No direct links to the official website? There.
Should also be noted that while Urban Terror is free (as in "it doesn't cost money") it's not really free software. The game assets have always been non-free. And I think even though the engine is based Quake 3, they ended up making their own fork as closed source (or at least they wanted to) to prevent cheating. Also development seems slow and chaotic, and not much progress have been made over the years.
Now... The game itself is pretty fun and I really wish it had more players than that (and less uber-veterans that completely destroy you, as it's often the case for this kind of games). You guys should play it.
Two of my favorites are Spelunky and Urban Terror.
Spelunky is an awesome mashup of Metroidvania and roguealike games. A full playthrough is roughly 20 minutes, but because every level is randomized, life pips are precious, and many things are 1-hit kills, you may have to make hundreds of tries before you beat the game.
Urban Terror is a Q3A-based FPS that has the acrobatics of the Action HL series. It started as a Total Conversion, but went fully free when the engine was GPLd.
Both should run on a 2006-vintage PC without issue, although UrT needs a non-Intel graphics chip.
EDIT: Added links, and fixed the grammar for Spelunky.
If you don't care about graphics, Urban Terror might be what you're looking for. It's essentially what CS would be like with parkour elements, lots of movement tricks and speed. It's free so there's no harm in trying. Here's a link to show the server traffic, to give you an idea how active the game is:
EDIT: Last but not the least, a gameplay video:
Ah yeah, the power slide moves are pretty cool - makes me feel like a younger Steven Seagal or something haha. The auth/registration stuff isn't mandatory now (maybe it was when you played?) and there's a lot of servers that don't require it so that shouldn't discourage anyone. When you setup a server it's also not on by default (I don't turn it on with mine :)
Urban Terror™ is a free multiplayer first person shooter developed by FrozenSand, that (thanks to the ioquake3-code) does not require Quake III Arena anymore. It is available for Windows, Linux and Macintosh. The current version is 4.1.1.
Urban Terror can be described as a Hollywood tactical shooter; somewhat realism based, but the motto is "fun over realism". This results in a very unique, enjoyable and addictive game.
They are currently working on the HD Version. I been playing on and off for over 6years now.
No registration required: Download, install, play!
Okay, this is really not a lot.
[Quake Live]( will work on it without a problem (boy, i recommend this game so much that i sound like their marketing team).
Team Fortress 2 will also work, but try and get a good fps boosting config.
Doom / Doom 2
Urban Terror as well, but i don't know about the playerbase online.
Is your preference singleplayer or multiplayer, i forgot to ask?
There's Urban Terror, which is built on the Q3 engine. No single-player at all, but still quite a few servers running. I'm part of a clan that is usually active two or three nights a week, but there are plenty of others out there.
There's a UrT server out in the wild that still hosts this map.
UrT is free and based on the open source ioQuake3 engine.
For a FPS, I'd recommend Urban Terror
100% free. Kinda similar to older Counter Strike games, but I find it a lot better. Even with games like CS;GO out now, I still play Urban Terror.
My friends and I enjoy playing Urban Terror to this day. It is free, you can run a locally dedicated server (or put one up on the Internet), and it runs on just about any old computer you can find(based off of Quake 3 engine).
We stay away from games where losing keeps people from playing anymore until the entire game is through (pretty much any RTS).
Good luck with your LANs!
You also have Alien arena, Nexuiz and Urban Terror.
Unfortunately most/all of these free/open-source fps games have near empty servers. Probably because there are so many games which is a shame.
Urban Terror surprisingly enough has a buttload of people playing it though.
Urban Terror: Cross between Quake Live and Counter Strike similar to crossfire/combat arms without the goofy korean pricing structure (in other words completely free).
Grab Xubuntu 16.04.3 LTS for those laptops. It is a great distro to choose if you're looking to scrape every last bit of performance out of those laptops and you want the ubuntu experience.
As for games, I recently started playing Urban Terror which has a Linux release. It's completely free and it's a really fun mix between the frantic fast-paced action of quake3 and gunplay of CS.
