I see some internet idiots have joined in on this hilarious post. It's okay, though. I Googled for you.
>Inspect Elements lets you tweak the appearance and content of a web page, by adding temporary edits to the site's CSS and HTML files. Once you close or reload the page, your changes will be gone; you'll only see the changes on your computer and aren't actually editing the real website itself.
> I know a good deal about this subject. I've put forward arguments supporting my position and you have not even attempted to point out any specific flaw in my reasoning. You only say I don't know what I'm talking about, when the reality is you don't have even the foggiest idea how economics works.
you really are the guy that read one book on economics and treated it like a bible. was it Economics in One Lesson? It's so transparent. Do yourself a favor, really branch out and read some more books. Even conservative economists that support minimum wage. I personally don't support minimum wage. But I certainly support finding out why some of the smartest economists and thinkers that ever lived support a minimum wage.
To believe you know more than them, people who have been thinking about economics everyday of their life, doing research, reading about it, experimenting using computer simulations and real life experiments, branching out into psychology and game theory and real analysis in order to get a better understanding of it. That is true arrogance. Read the works of the people that disagree with you. It improves your critical thinking capabilities.
> I can't yell "Fire!" in a crowded theatre and expect to get away with it
Sure you can. If it's your line in a play. Or if there is actually a fire. Or for whatever other reason you don't actually risk any harm to anybody. There is no prior restraint, you're judged on the outcome.
>private citizens are not allowed to use more powerful weapons like hand grenades, rocket launchers, and (to make the point) nuclear bombs.
Man portable infantry weapons only based on Tenche Cox:
>Congress has no power to disarm the militia. Their swords and every terrible implement of the soldier are the birthright of Americans.
More to that quote, the militia is all able bodied males (still is).
>Is there ever a reason that a natural human right should be curtailed for purposes of public safety in your opinion?
Only under proper delegation of power from the people, not stolen power. Only so far as the curtailed right impacts the rights of others. Morality/Ethics impose limits though. No killing one to save ten. That may be practical but it's never right.
Well, hopefully you'll have a car. If so, that's basically like asking what there is to do in St. Louis, to which the answer is typically "lots". It has its own subreddit, of course: /r/stlouis
If you're stuck in O'Fallon itself, I guess there's the usual -- shop, eat, drink, walk around/explore...
I've been using the Tornado android app put out by the Red Cross. I like the voice warnings and that it shows the warning/watch areas directly on the map overlay instead of just counties.
Hey treesdown,
We have a page on our website with some resources on it launchcode.us/resources there aren't any particular Java resources on it, but all the resources on it are very good. A really good book to learn Java from is Effective Java by Joshua Bloch.
It is a volunteer effort as LaunchCode is a group of people who volunteer their time to help teach people coding and get them jobs in the industry!
Hope this helps!
Yeah it's flash doesn't work on iPhone. Just discovered that myself. I did find there is a mobile app "MoDOT Traveler Information". https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/modot-traveler-information/id568051012?mt=8 Or https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=gov.mo.dot.timm&hl=en
Culture Matters is actually a great publication. You should give it a read.
Yes, the dems could do better by not allowing the QOP to drag them into culture wars.
An entirely different part of the country with a different culture.
Here's a cheat code.
Ozarkian culture is a direct descendant of Appalachian culture and the rest of midwest immigrant culture blended. That's what you live in. How we think, what we value, the things we see as socially acceptable are likely different than what you expect.
This book isn't perfect, but it's a really helpful start to integrate.
..a debutante ball that was started by city leaders as a way of celebrating their suppression of the 1877 General Strike, which in St Louis some historians have likened to a commune (similar to that famous one in Paris from just a few years prior). Busch-Valentine comes from wealth, but she's running on a party ticket whose youth voters increasingly want more working class representation.
The damage will tell you. Voles move above ground, and cause more visible damage than moles. If you see obvious "trails" above ground from hole to hole, that's a vole. If you're just feeling the ground get squishy, and seeing the holes in the area, that's a mole. Voles are harder to get rid of, in my experience, and do more damage.
Whatever you do, please don't poison them. When they're dying, they sometimes flush out of their holes and a hawk or owl will eat them, which will poison them as well. The mole traps haven't been super effective for me because they don't do anything to deter future moles, they'll just kill one at a time.
These in conjunction with the sound deterrent spikes work well for me. Disclaimer: I do not work for any kind of pest control or product company!
Plan B still available (for now) buy a few before the secondary market or the law screws it up https://www.amazon.com/Plan-B-369536162881-Emergency-Contraceptive/dp/B07RXX94QX/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2IPL1HPX6X2IY&keywords=plan+b&qid=1656165617&sprefix=plan+b%2Caps%2C369&sr=8-2
What's the Matter With Kansas? by Thomas Frank goes into how it happened over there several years before the MO GOP used a similar blueprint here. So not exactly the full answer to your question, but close enough to give you an idea.
Yeah I know and that's why I want to get this new setup
That doesn't say what you think it says. Go back and re-read your own linked source for why your bucket list is valid.
If you're using the Heller decision as your exemplar of full on gun registration and licensing, then you've never read Heller and that is all that single page article is talking about.
