not sure if this is terribly helpful, but I think schools, in general, should really highlight that there is indeed a school counselor readily available for guidance and assistance. so many people at my school simply don't even know ours exists, which is a shame since they're very sweet and helpful.
one thing I really like about my school's guidance counselors is that they have this link to, which allows us to reserve 20-45 minute time slots to talk about anything over zoom or google meet. even if we're going in person, I think having this tool is useful if students need assistance outside of school hours, or even to arrange meetings during the school day in person.
I very much reccomend this book:
It has all the math you need for the SAT. It is broken up into different lessons with practice problems for each lesson, and you can easily complete a chapter in 1 day. It is much less overwhelming than taking multiple practice exams. After you've finished the book, start taking practice exams. I really really like this book, because it makes the SAT much less
As a sophomore, I would focus on SAT subject tests, it's nice to get that out of the way early on as opposed to waiting until fall Senior year like I did (it was seriously frightening). I don't think you have to start writing college essays yet, but a good book to read for tips/information about admissions in general is On Writing the College Application Essay, it's actually pretty funny and is slightly satirical.
One tip though, don't go to college confidential, it will only serve to freak you out, the people there are insane.
You could still interact and entertain hospital patients without meeting them physically. One way could be by writing them letters (take a look at the organization Love For Our Elders). Or you could play games like Wordfeud. Good luck!
- r/NewsForTeens
How many weeks in are you so far? I have not been in a first level class for a while, but it seems that most of this should be doable. I recommend using Duolingo if you need to get ahead:
If you use review books for studying for AP classes, I recommend this one. Lots of practice tests, content knowledge stuff, and test taking strategies. The timing strategies in the book and a bit of content review on grammar rules from the book allowed me to get my score up to a 36.
If you don't want a book, the best way IMO is to find random past tests online and take them, then check what you did wrong and keep filling in holes in content knowledge. Repeat this enough and you'll cover content and timing, and then you're good to go.
Also, I never took the Pre ACT. You'll be fine 👍
I think what you need is human help whenever you are stuck somewhere while studying. Recently came across this app called Filo. They connect you to a tutor. Ask any questions and get them solved by experts on a live call! This app is a lifesaver for me! Not sure if I should drop the link here -
Yeah I always wanted to create something like this, since I was a teenager. And during the last 1.5 years I've been working on the idea (I didn't know programming or animation etc). Thank you so much for your comment, I really appreciate it ^^ and it makes my day. There is a playable demo at the moment of just one level, the parabolic movement, you can find it in the App Store and Play Store :)
The pants look like this:
I could wear black pants that are about an inch short or I could see if there’s any other pants that fit me
There's several different ways to teach yourself computer science, but imo the best way in online through programs such as or on I know of people who have completed courses on these programs and self-educated themselves through these programs that have built there career and now have good job positions at such companies, making 100k+ per year.
If ever you get an answer to this (I can't answer as I'm not from the US), and if you like to study together with friends or keep all your favourite notes stacked neatly on the phone, do give a run with this
Hope it helps
Yo, you study real clean there!
Maybe you would like this app
Helps ya organize better and study together with your organized friends online.
It looks pretty solid to me, but ask around how difficult the teachers are! Seriously, we can only tell you so much about how hard the class will be, consider how hard the teachers are who teach the classes.
If I would do anything, to ease it, I'd drop Honors American Cultures since you don't have much of an interest in that. If you can, I'd also drop College Ecology for maybe AP Biology if your school offers it since you want to go into nursing.
11th grade year is the year of many standardized tests and keeping high grades pretty. To relieve this, I would study and review for the SAT/ACT over the summer and take them early in September, so you have time to restudy and take them again if you do bad. Since you're taking AP English "Lit?" I would read some of these books to help you with the reading sections of both these tests...more modern ones are usually easier to understand by yourself then some of the ones from like prior to 1920.
If you don't take AP Biology, I'd take the SAT Subject Test for Chemistry in the spring since you're taking Biochem.
