Doesn't even have to be gummy bears. Sugar free hard candies was how my dad got his coworkers to stop raiding his candy jar at work. One or two, which is all my dad and the couple coworkers who he got along with might eat in a day, no problem. But get to the five or six or... more levels and you'd spend the rest of the day shitting your soul out and praying for mercy from an uncaring god.
My dad bought his sugar-free candies from Sam's Club in an industrial size container. Only took a week before the candy thieves caught on that their undying shits from hell kept happening after they tried to eat a handful of the pretty little discs of sugar-free delight.
For anyone who wants to know, they were something like this but I don't recall any writing on the wrappers so probably not this exact brand. Just little translucent, fruit flavored hard candies. Actually pretty tasty. You have to be a serious glutton to power down enough to get devil bear level diarrhea, but apparently that's exactly what my dad's coworkers were.
Some anonymous people in online communities or fan bases are short sighted idiots with thought processes insulting to those with legitimate learning disabilities.
Here's an example of something that happened to a game designer for Call of Duty for minor changes that amounted to just a fraction of a second... for a VIDEO GAME.
Poor guy received death threats.
Sun Tzu predates Napoleon by a couple thousand years, and is very popular among military. It's entirely possible they reached the same conclusion independantly - the idea is hardly original, after all. If someone you don't like is about to set themselves on fire after taking a gas bath, some folks just want to sit back and watch the show.
That said, I do remember reading a paraphrased version of the same thing in The Art of War, but in all fairness I read it about a decade ago and may be misremembering.
Here's her book. It's not much, but at least she gets some royalties off of it I'm guessing.
Or how about this?
OP started this thread on /r/AndroidQuestions, which is a sub that I frequent to give people free technical support. I'd like to think I know what I'm doing...
This is apparently OP's phone from 7 months ago. For those of you who are less tech-savvy, this is a budget Android phone. It cost only $100 USD at initial launch in 2015, but it performs like a phone from even longer ago, like in 2012. The technical specs basically prove it. And let's be honest: anyone who's used a budget Android phone in the past few years knows how slow they can be.
Why does this matter? Let's just say if I was someone who's working in a demanding role like trading, I would not be using a phone that would lag just opening emails. There's no reason to put yourself through the headache of using a subpar phone like that. And if my bonus was $100K- like OP claims - I'm pretty sure I could afford to spend more on my phone. The only "true" fact is that the phone is used primarily in India, which does line up with this prorevenge story.
Don't get me wrong, it was an entertaining post - fake or not. But to me, this is what gets OP busted.
Can't say for sure. Check with a program like Stagefright Detector to see if you're patched or not. Chances are if you haven't gotten an update at all within the past few months, you're not patched.
If you've got a phone from the last year, you'll likely get a patch. If it's older than that, you may not unless you put a custom ROM on your phone like CyanogenMod.
The specific app may not still be around as the G1 OP talks about is 8 years old however a quick look around seems to produce this one which has fairly good reviews and seems to offer the same features.
Just thought I'd share, cat parent to cat parent: There are these awesome food bowls that only open to the cat with the correct, programmed microchip. Expensive but totally worth it. I had three cats: one was a piggy and would eat the others food, one had some health issues that required her to eat only special food, and one that would get bullied. This prevented the pig from eating the others food and finally losing weight, prevented the sick one from eating food other than her own and the bullied one actually got to eat. And I didn't have to supervise anymore. Also!! I recently got an automatic self cleaning cat box and holy shit, what a game changer.
These are it: microchip feeder: litterbox:
I have personally gone with a low pig tail + a snood. My hair is thick (thank you, dad), and frizzy (thank you, mom); if I put enough product in it/get it cut professionally I can get the old 'Shirley Temple' curls, but I also don't have four hours to get ready for most things.
A french braid helps, but doesn't help with flyaways. A bun hurts my neck when all that wight is bunched in a localized spot, and I'd still have a flyaway problem. The snood can be held in place by a small comb or a few hair clips, and I can get them in a range of colors. If I wanna dress up a bit I'll pull out one of my Lady MacSnood ones.
