Oh no that simply won't be enough its a frozen wasteland here. Good luck with the inevitable frostbite
Actually though, your list is quite nice. You're far more prepared than most natives, I think you'll be fine. The Cities aren't quite as cold as up here, and they recently haven't had a lot of snow from what I understand. That coat you have already will be just fine with a base layer or sweater on the really cold days.
Honestly haven't heard of many people wearing base layers like smart wool unless they're actually going to be outside for a long time. But use those when you go skating or walking in the woods, for instance.
Dont underestimate the importance of warm socks and gloves. I always regret it if I forget gloves/socks. Hats? Something like this will be plenty warm and help you fit in with the locals.
Those boots look nice. They'll suit you fine. Remember warm socks for extended outdoors time.
Sometimes the temp won't seem bad, but the wind/windchill will be much much worse. Scarves will help immensely. Just today in Duluth, the "feel" temp was quite a bit colder than the actual temp, with a pretty strong wind. So be ready for that!
Oh, and have a shovel, jumper cables, and ice scraper in your car. You never know when that sucker is covered in ice/snow in the morning or just won't start. Let it warm up a bit too.
Visit up north when you get a chance.
Know this documentary stone cold. I can't speak entirely for the Cities, but this is 100% how people actually are from my neck of the woods.
You seem very prepared. Welcome to Minnesota, its a great state and we're glad to have you.
MnSure is simply an exchange to help you buy private insurance. You don't have to use it. You can use the federal website at https://www.healthcare.gov/
MnSure was built as part of the ACA yes. If the ACA disappears then federal funding will. MnSures future will then be uncertain. The state could continue to fund it if so inclined.
Edit. Just to add. NOW would be the time to get it not because of Trump but because the Deadline for open enrollment is coming to a close.
First and foremost: the Scandinavian ancestry and cultural values that came with it.
Pretty much everything else people have listed flows from that: work ethic, practicality, emphasis on education, mix of capitalism can-do attitude and well funded social programs.
Scandinavian countries usually rank really highly worldwide in all of the things you mentioned. Minnesota is an extension of that.
It's a good reminder that "white" people in America are not homogenous. Check out the book American Nations by Colin Woodard. He doesn't go into Minnesota so specifically, as I recall, but he covers the vastly different histories and backgrounds of the people that regions of our country were populated by and how much those original values and principles still explain politics and such today.
American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America https://www.amazon.com/American-Nations-History-Regional-Cultures-ebook/dp/B0052RDIZA
Similarly, the late Bernard (Bernie) FitzPatrick wrote a book called "The Hike Into the Sun" about his experience on the March, which received a Minnesota Book Award in 1994. He was a Minnesota kid, related to my mom's family.
It's a good book, and well worth your time; I believe it was re-released in 2011.
Buy this
Lifeline 4004 One Size Aluminum Sport Utility, 3 Piece Collapsible Design, Perfect Snow Shovel for Car, Camping and Other Outdoor Activities, Red https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002SIR91A/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_loIzCbE8NVNY5
Check this shit out:
I went to an outdoor football game last weekend with my son... took the same gear / clothing I'd take to an August game. Shorts and a tshirt in November outdoors.
It's the same mask, but with different filters. The filters in the video look like the standard filters that come with the mask when you buy it on Amazon.
Yep. Consumer Reports did a study that showed winter tires are more effective than any AWD system in the snow.
Others covered the car stuff. For general life:
Shovel every 3 hours during big snow storms. It's a lot easier to move 2-4 inches of snow at a time than it is to move 16 inches all at once. Get a shovel with a deep scoop.
If you want to buy a snowblower, check craigslist now. Don't wait until it snows. You should be able to pick up something self propelled that works for about $100 right now.
Salt goes on the sidewalk BEFORE it snows. Salt you walk before the snowstorm starts. It'll melt the snow as it falls. *Up to a point. You're going to need to maintain it if we're getting more than a few inches.
Look down when you walk and keep your hands out of your pockets. You will slip and you don't want to fall.
Invest in good boots and mittens. Consider getting some yaktrax.
Watch for ice dam buildup in your gutters. They were really bad a few years ago and a lot of folks in my neighborhood lost gutters.
