This app was mentioned in 98 comments, with an average of 2.17 upvotes
I had a 6P while I was on Fi. Although I did sometimes get logged in (and secured) by Google, it was very rare. I think it might have only been on hot-spots that Google had pre-designated(?)...stuff like Starbucks.
That said, I highly recommend the app WiFi Web Login for anyone on Fi. It will automatically log you in to most hotspots that have a "captive portal" (i.e. where you have to open a browser and click 'Connect'). The program worked great for me while I was still on Fi and was worth the couple of bucks I paid for it.
Also...since you're new to Fi, I'll just throw this out (you might already be aware)...if you have Comcast/Xfinity for home internet, they have an app that will log you in to all their hotspots. Other ISPs might as well--but the XFinity app actually worked really well for me on Fi and provided far more coverage than anything else. YMMV.
Android doesn't like the captive portal they have. If you click the 3 dot menu on the lock screen you get and choose "Use network as is" then you can open a browser and actually get to the login page (but it does not save this option you have to do it each time, so silly). This captive portal crap is the worst feature of Android 5 and I wish there was a way to turn it off :(
I've been using this program to just automate the captive portal login, only one that works in Lollipop that I have found:
Not sure about your location, but in my area both Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts require you to log in to their WiFi via a captive portal (i.e. a webpage where you have to hit "accept"). WiFi assistant doesn't do that. I use an app called WiFi Web Login that does log you in to hotspots that have a captive portal. Works flawlessly at places like Best Buy, Home Depot, Sam's Club, Starbucks, and Dunkin. YMMV.
I've used this for a few years now. Kind of ugly looking but works great to automatically sign you in to public WiFi hotspots.
I have had great luck with this app:
I haven't tried many networks which require usernames and passwords, but it has yet to fail on any which just need an accept/agree button.
> helloguestwifi
I'm a different person but this is what came up in google, seems to be it under a different name
Anyone have luck using the app Hello Guest WiFi / WiFi Web Login since Android 10? Worked for me on an early beta but now dead since formal OTA. Or have any other captive portal login automators you'd recommend?
I've used WIfi Web Login from way back when it was Hello Guest Wifi Login. Worked great while I was on Ting, not so much now I'm on Fi.... However reading some of the comments on it on the play store leads me to ask:
Are you using Dataly or other VPN? as these may cause the background login to fail....
I am in Chicago. I am on Fi but literally connected to TMobile service 99.9% of the time. So, if you'd like to avoid TMobile, Fi might not be the way to go about it.
Regarding hotspots, I overwhelming connect the the Xfinity hotspots more than anything (assuming you have Comcast for internet/TV and are able to login). It's very infrequent that I run into a truly free and open - meaning no authentication required - hotspot, let alone one of Google's. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of free public WiFi networks that you just have to accept terms and conditions to connect for free (or buy this totally worth the price app and let it do it all for you automatically). But yeah, I dont really ever run into "Google hotspots". Google just tries to help you find public WiFi easier. But usually g that app and a little awareness, I've really cut my data usage back and was actually able to come in like $25 under budget on my first Fi bill. That being said, we're currently reevaluating Fi since we just figured out that one of the users on our account has a work location that is a dead zone for Fi, which may be a non-starter. Might have to facepalm myself back over to ATT if we can't find a solution. Either that or pray for TMobile to roll out band 71 in that area soon (the northwest suburbs) AND we stick around with it long enough to buy a new phone with compatible radios for that spectrum. Currently our pixels don't have it...
This is the poorly named, terrible UI app that I've seen most Fi folks recommend:
It bypasses MANY checkbox/accept capture portals automagically. Once I realized that I should just ignore the app, not try to configure it in any way, and just let it do its thing when it can, I was much happier with it. If it's ever too slow to do its magic, I can always manually go through a capture portal when my phone recommends an open wifi. That also sometimes triggers the app to auto connect better/faster next time.
This app will automate/replay captive portal login for ya:
Once you connect once it will auto reconnect in the future.
Nothing baked into Project Fi (as far as I know), but there are some apps made to handle this sort of situation. Wifi Web Login is one such beastie I've used in the past.
There are some sign-ons it will automatically bypass. For those that don't, try wifi web login. Looks a little outdated, but has been perfect for me
Here is the link for those curious (because it changes names):
I cannot recommended this app enough. It has a weird UI but it works really well. Make sure you follow the instructions about disabling battery optimization.
I've tried getting this to work with tasker as well but didn't have any luck, however, I did come across this in the playstore.
It works pretty well considering the UI is pretty bad. If the captive portal is something as simple as clicking a button on the page then this app should configure itself automatically and get you through within 30 seconds of being connected to whatever AP.
