I think there is a generational difference here too. My parents have asked me on several occasions if I would want to be buried at Arlington. The answer is an enthusiastic fuck no. Burials are illogical; they take up valuable space, and do nothing to help the environment. I would prefer to become a tree. You avoid the expensive cost of a casket and burial, and you provide oxygen to the world.
Well the part itself is about $15.00 but you have to be sure it’s a direct compatible replacement (I think this one is but I’d have to see all of the numbers on yours better).
But what you really paid for was:
1) Someone who knew how to diagnose the problem properly;
2) Someone who had the part on hand RIGHT NOW
3) Someone willing to come out and do this on a Saturday.
It seems a bit high, but it’s been years since I had to have the capacitor replaced on my system. Thought it was high then too as it does seem a lot for the inexpensive part.
But then if you paid for a hotel room while you waited for the part etc etc etc.
Someone wrote a book that was a 10 year follow up of my TJ class: What Really Happened to the Class of '93: Start-ups, Dropouts, and Other Navigations Through an Untidy Decade https://www.amazon.com/dp/0767914791/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_K8HTMRHYWB2WS64NYZX9
When TJ first opened there were so many predictions made about all the Nobel prize winners the school would crank out. I don’t think much of that has come to fruition.
My most famous former TJ classmate is the Governor of New Hampshire, but i would say that had everything to do with him being the son of John Sununu and almost nothing to do with him being a TJ grad.
Anecdotally I would not say anyone I know from my TJ days met with success they couldn’t have met with graduating from their base school.
I do have a patent, though! Lol. In these days of patent trolls, etc. it’s not much of an accomplishment—more a sign you work for a wealthy company willing to jump through the hoops.
This feels like a repeat of January 2019.
I bet we will get 6 -12 inches based on current forecasts. I’m inclined to believe that they are accurate since borderline rain/snow temperatures aren’t a major factor.
This is a known issue with Verizon trying to extort money out of Netflix/Cogent for "maliciously dumping traffic on their network" (read: their customers having the nerve to try to use their internet connections to get something other than RedBox streaming, because somehow Netflix bits are different than Google bits and somehow Netflix sends bits to people who didn't request them).
I'd get a VPN. You shouldn't have to pay more money to get what you're paying for already, but Private Internet Access is only $40 a year and you can use it on your phone and iPad too (there's an Android app, but I think Apple won't allow an iOS app so you have to do it in the settings menu) and fast enough to even torrent on. Furthermore you should probably have a VPN anyhow if you're gonna do stuff like connect to your bank account on a public wifi network, or connect to your Facebook account on your work wifi.
The tricky thing is if you have a smart TV but don't want to set up VPN access at the router level...I think I'm gonna sit down with my Tomato router and try to set it up as a VPN bridge just for my TV (but again, absurd that I have to waste my time doing this because Verizon want to double-dip on getting paid).
So if you maintained high graduation rates, you got fat bonuses. Result - falsely graduate kids and give honest teacher shit reviews. Capitalism works for everyone.
It has nothing to do with this image at all and I have no idea what OPs trying to get at. The picture isn't even of 66.
There is a real need for volunteers with language ability!
If your girlfriend speaks Dari or Pashto, please reach out to Lutheran Social Services. Call them, or use the online volunteer form and write "interpreter" in the field.
Edit, link:
Plastic badge holders work with a lanyard or retractable reel https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07TVLJFT6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
It was me, actually! Here's the original post from last year: http://www.reddit.com/r/washingtondc/comments/1mkmj1/the_new_metro_map_to_scale/
You can also find a little more detail on my Behance site: https://www.behance.net/gallery/10965947/Washington-Metro-Map-to-Scale
Not quite. This February has been 11 degrees warmer on average than last February. February hasn't been close to this warm since 2011.
In this area its best to get a Dash Camera. You can get decent ones for less than $100 (camera plus high endurance memory card). That and try to stay in the right lane unless about to make an immediate left turn.
Here is a site that reviews DashCams...
And a high endurance memory card like this...
There are other brands that work well also. Just make sure its High Endurance and if bought from amazon its sold/shipped from amazon. A lot of fakes out there.
