Google didn't communicate a precise timeline regarding Chrome apps deprecation, which is usually the way they work.
However when Chrome disables support for Chrome apps, you'll still be able to use them if you wish from
Ledger (or pretty much any hardware/paper wallet) is not really a safe storage place for EOS, since the devs can confiscate your coins after 3 years.
To answer your question though, the Ledger devs have nothing to do with the development process, since it is developed externally. See
yeah, saw that today too... it is on their roadmap though:
After I read that article and got home, first thing I did was download the other chrome apps that I hadn't done previously. they were still available. I also think they will continue to work, just won't be available for download/installation, but could be wrong.
You can also use the current applications from with a very small amount of work. We picked Chrome because it was the first web platform to offer a communication API with USB devices
The next version of our applications will use its own execution engine
This is a steel wallet. Your Ledger seedphrase go in here.
Cobo Tablet Plus (Keystone Tablet Plus) - Indestructible Steel Bitcoin Crypto Cold Storage Seed Backup, Compatible with All BIP39 Hardware & Software Wallets, Ledger Nano, Trezor, KeepKey, Coldcard, Supports up to 24 Words
Ledger is a hardware wallet which is a cryptocurrency wallet which stores the user's private keys (critical piece of information used to authorise outgoing transactions on the blockchain network) in a secure hardware device. Steel wallets are what you use to store your seedphrase by protecting them from natural disasters.
PLease refer to our public roadmap on the side bar to know which projects we are currently working on.
As you can see on the link., EOS is being developed externally.
For news about integrations, please refer to our public roadmap and our Twitter.
Please understand that for external development, we cannot give a specific timeframe.
Here's one for $45 prime - Cobo like the one I pictured.
> I want to see my portfolio in one window!
If you're on android use Cryptotrax. It's still in development but a quick way observing your portfolio value.
I believe this is where Ledger roadmap is tracked:
And this is where the cardano roadmap is tracked:
Ledger roadmap does not say anything concrete about ADA from my cursory reading. But Cardano roadmap's latest update mentioned that Ledger Wallet support will be added in the Shelly update, which I believe comes in Q2 of this year.
My guess is that we have to wait a while longer for this :)
You sound feeling entitled. You're not. If Ledger will offer support, you're in luck. They offer excellent support: they have a special place for requests.
Here's an ironic post for you:
First thing to do is relax as the last thing you want to do is something hasty and loose these coins or some you didn't realise you had.
Seeing that you have recovered from the 24 word seed your new ledger has access to everything the old one did. Ledger Live may be just looking in the wrong place. This could be a number of different causes.
You may have set a passphrase or 25th word.
You may have sent them to a different account. In ledger live setting you can tell it to search more addresses / derivation paths.
Also depending on when in 2017 you sent these to your ledger you may have BCH, BSV and BCHA. If you search your addresses on it will tell you the balance for each asset.
I would suggest that you put away the ledgers for now and start reading about all the above. Maybe buy another ledger and transfer $20 worth of BCH and start making transactions, install Electrum/Electron Cash on your computer and access your coins from that. Learn about splitting coins etc.
And finally remember that 8 BTC is still a life changing amount of money.
It is for a more advanced use of the ledger nano s. You can create a second pin with a passphrase to ccreate another HD wallet backup by your 24 wordseed + your passphrase.
More information here
You have two ledgers with what I presume is each having their own passphrase. So your issue is basically that your have ETH tokens that are respectively associated with one of the ledgers but not the other? If so, just label the ETH account that is associated with your ETH tokens to be one of the ledgers and not the other.
As for Stellar, Stellar is not currently integrated with ledger live, AFAIK. Use this:!/
There must be a separate issue with the BTC nodes then. (this wouldn't have anything to do with the previous BCH issue; that was due to the upgrade of their BitcoinABC backend software that supports the new CashAddr addresses for Bitcoin Cash).
As an alternative you connect your Ledger to Electrum, which uses its own nodes to interact with the blockchain. This should hopefully show you all of your transactions. (make sure you change the derivation path when adding the Ledger to Electrum to m/49/0/0 if you use Segwit instead of Legacy BTC addresses with your Ledger).
