally busted cushions and the seat plate leans to the side (have tried to re-tighten screws, no luck) which is adding a lot of unwanted stress to my hips and lower back.
Any recommendations? I wanted to get something with mesh instead of foam cushioning, was looking at the Gabrylly chair. Or should I just pay the premium and grab a Cosm or Aeron?
The first time I used this soup base it wasn't quite what I was expecting. THis is my second time using it and it's really grown on me. Big thumbs up.
Squeeze the paste out, add 1 1/2 cups of hot/near boiling water (I used 208 degrees from my electric tea kettle for ease). Add all the shit you want. Just about as good as many Ramen places.
Same here, I needed glasses early as a teen cuz of all the time spent on my computer. Remember that even with flux, to take small breaks and stare at something far away to stretch your eyes.
Finally tried the Tonkotsu Ramen Pork Bone Concentrate I got off amazon.
I was hoping it was the same stuff that Sun Noodles uses, but it's both richer and had a bitterness to it I didn't expect. At first I was disappointed, because I was hoping for the same taste, but it grew on me.
Used no noodles in the soup. Blanched yu-choy, pork belly slices grilled with salt and ganulated garlic, and a softboiled "ramen" egg.
You can see is kind of thing https://www.amazon.com/ENHANCE-2-1-Computer-Speakers-Subwoofer/dp/B09L3CQ44R I'm not big on committing sex crimes.
~ brock_lee
^^Info ^^| [^^Subreddit](/r/User_Simulator)
One end ties to the pacifier. The other end clips to their shirt or whatever. Keeps 'em off the ground.
Have you heard of Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain? (it's not an affiliate link) Helped me really grok what I needed to focus on to develop
Yo, Andy Amazon can suck my butt saying this is recommended for me.
Also if you're really interested in going down the rabbit hole, check out a jerky gun. Ground beef jerky is super tender and ridiculously easy to make a ton of it.
LEM Products 468 Jerky Cannon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000SQFGRS/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_X7CC512RZ4BBZ8RJ4BPE?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
u/wolf_of_wall_mart what would you charge me for a jerky board with shipping?
Its just a 1/4” rout.
MichaelPro 3-Inch Impact Grade Socket Adapter Set, Extension Bit with Holder, 1/4", 3/8", and 1/2" Drive, Converts Impact Drill Driver into High Speed Socket Driver | MP005020 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09MCVFHS6/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_C47M65Z9DKGGFD80PNY4?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I want to know if I can use this to un-jam my car's ignition. Anyone know if this is what I should use or know the right sub to ask?
"Put down the stake and garlic, Poverty, we aren't going to need it." u/bzzzp said as we got ready in his kitchen.
"I thought you wanted to kill your vampire neighbor. Garlic and stakes are a must."
"Nah, that's like 80's shit. Maybe 90's if you're talking TV. I mean....it works, but it's got no style. Plus this bloodsucker's gotta pay. Their "children of the night" pugs have been keeping me up for months with the most pitiful howling you can imagine. I'm make them suffer."
"So how are we going to do it?"
"Sounds good! I've got two gallons of gas in my van. Pour it in the coffin and WOOOSH!! Love it!"
"No, not Gas Lighting. Gaslighting. One word. We're going to mind fuck this vampire to death."
"Ok...not following."
"Just look at [this!](https://www.amazon.com/Hemway-Premium-Decoration-Weddings-Cosmetic/dp/B071XJ9X2H]"
"We're going to thirteen year old girl the monster to death?"
"Pretty close. We'll sneak it day after day. Adding a bit more glitter to the vamp. They'll think they're getting more and more sparkly. They'll be confused for a while, but eventually they'll think Hey, maybe I'm a twilight vampire! They'll walk in the sunlight to check, and WOOOSH! GHOULKABOB!"
"So gaslight..."
"Gaslight to death"
"Sure...why not."
Three months like I got the following tweet from bzzzp "⛽💡!!! 'BREAKING NEWS! Local man found dead of spontaneous human combustion.'"
Seriously disappointed by their new design for the Professional Drink Mixer. I like the old classic.
But this study showed was that dry back was detrimental for the majority of cultivars tested 👀 blumat has some pretty neat upcycle watering spikes for cheap Blumat Bottle Adapter XL (2 Pack): Self Watering Spikes/Houseplant Watering Stakes, Automatic Irrigation System, Use When On Vacation,Terracotta Spikes to use with Recycled Plastic Water Bottles https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AN9D1K4/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_CBSQ66HQKWRYHZC644HJ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Something like this one
I swear to God, this pen is worth $70.
I no longer take digital notes on market actions or thoughts just so I can jot notes with these things.
Feels like a heavy chunk of steel that jizzes perfect letters
Haven't hiked Rainier, but I've day hiked up the side of Mt. St. Helens. And there are cool lava tubes near there.