Take 235g of semolina flour. Top off with type00 to ~300 grams. Put that in your kitchenaid mixer bowl, make a well in the middle and crack in 3 eggs. Attach dough-hook and mix for about 5 minutes, should be one mass by about this time. Pull it out and kneed it for 5-10 minutes; should be a silly-putty like texture.
Grab a scotch, you've earned it, kneeding dough is why little grannies can lift cars.
Place dough under a bowl and let it sit while you drink your scotch, 20-30 minutes. Attach your pasta press attachment (spaghetti plate) and start running slightly larger than quarter size balls of dough through it; you'll want the dough to be just barely out of sight when you add new dough to the press. Cut strands into a bowl (I have one of the smaller kitchenaids so I prop it up on a box or over the counter if I can distract the cats); bowl should have a light dusting of flour in it - gently toss the spaghetti in the flour and dry on a rack or parchment paper. I usually let it rest for about 30 minutes before cooking; feel free to dry overnight and then put into a ziplock and into your fridge (keeps about a week).
All in, takes maybe an hour once you start getting it down. Your friends will be amazed that you can whip up fresh pasta like this, but its actually pretty easy. Sauce is a completely different story and a completely different set of skills. Even something from a jar will taste better over pasta you just made yourself.
Yea check the settings as most, any decent ones, will auto write over when the card gets full.
Make sure its not a bad memory card also. A good high endurance one like this, https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00V5Q1K3O/ , hold up better than the regular cards not meant for cameras.
I second this.
If your time allows, I would look into opening up a Charles Schwab Investor Checking account.
FYI: https://www.schwab.com/resource-center/insights/content/5-ways-to-save-money-when-traveling-abroad
I will be there! I have not been to this in the past though. If you are interested in going - I recommend getting a groupon to save you some money :)
Send me a PM if you would like to meet there. I've been practicing a little bit to play in the friendly matches.
Edit: If anyone is still considering going, Groupon is running a 20% off local deals at the moment. Promo code: MYCITY20
No, sorry. :( He/she was near Colts Brook Drive in Reston. I pinned the approximate location we saw him/her on my Next Door post: https://nextdoor.com/p/92TMgCFWKR-f?utm_source=share&extras=NjE5NTQ3NzA%3D&init_source=copy_link_share
Sorry to hear about your hit and run. Dashcam or any witnesses?
If you don't already have a dashcam, one of the relatively inexpensive and popular models SpyTec A119 is currently $71.96 on Amazon w/ Prime. You sacrifice a cigarette lighter port for peace of mind and possible evidence for police/insurance!
Even having a dashcam makes you a safer driver, because you subconsciously know that your driving is being recorded so you're less likely to speed or make aggressive lane changes.
I bought a case for my phone that has a small storage slot built into the back of it, which fits up to 4 cards. It’s perfect for things like this! This is the one I have: Incipio Stashback https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XFGFP23/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_RG5yFb9Y29PFM
I like this tornado app a LOT - plus it has a cool weather widget:
Install that, and then go into Radar, the click the little "layers" icon in the bottom right corner. Pick Terrain (or satellite, if that's your thing), then Weather Layer = Radar, then Severe Weather Layer = Storm and tornadoes. Then go into Settings, Notifications, enable Severe Weather Alerts, Customize Notifications, and set as desired.
Now go back to your Radar map and let it load. Zoom out and you will see the red and yellow "zones" for the tornado alerts. In my case, it's located just N-NE over Frederick MD, and up to York MD. You may have to press the [] icon in the top right corner to get the animation to load and start up.
I take this opportunity to remind everyone that the Shenandoah County Fair is in Woodstock off 81, 8/24/12-9/1/12 and I recommend it, especially if you have kids that like fairs.
It is around the corner from the seven bends.
/r/personalfinance and YNAB are great. YNAB not only makes good software, they have FREE classes to help get hold of the bull and start living like civilized human beings.
It might be kind of out of your way, but I used to take my daughter to the Wolf Trap parking lot on weekend mornings. It is completely empty at that time.
This isn't exactly on point, but, I started using Duolingo for German (because I might have to negotiate with Putin one day) and have enjoyed it. It's free so you can always move on if you don't like it.
If you can, post to Nextdoor.com even if you surrender it to animal control. Didn't know about the site when I lost my dog on July 4. A nearby neighbor posted her picture on there with a phone number- got her next day at the shelter.
