I found this:
$30 for one though I think you can use multiple functions depending on the click pattern like one click for on it double click for off.
The problem is it uses bluetooth through a cell phone and if it uses yours then it wont work for her if you are not home.
They have a hub that can be uses instead but that ups the price by another hundred.
If you are computer literate, shouldn't be hard to use a microcontroller, micropython and web hooks on ifttt to do this.
I just got out my box of parts so. I'm gonna give it a go.
Amazon sells generic ones.
Something like this should work:
ANATYU Compatible withSmartwatch Charging Dock Cables Charger for Willful SW021 ID205L IP68 Smart Watch (Black/White) https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B08T1LLDQJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_PKSPR5WX7N9N2SVQTKS0?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Detachable Microphone for 3.5mm Audio Jack Stereo Gaming Headset, Wireless Headset, PS3, PS4 (Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0773LD173/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_VT89MQ1F65ESDF7AC0KY?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Thanks. Would something like this work, I am having hard time finding Micro-USB female to Micro-USB male extension (I want to keep the original one connected to the wyze-socket ) https://smile.amazon.com/ChenYang-Connected-Female-Tablet-Extension/dp/B00S6AZCHW/
You'll need to pair this with a SwitchBot - the SwitchBot will press the 'on' control on the panel AFTER the Wyze plug has powered it on if you sync the two.
(change link to your own region).
You can set set up wyze rules in the app to use wyze motion sensors to trigger wyze bulbs.
If you want to trigger non wyze devices, you can always use ifttt, which is free for up to 3 rules... and you only need 2 for on and off.
I've had a couple of Wyze 32 gig cards go bad and while they did replace them under warranty, I lost the recordings on the card.
I've used a few different cards over the years. Had a couple of Sandisk go bad too. Note: I have a lot of Wyze cams so it wasn't like I had 1 camera that killed the cards.
My preferred card is the Samsung Pro Endurance. I use those in my outside cameras, which I'm more concerned about.
I also have some Gigastone sd cards in use in both Rasberry Pi's and interior Wyze cams and not one has failed yet.
I'd go with the Sumsung for $10 over the $6.50 Gigastone if I were you as the price difference right now is minimal.
FYI, this little VOX is my first attempt since it's $10 for two boards.
Basically, a tiny noise activated switch with adjustable delay and adjustable sensitivity that I'm going to solder onto the SimpliSafe detector that uses a compatible voltage battery. Then mount that smoke detector right next to one of the Nest Protects and set it to very low sensitivity. Hopefully there's nothing else that is anywhere near it in volume.
You need 2.4 Ghz Wifi for Wyze and most other Wifi cameras.
You can add a cheap router / Access Point to your existing system. Something like this will work.
What is the temperature concern? You could have the app, Google or Alexa send you notifications on high / low limits rather than checking it all of the time.
You could also get something like this that just displays temperatures from sensors inside and outside your home.
This must be the first kid. If it was the third it would be in the yard with the dog. 😂
I used THIS solar panel. I added an additional 18650 battery inside. Net result = fail. I can get the v3 to fire up if it is very sunny and if the batteries are fully charged. However, once the batteries are discharged, there is NOT enough power to allow the camera to fully boot and operate reliably.
I'm looking for other solar options if anyone has had success with this.
I ordered this power adapter for the thermostat with my two wire system. Have not had an issue with it yet. Set up was very simple.
24 Volt Transformer, LANMU C Wire... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07C3J6PQX?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
You can cheat. I had to get plug in power supplies for power to the t-stat separately from my two wire oil fueled boiler. I have an old (130ish) house that is a hack job already, so I just added to it a bit.
Replaced existing 2 wire t-stat cable with modern 4 wire stuff from wall locations to boiler. Spliced red/white pairs into appropriate lines in the new 4 cables, and bought a couple of dc power supplies which I spliced into the other pairs in the new 4 wire cables. Been working fine for over a year now.
Here’s a similar power supply. I also use one of these for the Wyze doorbell.
24 Volt Transformer, C Wire Adapter Thermostats, Compatible with Ecobee, Nest and Honeywell Smart WiFi Thermostat, Ring Nest Hello Skybell August Doorbell (White) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MT5VWQN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_B6K9VVMZMSTBEG16JHVW
Level Bolt Smart Lock, Bluetooth Deadbolt, Works with Your Existing Lock, Keyless Entry, Smartphone Access, Works with Apple HomeKit https://www.amazon.com/dp/B086VQ37W4/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_3704E4BCYJV81YWW5JPJ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Amazon has Mini Plug four-packs for $19
(Check the discount box, and use coupon 5KASAPLUG)
We have a bunch of TP-Link Kasa outlets; two models. All have worked flawlessly for at least a couple of years.
