I thought about this and decided the best for educational purposes and for easily finding tecniques and organizing them was to make it into a spreadsheet. This way it could easily later be added to an online database with a dedicated front end when someone with enough knowledge can build it.
Here is what i've done so far. I have thus far focused on bjj/grappling used in MMA, but you could easily add another column that would have the categories: MMA / Instructional / Competition footage
Here is the link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Y6ES7XrX5NIxSuk_FmSbaab32iycpQef/view?usp=sharing
Id love it if others could keep building on this and use for whatever purpose.. It is set so that anybody with the above link can edit.
So far I have all the gifs uploaded here: https://files.fm/u/prgttp46
Ideally they should be hyperlinked one by one in the spreadsheet but I couldnt find anywhere where you can bulk upload and have them all under the same filepath so that I could bulk edit the spreadsheet to hyperlink (because most websites add random letters to the path of each gif). If anybody has any clue of a free file hosting website that keeps all bulk uploaded files under the same filepath, that would be great
What do you guys think?
Every round - sit on my ass, use these to establish grips:
Thanks for having me on, Sonny - was a great chat!
Just realised I messed up Michael Poliakoff (not Coe)'s name at one point. This is the book of his I mentioned in case anyone wants to check it out: https://www.amazon.com/Combat-Sports-Ancient-World-Competition/dp/0300063121
Rogan is pseudoscience fiend, a pseudo intellectual who never met a conspiracy he didn’t like or at least would not entertain. He’s a huckster selling BS supplements. Among other things.
Peterson is a galaxy brain who dismisses everything he doesn’t like/understand as “post modernism” or “post modern cultural Marxism” without understanding either of those ideologies and how incongruous they are—Slavoj Zizek did a pretty good job of exposing what an intellectual fraud he is. Then there’s Peterson’s drug addiction—which in and of itself would be forgivable where he not such a base hypocrite about personal responsibility. Then there’s all the homophobic/anti trans stuff.
Eric Weinstein is a fucking moron. See his ‘theory’ called Geometric Unity.
Links: Zizek/Peterson debate
A quick read exposing IDW types; Peterson, Shapiro, Weinstein et al
Against the Web: A Cosmopolitan Answer to the New Right https://www.amazon.com/dp/1789042305/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_P5B6Y9H89TCDRAJNT2X6
Here are the mats .
So far they feel solid. Gonna roll on them tomorrow and post a review in the next few weeks.
your trainer is not informed and i doubt he wrestled for any length of time.
headgear is specifically suited to protect your ears. however, you do NEED to adjust it to fit your head correctly.
i wore headgear religiously for 10 years of competitive wrestling and i have zero cauliflower. (ok i have some but it's from bjj)
i recommend getting some CK headgear. it's simple and effective. this was the only kind i liked while wrestling.
also, if a wrestler has cauli, it's because he practiced without headgear or competed freestyle/greco and opted not to wear it. headgear does NOT cause cauli.
Watch Nog vs Bob Sapp.
This was ultra juiced bob sapp. Like 350lbs and low body fat. Dude was bleeding roids here. And Sapp could slam and punch....
edit: gotta love Japan.. the fuckin crowd explodes when Nog just does a sitout at 6:25.
edit 2: Sapp was a straight up BEAST at this point. Jesus christ.
Dan Ariely's book "Predictably Irrational" covers this sort of thing. it's and Economics book and talks about Social Norm's vs Market Norms. the gist of it is.... if i ask a friend to help me move and i offer pizza and beer we are operating off of social norms. most people are OK with this. if you introduce money it switches to market norms and everything changes. for example... if i were to offer the money that i would spend on Pizza and beer my friend would likely be offended. the value is too low for market norms so he is pissed, but i can't revert to ~~market~~ social norms now.
my point is that asking for money becasue you are running a business is fine. we can assess the value of what we get and decide if we want to part with our money to get that. once we have parted with our money it can be difficult to accept that it is a family environment because they want market and social norms to take place at the same time. effectively they want to have their cake and eat it too.
Pawn, Knight/Bishop, Rook, Queen. That's the order of value for the pieces. It's not like it's a secret or something. There are some systems that place the bishop slightly higher than the knight.
according to this book I read https://www.amazon.com/Falling-Hard-Journey-into-World/dp/1590307151
he stated that Putin started Sambo at age 14 and judo around a year later. He won tournaments in Leningrad and took 3rd place at Russian Junior Nationals, and he also became senior champion later. He then joined the KGB where they had to continue some sort of combat training.
Every time.
Here's a decent gi for $55.
