People should try using Roam for notetaking. I've been using it for a while and just started using it to organise my Star Wars campaign notes. You can essentially build a personal wiki for your campaign.
Edit: Great for world-building, at least.
Literally why I made this page (and listened to each quote at least three times to make sure it was exactly right). The hardest part was getting the emphasis right without creating a whole new system.
I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:
I did the honors for you.
^delete ^| ^information ^| ^<3
If you are using Roam42 Smartblocks you can return a list of todos for today by using:
<%TODOTODAY:20%> (20 being the max number you want returned).
I feel like this type of back-linked user interface would be more helpful than Reddit's flair/tagging system.
It would be really cool to start organizing and connecting the dots between many different sources ("ancient religious texts", various nuts and bolts books, interviews, etc):
Original Source:
> @micksabox I created a public @RoamResearch graph to aid investigation of the #Phenomenon. Anyone can view and add to the graph. The web of connections, leaks & insiders is difficult to follow. Collaborating and sharing of knowledge has evolved away from this Down pointing backhand index
After input a slash notation, a completion box will pop up, including many command candidates. Each command will do something, such as insert today's date, insert double brackets, insert a code block, etc. well, this original functionality in Roam Research is really powerful, could insert some gui widgets. It may be difficult to implement such kind of widgets in emacs. So I will try my best to implement some useful commands which are integrated with org-mode.
You can have a try in Roam Research here:
And they have a changelog on the public help database, but I'm not seeing any reference to this.
When you share a link to it. just go ahead and link directly to the "Start Here" page.
I haven't used it myself, but I think that Roam Research does that kind of thing with backlinking.
If I understand it correctly, It sort of automatically makes you link things together. I definitely need to play around with it.
Wrt fleeting notes, the way Conor uses "Morning Pages" in Roam (eg) seems promising. Because free association-style notes are under a tag, they're easy to filter out.
Yep, they definitely lost their way for a bit and hopefully getting that editor fixed is the hurdle that allows them to roll out new stuff. Wondering when mobile will actually work smooth though.. I can’t remember a time when their iOS apps worked reliably with out freezing, refreshing etc etc. I play around with other apps and Notion is indeed cool, but their iOS app also isn’t good and is only online. For actually using notes to generate new content recently blew my mind, but it’s online only so I can’t fully use it for many things. Notion, Coda, Roam etc, these are surpassing EN in various ways. I’d settle for stability of EN on mobile, that’d get me by for a year until the dust settles, EN doesn’t even have that advantage anymore.
Please try the following
1.) go to
2.) this url<insert graph name>?disablejs=true
3.) opening your graph in the desktop app
lmk if any of these options help
I rarely use hard copies of anything anymore. Partly it's a storage thing but more importantly it's a search thing. I have over 8,000 articles and books in my Zotero account right now. I mirror it on my laptop and in the cloud (just in case someone steals my laptop - in fact I'm so paranoid about my library that I also pay for a Paperpile account and mirror it there too). One of my most useful tools is Foxtrot Professional Search. It scans and indexes after word in every paper/book in my library so I can quickly do full-text searches. I can search for consecutive words or, my most use search, is to be able to say something like "I want to find every instance where the word "aphasia" and "identity" are within 6 words of each other. When I'm trying to ask a very narrow clinical question this is invaluable.
Note wise I recently migrated from Tinderbox to Roam Research. Roam is a bit expensive and there are free alternatives now but I was already committed to Roam before they showed up. Roam is nice because it allows me to easily connect everything in notes to each other. Note taking is a fascinating topic and there seems to be a lot of people who are obsessed about how to do it in a way that is useful. For me, reading an article is just the first stage. I have to think and write about that article in my notes and connect it to other notes I have before the clinical significance starts to come into focus.
I agree on the font at bottom. I just put that in as place holder so you could imagine it as an app type thing.
IMO that's about 80%-85% there or there abouts. is the company. So have look at the existing logo and youd see it could do with a refresh. It's a note taking app that uses network webs to compound your notes with association links.
I wouldn't go any further on logo without approval from the team. I had someone from them on twitter say it was no go so I didn't go any further with it.
Np. I dont speak for Roam the company, but personally I find most things somewhere between the help graph, the slack channel, the slack archive graph (dont have it handy, but you can find it), reddit, or twitter. Good luck~!