If you're an Android user, you should check out https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alexvas.dvr (and the Pro version as well). Many great features and it connects to Wyze cameras without issues or special firmware.
My solution was non-Wyze. I installed a Third Reality ZigBee switch. It's external to the actual switch and battery powered. Mine has been running for close to a year now and I have yet to need a battery change.
We have mesh here (Orbi) .. I found success running a lengthy ethernet cord out of a satellite to a dry spot in a problem area, plugging it in and creating a second network there... this was, btw a metal carport, and the cams are on another side of it. Used a Netgear R6700v2 a friend gave us. Never had any idea when he gave it to us we'd use it this way, once we had it hooked up, it solved EVERYTHING for us.
I have the ohlux bulbs, and they are great. Mine are color changing, but I believe they make just white ones. They are alexa compatible, not sure about other services, and they go through the smart life app. There are two ways to set them and at first. it was kind of frustrating, but I used the second way, and it was easier.
OHLUX Smart WiFi LED Light Bulbs Compatible with Alexa and Google Home (No Hub Required), RGBCW Multi-Color, Warm to Cool White Dimmable, 60W Equivalent, 7W E26 A19 Color Changing Bulb-4PACK https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07LCB3HQJ/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_Q1A7TN0HDDW0MN66ZJW1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
There's no technical reason for Wyze to rely on AWS services for device control; their app (iOS/Android) could easily talk directly to devices and control them without a round trip through the AWS servers.
Wyze currently on supports motion detection (post Xnor.ai anyway) and video storage currently running on AWS, but again, there's no technical barrier to Wyze supporting services running locally in containers. Homes/businesses with the right server hardware should be enabled to run their services locally (e.g. here's a list of NextCloud suggested hardware; you can BYOH too). Licensing technology is well established if that's what Wyze needs from a business perspective.
As a test I tried adding your wire configuration with the “C” (that’s the “common” wire label). It allowed me to continue without giving me the “incompatible” error. The “common” wire is an always-on low voltage electric source that a lot of smart thermostats require.
If you didn’t already know, when you get the AC addition, your wiring configuration will have to change - usually there’s 1-2 wires in addition to the ones you have already that will trigger the AC portions of the system. Because of this I would honestly suggest you wait till you get your central AC since they’ll have to re-wire it anyways. Alternatively, you can get an adapter that gives you a common wire by plugging into a wall outlet. If the thermostat is in a room that’s got an outlet super close, you can use that (but it’ll look a messy).
As a suggestion, if/when you re-wire, don’t let them just run the 1-2 wires. Instead ask for the whole bundle to be changed - this will make things substantially easier to do if you ever need to change your thermostat in the future.
I had a two wire system as well, simple furnance that had a mercury thermostat. You have to make it 4 wires with an adapter like this. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B083R621RV/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_BG0X36MHYFFYC3F495WC?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
You then use the two wires from this to power the thermostat then your other two wires can continue to be used to power the system on/off. Unlike a nest thermostat, wyze has no internal battery so it won't work with just 2 wires.
I used this one
but I don't see it on amazon.ca
this and a cheap usb block would work, unless too tall:
so there's a porch light? probably a good idea to have it on all night.
just put in a dawn to dusk bulb, a lamp usb adaptor (wyze lamp socket), and get a switch guard/cover and leave the power on.
These are the ones I got. I ended up using the smallest size. Only downside is the case has a little trouble closing until the foam squishes.
JLab Cloud Foam Mnemonic Earbud... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07B1L21NK?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Not directly with Windows but you can with 3rd party apps like Easus and maybe SD Card Formatter.
If you just want to control an existing light fixture you could use this.
It's easy to install and gives you a wireles remote switch.
You wouldn't have Wifi control though.
There are lots of 32Gb cards on Amazon.
Check Walmart.