Drive slower. Leave more room. Brake with the engine and do it sooner. Leave a lot more room. Even more. Seriously, if you're uncomfortable on icey roads, just go slower and leave more room. Let people pass you.
Avoid driving in the snow/ice as much as possible. It's usually only a few days until the roads are clear. Work from home if you can.
Give snowplows an enormous following gap. They can't see you and someone dies trying to pass one almost every year.
Good luck! A few years ago, I started treating my designated hiking clothing with Permethrin. Combine that with Picaridin on my skin and I haven't had a tick since. https://www.amazon.com/Sawyer-Products-Permethrin-Clothing-Repellent/dp/B07CD9NFB4?th=1
The author of Without Keys (book about her experiences being homeless in Minneapolis) mentioned how confusing it was in the book and how often she had to give business people directions which I thought was funny.
Good book if anyone is looking for something to read about homelessness in Minneapolis even if it is a bit old now.
I'm not sure what kind of cameras they use, but just to get a ballpark estimate lets assume it's 720p @ 30fps which often takes 17Mbps or ~6GB/h. At that rate a 1TB hard drive can store 167 hours of footage. If we assume the cameras are on for 8 hours per day, that means 1 TB is capable of storing 20 days worth of an officer's body cam footage. Now, cameras won't be running for a full 8 hour shift, and you have days off, so we'll call it approximately 1TB per month per officer.
Assuming that they keep the data for a year before erasing it, you'd need to allot 12TB per officer. Storage services like Amazon Glacier cost $0.004/GB per month or $4/TB per month. At 12TB per officer, that brings the total price to $48 per month or about $600 per year per officer.
This doesn't take into account any sort of compression, or the higher rate that sensitive data would probably go for, but should be an okay ballpark estimate. Minneapolis PD has ~800 officers, so that brings the total cost of raw data storage to ~$500,000 per year. Not exactly cheap, but even if I'm off by an order of magnitude, and you add in overhead costs it's still not even close to tens of millions.
>it's not going to wait for 2 days before doing so.
Incorrect. It largely depends on the organism, oftentimes not showing up for several days.
All of this is well documented.
Of course I might be going out on a limb thinking you'd ever even try to read a fucking book for once.
I used to do this angry atheist stuff until I saw a video by Matt Dillahunty called Hyperbole will Destroy the World. It's about how much exaggeration there is in the atheist counter arguments (think Harris, Dawkins etc.)
It's also not healthy to be so negative. A book called Learned Optimism influenced me on that topic.
So anyways, you're more likely to be killed by a hot dog than a terrorist. This isn't France where the police are unarmed. This is the home of the NSA. You don't get very far if you're a deranged lunatic around here.
As far as normal people go, Muslims take the Koran as seriously as Christians take the Bible. The ones who do read it take the good stuff and ignore the rest. Meaning they're actually guided by secular morality. Have you seen anyone take an unruly child downtown to be killed by the crowd there? The Bible says to do that.
How about his violation of professional conduct?
I don't have a lot of love for CityPages as a publication, but their calendar is really handy to see what's going on.
Songkick is a great way to look at specifically what's playing for music.
Finally, and I don't really know of a way to link to this, but if you log into facebook and click on "Events" on the left sidebar, then hit "Discover", it will pull up a good number of significant things coming up.
Hope that helps!
Or you could go totally legit. Sling is only $20/mo and gets you ESPN. Plus Sling accounts will get you into watchESPN, so even though Sling itself doesn't have the full lineup of ESPN channels, you're still covered.
Sibley Guide to Birds is well known as well: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0307957918/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_imm_CMNNHDJFDQFBTKHXJ8YV?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
There’s also the Merlin App https://merlin.allaboutbirds.org/
People are sensational. I found a similar mask for a fairly affordable price on amazon.
You can also buy riot helmets with face shields at grainger industrial supply.
The jet stream is pushing it away from us. When the air quality was bad the jet stream was pushing right through the wildfires and right into MN. Like worst case scenario.
