This guy is complete, utter trash.
He uses bullshit arguments and then when someone politely counters his arguments with facts or logic, he won't engage in debate like an intelligent adult. All he does is quote them and mock them "Oh my God! They have defeated my logic again!!". What a disgusting example of an "author". If you are so passionate about a subject as to write a book and tweet about it all fuckong day, you better be prepared to discuss it and hear your opinions challenged.
That is literally all his Twitter is. Refusing to engage in rational, mature debate. Appeal to ridicule is the only play in his pathetic book. He breaks it up a little by telling people their pets are dumb and they are dumb for thinking otherwise.
Now I'm annoyed. Fuck you guys for bringing this twat's account to my attention.
Edit: I feel better now. Check out his book on amazon and read the 1 and 2 star reviews (which account for 62% of total reviews). They're fantastic.
That's technically a different one without the high mount. But I'll price match that, and ship it.
Edit: Amazon is selling the one we're selling for $137.70... Which is more than our price.
Yeah, this ban has made me really rethink hard about what I post online and who a deal with online (not that I was social media addict... Reddit is basically my only socially media).
Since the ban, I have:
moved email accounts away from Google to ProtonMail
started using ProtonVPN on all my devices
wiped my phone and not installed any Google apps
switched to Mega for cloud storage now (which my not be 100%... But Kim Dotcom has very personal incentive to not know what people are doing on his service now so I feel it's legit),
installed Veracrypt on my computers and moved all my personal stuff there
ensured all my Linux computers are encrypted (most were anyways)
minimize access to personal documents, email, and social media from proprietary/monitored platforms (ex. Google and Windows)
switch to Signal for comms where other people are willing to
It's not perfect, but it's a lot better than it was previously, and it's made me realise that a lot of people may talk big about privacy but it is a lot more work than I thought to keep at it (it's also has some monetary cost, but it's not huge... and there's free options available if I didn't have the money)
I never bothered deleting any of my past stuff on Reddit or elsewhere because I figure that data has already been collected so there's no point.
Got to agree with bucket.
An assault rifle is a select fire rifle chambered in an intermediate cartridge.
An SKS is not select fire, therefore not an assault rifle.
TIL bullets have wheels.
I'd imagine he meant "tumbling", but it doesn't make sense in context anyhow. It really helps if you're trying to make an argument to y'know, not be a half-wit...
The digital version of our flyer was just released this morning:
We will also have a "Cyber Monday" sale, available online only.
Cheers, Justin
Is it legal to store a pistol inside a case like this:
...empty gun with no trigger lock, but next to a loaded magazine, which is also in the locked pistol safe?
Also worth mentioning it has been bolted to a chest-of-drawers and can't easily be removed from it.
The external cartridge dimensions are basically identical as are the pressures. The 7.62x51 chamber dimensions are typically several thousandths of an inch longer than a .308 Win chamber to help ensure reliable feeding and extraction in combat conditions.
The confusion over pressure comes from the fact that SAAMI measured it one way, and the NATO bodies measured it another way.
308 Win | 7.62x51 |
GO - 1.6300" | GO - 1.6350" |
NOGO - 1.6340" | NOGO - 1.6405" |
FIELD - 1.6380" | FIELD - 1.6455" |
The table above was taken from This article by FALPhil which is an excellent read on the subject.
Military brass has thicker case walls than civilian ammo, which among other things helps stop case head separations due to being fired in the longer 7.62x51 chamber.
Thus, the main issue that I'm aware of is the thinner .308 cases fired in a 7.62x51 chamber will stretch more than their military counterparts, increasing your chances of a case head separation that'll dump several thousand PSI of burning gases everywhere but down the barrel.
A modern production 7.62x51 rifle could have a chamber headspace dimension of 1.6390" and not close on its respective NOGO gauge, but this is still over the .308 FIELD gauge and theoretically unsafe. The only way to tell for sure on a given rifle will be to measure it.
Amazon, these tend to be one of the better ones. I tend to double up as well.
I run a sino-red dot on my 10-22. It's a rip off Aimpoint Micro. It holds zero, has red and green dots. It was $25. I cannot remember if I got it on AliExpress of DX, but it took a few weeks to get here.
