Doom Slayer is busy fighting the quake guys in Quake Champions currently.
Here you go man! I found this through the official home page.
Here's the fullsize: Image Link
The Super Nailgun fills the same role as Quake 3's Plasmagun, it just looks different and has a different name. The damage output also isn't low, it penetrates armor and does damage to health instead.
This year is "QuakeCon the year of DOOM" as it says on the logo this year.
At E3 what Marty Stratton said was "We will be going all out at QUAKECON this summer, we're adding a whole host of panels and activities dedicated to DOOM, which we call DOOMCON" showed he DOOMCon image, and then within 5 secons the full QUAKECon logo was put back up on the screen again.
Next year there was already this announced for Quake Champions - "World Championship at QuakeCon 2020—the 25th year of QuakeCon!" (source)
Game Optimization (ongoing) -- Summer 2018.
Also, 'Enhanced Game Optimization' is slated for winter.
It is a priority for the devs, but there are different devs working on different aspects of the project. It might not be possible for id/Saber to divert their asset-creation or game design team members to work on engine optimization. Not every tool is suited for every job, is what I mean, and just because other progress is being made does not mean that this area is not a priority.
If you look at, you can see that different champions have different speed caps. There's also a white bar and a red bar, so I'm not sure what they're supposed to represent, but I would guess that the white bar is ground speed and the red bar is air speed?
Because of this, I feel like the speed caps are pretty easily tweaked, and there should be a spread that makes both new players and old players happy. I'd expect a lower speed cap character to be good for a new player, and a higher speed cap character to be better for an advanced player.
EDIT: According to this discussion, the graphs on the site are not actually accurate, but my main point is that different characters have different speed caps, and they can be adjusted.
You will be refunded with shards, not favor. 300 shards for each champion. (At least it worked for me this way when I bought Champ pack in July).
Also if you're already planning to buy the Pack, I would recommend to do this before Sep 4 - cause after that the price will rise:
Here's the road map. Patches ususally come in 6 week cycles. Next patch might hit soon tho, because they had to delay stuff for QuakeCon.
If you haven't heard, they released their roadmap for the remainder of the year. I'm having a blast, but the only thing I'd personally ask for is Orbb (performance and QoL improvements as well of course)
The extra discount sale probably ends on the 18th too.
There's no time limit, it's a buy once have forever thing like any other game on Steam :) It's effectively 'buying the game' as opposed to playing the Free2Play.
While the game is still Early Access it gets you the Gladiator skin too, which is EA exclusive, it's a reimage of his Quake 1 look.
The only way to one-up that is today they announced a GameStop-exclusive Collector's Edition! with a 12" Scalebearer model.
BJ's story actually ties in to the often forgotten Wolfenstein game from 2009.
Description from the official site: > William Joseph “BJ” Blazkowicz had a glowing track record as the Office of Secret Actions’ (OSA) top agent. As part of this joint American-British agency, he helped thwart numerous German Regime techno-occult initiatives during World War II, including that of the Regime high officer Deathshead and his doomsday weapon. Deathshead planned to harness the power of the Black Sun Dimension to power his ultimate weapon, but was single-handedly stopped by BJ, who entered this strange alternate plane of reality to destroy the apparatus that would be the doomsday device’s power source. > > During his mission, an explosion knocked BJ unconscious and rendered him comatose for 14 years while the battle continued to rage on in the world around him. When he finally awoke, he found that the world had moved on without him. The Regime had conquered the globe and was quashing any rebellions as quickly as they could form. BJ swore to assemble a Resistance force to wipe out the Regime, ending their reign of tyranny once and for all.
ZeRo4 hasn't been at the top of his game for years now and practices in a scene that's arguably currently dead compared to if he lived in the EU - His prime was 16 years ago.
It's also been announced that atleast one of the ways to qualify for Duel at Quakecon this year will be through an open BYOC tournament:
> QUAKECON BYOC OPEN QUALIFIER > > Bethesda will be hosting the first major eSports tournament for Quake Champions at this year’s QuakeCon in Dallas. We’ll reveal more details about the tournament at E3. > > While we’re not ready to talk in detail, we are announcing that one of the ways players can qualify for the Duel portion of the tournament is by competing in an open qualifier that will be held in the Bring Your Own Computer (BYOC) area of QuakeCon, August 24-27, in Dallas, TX. Competitors who want a shot at competing versus the best in the world should make sure they secure their BYOC seat when they go on sale April 13 via the Quakecon web site.
