Oh my sweet summer child, read and enjoy: https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/news/id/66
It will add a bunch of neat rpg elements to the game. Most importantly, goals. Tarkov needs more goals when entering a raid. The tasks are nice, but once they're done, there is no reason to keep playing other than to strictly pvp, which is super fun, but I would love daily/weekly tasks.
I have a feeling this may also be related to some of those "I didn't cheat but got banned" threads. Account theft or id spoofing, since a BSG mod did confirm awhile ago that false positives are very rare since all bans are manually approved.
So my theory is that those accounts were hijacked and cheated on, therefore it will be hard to tell the difference from BSG's end as it will show a cheating infraction, maybe the anticheat guy at BSG should go back and check IP/device logs.
A cheater also bragged about banning innocent players in the past, but no way to confirm if this is true or not, source: https://i.imgur.com/KwMoafh.jpg
Edit: Someone linked me a site showing compromised EFT accounts selling for $5 https://i.gyazo.com/05c30e29705709141f488b928716134d.png
Edit 2: Change your login name too https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/change-login
No, no proof was provided that either hashed passwords were acquired, or that any of email/password combinations were leaked/exposed.
However, unrelated to these Eroktic's videos (but related to guy who was charged 1500CAD by someone who got in to his account): EFT website is vulnerable to something called "clickjacking" reference
This vulnerability can be used to perform phishing attacks without user noticing that they gave away their credentials to 3rd party. That and/or weak password that can be bruteforced, combined with the fact that XSolla saves your payment information automatically makes that guy's claim credible (that someone bought number of EFT keys through his account). In his case he should have been refunded and keys deactivated (BSG can do that), but he was banned instead.
As a precaution - everyone should DELETE their payment info from XSolla for Tarkov, do that by going onto https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/preorder-page (of course log in) then click purchase as a gift on any edition (i.e. Standard), then just CONFIRM to open XSolla popup. In that popup, in top right corner you have option to manage your saved payment info (Click on your username then that option) and then you can delete your paypal/credit card.
Wildly popular, and MUCH more in depth than you've described.
Also, you drop ALL your gear on death, which you lose permanently. Anyone can loot that gear off the map, or if it stays on the map it's still gone forever. You can somewhat mitigate this by paying "insurance" that will return any equipment that isn't looted off the map by opponents - but at best you're getting back your worst shit. Good gear is guaranteed to be gone to looters, even though you insured it.
To balance out people ending up with nothing, you can do "SCAV" runs, where YOU take control of the lightly armored NPCs that die in one shot. You can try to make it off the map just with your SCAV gear to use or sell on your PC, or you can try to kill other players to get better stuff. Same rules, though - you die, you keep nothing.
No armor? 1-2 bullets max kill you.
Shot in the leg? Gotta crawl.
Have armor? Opponent has armor piercing bullets? See above.
I'd say it works quite well.
It's the idiots pouring in from Twitch after seeing streamers run around like they're playing CS:GO.
Oh, and those "mil-sim" warriors bought the game based on the statement "Escape from Tarkov is a hardcore and realistic online first-person action RPG/Simulator with MMO features and a story-driven walkthrough" (straight from their website) among other things. Casuals that did no research before buying can take a hike.
Why do you have the same name as developer here on Stream:
Was your menu bugged, is it your nickname or did you edited that picture for whatever reason?
Yep, get Ooops... Something wrong! when accessing https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/login
From Oz, can't log onto game because of it.
Will have to talk to family.....
From the official EFT website https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/#about :
>Cooperate with strangers or get shot by your friend in the back - there are no rules.
From <strong>in-game text</strong>:
>[Scavs] gather into packs, living by dog-eat-dog rules, cutting each other's throats for a better piece.
Punishing Scav on Scav violence is out of line with the overall philosophy of the devs and the lore of the game.