Elite Sports BJJ GI for Men W/Preshrunk Fabric & Free Belt (White, A2L)
I really like this one. Very light/breathable. I can speak and drink water with it in. And my teeth haven’t been knocked out yet so take that for what it’s worth.
SISU Mouth Guards Max 2.4mm Custom Fit Sports Mouthguard for Youth/Adults, NextGen, Charcoal Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LYP2A8Q/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_vfD9CbNPK8FAT
A very cool book. Not to be a dick, but antiquarian book collecting is my other big hobby. For this title, Worldcat shows 22 copies held worldwide, so an uncommon, but not quite unique book. Digging into the listings, they seem to be real - available for check out.
Jiu-Jitsu University Paperback – November 17, 2008 by Saulo Ribeiro
I am reading / re-reading this one. The whitebelt section helped me a bit. (as whitebelt) :)
Gavin de Becker. Highly recommended.
He makes the important point and fine distinction which many people miss in these conversations; our feelings aren't evidence or proof, but we should trust our instincts where violence is a possibility.
I started aged 49 with no prior grappling experience, so I know how you feel. I'm just a blue belt, but a couple of things that really helped me:
Good luck!
Holy shit, $220. I honestly don't love training that much to pay that amount every month.
I pay $60/month for unlimited muay thai (32 classes a week), Crossfit (29 classes, incl. olympic weightlifting and mobility), MMA (5) and grappling (5) in Copenhagen, Denmark. This is a pretty typical price for students. For non-students it's $80.
According to this site that lists costs of living, Denmark is the fifth most expensive country in the world to live in. This site ranks cities, Copenhagen is ranked 17th.
Get a rash guard with a cat riding a lama on a pizza shooting lasers from its eyes. It’s the design for people who think bjj rashguards designed to look tough are dumb. No idea if the quality is good or if this is crap… but I think the design is hilarious. https://www.amazon.com/O2TEE-Novelty-Graphic-Compression-Trainning/dp/B07VSGJXMR?th=1&psc=1
>Wearing one all the time (unless a lot thinner), honestly would be a big dealbreaker.
You not wearing one is a dealbreaker for people who aren't you. Also it's gross.
A rashguard can make you feel cooler since it wicks the sweat away from your body which removes heat, it just takes a bit to get used to wearing one.
These rashguards are thin, cheap, and last forever. I prefer them over my pricier name brand ones https://amazon.com/dp/B01MZ6QP0X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_t1_Bre3DbJQADC80
here you go. https://www.amazon.com/Choque-Untold-Jiu-Jitsu-Brazil-1856-1949/dp/1491226366
These books parts 1-3 prove that the Gracie mythology is 95% lies and 5% half-truths.
The Gracies did such crazy shit it's incredible. Up to and including Carlos acting as a medium/intermediary to a fictional Peruvian wizard/cult leader to con a wealthy businessman out of millions over several years while fucking his wife.
Maybe not what you were asking for but my 2c, I think you should read this book - Easy Way to Stop Smoking
I smoked for about 20 years. A friend told me, "read the book, you'll think it's a POS, and that the guy is an ass, but you won't smoke again". He was right, 18 years and counting, without any cravings. I've suggested it to several others who've had the same experience. Nothing magical, it just reframes how you think about smoking.
The book is well known in the UK, less so here. About the author
Get a seam ripper from the sewing shop/Walmart/amazon, and break the stitches holding it on.
Looks like this: Dritz Deluxe Seam Ripper https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0001DSIVY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_7MTUzbGRHGS1W
Here's an encyclopedia I'm putting together (full disclosure: these are my techniques) on BJJ. Half guard stuff is in here, in the "guard" section, in about 5 different places:
I'd start with half guard basics: http://hubpages.com/sports/Basic-Half-Guard-Tutorial
Man... you can literally go by compression pants for $10 at walmart and a $10 compression shirt. put on some swim trunks and be good to go. I don't mind doing nogi even in a tshirt, ill switch it out halfway through tho ha. point is, you don't have to spend really anything. You can get a lot of decent stuff on Amazon too. Like Sanbul makes shorts for like $20. Once you start talking about $50-75 whatever rashguards a lot of times its because they look cool, not because of function for training. you can get $20 rashguards on Amazon.
If you haven't already, make sure your school shows up if someone searches for "BJJ [town or nearby town name]". That's how I found the place I'm training at now, and I'm sure it's the same for others too.
One way to help get your business indexed like this, for Google at least, is via https://www.google.com/business/ . Could also set up a Yelp page, etc.
I think things like this really help draw in people that are actively seeking a specific type of business (ie - BJJ or martial arts).