There's Urban Terror, which is built on the Q3 engine. No single-player at all, but still quite a few servers running. I'm part of a clan that is usually active two or three nights a week, but there are plenty of others out there.
Very fast paced with several gametypes, ctf, bomb, team survivor and some others, began as a Q3 mod, it's been standalone for several years and i've been playing it for the last 10, in and out, it's being redone on UE4 and even if the amount of players has dimmed over the years, i still find it fun and addictive. edit: You can see gameplay on over the Urban Zone channel, they are broadcasting most of the Nation Cup's and ctf, bomb and team survivor seasons, competitive wise.
Not on steam but I played Urban Terror a few years ago and it was really fun. The requirements were really low too I was able to play it on an integrated HD3200 or something like that just fine. I don't know if there is an active community anymore though. Also its completely free the only thing that costs money is if you want to donate.
You might have luck with some of the Counter Strike games. CS:S or CS:GO. However, the community sucks and you'll get blown away all the time who play the game like it's their job.
You might have more luck with Urban Terror. It has a similar feel to CS and ET, better community in my experience, and it's free and has low requirements.
UrbanTerror – oldie but goodie. Started out as a Quake mod over a decade ago, but recently got a small update and they plan on releasing a completely new HD version based un the UT4 engine. Super fun game, especially the Superman server. Oh, and it's free on Win, Mac and Linux :)
Urban Terror is still in development and still has a community. I got curious one day a few months ago when reading about some of the old mods and looked into it (I had never played it before). I found there were still a few servers running and I was able to get some good games in.
If you're looking for mods quake 3 is the better choice.
That said I don't know if there are any mods with active players that can't be played with the opensourced version of the idtech engine. (meaning you don't need quake 3)
And there are probably a lot of quake mods by now, some of them which are standalone and free
I have quake 3 and quake 4. Quake 4 at least has a story mode but I think you might find more multiplayer servers on quake 3.
Other choices on the quake 3 engine include warsow (opensource)
and xonotic, both games that are more or less arena FPS but are free.
UrbanTerror also exists but it's more like counter strike with limb damage.
That said I think most people are playing quake live now.
I like Urban Terror. Although it's a bit aged, it's still a lot of fun to play.
The funny thing is there's a mirror in one of the maps in the free FPS Urban Terror. This is really not the greatest looking game on the planet but it's fun and the mirror for the one level impressed me.
If you like playing against other people I definitely recommend Urban Terror. It's a standalone mod for Quake III Arena that is completely free and very fun. It's player base is pretty good too.
Urban Terror. It's a free (open source?) FPS, based on Quake III. It's standalone though, so you don't need Quake. Fun community, people don't really talk much about skill or scores.
Skillwise, it's an 'easy to learn, hard to master' kind of thing. Movement is important, moving fast is important too. You can do walljumps, slides, grab onto ledges. People make jump maps, and those are fun as well. Have fun man. :)
A really great FPS you can try is Urban Terror. It's like a mix of Counterstrike and Quake 3. It runs on the ioQuake 3 engine, so it should run almost at max settings on your computers.
I suppose all of these are a bit old, but they're still the mods I've spent the most time with
I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed :p
however, if you are looking for something like CS, perhaps you could check out urban terror? it's another open source FPS, but the gameplay is closer to a tactical FPS, like CS.
Depends what you're interested in...
I would say Portal is a fantastic twist on normal FPS.
I also play an older free FPS called Urban Terror that combines team combat with parkour.
Urban Terror. This game hasn't got a lot going for it, on the outside at least. but what it lacks in features it makes up for in learning curve, if that makes sense. I find that a lot of new players dislike it because everyone is generally better than them at it. but, if you persist, you'll get better and eventually you'll start to enjoy it. And enjoying it is really worth your time.
Quake III Arena. There's a thing where nobody wants to make a sequel, because you can't really make it better.
Of course, mods like Challenge Promode Arena are a good start, and there's plenty of graphical mods for Q3A. You could also try installing ioquake3, if you have any problems running Q3A as-is.