They actually answered this on the support page:
"There have been numerous mentions on the net that label Escape from Tarkov as a game that is being developed by "S.T.A.L.K.E.R. creators" or "S.T.A.L.K.E.R. developers". Hereby we officially disprove this claim. There is exactly one person on our team that has worked on the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. before, so it would be massive overstatement to assert our project this way. The BATTLESTATE GAMES LIMITED developers have previously worked on multiple projects in a variety of genres; however, we share a common passion for the quality hardcore shooters, which are yet so few."
> i think all skills should be Inside the player, not in variables.
Then you've picked a wrong game mate.
> Get experienced - earn points and level up. Near 100 unique skills to train via a repetitive actions principle.
2018 development plans: https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/news/id/106?lang=en
Bottom of the page - regarding Arena mode:
"And, of course, new locations -- after Interchange we are going to continue with Streets of Tarkov. On a parallel track, we’ll start building an indoor location with the same CQB spirit as Factory -- the TerraGroup Lab. This year we are expecting to finish all the locations necessary to release."
It's on the forum:
>Players who purchased any package of the game after December 28, 2017 (the start day of the event that took place last year) and before the start of the current event will receive: > >Additional in-game equipment > >and 1 key for 14-days access to the game and the ability to share it with friend. This key will be available for activation only during the event.
Edit: formatting due to crappy Reddit app
Please, read this:
and this:
and then, watch this:
>But my question is, how do we join a raid from the hideout? Is there any menu at all?
Everything is the same way you do it at the moment.
>Or do you just walk out some doorway into "customs" or something?
Yeah, that'd be cool, except I don't think this is how it's gonna work at all.
>I feel like that would be immersive as fuck and would make the game so much better to me if everything is done in character and not in a menu!
Yes but that will also take much longer than usual. We're getting loadout presets in 0.12 too which means that "menus" are here to stay.
Yep and a lot of work and details went into them for the ammount of loot in the game. + Flea market and that was only last patch a few months ago.
Either BSG Devs put in insane overtime or most assets are already done and are drip feeded after being refined and tested.
Hell there's hideout in game images from June 2017 so I'm guessing it's already done and being refined
Use the leaderboard to check their k/d, search previous season also if it says they haven't played the current one.
Major ban waves happen every 2-3 months, last one was a month ago so yes there will be more cheaters than usual right now.
A great suggestion! It would sure be nice to have something like this, how wasn't it thought of before?
By the way, check out https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/news/id/66
This guy is the english speaking QuattroAce btw, but more loose in his approach than Quattro and very interactive with chat
It's a shame he has so little viewers compared to the bigger EFT streamers... if you like highly skilled gameplay, be sure to check him out, LVL70 with elite level strength - placed 4th in this wipes official season with a whooping 30 K/D on labs
3 little highlight clips of him from JoshuaGuzz' Twitch EFTBOT videos
I'm too poor to donate/sub to his channel, so trying to support him this way, thanks for the entertainment Bakeezy!
If your post is about a potential bug, glitch or exploit with Escape From Tarkov please report it on the official website by using the following link: https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/support/contact. If it is not a bug, glitch or exploit report, please ignore this message.
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If your post is about a potential bug, glitch or exploit with Escape From Tarkov please report it on the official website by using the following link: https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/support/contact. If it is not a bug, glitch or exploit report, please ignore this message.
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Escape from Tarkov: > Is this game related to the Stalker? > > There have been numerous mentions on the net that label Escape from Tarkov as a game that is being developed by "S.T.A.L.K.E.R. creators" or "S.T.A.L.K.E.R. developers". Hereby we officially disprove this claim. There is exactly one person on our team that has worked on the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. before, so it would be massive overstatement to assert our project this way. > The Battlestate Games developers have previously worked on multiple projects in a variety of genres; however, we share a common passion for the quality hardcore shooters, which are yet so few.
