I’m having the issue too. I left a comment to the main post, but in case you didn’t come back to this post I wanted to make sure I could help your girlfriend. I use hydrocolloid bandages under my dexcom to be able to use it with this new adhesive. Just cut a small hole for the inserter and spray flonase on your skin where the hole will be to prevent the skin from reacting to any adhesive that seeps through. You can usually find these bandages at the drugstore too and the linked size Large is the perfect size.
Hey! I'm not sure if you're in the US but these are the ones I buy! I really like them and they seem to work really well - I just make sure to cut a little hole for the needle first, because the needle has a hard time poking through without it. :) https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00U1H9H56/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_JyNaGb93YGZ1K?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
The most definitive fix is to get yourself a Hydrocolloid bandage like this, stick it on, and then place the sensor directly over top, and straight through, the hydrocolloid bandage. This has been the single most effective method for the largest number of people
I use skin tac and I scrub the area with an exfoliating scrub before I apply it. I also put it on my lower back a couple of inches above where I wear my pants. I work outside in Florida and I've only lost one sensor but it caught on something. I also use these patches during the summer of if I know I will be in water.
I also get my overpatches on Amazon. I live in the hot and humid part of Texas and have never had problems with itching, just with peeling from wear. The brand I use is fixic
I have sensitive skin and am prone to bouts of eczema. I always use 2 layers of Skin-Tac before applying my sensor. Always letting it dry to tacky before applying the next coat. Then I apply another layer around the sensor adhesive (not on, because then the sensor will unstick) for my overpatch. This has basically gotten rid of my adhesive issues. Liquid Skin-Tac is the best. The little pre-soaked swabs suck. Also, when I am taking the sensor off, fully taking off the residue with alcohol swabs and a shower after is key.
I'm not sure if this would help in your specific situation, but here is what I use:
It lets me keep the tubing super short (just a few inches from infusion set to the belt), and I've never had to worry about snagging on anything. I sleep in it, too, which reduced my own anxiety about dealing with tubing since I read online that some people just toss the pump in bed with them and it scared me.
Good luck!
I don’t think this is exactly what you’re looking for based on your description but Simpatch makes a great adhesive overlay for the G6! This is my go-to.
You want the hydrocolloid patches where the whole thing is sticky. Cut a hole in the center of the hydrocolloid patch that's roughly the size of a hole punched hole, like on a piece of notebook paper. Peel off the Dexcom's paper and stick it on the hydrocolloid patch. Then peel the backing off the hydrocolloid patch and stick that on your skin. Insert the sensor as normal.
I bought these huge patches with the intent of cutting them into smaller pieces for Dex purposes, you can buy them in smaller sizes. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00U1H9M1U/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
There is an app Wunderfind (android playstore) or (apple app store) that will locate nearby Bluetooth devices. Of course, you have to know generally where the transmitter is to begin with, due to the Bluetooth range limits. But if you have any clue, its brilliant at telling you how far away you are, and helping you zero on the exact location. Or help you rule out places where it isn't.
try: download a bluetooth scanner from play store, say nrf connect. start the nrf connect scanner on your phone and you will see a list of bluetooth devices. the transmitter should appear as "tslim X2 ***456" (hides 123).
if you can see your transmitter serial number on the scanner, it is worth a few tries to get it going.
What’s worked for me is clean the skin with alcohol first, then clean it again with a fresh (new), alcohol wipe. apply the sensor while the skin is still wet and once the transmitter is in, apply some Rock tape around/over the sensor. (I cut it to fit). That lasts me about 15-20 days.
Baby oil doesn't work so well for me, I use UniSolve which I imagine is an oil with isopropyl alcohol or acetone, not sure. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00M3IKRFU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_113JYAPK9WFXN4X0VJR8
I thought they stuck well, but for whatever reason, as soon as I take a shower, the sticky pad on the sensor starts getting what look like blood spots coming from under the sensor. I haven't figured it out, but it doesn't happen with the other patches I've tried.
Like others, I tried the Simpatch, but found that they tended to fall off after a couple of days. I also tried Skin Grip (they have free samples) but found that they also fall off quickly if you don't use Skin Tac. Without the Skin Tac, they were the most comfortable to me, but with the Skin Tac, they felt like any other cheap patch. My skin is fairly dry, so I was kind of surprised that neither of them stuck for very long.