Yeah, this isn't something new or information that was kept private. This was announced alongside the March update both on the Bethesda website and on the official Quake Twitter account.
"Our world-class competitors will once again get the chance to prove their skill in the new year-long 2019-2020 season, which kicks off with a Duel tournament at QuakeCon 2019 and leads up to a World Championship at QuakeCon 2020—the 25th year of QuakeCon!"
No further details yet but we know that we're getting a year-long season of Quake tournaments starting with Quakecon 2019 and concluding with a "World Championship" at Quakecon 2020. I personally like the idea of having a longer off-season without games leading up to a full year of Quake so I think we're in for something great.
Yea, it is a good idea.
They also had esports bundle in the August 2018 update which was talked about in the Developers Live Stream in late July 2018.
"Esports Bundle (August 2018)
Our players have asked us, “How can we help support Quake esports?” Well for a limited time you can with the upcoming Esports Showdown bundle! This bundle is the best value we’ve offered, with the new Quake 4 “Redeemer” Gauntlet, 7-day XP boost, 2 Reliquaries, and 200 Platinum. This is also the first bundle that you can purchase multiple times, and know that you’re helping to grow the Quake Champions tournament scene! Look forward to it in the store."
there was a reddit thread discussion about it back then - found here if interested in the read:
deaths were removed intentionally the previous patch(march) not in April.
edit: for those who still doubt this check the UI section in march patch notes
You've got two main choices:
Quake Champions is Quake, with characters that have abilities from each of the Quake games (Two characters have CPMA movement, two characters can slide like Quake 4, etc). It has the most (visible) players at any time.
Diabotical is basically a Q3A clone, where you play as adorable little egg dudes. It has minor variations from previous quakes but even their 'MacGuffin' mode is effectively Quake's Sacrifice. It's the newest, and is a Epic Games exclusive.
just because you cant find the info that's easily available on @Quake or @Quakecon or @ESLQuake on twitter, the official or sites, you're blaming them for zero effort?!
They have the official Dev Live Stream Summary at the Bethesda Website. Not sure what you are asking and so forth, but maybe you didn't know?
Yay, it has improved a lot in the past year. So much has changed it'd take too long to write it out, 2v2 is the main tournament mode atm.
The map's page was available since yesterday, I don't know why the images have the weird 1728 x 972 size, seems like as if they've been resized by 10% in MSPaint.
> This page was last edited on 21 December 2018, at 04:21.
Not the best place to get relevant info : "Reduced heavy weight passive damage from 320/25, 400/50, 500/75 to 400/25, 500/50."
Correct. It was stated in March it is Quakecon 2019 to Quakecon 2020.
From that announcement:
"We’ve witnessed some of the most exhilarating moments in esports across our Quake Champions tournaments, and we’re just getting started! Our world-class competitors will once again get the chance to prove their skill in the new year-long 2019-2020 season, which kicks off with a Duel tournament at QuakeCon 2019 and leads up to a World Championship at QuakeCon 2020—the 25th year of QuakeCon!
There’s much more news to come about how we’re restructuring our esports season this year, and we’re excited to share it with you soon!"
>Today’s update will include the brand new mode: Time Limit Duel, a new season of Free & Premium Battle Pass, champion and weapon balance changes and a ton of new QoL updates!
The last developer diary specifically noted a reduction in desynchronisation, there have been several notable changes to player collisions over patches that players have noticed that have also proved it was still being worked on too. It is basically a non trivial problem that is going to take a lot of time and experimentation to improve.
I don't work on the team, I don't get to see what's being done or what's planned, all I know is that it's not being ignored.
The Dreamlands (or Dream Cycle) is a concept taken from H.P. Lovecraft. The official Quake Champions website says the following: "Warriors from all over the waking world have been trapped in the Dreamlands, where they must battle it out for eternity in Quake Champions". QC features both real Lovecraft deities like Azathoth and Shub-Niggurath and adds several new ones like Volkerh, Goroth, Cthalha and Ithagnal.
