You only have to wait 2mins 30 sec after banner pick up and you can leave the game without penalty.
"A notable exception to this is if your banner has been picked up and you have not respawned within 2 and a half minutes, you will not be considered abandoning if you leave."
Official gameplay video of her skills:
Official skills page:
Sombra can see enemies, who are below 50 percent health, through walls.
Sombra’s fully-automatic machine pistol fires in a short-range spread.
Sombra hacks enemies to temporarily stop them from using their abilities, or hacks first aid kits to make them useless to her opponents.
Sombra becomes invisible for a short period of time, during which her speed is boosted considerably. Attacking, using offensive abilities, or taking damage disables her camouflage.
Sombra tosses out a translocator beacon. She can instantly return to the beacon’s location while it is active (including when it’s in mid-flight).
EMP (Ultimate):
Sombra discharges electromagnetic energy in a wide radius, destroying enemy barriers and shields and hacking all opponents caught in the blast.
I'm in the top 1% of Halo 3... with over a year and a half of in game time. I've played over 13,000 ranked matches. I'm no longer proud of it.
Here's slight proof. Just this account's worth of play time. I had 9 accounts.
She's a tank
Main fire: Projectile machine gun with long range
Alt fire: Sends out a pulse that can be reactivated for a mini-graviton surge that pulls in for a brief moment
Fortify: Immune to crowd control and 'tougher'. Examples are concussive blast. Active ability with an unspecified uptime.
Protective Barrier: Sends out a barrier half the size of Winston's bubble where she aims that works like all the other barriers.
Ultimate: Throws a device onto the ground that supercharges any ally in LoS, think Lucio, increasing damage. It can be killed by enemies.
Here's a picture of her official page on the Overwatch website for those who are at work.
D.VA's Legendary Skin in-game (3D model):
New highlight intros (scroll down):
He's in the right here. The person that actually won has around 300 followers on twitch.
Edit: Check this page, it says
> *All committee members and players are subject to approval by Blizzard.
~~they gave more details here.~~
~~more zenyatta details:~~
~~* ult is 300 hps instead of 200 * 50 additional shields for a total of 200 "health" * moves twice as fast during his ult~~
~~dva's E toggle:~~
~~* going to be on a one second cooldown~~
~~mercy is ALSO being changed:~~
~~* she can now move while she ults * ult charge is being slowed down * damage boost on right click being increased~~
~~NOTE: This is only additional information from an additional source, not a summary of the changes listed in the OP article. To find a summary of the OP article scroll down some, it has more info~~
I was banned for Symmetra one-tricking like a month ago. I always tried my best and peaked top 400 just before the ban. Here's what I was told:
>As we discussed, in this game it is very important to play as a team and communicate with others regarding the heroes picks as well. Our developers are aware of some of the heroes being less popular than others, and some even considered as you say as "troll" by others. But believe me they do their best to balance the game and make each of the hero unique and worth the play. Sometimes the team consistency may not be ideal for the certain hero and you will just need to swap to some other hero to complete the group to be able to perform as best as the group can. While sometimes your pick will be just perfect for the set up. Please feel free to raise this matter on the Overwatch forums, which are being monitored by the game developers themselves:
Concussion Mine
Junkrat can now hold two mines
Tire’s movement speed has been increased by 30%
There is no longer a time limit when wall climbing
If anyone is watching, this is Sekon. At the time of posting this, (s)he is a high masters / low gm widow main.
After posting this, I realize OP is /u/SekonOW. Nice flicks, tho.
Hey all, thanks for putting this together. We are aware of and are investigating all current issues and working around the clock to deliver fixes. We've deployed a server side update which should begin to improve Matchmaking. Additionally, please keep an eye on this thread: for official updates. Thanks for all of the feedback, and sincere apologies for the issues. As stated above, issuing fixes, especially updates to Matchmaking, are our top priority.
>Call of Duty: Vanguard is powered by the next-generation engine first introduced in Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare®
This might be the main reason I play this game. I love the feel of the latest MW (black ops cold war felt ancient in comparison but I still had some fun)
This is actually false, and i quote from the PRE-ORDER PAGE ''20 Weekly Items with Airlift-Get 20 weekly Airlifts, each containing one customization item.'' Source:
Keep in mind folks, BF4/BFH will be getting a UI redesign when BF1 comes out so the old days of launching from a web browser will be coming to a close. Everything will be done in-game from now on (similar to how the console versions work).
Edit: Details on New Features
From EA:
>This will also be released with Battlefield 1 (and Battlefield Hardline soon after that). Once it's rolled out for all three games, you'll be able to easily swap between the games as long as you own them. Want to jump from St. Quentin Scar in Battlefield 1 to the skyscrapers of Shanghai in Battlefield 4? It'll be easier than ever.
so tentative release date for UI is roughly along with BF1 given this new cross-game feature.