Hey guys I am poor as fuck and I donated $5 to him. I ask that you all please do the same. his videos are so inspirational and I want him to make more!
Edit: here is the link https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=GADVKHM5YBL3S
If you're looking for affordable rash guards, I highly recommend the "Tesla Gear" brand ones on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/TM-MUB13-ZDG_Large-Tesla-T-Shirt-Compression-Baselayer/dp/B0744C8979
Lots of people on here have bought them, and they hold up really well. They also make a long sleeve version, just make sure you are buying the cool and dry version NOT the thermal ones.
Yes, it is.
> Juices and sports drinks are also hydrating -- you can lower the sugar content by diluting them with water. Coffee and tea also count in your tally. Many used to believe that they were dehydrating, but that myth has been debunked. The diuretic effect does not offset hydration
That's one source, you can find others if you like.
You didn't ask what was healthy you asked what counts toward hydration. It all does.
The point is not that it is a counterfeit. Everyone knows that they are. This is simply a manufacture/supplier that will make anything you want. You could hand them a seal of the president and tell them to put it on a black jacket that says FBI on the back of it in yellow letters and they would. My point was they don't care that it is counterfeit and they will make whatever you tell them to. I could take one of your drawings and tell them to put it on a rashguard and they would.
Does it make it right at what these people/companies do? Yes and no, in their eyes they don't have a law that says they can not make that material and sell it so someone that requests it. They are not going around touting that they are selling "Gawakoto" rashguards, the person that is ordering it from them is either selling them or passing them off as real to their gym mates. He even tells you this in your FB convo, it was a customer that wanted them printed/made.
If you are going to out this guy, you might as well out the other 5,225 companies doing the same thing.
Now go donate!
Here: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/stuart-cooper-films#home
or here: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=GADVKHM5YBL3S
Edit: formatting
Download a program called handbrake, it's completely free and allows you to convert your dvd collection to mp4 files while still keeping chapter markers etc. It's the first world solution.
I just bought some 1" puzzle mats and invited my pal with (essentially) zero experience over and force-taught him armbars and mount escapes because I cant handle it any more. It definitely scratched the itch.
edit to include amazon link
Here are all of mine (except the white one I use when I'm visiting a conservative gym). Not planning on getting any others, unless one of those breaks or Fenom bring out a hemp gi.
I'm not sure if I qualify as "little" (competed at lightweight), and certainly not as high a level competitor as Xande or Lovato, but I do use the Kimura quite a lot. If you want to, check out my tutorials on the Kimura (under "submissions") here:
Check out this video in general, because it is a phenomenal overview of Kimura options from bottom half, but starting at 5:45, which I have timestamped here, Lachlan shows a technique that applies to exactly the position your opponent will be in when he attempts the anti-Kimura shoulder lock you are talking about. This works as an excellent counter to it. You can also opt to exit half guard and roll under for one of the variations he shows in the rest of the video.
Once you have more experience with the grip and the transitions the threat of that shoulder lock you are dealing with will no longer be real or relevant; but there are more advanced counters that you may see which have more to do with the battle for elbow control - basically, whoever dominates the other person's elbow is the one who will win the Kimura battle. Someone else here already linked it, but /u/Judogoat addresses it here. Notice the subtle difference between what you are dealing with and what Andrew is talking about; in Andrew's example we are looking at a much more sophisticated counter in which they actually retract the elbow and take over the position. That you actually need to prevent, but the 'grab your hand and yank up' defense that you're dealing with actually just opens them up for lots of follow on attacks.
Love BJJHacks. Great work.
Have you tried https://www.patreon.com/ to crowdfund your projects. Patreon is essentially kickstarter, but for creatives who can raise funds to their future projects (e.g "I am traveling to Brazil to document XYZ athelete").
Based on your ability to deliver exceptional videos, I would have no problem supporting your cause - I am sure the rest of /r/BJJ would feel the same
Yes. It’s not from grips so much as dry skin. You need to moisturize (seriously). This is the balm I sometimes use that works very well.
Badger - Cuticle Care, Soothing Shea Butter Cuticle Balm, Certified Organic, Nourish and Protect Cuticles and Nails, Fingernail Care, Protect Dry Splitting Cuticles, 0.75 oz. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0018Z5R8G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_43KVZFSTKX1NTS47R8KZ
Marcelo Garcia emphasizes it more than anyone I've ever seen. Probably worth a month just for these alone: https://tinyurl.com/yahzegj3
There are clips on there that look like Kung Fu movies with the hand slapping. He's very intense about not letting anyone grip you.
Knees crack and pop constantly, you’re probably fine if you have no symptoms the day after.