I was looking at one of those historical books (I think it was this one)about Fairfax, and it had a picture of a KKK rally that happened here in the early 1900s. Thank god that's not a thing here anymore.
Can I ask why you don't want to install windows on your iMac? There is a free virtualization tool called VirtualBox which allows you to install Windows (or other operating systems) separately on your computer without messing with your existing Mac OS installation or dealing with dual-boot. The only trick is you need to have Windows installation media/have a license.
Sound editing isn't really intensive, so you probably could get by with a "cheap, crappy" computer though. And I can't help you there.
I've had Mint for close to 2 years now with no issue. I do the like $15 4GB plan.
With those not unlimited (or well....limited) plans it's pretty easy when most apps allow you to download content to your phone rather than use network. Spotify, Hulu, Netflix, etc you can download it on your phone when Wifi is enabled and then use it where you won't have wifi. Buy a phone that allows for expand storage via MicroSD card for $20 or so https://www.amazon.com/Samsung-Endurance-128GB-Micro-Adapter/dp/B07B984HJ5/ref=sr_1_16?dchild=1&keywords=microsd+card&qid=1624057708&sr=8-16
I've maybe once or twice gone over, once just because I forgot to turn back on the wifi on my phone lol.
Also haven't had any issue with reliability or anything like that. Though I don't use network for much as is anyways.
As an amateur wine maker, here's my advice - Start drinking wine and hit up friends and family! You can certainly use used wine bottles for this. The labels come off pretty easily when soaked in water (bath tub). You can sterilize using a bottle cleaner like 1 step and one of these from amazon:
You'd be amazed how quickly you can come up with a bunch of empty bottles.
When I was a kid (in the 50's /ugh), there were flip-up sunglasses that the pros wore. Here is the closest thing I could find these days. Maybe that is the way to go. Ah, the good ole days. (Turns out there was a bad flu epidemic in '57, too. I had no idea.)
I used to keep a bunch of the "You park like an asshole" cards handy. Went through them to fast too keep up with it.
Good luck.
Edit: This wasn't helpful at all. I screwed the pooch on that one.
When I was looking for a new job, I went on the design site Dribbble and looked at resumes there for inspiration. Of course a normal person's resume would never look like that, but it was helpful to get ideas on modern presentation styles, fonts, colors, formatting, etc.
The book Tubes has a very good history of this. It's been awhile since I read it, but as I recall a group of telecom executives, over lunch at Tortilla Factory, hammered out plans to interconnect their networks, creating a large switch in northern VA. For awhile the hardware was in a parking garage (I think in Tyson's Corner), but as the internet grew, a lot of infrastructure ended up in Ashburn because land was much cheaper. Being near a switch like this is good for data centers because it is cheaper to connect to the network and reduces latency
Netflix has performed poorly for me on FiOS for probably two years now. For the last eight months it's been almost completely unusable.
Now I subscribe to a VPN service (Private Internet Access) to route my traffic around Verizon's Netflix bottlenecks and I get flawless Netflix performance with 1080p and Dolby Digital Plus (when available) and no buffering.
Same situation fam, but don't worry I have the solution.
I set it to block (aka sending instantly to voicemail) for anyone not on my contacts. Works very good! App doesn't even have ads!
<strong>Pho for the Homeless Sign Up Sheet</strong>
No date or location has been set. This is simple saying that you are interested in helping.
Nevermind! Found it. For anyone looking, https://www.notion.so/Member-pricing-and-benefits-d854ceaf56d344b49245bf849e839a5b
$75/month, Associates
$125/month, Keys
$175/month, Innovation Center Members
$150/month IC add-on for hot desk or hot bench
$250/month IC add-on for dedicated desk or bench
Associate acces times:
5:00pm-10:00pm Mon-Fri
12:00pm-5:00pm Sat/Sun
Key is 24/7.
A couple months ago, a coworker's hard drive was failing and she had a ton of important files stored on her hard drive. I stuck the drive in the freezer overnight and the next morning, it bought me enough time to pull almost all the files off it before it failed. I'll never knock the freezer trick again.
