If you are gluten intolerant, you have to stop the Gluten. I have Gluten intolerance as well and have caused serious physical damage to my system by continuing to eat gluten. You have to take it really seriously and eliminate all gluten. You have to change your diet, make sure you change soap and detergent. Loose clothing, no tight Jeans. Try not to have sex until you can heal your system. Also this book has some great tips.
It looks like eczema to me. I highly recommend CeraVe Moisturizing Cream (not lotion, cream). The link is just for reference, you can probably find it on sale somewhere if you look. It was a game changer for my eczema. You do have to use it daily and consistently though (even after the visible eczema is gone).
As always, I recommend seeing a dermatologist, but I know that's difficult right now because COVID.
This antiseptic and anesthetic spray works wonders:
I would try hypoallergenic bandage if you can to hold gauze on with.
That distress is normal with tinnitus.
It helps to talk about it. It helps to have background noise. It helps to externalize the noise as much as possible.
I destroy pillows by folding them in knots at night. I have yet to destroy this:
There are full support groups for this. Talking helps. It doesn't make it go away. But it does help you cope with it.
From...wearing shorts in the winter?! That’s one of the silliest things I ever heard. I don’t envy you the task of making this person see sense.
He definitely has peripheral edema, which, as others have mentioned, can be a sign of heart and kidney problems — that wouldn’t be surprising, considering how much caffeine he is ingesting daily. With his weight, his extremely sedentary lifestyle, and the amount of sugar he is consuming, he is just asking for type 2 diabetes, too, as well as deep vein thromboses (blood clots in his legs). It looks as if he also has onchomycosis (toenail fungus). This isn’t dangerous on its own, just kind of gross, but it is more prevalent in diabetic patients, and any issues with the foot are dangerous in patients who have diabetes.
The most important thing for him to understand about these conditions is that they are lifestyle diseases — i.e., they aren’t things he could be immune to. Having the strongest immune system in the world isn’t going to save him from developing heart failure, kidney disease, or diabetes from his extremely unhealthy lifestyle. So wearing shorts in the winter is cute and all but will seem far less cute if he loses a foot to diabetes.
Do you think you could convince him to get something like a stationary bike desk that he could use every so often? Drinking water instead of sugary, caffeinated drinks and getting at least 30 minutes of cardio exercise every day would help him immeasurably.
Good luck!
NAD but have had to buddy tape stuff on myself before. Toe bones not healing 100% streight is less of an issue than if an ankle bone or finger bone didn't heal right. Toes are largely there to help you keep your balance if I remember right? And you probably wear shoes a lot, so most people wouldn't ever notice. That said... if you feel like you're pulling it toward the other toe to tape it, that could be putting pressure on it in a weird way that will make it uncomfortable or not heal as streight. To fix that, you need a little padding between them. You could roll up a small piece of gauze, you could use some EVA foam (craft foam for kid's art projects. It comes in sheets, or crayola's model magic is SUPER easy to get in the right shape. Squish the soft clay betwean your toes to a comfortable shape, carefully remove it and dry for like... 12 hours at most, done! custom foam spacer for like... $3.) Or if you want something more permanent and easy to clean, scilicone toe spacers are awesome. I have had good luck with these because you can cut them down to size with scisors if you need to.
I posted a link (in blue) anyway it was like this one
First off, you’re doing great! I hope your relationship with food has only grown and become healthier. You got this. Anyway; my little brother was in your exact same boat at your age. Every morning, he’d drink a Carnation Breakfast (I’ll attach a link so you know what I’m referring too!) which he loved. There are “power foods” which are great for gaining weight. These include: meats, fish, eggs, milk, and whey. What you want to do is take in more calories than what you’re going to burn off.
You got this. Perhaps make a menu for each day that you can rely on. Example: eggs, toast, carnation drink for breakfast. Avocado, grilled chicken breast, and rice for lunch. Tilapia, beans, and broccoli or dinner.
This too maybe it will help you.
I use this app to track my nutrition.
That's the belt I meant, sorry I was so vague about it. Does this look like it might prevent smell/leaks?
Wow this is going to be a life changer for sure. Hopefully he will be able to cope with this. Seems like it might lead to depression, especially with his new need for dialysis.
I did too before!! I was using the tide fragrance free. I switched this biokleen one last year and haven’t had the problem once since https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00WE0BFQW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_jxQqFb7HFEK1P
I' have pretty much the same issues. I have autonomic dysfunction, a bulging disc in the lumbar spine (just got an MRI last week, so will finally know which one), pudendal neuralgia, and neuralgia of the hypogastric nerve as well. I found relief through a protocol by Dr. James E. Browning. His protocol involves a specific type of spinal decompression therapy combined with internal trigger point release. It took me a long time to find a practitioner who could do the internal release. Many physiotherapists aren't able to do this and you might need to look into 'bodyworkers' or uncertified practitioners which is what I did. Depending on where you live, you should be able to find a chiropractor who can do the decompression treatment (Cox Technic). Dr. Brownings book is important, and it may be good to get a copy to share with any practitioners you may be seeing.
Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.
My husband was burned (2nd degree) the doctor recommended silver sulfadiazine cream. It healed with no scar, and helped with the pain.
This is a good aid. It has all the medical terms as well as a Dialogue section that covers a full H&P. And it's free:
iOS: https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id1574202729?pt=123220161&ct=email&mt=8
Not a doctor but I’ve struggled with a similar problem for almost of my life. I’ve gone through a lot of different options, but the one that seems to have worked best for me is Metamucil crackers so maybe it’ll work for you?
If your bed is against the wall you need something like this it may help if you think it’s your head knocking against the wall that’s the cause.
If it’s really earwax, this thing is the bomb. Be forewarned that ear irrigation takes an annoyingly long mount of time, but it will work…eventually. Do it for a while and then when you’re sick of it do it for like 7 more minutes. When you start seeing debris, you’re on to something. Letting warm stream of water run into your ear canal every day when you shower can help keep the debris loose and moving.
I'm a 25 year old guy and due to having thin hair, I regularly shave my head. After a while, I got sick of the constant razor burn so I would get lazy about keeping on top of it. That is until I heard about foil shavers from Reddit and I shave my head with it every day now. It shaves almost just as close as a regular razor but without the razor burn or irritation. The one I use is by Andis and it's amazing, I couldn't recommend it enough. Here's a link. It should work just as well on legs I would imagine. I hope this helps
NAD but you have phimosis. I don’t recommend circumcision if you don’t have to. There are these kits that carefully stretch the skin wider and wider with a series of rings, kind of like how people put those gauges in their earlobes to stretch them out. I suggest you buy one. Here let me give you a link: https://www.amazon.com/Phimostretch-Phimosis-Stretcher-Rings-Kit/dp/B07HGHXJ6N
This looks a lot like when I've had blepharitis. I just wipe both lids with these a few times a day and it goes away after a couple of days. OCuSOFT Lid Scrub Original, Pre-Moistened Pads, 30 Count https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000PY15I2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_6BAMTPA7ER5Z4YJDJW6T?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Yeah- I don't find the netti pot helpful either. Try the squeeze bottle- you can control the pressure for it and it does help move the gunk around, especially the more you use it. This is my preferred one: https://www.amazon.com/Ayr-Soothing-Mixture-Packets-Applicator/dp/B000NVSP0S
I don’t think it’s going to leave a scar but there is some cream over the counter called Mederma that you can apply on it that will help reduce the appearance of a potential scar.
np! i'm a personal fan of these ones https://www.amazon.com/Compression-Circulation-Best-Support-Running-Medical/dp/B083TP4ZQ1/ref=sr_1_17?crid=33W1NSBRQ2PE2&keywords=compression+socks+copper&qid=1646804119&sprefix=compression+socks+copper%2Caps%2C143&sr=8-17 (tho i bought mine in store instead of amazon)
and this one has different sock colors if you want that. I have bad leg cramps and I use mine for those, and in general makes it hurt only for a day instead of 3 or 4.