This one was my favorite: https://www.alltrails.com/trail/us/washington/butte-camp-trail
If you think that’s impressive look at Cloudflare’s market share regarding reverse proxies :
non-paywall-locked link: https://www.wsj.com/articles/fed-weighs-proposals-for-eventual-reduction-in-bond-holdings-11641292201
if you haven't already installed this btw https://github.com/iamadamdev/bypass-paywalls-chrome
Yea here you go: Cheetah APTMM2B TV Wall Mount for 20-80" TVs (some up to 90”) up to VESA 600 and 165lbs, and fits 16” And 24” Wall Studs, and includes a Tilt TV Bracket, a 10' Twisted Veins HDMI Cable and a 6" 3-Axis https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0012S4APK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_2QVQRTYDRA6HT1FMB552
Guaranteed to annoy the fuck out of his parents.
It's not finance, but the new book Immune is really good if you want to learn about your body.
Books I like:
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator
Big Debt Crises (big brain mode required)
Manias, Panics, and Crashes: A History of Financial Crises
Any winkers read this, I've been hearing good things about it and how it focuses on the effects of the wars on the civilians and innocents who were effected by the looting, burning, etc...
Thinking of putting it on my tbr list, but want some info on how well it's written. I don't have the patience for shitty writing in otherwise interesting histories. see example of totally unreadable book with great info.
Nothing super special.
I make a big mug of tea using 4 teaspoons of this chai mix. I like chai sweetish so I use about 4.5 tsp of sugar with that.
While that's steeping I heat up some milk (about 4/5th the amount of water I'm using) on the stove. I fill up the mug about that much before steeping the tea. I steep inside the mug using one of these brewing baskets.
Once the tea is done brewing I empty it into the pot the milk is heating in. I pour the chai latte mix back into the mug and leave the rest of the mix on the stove on super low. Makes about two big mugs.
I'm going to mix this with some warmed spiced rum (probably 1/4 rum to tea) once the holidays are a bit closer. Don't know which rum yet, I'll think about it. I have some of Trader Vic's Spiced rum I'll probably use. Not sure which other ones I have around. Sorta lost track.
How do you do it?
Rolls/Bellari specializes in turntable stuff and have a pretty good reputation. This is their cheapest preamp.
I'm not sure what's else is good in the budget price range.
Nah. If it's like the ones I remember you just need speaker wire.
Cut the distance you want, shave the plastic off the ends, stick the wires in the little clamps, at both ends, and you're good to go. No soldering required.
I don't know much about candles, but I have their tea lights and they're supposedly pretty good. This seems like a good deal for their runtime.
I've been eating a lot of popcorn lately
this is the good shit 👍
Honestly it’s great and I use it all the time. Toasted sandwhiches with cheese, reheat pizza, cook vegetables, etc. It’s great for cooking a quick snack if it’s just yourself and you don’t want to use your range.
Shopping for a new mug... can't decide which one
ASUS TUF Gaming 27" 2K Monitor (VG27AQL1A) - WQHD (2560 x 1440), IPS, 170Hz (Supports 144Hz), 1ms, Extreme Low Motion Blur, DisplayHDR, Speaker, G-SYNC Compatible, VESA Mountable, DisplayPort, HDMI https://www.amazon.com/dp/B088MLC8PH/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_FRCFW1DXCZ8Z6BDVWK7Q
Looks like it's AAL
Some things to consider for next week
Above is a link of companies that have stopped hiring or laid off staff.
They say support around 234 and strong support at 218
That’s why you need to have these all over the house 👇
APC UPS, 1500VA UPS Battery Backup https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B06VY6FXMM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_D59TN4SSK4EW9D2D4K1B?psc=1
Amazon Basics Standby UPS https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B073Q3BSPG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_D31W2WFEJVMJAF173VK4
Nothing kills those little fuckers; they make little safe pockets in the bases of stems. You need this (works great; use with ventilation) https://www.amazon.com/BioAdvanced-701290B-Insecticide-Fungicide-Miticide/dp/B07S2WTS3R/ref=asc_df_B07S2WTS3R
Any of yall know about weed trimmers. My buddies gonna buy one and let me use it. Told me to look into it. He wants the first one cause it takes up less space but we borrowed the 2nd one off a friend last year. It works really well. Anyone use the 1st
North American AND African Tribes from the same guy? Can't really think of one.
But for some reason I think you might dig this.
I’ll address this more when the market closes.
The Biden admin has amazing China experts on their staff, Rush Doshi specifically, and they would disagree with how you’re framing everything.
Competent voices like Doshi’s are clearly being drowned out by other interests/lobbyists.
He wrote a great book about all this:
Contemplating getting a new laptop. Any of you winkies have a Samsung laptop? They seem pretty sleek with some decent specs for what I need.
SAMSUNG Galaxy Book Pro Intel Evo Platform Laptop Computer 15.6" AMOLED Screen 11th Gen Intel Core i5 Processor 8GB Memory 512GB SSD Long-Lasting Battery, Mystic Silver https://www.amazon.com/dp/B091WR26F4/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_T4J1EHP0JCS5CEQ42AQ8?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This one here seems pretty okay. THINKIES???