Does your computer even recognize either the CD or hard drive when you connect it? If it at least does that, try downloading and running a Linux variant, burn it to disc and boot from it. Maybe you can get the stuff off the hard drive. Here's a tutorial on it.
You should do the "Arlington Triangle." It's a series of bike trails that go from the airport up to Rosslyn, out to Falls Church, and back to the airport via the Mt Vernon, Custis, and W&OD/4-Mile Run trails respectively. you can see it better on Google's bike map of Arlington.
I don't know the exact mileage, but I think it'd be about perfect.
Some ideas:
Rent your own place and it's doable, rent with roommates for a more comfortable economic situation. Rent with roommates and prepare for possible mental anguish. If you do roommates, get a credit check done. People who can't manage their own money tend to put financial burden on you with things like paying you later for the bills when it's due now. I highly recommend https://www.youneedabudget.com/ free month but they also have free workshops to help you better use the software online. Start using a Credit Card around here without a plan and you dun goofed.
Boy scout troop 162 (Arlington) is selling trees. Pre order needed. But pickup starts NEXT weekend.
Since you're in Reston, try the Cricket field at Lake Fairfax Park:
There's a Weather Underground page for the park so you can check the winds before you go: https://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/hdfForecast?query=38.965%2C-77.308&sp=KVAVIENN7
Heres a video just put out with a rough inch projection for this region.
If the front comes down lower then 5+ every where, 12+ for N.DC and parts of Maryland. If its not as low then could be a dusting for Lorton and 5+ for N.DC.
We are the last part of the storm so literally depends how low this cold front moves down or not.
But if you have kids make plans now for school closures. I am guessing Tue and Wed Fairfax will be closed based on current models.
This should help her out. Or at least give her a few more options to look. Also if she puts a "local" address on her resume, that might help even more.
CEO and Chairman is doing well financially...
Public traded companies are a lot like democractic nations it seems.
Those in charge do whats best in the short term (next election or next quarter report) and investment in stability goes in the tabk.
“Ronald has made over 13 trades of the SkyWest stock since 2017, according to the Form 4 filled with the SEC. Most recently he exercised 6,221 units of SKYW stock worth $383,338 on 24 February 2019. The largest trade he's ever made was exercising 47,805 units of SkyWest stock on 20 February 2019 worth over $2,945,744. On average, Ronald trades about 12,729 units every 32 days since 2016. As of 24 February 2019 he still owns at least 141,568 units of SkyWest stock.”
This is 30 year out of date info, but I still have fond memories from being a kid at camp and going here:
Several recent reviews label it the best swimming hole in Virginia, so I feel ok still recommending it. Plus the fact that it stayed with me for 30 years (I barely remember most of the rest of camp) is a point in its favor.
Thanks for asking this, it reminded me of a place I should take my kids!!
We fly on the weekends at the South County Middle School in Lorton.
Technically though, you can't fly anywhere in that area.
Having the Manassas regional airport and Dulles right there, you are more likely to get spotted and into trouble.
Problem with donating to a school is that it drives the IT guys crazy. There's licensing issues, loading software, drivers, etc.
Also, you need to wipe the disk so that you are protected from the buyer poking around in your stuff. Easiest thing is to get Linux (such as https://www.linuxmint.com/download.php ) and reformat the drive when installing. Then bring it to a thrift shop, with note taped to it that Linux is installed.
Check meetup.com. There's one that plays in Reston, on Saturday mornings (or at least, they did a few years ago). There are a bunch of other ones if that one has stopped meeting!
Just get one of these card holders
3 Pack CDC Vaccination Card Protector 4X3 in Immunization Record Vaccine Card Holder Horizontal Badge I'd Name Tags Clear PVC Sleeve Waterproof Type Resealable Zip w 3 Lanyard Slots for Events Travel https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0915G3XK9/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_Z6SXCBQS46X7HWWMS0C9?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I second this. Both of our guest bedrooms have mattresses and support frames from Amazon, very comfortable and reasonable. We went with the gel types that you unroll and allow to "fluff" for 24hrs. These mattresses are as deep as our very expensive mattress and worth every penny.