Here's the current jet stream (click the play animation button and you'll see it moving away): https://www.wunderground.com/maps/wind/jet-stream
It's not any one group that stands in the way. It's a much larger issue. https://www.fool.com/investing/general/2013/11/19/the-winners-and-losers-of-marijuana-legalization.aspx
Well shit. Anybody who disagrees, and wants their privacy back, I advise getting a VPN. I personally use Private Internet Access, since it's cheap and the speeds are usually up to snuff for everything besides online gaming(where it's still manageable). They are big supporters of privacy so they don't keep logs of where you go while connected. Sorry if this sounds like an ad, just want to get it out there.
Common sense. When the family posted on next-door app, they put Mexican/Hispanic under race. So I assume they did the same to the police. Here is the like to their post.
Just because the US made up their list of races, doesn't mean there isn't more. Hispanics are more likely to use other and put in Mexican for example on a census.
A good read If you really want try and understand. Don't if you could careless and just want to keep a narrow view of thinking.
I'm sorry to hear that your school doesn't provide you one. It was something that our school happened to be proactive about starting a few years ago to support our deaf and hard of hearing students, and it just so happens to also provide immense benefits to ELLs and everyone else. When masks became necessary they became even more invaluable.
There are relatively affordable small speakers and microphones that are available online and could be helpful for your students. If you proposed this idea to your department lead and/or school administrators, maybe they'd be willing to fund it?
Edited to add: Here's an example of a relatively affordable product that may be helpful
This is the one I have:
All the birds are organized by color and size with a map of where they are in the state as well as when to expect them.
That said, I would recommend anything by Stan Tekiela. The guy is a legend and knows his Minnesota birds.
I got one of these (not this specific one, but same design) and just throw it on every day when I come home from work. Haven't had to scrape the windshield once so far this winter.
What really irritates me though is that I had an idea for something like this 20 years ago while still in high school, where I did something similar by throwing a horse blanket over my windshield. Not sure when commercially available ones came about, but it does make me wonder how much money I missed out on by not further pursuing it.
> are readily available on the open market
Yup, you can even buy the exact model this guy has on Amazon...
I also had a good laugh at the "police issue" comment... The ones that all the MPD have been seen using are AVON M50 gas masks, the same ones issued by the US military currently, albeit with different filters. They're very different from the one being used by the guy in the video. This post is nothing but a trash conspiracy theory.
It's the swings that get you.
>On February 15, 1936, the town of Parshall, N.D. bottomed out at -60 degrees, a new record low for the state. Almost five months later on July 6, the town of Steele, N.D. recorded a new all-time state record high temperature of 121 degrees. This is a temperature range of 181 degrees in North Dakota from February to July.
These two places are at roughly the same elevation and maybe 150 miles apart. No mountains or bodies of water or anything between them. That's just how crazy the swings can get here. Usually it's more like 140 degrees, from about -30 or -40 to 105 ish. It's still brutal. Happens only months apart.
> I'm sure online ordering will be the next thing. Open the app, place your order, show up, grab your food.
Already a thing:
I don't think it got that far east..
If you go to weatherunderground.com and click on "wundermap" and select " weather stations" and "precipitation" you can see how much rain that fell in the area. Not much btw.
It's pretty much on par with that, but expressions like "real winter," "moderately snowy," and "average darkness" all leave a good bit of wiggle room. Weather Underground has a page with average temperatures and rain/snow that you may find interesting. Also, timeanddate.com is happy to fill you in on the daylight situation.
Try SlingTV - you can do a 7-day free trial
> Or it means that machines and foreigners have taken all the jobs.
If you honestly believe machines take jobs you need to read Economics in One Lesson, specifically Chapter 7: The Curse of Machinery. Technological advancements do not take jobs, they free up labor in one area so it can be used in another. Somebody has to build, maintain, and run those new machines.
Likewise if jobs are going to foreigners over domestic laborers that means either the foreigners are working for a wage that more matches the labor (in other words they'll work cheaper on jobs that aren't worth paying minimum wage for) or they're more skilled at the work (in which case they're probably getting paid more than the domestic labors would).
I did this last year. Here is the route I took on Strava.
The only annoying bits were running down old 61 and West Duluth. The terrible streets in West Duluth feel awful after 160 miles...
