Ray Ban Caravans. I just bought this pair two months ago inspired by this very scene, as well as Don's first trip out West. I like them because they give off a classier vibe than the more popular aviators, and they're a little more unique. Never seen anyone else wearing them, especially my age (mid twenties).
Mad Men Survey About the Representation of Women and Femininity
Hi, I'm writing my BA thesis about Mad Men, and as a part of it I'm conducting research among Mad Men female viewers regarding their opinion about the portrayal of women in the show. I would appreciate it very much if you could devote up to 10 minutes of your day to fill out the survey I prepared. It's just 16 questions, mostly multiple-choice ones, evertyhing is anonymous. There is a time limit, the link will be active till midnight on Sunday. I hope to find out some interesting things from you. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=n1qaLbdpQEmhpq9V81ugaSi3Pw40qKhEthxvlZNmRe1UMDkzUzI2VjFVWUtOVk5HMzlLMEVFWFFENy4u
Mad Men Survey About the Representation of Women and Femininity
Hi, sorry for posting it under quite a few posts, I hope it's not a problem. I just want to rich as big audience as possible, and therefore get as many responses as possible. And to avoid confusion I'd like to state that the target demographic of my survey are women who watched Mad Men and would like to share their thoughts on the representation of femininity in the show.
I'm writing my BA thesis about Mad Men, and as a part of it I'm conducting research among Mad Men female viewers regarding their opinion about the portrayal of women in the show. I would appreciate it very much if you could devote up to 10 minutes of your day to fill out the survey I prepared. It's just 16 questions, mostly multiple-choice ones, evertyhing is anonymous. There is a time limit, the link will be active till midnight on Sunday. I hope to find out some interesting things from you. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=n1qaLbdpQEmhpq9V81ugaSi3Pw40qKhEthxvlZNmRe1UMDkzUzI2VjFVWUtOVk5HMzlLMEVFWFFENy4u
Mad Men Survey About the Representation of Women and Femininity
Hi, I'm writing my BA thesis about Mad Men, and as a part of it I'm conducting research among Mad Men female viewers regarding their opinion about the portrayal of women in the show. I would appreciate it very much if you could devote up to 10 minutes of your day to fill out the survey I prepared. It's just 16 questions, mostly multiple-choice ones, evertyhing is anonymous. There is a time limit, the link will be active till midnight on Sunday. I hope to find out some interesting things from you. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=n1qaLbdpQEmhpq9V81ugaSi3Pw40qKhEthxvlZNmRe1UMDkzUzI2VjFVWUtOVk5HMzlLMEVFWFFENy4u
This became my instant favorite once I drank in Misirlou with that scenery.
The first couple times I watched, I didn't notice that Betty's "Doppleganger" actually is her in 2 of the 4 shots. The music in the background is a variation on Song of India, which is what plays as Betty makes her grand entrance down the stair case in S2E1, "For Those who Think Young".
This is when Don gets his sunglasses, and you can just feel him floating back to this hedonistic feeling every time he wears them.
The Kinks Shangri-La of course! Released in 1969, the theme really parallels the last episode. Check out the lyrics. - Put on your slippers and sit by the fire / You've reached your top and you just can't get any higher / You're in your place and you know where you are / In your Shangri-la / Sit back in your old rocking chair / You need not worry, you need not care / You can't go anywhere
I've enjoyed reading some books characters in the show read.
Frank O'Hara poems, Roth's Portnoy's Complaint, The Last Picture Show, Something by Ralph Waldo Emerson.
edit: links to more
Mad Men Survey About the Representation of Women and Femininity
Hi, I'm writing my BA thesis about Mad Men, and as a part of it I'm conducting research among Mad Men female viewers regarding their opinion about the portrayal of women in the show. I would appreciate it very much if you could devote up to 10 minutes of your day to fill out the survey I prepared. It's just 16 questions, mostly multiple-choice ones, evertyhing is anonymous. There is a time limit, the link will be active till midnight on Sunday. I hope to find out some interesting things from you. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=n1qaLbdpQEmhpq9V81ugaSi3Pw40qKhEthxvlZNmRe1UMDkzUzI2VjFVWUtOVk5HMzlLMEVFWFFENy4u
Thanks for the heads up about this book! But ps it's $50 cheaper on amazon
"The rest of them live in a world without books. Not even the supersmart Don Draper has a book in his house" Um... http://www.openculture.com/2015/04/the-mad-men-reading-list-25-revealing-books-read-by-the-characters-on-the-show.html
It's been a while since I've seen it, and yes it is a great film. But I've read that it isn't it. Here is a link that analyzes it. I'm not even sure if marienbad is referred to as a rare film (my mistake, Weiner said rare and not old).
