Romans were similar. is a book someone has written about how dinosaur bones are the influence for many roman myths
Didn’t realize post re-opened. Captured this image on a weather radar application. Link for those curious. it’s a really cool site either way. . These lines were showing up under the ‘weather radar’ option on the right hand side.
This is a good one
But all the books about the Borgias talk about how they reformed the church. Well-attested? What do mean? The stories in the bible were not compiled in any way until 200 years after Jesus supposedly lived. The bible stories are allegories and myths. Are you saying even the Old Testament is literal?
Shoot my apologies, I should have timestamped the link. At about the one hour and seven minute mark is where they start to go into it after responding to a listeners criticism of they're questions concerning darwinian evolution at about the 57 min mark.
I did however confuse their velakovski series (highly recommended as well. first part found here: ) with their series of their criticisms of darwinian evolution I was referring to, as the evolution series is based more on the hybridization theory found here:
Honestly, it's been so long since I first heard about it that I couldn't tell you. I looked it up on Google and found a documentary on Amazon that sounds pretty detailed, according to the description.
Computer Engineer here. A couple things:
I found it strange that they stated covid was the cause of lungs filling with fluid but I was under the impression that Remdesivir was the cause of the lungs filling with fluid due to renal failure.
I have access to a few nice telescopes. It’s rare for me to have the time and be in a good location with adequate atmosphere / weather conditions to set up a situation where I can see distant objects on Earth, but I’ve done it.
Given what I’m told about the curvature, I should not have been able see things I could very clearly see.
The video in my recent submission has the details well-documented. Elevation, distance and target height are all shown using Google Earth.
Here is the curve calculator with figures that I used. I even added an extra 48 feet to observer height, just to pad the numbers for the globe:!mi,h:350!ft
The top of the observable objects should be hidden by 150 feet of curvature or more. They are not.
Excellent read and there is definitely a parallel between then and now. It is starting with yellow ribbons in the NFL already.
The article mentions and I'm sure sources from this book, a difficult read emotionally but well worth it.
Of course it would't be proof per se. But it might contribute to figuring out whether unicorns ever existed or not, if you were a geologist or scientist/researcher in some other relevant way, and presented a rational and documented argument for your theory.
That's exactly what the book recommended claims (I haven't read it, though):
"Through careful research and meticulous documentation, she convincingly shows that many of the giants and monsters of myth did have a basis in fact--in the enormous bones of long-extinct species..."
It seems to have good reviews.
that's the only way i saw it. What Everybody is Saying is a great book
Take Off Your Glasses and See shows you how to free yourself from the crutch of prescription lenses, to build your self-confidence and awareness, and to open up your inner and outer vision in order to see more clearly.
Jacob Liberman, an internationally recognized authority on holistic vision care, explains how most vision problems are the result of an unconscious decision to "close your eyes" to emotional discomfort or pain, and how increasingly powerful corrective lenses only encourage eyesight to withdraw even further. By removing lenses and practicing breath- and movement-awareness techniques to shift your perception, you can reintegrate the original disruption in the mind/body system. Dr. Liberman’s approach can help you join the thousands who have escaped from the self-defeating cycle of poor vision.
The measure being taken now will not melt away after the pandemic is gone. We will remain under the thumb of our tyrannical governments “for our own safety.”
OP, could you please clarify the difference between the people who bring these subjects up for fun at the local bar to stimulate conversation and the "true believers" who actually assert them as truth?
For example, there's a lot of wired unexplained shit around Rennes le Chateau and Rosslyn Chapel, but asserting as fact that Jesus is buried in France is another thing all together.
Good fun if you haven't stumbled across it.
The historian Carroll Quigley did better than that. He was granted admission to a cabal of bankers and political figures who worked together outside of party and country to further their aims. They had various incarnations - think of a cell structure rather than a monolithic faction. But again, this was the side of things he was allowed access to, and it was understood this was only the tip of the pyramid.
Sally Fallon has great information compiled about the essential nutrients for health from the parents preconception to the pregnant and lactating mother to the new infant to the young child. Excellent resource
In Germany there is an app called Code Check You can check if ingredients are good our not. Some toothpastes have more expensive Cocamidopropyl Betaine instead of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate inside.
In Germany there is an app called Code Check You can check if ingredients are good our not. Some toothpastes have more expensive Cocamidopropyl Betaine instead of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate inside.
I borrowed it from my library and am listening to it through the Libby app. I know they have it on Chirp and Audible.
Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art
This book offers a pretty good look: [Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else
You can find volume 2 on YouTube. Vol. 1 has been completely erased, however you can follow the research trail through hook tube:
It might also be available on bitchute but I’m not sure
> Frequencies don't mix or overlap. If you have a radar emitter and receiver set to a certain frequency that is all its going to detect.