In the future you'll be able to buy Champs with in game currency, not real money. You also have a random chance at unlocking them by opening the different loot boxes, though this is pretty rare.
Here's a link to more info straight from the devs
"Going forward, we plan to do away with spending Favor on Champion rentals, replacing them with a roster of free Champions that rotates on a regular basis. Sweetening the deal, we plan to offer players the option to purchase Champions using Favor in addition to Platinum. Yes, that means you can now get your hands on the latest Champions like Keel and Strogg just by playing!"
QC is still currently in early access, it came out of closed BETA at the end of last year I think.
It will be free to play when the game releases, and passes for F2P are given out like candy recently. There were thousands released in the last month or two. The F2P version will come with 1 Champ, Ranger, who's basically like the neutral Q3 Arena Champ. The rest are unlocked via in game currency for renting, out of loot boxes for permanent unlocks, or by buying a pack like the $5 one you saw. The Scalebearer pack comes with Scalebearer unlocked, which is what I'm assuming you saw on Steam. You can buy all Champs for $30.
The recent patch has put the game in a good place, and gives a lot of hope for the future of the game.
Edit: In an announcement today ID says that we'll be able to buy Champs with in game currency instead of just renting them, and there will be a rotating roster of free Champs like LoL. Pretty fucking sweet
It is listed in the march patch notes my dude. please know what you are talking about before making such statements.
>Death column has been removed from Unranked modes
listed under UI. end of discussion
they all have a active and passive ability. e.g. anarki has a small self heal as active ability and air control as his passive.
edit: they also have dif. starting and max health armor and speed values afaik. has more info on the revealed champions.
from what is known now it wont be like overwatch where 1 character counters another one but rather you picking whoever you like without having to worry about what others pick. they are just an addition to the core gameplay strafe jumping, weapon pickups and item control are still available to anyone.
i have not watched ql esports in a while, i'm really surprised about how the quality of the stream and the official website/information improved. didnt expect them to still put in a lot of work at the current popularity.
the links in the youtube description mention "character bios", do they work? can't actually open them on their site.
would be great to get some info about maxter, dont know anything about him
They updated December 2018 to make it not be like a grindy casino.
> After the December Update, Players can use Shards earned to unlock Champions. Players can also still unlock Champions with Platinum.
> Players now have complete choice over which Champion they want to earn cosmetic rewards for—and a clear path to see when each reward unlocks. As players earn Shards by completing certain Weekly Challenges, they can use those Shards to unlock new items for the Champions of their choice in a linear unlock system. Each Shard will unlock 1 Champion-specific item.
"While the Quake Pro League will showcase the current best players in the world, hungry challengers will have their chance to unseat the pros in the Quake Challengers! Weekly online competitions in parallel to the Quake Pro League are open to all players in NA, SA, EU, and CIS. The top four highest-ranked Challengers (2 from NA/SA and 2 from EU/CIS) in a stage will also be flown to offline events! ..."
I assume this will be on FaceIt.
It was announced in March (Duel, year long, etc etc)
From that announcement:
"We’ve witnessed some of the most exhilarating moments in esports across our Quake Champions tournaments, and we’re just getting started! Our world-class competitors will once again get the chance to prove their skill in the new year-long 2019-2020 season, which kicks off with a Duel tournament at QuakeCon 2019 and leads up to a World Championship at QuakeCon 2020—the 25th year of QuakeCon!
There’s much more news to come about how we’re restructuring our esports season this year, and we’re excited to share it with you soon!"
Will see if this all still holds true.....
Umm.. Quake:
We’ve witnessed some of the most exhilarating moments in esports across our Quake Champions tournaments, and we’re just getting started! Our world-class competitors will once again get the chance to prove their skill in the new year-long 2019-2020 season, which kicks off with a Duel tournament at QuakeCon 2019 and leads up to a World Championship at QuakeCon 2020—the 25th year of QuakeCon!
There’s much more news to come about how we’re restructuring our esports season this year, and we’re excited to share it with you soon!" Posted April 12th - source
I don't have to prove something that should be known by you, something that is stated in the official news feed of the game. You are saying they are not working on the performance issues and that they don't care. They have stated they are working on it. You are the one talking out of your ass without proving squat. Did you just get a thought and state a dumb thing without checking around whether it was true or if there was anything supporting your statement? And you are asking ME to show proof of my statement? Hypocrite.