But I’m not a doctor so if you feel sketchy about it go have it looked it.
That should make you feel a little better.
Dig the content, but heads up, your site's certificate is self-signed, so a lot of modern browsers will throw up a scary warning to users.
You can get a free cert from ~~https://letsecrypt.org~~ https://letsencrypt.org, or your host may provide a service for certificates.
-- Thanks /u/cockaholic for the correction
If the cheapest plan costs more than 8% of your adjusted gross income, you should be able to qualify for medicaid or a catastrophic plan.
I strongly suggest serving two formats (you can do this as a responsive design that automatically detects the best format or simply give users an option as to their preference).
Gifs are convenient for old browsers and so forth but they are very inefficient and low quality compared to using html5 compatible video tags. If you want to see the difference look at the new(ish) site gfycat that serves the two together and you can see the filesize comparison as well as the convenience of it.
I'm not sure about iOS support for ipads etc but for desktops and android devices it is a lifesaver - especially when downloading across dodgy mobile connections.
Contact Dave Camarillo for Guerrilla Jiu Jitsu. He's based on the best coast, Pleasanton, Ca, and has affiliates around the world. I'm a student at one of his affiliates; I'm also a high school teacher. One thing Guerrilla does that I really like, as a teacher, is they collaborate and work on curriculum weekly. Dave also does a lot of training with military and law enforcement, so he has a high focus on instruction. Dave used to be the jiu jitsu coach at AKA, and still does some things with striking, and mma, but my particular gym does not; although we do have self defense classes where we lightly strike while wearing gloves. That gets fun. They, Guerrilla Jiu Jitsu, just launched/are about to launch an online platform as well. Dave also does a podcast, Position Impossible. If you're a subscriber, a new one came out yesterday and he plans on producing two a month now. Dave has done a few seminars at our school and so has Danny Bohigan (@philosograppler). I'm not the gym owner, so I don't know anything about the fees. We do have some gi rules, but they aren't overly strict. We even have a shoyoroll school gi in white, blue and black. The rules are: You need to have a white gi with the school patch kit for promos and that sort. Whites gis only for white belts, blue or white for blue belts, and any color for purps and up. As I said, it's not too strict, but students follow it out of respect. Good luck either way.
Rather than fidgeting with the 30-day trial of Illustrator I might suggest Inkscape https://inkscape.org/en/, the completely free, open-source Illustrator-like software. It's awesome, and available for Mac/PC/Linux . Also has great tutorials in the help. If you're on Windows you can also install Inkscape through Ninite https://ninite.com/ for convenience.
Gaiter with ear loops probably be most secure https://www.amazon.com/Pieces-Bandanas-Balaclava-Gaiter-Outdoors/dp/B087C2QKHK/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=gator+with+ear+loops&qid=1625119608&sr=8-3
I got long hair, shaved on sides. If you want a hairband that won't fall off get these
Yes, you have to wash your hair after every training session. But then you dont have to wash it on days off.
The sweat is part of the game. People are usually aware and try to wipe off as much as they can, but it is futile.
You should be more worried about getting some filth from _them_ into your cuts. Buy some liquid bandage and paint along the scratches. Bandages are useless, as we all know.
edit: This - Amazon.com: New-Skin Liquid Bandage, 1 Ounce (Packaging May Vary): Health & Personal Care
also good for mat burns.
Holy crap......$9.99 on Amazon?
It definitely looks dark enough for what I'm looking for! At least in the stock photo.
Thanks for the recommendation!!!
I started BJJ a few months ago and recently discovered this sub. This is the first I'd heard of this book, so thank you for sharing, /u/Khulo! A quick search for it revealed a lot of praise, so I ventured over to Amazon and ordered it immediately. For others interested, the paperback version is currently at its lowest price ever on Amazon ($20.27). Figured that was worth mentioning!
Lots of options on amazon. Here is one I bought. I also know they are at Aldi this week at least by me.
Clevr 100 sq ft. Interlocking EVA Foam Floor Mat Tiles (24" x 24") 25 pcs | Protective Flooring| Wood Grain or Granite Print | 1 Year Limited Warranty https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0163LUMFC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_U29nFbZPQJZ6C
Some of my favorites:
Mans Search for Meaning - Frankl
Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
Incognito - David Eagleman
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - Robert Pirsig
The Things They Carried, I dont usually read fiction but I love this writing style
The Alchemist - Coelho
A Brief History of Nearly Everything - Bill Bryson
Anything written by Bertrand Russel
Strangers to ourselves - Tim Wilson
>More of my teammates, and training partners at other gyms training camps etc all reference darce knight than they do half the guys who medaled at ADCC as an authority on subs, mostly but not limited to head and arm chokes. I've been thinking he should do seminars, videos, etc for a while. I'd rather do a darce knight seminar than most people who are actively on the seminar scene.
