DMCA Takedown. Steve Jackson (The creator of the game) had it taken down for copyright infringement.
If you want to play Munchkin, here's a link to Munchkin Epic with multiple expansions. Just know, there are no dice or play pieces.
Greenman gaming is doing a sale for 50% also can use BOTR25 on the cart to get additional $2.50 off
Also if you want a handy tool for finding deals
I would highly suggest Link
you might want to try . More than likely you'll be playing pathfinder, since most of what you'll need is available free online. I've yet to get past creating a character on TTS; people tend to flake and not show up for the second session.
Oh dear, the easiest way I can think of is 3d printing it. It won't be balanced, there would be no way to ensure its even remotely balanced. If you make it hollow you won't be able to smooth down the inside to make it balanced if you make it solid ... I don't think you'd be able to ensure its balanced.
The best way would probably be making it from mold. How you'd make such a mold... I'm not even sure, esp when it comes to accuracy. I made some dice a long time ago using resin. I used resin because I knew I could get all the bubbles out. A 100 sided would be a challenge.
I suppose the best best way is machine milling. I dunno. You could just buy one
I've never played but it looks fun. Here you go.
I made all the cards then used AndrewM16921's Deck builder to put them together.
If there's anything wrong, let me know.
You could ~~purchase the deck~~ for $9, surporting the original designer, and then scan the cards in higher definition and not be forced to upload low quality textures
EDIT: only available on Amazon now, /'d link
It's already on sale on IndieGala for 50% off:
FYI, the historic low for TTS (excluding bundles) is $7.99, and the lowest sale directly on Steam so far is $9.99. So you could hold out for another $8 sale if you watch deal sites closely, but it's probably worth just grabbing it at $10.
D&D - For the person running the game (Dungeon Master aka DM) it is more time-consuming to set up compared to platforms like Roll20. Of course, if someone has done so on TTS for a while and gotten used to it, then TTS is a great platform for it.
Settlers of Catan - TTS is perfect for board games like Catan. (RPGs like D&D don't have static boards, so there's more setup involved during the game - Catan has set rules for setup, RPGs don't)
In terms of community, I'm not familiar with that.
If you have any more questions / want elaboration on my answers feel free to ask.
People keep uploading links like this one.
I've been told it has the munchkins and cards against humanity, word is the guy doesn't know which file is which, so uploads it all together, the fool.
When you log in, just look at the list of servers currently looking for players and watch the global chat window.
Also, go to the official discord.
I know this doesn't answer your question but have you tried colonist. May have to drop some money depending on what expansions you play but gives plenty of end game stats and records play history.
It's a free to use web app with bonus features you can pay for. It's a looot more straight forward to use with a lot of the generic 2D assets you can find on the web. It's also been around for a long time and has a lot of additional features for finding groups/players, whereas with TTS you'll probably need to find and get together your own crew, for now.
Found the answer to my own question.
With this program you can open dozens/hundreds of OBJ files at once and quickly look through them to find the models you're looking for. Thanks to this little baby I've gotten two of my mods rehosted and working again!
GIMP is free image editing software with lots of guides on how to use. If you've used a bitmap editor before you should do alright with it. I personally use it for editing most of my images.
You'll then need to host the images somewhere accessible for other users, I'd recommend Imgur and if you create a free account you can easily manage your images into albums to organise them.
If you have a GeForce card, many games support Ansel feature. While not all do, many have a 360 pano screenshot ability.
I used The Witcher 3 and Ghost Recon Wildlands for most of my custom background needs.
Open the JSON. (I suggest a text editor such as notepad++, as you can set up custom highlighting and stuff)
Look for Links
Use a search tool like everything to find the cached copy on your computer (just look for the last parts of the URL name. and copy it to a known folder.
In TTS upload ro the steam cloud using the cloud manager
Find/Replace the link in the JSON
Repeat until all links are steam cloud links.
Once you do one or two to get the workflow down, Every extra link only takes about 20 seconds. Can finish most mods in less than 5 minutes.
Respond to my replies and I'll answer your questions or send me PMs over Reddit with batches of questions if you like. You can also add me on steam although I am not always available there.
"Writing like this\nwill put it on 2 lines" (use \n )
Reference with other such codes (although I only ever use \n)
Google is a good friend when it comes to general LUA issues. Just search "LUA" and whatever you are trying to do. Searching for "LUA write string on two lines" brought me the answer as well.