They are doing SOMETHING to make the performance better, which means they are either making improvements to existing code or rewriting. I am not making it up, it's reasonable thinking, given that they are working on performance, which they have stated they are.
It did help, it was worse previously. It's still bad, but it has been worse.
Didn't say they had been at it for a year.
Well, you see how many champs, maps and gamemodes there are in the game right now. Now add the info you can get from the official roadmap that the devs provided ( We already had the summer patch. Oh, and today during the community stream the devs said that the fall update(s) will have 4, not 2 gamemodes and that one of the new maps is the longest yard.
Oh, I see. That was a patch when they fixed a bug with stuttering when you move. I found it out few days before the patch and was going to post a detailed review with plots and videos but after that patch it became irrelevant. Before that patch you had severe drops every time you press/release a movement key. (you can find a line in the patch notes which says "Fixed issues with champions jitter while moving" . I guess they mean actually the same thing)
The mesh plan was dropped in favour of multiple shapes around the body/head/limbs that they can adjust, it's been that way since the January 25th update:
Quake Champions. It's free, there are crates and skins (better than csgo imo) and it's like the father of all e-sport shooters. Get your Beta -Key here:
And check out /r/quakechampions
yeah the frame rate will go above 120, i play on a 144hz monitor myself, i was referring to the "120hz Gameplay Unlocked frames classic quake speed" marketing on their website.
Been following it for a bit. Seems like it will end up being good. I don't agree with quite a bit of the abilities(Clutch Shield, Nyx^nyx^nyx^nyx invis/invulnerability, Visor wallhacks). Whether they are OP or just not fun to play against(or both) can only be determined by playing the game. Duel is also quite different compared to previous Quakes. They are also getting feedback from Pro players so that's nice (they revamped an unannounced mode twice due to criticism). It also seems like they will have a decent support of options/custom games but less than previous Quakes. In terms of monetization they've got crates that contain character item pieces(like dota) and weapon remodels(I've seen q1 rocket launcher, q4 lightning gun, q2 rail gun) so that's much more interesting than the CS:GO/Overwatch approach. You also only start the game with 1 champion and can either buy the rest or rent/buy them with in-game currency. They say it's going to be easy/fast to get the ones you want. I'd still rather them be free but eh.
Here's the link for the sign-up page. You can play Unreal Tournament for free downloading the client and creating an Epic account. IIRC you have to pay to unlock the full game once UT releases, but currently there is no fee.
Its a fine upgrade or even a varation of popular "campgrounds", not only a few new textures, I'm really diggin all those tweaks they made on it, it looks more like a Arena than 3 large boxes puted one to another with some corridors.
When a new player stumbles across this link, they are exponentially more likely to click the most ubiquitous platform for distributing digital games. A platform they likely already have installed and likely running. They're not downloading additional bloatware with a significantly smaller feature set. Again, if you've got some insider numbers for bethesda monthly concurrent players, post them. Poll your 6 friends who play on beth launcher, they may have some idea. Personally, I've got several hundred friends on steam, and 2 on beth launcher. Those 2 only used beth launcher in early closed beta when the game wasn't on steam. I am very confident with my projection. You've provided no data to dispute this.
>gerund or present participle: projecting
>estimate or forecast (something) on the basis of present trends or data.
I've mostly played FPS on PC my entire life - my first choice will always be Quake 1v1: (free to play). Maybe CS:GO or Valorant for something a little less hectic.
Some suggestions from other genres:
Back on May 27, 2020, Bethesda News had already announced the $150k prize pool for the QPL at Quakecon Aug 7-9.
So it sounds like the 150k is specifically for Quakecon. (But........we shall see?)
"........ Quake Pro League heading into our $150,000 Quake World Championship August 7-9."
>Deep inside closed beta, long before E3.