I saw a show called The Real Mad Men of Advertising, which showed advertising throughout the latter part of the 20th century. On it, Matthew Wiener mentions that the Coca-Cola ad at the end is a non-obvious cue to the viewer that Don returned to McCann-Erickson (since Coca-Cola was a client of theirs.)
Topaz Panti-Hose is a real brand.
Might want to just play him the entire David Carbonara mad men discography haha maybe he'll like Sally's Story
> Is there some sort of season pass I can get for Amazon?
iTunes also has a season pass up (link), if you prefer that. Episodes on Amazon and iTunes are available the next day (Monday), usually every morning.
Hey! Yep, you will be able to add it on your mobile podcasting app. I don't think the link will work until the first episode goes live but here it is anyway: https://anchor.fm/s/cbd4334/podcast/rss
The BIOS reverse engineering in real life took 9 months. Just be glad they kept it to a long weekend, that whole process could have been the entire season.
The Orange Couch on YouTube has some pretty good/short reviews of each episode https://www.youtube.com/user/falettiman.
This book http://www.bookdepository.com/book/9781848853799?redirected=true&selectCurrency=USD&w=AFCCAU963RQPTVA8ZRN0&gclid=CN3crvCBw8kCFQotHwodjP4MtQ has several television scholars write on Mad Men and some of it is pretty interesting - especially with the visual aspects you mentioned. I used this book as a source for a grad seminar paper once and it was helpful to my thesis.
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this might help?
I'm really keen on all the music in Mad Men - let me know how you get on, in case it's a song i've stumbled upon too!
do you remember which episode it was from?
I'd love to see the demographic data for those numbers.
edit, wow, i'm really surprised how many young people still tune in http://www.comscore.com/ita/Insights/Blog/Oscar-Efforts-Successfully-Court-Younger-Demographics-Online
I live in Ireland and there are no plans as of yet to air the new season here. I'll be using a proxy (TunnelBear) to watch the episode the next morning on Hulu, if it's there. Otherwise, hello pirate bay!
If you're an American abroad, you need to get used to pirating well, EVERYTHING. Or at least using a proxy.
If you speak German well enough and still need to do it legally, you may have to wait for it to be dubbed and put on air. That could be MONTHS from now.
Honestly, I have no idea how I would be able to watch ANY American shows without torrents and illegal streaming...
Lowball glasses in and of themselves are pretty inexpensive if that's what you're actually asking about. See https://www.amazon.com/Viski-Crystal-Tumblers-Lead-Free-Cocktail/dp/B016O03PCY?th=1 for details.
If you're referring to actual props from the show - no more than $60 per glass I would say.
4 3 2 1 by Paul Auster. Although it is not written in the 1960's, it is all about the 1960's America and how the different layer of society evolved, through the story of a character in four separate sections. I read the book last year, but watching Mad Men again in quarantine days made me want to pick it up again as the perfect backdrop to the series.
You may also enjoy The Group by Mary McCarthy - it is the book Betty picks up to read in her bathtub in season 3.
I mean the book* is out there You can check it out yourself.
*I know it's not the real book, but a funny marketing gimick.
A friend quoting this line to me saved my life and really changed it for the better.
I'm a big "tv fan" I guess you would call me - I consume media at nauseam and watch some tv shows again and again, even now I'm rewatching Mad Men for the 5th time with the companion book "Mad Men Carousel: The Complete Critical Companion" (strongly recommend).
I was in a job at a media company where I was underpaid, working under a brutal manager who ended up being dismissed (thankfully), and just in a dangerous headspace and point in my life. I had seen a job that I qualified for at another company but was too scared to apply.