Mannnnnnn........ https://tinyurl.com/y6dgvu5x
You just made a motherfucker's day right here! Actually, way more than that.
I'm pretty much an open book. 2019 was one of the hardest years. Lot of rough life transitions, break ups, major family illnesses, moving cities, leaving established careers, physical injuries, and lots of other stuff. Life ain't fair, and I'll never ask it to be, but 2019 was especially gnarly.
I posted a lot on r/bjj in 2019. And I almost stopped a few times, but I knew on some level I was helping people. Knowing that anyone holds any opinions or knowledge I have (about anything) in high regard basically makes 2019 worth all of the bullshit that came along with it.
I seriously want to hug you through the screen. My year is off to a fantastic start, and my channel sucks now, but I promise I will make it dope. And if I do get an opportunity to do any seminars, classes, etc, I will make them worth it!
And if you are ever in NC let me know. I'd love to share a roll and a beer.
Fucking thank you! Seriously!
I wrote one in python and kivy that could be used in Linux/Mac OS X if you know some simple python/git commands. I never create any actually executables/installers for OS X or *nix but I've ran it just fine on both. As someone pointed out, it's more a virtual scoreboard then a timer though, and it's IBJJF specific.
Website: https://sourceforge.net/projects/parou/
For linux/os x (I'm assuming you are a dev/familiar with command line tools) you could just clone the source:
$ git clone https://github.com/saltycraig/parou.git
You'd have to install kivy and it's dependencies with pip tool, and then you could do:
$ python3 main.py
This one is probably what I was remembering hearing about, although the closest it gets is
> It is also important to point out that the supposedly intelligent nations are the ones which regularly administer IQ test-like examinations in their educational system. It seems reasonable to assume that the more testing a nation has, the higher its average IQ score on such tests will be (cf. Mackintosh, 1998; Vernon, 1979).
It also mentions that the IQ for Ethiopians for the one work it discusses was from a poorly done study on immigrants to Israel.
Here is a copy of it. It's a really dull fight until the sub. They just talk about how much Royce was getting his ass kicked. Until Dan Severn tapped out instead of passing out.
airbnb near penn station. you can walk to renzos and marcelos.
I stayed here and liked it: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/6383557 easy walk to renzo's, little farther from marcelo's.
It had a good shower, which is important when doing so much jiujitsu hahaha.
lol I was thinking of undercutting this guy. I found his exact supplier on alibaba hahaha. Man if we could get a bunch of bjj people to do a bulk order, we'd get like 4+ spats for that price.
In case people want to find it: http://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/mens-compression-long-pant_147893168.html
I do, but the explanation might be a little longer than a reddit response. Have you seen my other tutorials, particularly on the half guard top and catching the trail arm?
Mainly, think of the Kimura as a grip and an "anchor", not just a submission (although both are always present, depending on how your partner is reacting). All paths lead to the back, unless something easier comes along.
Useless info:
I first read the word "shrimping" a few days ago, didn't understand it so I looked it up. WTF experience..
> Shrimping is the act of toe sucking or licking for sexual gratification of both persons. Not to be confused with felching which is an entirely different act altogether.
Obviously I should've googled for "bjj shrimping" not just "shrimping"
This was at COPA America in Georgia about a month ago. I got gold by proxy since I was one of two competitors in my division. It was a lot of fun though! I wanted to share the video to get any thoughts or criticisms. I usually like watching people's comp videos anyway.
Another reason I decided to post today is that I got my third stripe! At Gracie Barra Georgia they do not allow you to roll or spar until you have three stripes. Now before anyone is ready to lynch my school for this, they did allow me to roll. Often new students are invited on the mats by higher belts to train specific techniques or light rolling if they decide to stay after class. Also, if a student is going to competition they make adjustments. The idea being, unless you have three stripes, one can not walk onto open mat to roll unless invited. Also, at GB a student can only attend fundamental classes until they acquire a third stripe. This opens up the door for the advanced GB curriculum. So yeah, I want to hear peoples thoughts on that.
I've been doing BJJ since February. I love my school and Professor.
Most of you will have seen the short films produced by BJJ Hacks over the last year. They're made by Hywel Teague, who currently lives and works in Rio. He's embarking on a new project, where he will be speaking to the few remaining 9th degree red belts. These guys aren't getting any younger, so Teague's latest film is going to be capturing that precious historical knowledge.