Tell me the patch. I've played them all. Deep inside closed beta we couldn't get them to acknowledge that firerate was tied to fps, so I'm not sure how you think players of prior iterations had anything CLOSE to a hand on the reins. The game is dead because id isn't the multiplayer fps titan they once were. Zenimax buys single player devs. The three exceptions to this rule are ZOS(got the guy from Mythic entertainment and wanted in on that mmo money), and Battlecry(renamed to bgsAustin, they took the engine and assets from fo4 to make f76), a studio explicitly founded with the goal of milking as much mtx as they could. Its an outsourced shitshow where the guy designing the game didn't speak the language of the budget team programming it. Any "veteran" feedback went through the CMs, Sync, Saber's translators in Millburn, New Jersey, then to Saber's St Petersburg office. A build was then sent back monthly, pushed to pts to make sure it booted, then pushed to live a week later. There was never any time for pts feedback to reach the developers before the next cycle.
How is the official stream linking to his work on liquipedia a miscommunication? When you type !bracket on quake twitch, why the fuck wouldn't it go to Its funny how 2 month old accounts aaaaaaallllllllways pop up to excuse actions and decisions such as these.
Reduced heavy weight passive damage from 320/25, 400/50, 500/75 to 400/25, 500/50.
Nope! The Spring PTS was released live on April 2nd:
PTS was then updated on March 15th to begin testing of a new map:
>Extended match delay following Sudden Death by 2 seconds in Duel, 2v2, and CTF
This was on the 2019 winter update. the fix was just adding a 2 sec delay. How these "devs" break this simple fix is beyond me.
> around 6 months ago or whenever they did the hero abilty rebalance patch
November 2018. About 100 days before that the community manager essentially told the community to fuck off with ability feedback because they weren't going to change it.
> I want to very clearly state that at this point in time, there are no plans to alter or remove the Champion abilities from the Quickplay and Ranked game modes, nor the weight classes.(Jul 20, 2018)
There won't be a fix. There has already been an update to audio last fall, it seems that current state is the best they can do with the engine.
It was "fixed" in the last update.
> Fixed a stats overflow that was both breaking players profile pages and preventing the end-game Battle Report from displaying. This was affecting players who had more than a month of in-match playtime for one or more Champions
The fix didn't worked.
You have played too much with a single champion, you are fucked.
In the last fix they just bugged the rest of the players time played. They can't fix it.
As far i know people with that bug can't see their profile and change icons/nameplates.
It refers to the update in March 2019
There's either a bug in the date or it's a mistake
According to stage 2 details
They are on holiday breaks for a few weeks.
Week 6 will be return on January 19th
Maybe I'm a bit of a purist, but I wouldn't take anything the QC team said lore wise as fact, they were free to conjure up anything plausible to force the champions to fit the game's lore. They even changed the name of Shub-Niggurath to Shub-Ngurath to sound more politically correct.
Citation needed. I did a search and the last time I could find the SNG listed at 90 ms reload (220 dps) was a brief period during late 2018, and it was reverted back to 100 ms (200 dps) in December of that year. Unless you can show me patch notes from this year with the change, I'm inclined to believe you're mistaken.
But this just goes back to what I was saying elsewhere about the devs waffling back and forth on the same value tweaks over and over. Just in the last quarter of 2018, the fire interval of the SNG was 110 ms, then 100 ms, then 90 ms, then back to 100 ms. At least twice a year, the devs change the starting machinegun between 8 and 9 dmg per hit and back again. The size of projectiles keeps changing between 1 unit, 0 units, and now 0.5 units.
On the whole the values closest to QL almost always wind up fitting the best, and when the devs think weapon changes are needed it usually winds up being champion or ability values that needed to change instead. It would be nice if they'd just leave the core weapon values alone and tweak the champions stuff around that, instead of going through these pointless exercises of tweaking the same values just to tweak them back again putting the community through a balance roller coaster ride in the process.
In the mean time, it's a little pointless to make sweeping statements about one weapon or another being irreparably OP due to some random minor value change (like nail projectile size) because inevitable 1-2 patches later the devs will roll it back making the whole argument irrelevant.
You have only missed 3 updates with no content, just some balance changes and fixes. They moved to a battle pass system. Right now in pts they are making changes to the sound and they also added time limit duel. That's what i remember.
You can see the full list of updates there:
Maybe FaceIt soon? Quake Pro League is about to start and looks like the online matches/tournaments will be hosted there.
No, my bad. I meant a comment on this thread with this link:
To be honest this looks good and show that the devs have the classic "eye of prey" (all in the center). If they really kept that cam bug pos and redesign the UI(using the color palette of black/brown ), it would be a lot better.