Fyi all the people saying the system is "low end" and the OP should turn all the settings down. Lol. These are the "minimum" specs for EFT as from their official website: https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/news/id/11
OS: Windows 7/8/10 (64 Bit)
Processor: dual-core processor 2.4 GHz (Intel Core 2 Duo, i3), 2.6 GHz (AMD Athlon, Phenom II) (LOL)
Graphics Card: DX9 compatible graphics card with 1 GB memory (ALSO LOL)
Sound: DirectX compatible audio card
Network: permanent connection to the Internet
Disk space: from 8 GB
Frist of all, not only are OPs specs way above the minimum required - he *should* be able to play on medium no issues.
Unfortunately in EFT nothing is as simple as that. I've had awful stutters a few patches ago (again, patch related) and I have a pretty meh specs too:
GTX 1660TI, Ryzen 2600, 16GB RAM at 3,000MHz, SSD etc etc.
I personally run everything on low or close to low as I can because tbh the graphics are nice anyway, and I'd rather have +15 FPS than AA and AO coming out the ass.
Do you get this kind of stutter on every map or just reserve? Reserve was totally unplayable for me 2 wipes ago, it is fine now (again, similar shit with stutters).
Haven't seen any discussion about this. The leaderboard has ceased updating now that test season 1 has ended.
Devs have been silent on the matter. I think there likely won't be a new season until a wipe. Will there be any prizes in the future for coming top 100?
Since the leaderboard has ceased updating, we can't see the stats of newer accounts so it's hard to tell if suspicious kills are potential cheaters. I suggest keeping the statistics portion separate to seasons so searching an account name will always show the up-to-date stats.
Contact BSG via your forum profile if you are still able to do so. Make sure to change your password, change your email, and activate 2 factor authentication. Have patience, as the recovery process is not fast.
~~If you cannot get onto the forum profile, you may be SOL. ~~
Ways to contact:
Please refer to the EULA you agreed to:
>Section 3.3: >Cheating: cheat, use, offer, advertise, make available and/or distribute or assist in the following: >cheats, i.e. methods influencing and/or facilitating the gameplay (including the code that makes use of vulnerabilities of the game) therefore giving you and/or any other user advantage over other players not using such methods; >automated access to the game («bots»), i.e. any code or software that wasn’t directly authorized by Battlestate Games, and allows the automated control of the Game and/or any component or function of the Game, e.g. automated control of a character in the Game; >hacks, i.e. accessing or modifying software of the Game using a method that wasn’t directly authorized by Battlestate Games; and/or >any code and/or Software that wasn’t directly authorized by Battlestate Games and can be used in connection with the Game launcher Application, the Game and/or any component or functions of the Game launcher Application, the Game to modify and/or facilitate gameplay.
Knew some shit like this was going to go down. Bet the game could be a scam too.
And oh my god what a survival game this is.
The Pre-Order Bonuses LMAO
> Every time they do a sale they do an additional sale if you buy like 3 or 10 more
This is totally wrong. Sales don't add onto the additional copy sale.
"Discount for the purchase of several pre-orders as a gift will not be summed with the holiday discounts."
"February 23rd discounts do not sum up with discounts for purchasing 2, 3, or 4 copies of the pre-order packages at once."
> This is so obviously meant for hackers that's BSG decided to capitalize on it.
It literally does nothing. Hackers can get accounts cheaper from somewhere else other then BSG if they wanted to. The only thing it does is allow people to buy 4 copies at 20% whenever instead of waiting for a sale.
>How fucking hard is it to detect if someone is moving to quickly?
I haven't seen a single video clip of a speed cheater or seen one with my own eyes in a LONG time.
> How fucking hard is it to detect if somebody wipes 8 people in the first 4 seconds of a raid?
These people get banned fairly quick. When the cheaters go on Twitch ask them how long their accounts last and they will say a few days.
>Hopefully when they switch to new unity they will implement some actual decent anticheat that detects the basics.
Please educate us. What's a better anticheat BSG can use?