Here's a couple ways to accomplish publishing a table full of strings to the Notes on screen.
--One way to do it for i, v in pairs(tableOfStrings) do local currentNotes = getNotes() local newNotes = currentNotes .. '\n' .. v setNotes(newNotes) end
---Or, a nicer way to do it without re-writing the notes unnecessarally local combinedString = '' for i, v in pairs(tableOfStrings) do combinedString = combinedString .. '\n' .. v end setNotes(combinedString)
The .. combines one string to another. The for loop runs through each entry of your string and for each runthrough it makes that entry v. So the first runthrough, i=1, v=the first string in the table. For the second runthrough, i=2, v=the second string in the table, and so on.
So we start with an empty variable (used locally) called combinedString. Then we just keep adding new items to itself with a \n in front of it.
Of the 2 methods, the top one works a little better. The second version is cleaner and lighter weight, but it will add a \n to the beginning of your entries. I don't think you or anyone else would notice without me mentioning it though one way or the other.
free ones...
-Tunnel bear wouldn't work it might be ip blocked too.
-Windscribe says it is connected but it doesn't. connects and I can browse imgur without my chrome extention enabled but the game still won't download the images.
-betternet connects and actually connects but imgur is still blocked even unlike
I don't want to pay 10-15$ a month just for one game. I got the game for only because I could get it for 4$ economy is in the shitter over here right now I can live for 2 days for 4$
So totally different than the existing (15 year old) strategic card game called Citadels?
You may want to rethink your game's name :P
Anyhow, I love testing games -- add me (same nick) to Steam and ping me when you're around to test.
Being afraid of copyright claims I went ahead and re-did all the artwork of the great two player card game Balloon Cup.
Rules (and more info) can be found over at BoardGameGeek:
Would love to get some feedback, especially from players who are familiar with the original game!
I had checked your model through use of Blender, and there seems to be too many gaps at the base of the model. My advice is to either close the gaps manually or to create a common flat base that will enclose around the gaps.
[ Models that have too many open gaps do not translate well into TTS, causing an error. ] is one example of one floating around. It has Cards Against Humanity as well, because the person who zipped it couldn't figure out which file did what, or so they say.
Someone uploads this zip file every now and then.
It has Cards Against Humanity too because the person is a idiot who can't figure out which file inside is which. Apparently.
The simplest probably would be to use the TTS plugin for the Atom editor ( . This will load all scripts into the editor, where you then can use it's search features (I think Ctrl+Shift+F searches in all files). There's no such search in TTS directly.
Marvel United, Superhero Card Strategy Board Game Comic Bundle with Spiderman and Dr. Strange Expansion, for Adults & Kids Ages 14+ (Amazon Exclusive)
Mind sharing a screenshot or sending the file you are uploading? Maybe the problem is the resolution of the PDF itself. Are you viewing this on a monitor or a small laptop screen?
I uploaded a character sheet I made at 300dpi and it looks quite alright:
I have a workaround for PDFs and an idea of a workaround for character sheets.
I use the overlay steam browser to view my PDFs. I created an html file that you can open from your computer, copy the link into steam's browser (or set it as the default home screen) that contains several vertical tabs on the right that include a dice roller, an initiative tracker, and some empty tabs that you could place a link into (like the filepath of your PDF). The html file caches your changes (localstorage) so the next time you open the browser your tabs hold the configuration (links) you want.
Here's a screenshot:
Idea for character sheets: Make them behave like cards so they can go in your hand and you dont have to cycle back and forth through your saved cameras, and if you drop them somewhere on the table that's not the player's zone, they are pulled back to it.
The only 'server' I am aware that you are connected to is the global chat which could be an IRC.
If on the chance they stop supporting the game, I am pretty sure its not connected to a general server hub they run and that server lists all the servers Players are hosting.
Pretty sure it operates in the same fashion as old games such as the Original CoD
there are still some servers alive and well here and that game isnt supported by devs, and if there is patches its purely by a community.
Tabletop Sim has a discord server there is a link to it on this sub reddit in the offical links section. On it there is a LFG or looking for players channel people post looking for more players or to set up a game. Check there. You'll get many more responses then posting this here.
edit: here it is
Probably a bit tricker to do, but having decks of cards have a property "writable", that when turned on lets players type text on the cards.