Lets be honest here, for a red dot, where the only need is to super impose a red LED on a piece of glass, you don't need to go crazy. Most of the low end red dots are made in China anyways, so do some searching on AliExpress and you'll find one that you like for stupid cheap.
That being said, if you want magnification, buy better.
::edit:: Here this is what I bought. Price has gone up with weaker loonie. Works just fine. Easy to zero. Holds that zero. Two colours of dots. If you want to spend more money, shop around. But really, the low end red dots are all made in China. Don't pay for the brand name.
Shouldn’t be too hard to find a replacement screw. I took a quick look on amazon and found this:
In the meantime, assuming there is enough meat left of the top of the screw, you can always use a hacksaw to cut in a straight line across the top of the screw, effectively making it a flat head screw instead of a Philips or whatever it was before. Hope that helps.
I got mine off amazon and they work great!
I'm glad someone is doing something like this. I've contemplated it myself since I do some video and know lots of video people.
In Kickstarter type projects usually they have a video that promotes your bonafides. And as a producer, it makes sense to show people who want to back you that you have the chops.
Also, I tossed this link to a friend of mine who supplies gear to local filmmakers and he pointed out that the email link at the top of your indiegogo page has a blank To: field. Not good.
I actually have contributed to film projects. Just this month I threw some money at Korengal and the Ai Wei Wei / Christopher Doyle secret movie. I mention this just to show you how some really good Kickstarter pages are constructed. You need to improve yours.
It seems a little strange, but this online French-English dictionary (which is a pretty good one) says that 'fusil' means 'rifle' in a military context, but 'shotgun' in a hunting context.
A favorite study of mine. In short it demonstrates that every law passed in the last several years to control guns has failed to have an effect on violence in Canada:
Most of the ban choices originally made were done as a result of 80s action movies. At the end of the day a group of know nothing politicians sat down and brainstormed all the bad, scary things they should ban based on what they could find in movies and magazines.
Why not just record with phone and scan over the recording with audio software (e.g. audacity - free sound editing software - you can actually see the wave forms and click your cursor on the start of each sound to get the times).
I just noticed that there's a plugin made for firefox, chrome and opera that allows you to pinpoint what to watch. I'm trying it right now.
There's a couple of others too.
some people say QD mounts don't hold zero but it has worked well for me so far (I only put 100 rnds through). just make sure you adjust the QD to be very snug
Just a note for all the suggestions here.
Toilet rings are a cheap(?) source of beeswax, a traditional wood finish. I buy beeswax from a local apiarist supply house, it's cleaner and cheaper.
Boiled linseed oil is not boiled. Raw linseed oil might be available from artist's supply, but don't bother. 50 years ago I tried 'boiling' my own linseed oil. It turned in to a goo that would not dry, stunk up the house, and, fortunately did not catch fire.
Linseed oil is a non-drying oil. If you put it on your stock it will form a sticky surface that loses its tack when it has accumulated dust, spores, and mung. That's called patina, cause we dont want to say shit.
Boiled linseed oil is made by adding Japan driers to linseed oil. Danish oil is some what harder. All the oils dry by oxidizing, so use thin coats. Heavy coats that sink in to the wood will dry on the surface,and blotches may appear from time to time as the deeper wet oil seeps out.
No oil finish will keep your stock from swelling and shrinking with changes in humidity. Hard varnishes (polyurethane is nice and hard) are somewhat better, but only epoxy is going to significantly moisture proof wood.
Here's the best book I had in my library, I think the kid's mum has it now:
If you want to verify drying, put a drop of finish on a piece of glass. Come back tomorrow and you'll see how hard it dries.
For anyone curious about the one I bought (seems to be unavailable though)
UTG Deluxe Combat Style SKS Butt Pad, 1-Inch, Black
It's very easy to build. We have our instruction set here:
We supply vise jaws to build the upper. You can also 3d print your own for free if you have a printer. We provide the files.
For a vise, you'll need a 4" bench vise, but I personally suggest getting a 6" since they're just a useful tool in general. Something like this is pretty good:
We're happy to answer any of your questions.
