I found it! They also make this
I personally don't like it that much. I much prefer this one: Beautifulfashionlife Women's Japan high Waisted Pleated Cosplay Costumes Skirts https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0721KFS97/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabt1_mWLTFb95QTJW0?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
For legal reasons I do not recommend doing gender reassignement surgery with a wire cutter
allow me to introduce you to z-lib.org. free download, just make sure you get like a pdf reader or something if on a phone (not sure about iphones, i have an android). i like to use one called ReadEra, which has a very nice UI imo
Well, it sounds like you're pretty young, so you've got time to figure things out still. I hope you do seek out a therapist, I really do think they could help you. It's a good first step that you can identify what makes you angry, but I hope you can realize it's not really fair to think that others should be unhappy just because you are, and you shouldn't take out your anger on them. Good luck.
But with todays sponsor NordVPN, you can change your location to one of 105 servers worldwide. You can trick your internet provider to think that you are in another country.
(Numbers may not be accurate)
Are you sure? :o
Well, if someone has the cash to burn and really wants one, they can find it here.
They already make this.
You can also use a cheap plastic water bottle if you need to clean up in a pinch.
The offical documentation is very good. I can recommend trying out the Hyperskill Kotlin Basics Track and Kotlin Koans. For Koans: make sure to look in the official documentation.
we have a waay better flag, for future reference https://www.ecosia.org/images/?q=bi%20flag#id=E6129E3390B48AED580A1194FD5D52E51C6ACDFE
I’d like to plug Evolution’s Rainbow a fascinating book by a trans evolutionary biologist that documents and explains the broad gender and sexuality spectrum in animals. Darn near everything with a spinal cord has some divergence in their species and a lot have same sex coupling as just the norm of their existence, it’s a big spectrum
When I use toys at home I mix water based with oil, makes it last longer. Never use oil with condoms.
I keep a bottle of lynk under my bed. It's toy safe because it has no silicon, but it dries up in like 2 seconds so it sometimes gets annoying to reapply.
When I buttplug, I use more oil than water lube.