We’ve witnessed some of the most exhilarating moments in esports across our Quake Champions tournaments, and we’re just getting started! Our world-class competitors will once again get the chance to prove their skill in the new year-long 2019-2020 season, which kicks off with a Duel tournament at QuakeCon 2019 and leads up to a World Championship at QuakeCon 2020—the 25th year of QuakeCon!
There’s much more news to come about how we’re restructuring our esports season this year, and we’re excited to share it with you soon!" Posted for the March update - source
They did already announce the Quake tournament for Quakecon 2019, and that they're running the 2020 one as a World Championship:
We’ve witnessed some of the most exhilarating moments in esports across our Quake Champions tournaments, and we’re just getting started! Our world-class competitors will once again get the chance to prove their skill in the new year-long 2019-2020 season, which kicks off with a Duel tournament at QuakeCon 2019 and leads up to a World Championship at QuakeCon 2020—the 25th year of QuakeCon!
There’s much more news to come about how we’re restructuring our esports season this year, and we’re excited to share it with you soon!" Posted for the March update - source
Hm, you know actually i can't see any mention of the flag drag in the March release patchnotes and i don't feel it myself. But it was mentioned in the March PTS patchnotes. I guess then the Flag Drag was not included in the release.
Do you have an XP Booster Active? They have been increased from giving you a 25% boost to 200% in this month's patch.
You're right
>Ranger Bottled Embryo Vanity (NOTE: This item is a bundle exclusive!)
Hello u/f3hunter , I may be wrong but I think this is what you're looking for:
You can thank /u/tokyopunchout for taking the time to make these a while back. I'm still using them as wallpapers today.
Hope this helps !
You can always go back and play old challenges. If anything it's probably more fun to be a sporadic player because when you come back there will be a few weeks worth of challenges waiting for you to complete.
"Battlepass" is a thing you buy to unlock the challenges on the left side. This whole new season based system isn't called "Battlepass."
Loot boxes have been greatly de-emphasized. I haven't even opened a single one since the update.
Check this out to learn more:
Nah, I was simply stating the facts here, so there isn't really anything to dispute here. First time the game went free to play was during the 2 week period in June.
"Announced during the Bethesda 2018 E3 Showcase, the Quake Champions Free-to-Play Trial is a limited-time event during June 10–17, allowing players to dive into the Quake Champions free-to-play version during Early Access for absolutely no charge!"
from the FAQ: WHAT HAPPENS IF I PURCHASE THE BATTLE PASS LATER IN THE SEASON? All rewards up to and including your current level will be retroactively applied!
Early Access was closed at the beginning. It went free to play for all summer 2018. Source of when it went free to play for all:
It has the exact same voting system, but it appears after the match instead of before. You vote for one out of x other maps, it's the same thing, even an idiot can see this. I said it's the same voting system, I didn't say it has the same map voting. Read everything, not just what you want so that you can argue and act like a douche.
Rapha won the last Quake tournament I think and I wouldn’t consider him someone from the “new generation”
Your last statement if laughable by the way.
so how in the fugg do i choose a side in this eisen vs clutch thing? Its not explained at all at
i dont recall picking a side ingame.
edit: oh im blind the teams are in the picture now i get it
Ranger is a “marine.” I don’t think the story was ever really implemented in Q1 until after the fact. It’s a retcon but it’s still the official story. Is it stupid? Yes. The space marine trope is stupid. The Army Airborne is a way more believable faction for that. But sci fi always seems to pick Marines and Quake is no exception.
I'm not seeing any update for this date, if you mean what changes were made in the patch for the current version of the game the release notes are here.
'' In case you're thinking, "Did these guys just remove all of the in-game music made by former drummer for Nine Inch Nails & Marilyn Manson (to name a few), who's a pioneer industrial music god?!?" Yeah, but only for a second. Don't worry - the uber talented Grammy-winning Chris Vrenna's music that we all know and have been loving in-game since CBT isn't going away. We're just letting everybody experience Andrew Hulshult's new material for a little while. Both will be available in-game in good time. '' taken here
Now i'm curious: Everything aims at deathknight, but the e3 video was some sort of wind-up for him, what if it's deathknight and athena? (or deathknight and someone else XD)
Nevermind, just saw the roadmap. there will be one per season.