> All the games you list are minimal graphic games that look and perform as if on a phone.
That's... not true?
GTFO is a FPS horror game that I think looks very nice. Boneworks is a VR-only FPS title. I listed only recent games that I had remembered and liked, so the list is a little self-selecting. Escape from Tarkov is another FPS Unity game, though it has had its share of technical problems, which is why I didn't list it.
None of these games run on mobile and none of these would work on mobile.
I will use this post to clarify as we get some questions about it still. Players who bought the game before 23:59 MSK on January 5 will get this new year gift.
Standard, Left Behind, Prepare for Escape pre-order owners will get:
- SVD-s sniper rifle with PSO sight, 5 magazines of SNB-rounds;
- Money case;
- Meds case;
- SR1MP, 4 magazines with SP10 ammo.
Edge of Darkness pre-order owners will get:
- FN 90 with a silencer and a reflex sight, 4 magazines with SS190 ammo;
- FN 5-7, 4 magazines with SS190 ammo;
- Items case;
- Money case;
- Meds case.
You can learn more about it here : https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/news/id/155?lang=en
>Escape from Tarkov is a hardcore and realistic online first-person action RPG/Simulator with MMO features and a story-driven walkthrough.
The goal is a realistic game, according to the devs.
Leaderboard. If you dont know how to use the API, reset your account and look at it.
If you need the link its here:
It is alot of fun, but hardcore in its core, and in that sense also very rewarding when you get better at it.
Finding a match rarely takes more than 2 minutes tops, whichever map you want to play, so it is solid indeed.
It uses its own launcher downloaded from its official website
I would be inclined to say both atm, but you can never go wrong with the official forums.
The developers will deliver this game in all it's glory, they are very transparent when it comes to the development cycle, and I believe they genuinely want to create something special and unique, there is a sense of passion and determination.
For me personally it is one of the better betas I have ever been a part of :)
"No, the game will be distributed as buy to play, bought once and for all. There will be no microtransactions in the game. However, we do intend to release paid DLCs later on"
Apparently the devs give enough of a shit. So acting like 'muh free speech' is kind of a smoothbrain move.
Sorry to say, but if it deems a bug, why don't you use https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/support/knowledge/352 properly for reporting? Such posts, like yours, don't help. It is not only my opinion, but Nikita stressed this our a couple if times.
/u/eftstats /u/trainfender
4.2. The User does not have the right:
4.2.11. To use automated scripts for collecting information or for any other type of action with the Game and its elements.
EDIT: I did some digging around. Looks like BSG has known about you for about a year now and still have done nothing about your glockwork accounts. I guess you'll get to continue doing what you have been doing and BSG will continue to say the data is incorrect.
"To also give few statements about this matter:
While what the fan is trying to do is decently appreciated as a good effort and showing his love for the project, there are few things to mention:
This infographic is not correct. In other words, it does not coincide with the real data collected and conducted by us.
This kind of activity is very worrisome to us. We would not want someone to lead a deceitful activity. We plan to implement global and regional statistics of players in the future. And the location of our servers is not a secret.
We also recommend the user to not do this anymore because this is generally misleading the community with data that is far from real.
Thank you!"
> Also, we announce that forthcoming updates, which will be released before the end of the year, will include the full version of the Shoreline map, new weapons and items, as well as new features such as the new spawn and extraction system, dynamic weapon size change, helmet customization system and improved headwear slots, redesigned system of weapon mastering, dogtags and other features, which will be explained in more detail in the near future.
Since you apparently don’t pay attention to this subreddit before making these kinds of statements, this is from the official website: https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/news/id/90?lang=undefined
> Since there are so many people asking. There will be a wipe with the next major patch. Thank you.
Hi /u/xDan427. Nice sock account. Not like you aren't being completely obvious about it with the same Youtube channel.
Disregarding that, I understand glitches, but this is not the way to go about things.
^ that is how you report the bugs you love to come here and bitch about.
