I'd say keep practicing and look up tutorials for the software you prefer using. Drawing digitally, apart from getting used to hot keys, programs, and the general feel of drawing on a tablet, works a lot like drawing traditionally. In that regard it doesn't hurt to study the elements of drawing in general.
As for programs, Paint Tool Sai is fairly cheap and works pretty well. Krita is another good one and offers a free version. Both are Windows compatible. :)
I'll leave a link to Krita since it's the free option: https://krita.org/en/
Hello! Thanks for checking out this work! Have a nice day :)
My Ref Picture w/ Photographers Dets: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-photo-of-a-cherry-fruits-35629/
I've seen HDMI cable couplings before where you plug the end of one HDMI cable into one side and another cable into the other effectively giving you a much longer cable. Hope that helps.
Found one for you: AmazonBasics HDMI Coupler, 29 x 22mm, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XR9PR5X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_h0-kAbRH6MA8E
I suggest starting with what you have already. Download Krita, it's free. Give it a try. Lower the pixel density, set the canvas size to something your computer can handle. (smaller requires less resources)
If you cannot run Krita at all. Try paint.NET, GIMP, or any other light weight, free art program. Get a feel for digital art first, because you will need to spend money if you really want to get in to it.
I don't know what you mean by drawing tablet with a screen. Usually when someone says "drawing tablet" in the digital art world, they are referring to something like this. But these drawing tablets are never cheap, and a good one with a screen is going to cost a pretty penny.
I think you're trying to ask about something like an iPad??? I don't know what specs are like on iPads. With digital art programs, you generally need to have a powerful processor. I do all my work (even working with blender), with an integrated graphics card(crappy GPU), but I have a powerful processor. What kind of technology you need completely depends on what you want to do exactly. If you're only interested in making images to display online, then you probably don't need anything too fancy, an iPad might be okay to start with, but as an artist grows, so do their needs. If you're interested in printing, you'll need something that can handle 300dpi at whatever sizes you'd like to work with.
If you decide YES, you really are into digital art! Then think about building your own computer. If this is something you're comfortable with, it would be the best route to take in my opinion.
Wacom Intuous I have one of these and it's great. This is a smaller version of the one that I have, but it's a quality pen and touch to start out with.
Wacom is the best!But if it is your first a suggest buying an inexpensive one,because you need some practice to get used to it.But if you really want a Wacom buy this: http://www.amazon.com/Wacom-CTL490DW-Digital-Drawing-Graphics/dp/B010LHRFM2/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1452455901&sr=8-4&keywords=drawing+tablet or the one I have: http://www.amazon.com/Wacom-Intuos-Tablet-CTL480-Version/dp/B00EN27TCI/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1452456026&sr=8-5&keywords=wacom+intuos+pen buying expensive ones at this point is not a good idea,buy a cheap one learn how to use it and when you feel that you are at a point that you can make money with it invest in a Cintiq or an Intous pro.
I just recently bought one, myself. I didn't have a big budget, but I knew if I only bought the small ones, my hands would cramp up trying to do precision strokes on a small surface. I got this . Of course, be careful with refurbished products, because sometimes they let duds go by and get resold.
So, my tips: Find something "medium" or larger. Get multi-touch, because you may not use it much, but its nice to rotate a selection with your hands. Make sure the pen that comes with has an "eraser," because it's probably the second best feature of tablet drawing. Get something with at least 4 buttons (I mapped Illustrator's pen, select, and brush to three, and kept undo in its default spot).
Wacom is awesome, but yeah, I haven't a clue about other brands. Just look for feature comparisons. :D