It had faster shipping when I ordered it a couple of weeks ago but I have this one
There's two main types of scope mounts, dove tail and picatinny. Dove tail is just a thin line groove in the side of the rifle, and picatinny are the tacticool rails at the top of AR-15s.
3/8" is the width of the dove tail, so as the other commenter said any 3/8ths dovetail scope ring or mount ought to work.
Scopes also have different tube diameters so once you know what scope you want to use you look for scope rings that are 3/8ths dovetail and 1 inch diameter rings(for example). 30mm and 34mm also exist, but 1 inch is the most common.
Rings come in different heights too, so if you have a large(compared to rifle) scope you may need a taller scope ring in order to have it sit sufficiently high above the rifle. Small rings are ideal if you can fit your scope on them, because it reduces parallax relative to barrel that occurs when the scope and barrel aren't close together. You'd most commonly need taller rings when the front of the scope(the bell) is larger than the rings and touches your rifle.
You will probably need a 3/8th dovetail 1 inch diameter small scope ring set, like this:
Be careful when mounting your scope, or pay someone else to do it for you. You want the rings to be perfectly even so you typically want to place the rings on a table, not the rifle, add the scope, level it perfectly, and then after that you add the rings to the rifle with the scope on it. If your rings aren't evenly aligned you may cause torque on the scope, and if your scope isn't level your adjustments will not be accurate.
Voodoo Tactical Breacher's scabbard, picked it up off of amazon.
Website is in the U.S. The Amazon price for Canada is CAD $ 55.76. This being said, I still couldn't find any info on multiple locks keyed alike.
These locks were discussed here and on CGN, iirc. The issue raised was, it may take a little while to explain to authorities how the gun is locked, as there is no visible device preventing it from being actuated. Furthermore, the Canadian law may raise issues with the firearm being mock-used since it's not visibly locked.
Probably a good peace of mind device, but certainly not something I'd use in this country as a main gun lock.
Right now you can get a bushnell trophy red dot trs-25 for $100 on Amazon and a $40 mail in rebate, so your paying $60-70 for it. Rebate ends October 31st. Just ordered one my self and picked up a magpul afg2 foregrip.
Splatterburst Targets - 8 inch Stick & Splatter Reactive Self Adhesive Shooting Targets - Gun - Rifle - Pistol - Airsoft - BB Gun - Pellet Gun - Air Rifle
Enjoy those for open sight rifle shooting. For scoped I like something like these. Champion 47387 Sight-in Targets
For .22 I enjoy my spinning target thing and I also have a stack of sheets of these stickers with a cross hair. Their about size or loonie. I just stick a dozen on a sheet of paper and throw it on the stand.
I have this for my spotting scope. Works well, once you get everything lined up.!topic/rec.crafts.brewing/Yp2t3pMroC8
According to that your average coke bottle can take 200 psi of pressure. I am not a smart man, but from what my monkey brain gathers that is specific to mainly liquid pressures and not air pressures. Air is only about 150 psi, as air explodes more violently and its unsafe to make it pop? O.o
That may explain the "low" rating on the air tanks, also factoring in that they tend to give you a large safety window when it comes to pressure ratings, as, well, exploding gas is rather violent and as far as I know air compressors rarely blow up.
Please don't inform me that they do blow up all the time. I work with them too much and would rather not think about it. Lol
I never thought you were. I guessed English isn't your first language considering your knowledge of Russian and this album which looks like Eastern Europe. Yes, I creeped your page. Also, I tied my portyanki.
those Off! clip-ons basically don't work as well as sprays
> Although Off Clip-on initially reduced the number of mosquitoes near our testers, two of them still received one bite each during their first session. That's far less protection than the 7-plus hours of complete protection we've seen with many skin-applied repellents. By the third session (2 hours after the device was activated), we had stopped testing on all four subjects because of bites.
Yeah i've been waiting for a price drop for a while. Check out keepa if you're waiting for anything else to drop in price; you can set a desired price and get notified if it falls below that price.
I don't know about Canadian Netflix, but welcome to the age of the Hola Unblocker!
Install that and watch US Netflix, UK Netflix, BBC, and any location specific website you want!
