This app was mentioned in 48 comments, with an average of 1.42 upvotes
Google Keep e o metodă bună de a trimite texte scurte între device-uri. Tot ce pui acolo e asociat contului Google, evident. Și are un widget bunicel.
Mort player era cel mai non-sucky player de muzică pe care l-am găsit acum vreo 3 ani. Nu m-am obosit să mă uit după altul, pentru că ăsta face tot ce vreau, și e gratis. Are foarte multe opțiuni de shuffle (e chiar intimidant la început), și multe customizări utile, pentru butoanele de pe ecranul principal cât și căști bluetooth. Eu l-am setat să treacă la folderul următor cu unul din butoanele de la căști, ceea ce a devenit o chestie indispensabilă în timp.
ASCIICam e o chestie cu care mă amuz de 2-3 zile. Face ce spune numele, și e complet inutilă.
Aplicația default pentru Reddit mi s-a părut mulțumitoare până acum, ca user casual.
X-Plore și Amaze sunt două aplicații de file management ok, fiecare cu abilități diferite. X-plore afișează fișierele în structura de pe drive, ierarhizat, și are server HTTP de fișiere. Folosesc Amaze ca să fac scurtături la Foldere pe home screen.
A, și dacă vrei și altă metodă de a transfera fișiere fără cablu de date sau cloud bullshit, sunt multe servere FTP pe care ți le poți instala. Mie-mi place ăsta.
EDIT: În caz că nu știai, poți să intri pe de pe PC, pentru a-ți edita toate contactele sincronizate. Și nu e o idee rea să migrezi numerele din cartelă și telefon, dacă n-ai făcut-o.
I use 2 x 2TB portable drives and the shield powers them both fine with the powered USB3 cables. I also use the 16GB version but I expanded it with a 64GB SD card because Plex metadata and subtitles (if you use SubZero) can take up a few GB and you'll probably also want to throw some other apps, games and emulators on it at some point.
The real issue you're going to run into is transferring your media to your external drives without having to constantly unplug them and go back to your PC. You'll want to set up an FTP server on the shield to do this or you'll be limited to only being able to transfer files to your internal storage via file explorer>network.
One quirk to watch out for is if you transfer something over and later on it shows as 0bytes in your FTP software. Get the app xplore to file manage on the shield and simply locate the file there and select it, this should refind the file and allow Plex to add it to your library.
The 'Over local network' thing people are suggesting is super slow though, at least for me. I usually use FTP, and to test, I just transferred a 2gb file in about 5 minutes through the FTP and it's taken more than 30 minutes to even show me how many files are in my 'Movies' folder through the local network thing. I tried to copy the same file, and it didn't even start copying for 15 minutes, in fact I cancelled it before it started.
I've installed this app: on the shield, and then from my computer, connect to the IP. In my experience, it's MUCH quicker.
Yes. Install Olive Tree FTP Server on the box, configure settings and then turn it on. On your PC open up FileZilla or whatever and connect to the given IP address on port 2221. Thats it.
And, why does everyone move files the hard way?
Here's how I do it. So simple, fire up the ftp server, move the files, shut down the ftp server.
FTP is file transfer protocol. Its usually used to transfer files to websites but it works just about anything that allows it really. You can use the app stated in the guy who replied to my comment
"To add to this, I specifically use FTP Server app from fdroid. "
Or just use this one from the play store doesn't matter
Afterwards you download an app like filezilla and just enter the provided ip and port (they need to be on the same network btw so connect to same wifi) and hit connect and you're in. And its pretty damn quick. If you need a more in depth guide let me know
For Android, there is wireless adb over wifi and it's adb backup feature. It's not perfect but works as a backup feature for some apps. For files i always install FTP server on the phone and download files that way.
Caut un server FTP de Android, fie parte dintr-o aplicație cu mai multe funcții, fie standaloine, care să aibă un widget pe care să-l pot apăsa o singură dată ca să opresc/pornesc serverul. În cele din urmă, cred c-o cumpăr pe asta ca să scap de reclame, dar vreau să văd ce opțiuni mai am.
If this an Android phone then I would recommend an FTP server. I've been using this one for years (paid to remove the ads) even though my phones have working ports. Just enable the server on your phone, open up FileZilla, connect to your phone, download/upload as needed.
I used to access my usb stick which was connected to the fire tv by installing this app on the fire tv:
You can then transfer files back and forth through a file manger app that allows ftp connections or through your laptop.
Hope that all makes sense.
Install this
Then on your PC install filezilla( ) and use the credentials on your phone's screen on filezilla. Make sure your phone and PC share the same with connection.
How hard is it to put an FTP address into your Browser? This app does not care if you want to transfer .doc, .txt, videos, or pictures.
I have this on my phone >> I do not understand how you will see it on a PS Vita. Does it have a Browser, then all you need to do is put the numbers FTP:// (As shown on the Google play store) or what ever shows up on your phone into your browser. note that the ftp://192.168 part will probably be the same but, everything after those numbers will probably be different.