If you're interested in finding out more, you could also check out the interview Teague did on the Fightworks Podcast, here. The film is looking for donations to help get off the ground, here: if anybody is feeling particularly generous, you can get some perks in return for your donation, like a Scramble gi, trips to Connection Rio, John Smalls artwork etc.
Should be awesome, hence why I wanted to post up a link to help support them. I'm a big fan of BJJ history: this film would be an incredible resource for that.
I agree - amd that is why I'm doing a IRB approved reaearch project on the BJJ reddit. If you could take 2 minutes to fill this out - I'm trying to create guidelines to help people roll safer!!
I've helped out with online marketing for my school which has helped quite a bit. Try running some small Google AdWords campaigns for terms like "bjj [your city]". Also, set up your Google Places for Business account which will help your school show up on area/map searches for related terms.
As mentioned before, do a refer a friend program. We did one that worked well -- offer 1 month free for any current student who gets a friend to sign up for 6 or 12 months.
Good luck!
You obviously have never been choked :) At least not by someone who knew what they were doing. Using your chin wouldn't help... especially if your plan is to hold a long time: your jaw will break before (again, you'd know had you been in that position). Anyway, once the choke is sinked in that deep you're too late, there is no room to get your chin in. As for the strikes, once the choke is in, you've got at most 5 seconds before you pass out. You won't be able to generate much power from that position (and your posture broken - try striking with your spine bent... good luck). Just look at what happened to Josh Koscheck a few weeks ago: https://streamable.com/dbz8
So, the solution I know of is for android, and you need root access, but it's really nice. It works by routing your web traffic through the ABP app and filtering out the ads
It's not fine in any scenario. Trendelenburg and passive leg raising has been shown to be pointless and actually detrimental.
Here's a literature review written by a colleague on the subject that sums it far better than I could.
Depending upon how long they are you might be ok. I have very long hair and I have to put it up into a tight bun and then cover it with a Grappling Hair Cover. Before I started doing this I was just tying my hair up. My hair was getting pulled out and broken and it was causing all sorts of issues. Most grapplers don't have long hair for long.
Personal fav, may be biased because I used to wrestle but never slides off of the ears and will keep them protected. Also won’t injure your training partners
I just checked out some on Amazon and wanted to know if this $40k one is worth it....
So I just started to suspect my acne is from bjj as well as I’ve never had it in my entire life until I started bjj two years ago. Started about a year in.
I went to a dermatologist who told me to get a face wash with 5-10% benzoil peroxide. Normal store brands are like 2.5% so I ordered this on amazon which is 10%.
Replenix Acne Solutions 10% Benzoyl Peroxide Wash with Aloe Vera, 6.7 oz. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0788BRGZY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_5luXBb03VCXPE
So far it’s working very well. Give it a shot.
You can pick up a cheap wet bag on amazon for like $15. Bonus is that it can be washed as well. I got this one and it fits all my gear.
They used to have solid colors but I only see patterns now but I'm sure if you looked around you could find a solid one.
I have a plain white gi from an Amazon brand called Your Jiu Jitsu Gear that’s TBH zone of my favorite gis, the same one comes in black: https://www.amazon.com/Your-Jiu-Jitsu-Gear-Brazilian/dp/B00890OFL8
This ebook sounds like what you're looking for.
There's a couple more reviews on Amazon.
A much cheaper verison of the magic Eraser and it's exactly the same thing. I keep atleast a few on hand.
Also don't use white mats.
Ive found neoprene knee sleeves do the trick for me without being overly cumbersome: they're all over amazon but here's a link:
I'm going through it right now. Still very new (white belt sans stripes) but after a few months of training it got to the point I was losing grip strength during rolls and my arm would be shot half the day after a morning class. I went to the Orthopedic and he did x-rays and an MRI and found some minor tendon damage but nothing extreme and I've started rehab and haven't rolled in about 2 months.
I've been using a Thera Band Flexbar (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00067E4YU/ref=twister_B07C2HPZ36?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1) routinely, a basic stress ball for just squeezing, stretching and icing and my elbow is feeling stronger. I'm going to get back on the mats next week, focus on technique and ease back in to rolling and go from there. It sucks because it is one of those things where there is no quick fix.
I feel like the advice parrot doctors always give about "saturated fats are bad mmkay" is bullshit and there is growing evidence showing that "sat fats = cardiovascular disease" was a false correlation initiated by a highly self-promoting un-Hippocratic nutritional researcher in the 20th century who became very influential in the AMA and American Heart Association. Check out this book.