Hey Man,
Here's my take:!19089&authkey=!APdb1STUD9G8pWo&ithint=file%2c.docx
I would simplify it down. KISS. Focus on Fun, Safe, Memorable. I would also create a grid for your prices and different tiers. Like: Light and easy (22s) | Long and Far (Long Guns / Shotty) | Compact and close (handguns). Remove the Restrited stuff, avg. person doesn't know / care. Movies / users is cool.
So the grid would look something like the following.
| Light and easy (22s) | Long and Far (Long Guns / Shotty) | Compact and close (handguns) Range Fees | Guns... | (Names) Ammo Boxes | How many of each | Other Fees | if applicable
Yeah man I think you are going to do great. Shooting is super popular right now. I think something you should look at is finding a way to showcase your availability.
Cabela's in Barrie has a "gun library". I was talking to the guy there about it on the weekend and he said typically the will give you about 50-70% retail value depending on age and so on. If it's an older, out of production firearm then they have it appraised. He said they then mark up about 30% to sell it.
As other's said, your best bet is to go on, CGN or /r/canadgunsEE and sell it yourself. If you're unsure about how to go about doing the transaction just ask here and I'm sure someone will be happy to help!
What do you have for sale anyway?
UPDATE: I forgot to mention which has about 10 different S/Ontario and Canada gun groups. All the FB sales ended up going here.
Ignore that it's an amazon link for most of these. I cant find the original product links. So rip bezos
That one has a comb that should be better than just a net.
You need some shooting shades that are not too dark.
If I remember correctly I think 3m has some half decent ones.
I purchased this one on amazon.
Super budget friendly. Takes a couple seconds to properly get everything lined up but works perfectly once it’s all set and gets the job done.
Definitely want low or extra low for that size objectives As an alternative to the optilocks you can get these low mount talley light weight rings (excellent quality) for about 50 bucks.
Bonus, Amazon Canada carries them:
Talley Tikka T3 and Tikka Master Scope Mount, Blue, 30mm/Low
This, from Amazon. I actually already have one for ammo and it's a good box. I discovered it's perfect for the 12x12 targets I use. Not sure how well it copes with the sun/UV, but time will tell.
Rifle Rods! ( Don't buy off amazon though. Also you can make your own with dollar store balloon sticks and either velcro or, my preference, magnets, along with coat hanger to make the balloon stick stiffer.
It is this MTM Box. I bought it from Amazon but I bought it for $28, not the $73 that is shows now. It currently contains 92 .303, 170 7.62x39, 159 .308, 180 12g, and 2219 22LR. There are layers.
EDIT: Here's the manufacturer's site. They have a dealer locator that shows a bunch of shops that sell their stuff in Canada.
Yeah, second that. Link to scope on amazon below. I can hit 2" groups at 100 yards with a lever action .22 and the scope on 9x, and can reach out to 200 yards with hold over (haven't tried sighting it for that distance). Minor nitpick with it is that adjustment is slightly touchy (not very solid detents on the adjustments, and adjusting windage seems to slightly put elevation out and vice versa, so you have to go back and forth a bit to zero it in). It's not meant for adjusting on the fly anyway so I sighted mine for 100 yards with the ammo I use, and have figured out where to hold for 50 or 200.
Latulippe in Quebec City but they have it on Amazon
I paid 100$ for mine.
Red dot from amazon
This scope usually sells for around $149~$169 + taxes at most retailers in Canada. You now save around 50% or more!
Currently you can get it on Amazon Canada for $99.89 + taxes (Free Shipping from / Prime eligible)
Then you get the $40 Trophy Bucks (Canadian) Mail-in Rebate! "Through October 31, 2017, save $40 on any purchase of a Trophy or Trophy Xtreme product via mail-in rebate."
Getting this (awesome) Red Dot Sight for between $70 and $76 CAD after taxes (depending on province) is a phenomenal deal!
This Red Dot sight is for shotguns, rifles, handguns - and is not a cheapo air-soft model.
I was just thinking about this. I picked up a Pelican 1200 on Amazon for $39.99 as part of last year's Black Friday sale. It's currently listed as $67, but I think this is somewhat of a mainstay for their annual sale. I don't know that it's 'non-bulky', but it's definitely strong and the pick and pluck foam makes for a nice custom fit for my 1911.