The thing that determines whether studying / research is fascinating or horrible, for me, is how much I feel like I'm picking up the ideas and using them. Annotating is a good start, but also making connections, writing things down, etc.
tools like Roam Research and Plexus have helped make research into something that feels more personal + fun.
Hola Harumi mencionas muchos temas que me emocionan y preocupan, ya hace algunos años que salí de la facultad, pero he vivido de cerca procesos similares con amigos, estudiantes y conmigo.
Para el entendimiento de mis emociones ha sido medular, el ponerles nombre entender su manifestación tanto psicológica como fisiológica me ha ayudado a identificarlas y posteriormente trabajarlas, principalmente la ansiedad y el enojo, para esto el libro de "Emotional Toolkit" fue la clave
Para entender prioridades intento primero calmar mis emociones y de ser posible postergar toda decisión postergable porque soy muy propenso a aceptar más proyectos de lo que es sano y el poder contestar una serie de preguntas sobre la pertinencia de un nuevo proyecto antes de contestar me ayuda a no excederme
Creo que sobre la motivación en buena medida la entiendo con qué tanto se acerca a lo que yo valoro y quiero ser o que tanto me aleja de lo que quiero llegar a ser, también el manejo de mis emociones y energía influye y por eso mismo la priorización se vuelve clave para mantener las condiciones necesarias para sentirme motivado
Sobre la energía arreglar mis ciclos circadianos dejando de tomar cafeína después de la 1pm (si las tardes de lluvia se vuelven dolorosas sin café) y dormir a cierta hora me han ayudado a sentirme mejor, estiramientos y ejercicios de respiración igual son importantes para mí, pero creo que el punto medular en la energía es la motivación entre mejor entiendo la importancia de algo me siento más energizado.
Yeah, it's hard to tell without the context – I find a lot of value in recalling historical information (as long as the context is still intact). That's why I prefer note-taking tools like roam research and why I'm building Vistaly for product orgs.
One thing that jumps out about your comment that may be worth exploring. If the same opportunity (customer pain point or desire) recently resurfaced;
1) Was it ever solved?
2) Has there been a change in the world to make your product's previous solution irrelevant?
3) Was it half-assed when implemented initially? This usually isn't a ding on the product team. One of the most significant contributors to this problem is misguided pressure from a management layer to move on to the next thing too soon. Therefore, the team didn't have time to understand the opportunities well enough, or the design/engineering team did not have enough time to implement the solution well enough.
Copypasta, org-roam is a major mode for keeping notes, authoring documents, computational notebooks, literate programming, maintaining to-do lists, planning projects, and more — in a fast and effective plain text system.
Org-roam is a tool for networked thought. It reproduces some of Roam Research’s key features within Org-mode.
Outliner apps are great for rapid note taking and organizing. They've been around for a long time but newer ones feature bi-directional linking to create relationships between nodes.
Roam Research is popular but pricey.
I use a free one Logseq. You'll need a Chromebook with Linux support running an Intel cpu. Install it using Flatpak:
I'm using it sometimes, here is the code with Ctrl+Shift+F hotkeys to toggle it:
{{calc}} component get the value stored in a block ref (or the result of another calc)
So you can iteratively do
6+{{previous sum}}={{calc}}
12+{{previous sum}}={{calc}}
You can also make a template where the needed block refs are already defined in the {{calc}} component, like in the weekly sum template in my example here:
There also more sophisticated solutions with Smartblocks and buttons, where you can store variable value.
Wahrscheinlich nicht DSGVO-konform aber um die Richtung einzuschätzen: Sowas wie Roam Research? Dann könntest du evtl. alternativ mit TiddlyRoam arbeiten, das habe ich selbst erst gestern abend entdeckt, kann also nicht sagen, inwieweit der Funktionsumfang von Roam abweicht.
As far as I know, Roam Alpha API allows to directly change :block/string, :block/open, :block/heading, :block/text-align, :block/order and :children/view-type .
There is also some UI changes possible (open or close page or sidebar, etc.), methods are listed here:
Hey, Baibhav from the Roam Engineering team here.
We have a M1 migration guide here:
tl;dr: in most cases, it should work out of the box. In case of local graphs, it would be prudent to take backups before migrating
There's a neat feature that works like the comment section on Reddit where the path of the line collapses all the points within it. So you can click the outermost line on the page to collapse everything. You can also just right-click like this.