> For instance, Doppler radar stations that detect atmospheric weather patterns, like strong vortexes that denote tornados. They don't accidentally pick up on radio traffic or tv signals in the 'air', because those are on a different frequency.
I hope you appreciate that I took time to pull this video from the one place it actually still exists and toss it somewhere that I can actually link to. It only took me a minute or two to do all the clicks and it was about 40 minutes before it was fully rendered and converted. So it didn’t put me out, but you know, it’s the thought that counts.
I have a couple friends that are electrical engineers and I can ask them specifically about this if you have more questions when you get done some basic research. Basic understanding is all radio frequency and electromagnetic waves interfere with each other. They don’t all masses on interfere a lot, but as told in this old army film, even way back in the 60s the sky was becoming crowded with different types of transmissions and they were starting to notice more and more interference with all different types of radio frequencies and electromagnetic waves.
My digital SLR camera does not take a~ composite picture it takes a picture. Composite pictures are post production with software is computer bro.
You’re moving the goalposts because you know you’re wrong. Composite pictures are all post production edits.
What Is a Composite Image?
A composite image is a digital image composed of elements from different images and photographs. In photography, a composite image is a post-production creation in which elements from different photographs are edited together using photo editing software to create a new image as the end result. In video, compositing refers to placing visuals from different sources together in the one frame. This is common in films that use digital effects and green screens.
Hey Sempay,
Check out these links, its not quite correct but you will get the idea.
P.S. These link to two videos a new video archive been put together by the members of my site to beat the censorship. Bear with it if it is a bit slow we have only just started.
>have you ever had a radio on playing music and all of a sudden you have some silverware vibrating? that is resonance.. that is what tesla was talking about only he was using electricity instead of acoustics.
Yep exactly! Tesla talked about using a giant tower that could send power to devices using this electric resonance. It's not free energy in any sense, you still need a power plant to generate it, but you can transfer the energy wirelessly like a cell tower.
Unfortunately, since your phone could be anywhere around that tower, it needs to send out this energy in all directions which is very very inefficient, you'd be generating more wasted energy than usable.
>we are being fucked with and deserve far better than this shit life and combustion engine bullshit.
What do you mean? We have them. Like I said, they're just inefficient since they're sending energy out in all directions around the tower.
They work more efficiently small range though, those are the wireless charging pads you might have seen.
They're pretty cheap too
Not directly related but this might be a helpful resource:
Also this book:
Just after reading that book alone, you could see the hand gestures being shown by numerous public figures, hidden in plain sight.
Supercharge Your Body - A Step-By-Step Plan To Boosting Your Immune System "Discover a Step-By-Step Plan To Boosting Your Immune System and Supercharge Your Body!" Finally! Gain More Time, More Energy, And Feel Free From Distractions!
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My last boggle still remains unsolved. If you would like to address it here, I’m fine with that. I enjoy your skilled dialectic.
I’m sure we can both agree that if we are considering a model like the heliocentric system, there are certain details that the entire model hinges on. Gravity, globe curvature, and a few others are pretty much foundations of the entire narrative.
If anyone of these foundations is positively disproven or falsified, again I think we will both agree, it throws the entire narrative or model into question.
Besides the problem with the different vectors of motion and consistency of observable star location, the other big problem I ran into, mind you I didn’t want to run into this, and I ran into it first, is that we can see too far.
The video in my recent submission has the details well-documented. Elevation, distance and target height are all shown using Google Earth.
Here is the curve calculator with figures that I used. I even added an extra 48 feet to observer height, just to pad the numbers for the globe:!mi,h:350!ft
The top of the observable objects should be hidden by 150 feet of curvature or more. They are not.
Teeth, and the skeleton writ large, will develop correctly if a person is not malnourished. Hard to understand for some, but in our modern life of abundant food and resources the vast majority of people, even obese people, are malnourished.
This book goes in to depth on everything diet and how it interacts with your body, including very specifically about dental formation. Highly suggest you check it out.
If you are like me, you jaw, teeth, facial bones, and skeleton overall are not really malformed like you have a birth defect, but they also didn't develop right because my body did not have proper nutrition as I was growing. If you have or are thinking about having children please read this book, people like Dr. Kate are trying to help us.
It's the internet, and it's the massive flood of notifications and information being thrown at the brain. It hijacks circuits in the brain that reward new information which performed a valuable function throughout most of history. Now they're overwhelmed and everyone has ADHD.
For the WWII scenario I would argue that what happened was Hitler took the idea of American and British eugenics and took them to their logical conclusion. The camps themselves weren't widely reported on until the late 30s but the ongoing sterilization and persecution of people was reporting on for years prior, with anti-German sentiment picking up in the population on America and the world at large. When it became more and more clear what he was doing and that other countries weren't stopping them, war exploded.