If your regular prescription glasses are polycarbonate or Trivex, they're just as good as safety glasses and should be fine for range use. You can get side shields if you want.
edit: And then I forget that I'm on a Canadian subreddit and link to US Amazon to be "helpful". But you get the idea.
I got myself a soft case from Amazon. Fits my Fabarm Martial and CX4 together but feels fine with just the shotgun in there. Has mag pouches, a pistol holder and backpack straps. It's this one
UTG Elite Covert Homeland Security Gun Case
I have one of these off Amazon. $30 and it's been meeting my needs.
It can fit a pistol case or a small ammo crate inside along with: - ear and eye protection - first aid kit - multitool - cleaning kit - targets - stapler
I've got room to spare for a good amount of ammo or other accessories that I may get in the future. It's also a relatively small bag which is great since I don't like lugging a ton of stuff or big bags around
Just a cheapo scope off amazon. Figured I'd try it out. I'm only gonna be shooting it for the first time this weekend but just from looking down the scope it seems like it will do the job for $50. The reviews seemed pretty good for it as for as it holding zero and whatnot. If it turns out being sheit ill just throw it on my pellet gun.
I see a 10-pack on Amazon for $27.
That's about as cheap as it gets for snap caps. Especially A-Zooms, as they generally run about $3-4 apiece.
Wolverine has them for $23/10 pack, but Amazon's shipping will probably be much cheaper for just a single item.
I use regular orange earplugs and these
i had to Google it just to make sure I was remembering that right, only other tip i have is silicone dry lube looks to be bad as they are rated for like windows.
If you're worried, I did see some dry lube made for guns so those will be a safe bet. Just need to find a store that sells them.
This is the brand that was referenced in the YouTube video I linked up there
Is this a safe?
It has a safe in the name. It is made out of steel and it can be tethered or attached with cable to something more firm like stud, or pipe, or radiator....
I still cable lock it and throw it in my big safe but i was always wondering....
No problem. You can buy an overpriced hardened steel one from CajunGunWorks that you'll spend more on shipping than the actual price of the pin but I bought a big bag of them on Amazon, they're dirt cheap and if your roll pin shears then just plop another on in.
Theres a gray man sling bag to on amazon use to be way less if you go this route just check the measurements
Used tennis stuff is probably cheaper or bags from value village and such places if you don't care what it looksike.
Is what I have used for 10+ years. Dry them out in the oven in the middle of summer and the end of fall. I am convinced they have saved me from some damage.
For sight in, I use large chart papers. Hell they even come with 1" squares so MOA math is easy.
Why not? Your average phone can record at 48000 samples per second. If you're shooting a target 100yd away at say 3000 fps, it takes a tenth of a second for the bullet to get there, meaning that you've taken 4800 audio samples during that time. The muzzle blast sound lasts for 3-5msec, meaning that it should be straightforward to isolate the beginning of the muzzle blast and the sound of the bullet hitting the target with reasonable accuracy.
According to this research paper it's possible to estimate muzzle velocity with ~1% error, and if you put the microphone equidistant between gun and target you don't even need to figure out the speed of sound under the shooting conditions.
Some cheap thing off Amazon just like the optics.
Did you try an electric carving knife? I've had great success with them. Its not easy to do well with normal tools.
(for instance:
Try something like this instead. About the same quality as name brand I've bought but oodles cheaper. Got tired of losing keys so now I'm all combo.
RioRand 3-Digit Combination Gun...
It won't fit on one of these?
Weaver and Picatinny are pretty much the same except for the cross slots, and it looks like the Browning sight only needs one slot.
Flip it around to choose which side it overhangs and Dremel away unwanted rail segments. Replace the knob with a wingnut if it's too large.
buy a large moving blanket, lay it down and shoot off it...\_1\_7?crid=3BOJU219LXWSQ&keywords=moving+blankets&qid=1660711278&sprefix=moving+blankets+%2Caps%2C88&sr=8-7
I got one of these years ago, if you can get green laser it will be better in bright conditions.
but red one worked fine for me and can see it at 100m in the daytime
i only ever used it a couple times, but it will get you right on paper pretty much right away (thats all you want form it) and then can fine tune so you only need a few shots to adjust where you need to be.