Both of those transactions show on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain:
Try going into Settings, Tools, Reset Application Data and see if that forces a refresh on your wallet.
Hey BuildStrong, I am assuming you know where to go from Kraken site. Just in case,
I'm talking about this application on the Google Play Store:
It should allow you to scan the environment and hopefully, detect your (powered-on) nano X and perform a bluetooth pairing.
It was bought from here - Ledger Nano X - The Best Crypto Hardware Wallet - Bluetooth - Secure and Manage Your Bitcoin, Ethereum, ERC20 and Many Other Coins still available on amazon, i bought 3 from the ledger website and they all say they are limited edition #1 on the box. i dont believe they were actually limited in the amount they had specified and more like ferrari they printed more than they said they did
Yes there is, try Sentinel app from the guys who made Samorai wallet, by entering your xpub address it is a "watch-only" wallet and tracks all incoming transactions and balance
You can see the transaction here: (or on any other Bitcoin blockchain explorer)
>HOWEVER, the address provided to me was not the Ledger address:
How do you know this? I'm asking because your Ledger generates new Bitcoin addresses for every transaction to increase privacy.
"It never made it" The Ledger Live app doesn't show the amount I assume?
>I have checked the BTC one, very strange. Why the bad guy moved the funds in 3 separate transactions (5-1-1 of the original inputs). Also why he just parked it instead of quickly sending to a mixer.
Any Bitcoin you have is stored on the blockchain itself, not your wallet. You can use any one of the numerous wallets available (such as electrum) to access it.
You can also use electrum with your Ledger hardware wallets.
CoinMetro is the only exchange to receive a 5 out of 5 stars on TrustPilot.
If you have a negative experience and leave a bad review their CEO will literally chase you to fix your issue. Just sayin'.
Now, with regards to OPs claim to CoinBase transferring funds out, can you prove this claim? I don't think any exchange transfers funds to other accounts like this.
I know 2FA resets for unregulated unKYC'd exchanges like KuCoin just require you to answer some questions about your account and they will remove 2FA for you. Regulated, KYC'd exchanges will generally (I know this to be true for BitPanda and CoinMetro) remove 2FA after you send them a copy of your ID + doing a live verification of you holding your document or another picture of you holding your ID with a written note saying you want to disable 2FA.
Per the Ledger roadmap on Trello.
"Description We do not have any ETA for the moment. Speeding up integration of Monero would require to validate a 1,000 units order interest of the Nano S."
I believe you can connect your Ledger device to electrum and see the addresses you have used
Whatever you do, do not type in your seed anywhere but your Ledger Device.
Same problem here, when i click 'Finalize transaction' I get the error below. Before I couldn't even click 'Finalize Transaction' as Ledger just froze. Tried about 10 times in Chrome and Firefox. Using Windows 10 and Ledger Nano S. Very frustrating.
"type": "",
"title": "Transaction Failed",
"status": 400,
"detail": "The transaction failed when submitted to the stellar network. The extras.result_codes
field on this response contains further details. Descriptions of each code can be found at:",
"extras": {
"result_codes": {
"transaction": "tx_too_late"
"result_xdr": "AAAAAAAAAGT////9AAAAAA=="
I just tested it myself and it's working fine on my end. I have the latest Stellar app installed and open (it should display "Use wallet to view accounts" on the screen of your device). I was then able to click the "Sign in with Ledger" button on the account viewer webpage.
Have you also tried rebooting your computer? Other than that, I don't really have any other suggestions. Maybe contact Ledger Support?
To use the Ledger w/Stellar, go to the Stellar web wallet at, and one of the options there is to sign in w/Ledger, click that one, once you have the Ledger app open on the Nano S.
>If I goto "Add Accounts" and "Choose a crypto asset", Stellar is not in the autocomplete list
Only a subset (currently 23) of the available coins (55) are accessible in the Ledger Live portfolio / accounts, the rest require a 3rd party app of some sort to access the tokens/coins.