This app does the logging in for your automatically. You'll have to connect to the wifi the first time you visit so that it is added to your phone's list of wifis to which it should auto-connect, but it will then handle the rest for you. You'll then auto-connect and auto-log into that SSID whenever you visit any of the place's locations.
Like /u/brndnarneson I always had trouble with Walmart wifi and thought it was their issue. Since getting this app, which I thought would help me with other places (and it does), I've found that the issue seemed to be with the login process as this app connects me flawlessly each time.
I used this for years and it's great. However, its been buggy with my new Android 7 phone and doesn't auto trigger anymore. There is supposedly a fix to this since the reviews are still very solid. This also happened to me recently so I still need to do some research
I mentioned it before but I have hello guest wifi, which changed their name to something I can't remember, they basically autologin for you when you connect to WiFi that requires you to hit connect or accept terms like Starbucks and other places that offer free wifi thru a portal and all in the background without me needing to do anything. Between that and xfinity WiFi, I rarely use any data on project fi.
edit: App
I'd like to see the Fi app or whatever is managing the VPN service for safe Wifi connections also include auto-logging into captive portal connections. Much like this. With the way swapping between wifi connections is encouraged this would be a nice and welcome addition.
In addition to my other reply, I'd recommend this app
It works pretty well to log you in (automatically) to free hotspots that normally require you to visit a webpage and hit "accept" before actually letting you on. This app handles that in the background automatically so you don't have to mess with anything.
I have a Galaxy Note 3 still running on Android 4.4.2 and I use the app "WiFi Web Login" religiously on this phone and all my other Android Motorola Droid Turbo, Galaxy Tab S, Amazon Fire Tablet, Note 3, and a couple others. It's a fantastic app and works great for me. It's on the Play Store and it's not a free app, but it's very affordable and worth every penny in my opinion. Here's the link to its Play Store listing:
Love your plot holes, but 1 correction point, automating the "I Accept" WiFi login pages is easy and automated in apps for phones already.
Might want to mention Wifi Web Login:
Automates login to captive portal wifi, (e.g. Starbucks, McD, workplace) by replay, so once you connect once it will auto reconnect you in the future.
This will automate/replay login to captive portals, works well for me:
Google probably doesn't do it with captive portals for legal reasons, they can't accept the terms for you.
Might want to try out this app:
Automates captive portal sign in. You have to do it once to train the program but after that it will auto log you into those types of wifi. Takes out a lot of the headache for sure
you may try this app,
looks like the app will do the login and enforce you to use the WiFi connection if it available. even on 5.1.1
No need for all of that elaborate non-sense. Here's the way to solve this problem, the "right way" (and without having to deal with making sure your phone gets unlocked):
You're welcome. :)
yeah I was on my phone earlier / too lazy to link it on reddit, here it is (forgot it was a paid app but worth it tbh)
Well. There is an app I used to use to automate portal logins at work that worked pretty well. It may be able to help you out. It is a paid app, and no promises. (not free)
There might be free apps available that works today. When I looked for them years ago, none of them worked on the weird captive portals around me.
I bought Ambiance almost a decade ago, back when I was using a jailbroken iPhone, and I still use it every day; it's probably the best sleep aid + alarm clock in existence for the price. The Android version is crap, unfortunately.
The helloguestwifi app in the play store was also a good purchase; it automates logging in to captive portal wifi.
I use the app HelloGuestWifi to automatically sign me into Wi-Fi networks with login requirements.
It can easily get past check boxes and email requirements (it enters a bogus email). For more complicated logins, you can train it to enter credentials or tick certain boxes and buttons. I had it entering my credentials to login to my university Wi-Fi.
Make sure to exempt it from power management.
I've got a Nexus 6P. When I was on Project Fi I set up my phone to maximize using WiFi. I have the Xfinity app that auto-logs me into all those hotspots (which are ubiquitous). I also use the app WiFi Login to automatically get me on hotspots with a captive portal. The only reason I mention those is that those probably do help me save a little data each month. I only burn through about 1gb of data and only about 400mb of that is counted against my 5gb cap because of the zero-rating of music & video. My cellular data usage still isn't "normal" since being on Project Fi really changed my habits...I no longer do stuff like update my apps on cellular, etc. Basically, if I can wait to do something on WiFi I try to do so. That's one reason why I left Project Fi--it really pushes you into those habits which take away your freedom from just using your phone. Prior to being on Fi my data usage was 1.5-2gb each month and I figure I'll end up with that usage again after another 6 months when Fi is but a distant memory.