A link to the roadmap
I was talking about normal damage, and your math and numbers are a bit off. You need to multiply the damage by 0.33 to get the amount of damage dealth directly to HP.
LG hits for 7 damage every 55ms, so 127.272727 repeating at 100%.
Dual wield increases LG fire rate to 1.25x, so 159.090909 repeating.
Armor takes 2/3 of the damage so only 1/3 of the damage goes through, which is 53.030303 repeating.
fuck. I have been selling my cosmetics for shards to buy boxes in hopes to get a champ
i don't see any mention of it though?
> I never knew the 3rd totem would be like a new mega health. And I play this game for a few months now.
It's only been this way since the early June patch that reduced her totems to 3 max.
Patch notes all go up on :
The relevant one is
They're all "but still server-validated" , they listed it individually for everything in the change logs to be quite specific , if you lose your server connection and are left still able to run about you find nothing hits.
There's a theory that they moved to a buffered input system more like rocket league/overwatch, but again without info from the developers it's just a theory :
Patch notes out now:
Patch notes
Reddit thread
Are you sure? I thought that you were referring to the fact that despite TF2's development and change, we should still take time to reflect on older iterations and what they brought to gaming.
I was referring to how Quake's roots still get lots of love as do its modern iterations.
> and from their POV the rocket appears to explode on the pillar
This i have no doubt about, but the question is if the server-side rocket determines if the input from the client should matter or not.
If the other players does not take damage in your tests though then that seems to be the case.
It's not a question if client side hits will do damage, it's already been confirmed to be the case in both practical tests, as well as them stating it flat out in the patch notes. :P (search for client hitreg).
> Edit. on another note, we also quickly found a lot of other spots like these columns where the same kind of behavior occurs
You are going to find more, one big one before (not sure now) was the 25 armor and rl area on corrupted keep. They added a bunch of props (skeletons,rocks etc) that would stop you from falling off the map as easily.
Your rockets would regularly fly through the empty areas(between bones etc) but would explode on the server. :P
What happens when you click on the link at Bethesda that says 'download game'?
It would be the launcher method (not steam), but can a person download the game there and then just use their Bethesda account to play?
Just curious - thought I'd throw it out there - because then a key code is not necessary. I don't know though.
Bethesda 'download game' link on upper right:
Awesome news!
~~Can we still play the beta?~~ I see it now, in the parent post! Hard to read and talk on the phone simultaneously :D
If so, is there a way to get a key for a friend? The page I used is 404ing...
Thanks :)
I've been wondering too. Have a friend who wanted to sign up and play with me last night but couldn't because the signup page is down. ~~I can't find any official statements.~~
Edit: Answer is here.
>Quake Champions is about to exit its Closed Beta phase and officially enter into Early Access on Steam and the launcher. Starting on August 22, the game will receive a whole host of content, including new maps, features and a special new Champion: the mighty DOOM Slayer from the DOOM series.
Good FPS games have intense mechanics and scratch the competitive itch without having matches that last forever.
Quake, Overwatch and CS:GO are good places to start.
Quake can be played 1vs1 or in team modes. Team modes generally don't require every player to be at the same skill level to enjoy the match (unless it's at a competitive level - then each player's skill level counts). Matches usually take 10 min. If Quake interests you, sign to the Quake Champions open beta and start playing.
Overwatch might feel like a Dota in first person, in the sense that every hero is different and team composition can win/lose games. This game can be really annoying tho if 1-2 players are bad (out of a 6 player team) and some people are really toxic to players that "ruin the game" for them due to low skill, but overall a fun game. Matches usually take 7-10 min.
CS:GO matches take longest out of the 3 mentioned games (not sure exact number, but well above 10 min). I didn't play CS in over a decade so I can't comment on how much one player can ruin the experience for the rest.
Have fun fragging!
I read that as a colorful way of saying "it does damage faster than other weapons" -- because it has the highest DPS in the game.
Because of how freakishly powerful it would be to completely ignore your opponent's armor stack, I'm going to remain sceptical until I see proof or can perform my own testing.
Would be pretty cool if it's true, though. I'd love to have an excuse to use nail more often.