Mine's "Mister, Would You Please Help My Pony?"
The descending major/minor 7 pattern is so cool, even while being masked by the flat eerie keyboard sound its played in. Its so goofy, weird, and funny that it manages to entertain me and weird out my friends. Then the chimes make for a beautiful bridge that lead into Deaner killing it in the most chill and beautiful solo possible. 10/10 great composition, Chocolate & Cheese never disappoints.
Also the fabled story of its origin is hilarious, read about it below: http://www.songfacts.com/detail.php?id=4041
The credits for Quebec can be found here and are taken from the CD’s liner notes.
According to the Chocolate and Cheese 33 1/3, Deaner played drums on ‘What Deaner Was Talkin’ About’ and ‘Pony’, Claude played drums on ‘Take Me Away’ and ‘Freedom of ‘76’, Pat Frey plays drums on ‘Baby Bitch’ and the rest are all drum machine.
On GWS, Deaner plays drums on all the songs except I think maybe ‘Blackjack’.
‘White Pepper’ is the band as we know and love it now with all five guys. Think it’s probably the same for the majority of La Cucaracha too.
The rest I don’t really know though those are my two pennies.
Here is a show where he plays it on the mollusk.
Here is a show where he plays it on ocean man. I haven't listened to the show but you could see if he plays it on any more songs.
I'm not familiar with all of their rules, but you might want to consider uploading it to Archive.org rather than a torrent. There are a lot of live recordings there, but I think demos are acceptable as well. Here is their Ween page.
Also someone is downvoting your comments in this thread, not sure what their beef is. I've had to upvote you 3 times just to get the comment score above 0.
The Oakland shows have arrived.
Sorry I can’t be a btetter host, but here is the Setlist thread so I’m starting it here and you can follow along on the brownbase link that I’m hopeful jdawg will supply.
Boognish Worldwide is on Mixlr: http://mixlr.com/boognish-worldwide
Enjoy the show.
Thank you streamus on weenstreamexchange for the love and the Browne as.
This is my favorite recording of them ever. They are completely fucked up. The banter is hilarious. The vocal effects are brown as fuck. And Gene even channels Darby Crash for a minute and then they launch into my favorite version of You Fucked Up ever.
I'd just keep an eye out for the shimmy disc release. They're rare, but really solid copies (if in good condition) I got one right before the rsd repress and was kinda upset I paid as much as I did for it without knowing they were repressing it... But then I heard about all the issues people have been having with them. It could take a while, but keep an eye out. Its honestly ridiculous how much people on ebay are charging for the repress, disgusting. Try THIS
I believe Amazon sells them.
UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Quebec-Ween/dp/B003JZT1Y4
US: https://www.amazon.com/Quebec-Ween/dp/B003JZT1Y4#LUXAddressSelector_1504348044437
As far as actual shops go, I doubt they'd typically sell them unless it is an indie store.
You can get these for $29.63 shipped (assuming you're in the US) here: http://www.amazon.ca/Pure-Guava-Vinyl-Ween/dp/B00180JG3S/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1434576385&sr=8-1&keywords=pure+guava
It's a few bucks less than the Schnitznel site (but you probably won't get that nifty sticker)
EDIT: Even cheaper here: http://www.amazon.fr/Pure-Guava-Ween/dp/B00180JG3I/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1434576637&sr=8-2&keywords=pure+guava $25.XX with shipping to US.
Why do you hate the idea of plugs? Just don't use foam ones.
I have these, they're $15 and come with an extra pair and a carrying case. Buy them for you and your husband, after 2 minutes I forget I have them in. They only filter 15dB, while foam plugs filter 25-30dB, so with these you still "feel the volume" and everything is clearer, no tinnitus.
The Oakland shows have arrived.
Sorry I can’t be a btetter host, but here is the Setlist thread so I’m starting it here and you can follow along on the brownbase link that I’m hopeful jdawg will supply.
Boognish Worldwide is on Mixlr: http://mixlr.com/boognish-worldwide
Enjoy the show.
Thank you streamus on weenstreamexchange for the love and the Browness.
> Live Brain Wedgie
Unless Ween has really started to re-release all their old shit, I doubt you'd find Live Brain Wedgie or other pre-GWS releases. I saw Ween 20 times between '96 and '06 and never saw those old releases.
These, they are made in Ann Arbor, MI sometime in the 1980's. Actually they are super compact. Most people don't know where the sound is coming from. Subwoofer fits in my television stand perfectly in the spot where a DVD or home theater system would go. I kind of lucked out that the dimensions are perfect and it is hardly noticeable. Subwoofers can be a buzzkill for visual aesthetics. And the little cube speakers are on the floor, on each side of my couch. So it's a pretty immersive sound going down. These are also cool to put on a bookshelf or something. I got bored during quarantine so I bought 150 ft of speaker wire and moved all of my components into ideal locations in the room. My basement ceiling has wires and cables going all over the place.
> haven't yet sorted out how we're getting there from our accommodation in Denver
I don't work for AirBnB. But I used it to find a place to crash for cheap in Aspen. That trip is why I now live in Colorado.
Also, welcome to the US. Where in the UK are you travelling from? I lived in Suffolk for about 4 years. Never wanted to leave...
We covered this exact point in our Ariel Pink podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1138376/4290038
We will be doing Ween next season - keep an eye out!
There's also youtube-dl that'll let you download the audio from a youtube video.
Should be some torrents up for it, usually I would say check browntracker.net but they're working on an upgrade apparently. I may or may not have a bunch of bsides saved somewhere I can send folks if they're interested.
what is going on with his hair?
EDIT: nevermind, I went to his Facebook page and saw what was going on with it: https://snipboard.io/aNKsi1.jpg
I don't understand it, but I saw it. Now, I'm wondering what's going on with his eyebrows. Please tell me those aren't tattoos.
These are great! They're unnecessarily quiet though. I gave the mp3s a quick run over with http://mp3gain.sourceforge.net/ (there will be a Mac equivalent if you need that) and it quickly boosted the volume of the tracks to a 'normal' level.
I'm going to all three. I have oddly shaped ear canals and these work great for me. Also a good cheaper option if you don't go to many shows and will just use these this weekend: Radians CEP001-R Custom Molded Earplugs (Red) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002XULPSQ/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_GZ2E5VMCA2T1F7146295
If you have normal ears and go to more than a few loud shows a year I'd recommend something similar to what's in the other comment
Looks like they are available on amazon also... https://www.amazon.com/Mollusk-180gm-Vinyl-Ween/dp/B002WY66NC/ref=sr_1_9?crid=11SM9WVGJJAVS&dchild=1&keywords=ween+vinyl&qid=1613237165&sprefix=ween%2Caps%2C286&sr=8-9
I went to google the link to the city gardens book (which is apparently free for kindle now) and it looks like there’s a video doc on Amazon Prime as well.
Ground loop. It's an ugly and annoying sound. If you have another accessory port, you could try it there as it may not be powered through something that's affected, though it might not be as convenient. Or maybe try another manufacturer. I feel like they made ones with ground loop isolators back when I was using them (which, admittedly, was quite a while ago.) Yes - here's one on Amazon with a ground loop isolator included.
I know it's not what you're asking for, but the UK band Ash covered 'What Deaner Was Talking About' a couple of times.
There's a normal version but also a much more 'hard rock' version on their album 'Live at the Wireless' which was what got me into Ween in the first place! (Ween have never been that big in the UK)