BCRF teamed up with Blizzard a while back and released a promotional Mercy skin you could buy for $20. It is no coincidence that the skin is simply named Pink.
Eat a dick, Komen. You don't own a color.
Nice, the link is working now!
Nothing major here, though this does confirm:
Hey everyone. If you're seeing any lag similar to this and are able to assist with some info, please consider posting to this thread, where we're tracking this issue with the below info, as we have network engineers combing (insert Spaceballs GIF here) this thread to determine exactly what's occurring here and what types of changes can be made to improve.
Here's the info that our guys are looking for, if you're able to provide:
Posting in the above thread is the best way to compile this info to make sure it's all in the same place. Thanks all.
You get a report system with it :)
Edit: ... probably. Edit 2: Yep! ---> General ---> Player reporting has been enabled (Both, for PS4 and XBOX)
I guess some do that to a certain extent I guess. But Valve ordered the players to do the opposite:
>The autograph should look the same as when you are signing a fan’s mousepad
and >The autograph should not be a work of art (again, it should not take more than 5-10 seconds), and it should be written by you and not by someone else
There's been a bunch of misinformation out there about "server contracts ending," and it actually isn't true. Just misinformation.
We also had an engineer go in-depth on the tickrate question in this blog. We think there's a bunch of high-impact work we can do to improve server performance, and hopefully you've noticed some improvements with this latest season launch.
In terms of expanding into less well-covered regions, nothing to announce here. Which regions do you think need better coverage?
This is awesome! I'm glad they actually took time to create a quality skin for this instead of just doing a recolor or something!
Also, when I first read their charity page i saw
> your purchase of the Pink Mercy skin to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, with a guaranteed minimum donation of $250,000 USD
And I was like aww wtf?!
EDIT: To clarify, i thought it was saying you get the skin if you donate a minimum of $250k
It's a new map for the new Deathmatch game mode, currently on PTR. The map's called "Château Guillard" and it's basically Widowmaker's family estate.
Thread with developer update youtube video:
PTR patch notes:
If you can't watch the video, here are the important details on her changes:
Changes are coming to PTR "very soon".
Edit: "very soon" apparently meant today! Reworked Symmetra is now on the PTR.
That guy was the only player left, so we gave him a few memorable moments; the one-stick-troc, a Killionaire with only assassinations, and one hell of a dance party in the middle of the map.
Edit: Apparently, you can see the videos on his XboxDVR.
This is a great deal. Even a better deal because it's the origins edition.
If you're not sure about if you should buy Overwatch, the game will be free this weekend. It's a great chance for those in doubt to test it and see for yourself what the fuzz is all about.
Also keep in mind that any future content to be released, will remain free and there won't be any paid DLC's ever.
The leak was reasonably accurate! Anchora was probably her internal name, and it reflects in the description, too:
>Orisa serves as the central anchor of her team, and defends her teammates from the frontline with a protective barrier.
From here
> New hero option: allows players to adjust nano boost sensitivity
RIP boostio :(
Also, the source:
Edit: nevermind, u/paaatchnooootes added the link to his post in a edit.
Hey all! We're hanging out today on Waypoint, twitter, and reddit and standing by. We hope we don't hear from you, because that means you're playing and enjoying. But if you do find anything that needs attention, drop us a line! <3 Patch notes here
True. It is no exaggeration that other battlepasses that cost 10 give 50 times more stuff.
That's way over 100 cosmetic items. And you get enough currency to buy the next one. So you really only need to pay 10 once.
>Be on the lookout for new Zombies teasers on Treyarch’s social channels this week as we get closer to the mid-season release of “Mauer der Toten,” the terrifying new chapter in the Dark Aether story.
>Says game will not have X.
>People rejoice and buy game.
>EA waits a while and then when sales slow down, insert X anyway.
>Laugh at the suckers who believed them.
Don't even have to wait, lootboxes are already in the game and people are buying the misleading marketing spiel hook, line and sinker; the same as always.
>Battlefield V - Deluxe Edition
>20 WEEKLY ITEMS WITH AIRLIFT - Get 20 weekly Airlifts, each containing one customization item.
Hey friends! This one is indeed the real deal. You can read more details about the update here -- we'll be hangin' here on reddit as well as Waypoint and Twitter all day. Let us know if you run into anything unexpected, anything you enjoy, and everything in between! See you online!
For anyone who doesn’t know about the VIP program, just read this and explains everything. Basically you just do tasks like watch game trailers, check social media, enter codes, etc and it gives you points to trade in toward weapons and skins.