ZINUS 12 Inch Cloud Memory Foam Mattress / Pressure Relieving / Bed-in-a-Box / CertiPUR-US Certified, Queen https://www.amazon.com/dp/B012H0K93I/ref=cm_sw_r_em_apa_glt_fabc_3E063DCQNY15ZJ3V47QB?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
You might check out Proximity Principle. It's how to get yourself near people with jobs you would want so they get to know you first instead of high pressure situations like a blind interview. https://www.amazon.com/dp/0978562038/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_QYKV0TW2QVX1BFZ3AJNK
The closest I've found to the yellow sauce is Crema de Aji Tari. I tried making my own with Aji Amarillo Paste and mayo but could never get it right. Then I found Alacena Crema De Aji Tari / Peruvian Sauce 400 Gr. Family Size on Amazon and it is great. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00B0GC0BK/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I've never seen sloe (Prunus spinosa) growing around here. It's not listed as naturalized in Virginia either by the Flora of Virginia project or USDA Plants.
Apparently you can get dried sloe on amazon: https://smile.amazon.com/Youngs-Wine-Additives-Dried-Sloes/dp/B00E9BNHFG/
but, confusingly, the description says elderberry, which I assume means the European elderberry, Sambucus nigra which is a totally different plant -- different families even.
Good luck!
I use the "Amazon Basic" one https://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-Ultra-Thin-Indoor-Antenna/dp/B00X4RAEZC
Question is wher do you live? There are sites you can plug in your address and it will tell you want "power" antenna you need for what site you want
GESOBYTE Amplified HD Digital TV Antenna Long 200+ Miles Range - Support 4K 1080p Fire tv Stick and All Older TV's - Indoor Smart Switch Amplifier Signal Booster - 18ft Coax HDTV Cable/AC Adapter https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XQLW1H7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_e1ayFbK05W8JF
For me the problem is it's Verizon FiOS or Comcast, and unlike Comcast at least Verizon seems to be able to send me the correct bill every month. Having to call Comcast EVERY fucking month when they over billed me, and having to spend at least an hour on the phone (often across multiple calls) EVERY MONTH getting it sorted out with their horrible customer .
And like I said in my post, Private Internet Access is only $40 a year and is something I'd be getting regardless of Verizon's Netflix bullshit, it's something you should be using if you want to do stuff like connect to a bank account on a public wifi network or connect to your Facebook account on your work's wifi.
> I see no corporate swindling here.
I think they acted within the limits of the law, but I don't think these companies have the injured party's interests at heart. Looks a look like a payday loan or title lender's ad to me...
>As a leading national purchaser of structured settlements, we take pride in making it easy for people just like you to live life on your own terms with CASH NOW.
I make the same and only put 5% down. Invested the rest of my money instead of putting 20% down. I also paid all upfront for my PMI. 2.75 interest rate. Interests rates will go up in the coming years https://www.schwab.com/resource-center/insights/content/understanding-feds-dot-plot
Throwing this out there - I had a good experience at Yellow Door Spa & Salon. It's far from the "Red Door" spa and salon experience (haha) but I actually got a really nice cut there. I was a little wary at first since it's a small salon in the basement of an establishment, but I tried it for the first time a few months using this Groupon - https://www.groupon.com/biz/vienna-va/yellow-door-spa-salon. Checks off your under $60 block and it's in Vienna.
Classic Cigars & British Goodies in Clarendon might have them. I get my black pudding and proper rashers fix there :) 2907 Wilson Blvd Arlington, VA 22201 (703) 525-6510
Mon-Sat 10 am - 10 pm Sun 12 pm - 6 pm
I recommend Samsung Auto Care in Merrifield (right down the street from Craven). My family has been using them for years, and they'll give you the no-bs advice on what to do with your car.
They're honest and don't overcharge.
It's kind of hidden. Here's my attempt at mapping it. They're behind the buildings. You drive between those buildings in the picture and it'll be on the left.
Good luck!
Perseid Viewing Guide. Most meteor showers have a frequency curve-- one night will be top of the curve, but there will still be meteors 1-2 nights before and after peak.
Weather also matters. You won't see any meteors through the clouds. The forecast for the next couple of days is iffy, so check weather info before you get in the car.
One reason Shenandoah and Sky Meadows are popular for stargazing is that the higher elevation gets you above some of the clouds and a lot of the humidity.