I use this one
but any should work. You have to add ftp://francis@IP:port as is is shown when you open the app. If you don't add fransis@ or whatever you have set up as username it may not show popup to enter password. In my router settings I have set my phone to always get the same IP so I don't have to change it every time I want to connect
>(Mâncam) lubeniță. Ştiam că stereotipul ăsta se duc în alte părți. Un pic mai isteț decât pare la prima jumătate a mesajului. E posibil să parcurgi mai mult timp pe asta.
You could point your server to your phone as if it was a hard drive if you made it a network attached storage or a F.T.P. share . I'm sure there are other ways and other apps that do something similar.
Another option is to install an FTP Server app and use FileZilla or another MacOS FTP Client to copy files to and from your phone. You could also use your OS's built-in FTP client, but I prefer to use FileZilla.
I personally use FTP Server by Olive Tree and it works pretty good.
E ca în cazul ăsta, cred c-o cumpăr pe asta ca să nu fie așa pe stradă și simți nevoia să te ştie lumea prin cartier drept pedofil.
Create a dedicated folder called Transfer (that's the name I use) or something. Copy any photos you want pc access to into that folder and then you know exactly where they're going to be. You could try using ftp, and access the phone that way. It may show up better for some reason if it's a digital connection vs hard wired.
Are rost sa stea pornite zile intregi, sa se potriveasca mai bine sa-l oprești decat sa-l incarci abia cand are 1%. In cazul asta, cred c-o cumpar pe asta ca sa te trateze ca pe V. "Vasaliu" e cam self fulfilling prophecy atunci.
Basescu e in top 10 cele mai emoționante prestații actoricești din toate subfolderele unei radacini cu foobar, dupa structura acelor foldere, și ma face rasist, insa nu cred c-o cumpar pe asta ca sa nu ne faci de ras.
I use this:
Great app. Bought the pro version to support the dev but the free app does the same stuff with practically no restrictions.
Just out of curiosity, install this and then open a folder on your computer, run the app, type your ftp://xx.... into the folder nav menu. See if the files show up that way.
When I want to transfer in bulk, I put all the photos in a folder labeled "transfer" and then open the ftp server. I can connect to it from my laptop and it comes wireless drag and drop to my laptop.
Have you tried transferring your backups to your computer with FTP? You won't be able to use your adopted storage without reformatting it on the new OS. It's like putting it in a new phone. Here's a good FTP app btw:
This is what I use. Super easy over wifi file transfer both ways. Open any folder and type the ftp:// into that and it acts as if it's another folder on the computer where you can drag and drop files. Best transfer method I've found.
Lotsa ftp servers on the Play Store. I use ftp to xfer files quickly from my PC to my wireless android devices.
I use the pro version of this, This one is free.
I am on the 3.0 upgrade, and I am rooted.
I use this FTP app:
For file transfers I primarily use SambaDroid as I find it much easier to use Windows file sharing than FTP. This only doesn't work for files that are larger than 2GB. In that case I use FTP and copy to the FTP directory and move the files over as you are already.
I use FTP Server for this.
I use Ftp Server.
And I use FileZilla on my PC.
You just type the address it shows after enabling it in Windows File Manager
I use this for ftp server, just turn it on when i need to push files
For Android, FTP Server on your phone, FTP client on your computer. You need to be on the same network. Bidirectional transferring works. 2nd way for Android to Android, FTP server on one phone and FTP Cafe on Android phone or tablet. I just transfered 4.2 Gigs from my computer to my Tablet and no wires to hook up. FTP Server on your phone... You can then put the address in your browser address bar and do it from Android to PC. You can also download a free FTP Client, Linux I use GFTP, then you can transfer form or to your computer. Both Android device and PC need to be on the same network. From Android to Android I use FTPCafe. And the FTP Server on the other Android device.
FTP: no limit on transfering file size. I just transfered 2.9 Gigs (77 video files) from one tablet to another tablet at about 3.5 megs a second. No wires. All you need is to be on the same network.
Android to Android >> Server >> Client >>
FTP For your PC: I use GFTP for Linux as a client. I can upload or download it to the device I am connected to.
I am not familiar with IOS but I am sure it has FTP programs in the Apple store.
I hope this helps.
ftp server you can turn on or off just run an ftp client like winscp on your system
You can setup a mini FTP server on your device and use any FTP client on pc (e.x Fillezilla) to transfer your files.
Cam ca la noi in camera, pe mine asta mă gândeam mai degrabă un server FTP.
Maybe an FTP server like this ? (I've used it for years)
Or FTP Server on your phone and File Zilla on your computer.
Hm, never even seen those before.
I've used these with no problems:
I'm on W10, but all of these have worked without issue.
If you're having trouble with using the built in OS client, you can always try accessing it via the browser to take the OS more out of it.
Recomand mai degrabă un server FTP. Mai puțină bătaie de cap.
Ftp Server by the olive tree is my favorite