There's also plenty of mods built off of ioquake3 that use Quake physics as a starting point, like Urban Terror, and plenty of "Quake but not" mods.
Finally, there's Quake Live, which has some so-so balance changes, some nice effects, and lots of ads. It also has plenty of maps, many of which are popular Quake 3 maps that got ported over.
(You could also try Quake's "competitor', Unreal Tournament, but that's a large bit slower, even if it does have a lot of fun modes)
I need to submit my vote for : Urban Terror (UrT). It was like the modern warfare of its time. It was based on the Q3 engine. The Q3 engine was eventually released for free, so the entire game is free. If any of you fools want to jump in to this sometime, let me know. Be warned, people still play it and have been since 2002, so the competition is ludicrous.
I dont know much game development, just an observer but: tremulous is an ioquake3 mod. I guess there are tutorials about ioquake3 out there but the truth it is outdated and adhoc technology resulting from a specific moment in game history.
I use to play Urban Terror (excellent game dynamics, really) nowadays and it uses ioquake3 too. I dont know how they monetize but they know their trade and are actually abandoning that technology in favour of "Unreal Engine" which is more modern and has much better documentation.
Look this anecdotic post from UrbanTerror devs
Urban Terror. A free FPS with somewhat active playerbase, I can always find a server to play in atleast.
There's wall jumping and sliding, and when you get shot sometimes your character may start bleeding and you have to bandage yourself. The less health you have, the shorter you can sprint before getting exhausted.
It's a really fun game, I've been playing it for quite a few years now. It's based on Quake 3 engine so it runs even on a potato.
One game that is never mentioned when this topic comes up, is Urban Terror.
If you like fast fps games ala quake and SoF2 (anyone remember that one?) then you will probably like UT. I haven't played it in 8-10 years though so I have no idea how active it is now.
There are actually 5 Australian UrT servers, and all on 4.2.023, the latest released version.
Only 3 are public servers though:
Please read this post by FrankieV and just as I suggested Delliance read the whole topic too.
You can hate all you want on the development. Technically they are at Urban Terror 4.2 and working on Urban Terror HD in the Unreal 4 engine (Frozen Sand, TTimo did work for them).
But, at least they've still got an active player base and league: Official website: /me out.
Urban Terror is reasonable, but uses an old game Engine (Quake 3 Arena to be exact) It's Free, but not the typical Free to play sort of game as it is Open source. There is also Open Arena ( and many other games based on the same engine. All Free to play with no microtransactions (there isn't even a system for it.)
You just get used to memorising the locations of buttons 1-0 by touch. And yeah, the reaction time you need compared to tactical combat games (CoD, Battlefield, Arma) is a lot higher, intensified when your range of engagement is tiny and average movement speed is superhumanly fast. We call these games 'twitch shooters' for a reason.
As a player and enjoyer of both area, tac-com, and large-scale team shooters, you get used to it. Learning how to predict movement is a big part of target acquisition, but so is having stupid good vision.
As many others have said, the lack of any effective weapons on spawn is probably archaic and could be updated with loadouts or a class-based system. It does lend itself to games being dominated by those with luck and map knowledge tbh. A fair chunk of skilled AFPS success does come down to item spawn camping. Not to mention spawn camping is generally much, much easier in most AFPS due to this imbalance incurred on re-spawn.
In short, AFPS are very different reaction-based form of FPS. They take getting used to, and may not be for everyone due to the steep skill curve. But in their defence, at least you don't spend 15 minutes traveling across a map to get sniped by a dude almost a kilometre away.
If you ever feel like combining the speed of an AFPS with some slightly more tactical gameplay and loadout selection, join the Urban Terror community at ~~, it's dead) It's like someone combined CS 1.4 with QT3 15 years ago and then turned into a stand alone game with a surprisingly active, mostly European, community.
/end plug
We used to play CoD2 on Lan all the time in school, those computers weren't (much bigger than two meters... :| ... Star Wars references aside, they weren't) very good: Pentiums and integrated graphics etc... And CoD2 is still a great multiplayer game to this day. If you want something shitter that's free (and can probably run even better on even lower end PCs), try Urban Terror, it's a decent game if you don't take it too seriously.