As people have told you in every single one of your shitposts so far on this subreddit, It's an Alpha. You were told upfront that there WILL be bugs. Not that there MAY be bugs, but that there WILL be bugs.
Your purpose playing the game right now is playtesting. You need to understand that you are only in the game to help find bugs.
Either get over it and ask for a refund, or start using the actual tool thats sole purpose is reporting bugs. Posting your 30 seconds videos of glitches to the subreddit with no context or explanation is just karma baiting, and now you're doing it on two accounts.
This is getting ridiculous, Dan.
probably this " Escape from Tarkov is a hardcore and realistic online first-person action RPG/Simulator with MMO features and a story-driven walkthrough. "
Best to try one of the following:
Xsolla Support
Escape from Tarkov support
Alternatively, you could reach out to the relevant support on social media.
As it should, and has been confirmed as a thing going as far back as the early dev streams in early 2016:
Screenshot One from dev stream
Screenshot Two from dev stream
If you want pure PvP in Tarkov then wait for the Arena game mode.
> at no point are you paying for Beta access
https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/preorder-page "Guaranteed instant access to closed beta"
Yeah no. BSG can try to reframe it in their TOS all they like. If that would even hold up (it probably won't), that would make the website false advertising. Also why the fuck are you trying to argue BSG doesn't owe this guy anything? Everyone else got the access they expected, why the hell shouldn't he? That's like saying "we reserve the right to fuck anyone over, just because we can"
If your post is about a potential bug, glitch or exploit with Escape From Tarkov please report it on the official website by using the following link: https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/support/contact. If it is not a bug, glitch or exploit report, please ignore this message.
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Today I just bought the game escape from tarkov. I bought it from https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/. I bought the standard edition, when I went to install the game I saw on my profile that I was banned (Screenshot Uploaded.) I don't know why and the thing is I heard u get an email when u get banned I did not receive any email that I was banned. I don't know the reason why I was banned. Noone was on my account except me.
People need to stop supporting BSG and stop referring this game to people.
You know whats really disheartening is new players that come in here and get completely trashed on by these same people for not having PC's strong enough to run the game. I mean literally berated. Well you guys want to see something cool?
Hasn't been updated since 2016
That's why I did it honestly.
Besides that or a new player with the advertised min/recommended specs getting told to buy a better PC when they post a video of their game stuttering like crazy. I honestly feel bad for these people.
Look at what BSG is advertising their min/recommended specs. FYI its from 4 years ago and hasn't been updated since.
We all know the game has underwent significant asset additions and a reevaluation needs to happen. Mention this and you are an ungrateful gamer and a toxic one. Really?!
Edit: I'll repeat it in the beginning. This game is not done yet. It's lacking major overhauls, because most of the current systems are placeholders. We can say it's not realistic YET, but according to many interviews and podcasts the game is going to be much more realistic in the future.
"Escape from Tarkov is a hardcore and realistic online first-person action RPG/Simulator with MMO features and a story-driven walkthrough."
It's literally the first sentence you will see everywhere, because it's advertised as hardcore and realistic.
Most of the currently implemented systems (off the top of my head: health, recoil, loot, trading, quests, story, extracting) ARE confirmed as PLACEHOLDERS. The thing that it's not realistic YET doesn't mean that BSG doesn't strive to do it. We all know it's still beta and the release is a long time away.
Even Nikita said many times that this game will not appeal to most players after the release, and they're planning to rebuild and change most of the systems.
This thread is like saying "Don't call the dough bread, because it's not fully baked yet"
> i try to play as a scav but i can't tell between a player or another scav so that gets me killed every time.
