EDIT-There's another one by the mangaka of Black General Kanajo that predates this (I think):
There's more of this one too I think
No time like the present! Mangadex is my go-to for manga these days. Here's a link to the first page of Komi-san if you're interested.
Mangahub, MangaLife and MangaPark. Mangahub is definetly my biggest recomendation though
I also highly recommend you to use Tachiyomi. It's very handy and easy to test out different sources and easily keep up with releases
If you know Portuguese, Mangadex has all chapters. Otherwise they only have a bunch...
On Nyaa, the first three volumes (as digital releases, straight from VIZ, it seems a new one comes out every three months), and the last couple of chapters, I think the same as MD, are available.
yup as much as i dont like those type of posts i have just chosen to ignore the constant spammers using reddit enhancement suite, as much as i dont personally like them it keeps the sub alive and people still upvote them so its not a universally disliked thing, i'm also not a common poster here so i cant say that im doing my part to at least decrease the amount that i see here, it might even bring more people to watch the anime being refrenced so i dont think its worth banning, maybe just asking to slow them down or showing what type we do want to see by upvoting the type you like, upvotes will ultimately tell us the how the users really feel.
i use Reddit Enhancement Suite it lets you hide post from certain people, its really useful for people that spam stuff not with downvoting or reporting but still bad enough to make you want to not see them.
You have to sideload it (not installed from the app store)
It's really easy, Android should prompt you that Chrome isn't allowed to install apps. Click settings, allow Chrome to install apps, continue the install.
Once installed, go to "browse" and install the Mangadex extension.
Yeah Bro you cand do It yourself If tou have the materials ( usually a new plug if your current one is without saving, a soldering iron and some solder) Just look up what kind of plug It is, then after knowing that you can Google How to solder the plug to the cable ( If i can bê of help you can send me the model of the chair )
Here's a generic guide (i promise is easier than It looks) :
Soldering this kind of thing is something i learned Very early (not too early cause i'm still 18) because eletronics are pricey here in Brazil and tend tô come in broken
You could try using Waifu2x
Edit: Due to OPs watermark saucenao doesn’t give any results, so this is either OC or a compilation of images put together, usually the source is higher res
Sorry you lost me. I didn't understand. I'm reading the official translations not the fan translation (unless I'm absolutely sure they won't translate it officially) so Explosion Wonderful World 1-3 were what I read. The one you mention I know that they are just fab for now (hopefully). I still didn't get what you were trying to say
I saw this link from a thread also regarding this manga. You can buy a copy here
Volume 2 will be available on May 9 according to Amazon.
If you've got the hard drive space, you can torrent the episodes from fansub groups.
I use and for all my anime needs - screw streaming services!
There have been fansub groups for literally decades....
I currently use SubsPlease, but have also used Erai Raws and HorribleSubs in the past... All of them are torrented PC-playable files.
And you can get a more broad search using the website
Make your default browser search engine ecosia
Chrome Instructions
-Search Engine
-Manage Search Engines
-Add default search engine
-Plant trees with each internet search and make Earth-Chan smile
Katawa Shoujo. It's a visual novel that takes place in a school for kids with various disabilities. Lily here obviously is blind and the main character has a heart condition.
I really enjoyed the game, played through it multiple times to see all the routes, and I'm not even a VN fan seeing as DDLC is the only other one I've even tried. Definitely recommend giving it a shot if you're looking for some wholesomeness to spruce up your day!
I know, and I did try Opera VPN (which apparently is more of a proxy), but ultimately I decided that I didn't really want to use a VPN or switch to a new browser just to access a site or two. I know VPNs have many more uses, but if I needed it for those, I'd just buy ProtonVPN or something. Free ones aren't ideal anyways.
Personally, I care more about convenience, so I just ended up switching to alternative sites even though the experience isn't as great.
My former roommate knows some japanese. He attended a formal course but he recommended me and to get started. Watching subbed anime can help you with some intuition and pronounciation but there are likely far better resources for reading and listening online if you're willing to do the digging. I learned hiragana and some really basic stuff but further learning is put on hold until I graduate so I don't know more right now. I hope I helped, at least somewhat
Some virus might be installed that might start tracking what you type for an example
Also never give out credit card or your main email and use a password you never used before
Might i suggest these three malwarebytes ExpressVPN and lastpass
It comes from The Walking Dead tv series. This image
It wants to say “Don’t Open. Dead Inside.” But it’s written in such a way that it looks like “don’t dead open inside”. Hence the subreddit about things written vertically, but looking horizontally.