I think high cholesterol is bad IF you have high inflammatory markers (high C-Reactive Protein) but I think the 20th century panic about there being some kind of automatic causative relationship between high LDL cholesterol and heart disease was deadly, negligent bullshit.
Researchers and doctors scaring people off the fats we've been eating since we were apes, and scaring them toward refined carbs and trans fats has killed millions of people. People say "well our ancestors didn't live long though, but that's correlated to vaccines, not fat consumption.
This is something I am still reading about though, having only recently begun really giving a shit about my diet. It's really worth reading.
Yes. Not just in BJJ, but in life.
It's developed kind of a weird cult following (not the fault of the author), but the The War of Art by Steven Pressfield is profoundly simple in its effectiveness to get one to shut up and do the work.
I recommend keeping a journal and tracking what you've learned. It's helpful to go back and try to remember the details.
If you have an Android phone, I wrote an app to help with keeping a journal.
If you're buying a rash guard that has a lot of design, may suggest one that is dye sublimated so the graphic does not come off. I recently bought this one from Ouano, it's not on their website. Here is a link to their facebook page with a image of dye sublimated rash guard.
By the way for inexpensive, plain rash guards for everyday use, Marshall's or Ross is a good place.
I automate this using IFTTT. It automatically detects when I arrive at my gym and when I leave and saves that info in a Google Doc Spreadsheet. I know the exact minutes per week/month/year I spend at the gym. I can make cool graphs in Google Docs with this data. Take a look at https://ifttt.com/applets/d9Rkuc4v-log-your-locations-in-google-drive
There are a ton of people around the world that self teach BJJ. Reading "The Brazilian Jiu jJitsu Globetrotter" really opens the eyes to how many second and third world nations have BJJ players training in conditions we would be appalled to train in.
So to answer your question, you could probably train on grass and be just fine, probably get some grass stains though.
Also, you can self teach BJJ, ranking will be non-existent and your progression will be slower, but it is certainly doable. There are a ton of books out there that guide you through progression.
One that comes to mind is: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/p/jiu-jitsu-university-saulo-ribeiro/1100638949/2693972007955?st=PLA&sid=BNB_DRS_Marketplace+Shopping+greatbookprices_00000000&2sid=Google_&sourceId=PLGoP23965&k_clickid=3x23965
Are warts contagious?
Edit: Holy shit they are. Not just from skin to skin but also skin surface skin.
"Are Warts Contagious?
Unfortunately, yes. You can get warts from touching a wart on someone else’s body, or by coming in contact with surfaces that touched someone’s warts, such as towels or bathmats."
>A report in 1936 to the US Senate stated that the farms and ranges across America were so depleted of minerals that 99% of the public had a deficiency in a ‘vast array of minerals’. The Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 confirmed that the average farm soil across the world was 75% depleted of minerals and this figure was even worse in America with a figure of 85%. Since 1992 the only change is that the problem has got worse (Hattersley, Thomas, & McTaggart, 2002). What does this actually mean? Well to get some idea, although not the whole picture, a repeat study looking at the chemical composition of food between 1940 and 1991 found, for example, that carrots had 75% less magnesium, 48% less calcium, 48% less iron and 75% less copper. The results for other food types found similar reductions in essential minerals. For example, all fruits were found to have 27% less zinc and apples and oranges were found to have 67% less iron (Hattersley et al., 2002).
There is an interview floating with Randy Couture with him saying his hurt pretty much all of the time with any contact, including sleeping.
Found it, via ESPN, http://www.espn.com/mma/story/_/id/9630617/ufc-fighter-randy-couture-famous-cauliflower-ears-espn-magazine
"Take one of those days, then: Couture, 50, wakes up in his Nevada home after sleeping on his right side because his left ear is much more swollen, and sleeping on that side feels like sleeping on a rock. He dodges around in the shower like a boxer against the ropes because the sting of the water hurts his ears. He rubs Neosporin on his ears, and even that subtle touch begins a dull ache that will last for most of the day. He leans in to hear the TV because his ear canals are swollen and it's hard for him to hear. He heads to the gym with gauze and painkillers because his hardened ears no longer bend on contact and instead tend to tear. He practices to the soundtrack of a low-level ear ringing -- a steady hum that never goes away. He rubs his ears again with Neosporin when he's done with practice and goes back to sleep for a nap on his right side. "Cool and glamorous isn't really the way I'd describe it," he says."
The above links to Dr Yasi Pujols mini under 8 minute podcasts, she's a clinical psychologist and purple belt that deals with the mix of psychology and bjj life. It's worth a listen.
It's not ideal but you gotta do what you gotta do. A DVD may work out better.
If you need to go with a book though, this is the book: http://www.abebooks.com/Jiu-Jitsu-University-Saulo-Ribeiro-Victory-Belt/12125322814/bd?cm_mmc=gmc-_-gmc-_-PLA-_-v01
Hey All,
I don't normally promot products like this straight up but wanted to get the word out about these shirts.
Rep The Rank! Unique Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Rank Word Cloud Shirts! - https://teespring.com/stores/rankedgear
We asked hundreds of BJJ players of all ranks from around the word, what 5 SINGULAR WORDS best describes what it is like to be and experience EACH Brazilian Jiu Jitsu rank. These are all emotions, feelings, and experiences from BJJ practitioners around the world.
Then we collected each word that pertained to each rank and we created Rank Word Clouds that create the rank that each word represent. When you look at the BJJ Rank Cloud t-shirt from afar it looks like you are wearing a t-shirt with a plain symbol of a BJJ Rank (Either white, blue, purple, brown, or black) but as you get closer to it. You'll see that the actual BJJ rank is made up of the words, feelings, and emotions that grapplers all over the world experience when they are at that rank level.
It's a great way to represent BJJ, represent your rank, without the shirt screaming "Hey look at my tough looking shirt because I do BJJ!". Most people in the word don't know what the rank symbol means. But you do . And you understand the meaning behind the words that the rank represents as well.
It's a unique spin on a simple symbol. I may be a black belt in BJJ but I'm looking forward to wearing all of the ranks as I had to work my way up them and have for sure experienced most, if not all of the words that are on these shirts.
This campaign is only open for 7 days! The last time we sold these shirts was over 2.5 years ago and they completely sold out then! We have men t-shirts, women t-shirts, and hoodies. Along with different color options as well. Represent The Rank! Get your shirt here: https://teespring.com/stores/rankedgear
Thanks for reading!
Jason Scully
I love butterfly guard, and it's A game stuff for me. There's limited stuff so far on it (I promise, there will be more), but check out this for now:
This will give you an idea of one way I like to set the position up (transitioning from half guard).
>only white or blue gis
Ah, shame. I think I might have trouble with that.
>never mismatched
And that. ;)
Turn your opponent's Kimura attempt into your own arm bar:
But if your opponent's good enough, you have to watch out for this:
Cassio Werneck and Marcos Torregrosa instructing - can't go wrong with that.
Article was from Nov 2013. Found him on Linkedin says he will graduate spring this year. Skills: personal trainer, Muay Thai and self defense. No claim of belt ranking.
When is Metamoris 3 happening?
Saturday March 29th, 4pm PST (California time)
If you are living in a different city or country, you may check the exact times for the show here: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
I believe the strongest channels are local listings sites. This is what prospective students use first when trying to find a BJJ school.
There are 2 main ones - Google Maps listing and Yelp. Google maps is the big one, while Yelp is also strong mostly in the U.S and some other countries.
For Google, make sure to add your academy on My Business and update all the relevant details. Title and description are important for getting good search results - make sure to have "BJJ" and "Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu" appear there.
Similarly for Yelp, you should claim your business page, so you could manage business details and reviews.
The next step would be to get some favorable reviews from your existing students. Make to continuously monitor and handle bad reviews and try to keep your average rating high (especially on Yelp, where businesses show up by rating).
The next step is converting prospective visitors through your website or phone calls. Make sure someone is always on top of those, as many places neglect having good response on all channels.
I'm currently building a system for managing academies that handles some optimizations to this process for the academy website, so I might be blogging soon more in depth on those channels.
Yeah, it's on Galvao's old DVD set, Andre Galvao Jiu-Jitsu Concepts, Details, Game Plan, which is where I first saw it. Not sure that's still in print, but no doubt it's on YouTube or something somewhere.
Nathan Leverton (veteran grappling coach in the UK, for those who don't know him) also shows it on his recent 'Ninja Turtle' seminar video (50 minutes in, where he's going through a choke from the crucifix), which I'm reviewing at the moment. That certainly is still available, here.
£10 for an hour of Levo, which I'd say is worth it: I've watched through the video a couple of times now. Although it does contain a bit of MMA stuff too, which slightly cuts down how useful it is for a BJJ audience.
Re: Your edit. 4242424242424242 is an accepted <em>sandbox</em> card. Like the lack of SSL certification, it's further proof that Metamoris has no idea what it's doing.
Again, I re-assert - Metamoris should not be trusted with any personal info. This is fucking amateur hour.
I used to be in the early '90s (I think? Might have been late '80s) when I was 11 or 12, but way out of touch with it now. Still have the action figures though. :)