Because you haven't played enough to understand where the AI usually spawns or how they usually act. Watching streamers or youtube videos will also help you get a quicker understanding of the game
>even if i wanted to escape i have to go to a third party site to know where the fuck i want to go
It's almost always the opposite side of the map to where you spawned in. When you're loading into your next raid, set it to offline mode with AI enabled. You won't gain any loot but you won't lose what you take in with you. Use this to run around a map and find where scav usually spawn, how they act and where you can go to extract
> I went into factory with just a knife and ran up on someone stabbed them 5-6 times and i cant stab anymore because i ran out of stamina? Go for headshots, it won't take you as long. Alternatively take out a pistol and you would have killed him.
You might be able to find someone here https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/sherpa or search up some of the discords and there's people in those that will help you out, I don't have a link for them right now.
>on top of all of that i have to pay extra money for inventory space? Yeah it kinda sucks right now, but as you level up your traders there is ways to get 'extra' inventory space. Not sure which this part bothers you considering you said you have no weapons at all. There will be ways to upgrade your stash sometime down the line.
If you're just going to quit because you can't stomp the game the moment you buy it then it will probably never be a game for you.
>Next year, the game is getting new game mechanics, such as offraid healing, the system of customization of character's clothing, VOIP, further development of weapons and character, new skills, the system of creation and publication of weapon presets, etc. We plan to continue further optimization of graphics and netcode component, fix bugs and issues. In the near future the studio plans to add a Hideout, new locations, weapons and items, to carry out technical modification of the game, aimed at improving the interaction with equipment and weapons, to upgrade to a new version of the game engine and update the graphics.
Source: https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/news/id/130?lang=en
4.2. The User does not have the right:
4.2.11. To use automated scripts for collecting information or for any other type of action with the Game and its elements.
4.3. The User shall:
4.3.4. Under no circumstances to perform the following actions, either in full or in part:
а) ways to override limitations, i.e., methods affecting the course of the Game and/or simplifying it (including code taking advantage of Game vulnerability) and thus giving the User and/or any other user advantages over other players not using such methods;
b) automated access to the Game (“bots”), i.e., any code and/or software not expressly permitted by Battlestate Games Limited, allowing the User to manage the Game and/or some component or function of the Game automatically, such as automatically controlling a character in the Game;
c) computer hacking, i.e., access to the Game software or its modification by a means not expressly permitted by Battlestate Games Limited; and/or
d) any code and/or software not expressly permitted by Battlestate Games Limited that may be used in connection with the Game Launcher Application, the Game and/or any component or functions of the Game Launcher Application or the Game for changing the course of the game and/or making it easier.
Can be found at https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/legal/license_agreement_en.html
Edit:add 4.3.4 as it also pertains to OP
If your post is about a potential bug, glitch or exploit with Escape From Tarkov please report it on the official website by using the following link: https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/support/contact. If it is not a bug, glitch or exploit report, please ignore this message.
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If your post is about a potential bug, glitch or exploit with Escape From Tarkov please report it on the official website by using the following link: https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/support/contact. If it is not a bug, glitch or exploit report, please ignore this message.
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Pretty soon they're going to be giving out 7 day trials, open beta after that. Link
Worth giving a go. EfT is to ARMA what PUBG is to CSGO.
BattleState Games cannot enforce non-refundable deposits, anyways, because credit card companies, banks and PayPal override their license agreement. Finding laws regarding non-refundable deposits isn't very easy, so I'm trying to contact that Youtuber in order to get his source(s). If anything, you could also check with a lawyer to see if the license agreement conflicts with American consumer laws.
I don't know if the terms of service are presented prior to purchasing the game, but I did find it.
Terms of Service: https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/legal/terms_of_service_en.html
If your post is about a potential bug, glitch or exploit with Escape From Tarkov please report it on the official website by using the following link: https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/support/contact. If it is not a bug, glitch or exploit report, please ignore this message.
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If your post is about a potential bug, glitch or exploit with Escape From Tarkov please report it on the official website by using the following link: https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/support/contact. If it is not a bug, glitch or exploit report, please ignore this message.