I used this one, the one you linked me says its not compatible with my device:
I found it in this subreddit as a recommendation. I did email the dev today as well. Hopefully I hear back from him since it's a paid app.
And yes, you would accept the T&C on your work wifi the first time only and during that time, the app "copies" the action and saves it. Everytime you are in range with your work wifi, the app would automatically connect and accept it for you so you don't have to do it yourself everyday in your case.
So my problem was the app seemed to of forgot the T&C action and I had to do it again. It seems for ALL the networks I've connected to.. (ie. Mcdonalds, Starbucks, Home Depot, Fred Meyer, etc.)
I highly recommend WiFi Web Login--LINK. It automatically signs you into public WiFi access points that use a captive portal (where you have to go to a webpage to hit 'accept' before you can get online).
If your home ISP is Comcast/XFinity, then the XFinity app automatically logs you in to all their hotspots which are extremely common. Some folks say that you can just use your XFinity login credential directly to one of their hotspots and you don't need the app--I can't vouch for that, but using the app gets me access to literally thousands of places in my medium-sized city.
My copy/pasted comment from the last time this topic came up:
This is the poorly named, terrible UI app that I've seen most Fi folks recommend:
It bypasses MANY checkbox/accept capture portals automagically. Once I realized that I should just ignore the app, not try to configure it in any way, and just let it do its thing when it can, I was much happier with it. If it's ever too slow to do its magic, I can always manually go through a capture portal when my phone recommends an open wifi. That also sometimes triggers the app to auto connect better/faster next time.
was on boost averaging around 5GB a month used. Now I'm at around 250MB on fi.
My biggest data waster was streaming music but with Nexus 5X's storage I just downloaded all my songs and some stations. Also having wifi always-on along with Web Wifi Login I am able to stay connected to my work's wifi all day long with zero interruption, as well as other various hotspots around town.
This a will help you do the automatic login to the Starbucks WiFi, and many others where you have to click on I agree or even sort of username and password.
I use WiFi Web Login aka HelloGuestWiFi. It gets updated frequently and works well on Lollipop & Marshmallow. You can also grab it on Amazon, it amazingly gets updated around the same time as the Play Store.
The other two apps mentioned have not been updated in years.
I have been using WiFi Web Login for this purpose. I was disappointed that the Google Wi-Fi Assistant doesn't work on networks with a captive portal.
Many moons ago when I was at a college with a similar system, I automated this using Python's ClientForm module.
This guy has some similar ideas:
For Android there's an app:
My only must have is Wifi Web Login:
Let's you auto replay captive portal login. Makes getting on wifi when out and about much more painless.
This app can probably automate the login to the captive portal:
>I obviously will not be able to receive/send any calls/txts/data
The phone usually detects when there is no internet on a wifi connection and bypasses it, but if that fails you're only going to lose data, phone calls and texts should still come in fine via the cellular connection.
try this app
I personally found this 0.99 app works like a charm, it support Android lollipop very well though 5.x changed a lot, like doing the smart captive check, mobile data network etc.
there are several app called "wifi web login", you may try it , they have free and paid version
for me , I used this one on my lollipop
It doesn't have the most intuitive interface, but I've had very good luck with Wifi Web Login.
That one is broken (has a timebomb) and abandoned
This works great: Wifi Web Login
Service has been great for me. I consider it "Project Fi-Mobile" since on a typical day spent entirely in the downtown or general Chicagoland region I'm pulling T-Mobile service literally 99% of the time. I have spent a bit of time around the Midwest (mostly wisco and Michigan) and had no coverage issues. In fact, during a camping trip in rural Wisconsin, I was pulling us cellular LTE (which is not exactly lightning fast, but works) when my group of friends using Verizon, ATT, and TMO couldn't get service. Plus have been to Utah (SLC region), DC, Nashville, all perfectly good service, and has solid, simple experiences in Europe and the Caribbean (DR).
I came from ATT, and was also really concerned about moving to fi and using the more bargain rate networks compared to one of the big two Verizon/ATT. But, honestly, it's been great so far. My coverage has actually been more consistent than ATT and never just flat out cuts out like it used to. There were at least 3-4 spots around the city where I knew I'd lose service entirely with ATT, and perhaps the biggest pain was it didn't regain connection very efficiently. Not so with Fi. I haven't found any major gaps in coverage yet. One thing I have noticed sliiiiiiightly is that TMobile doesn't quite penetrate deeply into buildings as well (i.e. central elevator banks), so you may have done hiccups if you're one if those people that continues their calls on elevators :-). Jokes aside, this is to be expected since (like Verizon) ATT has some LTE on the 700mhz spectrum and TMO does not. But honestly, it's been very solid, and is singeing I literally do not even think about in a given day, which is all that matters. Note, too, that Fi send SMS/MMS via WiFi or cellular seamlessly (and will do calls the same, if the WiFi network is reliable) when possible or necessary, so as long as you've got WiFi your going to be able to communicate. This was awesome recently when I was in literally basement level 4 of a hotel and had no service (no one did...) but was messaging all day long. I didn't even realize until middle of the day when someone was complaining about their phone not working that I had no service...everything just worked on WiFi.