My friend sent me the stills from that episode where Peggy is having flashbacks to Don sitting by her bedside at St Marys (knowing how big a fan of the show I was) and it really helped me see the wheat from the chaff and get out of the company.
Now I'm a happy copywriter - well, as happy as one can be - thanks to this scene helping me see that sometimes you can just bolt through trauma, you don't need to carry it with you.
I bought this: Unofficial Mad Men Cookbook: Inside the Kitchens, Bars, and Restaurants of Mad Men (https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1936661411/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_37FN174ZCMRTH46TPKEG)
And so far we have had the California dip (a staple in NZ even today) and the Steak cooked in butter which we have called “Trudi’s steak” as we assume she would be the woman who would cook the meat for Pete in this scenario.
Anyway. The steak was spectacular.
Interesting idea. I'd further it by suggesting the book Mad Men Carousel: The Complete Critical Companion by Matt Zoller Seitz. I've seen some people on here trash it, but I did a watch-through about a year and a half ago during which I read Seitz's write-up about each episode after I'd watched it, to gain some further insight. You could read each one before you watch, and then you'd know what you're looking out for and what to pick up on.
Presuming the product description is correct, here's the one with the lowball glasses and coasters, at https://www.amazon.com/Mad-Men-Complete-Collection-Blu-ray/dp/B013BPR7OC
This might help a bit - Its's a link to Amazon's kindle edition of the book, at https://www.amazon.com/Mad-Men-Cultural-History-Television/dp/1442261455?asin=1442261455&revisionId=&format=4&depth=1
There's not a huge lot excerpted, but what's there is very interesting I would say.
Fair, I just felt like the impulsivity in the use of the man's heritage and attractiveness was pushing forth a narrative you did not espouse, one you could say is a bit "dog whistle-y" hence my desire to approach challenge and allow you to explain/tear down as needed.
I guess like the seminal UFO poster I want to believe. I want to believe he turned a new leaf because I am a natalist at heart and felt the father in absentia he became as the series concluded. Bobby and Gene were good kids and didn't deserve their fate.
I acknowledge he's a broken person with terrible traits so I saw the conclusion as a redemption arc. The eschewing of his possessions as he headed west, (attempting, again) to fix the ~~kitchen faucet~~ troubles Stephanie was suffering from yet having absolutely no applicable tools in his box and finding his own (roadmap to) salvation in the coastal retreat.
I absolutely felt his duality in the ad as the final scene was laid out where I believe you saw the "same old Don now even more sinister" I saw a guy who previously wasn't outwardly affectionate, yet surrendered and embraced a "stranger" because he heard himself in the man's words. No matter how much of a TV show it is, to have someone get you like that is a wrecking ball to ones' walls, and Dick/Don ha(s)d so many.
Thanks for the good conversation, best wishes to you =)
Not a weird question. Lots of great literature in the show. As well as the NY library link there’s this
Well, I'm going to respectfully disagree with you there.
First of all, 5 to 10 years isn't enough time for a sweeping cultural shift to just spring to life like Minerva, even if we are talking about the 1960s. Obviously for such a shift to occur there has to be groundwork, and the fact is since WWII women began to encompass more and more of the work force.
Our popular conception of the 1950s conjures Leave it to Beaver images of the ubiquitously subservient housewife, but the fact is a huge number of women were forced to enter the workforce to maintain the growing standards of the new uber-consumerism suburban lifestyle. By 1950 women made up 30% of the workforce- granted, the great majority were in clerical or non-professional roles, but I would still think this growing trend enough to at least begin to assail the traditional male role (thereby potentially making the above ad effective for the reasons I stated).
Here's an interesting clip to watch:
>there had not been a cultural shift at that point. There was no loss of dominance to draw upon.
There certainly was, which is one of the reasons there was such a strong propaganda effort in the 50s to try and forcibly relegate woman back into their homemaker/thrall roles. But just because these propagandized images are what carried over to infect our idea of what the 1950s were, doesn't mean that an actual living man in the 1950s wasn't cognizant or concerned about the obvious sociatal changes taking place.