Just before burying the car in snow, you can spray animal urine or liquid ass just underneath the windshield (where most air intakes are). Not only do they then have to deal with getting the car out of the ice, but if it EVER starts again, they would have to deal with the smell essentially for another week~month.
"Yard" and "lawn" might be synonyms in your part of the world, I guess?
The second definition there states, "the grounds immediately surrounding a house that are usually covered with grass."
KEY WORD: "usually."
My neighbor has a backyard, with no lawn!!!!! :O
She let her lawn die off!!! :O
I had a guy screw around at work and pocket my phone one when I left it in the break room. I made the phone freak out in his pocket after a little while. Used this
Oh no, it's a pedantic fuckhead using insults to make an invalid point that only ends up making himself look like a complete and utter idiot because he is wrong
Lots of this going around; they'll imitate your area code and exchange and then you get weird calls from people upset that you called them with a telemarketing scam. Highly annoying.
I wound up using an app called "Whitelist Call Blocker." It dumps all incoming calls to your voicemail if they're not on your contact list. I used to get 1-2 per day, usually when I was trying to sleep. Now, I get zero.
Also, it turns out that I never set up my voicemail. Oops.
For the lazy (usually me) here are the Amazon link and Goodreads link to the series. Not on Kindle Unlimited but very likely at your local library.
I wasnt spoofing. I always turn my VPN on when I use my phone here. It was an irrelevant tid bit I didnt think about putting in there. The guy has a right to be suspicious, I worded it all very poorly. I didnt log into the wifi planning to do this. The idea came 30-45 minutes after I connected. I dont think I was hidden at all. The VPN I use is pretty much only for accessing location restricted sites. Its Unlocator and it's like $5 a month.
The guy sounded like a dick in all of his comments, yes but he saw a problem and addressed it, I thank him for correcting me but he just did it in a shitty way.
I'm no blackhat.
Or just get some linseed oil, soak a bunch of rags in it, and place them around the house. Linseed soaked rags are known to spontaneously combust if they get warm, like in a Mediterranean country.
It's a portable piezoelectric alarm that is made for personal defense, but are useful for other things. You clip the "pin" of the grenade to your belt or whatever and then you pull and toss or hold the alarm. But they're tiny and can easily fit under crappy apartment doors.
Here it is on Amazon (note the full link has no referral, I'm just giving an easy source):
I read about that deportation law recently when some woman was deported back to the UK after a shoplifting offence (I think). By she had moved out there at 3 years old so it was a bit odd.
Yeah I was close.
> He sees the file with all my work and DELETES IT AND EMPTY THE BIN. And he went on saying “don’t waist time on that junk, it won’t work anyways”
As you are obviously a future software developer, I strongly recommend looking into source control such as git and storing your work in an online repository such as github. Git is open source and github is free (for pretty much anything non-enterprise) and will save you a ton of headaches in the future when, for example, you drop your laptop in a lake (don't ask me how I know).
You have a bright future ahead of you. Concentrate your efforts and you will outshine all your bullies.
I think you should look into reading Why Does He Do That by Lundy Bancroft. Even though this book was written to help women in romantic relationships with abusive men, it will give you insight into your brothers behavior & maybe give you the language you need to communicate to your family about why your brother's behavior is not as innocent as it seems.
Hello, I'm a bot! The movie you linked is called That Thing You Do!, here's some Trailers
> 20k records
so, a database that easily fits in memory and that you can iterate over in a fraction of a second...
> and used by about 20 people
... and has no noticeable load.
You certainly wouldn't need a search engine powered by thousands of computers. You'd need a couple lines of code, that's all. for SQLite.
It's certainly not
> not technologically feasible at this point in human history
Depends where you live. My set cost me about $550 AUD from a local store. Amazon sells them in the US though.
This is pretty similar to what I use, though I have a Kincrome set, because I'm a tool (but mostly because there weren't many other options where I could haggle on the price).
I love the the stories written by "Uncle Remus".
The logic made no sense, but it followed it's own rules as well as the social conventions of whoever wrote the book, to reach absurd conclusions.
Someone sold it to me for a quarter once at some used book fair thing. I bought it readily. Was worth every penny.
First section fourth paragraph. "provides the option", doesn't set it as default.
I would also like to point out that this behaviour is not a bug with dual boot, this is an observable behaviour on all systems I have tried it on.
You're linked picture also shows the "Change how drive is unlocked at startup" option. Try investigating what is set by default before running your mouth.
I kept my insults PG, you insulted my intelligence, now you're swearing. I think you defeated your own point here.
I think you misunderand, I don't use BitLocker for this reason. Due to the as proven behaviour of BitLocker. This also isn't isolated to domained systems.
I didn't address the rest of your comment as it wouldn't have added anything to my previous post.
I'm not ill tempered, I just don't like people on the internet thinking that they know how to do my job, and then questioning my intelligence when they 'think' they know better.
I shall address your previous post as requested:
The picture you linked is not from Microsoft and also shows a fixed data drive not a system drive. System drives behave differently as they are the system drive.
The TPM acts as a device based authentication token, much like the option to use a USB device to unlock drives. The TPM just happens to be inside the PC and non removable.
A lot of NDA's do cover IP ownership of any work done whilst under the employ of a company. That is only in so far as to direct your attention to what is covered by the NDA. 'This' belongs to the company, 'this' does not.
Pretty sure Amazon sells them in the US. I ordered mine from a local store down here in Australia.
This is pretty similar to what I use, though I have a Kincrome set, because I'm a tool (but mostly because there weren't many other options where I could haggle on the price).
> Yeah, I sure wish I had a dash cam.
a complete cheapass cam runs $20 and is better than nothing. (not an endorsement, but I found this searching amazon: ). A good camera is ~$120 and a few hours to wire in.
I see it's better now, thumbs up for that. If you're on android try relay for reddit—much better than stock.
Also indents work
>And crazy efffects ~~is~~ are built-in
(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ even these emojis
Play store link : Relay for reddit
Promo Video : [Relay](
Just try it out. If on iOS, I've heard appolo is pretty good
Love your plot holes, but 1 correction point, automating the "I Accept" WiFi login pages is easy and automated in apps for phones already.
get this and stick it somewhere hidden and out of the way
it will randomly beep or make other sounds at irregular intervals which makes it hard to pin down where it is or even what's doing it
I think this deserves to be here.
Amazon Link
>Created software that replaced 12+ people in your free time
Yes, and it took me a good 3-4 months of working 4-5 hours everyday AFTER office, not my best work, but it was still pretty good, learnt a lot with it.
>Your boss hated that
Because he hated to eat his words that I won't be able to make it
>You sensed that might happen and built in a kill switch
I'd worked my ass off on that thing, I wasn't just gonna hand it over to a person who wasn't known for common human decency, so 3-4 days of extra work and added that thing, if he's jealous and petty, I can be pettier 😈
>I'm sure that's all part of golangs stdlib
Yes it is, you can check.
>This software was compatible with your next job
With some modifications, they already were implementing something like that, I just saved them some money
>Are you some cbs crime show writer
😄😆 no man, but that was funny
Actually, that quote is from an old Jewish text called the "Talmud".
George Hubert just listed it in a compilation of popular quotes.
> negative eugenics
A definition:
> >Eugenics - the study of or belief in the possibility of improving the qualities of the human species or a human population, especially by such means as discouraging reproduction by persons having genetic defects or presumed to have inheritable undesirable traits (negative eugenics) or encouraging reproduction by persons presumed to have inheritable desirable traits (positive eugenics).
AFAIK, USA never practiced executions like Nazi Germany. But it did practice forced sterilization.
> "(...) a significant number of sterilizations continued in a few states through the 1970s."
> "The Oregon Board of Eugenics, later renamed the Board of Social Protection, existed until 1983, with the last forcible sterilization occurring in 1981."
And much more recently...
> "148 female prisoners in two California institutions were sterilized between 2006 and 2010 in a supposedly voluntary program, but it was determined that the prisoners did not give consent to the procedures."
Granted, majority of American sterilization programs ended in the 40s, in the aftermath of WWII. But the racism and prejudice persisted, which was enough for some programs to continue for another 40 years.