Other thoughts:
T-Mobile band 71, which will add LTE on 600mhz spectrum and improve coverage penetration, is coming to Chicago next year. Consider future-proofing your next phone and getting one that is band 71 enabled (like the pixel 3)
Get an app like FiSwitch/Signal Spy/SignalInfo that make it easy to force a switch between different Fi carriers if you'd prefer, as well as see statistics on your coverage as service. If you're a tinkerer like me you'll use this a bit when you first get service, but you'll find you don't need it frequently. I just find it nice to casually see which LTE band I'm picking up.
If you have consistent WiFi access, you're gonna love your super cheap fi bill!
On that note, if you have Xfinity for internet, you can login to their WiFi hotspots around the city with your account. Once you do it once, you'll reconnect again, these hotspots are all over Chicagoland (amongst other cities).
Consider getting this captive portal login app. It may see odd, but it's awesome at automatically logging you into various WiFi networks automatically without you having to accept terms and conditions, check boxes, provide your email address, etc. If you don't like a network, just tell the app to ignore it. Great for saving data usage, if you'd like.
I don't consider any cellular provider to be perfect in coverage. So above when I say "solid" I mean that service is doing its job. I do actually feel that my Fi coverage has been at least as good if not better than ATT, but I haven't had Verizon since a short period back in 2006, and that was in a different region altogether.
Sorry for the long post. I was recently in your position and looking for the same information to put my mind at ease if/when switching. I ended up taking the plunge and it's been great so far!
Tl;dr - Service is great around Chicago. If for some reason you have issues, you can just cancel and use a Fi phone with basically any carrier, but it won't be necessary.
I use this app and it works really well.
This app (Wifi Web Login -- can help you automatically click through open/free wifi splash pages.
As for basic coverage, I've had no major issues up there the last couple seasons and was roaming from Tmobile so Fi should work. As for speed, I seem to recall 3G. I wasn't really concerned about data though, just talk and text.
However, Telus offers free wifi in some areas on the mountain and there are various wifi networks all around the town. Grab the wifi password at every restaurant/pub/venue you visit, then use an app like Wifi Web Login to automatically connect whenever you're in range without having to key in credentials. It's not a perfect solution, but it's better than just relying on 2G. ;)
This app will do what you are looking for
I used WiFi Web Login in the past, it was the only app I found that worked well.
Just throwing this out there since you mention captive portal WiFi:
I used to have tasker setup do do this and then found an app which handles it better.
Works great on Android
This is what i found when i searched it
It's called WiFi Web Login in the Play Store.
WiFi Web Login is what you need
This works well for me.
Wifi web login handles the sign on automatically.
This works great to automatically connect to most captive portal WiFi
This app can automate login to captive portal websites (Panera, hospital):
Here is an app that will auto connect to SSID's even with captive portals.
Nothing native.
This is the only app I have found that works on Lollipop/Marshmallow:
Automate captive portal login:
Only one that works in Lollipop I have found.
Use this app instead:
Autologin in background, works great.
There is an Android app that works pretty well for me.
If you have an android phone, this app works to auto connect WiFi Web Login can do that
Just use WiFi Web Login, it works.
Check out this app. Works well for me.
Try wifi web login
I use this and it works great
Supposedly you can use an app like this to help --
This app can automate login to captive portal wifi:
I use this app:I use this app: That's a really good connect and login automatically����
Here is your solution:
You might want to try
You must mean helloGuestWifi. How's the battery drain from using it? Does it work with TransitWifi in NYC?
I think it's this one...
It appears to have undergone a recent name change.
Have you tried the new app? It's been updated for Android 6.0
This one works for me:
That should work to auto login to captive portals. Works for me at work just fine.
If you are getting the obtaining IP address loop it means that the phone is not getting a DHCP address assignment from the wifi AP for some reason. First thing I would try is rebooting the phone and the wifi AP if your work will let you (is this like a Cisco corporate wifi setup or just a regular consumer wifi AP?). If that doesn't work you can most likely statically assign an IP to the phone.
This app can automate login to captive portals with login pages, should do the trick in cases like this:
This app should be able to automate terms acceptance for you: