It is a standard handcuff key, will fit standard police cuffs. It’s a nicer one than usually comes with them or is issued, though, it’s the kind of thing officers buy for themselves as an upgrade.
Be careful carrying it in back pocket if you mean that literally, there are places where you’ll get jammed up if you try to take it, like the courthouse, for instance.
Here is a similar, but non-metal, one.
Hello! Do you have any rivers, ponds or bodies of water near you? If so, you should try magnet fishing. Magnet fishing is where you have a magnet (Usually 100-500 pound test) attached to a rope, and throw it into the body of water, and drag it back into shore. You can find anything. you can get cheap magnets on Amazon, such as:
This, a 350 Pound test magnet, or This, a 290 Pound test magnet
Got the magnet on Amazon:
Lakes are better than piers - the tide takes everything away. Maybe if it's a cove it'll stay a day or two.
You mostly find junk - tools, scissors, rusty metal. So I do it pretty casual while Im fishing or on a walk or whatever.
Pickup rechargeable 9v batteries, I recommend this off amazon.
What's the part that you like about it? I have a Lesche Sampson with T-handle that I love, though it does not have the foot rods like this. I also have a Grave Digger Tools spade, but it's too heavy to be practical for me.
I believe it's an amber sun earring, possibly by this brand:
there is a special pencil that people use
I never had any luck with the cheap pin pointer that came with my detector. I believe it was still double the price of that one. This was the pin pointer I had, looks like it dropped in price a bit and is sold by Walmart. It worked to about 2 inches and was super annoying and constantly had to be adjusted. Helped with not dinging finds but was light years worse then the 100+ pin pointers.
switchig to the Garrett was night and day, so I'd say save a few more bucks and get a pro pointer.
cool bag! good idea. I think you should get a percentage of the sales this will generate. I've been cramming my small shovel into my pockets along with anything cool I found that fit but this is much better. So, so many of my hobbies have so, so much gear.
edit they also make a metal detecting bag!. edit2 it's the same bag just labeled for metal detecting.
Congrats - you're gonna love it. It's an awesome machine. The multi-frequency capability makes a big difference.
I highly recommend Andy Sabisch's Equinox book - he goes into detail about every setting and how to get the most from the machine.
Good luck & HH!
Maybe something on here?
The 49 makes me think it was part if their 49 piece flatware set, which had a holder for things. This could be a bottom piece to that maybe?
If you want something for him to use in cleaning up some of his finds, you could try getting him a vibrating tumbler. Hornady tumbler like the one in this link...
I have used this setup for years to clean stuff and it works very well, especially on brass and coins. Just get some non-coloured aquarium gravel, a few drops of dish soap and a small amount of water. Let it vibrate overnight and then rinse next day. I also use a reverse electrolysis setup for rusty iron finds but this tumbler can also work satisfactorily on those types of finds too.
Copper Culture. Bring it to an artifact show, you'll probably be better off than a museum. UP has large copper deposits. Great piece.
This is a great book. Paul was going to write a copper culture book not sure if that happened. He knows as much about copper as anyone in WI.
What are you going to use for headphones? If you don't have a pair yet I recommend the Aksonics here headphones link
Unless you can find some Miccus somewhere.
I don’t know anything about Fisher but here’s the shovel I got for plug cutting. It’s been a good one! $40 via Amazon:
Spear Head Spade Small Mini Reinforced Fiberglass Gardening Shovel with Cushioned D Grip, Carbon Manganese Steel Metal Garden
Welcome to the hobby! I'm only a couple months in, myself. It's addictive! A good pin pointer will make a world of difference in your hunting. I picked up a Deteknix one last weekend and absolutely love it. Deteknix Pin Pointer from Amazon
This item is actually sold at Walmarts, it's a great way to piss off detectorists. The edges remind me of exactly what they sell. I'll try to dig up a link.
Err, well heres your exact coin on Amazon
Get him a Whites TRX pinpointer. Its a bit more expensive, but honestly he will never need another pinpointer, its just so god damn good. It will decrease his time on his knees and help him find things faster. This is especially good for older fellas.
Get him a digger like this:
Get him a nice hat. Maybe a camel back. Maybe a fanny pack to put trash in.
Honestly, I ALWAYS advise people to rent a detector first. See if they like the hobby before dropping a grand on equipment.
Do you know what they are?
I would reccomend a spink coin book if you haven't got one already, it has most coins listed and it includes actual size photos and values for the coins
The 2020 version is on amazon for £26.77 but you might be able to get an old version cheaper
A pin pointer awsome to have while you are on your hands and knees digging through dirt and sand. It's inconvenient to grab your metal detector to help it steer you in the right direction. When you are down so low to the ground. I will absolutely stand behind pin pointers as more of a convenience type of tool. Besides you can buy the one I bought of amazon for under 40$.
There are many different kinds of these things, I happened to buy these, one for my pinpointer, the other for my remote. I've only had them for a short while, and I'm a little concerned about dirt getting into the mechanism, but so far, so good.
My first thought is that it's the bottom cap for a cheap quality trumpet valve.
I just got a couple of heavy duty badge clips to hang my remote and pinpointer from my belt. Very handy. They were $12 each, look nice, and came in a snazzy box.
ELV Retractable ID Badge Holder,...
I've seen this Nokta Makro "mini hoard" detector recommended for kids:
I got mine on Amazon for $20usd, it can spot pet pee as well haha
My cheap one broke and I got this one. I really like it, nice and solid:
Seeing how nobody has been arrested for those rollers at amusement parks (they roll a design onto a penny for 50 cents) or stamping "Trump lives here" on the $20 bills, I wouldn't worry about it.
Probably enough money to at least get this from amazon.
Notka Makro Simplex + would be my recommendation. Which I happily own. I'm in Canada and has the bundle for 479$ CAD
[ Simplex+ pinpointer bundle]
I was looking at this one but it seems too cheap. Is there something I'm missing about it? will using it as a shovel jsut break it or something? (new to this)
Note that I do not own a name brand pinpointer, so I don't know what the best ones are capable of.
I've tried this SUNPOW model as well as the DEWINNER pinpointer and the SUNPOW is the better option for a budget pinpointer. I originally bought it to detect rebar in poured concrete slabs, and it worked great. The little I've used it for actual metal detecting soil plugs, it has worked great as well. The detection range is about 4.5 inches as advertised. The DEWINNER detection range is just a little less than the 3.5 inches that they claim.
I’m on mobil so it’s hard for me to tell by video , but I think you have a bronze fuel filter.
I don't use gloves, I just keep digging with a spade until it's out the hole then use a pin pionter
I've had a x pointer for years, it's cheap and cheerful but does the job perfectly,
My advice would be Get something like a x pointer,
buy your salf a decent spade, I use a burgon and ball ground breaker, comes with a guarantee, 100kg leverage. Makes digging easy especially if you sharpen it,
My other advice would be buy something like a snickers work vest to wear plenty of pockets to put your stuff and your finds
The links will show you the items but would search the net for better prices
I'm using a roughneck shovel. It's a nice size to carry in the other hand while detecting. Even in hard ground it works really well. And its not the expensive
Yep, now I see why people are so secretive about their spots and all that.. it often takes a lot of time before you find a great area and you don't want others to take the fruits of your labor! Prior to this, I don't think I've ever found more than 1 pre-1900 coin per hunt.
At this spot, I searched out a little rectangular clearing and found almost everything there. After I finished, it was getting dark and cold so I ventured out for 5 more minutes, randomly zig-zagging to scout out the area and got 3 signals, two of them being coins. I definitely expect to find more when I return. And there isn't much trash at all either!
And regarding the finds box, of course! This is the one I have: - it's pretty nice actually, keeps my old finds safe!
There may be better ones but this is the one I've been using. Doesn't have a platinum solution but figured I'll worry about that when I see that "Pt" stamp on something I find!
I have a SUNPOW that I bought 2 years ago to locate rebar in concrete. I bought that before I got into metal detecting. I needed a way to locate steel to avoid it when drilling core samples. It still works fine, and it can detect to the advertised 4.5-inch distance. I grabbed an even cheaper one a few weeks ago, the DEWINNER semi-waterproof model. I've only used it to locate screws in walls (to find a stud to hang a heavy mirror). The range is only about 3 inches max which is a little less than advertised. When locating the screws, the range on the Sunpow was more like 3.5" and the Dewinner was only about 2.5".
Now, my experience is based on only these 2 units. I wish I had experience with a high end brand to compare. Maybe I got lucky with a couple good machines, and maybe I got average machines. I think they work well enough. They seem to be durable enough as well. I've used the Sunpow in the dirt and it works great, even after I was an idiot and smacked it on a fence post to knock the dirt off. My biggest complaints: I always change mode instead of turning off the Sunpow, and the Dewinner has a weird bend and overall feels significantly cheaper. I would buy the Sunpow again, but probably not the Dewinner.
The bolt is made of nylon, and nylon doesn't "flow" under load. I'd be more worried about the "ears", which are notorious for their ability to break on late Minelab machines.
PS: You don't have to be annoyed.
Hand scoops are very cheap to diy.
Purchase one of these and use a drill to put holes all over the bottom and sides. Diameter of the drill bit I used was just smaller than a US dime. Been going 8 years and no issues.
I usually have one of these (different brand, but they're all the same) in my backpack when I'm hunting in remote location solo. It it's reading anything but zero, you've got EMI. Helpful bit of knowledge to rule out machine failure.
The likes of this thing are slightly more advanced, but also quite a bit more expensive. I keep one in my car when detecting in more civilized areas.
So sweet! You know one time I lost my neckless which if from my grandma and then my boyfriend use a metal detector from SUFFLA brand then finally fount it! All of us are so greatful like you, thank you those brands who offer good metal detectors
Anything you get on Amazon from $100 will be more frustration than it's worth. Go up a bit in your budget and get the first tier of the Minelab Vanquish series, the 340; it can handle pretty much any terrain and will be super user friendly.
does it kinda look like this ?
I don't know any, but the weight of this piece points to lead. If you want to be 100% sure, order some lead test swabs and keep the extras for items you find in the future.
I’ve tried (and broken) just about every pricey shovel out there. Radius, Fiskars, etc. I’ve had the absolute war luck with this one: Spear Head Spade Small D-Handle Gardening Shovel with Cushioned Grip, Fiberglass Handle with Carbon Manganese Steel Blade, Award Winning Spade, 30" Mini Handle, Yellow
it’s going on 2 years old now. It’s light and easy to carry through the woods and cuts extremely well. For $35.00 you can’t go wrong.
Still interested to here peoples thoughts, but I have answered my own question. The playstore website has reviews which aren't on the app, it sounds OK and I'll invest the few dollars to get some more features.
A real must for beaches, sand play grounds, and volleyball courts.
You can purchase one, or do what i did: buy a plastic dog food scoop and go to town with some drill bits.
Image of scoop type for reference. The pro ones are metal, length of a shovel, but the principle is the same.
Saw a book on Amazon with that title. Or something close.
Here’s some dapping tools just an example, you can probably find what you need cheaper. Put the dapping tools in a vice, tap gently with the mallet, and use progressively larger tools until it’s formed to your desired shape.
If you’re gonna order a Amazon detector make sure you get the DRÖTEK detector. It’s by far the best cheap one. And the pinpoint feature is probably one of the best I’ve ever seen on a detector. Specially at that price.
DR.ÖTEK Metal Detector for Adults Professional, Pinpoint Metal Detector Waterproof Gold and Silver, Higher Accuracy, Bigger LCD Display, Strong Memory Mode, 10" IP68 Coil, Upgrade DSP Chip
Huh, so that's the origin of the Ramune soda bottle.
Looked it up and they're properly called Codd bottles, after London soft-drink maker Hiram Codd who designed and patented the style in 1872.
I swear by these things:
Never had an issue with them but they don't last more than a year. So much broken glass and sharp lead around here.
It does appear to be a decorative piece. The pins were straight to push through leather and then hammered over to hold it in place.
It also appears asymmetrical so it was probably one of a pair and it looks like stylized Acanthus leaves.
You would use these to try to raise some details on toasty, crusty coins that are beyond the reach of more gentle methods.
We hit YouTube (for instructions) and Amazon (for a 12v battery charger). Everything else we had lying around the house. It took 3 overnight sessions and we burned through a small pile of "sacrificial scrap metal" before it was clean.
We had never attempted something like this before. The wife had doubts but we're really happy with how it turned out. And the little man was proper wowed by the science behind it, as were the rest of us tbh!
I agree with the comment heavymtlbbq made. Ghetto parks are good and they’re not that hunted.
In this book, it mentioned that the best times to hunt ghetto parks are at the crack of dawn, when everyone has gone to sleep. Also good to cover up the decals of your metal detector with tape. Keep a side pocket with rusted bolts and tabs (or whatever trash) to show people when they ask what you’ve found. The author personally digs with a K-bar in such areas as a deterrent.
I rented this book at my local library.
Google for a local detectorist club. May also look into “ringfinders” as an option. First may be free and second probably a fee but either should help you. Depending on how accurately you know the spot, like within a few feet, and depth, 2 feet or so, you may look into a “pulsedive pin pointer/underwater detector. Here’s an example - Good luck, wish I was closer!
Ill try and research when i get home ill let you know. I have headphones in mind but dont know the name. Give me a price range
Edit: something like this
and if you dont like this style how about
i had these when i used to rock a portable cd player. now i have sennheisers for music they were around 100usd at the time and over the ear.
A normal serrated cathole trowel is my go to. Dunno about others but I don't excavate much at all and find it easily sufficient and light.
Do not go out with a heavy spade. 🙂
I see some pinpointers for $160 and some for $20. Can I skimp and grab a 20 dollar one, like the Amazon link provided?
88+30 I think.
Bounty Hunter TK4 Tracker IV Metal Detector
Okay it looks like the bounty Hunter must have been on sale when I got it it's 99 now.
SUNPOW Metal Detector Pinpointer IP68 Waterproof Handheld Pin Pointer Wand with Belt Holster Treasure Hunting Tool Accessories, Buzzer Vibration Sound (Three Mode)
Okay so I guess I payed 88 plus 40 (plus tax)
And it looks like now it would be 140 plus tax.
Kinda resembles a clutch from a go kart... or some sort of pulley. LotFancy Go Kart Clutch 3/4 Bore 10T for #40 41 420 Chain, Predator 212 Centrifugal Clutch, Up to 6.5 HP, Fit for Go Kart Minibike Baja Mini Bike MB165 MB200
Where I got my start was with an obsolete red book. Hit up Amazon and look for previous year's versions and the find the cheapest. Has tons of educational information like mintages and grading guidance for all US coins.
Here is a for instance: A Guide Book of United States Coins 2018: The Official Red Book, Hardcover
These parts are very generic and most detectors use the same one or at least something very similar. I found one for you.
MarsMd Universal Bolt for Coil Metal Detector
> I wish I was as unjaded as you.
Hah, I'm jaded about plenty, but thanks. :-)
I really love digging just about anything. As an example, I keep finding these little foil balls in my yard, and it's so obvious what they are - some person ate a small sandwich or similar food item that was wrapped in foil, balled up the foil when they were done, and threw it. I think it's cool that I'm digging up these balls however many years later and it's really obvious what they are. They look like they've been in the ground a pretty long time.
I'm sure at some point that stuff will start to annoy me, but I'm still in the honeymoon phase.
>What machine are you using?
Heh well I've never mentioned this in the past because I don't know how to put it. I've got one of those Amazon specials that everyone says not to get.
I wanted to get into this hobby for many years, and I knew better than to go that route from doing some research and reading a lot of forum posts over time. I enjoy watching people detect, and have kept enough tabs on the popular detectors out there that at any moment I felt like I more or less knew what I'd buy if I decided I had 300-500 bucks to put down. But whenever I did there was always something we needed to spend it on.
So my wife picked this up for me last Father's Day. And as much as I would probably have made a different choice, it's been really awesome because at least I'm detecting. It's possibly the best gift she's gotten for me in 20 years and I've told her that about a hundred times. :-)
But now I'm hoping the 540 pro pack drops a hundred bucks or so now that Nokta Makro seems to be trying to push down the prices of simultaneous multifrequency machines, and if that happens I might just have to find some space on a credit card. :-)
Congrats at getting your kids into the hobby!
As you've said, the budget pinpointers can be hit or miss. I just got into metal detecting back in April and went with this one off Amazon:
It has served me well and I've gotten about 4-5 months of regular use out of it before switching to the Garrett Pro that I use now. The cheapy started giving occasional false positives that were annoying. It would beep repeatedly until I would touch it to actual metal, then it would stop and resume functioning normally.
Main differences between the two:
Other than that, they are both pinpointers and they both pinpoint metal objects. I generally suggest going with the best equipment that is affordable because the time is the truly expensive part of the hobby. Anything that improves the efficiency or general experience is worth considering the extra money. Have him use a cheap one and if his interest outlives it get him a higher end tool.
Try it! I don't put a lot of stock in legends, as it's so easy for word-of-mouth accounts to be exaggerated or changed. But this legend will make your metal detecting that much more exciting. You don't have to devote your life to it. Try it a couple of days. Dig up the junk you find, and you will learn a lot about your detector and detecting along the way. One day you may become frustrated and give up, but at least you will have tried and gained skills in the process.
I use a fabric placemat to put the dirt from the hole on. Thicker than a bandana, dirt doesn't stick to it like a towel, and it rolls up nicely in my pouch.
I bought this
Outerman Car Battery Charger 12V 24V Lithium Motorcycle Battery Charger, Automatic Smart Battery Maintainer for Car Boat Motorcycle Lawn Mower ect.
Doesn't turn off on Manual.
If not you could always repurpose a phone or laptop charger.
Chop the end off that plugs into a device part the wires and stick them in some water.
The wire that bubbles is the negative and the other the positive and then attach some crocodile clips to the wires.
Only do this if the charger is less than 20 volts or it could be dangerous.
is what i got
I use a Bluetooth transmitter and transceiver with Bluetooth headphones.
Linked the transmitter I got below, but if you get it just remember to pop the unit open and pull out the microphone. There is no reason for it to contain one and works fine once removed (there are also instructions in the reviews).
This is DEFINITELY based on that design. The flames are the same shape and overlapping, but they are slightly different
Sterling Silver Wildfire Flames Ring
When I went out the first time I didn’t have one and quickly figured out it wasn’t really doable without. I bought this super cheap one that night to get started and even that one is a game changer. I’ve gotten a bit further in the hobby and am just now considering upgrading to a waterproof one
Kuman Pin pointer Water Resistant Metal Detectors with Holster Treasure Hunting Unearthing Tool Accessories Buzzer Vibration Automatic Tuning KW30
750 Underwater Metal Detector with Vibration and LCD Detection Indicator - PI Waterproof Probe Pulse Induction Technology Metal I’m a fan of this model.
Detector Handheld Targeting Pinpointer
Maybe something like this:
I ordered one of these. I didn't want to break the bank on the first one but I liked that this one had loops on one side that I can hook my pin pointer and shovel on. I also liked that the strap was long enough to either put it around your waist or hang it on your shoulder. It should be waiting for me when I get home.
Pretty sure the ball is your standard aftermarket gear shift knob like this (not exactly the same, but they all follow that same general proportions).
Hey Guys thanks a lot for you inputs. I've decided to get a more expensive pointer. I liked the suggestion of pay and cry once :) One final question should I go with the Garret Carrot or the Nokta PulseDive. I plan on getting a Nokta Simplex+ and some have complained of interference with the Garrett (I don't quite know what that menas) but that the Simplex+ and Pulsedive work nicer together. But with 4000+ strong reviews the Garrett seems like a solid choice, have you guys had experience with a Carrot and simplex+. What would you recommend?
That's what I'm leaning towards given the other have said its more compatable with the simplex+ I plan on getting. Which one did you get?
The Nokta PulseDive or the this other Nokta Pointer (I guess it isn't wireless)
I guess I plan on getting the headphones so it makes sense to the wireless model. What are your thoughts.
Thanks for the offer! I had an awesome fishing trip at Ross lake in the Windrivers a number of years ago, we used to fish Yellowstone lake every summer growing up, but now i'm in Washington state which is where I lost the ring. Sounds like I should go with the $100+ pinpointer. The garrett sounds good but do you think I should get the Nakta PulseDive so that it's more compatible with the simplex+ I plan on getting?
I had heard differing opinions on whether to splurge on a pinpointer or not so I decided to get a cheap one and it has worked flawlessly for me.
Kuman Pin pointer Water Resistant Metal Detectors with Holster Treasure Hunting Unearthing Tool Accessories Buzzer Vibration Automatic Tuning KW30
I bought a cheap diamond tester a couple of years ago from Amazon. It's been handy in helping me determine which stones are real diamonds and which aren't.
It's not easy as it sounds I've tried it.
Here's my recommendation-
PTE Wire Tracer & Circuit Tester -Tone Generator & Probe Kit - Find & Trace Wires & Cables, Test Circuit Continuity, Network Telephone Line, Coaxial, Automotive - Features Alligator Clips & RJ11 Plug
Disconnect power and clip the tone generator on the wire and then use the other to trace the tone. I have a professional grade one and this is very similar and probably works just as well.
I'm not the original responder but I use one of these and it works well for me.
I use the Fiskars Car Spade. Really good quality and lightweight spade, that can be used while kneeling down. Really nice tool. German quality Produkt. I dont know if you can get it in the us thogh.
From what I see in the online manual it is a 9v connector that connects to a 6 cell AA pack. I believe this is what you are looking for:
Oxalic acid actually preserves paint extremely well. You always want to test it on junk pieces first and clean it off after. This is the stuff that all the Ebay sellers use.
I have an AT Max and I had to buy a separate waterproof headphones. This is the pair I bought.
Can you not order online and have it shipped? Nokta is out of Turkey, which is close to you...or at least closer than I am in the States.. Amazon maybe?
Nokta Makro Simplex Waterproof Detector with 11" Coil
Oh yeah! I've seen this before. I think this might be it. Yeah not 'worth' anything money wise but what a fun find!
So would this be a fair price for the 600?
It comes with a pon pointer apparently.
What's the difference between a 600 and 800?
Not a newb to specific terminology as I'm an environmental scientist by trade but specialise in Air quality but freaking love geology and I live by the coast with iron age forts and constant rock falls-should be an absolute goldmine!
I have not had any ticks in the last five years since I started wearing clothing treated with this spray.
Best part, you do NOT need to hose down your shirts, bluejeans, jackets, etc. Just treat your socks and your underwear. those are the two areas the ticks either start at or end up in.
Maybe if you are moving through a lot of shoulder-high brush, might be worth it to spray a tee shirt to be super-safe.
Would this one fit what you need? $34 seems decent enough:
I have seen people replying on other post to use Andre’s pencil to clean coins to decrease damage to a minimum Andre’s pencils
I use these and have had really good luck with them... $24 for 4 and they come with a charger.