>"Babies just poop and sleep; you'll be out of your mind looking to work again."
While babies are magnificent poop factories (on par with some breeds of dog) I think this undersells the amount of crying they also do. Not to say infants aren't wonderful little things, but whoever said that doesn't really seem to understand all the default states of baby.
>I feel like time off for the child should be mandated, like breaks.
Good luck. We don't even use all our vacation days. In fact, we're taking off fewer days than we have at any point in the last forty years. So even if an employer mandated you take the time off, how many people do you think would refuse it? And it's got a snowball's chance of making it into law, what with everyone still bitching about how the Affordable Care Act has wrecked the economy and raising the minimum wage would cause companies to lay off their entire workforce.
I mean, it's a great idea, and I think the idea of making it compulsory, rather than optional, would help address the issue of perceived "losing out on opportunities" but I think the political and cultural hurtles would take it out at the knees.
Ouch! That sounds like a bad day. I remember it too. The power in my neighborhood was out from the late afternoon until well after dark, probably from the strain of all those air conditioners running at once. The grain elevator across the highway was still lit up the whole time. Felt like it was taunting us.
Edit: according to this link, the peak heat index was at 3:53pm, measuring 118.6°F.
Moorhead at the same time was even worse off than us. 88°F dew point, 134°F heat index. Those soy bean fields are humid.
It's been dry and unseasonably warm here the last week or so, so the only snow around is a half snowball's worth in a very few sheltered places at the side of the road where it was piled up by a plow and didn't get much sun. Monday promises a bit of rain followed by snow so that might not be too much fun if there's icy slush on the road. If you're thinking of this weekend for a visit you'll be absolutely and completely fine.
Winter tires will do better on snow and ice of course, but they're also made from a rubber formula that stays flexible in temperatures more than a few degrees below freezing and hence can make better road contact than all-seasons in the actual cold even if it's dry. Personally I swear by them, but that's due to a fishtail experience with the OEM all-seasons in some slush and the experience of finding it virtually impossible to lose traction with them in test conditions (aka "the unplowed mall car park"). If you want to go up a nigh-vertical Duluth side road covered in ice with the temperature in the single digits then you'll have problems. But more generally as long as you drive the conditions, i.e. slowing down and allowing extra stopping distance when required (*), avoiding steep and unsalted roads, and not going out when it's shitty, you'll be fine (unless you're sporting bald or summer tires).
(*) That may be much slower and a lot of extra room. Think of how far back you'd have to drive to feel comfortable about the stopping distance and then double it.
Ditto on everyone for the prevention meds. Tick Key is also pretty awesome if you do find one to remove it. Found a tick on kids head and was able to pull it off, tick head intact and everything super easily. But for you... Take a shower after going on nature walks. Deer tick nymphs are difficult to find but if they aren't imbeded I hear they wash off.
If you find one on you and you're not sure if it's a deer tick, take a pic and show a dr. If it is, they may want you on prophylactic antibiotics.
Super tough to find something that meets all three of your criteria. If you’re willing to drive a little further, it’s always fun to explore ghost towns.
While I’m not a believer in the supernatural, I’m a history buff and love spooky stuff. Grab a MN map and this book.
Have fun!
Where Are All the Minnesotans? https://www.amazon.com/dp/1681340402/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_HGTXAZSCMBKTGGHS43YJ
This book is super cute
There’s also a loon stuffed animal that does the loon call when you squeeze it.
Kids book “boundary waters ABCs” is cute and Melissa and Doug make a really cute camping toy set you could get along with a kids boundary waters book.
> If I do get a deer, how do I get it back?
Drag it with a rope or sled after field dressing it. There's a harness you can wear to make it easier: https://www.amazon.com/Hunters-Specialties-Deluxe-Deer-Drag/dp/B002KJDPCO/ref=pd_bxgy_3/144-6694750-9642208?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B002KJDPCO&pd_rd_r=8e2ab71b-7a00-4587-a749-b39d1958670a&pd_rd_w=uK2Vv&pd_rd_wg=LAXrS&pf_rd_p=ce6...
There's a cool app that tell you when it's overhead and it's intensity.