What to do depends on the severity of the hack really. If it's just your Amazon account then as was said by someone else, get in touch with Amazon.
For safety, if it were me, I would start by resetting ALL of your passwords, and don't use the same password for each service. You're also going to want to get your computer(s) checked by professionals (you can do it yourself if you know how or are confident to Google technical solutions and follow steps) as you may be infected with some malware that is monitoring you and could just catch your password changes.
The most likely scenario is that you reused passwords, some website you used in the past got hacked and your email/password combo is now out in the world. Enterprising scumbags check the credentials on these lists against common sites to see if they work. This is a site for checking if your credentials may have been part of a breach.
This is not a conclusive plan and I'm sure someone could give you a better strategy, but the bottom line is unless you know what exactly has been hacked and how, you must assume it's total and every login you care about has to be changed, and your computer(s) need to be thoroughly checked.
Best of luck with it and don't be afraid to ask for assistance or advice from a local computer store (preferably not one run by a 60 something former IT manager!).
The gold leaf in this is AWFUL. It sticks to everything. When mixing it with my daughter my whole hands turned gold. She had a blast!
Elmer’s Gue Premade Slime, Unicorn Dream Slime Kit, Includes Fun, Unique Add-Ins, Variety Pack, 3 Count
I got a real /r/thatHappened vibe from this. Right there with you.
It happened 3-4 years ago, so let's say 2013, end of Mists of Pandaria, that's more than enough time for to still show existing characters. My hunter from BC still shows on even though the account it's on has been inactive for 2 months and if this guy is logging into an account every single day to shitpost some guy, he would obviously know a character name or two to give us as proof. Character would be locked at level 90 but would still show on the armory.
If not, there would at least be proof of this guy posting on WoW forums, etc. with his character name trying to get his account unbanned. He wouldn't just take it laying down, especially if he was that much of a supernerd.
This one sounds more like what you described.
I have a dash cam for the front window but decided I probably should get one for the back window too, just a basic budget model. I ended up going with this one for $25.
I was surprised to find that it also has a shock sensor and will start recording when it gets moved hard enough. It almost always turns on just from motion of me getting in the car (before I've put the key in the ignition).
I was really shocked it had that feature at that price.
Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your point of view), this is simply not correct. Normally when people say something like this, they mean one person in particular. This man actually was never a "General Authority", the term "Elder" can mean different things in different contexts in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. So, really only one guy, and not a leader in the church as members would recognize. This man in particular also was never a trained academic. Interestingly, some of the scholars (actual PhDs) who did participate in those New World Archaeological Foundation expeditions have published very interesting books regarding a Pre-Columbian Mesoamerican setting for the Book of Mormon.*
But to make sure we are actually talking about the same person, you are going to have to name names and provide proof of your statement.
I'm always open to new information, but I will correct people who rehash misleading statements.
Another PhD who participated in the archaeological expeditions is Dr. John Sorenson. He wrote a 600 odd page book describing MesoAmerican warfare, armor, weapons, fortifications, governance, road construction, home construction, religion, biology, metalurgy, by drawing from an 80 page bibliography, most from non-Mormon archaeologists. If you are interested then here is the book
It's the SwiftKey app, available in the play store, and I believe it's in the apple store as well, but I'm not sure. Then you go into the settings and there's an option for arrow keys.
Yup - the only way to truly get around this is by using a quality VPN that you trust and ensuring that all your computer/phone's traffic goes out over this connection.
I definitely do this whenever I'm on any network that I don't trust or control (so, anywhere outside of immediate family/friends and my personal network). Not to start a fight over preferred providers, but I've been extremely happy with ProtonVPN (check around - you can usually find a good deal on them for far less than their website).
As part of the political shift that, as you pointed out, started in Constantine's reign.
Humans gonna human and shift blame when they can.
BTW, have you looked into the book, "The Myth of Persecution: How Early Christians Invented a Story of Martyrdom"? Seems like an interesting read.
Oh, that one isn’t too bad. Notice on the front where it says “over 1 million scoville?” I thought you had this which is 9 million scoville. The one you have does have extract in it - note the bottom where Chile extract is the second to last ingredient. However, the fact that it is second to last means it’s in a pretty small concentration. It will still be pretty hot since the first ingredients being reapers and scorpions followed by vinegar means it’s basically a pepper mash.
That one you could try a drop on a chip and be fine. I mean, relatively speaking. It will still be decently hot depending on your tolerance for spicy stuff. But it’s not straight extract. If you’re concerned, definitely start with the toothpick. Though, keep in mind since it has peppers (and this pulp/seeds) and isn’t just pure extract, once you start using drops of the stuff, you might have relative “hot spots” where a drop has pulp and seed compared to the toothpick that did not.
Hope that helps!
A little late, but I've had zero problems using this one that's on the play store :
Some phones might need root access to properly record, mostly depends on how the manufacturer configured parts of android.
>From my understanding of punch carding systems they use a system time on a server.
This is where you're wrong unfortunately. Not all time punch machines are connected to the internet. I worked for a company about 15 years ago that used a machine like this, and as you can see, it's still an item being sold for use even today.
>Its the individuals hours that are tallied. By changing the actual time the hours would still be there, just not at the right time.
Not unless they worked for an additional hour at the end of their shift.
>I think what OP is saying is that they changed his work schedule without telling him.
No, you just didn't understand that it's possible to have a time card machine that isn't connected to the internet (therefore the time on that machine is independent of everything else). Their machine is connected to the order system, BUT it's not connected to anything outside of the store to independently manage and correct discrepancies in the clock's time.
>Which, I believe, is actually perfectly legal in some states.
It might fall under constructive dismissal, depending on the state laws.
this collection is a good starting point. Be warned, it's a bit more avant garde than John LeCarre, but he's generally regarded as one of the masters of science fiction from the golden age of the 1950s-1960s.
They are indeed partial tang, with plastic handles (like cutcos), and no rivets. The funny part is that it'll still outperform the cutcos, but if those things matter to you:
Here, same knife with rosewood handles, rivets, full tang construction, and it's $3 less than the fibrox version.
Victorinox has a lifetime warranty on defects and has a great reputation for sometimes even honoring the warranty when a knife fails from user abuse. Yes I know all about the gimmicky "infinity guarantee" and it can indeed sound like an absolutely amazing warranty to the uneducated buyer. Unfortunately once you realize that you are paying ~50x what the knives are actually worth it doesn't sound so awesome anymore. And for sharpening, I pay $3 for my 2 knives over 6 inches and $2 for the 3 under once a year to have them sharpened. That's $3 more than cutco charges for the shipping cost, and if I bought the full victorinox set for $160 vs the 6 piece set from cutco for $676 it would cost $16/year to sharpen all of them or 32 years to break even.
Btw, I know it looks like I'm obsessed about the fibrox knives or something, but I wouldn't even personally buy them for myself (although I have for friends just getting into cooking). The fibrox line is a great budget level knife line, but for only $20-30 more a knife you start being able to grab a MAC, Global, or Tojiro DP knives that are as much better than the fibrox as the fibrox is to cutcos. I'm simply using it to demonstrate just how much of a ripoff Cutcos are even when compared to a budget level knife.
This is a complicated question with many factors in play. Let me take a stab at it. The policies of Daley's father. I would suggest reading this.
Decades ago, Blacks and other minorities attempted to move into those areas facing great resistance. Whites fled, businesses fled with them. Riots happened after King's death. Flood of cheap drugs in the 80's. The building of giant public housing complexes. Horner/Stateway/Rockwell Gardens. The power of gangs in those areas. Things are slowly changing. Back in the late 80's you wouldn't dream of going near Chicago Stadium, now the United Center. Now it's different. Humbolt Park out West used to known as a really bad it's improving in increments
I'd also suggest reading this.
you should probably get some of these too, make em chain their shorts if they come by
yeah i want one that plugs into my cig lighter. My roomate has this one in his bmw and it seems like a pretty good one. The video quality is pretty good and it's very small.
Prey is also a good one, with similar features... plus has the benefit of being completely free for basic, with the option of upgrading to premium features.