If you don't mind paying ~$15/month, Roam is really great for organization and the number of things you can do (like spaced repetition) is much bigger than you'd initially expect.
I personally like hand-writing, but still want that neat organization, so I have a Boox tablet and just love it!
Are you using the app, or in a browser? If in the browser, don't do that, it will make you cry.
In the left upper corner under the search button is a database symbol (Database symbol - Free web icons), click it and press "add new graph"
> I find it weird that they call it "Graph"
Yeah, I wondered the same thing: In short, a graph is a structure of related objects. A lot of the theory behind Logseq was (heavily) influenced by Roamresearch.
Thought of another one where you soft indent future dates into one block.
When the date comes, Hold+ALT and drag to create another template on that day.
There's a bit of friction but I like how the soft indented dates kinda pulls up the block, Tests Daily Commitments. Here's a link to a demo.
January 5th, 2022 0217 How Do I create an automatic Tommorow TO-DO List
This is one way,
Create a parent block that describes what context are the tasks.
Using time and Date are simplest way I could think to identify what tasks that you've created that day.
So on future dates, block search other contexts tasks you think you remember or it's useful for that future date.
Then just right click and import children (which are the tasks and use shortcut to toggle TODO instead of DONE)
Finish by updating the time and date you create from block referenced template.
Thanks for discovering that. This means that a regular click can send links to the same pane and CTRL+CLICK can send clicks to a new pane.
Into the left or right pane we can put a read-only (Reading) version of a file and also put an editable (Editing) view of the file. Then we can
Maybe there's a way we can toggle the Reading state of a file in the left pane. The CodeMirror Options plugin seems to be able to do that. It simulates Live Preview.
It seems like read-only things in the left pane, such as File Directory and Recent Files, follow different logic. Links we click in those things are directed to the active pane. Maybe when we add a .md file to a side pane, Obsidian follows the same logic so that link clicks with that .md file are also directed to the active pane.
The Remember Cursor Position plugin helps because as we click through different files, Obsidian places the cursor within a file at its last location.
Here's a public demo of Roam.\_fewIU6
If you Shift-Click a link on that page, the link opens in Roam's right sidebar to show that link's contents. If you click another link, it opens in the same sidebar beneath the contents of the previous link's contents. Keep doing this and the right side bar can hold lots of stacked topics we can scroll through. Each topic is collapsible. That feature can come in handy.
In Obisidian, at least for now, we can direct a link's contents (a page) to one targeted pane if we like. And as ArkaneFires noted, we have an additional way to navigate and display links.
>Because the goal of any respectable note taking app is to be able to compete with paper and whiteboard.
This is your opinion. A vast amount of people just want to have text notes and they are fine with that. In some cases having normal sequential text files is preferable, especially with working with external tools. You are trying to specialize a tool for your specific views on what you want to do with it.
>It's clearly the goal of Onenote and that's why it's the reference app for this.
The inspirations for Obsidian are note taking apps like (Roam Research)[] and (Notion)[]. These are successful apps that are not trying to just imitate OneNote. They are tailored for different goals, and not to just imitate OneNote
I absolutely agree with this. In fact, the team does regularly ship new features, and typically I don't even become aware of them until much later, because when Roam adds something, it actually solves a problem.
For example: Video timestamps - which I discovered right as I was beginning to take notes on more videos and being frustrated with the linking experience
What's frustrating to me about the mobile experience is that it should at least allow for better capture, but the fact that mobile isn't great for creation anyways definitely resonates.
As well, in a way, the way that Roam forces me to find other solutions like Readwise and for note capture is actually a really good thing. It keeps my system agnotstic (I could leave Roam if I needed to) and it keeps Roam clear enough that when I'm in it I'm only focussed on creation and research.
We use for most of our off-roll20 needs. We have a calendar page with links to our session notes for each game and a beer high level Summary on the calendar. As for time, we play it by ear based on the fiction. Some episodes are two months apart. Some on consecutive days. We tried the cannon calendar, but it was too much for us so we reverted.
Example :
I definitely agree with you here. I love Roam Research, i have such a cool graph going of poetry and random thoughts but I never want to title them with the date... and I find it exceptionally annoying that when you load the page it automatically creates a note that you then have to delete later...