Have a look at the Overwatch patch notes any time they balance a hero. Developer commentary immediately follows the change:
> Ana
> Biotic Rifle
> Damage increased from 60 to 70
> Developer Comments: Ana has been outshined by other support heroes lately. Boosting her damage will help her defend herself and make her more threatening to the enemy team.
10 damage. Such a tiny change, but developer commentary is included in it anyway. I hope Bungie follows suit, eventually.
Well, that's pretty much what happened on the Moon.
> But [Winston's] life was thrown into chaos when the other gorillas led an uprising, killed the mission scientists, and claimed the [lunar] colony for their own. Taking on the name of his beloved human caretaker, Winston built a makeshift rocket and escaped to Earth. There he found a new home with Overwatch, an organization that represented everything he had come to admire about humanity.
At minimum it's a nod and wink at each other's games...I'm actually surprised that Microsoft and/or Activision wouldn't have squashed this. Mayhap the game designers slid it by?
This guy is our captain... kill me please. It's so stupid how youtubers that have very few hours played are team's captain. I guess that my country is retarded when they have to vote, that's why they chose the current joke of a president.
Hey everyone! The update is live, and full patch notes are here. Holiday Doubles and Holiday Social will run through the holidays (1/4), at which point we'll take a look at their population, game types, etc, to determine what happens to both of them moving forward. In whichever form they return, the goal is to add new content to them over time. Does "social" become one with Action Sack, with wacky game types, or do those stay separate, and social becomes sort of a "Team Training" from H2? What type of cool stuff can we do with Doubles that hasn't been done before? Thinking out loud once again, but these are all conversations that are underway now.
Hope you enjoy, and let us know if you have any questions about anything you see in the update!
We won't ever get better servers. Instead we got this blogpost, it should tell you everything you need to know. They wouldn't even have bothered to write up that post if changes were even considered.
They try to explain why more than 20hz doesn't matter for instance. Just ignore the fact that literally every other big multiplayer game out there has their servers running 60hz tickrate (or more!). They are doing it wrong according to the Apex Legends devs.
So my recommendation would be to keep your expectations in check.
The money that people put into these packs are paying for both the free dlc maps and the prize money for the halo championship series.
here is a more in depth explanation:
That makes sense, but basing it strictly off McCree's backstory, there was no indication that he was given a second chance out of sympathy. Overwatch saw use in him as a member. When you think about how they saved Genji and gave McCree a chance, it's easy to think they just did it for goodness sake. But in both cases, they did it with the expectation that they would benefit Overwatch in some way (which they both did).
Friendly reminder that these cvars/settings got added with a recent update:
cl_hide_avatar_images | "cl", "a" | Hide avatar images for other players. 0 - Off. 1 - Block All. 2 - Block all but friends cl_sanitize_player_names | "cl", "a" | Replace names of other players with something non-offensive.
Hey friends! Patch notes are here, and we'll be hanging out all day to make sure things are all good. u/Unyshek will be playing Infection and continuing to rack up obscene multi-kills until someone stops him. Please.
Also, some have pointed out, but we've got some improvements in the value of Gold and Silver pack in this update too - details just above patch notes!
>And a lot of our fans have assumed "oh, that's why Reyes and Morrison hate each other"
I'm gonna nitpick semantics, but this isn't correct. The fanbase was deliberately led to believe that with the material we have so far.
Quote from <em>Fading Glory: On the Trail of Jack Morrison</em> > The UN rewarded Morrison for his contributions by making him Overwatch's first official commander. Reyes was passed over in the process, and it created a rift between the two men that would lead to tragic consequences.
It's not like anyone could have guessed otherwise when it is spelled like that.
The question now is, why the fictional author of the article painted the situation like that? Is that the official version of the facts given by the UN or whatever higher-ups? Bloody convenient to make it look like jealousy and infighting between two (believed) dead.
It changes to every 5 levels at 300.
>The Player Level cap has been increased from 100 to 500. Players can now earn a total of 199 Apex Packs related to Player Level rewards at the following cadence:
>Level 2 - 20: One pack every level (19 Apex Packs total)
Level 22 - 300: One pack every two levels (140 Apex Packs total)
Level 305 - 500: One pack every five levels (40 Apex Packs total)
You will continue to earn 600 Legend Tokens per level and per 18,000 XP at level 500
Overbuff dosent need a update, it's the blizzard that needs to release an accurate API over match history so that websites like Overbuff can relay the information. Right now it just relays info from<battletag> to the best of it's knowledge.
I asked Bill Warnecke about this the other day, and he responded that unfortunately the guys who would normally have implemented this; have been dead busy (obviously) implementing the support for the OWL Web app.