This is my issue (well, that and that the iPhone 6 won't initially support non-Apple Pay used for NFC). I live near Navy Yard, but I very rarely exit at any of the other stations (if only it were Crystal City instead of Pentagon City). If it requires the same device to both enter and exit, it'd be completely impractical and nearly infeasable for me to use.
Um, the highs ARE regularly over 90 with oppressive humidity in DC. https://www.accuweather.com/en/us/washington-dc/20006/month/327659?monyr=7/01/2018
Honestly though, at some point the difference between 85 and 95 is negligible, when it comes to what it feels like. And it all feels like hot pea and onion soup.
You can try here I took the liberty of removing all search results from care.com since most are pet sitting type work.
Since you really didn't say what type of work you want to do, I left the rest open for you to search.
You could always check here:
But yeah, there are a ton of variables here.
I pay ~$450/m for family coverage in an HDHP, with a $3k deductible, 10% co-insurance after deductible and $4.6k out of pocket max. I am not sure how much my company pays.
Check airbnb. Over your budget, but this result is walking distance to Prince St. and looks awesome. Depending on what your start date is, you can keep checking to see if more options open up. And of course expand the search area to Metro stops. Good luck!
I havent owned cable tv in years (I should preface I have been also trying to cut back on my tv watching)
I get Netflix for free from Tmobile, I have Prime (mainly for the free delivery), and I rent things on the Apple TV
Do you have any kind of streaming devices? I have heard some decent things about the Playstation Vue TV service. (you dont need to have a ps for it)
They have a trial
What exactly are you looking for when it comes to tv?
Here is my spreadsheet. Look for "fancy" for the high price, fancy places.
If you answer two questions I can help narrow it down for you
1) DC or NOVA (if NOVA, where? Would you go out to the country (Upperville/Leesburg/Middlesburg/etc)?)
2) Favorite food types
Concurring with others here:
NVCC is an expensive waste of time. I have taken some classes there and only put up with it because I needed the credits.
There are many online resources that are free including study groups and message boards. A quick search turned up this guy http://www.professormesser.com/ I looked at what he's charging for content and it seems reasonable - but I didn't dig deep.
My husband and I have lived here for 3 years and we love it!! Super convenient and walkable. I also find CC kind of quirky with the underground shops, random strip club, and smattering of mom n pop restaurants among fast casual spots. We are actually looking for people to take over our 2BR lease starting in March if you are interested. Feel free to check out my post history or our listing here: https://nextdoor.com/for_sale_and_free/8beecf99-747d-4c3a-b3a0-34ef01db4172/?init_source=chat.
I have two of these ZINUS Suzanne Metal and Wood from Amazon. If you're looking at Ikea, you might like this - metal frame, so it feels really solid - I've been really happy with them (2 years). I was skeptical of ordering something like this, but it's pretty much just flat-pack metal frame and simple headboard - not much that can go wrong.
Mattress - Zinus sells them on Amazon, but I have no idea their quality.
We have a Casper ("Original"), but it's more than your budget alone. They do have a cheaper one that would possibly work for you. However, our "Original" feels very soft to me compared to our 12+ year old Tempur-Pedic - the Casper is serviceable, but I do like the heft of the Tempur-Pedic.
I haven't tried any other mattress in a box companies - but they are a big business, so there must be a lot of people who like them.
Beware of mattress return policies, however, if you want to be a conscientious shopper - yes most of the online stores have good return policies and they favor you as the consumer - but the mattress very possibly ends up being trash if you do return it - when I researched this before, in some states they can donate the mattresses, but in others they have to just trash them. I can't find documentation on where Virginia falls on that, though.
I’ve gotten in the habit of always laying traps like these in my apartment regardless of initial bug situation. After a few months I’ll notice the traps catching a few bugs especially by the entryway and behind the fridge.
We use good quality human clippers on ours (specifically these: https://www.amazon.com/SEKI-SS-102-Deluxe-Toenail-Clipper/) and it works fine (just have to hold/angle it the right way...(I think there's youtube vids that demonstrate doing it with human nail clippers)). I think initially doing it yourself can kind of suck, but once you and the cat get used to it, it's not too bad...and definitely saves time/money.