I was about to suggest this one. This book is solid advice. You can't go wrong with it.
It will provide a framework for you to think about business and it should be one of your first books, but definitely not the last. You need to go deeper into the subjects it covers, but after reading it it's easier for you to reason about them.
Even if you don't read the book in its entirety, just looking at the chapter structure will add a lot of value to your mind.
I created a page in that contains all chapters of this book as linked pages, and every time I read about a business subject (i.e. Marketing, Finance, Systems, or HR, etc.) I fit the new pages inside the chapter structure of this book and Roam links them. So every time I need to check references this is my go-to place.
Thanks for your reply. I have deleted it but it is still in dark mode for some weird reason. The only css I still have is Bear (forced light mode) :
N.B.: I assure you I did not get the Bear (forced dark mode) by mistake. :)
There's a project to use python notebooks inside Roam but it's quite involved and learning JS is really the way to go for now. I didn't know JS or Clojure before starting to build on top of Roam and it was pretty easy to get started
You should give a try to Roam Research. Not free, but totally worth it.
Watch Tiago Forte himself talking about it:
I think that society should become more accomodative of different people and it’ll result in a much more efficient and better society. Help me in making this writeup cohesive as well as finish it and make it a reality. The goal is that one person should reach out to at least one another person and personalise this document, scale humanity etc
i wanted a note taking app but without having to type everything. i liked Roam Research's approach. But its still a lot typing. I need something more lazy. So i thought to create a bookmarking app where you could group together all the bookmarks and share them on your profile. or even take other people's bookmarks
Since i use markdown a lot for documentation on projects i also made sure to export the bookmarks go markdown for users this also made it offline ready.
eg. Blocks of bookmarks called: Top ten vs code extensions, Top ten productivity apps, Top self help books , etc.
And then links to all the resources ez pz. Then people can share them with each other. Or even search for them.
Obsidian users are not the product, because it operates entirely local and offline. A general rule of VC funded startups is that users are the product (what else do they have to sell?), especially a product that must be online and a cloud service to use.
You can read Roam's privacy policy here, note especially Section 2 and 3:
That was a long speech, but one that I enjoyed reading. I get how you feel, but at some point you’ll have to choose what matters to you. I don’t think Roam will change communication wise (although they might in the future), it’s just the way they are. However not having a roadmap isn’t a dealbreaker I think. Also, does the tweets of Roam or Conor really matter that much to make tou leave ? Who cares really. The few times I reached support, they were very kind and professional so that’s all that matters to me, knowing support got my back. If you love the product and you feel it’s the best for your needs that’s all that should matter (just my opinion).
Also the possibility to change your email and name has been added just recently, there’s now a “my account” setting in Roam. You can learn more about that and know about the latest updated and new features on their changelog.
Regardless of what I said, just follow your heart and use whatever app suits you the most according to your criteria.
what do we know about what what might have a shot at changing that? include ridiculous ideas, things that you think are only worth joking about. can we give them a billion dollars? statues? require the filibuster to be nationally televised? they all love their veto power, but we need a way to get hr1 through at literally any cost besides lives. if hr1 does not pass, the United States will fall. if it does pass, the United States only might fall.
questions I have right now that I'm interested in discussing:
I've been taking some notes on these topics using tools like roamresearch and I would encourage others to do the same. there's also athensresearch if you don't want to spend money. both of these encourage taking notes that link things based on relatedness, and I think that's a very powerful tool for figuring out how to take action politically. I'll post more as I think of more. please dm me or reply here (NOT chat request) if you want to talk about any of this stuff.
I convert highlights into literature notes as soon as possible and then remove highlights. I've noticed that if I focus too much on the highlights, I start paraphrasing instead of writing a literature note in my own words.
Also, it seems crucial to use propositional titles for the literature notes. It helps me to keep links to all literature notes on one page. I can read through them often to catch similarities, patterns, and meta-ideas.
Here is the link to my literature notes feed:
Roam isn't backed by a graph database. Depending on when you created your graph and what kind you created it's stored in either Datomic or Google Firestore. It is a graph in the sense that it stores blocks as nodes with "directed edges" as references to other nodes in a dynamic hierarchy. Roam's White Paper covers this concept and its advantages in detail
Ja, konkret bei Ordnern mag das so sein. Das ist mehr eine allgemeine Philosophie, die mit Dateisystemen eigentlich nichts zu tun hat, da aber auch anwendbar ist.
