Yes, and no.
It was indeed a team based, WW 2 setting, shooter. Everything else is different: it's focus on close quarters combat, teamwork and communication. No vehicles apart of a few scripted set pieces.
Battlefield 1942 sold itself on the premise of reliving WW2. Enemy Territory sold itself on being mechanically the better game.
But no reason to listen to my story. Try it yourself.
ET is till going as Enemy Territory: Legacy.
Team Muppet has servers that usually have a fair few players - was extremely busy during lockdown.
Haven't played any of the new ones but Enemy Territory was my fucking jam. Free to play I think, and lots of depth to the classes and whatnot. Online multiplayer and will probably run on the jankiest of computers these days. I gotta check it out, see if it's still running.
Edit: Looks like it was recently revived here and is indeed free: ETLegacy
Anyone else without the money or CPU for Wolfenstein 2 should check it out.
Pretty sure the MacOS version from Splash Damage's site no longer works on newer versions. I remember trying it a long time ago and it would just crash at launch.
You might have better luck installing and launching with ET Legacy, but last time I checked they said they didn't have anyone to test Mac builds so your mileage may vary
You can either wait for 1st Match for upcoming Release of 2.77 or use to run Snapshots builds download it for your MacOS from here:
So you will run it natively on your Mac :) Wchich is way better option for you than using 3rd party software.
PS: I have no idea how Parallels handle file system there.
Wolfenstien: Enemy Territory is pretty good and it's free. It's old enough that I can't imagine it not running well.
Also the source code was released so there is a more up to date version with fewer bugs and better support for modern display resolutions.
I loved the RtCW multiplayer when I was younger and was bummed that there's not very many people playing anymore. I just downloaded Enemy Territory using ET: Legacy ( and was happy to see a pretty sizeable playerbase on there.
Last I played ET was four or five years ago (?), in Europe TeamMuppet servers had enough players for good matches.
If I want to play again, ET: Legacy is the way to go? Are there any European servers that have relatively mild modding? Thanks :D
Try Wolfenstein Enemy Territory.
Watch this frag movie for some impressions:
Wolfenstein was my first big love. Still very fun to play and it's a great mix between teamplay and aiming.
If u need help or want more information hit me up
Highly recommend downloading ET Legacy, plays most mods with better graphics + new settings and features.
If you live in Europe its got to be Team Muppets. I get 150 ping from NA west coast and can still play and have a competitive experience.
Team Muppet
There are no really good NA servers, that's why I made my own server that had no junk files and plays the best maps. It's new and does not have a high player count right now but I'm hoping to grow it with youtube.
West Coast Grizzlies
These guys are keeping the Enemy Territory mod of RTCW going. They have software downloads and servers. The original servers are pretty much all bots playing you now, so go here and play with real people:
Dat wel alleen zitten ze niet echt vol, veel servers gevuld met bots om ze vol te laten lijken. Op het moment zitten er een paar servers vol ivm corona : )
Kijk op voor de lijst met servers.
Om het spel makkelijk te spelen zonder gerotzooi met versies en etkeys zoals /u/nevenwerkzaamheden aangeeft kun je ET Legacy downloaden; een community remaster van Wolf ET waarmee je gewoon op alle servers kan spelen.
Enemy Territory: Legacy - an open source project that aims to create a fully compatible client and server for the popular online FPS game Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - whose gameplay is still considered unmatched by many, despite its great age.
I use ET Legacy, although I don't play etpro which I don't think Legacy supports yet. Legacy has better graphics and comes with omni-bot support.
Searching for servers, I use splatterladder or there's also trackbase:
I think the ingame server list is full of many fake servers that redirect to virus sites so what I do is copy the IP from whichever server I find on splatterladder and paste it into my game console "/connect x.x.x.x"
It's a source port of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory which it's source code was released in 2010.
>The main goal of this project is to fix bugs, remove old dependencies and make it playable on all major operating systems while still remaining compatible with the ET 2.60b version and as many of its mods as possible.
It also uses SDL2 for the interface and input, OpenAL for sound (Possible to even have HRTF aka 3D sound enabled without a sound card), a newer OpenGL renderer which is 3.2, raw mouse support, auto updater and more . While being available for Windows, Mac and Linux.
This is a really old game. Among the top 3 of the best multiplayer shooters I ever played. But really old by now.
See /r/EnemyTerritory/
You probably won't find a giant playerbase by now. On you can see the games population. If you want to play it nowadays you should use
Maybe you're thinking of Wolf OSP (orange smoothie productions)?
I also recommend checking out the newer RTCW Co-op mod and the ET: Legacy engine.
Wolfenstein Enemy Territory Legacy
After the Wolfenstein ET severs shut down, these guys brought it back, free as ever.
I used to play RTCW and ET in the '00s and this was a huge nostalgia trip.
See this was the issue and why the game is all but dead. Etpro was the official competitive mod for ET. The most stable and bug free. Just coupling that with punk buster and different updates to the installer the average person would struggle to install the game.
Just found this too,