I had similar problems. Mine were concentrated in my right shoulder, but on bad days the pain would take over my entire neck.
I did 3 things and my neck & shoulder pain completely disappeared.
I got a brand new mattress.
I bought this pillow.
And third, I would prop up my knees with something soft but solid while I slept. I used a rolled up camping pad, the kind you sleep on when you go on an overnight hike. This prevented me from rolling over while I slept.
I have zero neck & back pain now. Used to be a regular thing, once a month I'd sleep wrong and the next 2 weeks would be spent in pain. Not anymore. I fixed it and it's permanently gone.
I’m not a doctor, but when I go to urgent care/primary to get my ears flushed out, they use the Elephant Ear Washer Bottle (link. It’s literally the exact same one so I bought it for myself. Warm water does fine but for more power you could put a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water for the foaming.
Are you sitting more lately? I know since my job went to work from home, I got my first hemorrhoid because I was literally sitting on my office chair all day then to my couch at night. Ended up getting a standing desk to help. A squatty potty also helped.
Yep looks like this. Get an over the counter shampoo with ketoconazole in it. Use this on rash 5 minutes before showering for a week. Example:
Nizoral Anti-Dandruff Shampoo, Treats And Prevents Dandruff, Suitable For Dry Flaky And Itchy Scalp - 60ml https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B001ETUD5I/ref=cm_sw_r_wa_apip_zzVvWmQKUxpIp
Looks very yeasty to me (not a doctor, just a nursing assistant who has seen stuff like this a lot) does it have an odour?
if you have a primary care doctor you can call and ask if they’d be willing to send over a prescription for nystatin powder, otherwise they sell similar anti fungal powders and creams over the counter. Powders usually help more with keeping the area dry but a cream would be okay too.
Try to keep it dry as much as possible! Someone already mentioned towels, but you can also use gauze or menstrual pads or they even sell a product especially for skin folds if you’re going to be getting sweaty doing your renovation for awhile longer
I had reoccurring yeast infections and nothing would work but I tried these boric acid suppositories for 14 days and I didnt have another infection for a super long time. You can also use it once a week after you clear the infection to keep it from returning. Highly recommend.
Dirt under your nails comes from evvvvverything. Aggressively cleaning your nails now will not stop them from picking up dirt and hour later.
Get a bar of soap, run it under warm water and pass it between your hands so the soap bae gets soft. Then scratch the soap with your nails so the soap shavings get under your nails. Use a toothbrush or a fingernail brush and brush the shavings out under warm water.
If it is very clean, clean it again and try one of these zip stitch bandaids. If it was cut with metal, check when you last had your tetanus shot and get one if needed.
Zip Stitch Sutures 2.8 x 2.36 inches, zipstitch Laceration Closures kit Bandages, Zipper Butterfly Band aid Patch for Wounds Care & First Aid (2) https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B08TQTWD96/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_2WYXFAKDHNJ299G6E3N5
Hello /u/Wizard-In-Disguise,
If this is a medical emergency, please call emergency services as soon as possible!
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Tar based shampoo is one of the best. It doesn’t smell wonderful, but you can wash with some conditioner after. Ketoconazole shampoos can kill a fungal infection that is causing dandruff so it might be worth a try.
It often gets a lot better with age from patients I’ve seen, but increasing zinc and biotin in your diet can sometimes help.
Get some vitamin e cream: Fruit Of The Earth Fruit Of The Earth Vitamin E Skin Care Cream, 4 oz, Pack of 2 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E4MK3X4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_XVR3F204VS9J8WYKSS6R?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
You can pick it up at Walmart I believe. It’s just because your hands are dry.
Medline MSC095635H Soothe & Cool INZO Antifungal Cream, White https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005L4NHKK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_7ENZH5GGZJK49JVDAA4W
I used this and it cleared it up in a 7-10 days, used it twice a day and kept the area clean and dry
I can't find Lamisil anywhere here, would something like this be effective? https://www.amazon.ca/Flexitol-Medicated-Anti-Fungal-Cream/dp/B00HHY1TRK/ref=sr\_1\_4?keywords=lamisil&qid=1639499527&sr=8-4
Get some of these to help get the area under your nails clean! I love them. Handle Grip Nail Brush, Fingernail Scrub Cleaning Brushes for Toes and Nails Cleaner, Pedicure Brushes for Men and Women 4 Pack https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B074N3GY25/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_J8EQSMC12CYH36VZF93K
I found this too. gloves for those allergic to nitrile
There are products available that may help in your situation:
1) Sweat pads (for men & women) that you place inside your shirts
2) Clinical strength deodorant—many brands but here is a top-rated one
3) Prescription deodorant—need to see the doc
4) Undershirts for excessive sweating (also available in styles for women)
However, I would suggest you notify your healthcare provider—even though you say it is worthless. Since you are in the military, you can get a prescription for OTC medications and have them filled for free. Plus, your healthcare provider can offer you solutions after you tell him/her what products you’ve already tried unsuccessfully. (You should stress how this issue is preventing you from performing your ADLs (Activities of Daily Living.)
Hope this helps.
BEBIRD Ear Wax Removal Endoscope, Earwax Remover Tool, Ear Camera,1080P FHD Wireless Ear Otoscope with 6 LED Lights,Ear Scope Cleaner Tool for iPhone, iPad & Android Smart Phones(White) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B097QWFLL2/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_1VETX5DS9MVRQSB7HVNB?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Or i just saw these. Super cool. But may not get to you in time.
4 Pcs Zip Stitch Sutures, Extra Large Band Aid, Waterproof Butterfly Strips Wound Closure, Hospital Grade Laceration Kit https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B098DNPS5Y/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_7NGQFYGWZAZHFRDQE27C?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
It’s pretty heavy. It weighs down my arm when I put it on. I don’t know how heavy it is specifically but it’s heavy enough where I have to use my other hand to pull it off my left hand so that it doesn’t vibrate my other hand to death. I only use it for maybe a couple minutes but that’s enough to cause my hand to swell and itch and get all red. Then I can’t use my fingers. My coworkers don’t get the same issues that I do. They don’t like the machine either but it doesn’t cause them extreme discomfort like it does to me. One of my coworkers has a medical note against using the machine because she has nerve damage. I’ll show you what this machine looks like. It’s ugly and not nice for my hand. I hate it. Oster Professional 103 Stim-U-Lax Massager https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00107I9XM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_58JEZZWQNVKJNVCN8DMB
I’d definitely start doing something about it now before it gets seriously bad. Fecal impaction from Constipation can cause bowel rupture and/or serous infection if you continue to let it go on. You’re lucky to not be in any pain, but that could change at any moment. The absolute worst case scenario is you wind up in the hospital with them having to dig it out of you (no shit, it’s called a manual disimpaction…. “No shit” was not meant to be a pun, although it is funny in a 12-year-old sorta way), or they’ll give you a suppository (hurts like hell) or an enema. If you get an infection, they might have to do surgery and you could lose part of your intestines).
I’m assuming you’re in the UK since you used the term paracetamol. You’ll find the UK version of Miralax is called macrogol. Here’s a link to it on Amazon-
You mix it with water. There is no taste and it should dissolve clear. You can mix 2 or 3 packets at a time if you want. You should be able to buy a bottle of the powder, too, if you don’t want the premeasured packets. Or you can look for the generic “macrogol” at the store. Milk of magnesia can be found anywhere, too. Get the cherry flavor if you can find it. Then just started drinking the macrogol constantly throughout the day and take 2-3 doses of milk of mag. That should get you moving.
I broke my ankle on Saturday. I also sprained it on the opposite side and on the top of my foot. The broken side doesn't look any different than the sprained side so it would be impossible for us to know if you broke, fractured, or sprained it. My foot does look similar to yours.
That being said, I was giventhis boot and crutches. Doctor's orders were to elevate and ice at least 3 times a day until swelling goes down. Only weight bare once it's no longer painful, and use crutches for 4 weeks and boot for 6 weeks.