"Sombra is a stealthy offensive infiltrator who can hack enemy abilities, she can turn the tide of battle in subtle and not so subtle ways"
EDIT: Detailed info on Sombra's abilities, thank you /u/kittycatalyst!!!
> Her teleporter is her E. You toss it and have 15s to teleport to it. The tendrils is her right click and over time it will disable enemy abilities and hack health packs and turrets. Her Lshift is a temporary stealth and speed boost, she can also see through walls in that time. Her Q is an EMP blast that disables all enemy abilities for a short time in the blast radius. Her uzi gun does decent damage and feels squirrly to aim but that just be the mouses here being set to a higher dpi than I like
EDIT2: Sombra's official hero page on the Overwatch website!
Hey all,
We've got additional info coming ASAP, but the recent decrease in experience quality is unfortunately due to an Xbox Live services issue, which has put Xbox services into a "Limited" state since 6:47:24 PM CST. We are working alongside this team to get the latest info. We'll have additional info posted in the official thread shortly:
damage beam is fucking terrible. It legitimately is. Blizzard themselves said that they want damage boost to be mercy's main source of damage as opposed to her pistol, when their own numbers showed that wasn't remotely true at all. They attempted to correct for this by heavily nerfing mercy's ult and buffing damage boost to compensate. They immediately reverted the boost buff and forgot to reconsider the other half of their rebalancing. The developers themselves WANT damage boost to be useful but THEY THEMSELVES know that pistol is far more used and far better. source:
If you are behind a reinhardt shield, alongside several members of your team, its far better for you to use your pistol than it is to boost your mccree or 76.
times to use damage beam:
a) Use it for a split second when a roadhog hooks someone
b) When an ally is ulting
c) The DPS player is at full health, and shooting something that you yourself cannot shoot because you are behind cover.
in pretty much every single other circumstance where you would consider using damage boost, its better to use pistol instead. Not only because its higher damage, but because it charges your ult very quickly.
what bugs ME is when mercy + a DPS is attempting to kill some solo hero and all the mercy does is damage boost the dps when its almost always stronger to use pistol instead. A mercy using a pistol beside her dps is two heros. A mercy damage boosting her dps is 1.3 heros.
Well, it depends on how big the SEP groups were. If you've got 100 soldiers in each test group, then they started at the same time.
As for why Jack got leadership of Overwatch the organization when Reyes lead Overwatch the Strike Team:
"Leadership of Overwatch fell to Reyes, but Morrison would have a greater impact on the group in the long term. He brought out the best in the people around him and helped mold Overwatch's diverse (and sometimes conflicting) agents into a cohesive fighting force. In unity, they found the strength to defeat the robots and end the Omnic Crisis.
"Even I had my doubts about whether Overwatch would succeed," UN Under-Secretary-General Gabrielle Adawe, one of Overwatch's key architects, said shortly after the end of the Omnic Crisis. "But Morrison never gave up hope. He didn't just meet our expectations for what Overwatch and its agents could achieve; he shattered them."
The UN rewarded Morrison for his contributions by making him Overwatch's first official commander. Reyes was passed over in the process, and it created a rift between the two men that would lead to tragic consequences."
That's the official reason why. Basically Morrison was the reason Overwatch the Strike Team was successful. So he was given leadership of Overwatch the organization.
Assuming, of course, that they don't retcon it as they're fond of doing. They already retconned the rift part. So I wouldn't put it past them to retcon all of it.
Exactly. Most people I know play on PTR now who were playing competitive S1 to practice up on the new meta,new season changes and new maps. I'm not sure how access is for that on PC Bangs in Korea but I imagine they would be really laggy playing on the PTR if its still only located in the US.
> Q. What regions are eligible to participate in the PTR? > A. Accounts from all regions (excluding China) are eligible to participate; however, the PTR will be hosted on our Americas region. As a result, if you plan to play the PTR from a region outside the US, please anticipate lowered performance and increased latency.
Morning guys and gals. We'll be hanging here throughout the day today ensuring that everything rolls out smoothly. There's a good amount of extra updates & fixes inside this update - for full patch notes, see the bottom of this page.
As Uny said, all REQs will be fully rolled out to all players by 2PM PT - there's a good chance you can grab 'em beforehand as they're already starting to populate, but if you don't wanna risk it, wait until the safe time.
D.Va’s Nano Cola Challenge
We’re celebrating the release of D.Va’s action-packed animated “Shooting Star” short by making some special content available to unlock in-game. For a limited time, your wins in Quick Play, Competitive Play, or Arcade will all earn you additional D.Va sprays, a player icon, and a new epic skin: NANO COLA D.VA!