That isn't innovation. They need to really make it something that the average person will see and say "I want that." Borderlands did that, Modern Warfare did that (MW2 did too!), and Fallout 4 is doing that. Honestly Activision should put two of the COD studios to some new IP. Infinity Ward should make the next Call of Duty should be hugely different and innovative, and come years down the road.
Older than described, but has the parkour elements. It's pretty much CounterStrike made in the Quake III arena. Tons of fun.
Edit: Parkour elements used lightly, you could run on/ jump off of walls and there were maps dedicated to jumping. No cool flippy tricks or anything. All FPS.
I think Urban Terror is one of the best FPS games out there, and it's free to play. Urban Terror
Think of a faster paced CS:GO with more emphasis on movement, speed, and skill, than tactics and team play.
Urban Terror. Free, fun and cross-platform.
Edit: Oh, wait My officemates have opined that they would like to avoid FPSes as much as possible. :)
Still a fun game, though.
go to console (tilde key above your tab key)
and check if you master server is
if it's different type
Counter-Strike. I played a lots of fast-paced shooters where crazy stuff happens all the time and Counter-Strike is really slow and boring in comparison. On top of that spray patterns and the way CS does them doesn't seem like a fun game mechanics to me at all.
Urban Terror is a much better game.
> /etc/modprobe.d/local.conf
This file contains "options drm_kms_helper poll=N" Which I assume "N" reffers to a default setting of some kind, once I learn what input it take (ms vs hz) I'll tinker with it.
As for being denied access, I used sudo then su when that didn't work neither of which gave me write privilages.
I found this ~~Which I think may have fixed it but only time will tell.~~
~~If I don't have any issues in the next few days I'll mark it as solved, thanks for your help.~~
It still happens and I did a test and it only seems to effect the macbooks trackpad and not ony usb mouse
It's damn near impossible without aim assistance (Which every console game utilizes, and any PC game with full controller support also has it.).
I once tried to play Urban Terror (FrozenSand game, completely free and all that stuff with open sourceness and the likes. It's actually a really great FPS, with a lot of unique elements and a really nice community.). There's Zero aim assistance... Couldn't hit shit, even when I'd try to just snipe people who weren't moving...
Aim assistance helps by varying the ratio of camera movement to thumbstick movement, in conjunction with where your reticle is, where the nearest target object, and is you're moving towards it or away from it.
Im a very big fan of Urban Terror (1)
Its like CS, but better (of course, that isnt hard), it features a very good walljump/strafe jump/etc jump system but balances it out with high weapon inaccuracy while speeding and a stamina system. Very well balanced imho, and runs on about anything which can run quake 3 (as it was a q3-mod), which might even include a rasberry pie.
Its also freeware, but not open source due to mod heritage and difficult license status or something like that.
Its freeware. Get it on (1)
Wolfenstein Enemy Territory might be worth a try, but I think it needs a tiny bit more computation power (which every computer out of this millenia should have). It has multiplayer maps with actual multi-stage, complex missions, something I havent seen again since. Very fun as it encourages precise attacks, coordination, etc and not just "aim and shoot". It is also freeware, easy to find.
Well, I also like (Battle for) Wesnoth quite a lot. Turn based hexagon strategy, open source. Fun both solo and multiplayer. Every distribution should feature it in its packet manager.
Meh, there are still active communities, and the game play itself is brilliant. There's a total conversion mod for the original Q3 engine that's completely free, and is based more in realism as far as weapons. It's called Urban Terror, and it's definitely the most fast paced realism-based FPS ever created.
I go back to it every couple of years, because it's unlike anything else. Every time I have picked up a CoD game, I always end up installing UrT.
At least give this video a watch. It's a solid example of competitive style play.
Virtual Pool. Still the best pool game ever. And Urban Terror. Terribly outdated graphics but still awesome gameplay, and completely free.