For me the problem is multi faceted. A lot of times I will eat a rich meal (steak and potatoes) and that will keep me up. I’ll jump rope many times just to burn calories and do push ups. Many times this helps to bring the sugar levels down and it’s just enough.
Think about it. If you did something really strenuous, say you hiked up a really steep mountain that just killed you. I can absolute guarantee you would sleep very well that night. Problem is, you can’t do this every night. Just not practical.
Right now I’m using supplement called HTP can be found here 5-HTP 200mg Plus Calcium for Mood, Sleep, Anxiety - Boosts Serotonin Production - 99% High Purity - 120 Capsules - Arazo Nutrition https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M2Z9VHJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_Aha6oBkipw7lf It doesn’t interfere with my other meds and works wonders.
This happens to me sometimes when I get a really bad mosquito bite. Something about the venom makes me break out into small red itchy/painful patches of eczema on my legs and not really anywhere else.
I use this cream to clear it up. Maybe it’ll help you?
not really no. Looks like you have a lot of skin buildup and your feet have been moist. Try exfoliating using a sandpaper type tool.
NAD... Yes, a tonsil stone is very likely, based on that photo (I've gotten them). No, they are typically not an issue unless they are causing pain. They are also not likely to have a negative impact your body's ability to handle/ respond to the vaccine.
I also suggest seeing an ENT to help dislodge them (there is likely more in both tonsils). You can also try gurgling with salt water but if that doesn't dislodge it, an ENT can help. Eventually you'll need to get one if these:
They typically show up frequently when food particles get trapped in your tonsil crypts and mingle with acid and normal bacteria.
Not a doctor but it probably would be best to get a physical and have them feel your abdominal area hun & let them decide if you should have an ultrasound or see a specialist. Hope you feel good!
Could be gas or it could be something else. Maybe place a heating pad on the pain https://www.amazon.com/Carex-Buddy-Heat-Cooling-Neck/dp/B000KBNPQ0/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIu5y60bro8AIVDo3ICh22Ywx4EAAYASAAEgLqtfD_BwE&hvadid=177777921011&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9004392&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=b&hvrand=10549968819206684506&hvtargid=kwd-41501335195&hydadcr=21658_9710746&keywords=heating+pad+bed+buddy&qid=1622070273&sr=8-5 when it happens.
If it's getting worse during these 2 years, then please check it out.
I’d recommend seeing a second GI, and maybe getting an endoscopy and biopsy. I would also maybe get a blood test to check your white blood cell count & sedimentation rate (checks for inflammation in the body). I would check for eosinophils, inflammation, hiatal hernia, etc
What you’re describing sounds like painful gas and heartburn. People think they’re having a heart attack when they have heartburn cause it can be that painful. It could also be a cramp or something else. Watch what you eat. #1 worst heartburn pain is from tomato sauce that isn’t all pure tomato’s etc.
NAD but I have a history with GI issues myself & I found that a food elimination diet helped a lot. I believe that everyone has food sensitivities or allergies that feeds on something in the body if they have a GI health issue. That’s what I believe. Proton pump inhibitors are great for inflammation and that may be what you need. If you don’t respond to treatment then you likely have food sensitivities.
I started getting into alternative natural stuff https://www.amazon.com/Clean-Expanded-Revolutionary-Program/dp/0062201662/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=cleanse+7+book+dr+junger&qid=1622018758&sr=8-3 this is quite a helpful book if you’re interested. Written by an MD cardiologist who got into natural stuff & I learned a lot from him.
Feel good!
Could possibly be from shaving. Maybe try different shaving cream.
NAD but I would maybe try triple paste if it’s itchy or bothersome
Maybe use vanicream after shaving. Again, not a doctor so I could be wrong
Feel good!
Please use a heating pad and a massager for the pain
I’m sorry if you don’t have these with you right now. I’d try to put something hot on the pain right now. Hot bath or shower until you get these items.
Hope you feel better!