The Pomodoro technique! I did not learn this until college, and now I don't need it anymore. But it is a great tool to make things seem a bit more manageable and start being able to estimate how long things will take you. Give it a shot!
Here are 22 college tips every student should know: .
Don't worry, after all, they say college is the best time of your life. So make sure not to get to stressed or worked up about it and enjoy it while you can :D
While we at Brainscape don't recommend cramming for exams we do have some tips:
Good luck with your AP Physics exam!!
I am! (as long as covid cases dont skyrocket lol) I want to wear a cute knee-length ish dress, this is the one I've been eyeing:
Hopefully my school allows spaghetti straps lol if not I'll wear a cardigan over it
Hi everyone, so this idea started a couple of months ago, with me being stressed for finals. I needed a way to get rid of stress, but going to a rage room was not feasible (too expensive). Other "smash" simulators simply had you tap on a screen, which did not cut it for me. So I decided to make Plate Shatter, where you can physically shake the device and get vibrational feedback and satisfying shatter noises to relieve stress. Being able to put all of my anxiety into a plate and then watching it shatter is pretty relieving. I am proud to say that it really has helped me cope with my tension and I hope it does the same for you too :)
ps - this is my first actual app that is being published so feedback and reviews would be greatly appreciated!
ios link:
google play link:\_US&gl=US
Calculus Made Easy seems to be advocated for in terms of learning the basics/obtaining a better understanding. You can get it for pretty cheap on Amazon. Check out the reviews; the feedback’s pretty solid.
Once you get further, it looks like Michael Spivak’s Calculus book is also pretty renowned, though from what I gather, it’s a lot more advanced than the book above. I recommend it as a successor.
If you’re more of a visual learner (as I am) and prefer vocally taught classes, I’m sure you could find a variety of beneficial classes on Coursera. They’re all free (unless you want to pay for a certificate... which I’m sure you’ll opt out of). Looks like the University of Sydney has a pretty well-rated course titled “Intro to Calculus”. Maybe give that a look.
I use Geometry by Moise and Downs at my school. It's pretty expensive on Amazon though.
I took APCS. Just gonna be honest here, the class and the exam is a total joke. I and almost all of my friends finished the exam in about half the allotted time.
My advice is learn coding on your own for fun. It's far more satisfying than taking the course, and you'll actually cover a lot more. Use Khan Academy or Codecademy or something. I don't actually remember if they have java courses. If they don't, look for some beginner java books. Personally, I recommend Head First Java, published by O'Reilly.
Once you've gotten through Object-Oriented Programming, then review using the book. There will be some specifics, e.g. exact max value of an integer, and some grammar that you will need to memorize. Review what you've learned through self-study using the book. Before you take the practice exam, make sure you know the following:
A huge portion of the exam is reading and writing code, so to be honest, the hands-on experience will help you more than just taking the course will. If you want some more coding practice, go to or
quick edit: oh also, I should mention that not only is this way more helpful, following the traditional way may actually be detrimental. As I mentioned, there's a LOT of application of code, i.e. reading and writing it. If you just follow the course you won't get enough experience. Even if you do get enough experience for the AP, that amount of coding experience doesn't even nearly prepare you well enough for real coding. So make sure you practice.
Depends on the class. I have computer science and half of my class uses laptops. Don't know much about chromebooks, but I have an Acer Aspire E 15 E5-575G-53VG which I got for only $280, just need to know where to look.
I recommend /r/laptops or /r/buildapcsales, esp. with black friday around the corner. /r/thinkpads are popular too.
If you are open to ordering online amazon is actually really good for bulk food.
Hello, as someone who moved states and went to a new high school without knowing anybody, I know how you feel. Read this book: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. Read the Amazon reviews. It is a wonderful book and it changed my life. I'm not in high school anymore but it really helped develop friends that I still talk to today. I actually just picked up a brand new copy so I can reread it again.
Start a robotics/electronics club at school where you meet up and build random projects. A cheap kit like this can go a long way: