I blew up a balloon, tied it, wrapped lots of wool around it (now that I've done it, I think dyed string would be better, because the wool's really thin) until there's loads on, try to cover up any big gaps. When you start wrapping, tye the end to the knot in the balloon, and when you're finished, tye it on there again. Makes it easier. When that's done, paint shitloads of PVA glue mixed with a little bit of water (to make it runnier). Not too much water, or it'll end up like mine, not hard enough when dry and very collapse-y. Let it dry in a warm, dry place for a couple of days, until it's completely and utterly dry (if any of it is still wet, it'll collapse and be misshapen). By the time it's dry, the balloon will probably have started to deflate a little, which is good, because it won't pull too much of the string in when you pop it. Pop the balloon, and cut a small-ish circle around the base of the string-balloon, and discard that along with the balloon.
If, like me, you have a lamp with a cheap, shitty lampshade, rip the fabric/plastic off and you'll have something like this. If you cut lines into the hole at the bottom (kind of like this?) and the lampshade skeleton thing will fit into it better, mine is in upside down because it fit better. It should sit comfortably on your lamp :) use an energy saving bulb to avoid fires!
Is that comic sans up the top there? That logo looks like it comes from the nineties, and was based off the clipart stick figures that came with word, remember them?
The font is too small, and the bullet points next to the 'things you can tell' list need to be bigger so that you can actually see them. The title font also needs to be noticeably larger and further spaced from the diagram, because it doesn't look like a damn title.
Seriously this is the worst. Not only would the "been there. done that." be better below the not diets sign, it's also spaced so it runs basically from pit to pit. You know how bad that's gonna look on a big breasted woman? Also that slashed red circle thing is way too fucking thin, and it's not even a circle, it's an oval. This is what they look like http://openclipart.org/image/2400px/svg_to_png/28689/skotan_No-sign.png. Hers looks like a speech bubble that someone accidentally left a line though. And why didn't she small caps the 'diets'? Signs are always capitalized.
Danceswithfat designs t-shirts that look like a third grader's poster project.
the process for kits is a long one, i wouldnt be surprised if some final designs were already on the table 6 months before they go into the shops. With current tech, it's not unlikely that someone saw a jpg of the designs and leaked it months in advance.
With that said, I actually like the away shirt, Barcelona CF is the biggest weapon Catalunya has right now and it's only fair they expose Catalunya to more people outside of Spain.
I just hope Athletic Bilbao don't get any good ideas ...
>1. Make a list starting with a greater-than-sign followed by the number 1 and a full stop
>2. Make a list of points that are either funny, somewhat truthful, reference a piece of game history or any combination of the above.
>2.1. Move to Australia
>2.2. Stop being a wanker
>3. Retrieve your karma/kama/dofus/[⇧](#r)ノ( ʘ‿ʘノ)/upvotes
>4. Wank happily knowing your future on reddit is collecting [near meaningless upvotes](/r/upvotegifs) that loop on indefinitely
>5. End your list with something that is either really funny or really feels
This is the default icon template for iOS developers. It offers some guidelines on how to size things to mesh well with the iOS theme.
So yeah. No coincidence.
Posted here as it's too long for Steam:
There it is. Your logo. It's horrible. It's the second image on Google Images if you search "monkey face". Just no effort. Also, Imgur "dominating" Reddit is a good thing. Imgur has servers that will stay up, even if 5 million users access one image in 10 minutes.
The worst thing is, I still see a bit of the watermark of the website you used to generate the "screenshots". Post some screenshots. If you have them. Which you don't, as this is useless. You know it. Also, "GameTeamsStudio" or "Game Teams Studio" isn't an actual company. Also, you "made" Cat Simulator. That Kickstarter is currently failing.
You are a horrible person trying to get people's money, get people's attention and get people's trust. This is not what developing "games" is about. I'm using the term lightly here, because this is not a game. This is a piece of sh*t.
I'm not saying you shouldn't develop games. You just shouldn't right now. Learn to code, and make good games.
Disclaimer: I am not an attorney. None of this constitutes legal advice…
The Ferris trademark may be either abandoned, in which case its use is uncontrolled, or it may be registered and enforced, in which case some kind of license would be needed to publish any image of Ferris. I suspect the former.
The copyright on Ferris images is separate: the individual content creator must grant a license for use of each published image of Ferris. Only those images that have been licensed under some free license would be free to use.
Attorneys I have talked to have suggested to me that assigning IP to the public domain may not even be a thing in the US: the term "Public Domain" is a legal term of art, and there are specific statutes that apply, none of which mention assignment.
At the least, somebody should probably create some SVG Ferris images and place them on http://openclipart.org . Alas, I am also not an artist, to speak of.
That last one sucks but I use it all the time. Their site is ugly, their search doesn't always work right, and their ads are annoying, but they pull nice looking vector graphics from all over the place (including openclipart).
Often pictures from Wikipedia can be used as well. You just have to check their license first. Sometimes they require a citation/credit.
Prepare, because while the mods won't tire of this, they will find something funnier.
At some point they probably will change it to smug cat.
Yea it was something special today.Cheering for Honduras,even all my buds said it was strange but a nice experience.But next time we meet.SALUDOS!
Pshaww I wish I could make a stack of gold coins that pretty I got it from a creative commons search. The super imposed neon green L, however, all me.
Here's the original
Thanks for the offer, sounds great!
Posted here because of a suggestion from /r/upvotegifs. Here's a clock version as an animated SVG:
Colours cycle every hour. The text in the hour hand of the main clock is a date, so should have a 10,000 year cycle.
And a colour-changing version.
This is the case on the train platforms in Germany, and it really annoys me because I don't like the lie of the second hands. That's why my version of the clock doesn't do that.
I totally agree man.
I really love seeing these pictures (not for science, trust me ladies) because it's just like you said: it would be so much fun to go out with them! I mean I just don't see women this tall where I'm at, and the only 6' girl I know has a boyfriend (mfw when I learned that), so seeing these tall ladies gives me hope that one day I can find one!
And in addition, I really dislike hearing these stories about how they were made fun of because of how tall they are! Those guys who are 6' and under have no appreciate for beauty, and hopefully women here are OK with having their confidence boosted by guys saying they're attractive in a non-creepy way (remember: keep it non-creepy guys)!
Keep it up ladies of /r/tall, you're fucking gorgeous, and I hope to be lucky enough to meet one of you one day!
From now on people should only make memes made with open source clipart..
Why not tell your fake story with a Sad Penguin.
Or you could try reaping that sweet, sweet karma with a Cute Confession Teddy Bear.
My end goal is to make something similar to this however instead of bars getting higher it's lights getting brighter. Outside of a WS2801 rgb led strip, what else would I need to make this happen? Any ideas? Absolutely new to diy led stuff
Yeah...I'm a pretty important person around here.
If you'll excuse me, I'm off to the karma store. Have an upvote, my friend...don't worry...I have plenty.
I agree with kaigenji. I feel like you could figure out a way to make something like this into a J and H fairly easily, especially since you are using a serif J. You are off to a great start!
Would recommend checking out http://openclipart.org/ in conjunction with using Inkscape to get the vectors you want to cut. I have a Full spectrum 40watt hobby laser which I can basically print to using a PDF with embedded vectors. If there is interesting can post a demo of how to get from one medium to the other.
moodle is a pretty good platform for putting learning resources onto. exe produces SCORM units which can be added to and used by moodle. http://openclipart.org provides lots of images in different formats that can be used.
I have used both to provide "free" education materials in the past.
The Creative Commons Search has checkboxes for commercial use and modification and lets you search a number of sites. Just make sure you double-check the licensing on the site itself to make sure it's really okay to use.
For example, one of the sites it lets you search is OpenClipArt.org. Checking the terms at the bottom of the page shows this information explicitly endorsing unlimited commercial use.
Alternate clock version with transparency (and much smaller file size):
edit: Sorry, the arrows spin 1.5 times per circle rather than 0.5 times. I forgot to consider the circle rotation as well when calculating arrow rotation.
That's not too difficult to do, actually. Here it is with a clock, where I replaced the template image group with a clock. I'll work on the question marks in a day or so.
Saving throws could be:
Fortitude: a poison bottle (having to overcome poison/ illness)
Reflex: a winged shoe (as if you're quickly getting out of the way)
Willpower: a ghostly hand (as if you're the target of a mind control spell)
"wanna see a movie tonight?" "nah, i don't have any money." "i'll cover you." "well i dunno what we should see." "we'll look online to see what's playing." "well..." "i'll be over in 10 minutes." "okay..."
Thank you for your interest in helping me! I can not seem to find a version of that Anaconda without the watermark or something similar. Maybe this would be a good look for the center of the patch. As for the idea of the ouroboros that was kind of an idea for a 2nd version. The ouroboros snake would be the shape of the circular patch and it would state "JUANACONDA - GRACIE JIU-JITSU" within that circle. Maybe the Juanaconda in a seperate lettering like this. Where as with the image of the anaconda in the middle... the text would wrap to create a circle. If that makes sense?
Se mig og en kammerat klædte os ud som gentlemen for ikke så længe siden, det var med høj hat, monokel, fesne tekopper og små fimsede overskæg. [Vi gik efter dette look](Se mig og en kammerat klædte os ud som gentlemen for ikke så længe siden, det var med høj hat, monokel, fesne tekopper og små fimsede overskæg. Vi gik efter dette look.
Vi havde det dælme sjovt. Det kan varmt anbefales. Det var bare et helvede at få skaffet en høj hat, men det kan være du er heldig.).
Vi havde det dælme sjovt. Det kan varmt anbefales. Det var bare et helvede at få skaffet en høj hat, men det kan være du er heldig.
Yea, something like this. Thanks!
thanks :)
> Mind if I do something similar for my first game?
not at all, and if you are looking for resources checkout http://dafont.com for fonts and http://openclipart.org for some free art.
good luck !
Monies: $20 for the android dev license. The icons are in the public domain, so they were free. I found them on openclipart. I suppose you could also count the time I put in as well as what I paid for my computer if you really wanted.
Time: Initially a couple hours over a few days. I had been reading up on Android development for a while though, made a few simple apps. I update it every so often, putting in a few hours for each update. Depends on what the update entails.