It shows what the path in the sky will be, and then real time tracking when it's visible.
A few too many clouds for me.
Still, it doesn't have to pass over Minnesota to be visible from Minnesota just as long as it's fairly nearby when the Sun has dipped below the horizon for the viewer but not yet for the station itself (if at dusk).
I use ISS Detector to get advance warning of it.
This is a pretty lightweight book that was used as a textbook in an urban geography class I had. Very useful for a deeper understanding of the cities.
I have a kinetic doorbell, no batteries needed for the push button. I bought it in 2018 and it’s still going strong. My exact model isn’t available anymore, but here’s the info.
Best part, it works well and I don’t have to change a battery.
I use Cerave moisturizing cream (in the tub- is at target) on my face and body. Sometimes I also do neutrogena oil on my body. Both at target
get a humidifier for your bedroom
I recently learned about how weather apps largely try to commercialize off weather predictions. Forecast data is publicly available, but many of these commerical companies tend to mix in their own data to make the difference seem "more accurate" so it can be more sellable.
AccuWeather itself has not had the best history of responding to their inaccuracies, as commented from one of their meteorologist
> 1. Why are the models so inaccurate? What is being done to improve them? 2. How far behind normal snowfall are the major cities in the Mid-Atlantic?
> Stay tuned... because sticks and stones may break my bones, but Comments won't keep me from blogging.
I tried to source printed magnets but they were $$$$, though I've had some folks who want our stickers to be 'reusable' make their own magnets using fridge magnet sheets, just stick the sticker on and cut it out.
someone else on this thread referred to it as fentyl soup. Freedome of speech is two tiered; sedition speech or fighting words. If speaking the truth against the lactose is fighting words to you may the internet not encourage your delusion any further.
There's nothing that you can't dress for, if you have the right clothing. If you can afford it, I HIGHLY recommend good merino wool underwear if you like to get outdoors. I've tried many cheaper alternatives before springing for what I now consider the "real deal".
Good gloves, warm thick (wool if you can) socks, a knit scarf to cover your neck, a good stocking cap and you'll be good. If you really love to be outdoors, spring for a snowmobile suit or insulated coveralls and felt-pack boots.
Oh man, some blinged out pickup truck did that at the Tria clinic where I - and, like, a million other people - go for PT for lower body injuries. No one with leg braces or crutches or canes - who couldn't get to the always filled handicapped spots - need to park closer in or anything.
I tucked one of these in their window. On a subsequent visit, I saw the same truck neatly parked inside one spot. 🤣
I've stayed here before with about 20 people and really enjoyed it.
There's 6 bedrooms and 10 beds. Obviously couples double-up on beds, and you can sleep on the couches and floors as well to fit 20 people. Great space and location in Grand Rapids/Cohasset.
My provider is even better: average is 71/11 down up. I feel like not many subscribe to Spectrums Gigabit tier of service, because I see a lot of 100 down results in the map.
Meanwhile, their speedtest can't handle gigabit tier services that well, because the most I can get from their speedtest is about 650mbps down, but I do get my full 45mbps up. I have no issue downloading stuff from steam at my full speed of ~115MB/s from steam, epic, MS, and other game servers.
This free app helped me see the Northern Lights over Labor Day, it had been decades before. They are like rainbows, here when they are here and gone when conditions change.
Buy and use a wheel clamp every time you park it somewhere for more than a few minutes. You just need enough deterrent for the kids to move onto the next target.
Similar to one of these: https://www.amazon.com/Tevlaphee-Universal-Motorcycle-Deterrent-Black-Yellow/dp/B0963PGHKH
Spring isn't summer. It still gets cold in Spring.
Also, for the entire month of April at MSP, the lowest high temp was 34, which is above freezing.
Lol - where were you? According to Weather Underground there was one below zero low temp in the entire month of March.
