LaTeX with Beamer. You get the beautiful typography of TeX with a pretty straightforward markup.*
*Disclaimer: TeX is <em>really</em> weird, and Beamer, being a LaTeX package, opens the door to all that weirdness. But if you're interested in quality typography, there's arguably no free software that beats it, even decades after its release.
I believe Latex is the standard for publishing research in many fields – many journals provide their own templates (like IEEE) which you must use if you want them to publish your work.
Personally, I used it for my Master's dissertation and my CV / resume. I've used it to write up a few longer bits of research at work too, however it makes it a bit of a pain for other people to edit, so I've stopped doing this and just use Word. The guys over at ShareLatex (which is a great product btw) have some great docs you can follow to get started:
Latex can produce some really nice looking stuff, but it takes a while to get used to.
I have a couple cheat sheets from my machine learning course last semester:
They are slightly incomplete b/c I only wrote as much as I could in the 2-3 days before the exams, but there's quite a bit of good stuff there.
I needed to learn LaTeX a couple of months ago and started with this. It is great for learning with since it has live compiling, you get to see what changes you make immediately.
However for larger documents (the one I was working on came up >100 pages) I found ShareLaTeX to be better, particularly when working with multiple people on the same document
It is indeed (link below). It even comes with a [print] option for a printer-friendly version.
Whenever someone I know complains about LaTeX looking too clean/clinical I show them this template and it normally changes their mind
I've tweaked the colours and spacing a bit, but otherwise mine looks pretty much the same as the template
> it can actually be as powerful as LaTex
That's cute. You must not know that LaTeX is Turing Complete.
A guy literally wrote a program to control the Mars rover in LaTeX.
Looking through your history I saw you posted your resume to r/resumes which is of course the best first step, however, the subreddit isn't tech based so they most likely have no idea what to look for to be actually considered for hiring by software engineers. I thought this subreddit had some megathread for resumes, but not seeing it here atm. But you can edit it in your post if you want some more people to see it. For me at least it seems a bit lacking you might want to add more to show off what you know / and or your skills that you have learned so far. Maybe it's different for me though since i'm in the suburbs compared to an urban tech hub like NYC, but to me the format should be more simple less flashy with those bordered titles. is a good template I would say.
Besides that honestly I would think an internship at the end of your degree is helpful, but bigger picture is should focus more on what lands you a full time job and while an internship does do that it's a pretty big investment for a company so can sometimes be a lot different. Maybe you should be inquiring companies about full time position close to graduation instead casting a wide net if you can to a good range of different kinds of companies.
A good place to start is with <em>lshort2e</em>.
pdfLaTeX takes the source file and produces as output a PDF file. Time was, you got an intermediate format (called .dvi) but these days you typically go straight to PDF.
XeLaTeX is (roughly) an extension of pdfLaTeX that can use your system fonts, and takes input in Unicode by default. Again, produces PDF as output.
LuaLaTeX is like XeLaTeX but it adds that for programming you use the scripting language Lua. It is the new kid on the block so not much is available that is tuned specifically to it, but it is the future.
(BibTeX is not like the others, it is not a TeX. It helps you do bibliographies.)
For a beginner, it doesn't matter which you use, IMHO. Personally, I still use pdfLaTeX, FWIW.
The best way for a beginner is to start with one of the online sites such as Overleaf or ShareLaTeX. The software is free so you can easily shift to working on your own computer at any time but these sites mean you don't have to do any setup, you can just start learning what you want to learn, LaTeX.
If you want a cleanly designed modern CV that's not distracting, consider using a LaTeX template: Sources for templates: Source 1 Source 2
You can find more by googling. What I did was upload a template onto, which is an online LaTeX editor, and change it to fit my info. I find this is a way to be clean but still distinguish yourself from the Microsoft Word-derived CV masses.
Well, if you saw some of my proofs on my algebra final, BS could mean either one!
I've just been teaching myself via trial and error and googling things as I get stumped. I have a chromebook, so I use ShareLaTeX, which is both free and browser based.
I assume it's save to say that /r/LaTeX recommends LaTeX. ;)
You can use LaTeX without installing anything at or any other online LaTeX editor. They also offer a tutorial with a chapter on chemestry.
If you enjoy LaTeX despite its somewhat steep learning curve you can install it for offline use and see which of the many editors suit you best.
There is a way to color code LaTeX. Here is a ShareLaTeX tutorial:
I'm in STEM, so it was a no-brainer to use TeX for me, but you might want to re-think your migration. I'm not sure if text-only disciplines can benefit much from the typesetting benefits while tossing away all the convenience that MS Word provides.
Are you referring to the options in the sidebar of /r/math? If so, you can pick any of them - I use the TeXtheWorld extension for Google Chrome.
If you're referring to installing LaTeX on your computer, I use MacTeX which works fine for my purposes. Not sure about the best option for non-Macs, but this thread might help you out. Alternatively, there are free online LaTeX resources, such as ShareLatex.
Edit: As /u/mcmillanpt has pointed out, ShareLatex has some downsides and it's probably better to install LaTeX yourself if possible.
LaTex is all you need. With a good template it is actually not very hard to get stunning and consistent PDFs. It is cross platform compatible, easy to backup and since you are already familiar with a markup language you will probably find it quite easy. You can choose your own favorite text editor for the job because all what matters is code. I find it also a big help in concentrating on the content (just like I write smaller texts in markdown for the same reason).
Look at MacTex for the software for your system or try sharelatex for collaborative online use of LaTex. There are tons of LaTex templates for a thesis around online.
When you get used to it you will never look back. That's the reason the software is still around since decades.
I've become one of those people who will even write their shopping list in latex lately. Once you get passed that initial hurdle it's just amazing being able to copy and paste the same chunk of text to effortlessly format every paper. Even my random notes look like my dissertation lol.
I'd highly recommend ShareLaTeX to anybody who wants to give it a try. No downloads or compilers needed, you can just get straight into it online.
Looks very nice. What tools are you using for rendering?
What's with the multiplications by zero? You can simplify a little if you remove those.
LaTeX is a much nicer way to share equations. Or, if you're sharing code explicitly, indent with four spaces for mono-space formatting, then people can select/copy it directly:
float x = 4 * pow ( cos(sin((1.0 + ...
Hey! I highly highly highly recommend using - it doesn't require you to download anything, it's lightweight, you can save stuff as you go, it compiles as you go (just press compile) so you can see what you're doing AS YOU DO IT. Best way to learn to use LaTeX, IMO.
This is what I've been using for my discrete math HW, I haven't been writing notes in it because I still don't have all the symbols memorized though! High five and good luck in the class, I'm hoping to do decently myself haha
I took five minutes of copy pasting shit around: here is a more readable PDF version. If you're going to high-quality shitpost, might as well go all the way.
OP, if you want to grab the source for that, it's here.
There's a fair amount of documentation here:
There's also an interactive tutorial here:
You can also use those sites to write documents without installing anything free (disclaimer, my company is linked to writelatex)
My notes looked like shit, and I never remembered to write everything down.
I started making a note template in LaTeX and then when I looked at nice binders for my notes, they all looked like shit or were very expensive… It turns out, that it is fairly easy to bind a book, so I did that instead. Link to the binding process. Link to a better description of the process.
Link to my LaTeX file on The original is, as you can see, in Danish, and the English version could use a little work.
Sharelatex has a good list of topics. It's also a pretty popular online editor, though I personally use TeXStudio.
When I need to know how to do something specific, I just google it and usually there's something helpful on the TeX stackexchange.
Are you talking about SageMath, the mathematics software? If so, that and ShareLaTeX are two totally different things.
SageMath (previously, Sage) is software for doing advanced mathematics. It's a free and open-source alternative to software like MATLAB.
ShareLaTeX is an online LaTeX editing and compiling platform. LaTeX is a document preparation (typesetting) system. While LaTeX is technically a full-fledged programming language, its purpose is to typeset documents, not to do advanced mathematics.
Comparing SageMath and ShareLaTeX is a bit like comparing MATLAB and an online Word editor.
ShareLaTeX founder here, you need to upload the res.cls ( probably this or use a template with it included (
In the preamble (before \begin{document}
), you can define your custom commands:
\newcommand{\R}{\textit{R}} \newcommand{\T}{\si{\Theta}}
\begin{document} This is \R{} and \T{}.
I basically made my own, and didn't do it very LaTeX standard.
In a perfect world I'd make "Job" "location" "year" stuff and format it automatically. In this case I basically used LaTeX for the better typesetting and cleaner justification.
That said, it was largely like this:
You can insert latex right in the rmarkdown document - knitr will ignore it. Pandoc will pass Latex commands straight through as it converts the markdown document to a tex document. So you can do something like this:
--- the yaml header --- # Header 1 \emph{This text is emphasized} And this text isn't
And that will produce emphasized (usually italic) text in the pdf document output.
To get two columns, you can just att twocolumns
to the document class. However, if you want that stuff at the top and bottom that spans the columns it gets trickier. I think that your best bet there is multicolumn, here is an explanation:
EDIT: In case it isn't clear, the \emph{}
command is a LaTeX macro (command).
LOL. There are people there with Phds in stellar evolution, planetary physics and many other specialized physics degrees. Stellar evolutions is not my specialty, but there are several people there who are HIGHLY educated in that field.
Ask them. I'm satisfied with the current consensus. If you can show that all the scientists are currently wrong in their thinking, go right ahead. You could get some preliminary feedback in ask science.
Or you can just stay in your echo chamber here. I'm just here to laugh at you.
I can't understand your math cause you've put complex equations in a format thats unreadable. Put it in latex and link it.
I threw together a quick LaTeX doc to show you that you can use inline greek/utf8 with a little bit of work, and a few anecdotal reasons I think LaTeX is great. I'm in the "I just want to type and don't want to have to open up a dialog to do math/tables/small diagrams" camp.
tl;dr you can totally have inline utf8 chars with a teeny bit of work.
I've had this same issue with using fullpage and fancyhdr before. Try using the geometry package to change the margins instead. Link on how to do that.
Side note, your minimum working example is horrible.
You can do really neat things with it. However, I didn't use it until I was in grad school. Depends on the curriculum but some undergrad courses might be formula heavy too. It wouldn't hurt you to know, but it probably isn't going to stand out on a résumé. Unless of course the résumé is in LaTeX and looks really professional. But I should also mention that it is Turing complete.
I think you're needing to define a new environment for your block. I haven't tested it, but I suspect something like:
\newenvironment{snippet} {\begin{verbatim}} {\end{verbatim}}
You could then change the definition of 'snippet' to suit whichever output you'd like.
Fast Format ou Share Latex. Ambos usam o latex por baixo, com uma interface bonita, mas o FastFormat já tem o padrão ABNT e vários modelos de universidades brasileiras. Mas são pagos, então se você não quiser pagar e tiver a fim de aprender latex, vai em frente que vale a pena.
I've been using the online LaTeX environment sharelatex. I have also heard good things about overleaf.
They're nice because you don't have to download and install LaTeX yourself and provide a lot of nice features similar to Google Drive/Docs.
maybe try using instead. that way you don't have to deal with any of the local installation headaches.
this looks interesting, but i didn't look very far into it:
LaTeX is amazing. Of course, I'm biased because I'm a programmer and LaTeX is king for including code or math equations.
But I think it can also work very well for fiction. Plain text lets you work with version control and is easily diffed, which makes it ideal for having an editor make changes. The formatting options are through the roof, although fiction rarely needs any kind of formatting.