Ich benuzte zum Beispiel eine Notiz-Applikation, die Notizen in eine Hierarchie packt. Funktioniert soweit. Ganz viele Dinge wuerden aber an zwei oder mehr Stellen der Hierarchie gleichzeitig passen. Ich denke das Problem kennt jeder, zum Beispiel beim Sortieren von PDFs auf dem eigenen Rechner.
Man koennte also Notizen in Roam Research machen (Prinzip ist geil, vom Produkt rate ich ab). Dort ist alles AFAIK flat, also "ein grosser Ordner". Man kann aber Notizen vernetzen und (keine Ahnung) vielleicht mit Tags versehen. Anstelle also dann zu research/projects/fillibubl/experiments/results
in einer Hierarchie zu navigieren, gibt es als zentrales Element des UX eine dicke search bar, in die man einfach fillibulb results
oder so einhackt, und durch intelligente und fuzzy Suche kommt man dann dahin, wo man will. So sieht meiner Auffassung nach die Zukunft aus (auch wenn das dahinterliegende Dateisystem etc. nach wie vor hierarchisch ist).
Being pedantic, but I think you mean a roadmap. They do have a changelog if you're looking for one, it's here:
> the 15$/month Roam cult.
I've never heard of Roam before, so I checked out their website. The pricing is at the bottom of their page.
They offer two pricing tiers:
I can't decide if that's brilliant or frightening, or both.
Although I'm not sure why they don't offer a cheaper/free intro tier called "Recruit" or "Candidate".
When I get there in the development, you may find the story/Customer Feedback SmartBlock with dialog feedback type interesting as it will be implementing a somewhat similar concept of processing todo items from an external source.
You also might find the discussion with Mat McGann interesting: Mat McGann: Roam for Teamwork, Health Horizon (
I started using Roam Research for note taking. It's got a great 'bi-directional linking' feature and creates a map automatically between daily notes and other break out notes. Strongly suggest checking it out.
There are two [[roam/js]] extensions I would recommend:
I've been working on a little theme side project. I'd really appreciate some feedback, especially from someone who is very sensitive to ugly UI ;)
Custom CSS Hashtags in Roam. One example below. A lot more [[roam/css]] examples in the Book Club graph
/* Custom Tags */
.rm-page-ref-tag[data-tag="42SmartBlock"] { color: rgba(0,0,0,0.7) !important; font-weight: 600; padding: 3px 6px 4px 4px; border-radius: 5px; background-image: linear-gradient(to left, #DA53EEAD, #FE7FBFAD, #FF9580AD, #FFFF80AD, #8AFF80AD, #92FFFFAD, #9580FFAD ) }
You could - solve the Einstein riddle using a DL and a reasoner; I’d recommend using OWL, you might want to check out protege if you do not know it already - represent your own social network, including skills - organize notes, see roam for inspiration
You can also:
Yes, you can use an iframe to "embed" a Roam page inside a Roam page.
I’m currently in the midst of an internship, and I also have ADD. I would say without my medication, I wouldn’t be able to do what I do. When I’m having a bad symptom day, and the meds aren’t helping enough, I reward myself with small breaks. Also To Do lists. I have like three different todo lists every day to help me manage what I have to do. I try to give each todo a number of minutes, and if I finish the task before the allotted time I give myself the difference as a break and set a timer.
Note taking apps also are a savior from time to time. My personal favorites are notion and roam. Notable is a good markdown editor for desktop too.
I take some supplements that help as well, Bacopa once daily for memory and focus, magnesium every now and then helps you feel more alert for early mornings (which I’m terrible at). Supposedly magnesium theronate is more effective than regular magnesium, but also more expensive.
Also, I know this sounds like none sense but it’s been shown in studies that red food dye (and most artificial dyes) exacerbate hyperactivity and attention issues in children and people with adhd/add. Personally, I notice major differences with variations in my diet
I hope some of that was helpful
Until they implement this, you can use Maggie Appleton‘s Leyendecker CSS theme as a workaround. You can customise tags and assign colors to them, should help give you a better visual clue.
Basically, when you click the reference counter on the right you can immediately see all references (previously it opened in the sidebar). Example.