When you’re not playing to win, you can watch sponsored Twitch broadcasters to unlock even more D.Va-themed sprays!
To learn more about D.Va’s Nano Cola Challenge, click here.
Hero Gallery
here is a link to the source data if you do not want to click/support polygon:
and here is the relevant information to OP
It’s important to us that everyone enjoys their experiences in Arena play. To maintain the quality of the Arena experience and sanctity of competition, a number of rules are in place for all Arena playlists. Halo 5: Guardians is engineered to detect and track the following behavior:
Quitting matches
Betrayals or team killing
Idling (AFK)
Intentional suicides
Excessive disconnects
If you repeatedly engage in negative behaviors such as the ones listed above, you will receive a ban and be prevented from entering matchmaking. The duration of each ban is dependent on the offense and becomes more severe with each successive infraction, so continually killing your teammates to steal the Sniper Rifle will quickly lead to long timeouts from matchmade play.
Streaks, and player performance should never be removed from any elo-based competitive system. The very system gets undermined by removing those 2 influences and it results in, like OP said, people being "cemented" in the rank/average SR they were in at the time streaks and player performance got removed. People who deserve to be higher have a harder time to get there. If you played flawlessly, but still lose due to 1 troll in spawn, you will gain nothing and it feels very bad. If there still was PP, the system would know you played better than the average player in that rank and would make you lose less SR on a loss and gain more on a win (which also feels good and fair/rewarding). Streaks and player performance go hand in hand in getting players to the SR they deserve to be at the fastest. OW should add it back in and should look at LoL's ranked divisions (for example gold V, IV, III, II, I). These divisions make it so that there are less large climbs and drops. In LoL, you need 100 "LP" (league points) to qualify for a promotion to climb to the next division on which you need to win 2/3 games to succeed. You gain more LP for a win if you played well/are playing well over the last couple of games and tho opposite with losses.
Honestly, big-mouthed players, who just have to be vocal about what should-, or should not be in the game, while having 0 understanding of it, is what's actually hurting the game. The devs are also to blame for sometimes actually listening to stupid things.
here you go. In general, if you want to stay up to date with call of duty, simply check out the official news blog.
There's a completely new open world zombies mode called 'Outbreak' out now since yesterday and it's amazing. If you're done with the game because you only play to unlock dark aether and not to have fun that's understandable, but if you want to have fun even without getting a camo for it (strange people do that) you should definitely check it out.
Unsurprisingly for this sub, you have that entirely backwards:
“What happens if one of them rounds a corner, so that they can suddenly see each other? Well, LOW has the advantage here as well. LOW is less “into the past,” so they get to see HIGH first. Once again, LOW has the advantage due to their ping. This adds on to the advantage where LOW’s bullets get to the server faster.
These cases are "unfair" in the sense that LOW has an advantage, but they are "fair" in the sense that it's reasonable to expect that the player with lower ping would get the advantage in this situation.
Now, what happens if LOW goes behind a corner to get into cover? Well, HIGH is still in the past when LOW is not covered, so HIGH can shoot LOW before they get into cover, but LOW won't find out about it until HIGH's packets have made it to the server and then to LOW. By this time, LOW sees that they’re safely in cover, yet LOW still got hit. From LOW's perspective, this is a bit of nonsense.”
The full paragraph is - Lastly, regarding other games in development at Respawn, it is important to understand that there are entirely separate development teams working on Apex Legends and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Additionally, in order to fully support Apex Legends, we are pushing out plans for future Titanfall games. No resources from the Apex Legends team are being shifted to other titles in development here at the studio, nor are we pulling resources from the team working on Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Fwiw, they deliberately made a separate "Legendary Skins" section under the global "New Skins" section on their page.
So yeah, not that it's a guarantee, but this at least hints that there may be new epic skins.
AFAIK most of them don't fit the requirements set by Valve for autograph stickers.
>The autograph should not be a work of art (again, it should not take more than 5-10 seconds), and it should be written by you and not by someone else. Fans are interested in YOU–it’s ok if it the autograph doesn’t look amazing, as long as it’s yours!
>We typically reject: computer-generated art, fonts, overly-complicated art or designs that cannot be recreated during a mousepad-signing session.
Although, I do want 𝕵𝖆𝖒𝖊 𝕿𝖎𝖒𝖊 on at least one of my guns
Ok, lets see...
Rule 1. Content must target the Overwatch audience
Hey I like tf2.
Rule 2. Content should be Safe for Work
Rule 3. Posting of images and screenshots to the subreddit
images and screenshots
Rule 4. Low-effort (shitposting) guidelines
Rule 5. No Cheating Accusations/Hacking/Exploit Posts
Echo you're cheating.