To get started, you'd want to keep things simple. Something like this.
If you have the time or the interest, learning LaTeX is probably the best way to do it. But of course that's a bit of a hurdle, and psychologists tend not to use LaTeX. (However, there are templates, and you can see lots of info on tables including articles about how to use them [see example on top of page 3], and websites to help generate them.) Essentially, put in a bit of time and it'll save you energy later.
However, I know that many psychologists use MS Word for their tables, just as a shocking number of people use PowerPoint for figures. Excel doesn't do a bad job at tables, either, but it's harder to format properly, I think.
I wouldn't use the SPSS output directly, ever, but that doesn't mean you can't. (I also wouldn't use SPSS, but that's another conversation.)
I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for, but it would do a lot to type it up in LaTeX, and make it into a pdf.
You could also change the formatting (reducing white space, and putting the phonology and vocabulary into a more compact table) and writing style a bit. Additionally, it might not be obvious, for example, what numbers your nouns inflect for, so you could add information like that before beginning that section. Example changes:
Change: Death is denoted with the suffix -en, as in lueornen, dead bear. This can change the gender of an animate noun to inanimate without the need for the word öurd, death.
Initial: In plural you should add “ka” at the end of the noun, it should be before the possessive Z and the apostrophe if there. Example: The girls' food = Akhladgakaz frysth.
Change: Luthnaek nouns have two numbers: singular and plural. The singular is unmarked, while the plural is denoted with the affix -ka-, which is inserted before the possessive affix, -z-, and the accusative apostrophe, as in the example yrg thalthe akhladgaskaz' frysth, he ate the girls' food.
To categorise it a bit more, you could follow the structure in this comment, by /u/simen, adapted from Describing Morphosyntax.
We wrote a tutorial on circuitikz just over a year ago: It introduces and covers most of the basics. Would be interested to get your feedback :).
Of course, there is also the full documentation (perhaps for reading after the tutorial):
It is the result of Daddy Donald Knuth not having a good way to typeset his papers, and is the greatest typesetting system in the universe.
To learn it, just start using it. I use ShareLaTeX. Do your homework in them, and take pride in how beautiful your submissions are (and how ugly the work of non-typesetting peasants is).
Daddy Donald, please hold me.
P.S. It is pronounced LAAATEKKKKKKKkkKkkkKk, not latex. We are scientists, not fetishists (please note that being both is also acceptable).
Run it through pdflatex
, but basically. You'll need to install a TeX distribution; TeX live is probably in your repos and is pretty comprehensive.
Also, [the TeX stackexchange]( is a great resource for answering simple questions or figuring out why something doesn't work, and ShareLaTeX's documentation is great for concepts.
Try their "learn LaTeX in 30 minutes" guide for a good starting place.
You could just use the <em>ucharclasses</em> package to specify throughout the document what font to use for Cyrillic and what font to use for the Latin alphabet.
Or you could use \renewcommand, but that would just shorten the length of the command, not the argument, as far as I know.
A website called helped me create my resume in LaTeX few years ago. Not sure it's still as useful as it used to be or whether you would find it useful/helpful. Hope it helps.
LaTeX is the defacto tool for writing papers in a lot of disciplines, it's a bit difficult to get into but the formatting comes out nice once you get the hang of it. Different publications usually distribute LaTeX styles for you to include so you don't have to set everything manually.
There are online editors for it, and a lot of GUI programs to help you with it also.
It's free. I'd use an online editor (Like sharelatex.) since it takes care of some of the more intimidating compiler issues for you and lets you see what your output looks like before compiling.
You can do this quite easily with the parcolumns package. Example code might look like:
\begin{parcolumns}[colwidths={1=0.3\textwidth}]{2} \colchunk{ First column } \colchunk{ Second Column } \end{parcolumns}
Note the colwidths option which is telling it to set the first column to 0.3 or 30% of the width of page. The other column then automatically takes up the remaining space.
I've created a more complete example here
We don't have such thing in Photopea at the moment.
I used to write my masters thesis in . You can also convert LaTeX to a PNG image here: (right-click the image - Copy Image, and paste it in Photopea).
The only time I've seen integrals even vaguely similar were in relativity problems. It was the number of relativistic particles that hit the ground without decaying . Ignore the bit about the question being wrong, but my treatment of the question is here . This doesn't shed light on the sin within sin but does it offer you ant further insight?
If you already know LaTeX (or are willing to learn), the TikZ package will make gorgeous pictures...with some effort. Typically when I want to make something in TikZ, I find somebody else's example that's close to what I need and tweak it. But then I only have to do it a couple times a year so I never really learned the syntax well.
Yeah, I there are way better programs for that stuff than Latex. But if you want something very clean and very simple looking, then Latex is the way to go. You can maybe look for cv templates online to take a look at how that would look like. I personally use a variant on this, which I think is still clean looking. But as you can see, not a lot of it is very fancy. I assume you can create way more interesting cvs :)
LaTeX for sure.
ShareLatex is a good resource, but I did it a bit differently using \include{...} and \includeonly{...} commands (instead of \import{}) to break it up into small chunks.
I had a folder called CH which had CH1.tex, CH2.tex, etc, a folder called PRE for abstract, acknowledgments, etc, and a folder called APX for appendices. Then the document part of the main.tex file looks like:
\includeonly{CH/CH1,CH/CH2} \begin{document} % Early stuff \include{PRE/titlepage} \include{PRE/abstract} \include{PRE/acknowledments} \tableofcontents
% Main chapters \include{CH/CH1} \include{CH/CH2} \include{CH/CH3} % etc
% Appendices \begin{appendices} \include{APX/APX1} \include{APX/APX2} % etc \end{appendices} \end{document}
The \includeonly{...} makes it so only those chapters are compiled, which saves time once your document gets big. And note you edit the chapters (like CH1.tex) individually as separate files, and the main.tex file just ties everything together and provides formatting.
This might not make sense now but it is easy to learn as you go. People talk about it being difficult to learn, but there really isn't anything stopping you from actually writing in a latex file and worrying about the formatting later. Formatting will be handled automatically based on the main.tex file -- the chapters themselves are rather plain and straightforward.
Thoughts on this one vs awesome-CV? Or are they both fine?
Then you convert it into a docx file that presumably looks uglier? Aren't you worried that it will make your resume look less attractive and you will get passed over by recruiters?
Look here on how to use \fancyhdr for pagenumbers.
Try replacing \gobble with \rfoot{Page \thepage}, as the example shows.
The latex template would be a .cls. Not easy to do as a begginer but still doable. Then the script is something that output the proper header (using your custom class), the proper footer and put proper \chapter{} \section{} and the like for the title, and that part is probably trivial once you have an abstract syntax tree of the text (do you have that ?).
Welcome aboard!
Starting online is a common, and enirely sensible, way to go. Often people who ramp up find that at some point they want to get something on their own computer, and at that point it is easy.
As to which online, yes, ShareLaTeX is a good pick.
You didn't ask this but let me suggest that a good way to learn is to spend an afternoon working through <em>lshort2e</em>.
I am starting to transfer Kaju into it's own dictionary (as opposed to Conworkshop's), and I would love some feedback on it!
It's here
It is precisely what you said; a typesetting package. It basically gives you complete control over the page you are typing on. A feature that really makes Latex stand apart from Word is the ease of typing mathematical equations/ expressions in it. AFAIK, word has pre-made presets for mathematical expressions and operators. So anything outside those is not possible. This is why the person above rightly said Latex hardly has any use outside of academia.
Apart from the mathematical stuff, Latex documents look more 'polished' and professional. Just have a look at this resume. I honestly don't think such a resume can be made in Word. Basically, the amount of customization Latex allows is simply not there in Word as Word is kind of like a GUI that gives you limited options for everything but Latex allows you to code what you want from the system.
I wrote my thesis on the share-latex website, so you can view it in its entirety there
The basics of it is the Amsbook class with some modifications shown at the bottom of the docsetup.tex
LaTeX is sorta like a word processor. It doesn't do math, but it lets you type set math really easily and clearly. When you look through it, I can guarantee that you've had an assignment or even a textbook written in it. It's fairly distinctive. It's also completely free to use, which is very nice.
LaTeX doesn't work like Word or Google Docs or those types of word processors. It's sorta similar to coding your document. Whatever you write is compiled, and then you typically get a PDF output at the end of what your document actually looks like.
If you're interested in getting started (and you use windows), I recommend downloading MikTeX as well as TeXstudio. MikTeX is the distribution, so it's got all the interpreters and packages that you need. TeXstudio is a really nice editor. It's got code completion, code folding, a helpful bug finder, and an in window preview of the document. I've heard that there's an online version called ShareLaTeX where you can collaborate online (similar to google docs) but I haven't used it. There are really helpful tutorials online. For starting out, I recommend There are also some helpful people at r/latex. There's a very informative stack exchange that has answers to most things you'll need.
The section should be called "References" by default, even with the IEEETR style: see Bibtex bibliography styles. Without a complete example of what you're doing, it's hard to say why yours is being printed as "Bibliography".
It's sometimes useful to script minor things and do arithmetic in LaTeX, and you can kinda coerce that ability to do gross things like write complete programs.
It is, after all and surprisingly, Turing complete
Here are a couple resources I've used: (this site has a free editor you can use and a great reference guide with example code) (any question you have will likely already be answered here)
In my experience I've never learned a new computer language traditionally from a book, but rather by experience. I didn't know anything about LaTeX until I had to write a lab report, so I just dove in and used the resources above and the finished product was the sexiest thing I've ever written.
This sounds like the default view in ShareLatex, which is what I usually use. I have heard that if the document is sufficiently long (e.g. a thesis) it may take a very long time to recompile and show the updates each time. While this hasn't been an issue for me writing course papers and homework assignments, it may be something to watch out for.
My adviser is in his 60s but usually he'll read my PDFs and give me notes for improving my TeX. So there's plenty of old timers with LaTeX eyes.
Having taken your advice, I think that I have a slightly more elegant proof than /u/momoro123, whom I am mentioning here in case they are interested in this. Here it is; is it valid?
Here's something that might help you get started on the first example:
\begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} % Draw a grid 10 units high by 10 units wide \draw[thin, gray, step=1cm] (0,0) grid (10,10);
% Draw some points and label them \filldraw (0,0) circle (2pt) node[anchor=north west] {$(0,0)$}; \filldraw (5.5, 4.5) circle (2pt) node[anchor=west] {$a$};
% Draw axes and labels \draw[thick, ->] (0,0) -- node[anchor=north,midway] {$L_a$} (10,0); \draw[thick, ->] (0,0) -- node[anchor=east,midway] {$R_a$} (0,10); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
edit: also take a look at this
I don't know if you may use this, but you could try using LaTeX for your reports. LaTeX is a high-quality typesetting system, which makes your reports look professional. This explains LaTex a bit. This is an online website to create LaTeX documents. This gives examples of how a LaTeX document looks. The default font is perfect and professional.
Might I suggest an online LaTeX editor? I use SageMathCloud personally. It's not solely for LaTeX editing but the support is good and it allows you to include computations using Sage (which, if you are not familiar, is a free alternative to Mathematica, Maple, etc.). I have also heard good things about ShareLaTeX, which is LaTeX-dedicated. The primary advantage of an online editor is that your work is saved in the cloud and is thus accessible on any device with an internet browser (though you might still shy away from using your phone and/or tablet for editing due to dis-ease of typing).
Mac OS X
edit: I just found this site which has made it very easy to start using latex. Now, one other question i have is how do I set up keyboard shortcuts that enable the use of mathematical symbols while I'm typing in latex?
it seems that you´ve covered the basics of many topics, using more impersonal explanations than the traditional textbook. I like it. Now, if you really want to help people, try making it more visually appealing, maybe by using LaTeX and GeoGebra. ( )
Just for reference, LaTeX is available for every major OS, including Windows and OSX. There are also multiple flavours of graphical interfaces for these systems, if you prefer them to the good old command line.
It is also available though multiple online apps (ShareLaTeX and Overleaf, just to name a couple), and some of them even have WYSIWYG editors.
You can do this in a few ways with XeLaTeX, but a solution which will also work in LaTeX is to enclose the text you want to change the font of in
{\fontfamily{cmr}\selectfont Text here }
where 'cmr' is the fontcode for Computer Modern Roman, the default LaTeX font.
Check out and too. They're web-based editors, but might be helpful.
Edit: I forgot to mention, there are a bunch of templates on there to draw inspiration from as well. Have fun!
we did not introduce a computational time limit, there has been a 60 second timeout limit since we launched, but now premium accounts have a 180 second timeout. If your project is now timing out it is likely there is a loop in the latex code which is causing it to never finish, have a look at
I think LaTeX is great. I like the power of compiling my documents.
I would also recommend checking out ShareLaTeX. You can do a lot with the free account, and you don't have to worry about installing packages, etc.
You could embed LaTeX formulae in HTML then render the HTML with MathJax installed to see your formulae. Or use an online tool like ShareLaTeX to edit and view your documents.
Just to be clear, LaTeX code has to be compiled and rendered, usually as a PDF. You then view that PDF output.
I agree with /u/iamiamwhoami's method, and this question sort of piqued my interest so I went with it.
Incidentally, I believe the answer is ~70.53 degrees, or arcsin[2*sqrt(2)/3].
A heuristic idea of what's "going on" here is shown in this graph that I've attached. Note the red line is the answer. These lines plotted are spaced about five degrees each.
For the full solution, see the attached link.
>Im not sure what you are asking feedback on? the video or the latex code. Since it is in the latex subreddit i will assume it is the code itself. If it is ineed the code you do wish feedback on, i think it might be helpful to actually see the source code itself. It was a bit too slow for me, but for a firstime latex user doing maths it seems great.
I designed this video for AP & College level math students who are learning LaTex. I am seeking feedback on both video and code.
Haven’t used the package, but the output is a LaTeX table, i.e. it will render if copied and pasted into a LaTeX document.
If this is gobbledegook to you, maybe the simplest way to render the table would be through ShareLaTeX. Note - you will also need to edit out all of the ‘##’s.
You could look into Jupyter notebooks, which allows you to create notebooks with Markdown cells and Python/R code cells. It's easy to display pictures via Markdown, create tables, and hyperlinks. If you know LaTeX, you could use ShareLatex perhaps, and use a code-formatting package.
Mi piace un sacco quel CV, sono un feticista dell'overkill quindi mi piaceva anche questo.
Al massimo puoi mettere i dati anagrafici allineati a sx e una foto a dx? Ultimamente ho visto che va di moda mettere la foto sul cv.
I used this template from posquit0: I know literally nothing about LaTex, so I used to edit and compile it. There's a lot of neat features and options you can add.
I mostly do something like
\begin{tabular}{||c c c c||}
Where the c's are the number of columns and you can add borders by adding | in between the c's. Or use this website. I don't like it very much but it's quick and easy. I'd recommend reading this if you haven't already. \hline
OpenOffice and other stuff might work (depending on the PDFs' fanciness), but I don't really edit imported ones; I just make and export them with OpenOffice or ShareLaTeX.
Lucky for you there are lots of tutorials out there and the online editor ShareLatex even has one specifically for thesis documents: A simpler tutorial can also be found here:
Is this what you use?
I use that as well and when you download as PDF, it is searchable. Do you still recommend converting it to a word docx? Or its just a coincidence?
Because when converted to word it looks worse lol
Yes I did use a template. I used one called deedy-resume on sharelatex but you can also find it on overleaf.
I did translation to Brazilian portuguese and if someone want to use a LateX template to translate, can try mine: It's almost the same from original Whitepaper
Oh hah, I should've clarified, as what I had in mind was pretty much what you said. Real-time in-class note taking with paper, and then annotating it online afterwards.
And I think you just sold me on LaTeX! Haha. Would you happen to have any recommendations for a site or book to learn it, by any chance? I'm pretty unfamiliar with LaTeX, but was eyeing this site to learn it:
> Try ShareLaTeX :) > >
By the way Overleaf has bought ShareLaTeX, and the two will apparently become a single service in the future.
Superscripts must be in math mode.
In LaTeX, this would be [latex]$x^3$[/latex]
Anki has a shortcut: [$]x^3[/$]
Havn't tried this guide myself but shareLaTeX is a good place to start. They have pretty comprehensive documentation and I really like their online editor.
Another boring software option would be to use LaTeX, as LaTeX is literally made to write math (more or less). saves the hassle of compiling LaTeX into a pdf yourself, and is quite easy to use. Also, math symbols are pretty intuitively named (^ does what you expect, _ does sub scripts, \pi or any Greek letter gives the corresponding, etc. etc.). There is also a lot of decumentstion since it's been around for a long time and is widely used.
It's recommended. And with collaboration tools like ShareLaTeX and OverLeaf (they are essentially the same now that one's been bought by the other), there's no reason to not use it. Will help you later on too when you're going into research/paper based classes.
You might also want to look at Jeff Erickson's templates and styles here.
So here is one way to do it. As you can see in the examples, the theorems etc. are clearly labeled and are each individual formal statements.
This way, for one, the reader will know immediately what kind of statement you are making. It is also easier to find them when you reference them, with the referencing also being independent of the one ones for formulae.
So what are you majoring in? I assume CS or math.
Docs has a LaTeX editor plugin, but from my experience it's total shit. It inserts an image, which is grainy, doesn't follow the typesetting of the rest of the paper, doesn't scale like a text does, etc. No idea if Word does it without images, but my view is: if you're going to learn LaTeX and insert snippets around your paper, you might as well just do the full paper? I use a website that let's me compile in real time and has a bunch of stuff already installed and manages everything online, which is quite convenient:
In regards to homework... I guess it depends. As a CS student, ive had two courses where homework was almost entirely code. In discrete mathematics, I did many proofs but because of the volume of them, I handwrote them. In my Compilers course, we were told using LaTeX would earn us an extra point (out of 100), but the majority of the homework involved diagrams/images, which I just made in GIMP and imported into Docs. None of my other CS courses really had homework that would've meritted LaTeX.
So I guess my answer is, it depends. If you have to submit an assignment that's very formula heavy, is a final project paper, etc, then I say go ahead and use LaTeX. Otherwise, it's probably not needed? That's not to say you might not be faster or write prettier papers with it. That's up to you, but to go back to your original question, I don't know of any professors who really cared if I used LaTeX or not.
A bit overkill but covers everything you want: shareLaTeX ( You would need to use LaTeX for everything which is far from convenient.
Alternatively you could use a small wiki system, which doesn't generally features simultaneous edits but this depends on your requirements. Dokuwiki is a small and easy system.
A note on nextcloud, I run mine on (and more) on a similar spec'd virtual server. Everything runs fine. I use nginx as reverse proxy and php-fpm to run it. My advice would be dokuwiki or nextcloud with nc is what I use.
Definitely check out ShareLaTeX. It's a web-based LaTeX client with a fantastic feature set. I used it all through university. It was indispensable. It's collaboration features are especially valuable.