It can be used for all those examples you mentioned, anything really.
This app seems to be nothing more than a browser wrapper. You might as well open Safari, login to Roam and then share 'Add to Home Screen' to get an icon you can call up.
If you are looking for quicker ways to add into Roam than try this (on newer iPhones and IOS14) so then with 2 back taps on your iPhone Safari is called with Roam ready for 'Quick Capture':
Bonus round: 1. Say "Hey Siri" 2. say "Add Block" 3. Happy roaming! 😜
nice rollup! the one feature I think I’m still getting ants in my pants is reusing blocks.
I’m finding over the past 2 weeks, I’m wanting to reuse blocks without copying them. I want pages that are locked or have tighter permissions to create ”source blocks”
again, I’m not using Roam on principle at this point (though Roam did get 200x valuation on 9/11!) I wrote a straight up email to Roam support why I wasn’t using their product and they invited me to read their white paper (still in my todo list, the page didn’t open on my phone at the time -doh!) and they actually do have a public directory which is promising. What I want to see in Notion is everyone interconnecting pages across workspaces and creating a social commons.
This space is getting steamy! competition couldn’t be better :)
Check It is very powerful.
You can create todos inline and have a filter to display all todos across all your notes (with backlink).
There might be other tools similar to roam that does that (Obsidian, Remnote) but I haven't tested them.
I went through about two years of fixing my sleep after a complete crash (couldn't sleep longer than 3 hours, was never rested) and here's most of what I tried:
I think the most impactful things were:
Wouldn't recommend benzo's, antidepressants, phenibut, 5HTP, melatonin or OTC drugs, they worked for like 1-2 days (some for a week) but had longer lasting negative effects and didn't solve the problem, only mitigated the symptoms.
Couldn't agree more. There are so many disparate but similar and repeated sightings/questions/data.
I'm starting to see some cool aggregating via Roam Research such as:
This user interface (an ode to Xanadu by Ted Nelson) seems ideal for aggregating similar reports/sightings/ideas with its backlinks and "networked thought"/visible connections
I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:
I did the honors for you.
^delete ^| ^information ^| ^<3
Nope, it couldn't log in. Make sure you're not using a Google login for your Roam account.
Here's a suggestion on how to troubleshoot:
Hey, so Roam I'd call an up-and-coming app all about this "bi-directional" linking. Big talk about it "out there," in particular as a Notion alternative. Would be great to get your take on it as you are clearly well-versed in Notion judging by that excellent list you put together - and again to reiterate, very much mirrors my wish list!
There's a ton here in Reddit on the subject, here's an example:
Also all you have to do is start typing either "notion v...." or "Roam v...."into google and you'll see they come up against each other.
Hope that's helpful, and let us know what you think of Roam & bi-directional if you can. Would love to get another Notion user supporting bi-directional, it would make Notion unstoppable I think!
I use the Dark Age theme as my base. It’s one of the few that only changes font colors, and starts off with a pretty vibrant set. It’s very cleanly written with a comment for each variable, so it’s quick and easy to change the colors for highlights, italics, etc. All of my text styles have wildly different colors.
Recently, I was looking for a way to reproduce the multiple-highlighter system for marking up latin declensions I used back in school, and after almost too much effort found Cato Minor’s solution. If you use this as granularly as I do, it will make the text hard to read in edit mode, but I imagine you’ll be using this for entire sentences.
You could easily mark some text as #clarification or even #[[learn more]] and have both the style changed and nice page that tracks all of these developing thoughts.
No prob. I fumbled around for ages, still do in spots, until I found things that worked for me. Anything beyond simple queries is where I'm currently trying to advance.
The places I go are in the roam-tricks db, specifically the regularly updated Roam Codes page, and the Roam Keyboard Shortcuts page.
After those, my mind was blown when I dug into the power of the :hiccup
code/command. Scroll down through, what I refer to as the unofficial :hiccup page.
Who knows what else lurks beneath the surface of Roam. ;-)
I created a large test database and I have to say it works, but I noticed a slow down, especially with block lookup. I think performance tuning is still needed for Roam, and the perfomrance for block lookup will be a difficult problem to resolve for large databases.
I imported a dictionary with about 100,000 definitions. (one definition for one block, spread across multiple pages).
However, for most day to day work, I don't see performance being an issue.