$36 a pop from matco which was surprising as all hell. I ordered a black one and a green one but my matco guy is like 130 years old. I'm surprised he remembered at all, but I got an green and instead of black, dark fde
I got a mauser m18 in 308 with a muzzle break and this butt stock pad, works amazing and you can literally shooting for hours. Initially when I got the m18 without the muzzle and stock pad, it took about 5-7 rounds before I felt like my shoulder is about to dislocate at the range. Now that I got those two items on, it feels like a different gun - and i love every part of it.
Depending on how many handguns you are looking at storing in the rack, you could look at something like this
It will defs hang over the edge, but other than prohibs, the handguns would all be greater than the 5.75 and hanging over.
I found the 8-slot at bullseye north (not sure if they still have or what sizes) to support local vs Amazon. Just don't be like me and buy a 8-slot rack the week before the Libs decide to freeze everything and then not be able to fill it.
If you plan on doing this more than once, get an electric knife
Instead of a brass deflector- get one of these. It attaches magnetically so it is easy to removed but catches all the brass and I don't have to pick it up. It also protects the gun and keeps brass from flying everywhere.
Amazon has plenty and are fairly cheap, i had mine for 3 years and they were more expensive back then. significantly
You can get a small unit like this one that's smaller than a laptop case, and can be accessed with a fingerprint scanner. This is how I've been storing my Glock.
Just examples, I suggest do further research:
Amazon. Was a pain in the ass to find a seller that wasn't trying to rip people off at $40+ for 5. I did manage to find a listing that's only asking $5.69 for 5.
They ship from China but only took a couple weeks to arrive. As for the "chamber" part of the chamber flag, I just use a zip-tie with the end folded over itself. Not a super-secure fit but good enough until I find a better method.
Amazon. Was a pain in the ass to find a seller that wasn't trying to rip people off at $40+ for 5. I did manage to find a listing that's only asking $5.69 for 5.
They ship from China but only took a couple weeks to arrive. As for the "chamber" part of the chamber flag, I just use a zip-tie with the end folded over itself. Not a super-secure fit but good enough until I find a better method.
Barriers to entry are there. But like a lot of boutiquey things, many people would like to run such a business and not strictly related to reasons linked to a good business plan.
May be easier to buy an existing firearms business rather than trying to start one.
This may be useful to you:
I use a soft-case myself. I won't say it provides perfect protection if you bash it hard, but get a good one and you fasten the rifle correctly with the straps, you won't have any problems.
I use this one: Much more comfortable to carry than a hard case, with the backpack straps and all. Also, more compartments for your stuff. Last bag you'll ever need.
That is a good idea too. Just a little cheapy or something.
LINEWAY Motion Sensor Ceiling Light Battery Operated Indoor Wireless Motion Activated LED Ceiling Light Sensor White Light 180lm for Entrance Closets Stairway Cabinet Basement(Battery Not Included)
Could be good. Hopefully not blinding bright
Looks like the seller I got mine from doesn’t have them anymore and others are selling it for twice what I paid. Sorry :(
I bought a cheap Amazon sling before I bought my t97 and got stuck with the same issue. Bought the cheap feyachi mlok QD sling mount off Amazon and it solved my issue.
Links to sling and mount below, though the sling kinda sucks so I'd suggest you dig more and find a better sling but the mount allows you to use whatever sling you end up finding.
Feyachi L46 Two Points Rifle Sling with Larger Metail Hook Adjustable Length Gun Sling
Feyachi QD Sling Swivel Mount, Mlok Sling Attachment 2 Pack for MLok Rail HandGuards
The trick is getting a gun bag that works for you.
Not going to work for many setups (30" bag), but it fits well with my bike.
It's a foam block with a v cut in it. You could just buy a foam block and cut a v in it.
Still some cheaper Amazon stuff but they feel surprisingly sturdy and well built. I bought a laser of this same brand for a pistol and it was better than my olight laser which is what led me to purchase these optics.