Rule 6. Polls must use Google Forms or Strawpoll
Taking a poll directly in the comment section! Is Genji the best hero or is Genji the best hero?
Rule 7. Begging, trading, buying, selling B.Net accounts / keys
$40 pls have cancer will die in two minutes
Rule 8. Interactions with other users
You're a beautiful person
Rule 9. Subreddit Language Policy
mada mada
Rule 10. Promotional posting guidelines
DSPStanko is my god.
Alright. Should be good to go. Come at me mods!
Edit: I love r/Overwatch.
A friendly reminder "Blizzard Entertainment will donate 100% the proceeds that it receives from all Pink Mercy skin sales to BCRF, with a guaranteed minimum donation of $250,000 (USD). The total donation amount will be disclosed after the campaign concludes on May 21. Please visit our shop page for more details."
Im really interested in how much money they raise
It's quite funny isn't it, imagine if you didn't know overwatch and heard of this lucio musician, literally the first link is a "news article" saying
> "Lúcio, an acclaimed musical artist who's built his career doing live shows, has already become something of a national icon in his home country of Brazil. Now he's poised to win an international following with his Synaesthesia world tour.
> "My heart beats for Brazil," Lúcio told Atlas News. "I get inspired by the people here. Their struggles. Their triumphs. I want to share that energy—the energy of their lives—with the rest of the world."
You'd think he was a real person since people wouldn't be particularly knowledgable about the brazillian music scene
> Bangalore is a pilot, clear past military experience .... I think Bangalore was sent into the game to infiltrate and gather information, learning the layout of Kings Canyon while feeding information back to the other Organization.
Bangalore is not a pilot, she's an IMC grunt who was sent on a mission to retrieve a merc fleet. Her and her team were ambushed leaving her stranded and out of contact with the IMC. She joined the Apex games to earn money to get back home to her family.
Map was made by JoeAct20 with help from rpgallagher, SLOWKIDatPL4Y, WookieCookies1, and Yeti For Hire
Here's the full video where I show other landmarks in the map:
> So far, the landmarks in the map are the White House, Golden Gate Bridge, Seattle Space Needle, Statue of Liberty, Twin Towers, Hollywood sign, Mount Rushmore (Yeti For Hire), Big Ben (SLOWKIDatPL4Y), London Eye, Westminster Palace, Westminster Bridge, Eiffel Tower (rpgallagher), Leaning Tower of Pisa (SLOWKIDatPL4Y), The Sphinx, The Pyramids, Great Wall of China, Easter Island Heads, Sydney Opera House (SLOWKIDatPL4Y), Trump Tower, Luxor Hotel, Sarlacc Pit
>an algorithm which matches players based on:
>Hours played
>Steam profile level
>Amount of games owned
>Previous VACs and/or how long ago the ban was administered
>Amount of matches played
I would recommend watching all the videos for the heroes on Overwatches offical page here:
Afterwards, try them out in-game.
Lastly, pick your favorites and look up guides. Here is a site for guides: (same as hotsfire, just for ow)
> Skyline, iostux, Dibz, OneAmongstMany (demos),
I do **not* recommend Overwatch Central, YourOverwatch or Unit Lost - they have went from good content to clickbait/shitty content.*
Streamers: (Get the hang of the game before watching them!)
> MoonMoon (Roadhog main), ReallyNavi (?), Poke (Genji main - can be salty at times), Seagull (projectile heroes), Surefour (Tracer main (?)), Harbleu (off tanks), IDDQD (hitscan), Gale_Adelade (Ana + hitscan), Mendokusaii (jack of all trades + quite educational), Valkia (Pharah), Kephrii (Widowmaker - can be a bit salty at times), DSPStanky (Lucio), Grego (supports)
Have fun, and feel free to ask more questions! (and PM me if you want my btag)
edit: I don't know how to format this shit xD
Edit 3?: Added more to the lists thanks to the comments! Credits to the other users in the replies!
Edit 4: Updated
Edit 5: Updated
From the website:
>The Reveal Trailer is a good example of this, as it depicts the frantic fights in Northern France in an unexpected time period, early in the war. You’ll experience iconic WW2 elements such as paratroopers dropping from the sky near a mission-critical bridge. However, this time it’s part of the German offensive on the British positions along the Escaut, which later would lead to the dramatic events of Dunkirk.
I'm fine with some flexibility in favor of gameplay, but having Tigers and V1's during the 1940 fall of France is a pretty bizarre choice. Almost none of the equipment or vehicles are correct for that period, why on earth would they pick it for their trailer?!
So the game is still following right where Halo Wars left off. You can hear them say Douglas - 42 is down. Funny the Waypoint image for Douglas is just a sloppy looking retouch of a Blur render. Spartan model
I don't play Overwatch so I didn't know the characters, who apparently are called heroes.
So I looked them up and the cast seems pretty diverse. Nice mix of brown and even fucking animals as heroes.
I'm all for diversity but this isn't an issue.
I'm surprised with no teasers either from official social media channels.
Based on all the other event webpages, this URL will show you all the new skins, emotes, and highlight intros once they actually publish the content to their site, right now it will just lead to a broken URL:
> The weekend social playlist will features modes selected by the community, and offer bonus XP and REQ Points. Additionally, the most popular modes have the potential for becoming their own playlist.
For those wondering what are we watching for 8 hours, it's a couple of streamers throughout the event, similar to the Pink Mercy Charity Event.
List of streamers and more info here:
Halo 5's Forge is seriously incredible. The creativity of that community seems to know no bounds and I think we are going to be seeing even more awesome creations once it releases on PC (September 8th!). I always look forward to these posts and I really hope they continue to pop up.
For anyone wondering about the next free content update and details for the PC release, check this link:
That's actually an official concept art. It is on the Octane page on Apex's website but I don't think it was that one I was thinking about.
His backstory has this in it.
>Survivors have described a black shadow ghosting unscathed through the most hellish battlefields. The few bodies recovered of those he kills are pale, empty husks drained of life, their cells showing signs of intense degradation. It is possible that he is a byproduct of failed genetic alteration which forces his cells to simultaneously decay and regenerate at a hyper-accelerated rate.
So yeah, Mercy probably did some medical stuff but messed up and now Reaper is in a constant state of decay and regeneration (old Trundle lore, anyone?) which would explain why he hates Overwatch
I love to imagine someone going to, trying the code, expecting something groundbreaking that would've been the next step in the ARG, and this is what they get.
Gibraltar is a gentle giant with a wild side. The son of two SARAS (Search and Rescue Association of Solace) volunteers, he has always been skilled at getting others out of dangerous situations that are common in the Outlands. However, he only began to understand the value of protecting others when he and his boyfriend stole his father’s motorcycle, took it on a joyride, and got trapped by a deadly mudslide. His parents saved them, and his father lost an arm in the process. Gibraltar has never forgotten that sacrifice and has devoted his life to helping those in need.
CS:GO has had to change how their economy works multiple time to stop it from being used for money laundering.
>However, worldwide fraud networks have recently shifted to using CS:GO keys to liquidate their gains. At this point, nearly all key purchases that end up being traded or sold on the marketplace are believed to be fraud-sourced. As a result we have decided that newly purchased keys will not be tradeable or marketable.
Also, you just need a place that accepts crypto and sells gift cards with poor KYC practices. Flips those gift cards on a separate site or swap for something like G2A balance, cash out again and then it's pretty much clear. Lots of scammers now just skip steps and get the victims to go out and buy lots of gift cards locally so they can just sell those. Even if there is a charge back they've usually cashed out by then.
They got a pretty big detail wrong. All Valve has publicly said is "nearly all key purchases that end up being traded or sold are believed to be fraud-sourced", not nearly all transactions in CS:GO are believed to be fraud related like it says in the article.
Reddit detective post incoming: On this page
The background image for the first image you see behind the BFV info is named "casablanca-blue-background.jpg". A quick Wikipedia reference shows that Casablanca was the location where Operation Torch in WWII happened. Just an observation!
Fixed a bug that caused some players to lose audio during the match Fixed a bug causing the vacuum-of-space sound effects from the Horizon Lunar Colony menu screen to persist even after selecting a new menu area Heroes
Fixed a bug that prevented Pharah’s “I am the rocket queen” voice line from playing correctly Fixed a bug that allowed Orisa’s ultimate to charge while her Supercharger was deployed
Check out his actual bio in the story tab. In short, he was a martial artist that competed frequently, but he lost his arm in the omnic crisis. He had cybernetic prosthetics, but he was ineligible to compete in tournaments. Talon gave him a place to fight and he adopted his beliefs from the previous Doomfist. He wasn't interested in joining Overwatch.
"Warzone thus far has been a game of “kill or be killed.” However, during Season Four, Operators will be able to drop in for the game’s first-ever objective-based game mode: Payload.
In Payload, you and 39 other Operators drop in to escort two caravans of vehicles through a series of checkpoints or sabotage the mission. Build or destroy barriers and purchase buildings to aid in your squad’s mission, and be sure to collect any contracts you find around Verdansk, as they will help lead to success.
More details are to come on this new mode later this season."
> ... an extremely popular FPS called Overwatch.
If you're even half serious about gaming, you either know what the heck Overwatch is, or you'll be one of today's lucky 10,000.
There are a few ways that you can achieve this usually.
1) Scrape the data. You can write python code for example that will request a website (just like you when you go to and it will read the raw HTML. It will 'scape' for keywords, or for whatever it is that you're searching for and have specified in your code.
2) Using an API. Some companies or platforms have an API set up so that developers can request to use data that they store on their servers (but only the data that the company or platform specifies, not just any data). Here is an example of a movie database API that you can use to serve up data & metrics about movies.
The overwatch website specifically scrapes data form and serves it up so that anyone can just search it.
If you can wait another week before making the decision, there will be a free weekend from July 26 to July 30.
Edit: the free weekend will be on PC only.
Is that the skin from the event you had to do in BF4 (get 100 kills with the M1911) prior to BF1 release?
Edit: yes it is.
>– Your progression – for your Player Level, Battle Pass system, etc. – is synchronized across Vanguard, Black Ops Cold War, Modern Warfare and Warzone Pacific, and the Seasonal Levelling and Prestige System will return. This also means your level will reset to Military Rank 1 within all games, but this only applies to XP; all content you previously unlocked will still be available.
For people experiencing this issue (myself included), the lag is only happening with Halo 5- all other multiplayer games work absolutely fine. I guess the reasoning basically is that if all other games work fine, there are no connection issues (mine is 30/4, 0% packet loss, NAT is open, 1480 MTU), having TWC tech come out to take a look at it with no avail, and swapping hardware (3 modems and 2 routers) doesn't fix it the issue is most likely on the developer's end (or they could at least know something about why this is happening only with their game that could shed some light on it). TWC has even released a statement acknowledging the problem saying they believe the issue lies on Microsoft/343i's end, not theirs. And that does have to be taken with a grain of salt because I know TWC never fails to cover it's own ass but, with 343i neglecting the posts about it all over Halo related forums, it just kind of leaves us with nothing else to go off of.
Here's a link to one of the many threads with people complaining about the issue:
Plus 9 new CTF maps and the ability to filter/search for custom games! I wonder if the CTF maps are the same maps as the KOTH maps.
Edit: official blog
I find it funny when people say things like this, because back in beta, the competitive system was designed specifically to promote the idea of progression. The community spoke out about it, en masse, and the system was changed to better place players at their appropriate rank, to promote balanced games over all else (rather than artificially 'climbing the ladder').
It's working as intended.
Alongside the skin/character not working, the pack is actually missing two items they said it would have from the blog post yesterday as well.
" In addition to these items, the “Samantha Maxis Reactive Bundle” also includes the animated “Ominous Glow” Calling Card, the animated “Death Rider” and “Insta-Kill” Emblems, “Green Reaper” and “Requiem Vicerimus Mortem” Stickers, and the adorable-yet-frightening “Zombie Bunny” Weapon Charm.
Like they're small items, but come the fuck on. This bundle was clearly unfinished but still shunted out the door.
Sonic Amplifier
Projectile speed increased from 40 to 50
Alternate fire now considers vertical orientation when knocking targets back
Song's area-of-effect radius decreased from 30 meters to 10 meters
A temporary in-game visual has been added to illustrate this radius (it is only visible to Lúcio and his teammates)
Heal Song
Healing-per-second has been increased by 50% (also applies to Lúcio's Amp It Up ability)
Sound Barrier
Radius decreased from 30 meters to 20 meters
Wall Ride
Movement speed increased by 30% when wall riding
Lúcio now receives a burst of speed when leaping off a wall
Developer Comments: Lucio has often felt like a must-pick due to his raw healing output and the versatility of providing a speed bonus to your entire team. The goal of these changes is to keep those elements feeling strong, but making them harder to apply to everyone on your team at all times. The end result is that he should feel stronger with teams that he can stay close to but not as strong when on teams with heroes that are often spread out (such as Pharah, Widow, Genji, etc). Much of Lucio’s character power was tied up in his large passive auras, which caused other elements of his kit to be weakened over time in an attempt to balance him. Now that his auras are more focused it will allow them to be much stronger and allow Lucio to be more active in his role.
The map includes everything the original had: a workable wheel, drop bridge, interactive gate, breakable window covers, and more!
Here is some gameplay footage:
And here is the download link:
You can skip 1 and 2 by going to
Hell no it hasn't been 2 years.
Oh, I guess it has.
how frequently they were reported for cheating
Directly from trust factor patch notes
Has it always been like that? I know you're right. I've seen it demonstrated, but.... good news!!!
The current PTR test version patch notes include:
"Fixed a bug that allowed enemy players to detect Sombra (while Stealth was active) if they were within a certain distance"
I never thought it was a bug, but... maybe?