There is a note about this here:
These solutions clearly require a lot of work and won't be beneficial for many. Those whose activity centers around connecting information are probably the main target, such as certain researchers. I installed and configure Org Roam some time ago and I think it worked fine, but I don't really have a user case for it. On Emacs, these "automated" solutions are never as automated as one could hope, and you'll only get rewards the after significant labor—otherwise you'll end up with a big messy pile of data that no package can solve.
That is because, as I said, on Emacs there's no such thing as full automation. You gotta be deliberate on the way you maintain it.
My advice is to stop expecting Emacs to be something it is not.
A paid service such as Roam may be a good option if you want a more hassle free experience.
I have no idea other than possibly something to do with spaced repetition? The search window I'm still exploring...
There used to be a [[Hidden Features]] page that collected these types of things. The best list I've found is the one at the roamtricks Roam Shortcodes page.
Thanks. Yeah I’ve definitely seen all of these. This has been the life saver
My comments were more about disappointment from the Roam team. No reason to outsource you documentation to the community. They’re essentially just guessing what is possible, which seems insane. Roam could just tell us...
Not sure, but in addition to the lower right pop up help menu in Roam itself, there's some breakdown here:
NovelBase is a Zettelkasten-type type program that I developed to help my siblings with their world-building. My brother is a big D&D fan and my sister writes Novels and shortstories. It's sort of like Roamresearch but it really focuses on having each note autonomous, have at least one link, and being a strictly keyboard-accessible plain English processor (mostly for writers and typing-bent note takers).
What do you think? Does it show promise?
query works on any page as long as you use specific dates in it. But relative dates like today/yesterday/tomorrow/last week/last month/next week/next month
only work on Daily pages.
Also, between
clause has to go last in the query.
Here is a reference:
Yeah, the offline graphs are listed under hosted graphs, you can create as many as needed
So you create the graph and use it, very simple. No image attachments though yet.
First, here's the official "documentation":
It's the exact same browser experience, just that behind the scenes it saves data locally. So it's specific to the browser, and subject to being erased if you clear your cache. Therefore, you have to remember to do a daily export. Speed seems the same, though I don't have a large graph to test the difference.
Another caveat is that no attachments are possible right now.
That said, it's still *great* for me to be able to use Roam for Work stuff that I previously couldn't upload to the cloud.
I copy-pasted the code snippet you provided into a fresh Daily Note
The rendering once I'm out of edit mode yields the query line along with the resulting TODOs
In a perfect app there would be a way to hide that {{query...}} folding line or hiding it behind a name like, "Open TODO items". I think showing the actual query text is something new within the past 2 months.
The help database has more information under
I've been using NeuraCache for space repetition in Roam Research. You can check out the how to guide here.
It's obviously not native and requires some manual intervention to get running but it does the job well once set up.
Anyone in the bay area in the market for a home gym? I've got a ton of stuff I'm looking to get rid of before I move east. Gone for a few weeks but will be back and ready to sell in July. Prices negotiable. All gear below:
I hope, but doesn’t seem like that’s how they do business.
You can kind of try it here. Allows you to play around with Roam but your content won’t save:
those are called 'attributes', & they currently function the same way as tags & pages (with one 'secret feature'), but has been mention of expanded functionality in the future.
currently ppl mostly use them to capture metadata like here:
I use Notion, and Roam. Notion ( for all my storage of research articles, database tags (for theme, author, journals, due dates, etc). I write in Roam I find it more dynamic than Zotero. Notion is free for edu email address holders. Also like that I can use notion for project management, so can see a database and can assignment to do list, due dates etc etc. But, Zotero also good. I think any system is good really, good to keep an eye on new things, but I have also learnt for me -exploring productivity systems /file management systems is a sophisticated form of procrastination.Decided I am going to have this current system for next few years at least.
I use Roam Research combined with the approach laid out on Sonke Ahrens's book, "How to take smart notes". The goal of these is to make connections between your thoughts that might not be apparent otherwise. However, they aren't based on annotation, but rather summaries in your own words.
In a nutshell, its a powerful personal wiki requiring very little effort to set up.
Don't use it for anything that you are not prepared to lose, its still Beta. I'm taking a risk on it because it is so powerful in helping me think and make connections.
Sure, here's the GitHub:
And the Creator's FAQ page (on a public Roam db, no less):
It's very much a pre-alpha prototype right now, but the creator even has a YouTube video showing how you can export your Roam DB and import to Athens while maintaining link structure (it requires a bit of query-based work-around though-- the native JSON export doesn't include 100% of the fields you need to reconnect in Athens).
"Although, their privacy policy is probably something you should look into. I believe they have the right to distribute anything you enter into the website for their own gain."
Hi u/SetKuy, interesting points.
Could you highlight which part of the policy has you worried?
As u/Calhistorian mentions below, I understood that we owned our own data, they (Roam) commit not to access, let alone monetise, unless forced to legally.
I do see a section where you grant them a licence for information in public workspaces, and I don't fully understand whether this is onerous or standard for public aspects of such services, but since I'm working privately right now, I have not been too worried. (Paragraph 6 under Content: ... [ If only we could hyperlink directly to the block ;) ]
My current reading (not a lawyer!) would be that information in private workspaces would not be subject to a right for them to monetise.
This is a website designed for taking notes the way the brain thinks. Instead of hierarchical structure, it sorts things by related information and connections. Ideally, it should feel pretty natural (or organic) to take notes with. Check it out.
I don't really use paper note taking so I can't give advice on that though.
I use it to store a definition for a word or phrase with which I am unfamiliar.
For example:
From my understanding, creating a tool that helps you learn, is in the founders' interest.
two extracts from the white paper:
from 4. Knowledge graphs as nodal networks
>At the simplest level, Roam’s structure makes it inherently easier to store, recall, and cross-reference ideas. This is the primary proposition for students, writers, self-directed learners, and users of existing note-taking apps.
from 8. Collaborative problem-solving
>While the individual use case for Roam stands on its own merits, the ultimate goal is to create a platform for collaborative research and learning."
I would be interested in their ( u/Conaws ) thoughts on this feature and the technique itself.
Thanks! I agree with you very much about the linking feature. But I also understand it's difficult to implement with the current structure. For one thing, it has to work with all the different editors. Then there's of course the problem that everyone has their own ideas on how it should be done. I'd personally really love a wikilinking structure like Roam Research has, but that would cause the additional problem that note titles should be unique. Considering all that, I figured I'd better not wait for something that might take a few more years and even then not work the way I want.
Im currently reading Haskell From First Principles, nearly done, and im trying a similar approach as you do. May i ask how you track your progress?
Just raw pen and paper or do you use some note keeping tool, like Roam ?
Open up a new browser tab. Head over to
You should be able to create a new database name associated with your account. I like to have a tab open for each database.
Okay so I got it to work. Thanks for the pointers.
However I find that its very fragile. It breaks if I try to make alterations to the query based on my specific needs. For example, the following works perfectly:
{{[[query]]: {and: [[TODO]] {not: {or: [[This week]] [[Later / whenevs]] [[Waiting]] [[query]]]}}}}}
But then I realised that I did not only want my TODO's to appear, but also any item related to [[NB / Today]]. I couldn't get this to work. I tried a few different combo's for this such as
{{[[query]]: {and: {or: [[TODO]] [[NB / Today]] {not: {or: [[This week]] [[Later / whenevs]] [[Waiting]] [[query]]]}}}}}}
The above syntax display the correct items but it once again displayed queries from other pages as well..
Another thing I seem unable to do is to hide completed tasks.
Instead of me getting help on each scenario I face, perhaps you can advise on how I would learn this syntax myself? The [[Query]] page on the Roam help site does not go into detail
Is this syntax specific to Roam or is it a standard that comes from somewhere else (like SQL or Python or something?
Late to this thread, but all my bookmarks are in a personal subreddit: r/whatisstepone. I also make megathreads for individual topics, though in practice it’s proven less than ideal.
The best thing to do right now is to sign up for Roam, really, even if it’s going to be a paid app in the future. There’s nothing quite like it out there.
That's weird... when I type in<myname>
I am able to see everything on my page, even when I am logged out and in incognito mode. Must be something specific to my account. I'll reach out to them to see how I can change this.
IMHO - Don't cross the streams (Ghostbusters reference) between work stuff and private stuff
Create an independent second database for work via
Personally I wouldn't use multiple databases as a means to separate different contexts, and I'm doubtful if it's going to make graph any more useful.
It can however be useful with the "share" feature.