These guys sure lit shit on fire so if i go through the whole thing and explain to you how trump is pushing us towards authoritarianism and xenophobia. And site my sources you'll just ignore it. So I am opting out. I'd recommend checking out the list of 14 common features of fascism . It's got all the reasons, but you will ignore them. You will find some reason to discredit it, you need to or it shows that you fell for it. HERE
I think it's pretty close to the definition of fair, specifically the first of #6:
>6. a: marked by impartiality and honesty : free from self-interest, prejudice, or favoritism
I'm not trying to give people the benefit of the doubt, I'm saying that you must prove that privilege was a significant factor in order for your statements to be fair (free from prejudice). I am not redefining a word for my purposes. It is the standard by which the majority of people live their lives.
Proving privilege is the cause of a specific situation is not hard if it's actually a case of privilege being abused. The existence of the privilege of a person is not enough evidence to prove guilt, it must be proved the privilege was a significant factor. To be clear, I'm not saying that instantly makes the person innocent of everything else, but without evidence it is not fair to say that it was caused by their privilege.
Many who claim a situation is caused by someone's privilege also fail to present proof that it was the privilege itself that caused the situation, and the claim rings hollow because it was unfair.
And I believe that to be the case here as well.
I currently use this app. It seems decent, has lots of info. But I am never in the right place at the right time unless it's super cloudy. 😮💨 I haven't seen them since I was a kid and my husband never has. Been hunting them for about 2 years or so.
I think he’s quoting the title of a book https://www.amazon.com/Turn-Ship-Around-Turning-Followers-ebook/dp/B00AFPVP0Y#:~:text=Turn%20the%20Ship%20Around!%20is,powerful%20model%20of%20giving%20control.
There are some excellent apps one can download to see when Aurora activity is forecast - one I use is My Aurora on Android (there is also an Apple version) - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jrustonapps.myauroraforecast&hl=en\_US&gl=US
Patagonia for sweaters are the best. A good shell is fantastic, but having a good Patagonia sweater makes a huge difference.
Regarding shells, I have a Mountain Hardware shell for light weather w/ precip, a Patagonia light jacket for light cold w/ mostly no precip. And for anything colder than light cold (<-10F for going to work and <20F for regular outdoors) I have a 3 piece North Face that has served me well.
But my one most favorite brand / thing is ... Bunny Boots. You want a cold weather boot that will laugh in the face of anything the weather throws at you? It's this boot. It looks funny, but it keeps your feet warm. I went for 2 weeks in Alaska Winter and everybody else bitched, and my feet stayed warm and dry every single day. They're not made anymore, so if you can find your size online. Find it. Get it. Black is rated to -20f and white is -40f.
Bob Again usually runs as a huge public transportation nerd, but switched his focus to raising the issue if impeaching Trump and resisting fascism in front of Republicans. He's a good guy. He wrote a book called, Break Glass, Impeach Trump.
You can buy a lifestraw for $15. Stick it in dirty water and bam clean drinking water.
Cheap desalination kit doesn't seem to exist.
One other view on this is to use Musher's Wax instead. I have had two danes that absolutely refused to walk in any sort of boot/shoe that I got them. Shmear some wax on their feet before going out and you are good to go.
Target carries the 1oz bottle of this in their travel size bin (usually over by the makeup somewhere, in my local store anyway).
Stearns County. Growing up in west-central Minnesota, St. Cloud always had a really strange vibe to me. Just found an interesting book on Amazon about a bunch on cold case murders in Stearns County - Cold Cases of Stearns County
I could use some help with the tech stuff, tbh. I’ve started using this mic but it doesn’t seem to do much.
One of my dealbreakers - I need the audio to natively embed in the video file. Most audio capture devices I’ve found require editing software, and that will slow down my process too much.
I biked a lot in college here in MN, including in winter - if you continue to bike in the winter, more rugged tires can help, and I HIGHY recommend some fenders, as the snow will stick in your tires and fling off up into you, of course it's great for driving on wet roads too after rain. I just went with some cheap plastic things like these and they lasted well enough the few years in college I used them.
biking in the snow is also a lot different, go slower, turn VERY slow, and leave plenty of room to stop.
I use this scraper for a lot of other things as well, blades are cheap.
Followed by 90% isopropyl alcohol target has that for a decent price. Another thing that has multiple uses
Shameless plug for my friend who has a book coming out soon on this subject. Check it out Sherman’s Woodticks
I’d just love a Minnesota state shaped cutting board or something like this to make me think of home.