An interesting article:
Hello, I'm a bot! The movie you linked is called Time Zones, here are some Trailers
FYI if you set duckduckgo as your main search engine you can do this in the browser using bang commands
"!wa 250000 1970 dollars" would give this page
Mad Men Survey About the Representation of Women and Femininity
Hi, sorry for posting it under quite a few posts, I hope it's not a problem. I just want to rich as big audience as possible, and therefore get as many responses as possible. And to avoid confusion I'd like to state that the target demographic of my survey are women who watched Mad Men and would like to share their thoughts on the representation of femininity in the show.
I'm writing my BA thesis about Mad Men, and as a part of it I'm conducting research among Mad Men female viewers regarding their opinion about the portrayal of women in the show. I would appreciate it very much if you could devote up to 10 minutes of your day to fill out the survey I prepared. It's just 16 questions, mostly multiple-choice ones, evertyhing is anonymous. There is a time limit, the link will be active till midnight on Sunday. I hope to find out some interesting things from you. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=n1qaLbdpQEmhpq9V81ugaSi3Pw40qKhEthxvlZNmRe1UMDkzUzI2VjFVWUtOVk5HMzlLMEVFWFFENy4u
What? I feel like you are saying they don't start off with the same circumstances, except for, you know, their circumstances.
Regardless, that's also never been a particular qualification in how I have always seen foil used as a literary term: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/211951/foil
The woodwinds are similar but at Margaret's wedding it is Moonglow by Benny Goodman. At Megan's party it is Petite fleur by Sidney Bechet. I don't know that much about about music but I do know Tune Find. http://www.tunefind.com/show/mad-men
According to this site below the song playing in that scene is "Please Come On To Me" by The Clovers http://charliecrews38.hubpages.com/hub/Mad-Men-Season-7-Song-List
Tunefind listed the same song also http://www.tunefind.com/show/mad-men/season-7/22962
I made this one: https://play.spotify.com/user/seanpm1979/playlist/6LA44Rvt2c3iDITAoYnLRW
It's not in any particular order. I tried to make it match what's listed here: http://www.tunefind.com/show/mad-men
... which just goes to show how poor the CPI is at actually comparing prices.
A <em>used</em> copy of that book goes for $10 (as a paperback or $7 as a mass market paperback) today. New paperbacks today are selling for $8 - $15.
Find a used copy of Natasha Vargas-Cooper's "Mad Men Unbuttoned: A Romp Through 1960s America", which you can order for $1.55 on Amazon. It is formatted exactly like your assignment for your class: each section spotlights a particular historical or cultural event from the '60s and discusses how it was depicted on the show.
(ETA: the book only covers the series through the first three seasons, but it's still an amazing resource. And some of of Vargas-Cooper's blog entries which formed the basis of the book are still online.)
Thanks for responding for me! Yes, these photos are coming from the Taschen books, best Christmas present ever. You can find the set on Amazon (marked down from $200 when I got it).
Matthew Weiner's Mad Men XL https://www.amazon.com/dp/3836526433/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_myXGCbSK8PZ6T
In addition to BTS photos and great interviews, there’s stunning, chronological photography + script of the entire show.
Just trying to be a Mad Men historían with an obligation to keep the show alive haha. Will keep sharing.
Dude literally just had to copy and paste from Sterling's Gold!
If you want some cultural/historical context for the direction/style of some of the episodes, I'd recommend checking out Mad Men Unbuttoned. It's a light touch in most cases (meaning it's not super in-depth history lessons), but kinda fascinating and just confirms the thought and care put into the show.
I keep thinking back to the conversation between Ted and Gleason at the hospital where Gleason quotes to him The Art of War "If I wait patiently by the river, the body of my enemy will float by" and then says something like "Give him the early rounds, he'll tire out."
I'm just really curious to see how this all works out.
The commentaries? I bought Mad Men: The Complete Collection from Amazon (I linked it there)
This one on Canadian Amazon seems to be the same thing right? This would also include the glasses and isn't just the blu rays?
20 years ago they did the same thing with "Twin Peaks".
I nominate it and when they revealed Laura Palmer's killer as the two moments when "Twin Peaks" jumped the shark.
Fun Fact: Ray Wise, who played Kenny Cosgrove's future Father-in-Law, played Laura Palmer's father in "Twin Peaks".