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If your post is about a potential bug, glitch or exploit with Escape From Tarkov please report it on the official website by using the following link: https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/support/contact. If it is not a bug, glitch or exploit report, please ignore this message.
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If your post is about a potential bug, glitch or exploit with Escape From Tarkov please report it on the official website by using the following link: https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/support/contact. If it is not a bug, glitch or exploit report, please ignore this message.
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My only issue is that the game is dead BECAUSE of the developers. They've been relatively silent as far as free play coming but keep adding lame microtransaction crap. At this point its a cash grab and they are going to ride it out. I would look at Escape From Tarkov which should be in closed Beta early-mid 2017 for something more STALKER-ish-ish.
Download it from the site (just like you would League of Legends or something similar)
Base edition is cheapest and you can always upgrade later
Some excellent youtube creators to learn the game
Pestily (truly the grand daddy for Tarkov info) / AquaFPS (more funny than anything) / Deadly Slob / Karmakut / Jesse Kazaam
I bet you half of the player base that purchased this game bought EOD. They are sitting around over 200K players after the twitch event.
Do the math. This is unacceptable. Even more unacceptable is the fact that new players are buying the game, posting videos of horrendous stutters, and getting told to "bUy MorE RaM" 'GeT a BetTeR PC"
If BSG can't bother to even update their min/recommended requirements, then I have no confidence in the longevity of this game.
In addition to the obvious twitch drops campaign Tarkov has been on a consistent upward trend for over a year following the curve of consistent positive game updates.
This was kicked up a notch 3 months back with the long anticipated release of patch .12 - the largest and most transformative in the games history thus far https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/news/id/151
There was also a technical patch last month and a content update 2 weeks ago.
I think you missed the part where not everyone is donating their money and everyone wants an end product. "You paid to support BSG and the game, and for access to the beta, but not to preorder the actual game." this right here is demonstrably false and you are insane to say otherwise. When you buy the game itself it doesn't say this is a donation towards the development of the game, it's a "preorder". You also get with your preorder access to beta and by preordering it happens to also support BSG. Under EU preorders can be cancelled at any time is their point, not only when a company fails to deliver as promised. If you predorder you can cancel your predorder, a concept very much in line with going into a gamestop setting down money for a unreleased game and then coming back in at a later date and asking to cancel your preorder and recieving your money back. Maybe you missed what the definition of a preorder is? So when a company sells their game for preorders and then refuses refunds (against certain laws) calling it "fishy" is understandable. You wouldn't be happy if gamestop did that to you without explicitly stating it outright to you before you predorder. That is what BSG has been doing, they have it in their TOS but that means less than nothing. To compare it's like gamestop having a little disclaimer on the wall in the corner of the store and saying you should have asked before buying the game after you come back for a refund.
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Yes they are.
// automated access to the game («bots»), i.e. any code or software that wasn’t directly authorized by Battlestate Games, and allows the automated control of the Game and/or any component or function of the Game
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Thank you for posting this :^ )
Edit: Thank you /u/ThaAfroSamurai for finding the post on the website, here is the link https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/news/id/72. Sorry about your post being taken down :^ (
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5 PM EST is the cutoff I think. In the Newsletter they put out it mentions 21:01 GMT (aka 5PM EST) today. That's the start of the sale, it seems.
There's also another chance that this sale starts today, ends sunday, and then they wipe on Monday. Would be weird though, considering new players would probably be confused.
They recently posted a job opening for an AI programmer, if I remember correctly (Edit: I do remember correctly, it seems). Hopefully that's a good sign!
I agree 100% and I don't even have EOD. DLCs are still a pipe dream at best.
Arena was touted as a separate game mode and people bought it believing it to be the case.
>A separate game mode, full of interesting innovations. Competitive and exciting. Extensive coverage on the Arena will be out later.
A separate game mode, not separate game. Not even a DLC!