I want you to explain to me how Heller shaped your bucket list up there and what parts validate your claims because lol. Let's start with defining the NFA without googling it. What does the NFA cover? What does it not cover? Why?
Oh, and if you actually want to cover existing gun cases that are, you know, based in reality and focused on the law, here is the place to do so.
You have to actually go out and read what they're about to be informed, but I don't think that is actually what you want. You just want to yell at the ocean like King Cnut while people like me spend our money and time educating ourselves and backing the organizations who deal with actual court cases.
So, tell me about Heller. If it's long I will still read it tomorrow.
John Payne did a great job, especially in enshrining strict time tables for the government to constitutionally implementing this amendment. I have seen so much footdragging, even when my home state (Grassachusetts legalized medical, it took 3 years to get the first dispensary fwiw)
Although the law isn't perfect (Requiring a separate MMJ card for cultivation, I actually brought this up with Mr. Payne in an interview I did with him, but I digress.)
Hope these dispensaries open in the Show Me state without a hitch! Patient solidarity!
So they vandalized their own gas pumps and threaten to press charges for removing their own vandalism?
Feel free to buy these stickers, and stick them in those stickers. I'm sure they won't notice. And what are they going to do about it? Go after you for vandalizing their vandalism?
Someone didn’t do their research on this sham source .... or they’re intentionally spreading misinformation. It took me less than a minute to fact check this horse shit. Come on people, figure it out.
Walking the trails at Weldon Springs is a good time. It's along the top of the Missouri River bluffs. There is a shorter trail that takes 2-3 hours and a longer all-day trail.
>take the baby while he established his rights.
He had an opportunity to express his rights, and he chose not to... apparently because he thought "that although he ejaculated, there was not sufficient penetration" to get her pregnant. source
>they needed to brainwash mom and take the baby
Again, according to the court, the mom started adoption proceedings basically as soon as she left the hospital.
Sorry for what happened to this guy, but the dude did it to himself.
You can acknowledge police are grabbing people of the street, but fail to realize how they're picking out their targets. You'd have to be a pretty big moron to think Portland police could get away with just kidnapping random people off the streets. Nah, they knew exactly who they were going for.
In the senate inquiry into Antifa, they found training manuals that included fun suggestions like "use people as meat shields to instigate more police violence". Yeah, I can acknowledge that over a ten or twenty year data chart, right wing extremists pose a more significant threat, however, data pertinent to the present is what this argument is over.
I think you're just a troll. You clearly don't know a damn thing about internet security. I mean, seriously, why do you think your phone gives you a warning before you log into new open wifi spots? It's a good thing Antifa's average intelligence is somewhere in your range, because they don't seem to understand internet security either.
Here is a healthy starting point for ya. I say "we" because I am among conservative activists railing against the agents of propaganda like yourself.
And being anti-fascist and a member of Antifa are two very different things. Antifa is a Marxist organization, anti-fascists are ass kicking capitalists with a deep seated hatred for anything Marxist. Anti-fascists hate marxists so much that we utilized an entire section of Africa, armed and trained them in order to suck the wealth out of the Soviet Union, and were strongly considering outright nuclear war. Antifa members can be seen out in the wild wearing the very same symbology of the Soviet Union itself. I could go on and on and on.
Nah, people aren't stupid. They can recognize who instigated this shitstorm, and that's why Republicans got more minority votes this election than they ever had on record. They have to live with the consequences of liberal extremism.
When we did residential construction of our house the options seemed to be a design-build firm with a designer or architect in house or going to an independent architect. There didn't seem to be very many independent "designers" around. We used an independent architect after meeting with four of them. Doing design-build would probably be a lot less work for your parents.
If this is a fairly significant project and expense for your parents I foundthis book helpful in knowing how to work with the professionals and what questions to ask them.
Founding St. Louis by Fred Fausz https://www.amazon.com/Founding-St-Louis-First-City/dp/1609490169
Missouri: An Illustrated Timeline by John Brown
Mobile Justice: Missouri - Apps on Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.aclu.mobile.justice.mo&hl=en_US
This is what I could find for Android.
Mobile Justice - Missouri on the App Store https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mobile-justice-missouri/id960695671
This one for iOS.
Check out Sky Map on Google Play. If iPhone, I'm sure there are similar apps.
BTW, we have a great view of Orion during the winter; at least from my balcony in Kirkwood.
The Streets of St. Louis https://www.amazon.com/dp/0963144863/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fab_Jq5BFb52HQQNS
I grabbed the wrong book
Spirits of St. Louis: A Ghostly Guide to the Mound City's Unearthly Activities https://www.amazon.com/dp/1891442074/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fab_.t5BFb0E9CRSK
One word - DEET - - ok, 2 words - Permethrin. I'm an avid morel hunter and hunter/outdoorsman in general. Chiggers get me too but not using these products. Mainly chiggers in my sock area when mowing around our hunting house area. The permethrinis a spray for clothing to make damp then let dry. It works exceptionally well, even after washing clothes several times. DEET is not to be applied to skin but I spray shoes and pant legs with it.
PERMITHRIN: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CD9NFB4/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_i_e-ymFbPWM3BHV
DEET: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B010AFV1NE/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_i_qczmFbZ1YH216