I don't recall the name I used it a while back, give me a sec.
Edit: looks like it was called myBoy but now that retroarch is out I'd look into that because open source and free and stuff.
There’s an Australian brand called Nobby’s Nuts with the slogan “Nibble Nobby’s Nuts!”
(They have them on Amazon but are sold out lol Nobbys Salt Mixed Nuts 375g x 12 https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0169EA1CW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_AYYAQQJD2K42RRA0V529)
I first saw this billboard years ago in this book which I had as a young teen in 2008 or so. Last night it randomly popped into my head, probably the first time in years I've thought of it, what are the fucking odds that it shows up on Reddit the next day.
You can actually see it if you look at the first few pages on Amazon. Different pic but same billboard. How funny is that, talk about some Baader-Meinhof phenomenon shit.
You can actually buy it on Amazon
I also recommend to you cooking with poo
This store is dicking everyone. You can get this exact book used off amazon for like $11. Dover math textbooks are known for being very reasonably priced. You can also get a pdf for free online ;)
Don't forget to also pick up timeless classics like "Put Tony's Nuts In Your Mouth!" and "Brenda's Beaver Needs a Barber".
And a leash to the collar is any easier? Don't get a dog you can't handle, that's irresponsible and cruel for the dog if you can provide it with walks.
While searching for this on Amazon I found a Snoop Dogg cook book. Thanks, reddit!
From Crook to Cook: Platinum Recipes from Tha Boss Dogg's Kitchen
Fuck it’s real. Also apparently a good cockbook. Er, cookbook.
For anyone actually curious, you can click here for the Amazon listing.
~~either im misunderstanding you, or your missunderstanding me, cause im not saying it should be a man in a spandex, though that would be quite funny, rather just something like t~~~~his~~
No, it's a parody book, like Mary Has a Little Pussy.
Veken Non-Electric Bidet Self-Cleaning Dual Nozzle (Frontal /Feminine Wash), Fresh Water Spray Bidet for Toilet with Adjustable Water Pressure Switch https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07H2DWVMK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_JPQqFbD7TCZKT best I can do.