Hello u/greweb
I'm also a little jealous of the new UI coming for KeepKey portfolio.
I dream of Ledger doing something like this, even just a dark mode would be a great!
Any information about Ledger Live doing a beautiful UI upgrade like this?
Kraken credits users both BCH following the BCH ABC protocol and BCHSV following the Bitcoin Cash SV protocol when they send BCH to their BCH deposit address. This is the easiest procedure, but requires registering, depositing and withdrawing. Feel free to use Kraken's service if you are not confident in following Ledger's claiming instructions using the Electron Cash splitting tool.
I would recommend booting into another OS all together during initialization. This can be really difficult from a mac though, but it can be done. Check for instructions on a mac. If you follow their steps it will work.
Yes, stay offline.
Actually that has been the suggested method for several days now! Yes you are correct. There was a bug in the original Chrome app that caused this issue and the Ledger engineers suggested clearing the app data. This has been mentioned in several threads. This is a known issue and has been addressed. Also if you are not using a S or a Blue I posted instruction on how to do an upgrade for a "classic" Nano/HW.1 at
Please keep in mind that we are just human beings here. There is no need to throw around blame and be antagonistic. We are here to help each other.
Given that no one currently uses BCH, and that blocks are never even close to full, 1 Sat/Byte fees should go through fine. (If you don't believe me check out:
I sent some at 1 Sat/Byte here:
You could probably get away with zero...
I've got it on my nano s.
open!/ on your browser, plug in nano s, open stellar app, enable "browser support" on nano s if you haven't done yet before (stellar app>settings >browser Support>yes) and now on the web page click "Sign in with ledger".
Quick, easy, ready.
This page helps
Does it means that if the option to sign in with Nano Ledger is removed on, I can't access back the Nano Stellar wallet address as I don't have a matching private key?
You can always try to restore in a different wallet. Considering you are in a "last resort" scenario it would seem, I would suggest looking at restoring it on a hot wallet.
You just need to figure out if the seedphrase is valid, so you only need to really check the balance of a single token.
If you have ETH or ERC20 then you're best of trying with metamask :
If you have BTC then I would suggest choosing one from the list on . I highly recommend Sparrow Wallet, it's very easy to use.
Inputting the seedphrase into either will let you know pretty quick if you're seed is correct.
Obfuscation is not a great way to secure files.
If you have a thumb drive you should consider fully encrypting it with something like, if you are on windows or Mac OS (most modern Linux distros have such tools built-in).
You will only be able to mount the drive and access its data if you know it's passphrase.
You can then also an image of that disk and then save it some where else as a backup.
It seems like these scammers are finding ways to acquire Ledger Wallet users' email addresses. If you're receiving these phishing emails then you probably ought to put some thought into how the scammers got your email address in the first place.
If you're using your email address to sign up for something that may not be legit then consider using a service like temp-mail or setup a burner email.
This one comes out at half the price (57 EUR vs $99 for the Capsule):
Of course you can use any steel you deem appropriate and just get a proper engraving device.
if you are downloading from Google Playstore it is called Ledger Live (without the word Crypto Wallet) currently with 100K+ download and 2K+ review
Ledger Live allow you to view the balance without the need to have the ledger device connected.
A friendly reminder, only enter your 24 word seed phrase on the ledger device and not any where else. Any apps or website ask you for the 24 word seed phrase are scams / malware.
/u/dawntawt Yep, right on the money here. This stuff happens all the time especially with electronics & batteries. 'Official Store' means nothing as far as inventory goes....all supply goes into the same mixed bins if it's fulfilled by Amazon.
Think about it, they are going to ship to you based on inventory closest to your location. They are not going to pick an item from "Ledger's" personal supply bin in California when you live in ie Florida, and the closest warehouse with Ledger inventory is in Georgia.
If they did that, their shipping times/ supply chain efficiency would be in the shitter. Your one day shipping with all the stuff you ordered in one box would go to a week + in 10 different boxes.