I've had the best luck with Flexd (check the other color options - most have a $3 coupon), which was also the brand I was using when I had a Libre. They stay put, but do tend to fray rather fast after showering more than a couple of times.
I buy Fixit from amazon. I’m not sure what dexcom gives out, since I go through edgepark, but these work for me. The sensor adhesive is garbage in my opinion.
Also? I found that when I’m really active, the stomach is the worst place to have my dexcom. I don’t do anything like you do, but my thigh is where it stays the best!
Best of luck!!!
My issue was the adhesive not cleaning off very easily at all - the first few times, I scrubbed at with alcohol swaps, soap and water, pretty thoroughly I thought, but a residue remained that created some irritation for me. These TacAway swabs that were recommended on here ended up working well for me, as long as I make sure to try and get everything off right away after I remove the sensor, it mostly seems fine-ish now. TacAway: https://smile.amazon.com/Skin-Tac-H-Adhesive-TacAway-Remover-Wipes/dp/B002672TV8
Welcome to our community.
Some of us, myself included, have skin that's very sensitive to the sensor adhesive. Adding a layer of Tegaderm as a skin barrier helps a bit so look into it.
I haven't tried the wipes, so I couldn't say for sure. I personally went with the bottle because I felt like I could get more uses out of it.
One other thing to consider, it's obnoxious trying to get the skintac off after it's done it's job, so I'm thinking about getting tac-away. https://www.amazon.com/Skin-Tac-H-Adhesive-TacAway-Remover-Wipes/dp/B002672TV8/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?adgrpid=57610315633&dchild=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwnueFBhChARIsAPu3YkRz6l_lvusQbRRe4PTptg5uUPRD_iw_MhNL-pbwriFfcBY7AnWdf5QaAo_7EALw_wcB&hvadid=274715...
Fyi, I'm currently on day 21 of my Dex and I'm confident it'll last to day 30. Some peeling, but it's still pretty strong. I've been on dexcom and omnipod for a year now and I've only used about a third of the bottle. I personally make sure to wait until the skintac is tacky/sticky before I put on a sensor/pod (about 30 seconds).
Edit - spelling.
I was having issues with the new adhesive and tegaderm patches has fixed it for me. New routine is skin tac, tegaderm, sensor. Not only do I no longer have reactions, it also lasts the full 10 days without an overpatch.
Lots of questions here but I can answer about overpatches. Dexcom will provide them for free, there's an order form on their website. I haven't tried those yet, I use some from Amazon and these in particular are nice for restarting sensors because the adhesive is in an striped pattern, which makes it easier to take off without removing the sensor. Just make sure to remove it form the inside out.
Cavilon works. Tegaderm gave me a rash, too.https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0083RONQY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Not cheap, which is part of why it is such a pain in the wallet to rip them off. I reinforce the adhesive with a skin tac wipe. Lasts at least 20 days. If you're a hairy guy, your hair will grow into the bandage. Ripping them off is brutal. Could probably put on ategaderm first and eliminate that, but i can't bring myself to use another product....Remember to cut a small hole for the sensor to go through. I take a Sharpie and line the outside of the hole before sticking it on my skin to make it more visible and easier to line up. I have, also, just shot the sensor through the bandage when i forgot to cut said hole. Keep the hole small. Your exposed skin under it will get irritated
That's good news even though it still sucks. I got up to using four layers of Tegaderm and Skin-Tac before giving up and now I'm giving DuoDERM a try. So far so good.
I have the same allergic reaction, but I figured out a good workaround. I use duodenum patches - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07B9RW7VY/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_SNrKFbWW834MR?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 - and cut them so they are slightly larger than the sensor with a tiny hole in the middle. The place that on the skin and attach the sensor on top of that. Then I use these extra bandage patches to keep the G6 firmly in place: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GXP57Z2/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_tWrKFbPGDZT3B . This has eliminated 99% of the allergic reaction.
Have you tried removing right after a shower? For me the adhesive is always weakest when it’s thoroughly soaked.
Soaking the adhesive in rubbing alcohol could be what’s causing the dryness - you can also try soaking the adhesive in oil instead. There’s also TacAway- Skin-Tac-H Adhesive TacAway Remover Wipes, 50 count https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002672TV8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_MsWJFbVHSDDF0
I buy the ones that fit the G6 exactly. I need to use two layers of it and the needle went in fine.
Get a G6 Shield
It holds the Sensor to your skin while you remove the protective patch, so you can put on a new one without damaging the sensor.
My kiddo really loves this little fanny pack. It's small but adorable.
I have found that a pimple popping tool works wonders and pops it out the first time every time. I'll see if I can find a link to one. It's the best tool I found for taking off the transmitter. It's the tool on the left next to the carrying case. https://www.amazon.com/JPNK-Blackhead-Remover-Tools-Leather/dp/B01CNMASFY/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=acne+tools&qid=1600883999&sr=8-5
Try this for adhesive issues.
Band-Aid Brand Hydro Seal Extra Large Waterproof Adhesive Bandages for Wound Care and Blisters, 3 ct https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077TN7L3R/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_lXbhFbVPDRWCM
SPIbelt Kids Diabetic Belt, No-Bounce Discreet T1D Medical Belt, Hole for Insulin Pump, EpiPen or Other Medical Devices, Made in USA for Boys and Girls, Adjustable One Size, Expandable Pouch https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01B1WI5IY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_el0gFbE5GCQE4
We use this one for my 8 year old. It fits his phone for the Dexcom. I also know there are different one on Etsy.
I’ve mentioned this here before, but I also react to the new adhesive. I loop so there was no way I would go without dexcom. The only thing that has helped has been using hydrocolloid bandages like these underneath the dexcom adhesive. Others say not to cut a hole in it and that it inserts fine through it, but I had multiple inserters malfunction this way, so I do cut a small hole where the needle goes through. I hope so much that they fix this issue. I know there are people who are happy their sensors are staying on longer, but so many of us are suffering and I don’t think wearing an overpatch is that big of a sacrifice if it gives others access to life saving technology.
I accidentally get out of rang sometimes but the Dexcom transmitter/phone just reconnects in a few minutes, but the majority of that data is lost when disconnected. When I exercise, I usually wear a fitness belt that has a ton of sleek pockets in which I store my pump, transmitter, and phone. I linked to an Amazon page that has this sort of belt. I purchased mine at Kohl's though. 👍
Build & Fitness Running Belt - Adjustable Waist, Slim, Comfortable with internal Key Clip - Fits all Phones, Fuel gels, Keys, Cards - Universal for Men and Women - Runners, Gym workouts, Jogging, Yoga https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01J6JMHKG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_cbfzEbN5A4SAR
Congrats! I'll suggest the liquid bottle of Skin tac. I purchased it in May 2015 on Amazon and still have about 1/4 left. I use it at least every 3-4 days, every time i put on a new inset set along with a new Dexcom sensor. A little goes a long way - IMO better than the wipes.
I also use unisolve to help remove the adhesive before showing when it's time to change a site.
I use the liquid and squeeze it onto cotton squares. The bottle is comparatively less expensive than the pads cost. The cotton squares cost almost nothing. Both are available from Amazon.
> You can do it outside the shower with rubbing alcohol, but it leaves a sticky mess behind you'll have to scrub off.
This is why I prefer Uni-Solve as it helps loosen the adhesive and gets rid of the mess.
I've been using these with my daughter for four years, they work great! Just run around the sticker and let it soak in, then squeeze the wipe to get a few drops around/under the transmitter to start eating the adhesive in the middle. Usually she pulls it off herself sometime I'm the next 5-10m, then I use a second wipe to clean up the remaining residue.
I found the TacAway wipes pretty much do the job for me, I pull the sensor off, and usually single wipe right away prevents it from burning and scarring up.
Only used my arms after the first sensor over a year ago. I use an alcohol prep, then an IV prep swab (found here have kept them on easily for 10 days. Combine that with adding the overpatch on day 5-7 and cheating a reset I can get 20-27 days out of a single sensor.
I would also get the free overpatches from Dexcom.
I've bought these Simpatch they're okay for me but a portion of the simpatch peels off by the 9th, 10th day. But like the simpatches more than the overpatches. I keep the overpatches cause it's free and for just in case.