I have this solar panel and an outdoor camera, it's been up for 4 months, never dropped below 94% It does need a full charge on both first though
[Updated Version] Wasserstein... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08VHTVNDM?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
You would need a Cam Plus subscription for that, to improve the battery life you can install a solar panel, Wyze supposed to be working on one for the Cam Outdoor, or you can try this
[Updated Version] Wasserstein Solar Panel Compatible with Wyze Cam Outdoor - Power Your Surveillance Camera continuously with 2W 5V Charging (1 Pack, White) (Wyze Cam Outdoor NOT Included) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08VHP6W4X/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_CPEBBZSVZD26RKE4Y1JG
I bought these and they fit. Replaced the originals with them about a month ago and no problems so far.
I have a taco control box fronting the oil furnace but it only has live and neutral wires for each thermostat. To use the Nest and Wyze Thermostats I just ran power adapter c-wires through the wall to the thermostat locations: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07L4DN5R2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_13878GT7C6HHYVY86R9N?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
It doesn't look too bad as all the wires are hidden in the wall and the white power brick blends in with the outlet.
Buy a 850 nm infrared spot light on Amazon for $30. 6 bulbs version should do you just fine.
AUTENS IR Illuminator, 850nm 6-LEDs Wide Angle IP67 Waterproof Night Vision LED Array IR Infrared Light with Power Adapter for IP Camera CCTV Analogue Security Surveillance Camera, 90 Degree https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07S9VRQ7F/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_B6B9R5MDJSHPQ4EFJV7N
Yea, actually bought these two items for it.
One a camera cover (to blend into the bird feeder pole)
And two a clamp mount for the camera.
Thanks to another comment I am going to try to screw in the lens more to see if that works for me. Was watching a disassemble video on YouTube and looks pretty simple. So worst case I change the lens.
I bought this metal band on amazon and I love it. It doesn't grab hair and it's one piece along the wrist so there are no "bumps".
I ran Poe using a switch in the house and Poe to USB adapters at the cameras. I'm doing the same thing and it has worked great. Here is what I bought off Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0899NR75K?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
A 22mm band will work. I didn’t have a problem with the silicone band, but I found that a nylon band is more comfortable. This 22mm nylon band that fits the Wyze 47 watch.
There are little plugin adapters that you can plug into a wall outlet and then a USB cable goes into the adapter (https://www.amazon.com/Charger-FOBSUNLAND-Universal-Adapter-S6-Note/dp/B073Q1N8FL/ref=sr\_1\_3?dchild=1&keywords=usb+ac+adapter&qid=1620771862&sr=8-3). Use one of these at the end of an extension cord.
I'm still waiting on my 47, but I was looking at this particular band on Amazon - was going to wait and see how much I hate the silicone band before committing to purchase, though...
Bro the amazfit can be had for as little as $38, and it has music controls.
I would suggest a pebble, the one true king of smartwatches, but fitbit bought it and killed it.
My camera was delivered two weeks ago from USA https://www.amazon.com/Vision-Indoor-Outdoor-Camera-Assistant/dp/B08R59YH7W/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=wyze+cam&qid=1617750084&sprefix=wy&sr=8-3 still says so on site
Well I think IFTTT has a wear Os component and wyze component which you could put together to get you somewhere.
Also there is an app called Trigger on Android that lets you creat tasks and they supposedly work on the Samsung watches.
From the first comment I saw on the trigger app: (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lehoang.iff&hl=en_US&gl=US) >PROS: The app is not expensive and works when setup corectly. I use it with my Galaxy Watch, IFTTT & eWeLink account and sonoff devices.
But yes there is no one click solution that I have found. I also have a watch and would love to just have the options without Google assistant to turn on my devices from it without having to have IFTTT.
This is a 20" cable (2 pack) that I successfully used with my V3 run outside my house.
If you buy the card through Wyze it’s $8USD I believe, but with the memory sales on Amazon all the time you can get a name brand card for $6.
I’ve been using the 32gb of this brand with no issues. I’m sure someone may have an opinion on a different brand or something but I have had no issues with this card.
(Non-affiliate link)
I've used this 2 pack to good effect. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B079D5452Z/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I use these for mine icv USB Wall Charger - 5V 2A AC Power Adapter with US Plug for Phone, Tablet and Other Related USB Powered Devices Small and Lightweight - Designed for Safety(White) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CVGHLS9/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_tJuzDbYMM9923
In case anyone else is looking for similar,it's one of these Shabbat light switch covers.
The smart home finds a new use for what was probably only useful to observant Jews before.