As far as tampering with the device itself and compromising integrity of the hardware chip, /u/btchip says it can't be done. I just personally wouldn't want to risk that.
You can learn a lot from /r/degoogle, or r/privacy.
If you are interested in this kind of best practices, here is a book I recommend
You can start signing up with mail like Protonmail, use different email address for every category (Protonmail gives you alias email address, manage different users, etc from 1 single account):
- social media
- work/friends/family
- troll account
- gaming
- crypto
- online marketplace
- etc
- but most of all, never give your primary email address, to anyone.
So this is the one I was talking about, so I scoured amazon for a similar looking magnetic plug only to find much of what you linked.
About 5 pages deep I found one I think looks the same, so I assume it has a low-profile and provides enough clearance.
I ordered one and it'll be here tomorrow, I'll be back to confirm if it fits.
EDIT: Ordered 1-day shipping but Amazon says Monday. Hang tight!
You can buy a fireproof document bag from amazon for like 15 bucks that can withstand up to 1000 degree temps and store your jewelery, passport and your godamn seed. Its a heavy thick bag.
Its tough to accidentally throw this out.
If you scroll down on Ledger's retailers page they link to their official Amazon Store. I only wonder why their Amazon page has them in stock but buying directly from their website is still sold out.
Looks like the same quality, but whats wrong with just buying something like this and using whatever cable you'd normally use...
It's way cheaper and it's the same damn thing. (First thing I found on amazon for usb c otg cable.)
Ledger hasn't got a ledger branded cable, but you don't need one.
Just grab any USB C to C cable from amazon and it will work fine
First thing you'd want to check is if your phone supports USB OTG (you can verify this with, then if your cable works with other USB devices (such as a USB key or another mass storage peripheral)
You can export the public key (which is safe and anyway the private keys cannot leave the device) and import that public key in the Sentinel wallet. Then you can see your balance and with that public key you can generate all the addresses that are generated on your ledger nano s. So you won't need to manually add addresses. If you want to do that with alt-coins you obviously can, but I don't know any specific apps that are like Sentinel.
TLDR: Export the public keys, import them in compatible app that generates all the addresses and boom, you have a watch only wallet for your Ledger Nano S.
hi! this is a watch-only app for BTC (and only BTC, the dev "hates" BCH) that also works with xpubs for segwit addresses:
it works, seems to be the only one for the moment ;)
Haha, yes, Google is not always helpful.
Child pays for parent. It's a different approach to much the same outcome. Try doing a new search using this phrase and you'll find explanations both technical and more easy explained.
This one:
And never be sorry to ask, this and experience is how we learn.
I think same with me worked at first then it didn't. Tried like 10 different cables and only one of them worked. Looks like that's the Nano S so this is the one that worked for me.
You need to manage it, like any other token.
Note that Celo isn't supported in Ledger Live. Therefore you need to connect your Ledger device to Celo Wallet. You can learn more about it here
Hello again,
I bought a ledger from your Amazon store a few months back. But now when I check the store it says there's no stock of any kind of ledgers.
What's the problem? It's hard to believe that everything is out of stock, did I buy from a fake store? 😅
This is the link to the exact one I bought
i had same problem, some coins sometimes dissapear in the wallet, probably some bug idk ,try pancakeswap staking tool app for that , you can monitor and manage your assets easier , its like debank but better with more functions and features. get official app from play store if interested
I downloaded it from the Google Play store.... I got the link from the site of ledger live. The nano ledger s itself I got sealed from a e-commerce site.
Did you already reset the Bluetooth settings on your Phone.
In case you are an Android user, you can clear the Bluetooth cache on your phone.
Moreover, you can install nRF connect on your Android or iPhone. Make sure that Bluetooth is enabled on your device and on your Phone
btc , eth , atom . i were in similar situation and bought these coins , also if you are planning to invest in long term you should also consider staking. for me cake is best option for staking , it got easier more comfortable and profitable with this new pancakeswap tool on mobile . can buy and sell there too , check app here on play store
Hello, I am guessing you are referring to Bitsend ?