That would open up the realm to play things where players each enter an answer, like Balderdash, or even games where the players make up new cards with rules, like 1000 Blank White Cards.
Its on sale right now at Greenman Gaming:
Individual - $10:
4-pack- $30:
The game is current 50% off on Greenmangaming if youre looking for a bit more incentive.
Personally i got a 4pack with friends and most of them flaked (just to show it can be hard with friends), Alot of servers are passworded to stop people trolling them.
Chat is pretty much always active and people are always willing to play something although you might struggle to get certain games on the go unless youre willing to teach. Other times people advertise theyre willing to teach, the only issue which might pop up from there is the occasional latency issue to do with physics. Mic is fully recommended for it you might struggle a bit more if you dont have a mic.
Theres also groups you can join too, theres few about mentioned across this sub and such.
it was just on sale for 50% off on IndieGala, it's not anymore - but if you go here:
and enter your e-mail on the page, they'll notify you if it goes on sale again.
You might want to check out I know of a couple people who offer their services through that site to do exactly what you're asking for. I would say I'd be interested, but I'm not sure my coding is up to what you need. Good luck.
Honestly, if you're looking at doing a "serious" RPG like D&D, I'd suggest looking into over TTS.
The big draw is integrated character sheets, but easier-to-import custom maps and miniatures is also a plus.
i would reccomend a program called ontopreplica, not sure if it will be able to do exactly what you was thinking but i use that to see my friends webcams on discord chat whilst still bieng able to play full screen
OpenSim viewers have a somewhat crappy avatar editor but then they can be made superbadass with better skins and shapes. There are new mesh bodies and a slew of free clothing and so on that can be used, and the character files can be exported, rigged and used in other video games. The truly hard stuff has been done so it's more a customization job than building from prims - though that's always available.
All of the freebie assets mentioned are open full perm so you can modify and use them in whatever commercial enterprise you want. You just can't "resell" them but you can hand them out for free.
I know OP is suggesting the lego block style option and that is absolutely great for the intended purpose.
I chimed in to share opensim as another option for people who are looking for more lifelike options and a super simple platform to build and create the content.
It's open source so it is my hope that the game builders and designers can see the benefit of such an easy tool for high quality (though low poly) content and help update the code and make something more universal and easily used with the top game engines.
There's also MakeHuman...
I poked at this for awhile to no avail. I ended up just using Imagemagick's `montage` command to do functionally the same thing:
I'm thinking you can use imagemagick to speed up the card making process, and use literally anything to extract the text from the spreadsheet, possibly converting to CSV first and then parse it.
Hey, this has to do with how the engine handles transparency and image sizes.
First of all, always make your token resolutions tied to a power of 2. 512x512 or 1024x1024, etc. This is because the program will be re-sampling to those resolutions anyway and gimp/photoshop/whatever is going to do a much better job making the images crisp than the resampler will.
Secondly, if you have trouble with transparency is it because the program handles squares much better than rectangles. I guessed that you image wasn't square. And it wasn't. it was, like, 4 pixels from being square. FOR SHAME. Here is me testing my solution:
Here's the fixed one:
EDIT: This is all assuming you were talking about the transparency being honored not colliders.
VB-Audio's VoiceMeeter is what you're looking for. It's free. The learning curve is very mild. I and a lot of other people I knew at Fantasy Grounds used it all the time to add ambiance to D&D sessions we would DM. You'll be streaming from your audio player straight into the session. If you're playing fantasy games, there are quite a few services to add such ambiance, being one. Once you get the hang, you can really change the vibe of a session on the fly. It really can add a whole new dimension to gaming once you get good at it.
Not everyone still uses steam, many people would need to dig up their accounts. I'd recommend also having a public Google drive file to download this from.
As well
Not entirely sure what you have for a map, but the picture showing a box cardboard prototype drawn in sharpy doesn't exactly scream print & play test ready.
Some things to consider, as those are both things preventing me from just downloading and trying it out as a free game.
I am also a total noob at scripting and I'm almost at the point in my game where I'll need something similar, so I'm commenting to track who answers you.
In the meantime, I offer the following resources that im using to prepare myself for hours of suffering. has a lot of technical examples of how this stuff works. has a bunch of beginning stuff that I felt was more accessible, but is still a bit above me (I'm still working on customizing assets.)
I hope these help.