There's supposed to be 7 DLCs. Unless they cost 10Euros each, I fail to see how a game that's supposed to be cheaper than Standard cannot be squeezed into EOD which costs 3 times as much. Because EOD has nothing elese of tangible value aside from DLCs.
Server costs? Go the Squad / Hell Let Loose route and have community ran servers, easier to maintain order, get rid of griefers and cheaters, plus you can develop a competitive scene with a league, etc.
As with all suggestions, we have to start by going back to the official game description found at https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/#about :
>Escape from Tarkov is a hardcore and realistic online first-person action RPG/Simulator with MMO features and a story-driven walkthrough.
So you said: >This could help alleviate newer players from getting completely slaughtered by players who are far more experienced with higher tier items
Having to face incredibly unfair situations is a core part of the "hardcore" and "simulator" aspects of EFT experience so I don't think adding level-based matchmaking is appropriate.
The game has not yet been released, it is currently in Closed Beta, meaning an incomplete version is available to play for those who have access by pre-ordering the game & development is ongoing. There are also regular account resets/wipes every so often/whenever they make significant changes to the game.
If you want to take part in the Closed Beta, you need to purchase a pre-order pack, and they start at around 50-55€ up to over 120€.
This is what will give you access to the game.
When I first bought into it approx 2yrs ago, I saw it as an investment, meaning I would eventually see a return (a certain amount/level of enjoyment from this game upon release); however I've easily gotten my money's worth out of this game as of today, and there is still so much more to come!
Shooting range was never stated to be explicitly an outdoors thing, but I agree with your statement regarding the game world. Seems as though the developers also agree, considering their plans for the indoor shooting range at the hideout supposedly.
I would guess that the game wouldn't run well on your pc. I personally would not buy escape from tarkov because I don't like their pricing policy (look at what different editions cost and what benefits they give).
Or you can ask for Sherpa assistance, Its group of skilled players trusted by DEVs who helps newcomers in game, they will guide you through maps, explain game game features and help with quests.https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/sherpa
Looks like the jokes on me. They seem to have removed the ranking by riches and left only for XP, kill, etc. You can check the rankings here https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/rating
Very good points. The way the Hideout was presented to us it seemed that we would have very limited space as to what we can have inside. For instance we would start with 1 broken generator, 1 broken computer desk, etc. and we would need to gather items from the world in order to repair said items. So it might be that we are limited to having just 1 computer but we could upgrade it somehow into a better computer, not so much that we can have 20 computers all running bitcoin.
Also I don't think those items will be using your stash space, for example after you repair your generator module, it wouldn't take your inventory space in the form of additional generator item. It will be just a module, separate from the stash which you can repair, upgrade and maintain.
And lastly I don't think it will be raidable by scavs (be it AI or real people) as it might be a bit too difficult to implement and I don't think it will be a very fun idea. It will be purely offline but there might be the option to invite your friends to chill out.
was not clear. Are you sure that the big button that says INSTALL is not on your profile at https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/profile
and under that there should be your transaction history, do you see that?
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>Tarkov is sealed off by UN and Russian military (...)
From here https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/?lang=en
>Six months later, the political standoff escalated into an armed conflict involving UN peacekeepers, Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and two private military companies.
Also this.
I've had this issue twice now, there's two things you can try that fixed it for me. Go to: https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/profile From there, click "create character name" and just type the name that your character was called (this fixed it the first time for me, but not the 2nd time I got this bug). The other thing you can try is having a friend log into your account, my friend managed to log in and after that I could as well, I guess it refreshed the account or something. If none of these things work I think the only solution is to reset your game profile which is a really sad option but that is what the BSG support told some other poor soul to do. Best of luck mate!
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Before the end of the year.
Your choice really, the hideout is postponed until close to the full release of the game. That makes it at least 6-8 months from now on, if not a year. There are means to upgrade now if you are ok grinding with standard till level 4 traders (cases from skier and elvira)
Everything about what comes with different editions are on the site, nothing more, nothing less. https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/preorder-page
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