Support of this cryptocurrency is not planned at this time. Please refer to this FAQ topic to know which coins are supported depending on which Ledger device you have.
You can take a look at and contribute to our public roadmap following this Trello link.
get a safe, stamp your seed phrase in washers, get yourself a fire-proof container for your ledger. Buy a Samsung Smart Tag or an Apple Airtag and throw it inside the safe just in case somehow someone runs with it.
store both the seed phrase and the Ledger on the safe.
Ledger will release its standalone app on July 9th. Thank you for your patience.
Regarding addition of new cryptos, please refer to our public roadmap.
> How do I know if my arrived device is new?
New ? Well I guess the best way to know if it's new or not would be looking at its aesthetics. Ledger Live does a authenticity and security check on it while you're setting it up, so if the device has been tampered with, Ledger Live will let you know. It will generate a seed phrase upon setup. Make sure you write down the seed phrase on paper or buy a steel plate for it. They can get expensive, but you can also find them cheap. I bought this one and I'm satisfied with it.
Never store your seed phrase on any device that has internet capabilities: not a file/screenshot/photo on your computer or phone, not on Google Drive, not in a password manager like Bitwarden, etc. Also, never enter your seed phrase into ANYTHING. Don't enter it into a software wallet, website, Metamask, etc. Basically once you write it down, put it somewhere safe and never touch it unless you lose your Ledger.
I see way too many people post here asking how they lost all their assets and then in the comments admit to being negligent with their seed phrase.
> could one device set up multiple seed phrases and be reset somehow?
Not sure what you mean. You can only have one seed on the Ledger at a time, but you can use the 25th word which is a set of accounts protected by a 25th word of your choosing.
If you're asking if it can only generate 1 seed phrase for its whole life, no, you can generate as many different seeds as you'd like. You just reset the Ledger. That can be accomplished by entering the pin wrong 3 times or by the device settings.
Ok, that worked. (That also explains why I didn't have the "Discover" ability on the left hand side earlier when I watched a video about staking, but now do). The blue "contact customer support" bar at the top was replaced by the orange bar with "update firmware" link. The device is updated now (1.0.3) and it does say "Ledger Nano S Plus" as expected. Only "issue" remaining is you should make sure Amazon's link gets updated as it definitely says 1 GB, not 1.5 MB like it should be:
Thanks for the quick response & support!
> what is the OTG kit and why do I need it?
OTG stands for On the Go. It's so you can use the Ledger device with your phone(Android only). It comes with a standard USB-C cord that you can use with any computer. You can also buy an OTG adapter from somewhere else which will enable you to use the standard cord it comes with to connect it to your phone. Here's a cheap OTG adapter on Amazon so you can get an idea of what it is. I actually have this one and it works great. Again, though, OTG is only supported with Android at the moment. If you have an iPhone you're limited to desktop usage only.
Yes, I'm pretty sure the problem is the new 3D Secure payment system. I ran into it when I tried to pay my ProtonVPN bill last night. It would only take my Bank of America card, all my other cards got a 'Payment Declined' error.
I'd recommend ordering through Amazon regardless. If the device ends up being defective it's only a 5 minute call away from a refund or a new one sent out to you. It's 100% safe as long as you make sure you're buying from Ledger's official Amazon store. You can find the link to their store here.
Did you really need to make 3 posts back to back asking for prettier hardware wallets? Do you intend to keep making more until you get your way?
Maybe I should start spamming posts demanding that Ledger finally allow us to use dead badgers as hardware wallets. It's been an industry standard for 15 years after all.
Here is the android version, you can contact the developer in that links for windows and Linux Detail how to create steganogram are available in side the application
It's called a USB cable. . . Nano S uses a micro USB and the Nano X and Nano S+ both use a USB Type-C.
This Amazon listing should point you in the right direction.
I have this one. It does its job. I have a Nano X and a Nano S and this case fits both perfectly with their cables.
The do have a roadmap with what they are working on and the progress of the current work. Doesn’t show when or if they are going to update the current apps tho.
Not in detail but they have a project item to replace the apps on their public roadmap which BTW is also under the FAQ and other handy links in the sidebar of this sub. --->
I got two of these.
One goes in my house safe, one in a bank safe deposit box. And then I memorized the 24 words for the 3rd backup. They have other metal versions too. Some involve stamping your own letters. And others are a canister shape with rings, instead of flat plates. Just depends how much money you want to spend on it and you're desired effort level. If you get this one, don't take it on an airplane.
>So if I put my seed phrase on a piece of paper and lose that paper, I'm screwed right?
Correct, unless you have it memorized too.
I memorized my 24 words, and also use two of these (one stored at home in a safe, the other stored securely outside the home). If you get this one, don't take it on an airplane!
There are many different styles you can purchase or make yourself. I personally like this one. If you Google "Crypto metal backup" there are lots of good options you can hear about.
>What is good practice for using it with a ledger?
Let Ledger generate a new phrase for you, and transfer your assets to wallets created by the new phrase. Never enter the new phrase into any electronic device except another Ledger if you're making a backup or replacement.
I went with these; I get a free safety deposit box at my bank and store them there.
Mnemonic Metal for Private Keys - ELLIPAL 24-Word Seed Phrases Mnemonic
I got two of these:
One went into the safe at my own home, one in a safe not in my home.
And my 3rd backup was just memorizing the 24 word phrase. Took about 20 minutes to remember all of it without peeking at the steel copy. After that, just repeated it mentally 1-3 times a day for a week and now I'd never forget it barring head or mental injury.
With less than that you can buy something really useful, that does protect and that won't be scratching your ledger every time you take it out:
I got two of these:
One went into the safe at my own home, one in a safe not in my home.
And my 3rd backup was just memorizing the 24 word phrase. Took about 20 minutes to remember all of it without peeking at the steel copy. After that, just repeated it mentally 1-3 times a day for a week and now I'd never forget it barring head or mental injury.
I've used nordvpn, but they know who I am so I recently switched to mullvad VPN which is anonymous. Both have worked quite well, but technically norvpn knows who I am and the sites I've visited. Mullvad knows where I've been, but they do not know who I am.
You can stake with ledger and 3rd party ledger wallets the following coins (not exhaustive): AVAX, Terra Luna, Ada, Cosmos, Waves, ICX, Solana, FTM, Celo, STX, MATIC, VET, etc… Just check for their respective wallets and connect your ledger for staking validation. I am sure that there many other possibilities. Any Google research will give you the respective wallets. Just don’t click on “ADD” links on the top of Google search.
Also on Ledger Live, you can stake XTZ, cosmos is recently unstable, etc….
You could get something like this.
I don't think you're going to find that with a cable from Ledger.
I use something like this for an adapter.
If you really insist on using 'Ledger's' cables, you can get them here, but there's really no need to use their cables.
Feel very sorry for you man...😭
This comment is not only for you but it is also for others that will see this post.
What happen to you is basically the same thing as you are my friend, I open a bank account for you give you the pin and the debit card and tell you hey friend put you money in there and I check the balance and withdraw everything once there is money.
Crypto is decentralized meaning you are the only one responsible and no one else of your security. You are kind of your own bank. You can't rely on a third party to help you recover your funds if they are stolen. There are two things that you must guard with your life... your private key and your mnemonics (16 seed words). With either you can spend your funds.
Also you need to secure all the operations during the transactions from making sure your private key is not compromised, your computer, the address where you transfer your funds. Ledger guide you to make sure everything is secured but you have to follow all the steps, init correctly your words, keep them secured, each time you move coins they ask you for confirming the address and so forth. Regarding you mnemonic best thing I found is something like:
And you keep it somewhere in a safe in a bank, somewhere hidden in your house (not a safe neither a file cabinet since if you are robbed they will be the primary target). Tell no one about it but maybe your wife, parents just in case something happen to you the money won't be lost forever.
Trust no one, not me not your friends about anything, tell no one else where your mnemonics are kept.
I hope you will recover your funds 🙏, thanks for sharing your story with us hopping it could help other secure their stuff.
I went with metal etching over stamping. I can't speak to stamping since I've never used it but I'm very happy with the results I got from etching. Write slowly and don't have to press very hard. After which the metal plates just sit in my safe in case I ever need them again. I bought this one from amazon. 10/10
Ah yes, I knew wallets don't store any Bitcoin, I just gotta get used to wording things correctly, my bad.
My Android phone has a micro USB port, so I'm gonna buy this OTG cable.
You seemed pretty direct & knowledgeable when you responded to my noob question months ago, are you familiar with I've used them quite recently & they seemed pretty straight-forward & reminded me of my days in 2013 when KYL & AML didn't exist. Since I've entered back into crypto & brushed up on key knowledge, that's been the only exchange that doesn't require an account to trade & transfer.
Thanks in advance
That's the thing that baffles me - last transaction was in Dec 2017 (i.e. months before the fork) to the BCH address of my Ledger wallet - now this address shows correct balance on any Blockchain explorer but 0.00 BSV (I used; and the blockchain explorer confirms that the last BCH transaction to that address was in Dec'17
>After i sent btc to the Ledger for the last time on December 30th 2020
Your money was stolen exactly one hour after you put it in your wallet! Someone clearly had access to your wallet in advance. You need to analyze very carefully what and how you did with the wallet after purchasing it.
And one more nuance - you say that you transferred bitcoin to your wallet on December 30th 2020, but from the review of blocks by TXID that you gave it is clear that you transferred bitcoins 2021-01-07 00:18
Then they were stolen at 2021-01-07 01:08
Your money was stolen exactly one hour after you put it in your wallet! Someone clearly had access to your wallet in advance. You need to analyze very carefully what and how you did with the wallet after purchasing it.
You only paid a fee of 31 satoshis, so your transaction isn't a priority on a congested blockchain.
If you don't want to wait, you could use Electrum with your device and boost the transaction fee since your transaction had RBF enabled on it.
That transaction shows confirmed with 145 confirmations:
Go into the settings in Ledger Live and pick the option to clear cache, which forces a resync from the blockchain, and should probably fix it.
Look here, and it tels you. Duckduckgo is your friend. Simple. You use the Metamask phrase. Very simple, Metamask is a software wallet, Ledger a hardware Wallet. Enter Hardware wallet on the hardware, enter software wallet in the software.
Extracting the keys is intended to be impossible yes. That's in my mind the main selling point for the Ledger devices over something like a Trezor.
Interfacing with the ledger device is however very possible. There are open source clients that are doing exactly that.
The iffy part is about the little apps that get installed on the ledger device itself. Those apps mostly just convert your seed data into some usable keys for a given blockchain.
They can be written by third parties, but I'm not sure if anyone can install such an app without a ledger blessing(/signature/certification.)
That was a lesson in privacy, don't use your actual credit card number use a service like or utilize the masking service that many credit card companies now offer, don't use your actual phone number use a service like textnow to create a temporary number and never use your actual email.
Amazing how people think it's up to some company to defend their privacy.....
By the way this is something, which I really really liked about the bitwarden "emergency access feature". You can actually pick trusted friends or family and set them emergency contacts. And you can set a timer of how many days you will have to refuse the access when it is asked for until it is granted automatically:
Really great idea and feature. For example you can set the timer to 5 days (or one month...). When one of your trustees asks for emergecy access (which they will probably not do for fun, except if they got hacked) you will receive an email and be able to revoke access for 5 days. On the 6th day the access will be granted to your emergency account. You can set this access for your mother, father, wife/husband and - if already old enough - your kids... and within your bitwarden vault you can for example store some last words to your kids and an explanation how to get our crypto and where to dig for example. It's a sad topic but the feature is just exeptionally genius in my opinion.
I think you may have to google abit on how to file a report with all exchange. Regarding the link you provided, from google this company doesn't seems to have good reputation