Totally Bamboo Minnesota State Shaped Cutting Board, Natural Bamboo https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FDN70DY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_GDFY7BWQ63B6A55FSR6R
Minnesota T Shirt Womens T-Shirt Casual Top Graphic Tee Short Sleeve Shirt Love Minnesota T Shirt State Pride T-Shirt https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07KDL42NM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_H40C8F8RW904ZW5T5BMY
Either this is a photoshop or the seller has already removed/replaced that weird pic. Minnesota Grown Black Wild Rice 6 Pound Bag - Premium Quality, All Natural - by Spicy World https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08GTXN8WG/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_PD03C7VBYSZ9HTSXRFYX
Thank you! Beavers are really interesting animals. There’s a great book about them (easy read) for anyone who wants to learn more about their habits and personalities.
I had a few thousand come out of my siding when it was 60 I hit them with delta dust and the next day the colony was pretty much completely dead.
It’s expensive but it works super well.
Delta Dust Multi Use Pest Control Insecticide Dust, 1 LB https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002Y6B4A8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_897TGB0NADXBVSE7GQEV?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I use the bullet squirrel baffler to keep them from climbing the pole. And I used the round squirrel baffler to keep them from leaping into the feeders from the ground.
I have some information from friends in Canada. Thought this might be helpful for you folks.
"Urgently needed for upcoming shipment to Ukraine tactical medic kits.
For example:
Cheaper, less equipped, but still useful version
London Ontario Ukrainian Center is putting together a shipment. Medical supplies (gauze, dressings, syringes, IV sets, advil, gravol, polysporin). "
I disagree. Having immediate access to a gun in your home should be your right if you choose. Amazon sells bedside holsters for that very reason.
My parents put closely spaced fiberglass poles with little reflectors all along the driveway (ostensibly to aid in backing down the dark driveway in the winter). Snowmobiles were messing up the asphalt on their driveway & dragging rocks and gravel from the road into their grass. Now they either have to plow through the poles or just go around.
I'll also note that my dad didn't care as much about the property damage as he does the liability. Our neighbors on both sides have old barbed wire fences at their property lines that you can't really see & nobody ever checks on since they're in deep grass/wetland. My dad hated the thought that if a snowmobiler decided to cut deeper into our yard than just the ditch, they might hit the barbed wire fence.
The poles look kind of like (this)[https://www.amazon.com/DXSIGN-Reflective-Driveway-Fiberglass-Reflector/dp/B08LMWRZPP]
Silly question: Gun rights issues aside, wouldn't most homeowners be equally well if not better served with a door jammer?
Ultimately, it wouldn't keep a determined bad guy or the cops out, but it WOULD delay them enough and force them to make enough noise to give one enough time to figure out it's the police and try to look harmless or whatever.
Just a thought.
-70F in Rogers Pass, Montana in 1954. MN does have a record low of -60F in Tower in 1996. Most of the temps below that are in the mountains, though. https://www.wunderground.com/cat6/Coldest-Temperatures-Ever-Measured-Contiguous-US
I really like using stormpulse (requires linkedin) and the features that wunderground's wundermap has.
i usually compare the maps to the current jetstream.
another cool site is https://www.solarimg.com/ if you're interested in celestial stuff as well but i find that their weather page has a lot of interesting data.
Oh yeah, it's actually pretty cool. One of the recent developments in meteorology has been hyperlocal forecasting. Weather Underground has a program where you can link your personal weather station info into their network for them to utilize in their forecast modeling. PressureNet used to be an Android app that would relay your GPS coordinates and the barometer readings from your phone to their pool of research data. It's cool stuff.
Is this the trail, more or less? I haven't been in Stillwater in several years, but now I feel like I should.
Looks like it doesn't have the new bridge's elevation figured out yet...unless it actually drops 200 feet in 500 feet. I haven't been on it yet. 😁
Mittens are much warmer than gloves! I love these mittens for all weather unless it is actually snowing (they are not waterproof). It looks like they carry a men’s version too.