Talk to a doctor, you can probably do a telehealth visit to avoid going in. But also, try laying, stomach side down, on a hard flat surface. Ive had similar stuff where I felt like I was straight up gong to die but it was gas. I have IBS. Maybe its something like that. Dont avoid water. That could help. Theres this stuff that doesnt always work for me but friends I have swear by. Its flavorless and you can put it in water or a smoothy. Its just vitamins but it helps a lot of people I know with kind of similar stuff. Either way its just vitamins. So no hurt in trying. Also maybe try a pro biotic. Also, take some fiber gummies or pills to attempt to bulk up the poop.
NAD but I also get canker sores very often. Your story of how they started sounds very similar to mine actually.. I had sepsis and pneumonia and was in the hospital for two weeks on tons of antibiotics and then was given penicillin when I was released and also had my first allergic reaction to that. I had THE WORST canker sores for a long time after that. It was awful I couldn’t eat, couldn’t drink anything and even talking hurt so bad.
That was 7 years ago and luckily they happen way less often now. I use this mouthwash it’s very strong and you only need a little bit, but I’ve found it helps a lot!
I’m sorry I don’t really have any actual answers but I find it interesting you started getting them more after illness as well. After being sick, I have many different allergies and strange reactions to things that never bothered me before and I do wonder if anything like that happened to you too?
Good luck! Also sea salt rinses multiple times a day help!
Yup, Lidocaine ointment can work wonders depending on what you are using it for. If you can't get a prescription, or taro, one little trick you can do is go on Amazon, purchase a small jar of hurricane gel, link below, and use that. We'd sometimes use hurricane gel on the cervix before IUD insertions to help numb it a bit before inserting them.
I said in my comment that if you wanted to know you cld ask and I did that because I didn't want to seem like sone nut just trying to promote something 💁 I stumbled across it and it works for me, maybe it will work for you
It could also be a symptom of predominantly-inattention-type ADHD. ADHD manifests very differently in girls and women than the common stereotype of the disruptive boy who bounces off the walls and gets into trouble at school, so women and girls often go undiagnosed. Take a look at some of the reviews, excerpts and comments on Amazon about this book: "Women with Attention Deficit Disorder" by Sari Solden https://www.amazon.com/Women-Attention-Deficit-Disorder-Differences/dp/0978590929 If you can identify with some of the symptoms discussed, buy the book or check it out from a library. Then ask your doctor for an ADHD evaluation (and a hearing test, while you're at it!).
PPDirect - you can order medicine for a UTI on this app for about $25.00 (used to be 15 but whatever) you input your symptoms and a doctor will review it and prescribe you antibiotics that you can pick up anywhere it's super helpful!
treat a UTI for under $35.00! the only -only- downside is since it's over the app there is no culture done, you're diagnosed based off your symptoms and the bacteria you have might need something stronger than what the prescribe (though it has always worked and helped me! I got macrobid 500mg 2x daily and it was a God send)
Hello! I’m not a doctor but I did go a course in medicine and first aid. I’m regards to your questions about blood pressure there’s a few simple equipments out there. One of them is a thing you put around your upper bicep/lower shoulder. Here’s a link to it Blood Pressure Tester
Hope all turns out well for you! Have a good day :)
I get styes a lot, but I’ve been using this eyelid scrub I found on Amazon, and it has reduced the amount I get.
Otherwise, just do frequent hot/wet compresses. I just microwave a gel pack and wrap it in a wet paper towel.
Also, don’t wear eye makeup until it heals!
Im not a doc or anything but i get these all the time while marching, my doctor gave me these weird "secondary skin gel" things, they work like a charm after a bit, heremis an amazon link to what i am talking about
Hey man, that sounds terrible. I'm getting over an ear infection and at first I thought it was something in my ear too. Inside of the ears were itchy and I swear I could hear a scratching sound. Few days later woke up and my hearing was stuffy and my ear hurt real bad. I didn't want to pay for a doctor visit, so I found this cheap USB ear camera on Amazon and took a look inside. NO BUGS! Just a really bad infection, called the doctor and got them to send a prescription for drops to my pharmacy. Was way cheaper than the doc, lemme see if I can find the link
Edit: I think it was this one