When you define a variable in lua it automatically gets put in the global scope unless you put local in front of it.
local means it's specific to the block where it's declared aka the part between the purple declaration words and the thing ending it which is normally an "end"~
You should use local variables unless there's a good reason not to generally.
It's hard to know exactly what's wrong with the code without being able to see. Two objects can't share the same GUID, but it is possible a newly created object could get the GUID of something that was unloaded from the table.
>I'm not clear on how to identify the position of each card within the zone and then copy the card on top
Setting the position of the cloned object to something like v.getPosition() + vector(0, 2, 0)
should work.
>If I have the set of no-copy cards, can I reference them by a portion of their ID? Like if they were all named card_nocopyxxxxx can I exclude based on "card_nocopy"?
Not sure what you refer to as ID, but in principle I think this is the right approach. Just name the cards something like "XYZ (Unique)", use card.getName()
to get the name and LUA's string find function to find out if a card's name contains "(Unique)".
Are the number of pieces needed for each space fixed based on that space? There's a 'randomize' type of zone that I think may work which doesn't even require Lua scripting. You set out pieces wherever you want, and then when the randomize zone is triggered pieces get shuffled around. So you can set three pieces in one space, two pieces in another space, and a collection off to the side; then the result is that the space where you put three pieces will have three pieces randomly selected from the whole set, the space where you put two will have two randomly selected, and so on.
Here's an online resource for learning Lua - Also, if you have Lua specific questions, then I would recommend posting in /r/programming or /r/lua.
It's definitely possible to do the things that your trying to do. I'll give some input on all of the tasks that you listed:
Reset HP is broken - You need to find which script is handling the 'Reset HP' button. In programming this is normally called a 'handler function', as in the function is 'handling' the on-click event for the button. Once you found the script, then you can look through it and see why it get's stuck on 0.
Coin counter - This one should be pretty simple. Again, there is going to be a 'handler function' script that executes when the button is pressed. All this script will do is set the value of the counter to either: (previous_value - 5) or (previous_value + 5) depending on which button you press.
I created a GoogleChat to help get a time set up and ease communication. Please post in there and fill out the poll whenever you get a chance and I'll see what I can do.
I created a GoogleChat to help get a time set up and ease communication. Please post in there and fill out the poll whenever you get a chance and I'll see what I can do.
I created a GoogleChat to help get a time set up and ease communication. Please post in there and fill out the poll whenever you get a chance and I'll see what I can do.
~~You can use keyboard and mouse automation. I only tried commercial ones like this: or but there should be ones also or you can write a program in C#/Java relatively fast too.~~ Sorry, forgot you have to read the data too.
I have a hidden DM-only section on the table to store minis and stuff that I don't want the PCs to see yet, and I use CheckVist for all my notes. I run a pretty rules-flexible game, so I don't have full character sheets for NPCs or anything like that.
You can use this page to extract images from PDF files:
Drag and drop your PDF file onto the "Drop PDF here" bit, click "Extract single images" when it's done, hit "choose option", then it gives you a choice of images you can download that they've extracted.
I thought the first 20 sided dies had 1-10 twice, and owners had to shade 1/2 of the triangles to indicate 11-20? (source: Dungeons & Dragons: Art and Arcana)
Time’s Up! Is a great group game. You can get the app for free.
Monikers is the same game based on the game “Celebrity”. Monikers is hilarious, but I’m not sure you’ll find it at a store. If I could play 1 game with a group of friends, it would be Monikers.
Monikers: Classics
Hello, our government deserves all the hate in the world, that being said I am on the same boat as you. Recently my solution is to use CyberGhost. It works well enough and the only restriction on a free user seems to be waiting for a couple of minutes before connecting.
Which counters? Are you talking about the digital ones? It's just a calculator.
There's stuff like these:
or just small tokens
Note I can only get the German version of the Game. Maybe someone else has the English version at home or buy from Amazon for $35.95
I appreciate the replies. I have tried the flatbed scanner route, and it is, as noted, super tedious. I spend more time cleaning up the cards from being unaligned then cropping them out individually than I would spend scanning the cards one at a time. I was hoping something existed out there that was less tedious.
And, looking art bulk business card scanners, it does look like there is a solution . Hopefully someone will come along that may have had experience with these bulk business card scanners for gaming cards (I am concerned with damaging the cards) or to suggest something less expensive. There is also this model that is cheaper, but again, concerned with bending the cards