Bruceriver Women Snowflake Knit Mittens with Warm Thinsulate Fleece Lining https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06W564MC8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_ADBCHHRVGCJT306VXNC1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I've got some, but I don't put them on walking into the grocery store.
I actually bought them for a mini-vacation I took last February to the North Shore. I visited 7 or 8 state parks from Grand Portage to Jay Cooke, chasing frozen waterfalls, rivers, and other cool winter stuff. My ice cleats were amazing, and even let me walk across the bare ice over the breakers in Grand Marais. (For those interested, I use IceTrekkers' Diamond Grips, which are Wirecutter's top recommendation. Great grip, very easy to put on, they don't move at all once they're on, and they're compact enough that you can carry them in your pocket.)
I bought these easy to wear dog boots 2 months ago for my pitty and they are still doing the job perfectly fine and are also at a pretty good price compared to the ones in pet stores near me. Check em out: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09PTDDMX7?ref=myi_title_dp
Some houses in the northern region I've seen to have a wood burner and a decent size water pan on top. Humidity is key. I also learned about handwarmers and cutoff sock elastics around wrists help with cold fingers. Boiling a few pots of water at a time a couple times throughout the day might help maintain a more comfortable humidity level in the main area of your place. This hygrometer I think would work very well for your needs.
Govee Bluetooth Digital Hygrometer Indoor Thermometer, Room Humidity and Temperature Sensor Gauge with Remote App Monitoring, Large LCD Display, Notification Alerts, 2 Years Data Storage Export, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07Y36FWTT/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_HDWM46G8YRR79B08G8EB?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I wish you we
Got his jacket on Amazon. Liking it a lot.
Hurtta Expedition Parka, Winter Dog Coat https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WCQL641/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_J2905HZ8BG3JC4S9M5J9?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
The boots are muttluks snow mushers. When I ordered, they were $10 less per pair direct from the company, versus Amazon. Though it took a while coming from Canada. (Important note: they come in pairs of 2.) I think Amazon is the same price now.
It looks like, depending on which newscast you look at, KSTP generally finishes third and KMSP finishes fourth. WCCO and KARE are battling for the top ratings (I'm assuming that WCCO is at the top for the times that aren't in this article.)
I preferred the Prairie Waterfall Trail I'm the northern portion of Touch the Sky. I just enjoy the sound of flowing water.
Murphy-Hanrehan Park has some nice hills, but I don't know if it will compare to SHT. If you want some straight elevation gain, there is a small park built into the side of a river bluff. Richard T Anderson Park . If you spend some time there, you will get some hill work in.
i sip from under the mask. also Dave Dahl who is famous news guy from Minnesota is maskless here and man that guy is even shaking hands, I had to sanitize when he shook my hand after i asked "Oh aren't you the news guy Dave from Eyewitness news 5?" and he said yes. he is stilling sitting near me at this bar. Guy looks more aged now. for past decade I remember seeing him on news http://imgbox.com/3cfDu0rP
If it makes you feel better, Radon isn't anywhere near as dangerous as people selling you Radon tests and their lobbyist friends would have you believe. It's a noble gas so it can't really "stick" to anything in your body and doesn't have any serious science behind warning against it in the amounts Radon testers will do. In fact, radon in amounts these Radon scare-salesmen warn about showed a reduction in lung-cancer risk in about as many studies as it showed a raise in them(one source: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/CASE-CONTROL-STUDY-OF-LUNG-CANCER-RISK-FROM-RADON-Thompson-Nelson/28211367625a430b837ae6f0a90fd5ad40ace3ff ).
I guess if lobbyists pay the right people enough, they can make them claim anything (such as EPA's claim that Radon kills more people than drunk driving each year). It's pretty scammy.
You can buy them on Amazon and I presume other places, but I don’t think it’s a significant enough problem to worry about. Thieves are just car jacking the entire vehicle these days.
Bell 22-1-45915-8 Anti-Theft License Plate Fastener by Amazon.com Learn more: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000SOM9GQ/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_EGJ5S1QX98M9492F65NR
But these and you won’t fall: Yaktrax Walk Traction Cleats for Walking on Snow and Ice (1 Pair) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001CZJIPA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_PK9R4GE21ND81ZET926X?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1