I rarely use the receiver. I just use the dexcom app on my phone.
I would try to pick a time of the day where it's easy to install and wait 2 hours for the sensor/transmitter to activate.
For me, I like to install a new sensor after work where I'm not in a rush and can wait 2 hours before readings to show.
When you're peeling the sticker off the Sensor save the 4 digit number. I've thrown those away before only to have to look for it again to activate the sensor on my app.
When you first start using it. Don't worry about the ups and downs of your blood sugar. It'll take some time to adjust and see how your blood sugar reacts in real time to the food you're eating.
Good stuff. Glad to hear others are making use of the tile too.
To get the complication, you have to install xDrip+ on the watch. The xDrip+ app on your phone actually has the watch app component within it.
STEP ONE Install Wear Installer on both your phone and watch. This will let you install the watch component of xDrip+ from your phone to your watch.
STEP TWO On your Pixel Watch go to Settings > System > About > Versions. Tap Build number 7 times.
This activates Developer Options at the bottom of the settings menu.
Go to it and enable ADB Debugging, Debug over wifi, and Wireless debugging.
Take note of the ip address (or open the Wear Installer app on your watch to find it).
Open the Wear Installer app on your phone. Plug in the ip address. Once connected, scroll down to xDrip+ and tap to install it on the watch.
STEP 3 Open xDrip + on your phone. Go to Settings > Smart Watch Features > Android Wear Integration and enable Send Data to Android Wear Watchface.
Open the Watch app on your phone. Go to Watch faces > Edit > Complications. Tap on a slot, scroll down and select xDrip Complication Provider. Tap Save and Use on Watch if it's not already selected.
If that all went smoothly you should now see your last glucose reading complication on your watch. It gives you a trend arrow, tells you the difference between the last reading, and if you tap it gives you the time since last reading.
Unfortunately the glucose reading is the smaller of the two lines on my watch complication and I can't find any way to change it. I'd be curious to know how it appears on your watch face.
I read some comments about Dr Bernstein’s book Diabetes Solution. I listened to the audiobook and it greatly helped my understanding.
It covers among a raft of things, diabetes and gastroparesis. There’s a whole chapter on gastroparesis. He also does a monthly AMA. Could be worth checking out.
This app can transmit your phone widgets onto the same Wear OS app for you to use as tiles on your watch.
Tap and hold the widget to scale it into a rectangular size so none of the glucose data is cut off.
If you're not seeing the delta / time since last reading / graph data, you need to go into xDrip+ settings and customise widget options.
The widget preview will appear with a blank screen on the Watch app on your phone as the widget data only loads on your watch.
Swipe left/right from your watch face and you'll find the tile wherever you placed it. I keep mine last so it's a simple single swipe to the right to view it.
You can turn any widget on your phone into a tile, but the free version of Wearable Widgets only lets you use one at a time.
I don't know if the Dexcom app does widgets, if so you can ping that over to the watch and compare whether you prefer it to xDrip+.
I've been using this adhesive removal product before peeling off my sensor each time. I just pour it on, wait a couple minutes, and it comes off without any trouble.
Just alcohol wipes is all I look for. I actually found them at my local Kroger so they're definitely still around, at least in the US. They were near the first aid stuff.
Something like this. Maybe alcohol wipes is a bad search term, seems hand sanitizing wipes might work better? The ones linked there are 65% alcohol, but usually see them around 75%. Doesn't need to be super high.
This is the url. If it isn't on your phone it may not be available for your device. You can get the DIY app on the sidebar of this sub instead.
Not certain if this will work for you, but here's my routine that has allowed me to keep the sensor on for 25 days easy.
Wash and shave a patch (so bigger the sensor) size area, dry, alcohol wipe just before applying the sensor.
I then use the cheap waterproof patchs wipping the skin with alcohol again just before application.
Contact Dexcom customer support for the sensors that fell off, they'll replace them for you for free.
I've tried everything to pop them out of my 5yr olds arm. the best tool ive found (ive tried them all from Etsy , Amazon, China, and in the end this is the best
its a feeler gauge to set spark plug gaps. It worked perfectly. Not sure what size I used but just give it a try , super simple
Ignore this if you want, since it isn't what you asked for. However, even though I have a 3D printer, I haven't bothered printing a transmitter removal tool. I do restart my sensors, sometimes twice. I use a thin guitar pick, and it works flawlessly. Slide it on one side until it clicks, then the other. I keep it in my meter bag, but if I know I'm going to be out and about when I need to restart, it fits in my pocket. I play guitar, so I already had these lying around:
Heres what I use. Works great and separates the dexcom and overpatch.
I have used this and it would last me 20 days no problem
Be sure to shave the skin though
It's been about five years or so since I've seen my stand alone receiver. I use my cell phone(iPhone 13 Pro) as mine and carry it clipped to my belt/waist in this. If this doesn't fit, there are numerous other similar choices out there. I like it, because it's simple(black) and hard sided so the screen, and body in general, are protected.
It's a product that makes the sensor adhere better, but for some people (I'm one) it actually exacerbates the itchiness. There's a related product call 9Uni-Solve Adhesive Remover](°https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000E5BKVE/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)
This is exactly what we have. We actually got one of these FlipBelts (link below) and he just keeps this on his waist with his phone on him at all times. With the data plan it keeps the numbers coming even when not on wifi.
Last year both the school nurse's office and his teacher had him on their iPad using Dexcom Follow. The teachers and nurses were very accommodating and wouldn't mind us contacting them when we saw that he was dropping quickly or something like that.
I've been using this Maxpedition organizer for years. It holds my Dario meter, Delica lancing device, lancets, and strips. Plus, I also keep a small tube of Glucotabs in it, just in case. If I know I'm going to eat, it will also hold pen needles and my Humalog pen in a pinch. I've been seriously considering making something custom, but haven't pulled the trigger on that yet, as this works so well:
Not sure why you're having the problem. I have an S21 Ultra 5G and have had no problem with the Dexcom app. Here's the link I get when I try to share the app. Hopefully this helps. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dexcom.g6
I use Unisolve wipes. It’s also available in a bottle of just the liquid.
I do this, but I like to wait an hour or so for my BG to stabilize after showering, and for my skin to be as dry as possible. My BG spikes in the shower, but drops quickly afterwards. Also, I now apply Skin-Tac to my sensor (avoiding the area just around the wire hole) before application, so it doesn't start lifting up after 5 or 6 days. Skin-Tac (Amazon)
Also one thing that makes a huge difference protecting from "compression lows" (when your on your sensor too long and the matress isn't soft ) is to get a "Matress topper".
They are quite good now (better then 10 years ago). Things like this or a variant are great to prevent those issues if you have an older/hard mattress:
This is a set of 6 earbud cases, they hold the receiver. I put a small keyring through the zipper and attached a little carabiner. It is on my keys, but easy to clip to my belt loop, or once, my bottom button hole on my shirt. If there's a Five Below near you, they have a decent selection of earbud cases and cell phone cases usually.
I used this case for my Dexcom G6 receiver for a few years until I started using my phone. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07N13FX1K/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_2JH8323486BC1SYDGMD1
You could try one of those phone case arm bands for joggers like this
I like Lexcam, but Skin Grips work well, too.
you gotta get a skin grip patch off amazon. Skin Grip Adhesive Patches for Dexcom G6 CGM (20-Pack), Waterproof & Sweatproof for 10-14 Days, Pre-Cut Adhesive Tape, Continuous Glucose Monitor Protection(Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07JN7S5HD/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_08G8JTVF1AEZW227VHTZ
put it but wait 4-6 hours before showering or else it wont last that long. If you let it stick and keep it dry for the first few hours its on, it wont come off unless you itch it/play with it. I shower 1x a day but go to the gym too and it doesnt come off
Smith & Nephew Skin-Prep® Protective Barrier Wipes https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002ZUHLW8/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_JHGAGZ92ZYJ7D78SK81Z?psc=1
These seemed to really help with my son. Hasn’t gotten a rash since we started using them.
You’ll probably need to set up dexcom with NightScout which can integrate with IFTTT, which can connect to your smart home stuff. Googling “Dexcom IFTTT” or “NightScout IFTTT” should result in some useful ideas you could copy.
Before putting it on, I fold it into quarters, and cut a small piece out of the center for the sensor's probe to pass through. They last me the full 10 days, and no rash.
Get a shield. Game changer for me.
Apply in the following order: Skin Tac > Sensor > Shield > Overpatch
This allows you to replace a new Overpatch without peeling the Sensors patch. Change out the Overpatch as needed.
Easily wore my last sensor for 25 days before I started receiving errors.
This what I use. Maybe it'll work for you. Otherwise get some medical tape.
Lexcam – Dexcom G6 Adhesive Patch (30-Pack) – Waterproof Adhesive, CGM Patches – Color Clear https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082YQFW23/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_GY6MZMKPHX4F87WCZ52Y This is what I use. They seem always stay on for the 10 days and are still sticking when I pull them off. They seem to seal the area pretty well.
I also have a Galaxy watch 4 and I work outdoors. I got the larger watch with the bezel since it's stainless steel. I've had good luck so far. I put a film protector on the screen just to keep scratches off.
I've considered buying this case that pops on over the watch and still let's you use the factory straps.
Or this one that has the bands built into the case.
Those are Rookie numbers!! Seriously though, I REALLY struggled with skin reaction, tried all the recommended techniques, nothing stopped my skin reacting (there 100% was a change in the adhesive at some point last 24 months).
Finally found a perfect solution DuoDerm Extra Thin Hydrocolloid Dressings x5 | Waterproof | Reduces Friction https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0120YQZFW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_7NRKGMXCC78WSZG4KC67?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
So I stick the Dexcom to the dressing - cut the dressing to match the size of the sensor - then apply as usual. It punches through the dressing with no issues. Been doing this for 2-3months now and have not had one reaction.
These are the exact ones I ordered from Amazon. I dunno what the weather is like in the gulf South but these have been fine for me in the UK lol. I guess our weather is a fair bit milder than yours
Wunderfind on the Apple Store or Android is an app that will locate your bluetooth devices, if that helps.
I found relief using these barrier wipes before I apply my Dexcom
Cavilon No Sting Barrier Film, Wipe, No Alcohol, Sterile, 3344 - Box of 30 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CGR2QS6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_W6K3TKDG1GSGP7YRA3DC?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I also have extremely sensitive skin I use this before I apply it and it has helped me immensely
Smith+Nephew SKIN-PREP◊ Wipes, Protective Dressing Wipes, Skin Barrier Film, Contains Alcohol, Box of 50 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000S9KLSY/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_ZWBYBWA90HVKP6B75ZC6?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
They're not perfect, but do the job for me and are relatively cheap.
I just get these: https://www.amazon.com/Fixic-Adhesive-Transparent-Waterproof-Fixation/dp/B07Z7R8RY3?pd_rd_w=Ed6nq&pf_rd_p=dfeb3d8d-8791-43ad-b3a0-e2a4211b1e44&pf_rd_r=V2131RKFHRP7V9SEJX3A&pd_rd_r=31b42c53-9dcb-4117-8fcb-abb66b91d731&pd_rd_wg=erUuK... They’re cheap and work great for me
I guess that depends how you define fuzzy lol. This is it: Hypafix Self Adhesive Dressing Retention Tape 5cm X 10 Meter 1 count https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B003L87EKC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_8AXJMV861HM7HSNTXHMP
In case anyone else happens to have rhueumatoid arthritis like me and has a difficult time faffing about with test strips or guitar picks to take the transmitter out of the sensor, I present the handy dandy flexible metal spatula I remembered I had rolling around in my nail tech stuff. It’s probably 15 years old but it slides in perfectly and has an easy to hold handle for disabled fingers like mine.
I poked around and found some on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007CFFTMK/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_R7HPV7HM99YMWHSAP4BD?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
It’s actually a spatula made by IBD meant for stirring gel polish and just happened to be the right size.
Skin-tac > Sensor > Shield > Overpatch(I use clear ones)
The shield has been a game changer. Just swap out the Overpatch once it starts peeling. The shield keeps the Overpatch separated from the sensor patch. This way the sensor doesn't peel off with the Overpatch.
I use tegaderm tape, link to what I use. I shower almost every day, and using it with the following method is what kept it on my skin for two months
You can either make patches with it or just cut off pieces to use on the sides, I find I prefer using pieces. When one side starts fraying, trim the tape from that side with scissors and reapply new tape. If it's coming up all around the sensor, do so in sections, ideally non-consecutive so it doesn't hang by an edge: top, bottom, left then right (as opposed to starting in one place and working clockwise/counterclockwise)
A lot of people seem to recommend Simpatch, but before I even saw the recs, I got Skin Grip
I recommend Fixic adhesive patches. I use the clear ones.
They're something of a pain to apply properly, but once you do they are very durable and generally last the full ten days, even with multiple water immersions.
They are not fully waterprooof, though - some moisture does .anage to get down into the underpatch, but it dries out quickly.
FixiC – Adhesive Patches for G6 – 25 Pack Premium Waterproof Adhesive Patches – Pre-Cut Back Paper – Adhesive Patch for G6 – Long Fixation! (Transparent) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07Z7R8RY3/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_N6XSKGJCBBJ8ZE9BYVJA?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I exercise quite a bit with a lot of work on my arms and have found the best place is on the outer upper arm.
I also find the overpatches provided by Dexcom to be not great, though. I get the simpatch overpatches to be significantly better, although not free.
We got our son an IPhone SE 2016 used for cheap. It has the main G6 app on it. He carries it a zipper Flip Belt (link below).
Mine and wife's phone have the Follow App. School nurses and teachers are also on Follow.
We keep 3-4 glucose tablets Ina baggie that also can go in the flip belt in case he needs one on bus. The nurses can contact the bus driver to have him take one.
FlipBelt Zipper Running Belt for Phones, Running Fanny Pack, USA Company https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06WW22Q2L/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_203694YXBY4J7PEC9KG7?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Yes i had the same problem. Found this to be the cheapest and use it without any problem after 20 days of use:
This is for EU people, fits to sensor great although i always cut it a little
I use Safe n Simple no-sting skin barrier film. Just wipe the skin before putting on new sensor. Helped my site reactions immensely. Safe n' Simple Skin Barrier No-Sting Skin Wipes, 25 Count No-Sting Skin Barrier Film – Large https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DUEEEYQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_V4FBFHF8T69C1WSN6J6E?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I used to have very bad reactions myself. The only thing that helped me is taking Zyrtec (cetirizine) which is an over the counter antihistamine. It doesn't make you drowsy. I take one every night before I go to bed. You'll see the problem disappear in a few days but don't stop taking it. You'll need to take one everyday. https://www.amazon.com/Basic-Care-Allergy-Cetirizine-Tablets/dp/B074F145Y1
I use a very thin tape I get at Amazon. The sensor is attached to the tape, then the tape is stuck to me and then inserted (i.e. push the button) I have been able to get two restarts off a sensor this way. No irritation at all. Amazon
Dexcom G6 Adhesive Patches - Pack of 25 - Lexcam Waterproof CGM Overpatch - Color Clear https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FRYY9XP/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_EE109G8YSJBMCVXBQK6S?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This is the overlay patch that I use. As long as you clean the area with alcohol before applying the patch, it should last the full 10 days. Dexcom might also be able to send you some overlay patches if you call and ask.
I use this tape that I get from Amazon. You only need to use about 4 inches at a time so one role (30 feet) lasts awhile. Amazon!
When I do something more extreme like water parks or snorkeling or anything in the ocean, I use this case: Aquapac Radio Microphone Case (As shown) https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B0044M102M/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_7VK2XFG9PV4NXRNHE6D9?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
It works well. Even though pumps are generally waterproof, once they have been dropped a few times water can get in. While the pump company is fast to replace, it can suck on a vacation, so I tend to over protect.
Safe n Simple adhesive remover wipes are amazing. No gooey residue like some other removers. They just work. No scrubbing, or anything. Just wipe, wipe, wipe, and done. They're cheap too
Safe n' Simple Adhesive Remover Wipes, Large, Pack of 50, Individually Wrapped Wipes https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B010PD3GPC/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_24KM1MXBV491XHHW69GE
I use a tape called Hypafix as well as skin prep. Apply the senser to the tape and then apply and insert thru the tape. Worked wonders for me. I have not had any issues since I started using these. Amazon
I use a tape called Hypafix as well as skin prep. Apply the senser to the tape and then apply and insert thru the tape. Worked wonders for me. I have not had any issues since I started using these. Amazon