There's also Unvanquished which is still in early alpha but is the spiritual successor to Tremulous (Natural Selection/Gloom on the Quake 3 engine). Urban Terror is pretty much CS on the Quake 3 engine which makes it a lot of fun.
Not your standard twitch shooters but still very fun.
AQ2. Good times.
Nothing is quite the same. Urban Terror is quite fun though, and it's kind of like what you'd get if CS had sex with AQ2. It has bleeding out and bandaging like AQ2, but it's not as brutal as I remember AQ2 being. For example, it seems like in AQ2 if you got shot in the head by pretty much anything, you were most likely fucked. Surviving headshots in Urban Terror is much more common.
So, that's my recommendation. It's got a pretty good crowd still, both stateside and in Europe, and it's a free standalone or you can use it with any Quake 3 version of your liking.
Urban Terror. Kinda like counterstrike, but on the Quake III Arena engine. Walljumping, powersliding, it's pretty fun.
Other than that we play Killing Floor, CoD4, Trackmania Nations, Sanctum.
I played CS a while back but I'm way out of the loop on that game. I got my ass handed to me repeatedly. Have you played Urban Terror? It's cross-platform and free. It was originally a Quake 3 mod but it became so popular that they made it standalone (similar story as CS). I haven't played it in quite a while.
The majority of my friends are on the 360 and I've had one for years so we all jump on there to game.
you ever play Urban Terror? It's ET's big brother and is much more like counter-strike-like except way faster. Objectives aren't as important as killing. It's a tough balance between squad tactics and hardcore tweak aiming.
I recently built a tower myself. I tossed a Core it 2500K, 4GB of DDR3-1600 CL6-8-8-24 timings (fast timings can make a huge difference, don't get CL7-... if you can avoid it), an nVidia GeForce GTX 580, a 120GB OCZ Vertex 2, and an ASUS P8P67 Pro motherboard into a HAF 932 case. It cost me about 1300 bucks, after tax, thanks to some good sales at Canada Computers. It's been extremely fast and reliable. I run Debian GNU/Linux testing on it with KDE 4.6 and have had absolutely 0 hardware compatibility issues. I use an external CD/DVD drive (USB) since I have several computers but never need a disc drive for all of them at the same time.
As for software, I'd recommend installing VirtualBox and Windows XP or 7, then installing Photoshop. For emulation, I use ZSNES and Mupen64Plus for my SNES and N64 gaming, and Gens for Sega Genesis. I also play Urban Terror and Quake 3. Also, the nVidia vdpau driver coupled with SMPlayer is a great way to play high definition content using hardware acceleration on Linux, and in my experience it works perfectly. Not sure about the actual Bluray hardware though, since I don't own any.
Urban Terror. Its a really fun shooter, based on the Quake3 engine. They are coming out with a new version soonish but it should it should still only need 128mb of graphics memory.
Now might be a good time to mention Urban Terror. A very fun and fast paced FPS game. If you liked the old SoF2 online, then you will almost certainly love UT. Did I mention it's a FREE game?
I played this game a lot in 2001-2003. It's really fun, has an incredible development team behind it and it's completely free. It's built on the Q3 engine and it's a "hollywood tactical shooter" that uses "fun over realism".
Read more about it here.
Ah, I misunderstood what you meant by "goal". I agree with you about that.
The difference between modding and true open-source development is that when a game is open-sourced, some entity can take control and provide guidance for everyone working on it. If someone else wants to take the game in a different direction, they can fork it and do that, but the point is that you don't end up with a pile of unstable, mostly incompatible mods that you have to install to make the game work like you want it to. See Battle for Wesnoth or Urban Terror for examples of a game developed this way.
If you want something really fast paced, don't miss Urban Terror
God I love that game. The community is very active, a new alpha just came out recently too. Gameplay is unmatched by any other game I have tried.
The BF1942 total conversion mod 'Next Threat' had some maps set in the UK, ditto with the open source FPS game 'Urban Terror'
And yes it is very strange to play multiplayer FPS on a British urban map.
And outside the Open Source games, there's Warsow, which recently had a patch, and Urban Terror which is developing a new version titled "Urban Terror HD".