> Las Pozas ("the Pools") was created by Edward James, more than 2,000 feet (610 m) above sea level, in a subtropical rainforest in the mountains of Mexico. It includes more than 80 acres (32 ha) of natural waterfalls and pools interlaced with towering Surrealist sculptures in concrete.
Louis Khan was one of the great architects of the 20th century. Brilliant builder, challenges as a human(but who will remember that in 200 years?)
There's a movie where his son discovers his father's work and life: My Architect: A Son's Journey
There's an interesting documentary on Netflix about Bjarke Ingels who designed this https://www.netflix.com/watch/80093807?trackId=14170289&tctx=0%2C3%2Ca0a456ee-5f11-4b41-ab95-2ea6b64b934d-44459901
It took me a while to remember where that place is, even though I know it very well: Carre de la Volta dels Tamborets looking from Passeig del Born towards Carrer de l'Esparteria. The name of that passage translates to ~~"vault of the stools"~~ (EDIT: I was doubting because "tamboret" can also mean "snare drum", so I've checked the city nomenclator. Apparently the street was named after an old profession, some kind of shipyard carpentry.)
By the way, El Barri Gòtic is a bit up towards the mountains. That picture is taken in La Ribera and those streets are the few remains of the part of the old city that the spanish troops razed to the ground.
A Google image search of “stavkirke konstruksjon” should give you an idea. I tried to find some good sources in English but couldn’t find any good ones.
Here’s a simple explanation, with pictures: https://www.slideshare.net/JerryDaperro/stave-church-norway
Pretty classic European ideals in the 60's and 70's, right? I still see the concept but I've never seen it working except for in that one place in Alaska
That's not it. Turn Street View so that you're facing behind the van, click forward twice, then turn left and you'll see it.
Edit: To phrase things perhaps more clearly, the link you've posted is right next door to the house in the photo.
Edit #2: Holy crap, I'm in Google Street View! That's me loading up my (ex-)wife's Durango!
If you're interested, here's the view from the back of the Chapel over Sedona itself (hosted at flickr for filesize purposes): https://www.flickr.com/photos/noaceulemans/8788542756/
I recommend you stop by /r/UnitedStatesofAmerica for more photography of the USA :)
better version here
the building had been cleaned probably using one of those high pressure water thingies
> look at my posts, i alwayts give credit when i post the work of others, and also this memes are a collage of two photos i see on internet.
I will do for you:
Yuval Helfman
the slowdown has begun, but the developers, namely REITs, have the money to continue building. It hasn't gotten to a burst bubble where you'll see unfinished buildings throughout the skyline of the hyperscraper next door. I wouldn't rule it out from happening however. But it is a few years away (basically developers who are just breaking ground now on building are riding coattails and they are going to get hurt). IMHO.
Most run of the mil millionaires live like described in Stanley's The Millionaire Next Door. I recommend the book and I recommend buying index funds :-)
That's a beautiful building, beautiful on the inside too. There are some good pictures of the interior here; http://www.tripadvisor.com/LocationPhotoDirectLink-g187791-d245874-i116627713-The_Jewish_Museum_of_Rome-Rome_Lazio.html
well, it's maybe a 15 minute walk. All of central Amsterdam is near Centraal
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~~Google says this is it, but it's impossible to tell through the trees.~~
Crossposted from the new subreddit /r/SwedenPics, dedicated to photography of Sweden and all things Swedish: http://www.reddit.com/r/SwedenPics/comments/2jrpm3/r%C3%A5dhusetcourt_house_metro_station_in_stockholm/
It is - they've really been messing it up in the last year or two.
Click the arrows in the top right corner. Then click the arrow in the bottom right corner for a list of available resolutions.
Think I'll use my Ipernity account instead from now on. What do you think about this link? http://www.ipernity.com/doc/bent.tranberg/22994325/sizes/o
I would love to have shared a better picture, but this one I took with my Galaxy S3 and HDR app is the best I've found so far.
Here are some more pics I made. Here is what it normally looks like.
It's been mostly empty for many years now, but I'm very happy the council has decided to buy and turn it into the new city library and cultural center.
Hello artists, all architecture & design lovers ❗️👋
🔭Have you ever had to face difficulties finding the right tools for your artwork and passion?🧐
🤓I'm an artist myself, and pretty often I had to...
📝SO I made this comprehensive list of the necessary equipment for all the creative people here.
Instead of making long spreadsheets on Excel, try to make your comprehensive list on listium.com .
It doesn't matter what kind of category your list is. It's easier with this new platform.
This place is fascinating! As an intern at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, MA I got to work on a book about the Empresses that lived there during the Qing dynasty. The girls were taken from their families when they were very young (~8-13 if I remember correctly) and prepared for life as an empress. They lived in seclusion, interacting with each other and eunuchs only. They competed with one another for the emperors favoritism in order for their sons to be chosen as heirs. IIRC they were allowed to visit their family once a year but otherwise stayed within the compound.
Actually this photo is part of the photography book - "Tadao Ando’s Church of the Light". Almost 30 people from all over the world who visited the place in different years took part in crafting this book by contributing photo-memories of the Church as they saw it during their journey. And I’m one of them.
I do not intend to self-promo (um, maybe just a little bit), but to contribute to subreddit, so I put the book on free (e-book) and if you are familar with Tadao Ando’s works or just like photography, contemporary & concrete buildings this book might be interesting to you. We really hard-worked to make this book happen.
You may get it for free within the next 2 days here: Amazon
P.S. A few words of review will be highly appreciated of course.
Photo: Andrew Pham