Mostly yes, these are scripted. The people who supported Hitler's rise to power didn't want war though, they wanted him to win even saying it would be the "biological salvation of humanity."
The world knew he was evil but nobody stopped it for along time because the American elites, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Harriman, they supported what he was doing. It was everyone else rejecting those horrors that sparked war.
It was a setback for eugenics but they're back for another round of attempting to control the birth rates and genetic quality of the planet. We just have to get that 95% you mention to direct the anger upwards instead of sideways.
Please read these two legendary books. It will change your life for the better.
This is called the “no-poo” method.
I didn’t shampoo or condition for 8 years. For the first month it was itchy and had dandruff. After that it was totally fine. I got complimented on my hair by hairdressers, lush and thick. No mention of it being oily, and it wasn’t. Despite what some “big hair” shills would have you believe on here
Then I went back onto shampoo/conditioner for a little while, after trying it again once and it feeling good after the shower. But it felt more breakable, less natural, more brittle. I felt I had to shampoo and condition at least every couple of days or I’d get itchy and dandruff. It totally wasn’t worth it
So I’m back onto not using anything on my hair again. Just use a denman mens shower brush and don’t even wash my hair that often in the shower and it’s still not oily. I had to shower more regularly when my hair was longer but it’s short to medium length now.
Don’t need to shampoo or condition! Just brush in the shower!
In my experience, a lot of the time when discussing conspiracy-type stuff the average person, being normal and decent, won't entertain the idea of, say, 9/11 being a false flag because they reject the idea people would be that evil.
Or look at Q. Despite Q itself being nonsense, people simply rejected the idea of pedophilia at high levels because nobody would be evil enough to rape and kill children for fun and political leverage. Except there are multiple examples of that scenario.
So I just mean to start understanding covid or conspiracies in general, people first have to understand that some people are that evil. In a sentence, I mean people should avoid the trap of cognitive dissonance.
Hoping that helped clarify?
> or a hand pump
This is what I got for our shallow well:
Hubby installed it and it works great! Takes a little effort, but we got water when the power goes out.
Also found something else - you can sterilize water in the sun.
As in, put it in a gallon jug or better those five gallon bottles and let it sit in the sun with the lid open (and a piece of cloth/screen) for it to outgas and you'll have perfectly safe drinking water (assuming it isn't soiled when you pump it out, that requires filtering, but that filtering can be done with a couple t-shirts stuffed into a piece of PVC pipe.)
I'm of the opinion all of them are honeypots. I use AirVPN to obscure my identity on all my devices for starters.
I use Jackett to index the various public trackers, including TPB, and that feeds over to sonarr/radarr to manage the download queue on my seedbox with rtorrent. I typically use magnet files as well.
So no I didn't actually search the bay; I just typed the name of the movie into sonarr and added it to my library. The .torrent could have been sourced from there ultimately but just a likely as rarbg or elsewhere.
No doubt.
While we are on the topic, I don’t think it is common knowledge that these products exist and it may be a good solution for some people.
In certain situations it might be worth the investment for people required to use masks at work (or wherever) 100% of the time, to get a powered respirator.
Getting the ceiling surface off of your face and having positive air pressure removes a lot of the main problems of wearing these stupid face diapers and offered more protection, obviously.
A nice 3M unit:
3M Versaflo Heavy Industry PAPR Kit TR-300-HIK
Germ versus Terrain theory, shedding vaccines from other people, my role in protecting the people around me, etc.. none of this makes the decisions of when, to do what, easy decisions.
I actually brought a microscope home from my lab to look over some masks I don’t ever bring to work.
It’s a polymer cross-contamination is why they masks don’t go to work. I’m not exactly sure what I’m looking at yet, but I’m finding similar anomalies that other people have claimed to find when using high power magnification to look at the surface of the mask I meant to touch your face.
That's not what is happening here. Here is some proof:
Start here.
You'll need a real firm grasp on Newton-Raphson iterations.
I'll send you more links for further reading when youre through with this. You'll get through it if you put your mind to it and pull your bootstraps up.
A book called Project Beta, by Greg Bishop, Amazon link is
Tim Ozman of the Infinite Plane Society coined the term. He recently published a book explaining it.
In Tim's words:
> OUR METASCRIPTED REALITY This book is about the “metascript,” which is what I call the discernable script outlining all the major transformative events on the world stage, which is what I call the agreed upon, consensus reality. This would be the version of events agreed upon by big media and the one that gets published in the history books. In other words, the non-conspiratorial view. Contrary to consensus opinion, the conspiracy theorists aren’t just collecting wrong answers to piece together a version of events that validates their expectations.
> There is a conspiracy, but it’s hidden by a myriad of misguided conspiracy theories. If anything, most of them underestimate the depths of total mind control exuded by the wizards of media. I use the term wizards loosely. I am implying that we’re confronted with a reality-shaping power that is godlike or perhaps diabolical but I don’t immediately reach for the supernatural to explain what appears incredible. I invoke Arthur C. Clarke’s First Law:
> “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
> Media is at the level of performing miracles. This is nothing new. It’s a tradition among the secret societies who serve as stagehands on the world stage to handle the theatrics. Mass media is the new global church. It does the job religion used to.
> Tim Ozman
> The metascript is a story imposed onto reality and framing world events. There is evidence of reality tampering. Not in the mystical “Mandela Effect” sort of way, but more in a way that humanity is being guided by stories.
Fantastic comment, thank you.
The Overton Window describes the overall phenomenon.
Tim Ozman of the Infinite Plane Society refers to these contrived debates as guardrails, i.e. keeping people in the middle of the road while the real truth is actually found somewhere off to the sides.
I don’t know the name of the tactics used to keep people inside that window, but it seems to come down to arguing against a faulty or unproven premise.
> I would read about how cities and urban living are chaotic and stressful for everyone involved with them
u/Regenerer10, yeah the #OldSystem certainly has many deficiencies that make it immoral; bu your quote about cities is only half the story; cities are also wonderfully dynamic and promote diversity of choice and experiences, exchange, interculturalism, etc., which in turn fosters creativity, innovation, new possibilities, new <<knowledge>>. Certainly there are myriad positive consequences from all that -not just negative ones. There's a useful side to chaos (it prevents stagnation), and a sweet side to stress (there's even a [GREAT] book about it:
Here is a piece of the large body of information that has been researched about reincarnation. Wounds can translate into birthmarks in the next life and people remember the exact details of their life and how they died previously.
Because this is so common the child born is sometimes alive while the parents of the person who died are still alive also. And the details can be confirmed with current records.
Or maybe it’s just a thousand coincidences stacked on top of each other.
Have you read the book, " Yoga Bitch"?
It's the first time I ever heard of this being a thing. It's not MY thing, it's a real thing though.
Because we are obsessed with thinking we are the greatest civilization that has ever existed! We are the ultimate empire. This is a solid read on why Americans are so obsessed with conspiracy.
Also, we saw a POTUS get his brains blown out on video and there is no way the story given is what actually happened. That's what sent me into checking out more conspiracies. It fascinates me that the rabid theorists who think every single thing is a conspiracy hold a set of beliefs that on one hand says that everyone is asleep except for them and the entire population is stupid as fuck, and on the other believe that a group of humans is so incredibly smart that they control every little detail of life.
There is always an alternative explanation for illness other than viruses, especially viruses that the medical establishment claims to have eradicated with a vaccine. Viruses are most often nothing more than a cover story for man-made disease-causing scenarios.
Polio is a great example of this cover up.
If interested, read The Moth in the Iron Lung for extremely compelling evidence with groundbreaking implications.
Hi Alan, thanks for taking the time to do this AMA.
My question is, are you familiar with Alan Abadessa-Green, aka Alan Abadessa, Aka Alan Green, editor of The Sync Books?
There's seems to be some overlap between your work, in terms of topics explored and connections made.
The 'coincidence' of your having similar names, and somewhat similar fields of inquiry, is rather uncanny.
If you guys never collaborate or record an interview or something, it would be a shame imho.
You should definitely look into Mike Clelland. Here is one of his books:
Good book. Easy read and extremely interesting to say the least.
>The Polio vaccine has a dubious history??? In what way?
The Moth and The Iron Lung: A Biography of Polio by Forrest Maready:
Here is a short twitter thread from the author that helps sum it up:
His sources are in the book.
Jeanice Barcelo has done excellent work on exposing the birth trauma system.
Here is her book on ultrasounds:
I have not yet read that book but I have heard her speak on quite a few different podcasts and videos.
I would imagine her book goes into the same information as her interviews and videos.
Or if you want to hear more about my own research (which goes in slightly different directions to Barcelo's) then here is a free podcast I did on the topic a couple of years ago:
Most of my own research on this topic remains behind the paywall on my site so there's no point linking to it here.
I think your best bet is to track down Jeanice's interviews and start from there.
Has the media overblown the fear about the pandemic? Yes
But seriously we should be worried about new emerging pathogens. More and more land is being cleared in Africa and South America that could unlock reservoirs of pathogens which might "spillover" into humans. To this day no-one knows the reservoir of Ebola so it will keep coming out of hiding and scientists believe it has wiped out multiple gorilla populations in and around the congo. I'm reading this at the moment and it's rather terrifying.