That said, most vets will do it for you as well, I think. We had ours do it a couple times either during checkups or other random visits. I'm sure OP could contact their vet and get it done...possibly for cheaper than Petco/Petsmart.
If you get a dip net and scrape the muck from the bottom of ponds, you can find salamanders and other herpatiles in there.
The logs and rocks that people have mentioned works, but in winter, these fellas are going a little deeper, so there's not so many.
In spring time, you can see tons of salamanders by finding a road next to a pond and waiting for the first warm and rainy night. Salamanders and frogs will try to cross the road. You may even save a few from vehicular death.
I just quick checked on Amazon and there's lots of ready to ship canisters. Spending 10 seconds got me this:
I don't think full size replicas are manufactured due to licensing. you can get a 2/3 size one on amazon
Can you cook your own wings? Haven't tried it, but it's available in a bottle from Amazon!
Here is your part https://www.amazon.com/Genteq-c3455r-Capacitor-97F9895-97F9895BZ3/dp/B06ZY66QZ5/ref=sr_1_3?crid=3PTZME3CFJRC5&keywords=45uf+5uf+370+volt+capacitor&qid=1563048896&s=gateway&sprefix=45uf+%2Caps%2C126&sr=8-3 $15 on Amazon. I agree with just about everyone else here.
Do you carry your phone? I have one of these and LOVE it. (No preference for this exact brand, just showing the link to explain what it is.) https://www.amazon.com/AgentWhiteUSA-Wallet-Business-Android-Smartphones/dp/B06XCXPCTH/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=stick+on+credit+card+holder+for+cell+phone&qid=1600383792&sprefix=stick+on+credit+&sr=8-4
Especially for a younger kid, you can get the cheapest POS chromebook and not lose sleep over if it gets dropped/dies
Probably the cheapest I can find
Amazon has some cheaper ones (sub 200) but they are all from third parties it seem
This one looks refurbished
Whole house tankless are NOT 5k. Bosch Therm 520 HN NG (Natural Gas) Whole-House Tankless Water Heater https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0065OGB9Y/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_egPjwbXGJCSZS. This needs no electricity or battery and A plumber would install this for less than 400.00.
Im using this on comcast, and it has been stable. I think I've rebooted it maybe 3 times in the last year. It is listed on Comcast's site as a fully supported model. If you're going to have many devices (or the fastest package), you may wish to get the next model up, which I think is about $10 more expensive, as it can handle more packets per second. As always - Your mileage may vary.
This looks really simple - https://youtube.com/watch?v=Yh3dh2Xueeo
Two screws and a few spade lugs.
Is this the part?
If ALL weddings cost $30-40K in this area, then I'm just going to get married at a courthouse or eloping.
That being said, here's another book to consider for help sticking to a budget.
Yep, I got this one when we moved in, which was around the price of someone coming out and doing a test: http://www.amazon.com/Safety-Siren-Series3-Radon-Detector/dp/B000CEAY64/
Did wind up having to get remediation done as our levels were consistently very high.
Download the Truecaller app. It has worked wonders in blocking those pricks.
Update: I got this foam insulation and it immediately increased the temp by 10°. If you put a window film on the windows as a barrier from the adhesive backing, you could probably stick it on the bottom half of your windows for extra warmth. Not the prettiest solution but it works.
This is the exact scenario to keep these ready to go in the glove box.
>Avoidance of cataclysmic weather and natural disasters. >
These baskets are expensive, but every member of our family has had one for over five years now. They are worth their weight in gold!
We use them to keep our books and electronics near us (tablet, phone, Switch console), and to ferry food, dishes, and drinks from floor to floor. There's a little pocket on the side I keep lip balm, hair ties, a comb, and pens in.
But just give in now and buy separate phone and tablet chargers for every floor.
>Recommendations on chess books
(you might also try online chess, I love lichess.org)
My favourite chess book has been Pandolfini's endgame book link (and once you get the sense of endgames, your middle game improves as you know what you should aim for eventually as an endgame).
(I xeroxed the 300 or so examples and made them into flash cards, as a training technique)
As a fellow IBS and back pain sufferer. I feel like it’s almost impossible to get any progress or help from Drs in this area. I’ve been in limbo for years.
I don’t know if this applies, but these tablets have helped me tremendously. I’m sorry I could not be of more assistance.