Cyclopian Horror -
Class: Neutral
Card type: Minion
Rarity: Epic
Mana cost: 4
Card text: Taunt. Battlecry: Gain +1 Health for each enemy minion.
Attack: 3
HP/Dura: 3
Source: Old Gods Stream
Workout 3 times a week lift heavy, meditate daily, get hobbies other than hearthstone, it is just a game man play it only for fun and don't take it seriously. Know that not everything is under your control and you should do only what you can to the best of it. Read Meditations by Marcus Aurelius to develop stoic mindset.
Class: Rogue
Card type: Minion
Rarity: Epic
Mana cost: 5
Card text: Battlecry: Choose a friendly minion. Add a 1/1 copy to your hand that costs (1).
Attack: 4
HP/Dura: 4
Source: KnoHS Stream
Class: Druid
Card type: Minion
Rarity: Common
Mana cost: 6
Card text: Taunt, Battlecry: Give your C'thun +3/+3 (Wherever it is)
Attack: 5
HP/Dura: 7
Other notes: English name unconfirmed. Literal translation: Dark Arakkoa
Source: hcm1008
Class: Warrior
Card type: Minion
Rarity: Rare
Mana cost: 3
Card text: Battlecry: Give a random weapon in your hand +1/+1.
Attack: 3
HP/Dura: 3
Other notes:
Source: ESPN eSports
Class: Hunter
Card type: Minion
Rarity: Common
Mana cost: 5
Card text: Battlecry: If you have a Beast, summon a random Beast
Attack: 3
HP/Dura: 3
EDIT: Revealed on the Lifecoach's stream
Twilight Geomancer -
Class: Neutral
Card type: Minion
Rarity: Common
Mana cost: 2
Card text: Taunt Battlecry: Give your C'Thun Taunt (wherever it is).
Attack: 1
HP/Dura: 4
Source: Old Gods Stream
Class: Neutral
Card type: Minion
Rarity: Legendary
Mana cost: 6
Card text: Battlecry: Add 2 Bananas to your hand
Attack: 5
HP: 5
Other notes: Beast Tribe Tag
Source: Millenium
Hi! You can use a streaming software and save the content on your computer instead of broadcasting it to a streaming platform. I tried several of them, and I chose OBS (easy to setup and use, and free) : korax.
Traffic stats disagree. We've been removing a lot of chaff in order to funnel the discussion primarily into the 9 theory-crafting/Deck Review threads + AskCompHS thread following the release of TGT. If you look into those threads, and their predecessors, there is a lot of great discussion going on!
We do appreciate your feedback on our managing of it, however, we've also got several great comments + personal messages of appreciation from the users, so it's hard pleasing everyone. Our goal is to find the best balance that we can, and your feedback helps us do that for the future.
If good discussion in a high-ranking post has been generated and the OP is being active, we will leave the thread up, regardless of the quality of the original post. (Apart from at the moment, where because of the TGT frenzy, we've been nipping threads in the bud if they're 0-effort posts). However, we're not going to encourage people posting 'Look I got top 100 on the 15th with this standard list' when they're putting 0 effort into a 1-line post.
For reference, this is the last 24 hours of removed posts. Apparently people can't read the large, bold meta thread at the top of the sub-reddit currently, nor the posting guidelines on the sidebar. We actively moderate as we do to avoid the constructive and positive threads being pushed off the front page by chaff.
Shows 55% and 50% respectively for me? No need for snarky comments; the meta-snapshot has got a lot better on the back of the feed-back Tempo Storm received. If they saw your earlier comment on the /r/hearthstone thread and subsequently fixed it then you can have no complaints.
This is my scenario. I know it's eboladin, I'm playing control warrior myself. I'm not sure whether I should use my fiery war axe or armor up and shield slam. During the game I used armor up + shield slam, but I'm not sure. Please help me out here :D
Hey all :)
So I believe, unlike the rest of the world. That the old Zoo is not dead. I've been running this list with some slight changes with a lot of success. Anyway there are two cards I can't quite settle on. The two leper gnomes are my last flex slots and I can't decide what cards should go there. Some possibilities are: Argent squire, Elven archer, Clockwork Gnome, and most any other good one drop. One of them could also be the second owl in the deck.
Advice on any other card is fabulous as well :)
Fastlock: 34 wins, 14 losses, overall winrate of 70.8%
This comment led to an interesting discussion on our discord, in which I've given some useful tips that might interest others as well. It's a bit difficult to summarize it here.
Reminder that you can join our discord and talk to me directly about whatever insights we've found in the report.
I hope this doesn't come off as too 'self-promotion'-y :)
It did until their last update. Arcane Tracker no longer links to Track-o-Bot. You can see on the Google Play description that it is now
> from the makers of and Hearthstone Deck Tracker
and all mention of Track-o-Bot has been removed, along with any way to submit data to VS. As a mobile-only player I was highly disappointed when that change was made right after the Rastakhan expansion.
I know some people won't like crafting questions, but I'm not sure what to craft, Mecha'thun, Subject 9 or King Togwaggle. I have the cards to make the rest of the appropriate decks (Mecha'thun Priest/Druid, Secret Hunter, Togwaggle Druid), just I haven't pre-ordered and don't play too much since Witchwood, so lack the new legendaries.
What cards do you guys think is better for short term, and what's better long term?
Edit: Seeing a huge range of answers with great justification for each. I legit have every viable legendary up to Witchwood (bar Warrior DK (hence not mentioning Mecha'thun Warrior) and Togwaggle)
I've set up a poll if anyone would be so kind as to answer:
Many thanks to all who've answered so far
Just in case anyone wants a completely non-analytical way of looking at this, you can use a Monte Carlo simulation to estimate the results.
Here's a jsfiddle that simulates this case 10000 times:
Just click "Run" in the top menu.
You can tweak the health of the minion and the number of trials easily in the bottom left. You can see in the source and the results that once the minion is dead, all shots hit face, so there are no "impossible" outcomes.
Since this is a simulation, the results will be different on each run and won't be exactly the 11/16 you get analytically. But you can see that the results of each simulation are about 11/16, and the more trials you do the closer it gets.
Just for the hands-on people who don't actually want to flip coins all afternoon to help get a sense of why a result (11/16 times it dies!) that might not seem intuitive to all is still the correct answer.
The previous post on the topic was very strange to me, so I wrote a basic simulator (that reinforced my gut feeling, that climbing with a more consistent deck is better). It doesn't consider what might be the best strategy (get two quick wins with fast decks, then switch to a consistent deck), though.
If you're interested, it's here.
Hey guys, here is my Dragon Rogue using Malygos as a game closer ! I would like you guys to give me some feed back on it, especialy on the vendors...don't know if I should switch them for two Healbots/Farseers.
Thanks for the advices.
I did actually have bloodlust in the first version of this deck! I like your deck, I do think mine might be a bit greedy, but I guess I'm playing a later curve than you!
I have only really lost to pala when they have perfect draw, I was thinking about taking out a totemcarver (like you said seems a bit win-more) and maybe subbing out something else for two rockbiters. I do think 1 Earth shock is enough for me at the moment though!
EDIT: changed the deck up a bit
- 1 neptulon -1 totemcarver +2 rockbiter
Three things that you can try:
Switching your deck (especially to the deck that is giving you trouble!): If you're struggling with Secret Paladin, play it for a few games and see it from the other side. You can learn a lot about how to play the matchup by losing with a deck that you struggle against. Alternatively you can try switching to a deck that counters the problem deck like switching to Zoo/Tempo Mage for druid or Freeze Mage for secret paladin.
Record your games and watch them again. You can record games locally using a program like OBS or Nvidia Shadowplay (if you have an Nvidia GPU). You almost always will see a suboptimal play/mistake when you review a game again, or at the very least, you can see alternative lines of play that might have worked better. Hearthstone Deck Tracker also has a replay function although it's a bit primitive.
Watch streams of a deck you want to play: Take a break from actually playing and watch someone else play the deck, preferably a high level player. See if you would make the plays that they would make. This is a good way of "cooling off" if you're on tilt but still want to do something Hearthstone related to improve.
> Why is cubelock not being nerfed?
Cubelock is fine. If it gets nerfed, it will be because of how it effects Blizzard's plans moving into future expansions.
> I've played Kripp's quest warrior
Kripp is not a Spike constructed player. He intentionally plays mediocre decks that he makes rather than good ones made by others. If you're trying to win more, don't use Kripp decks. Additionally, quest warrior is a pretty weak archetype right now and pretty unfavored against cube.
> and a few different variations of competitive tempo mage
Tempo decks are probably the hardest decks in the game to play well so you're certainly making mistakes. Tempo mage games involve switching from a board-centric strategy to a burn plan in basically every matchup and knowing the right time to do that takes a lot of meta knowledge and experience. Tempo mage also involves playing to your outs because you'll have a lot of topdeck lethals if you play the deck correctly. Not maximising damage can close your window and turn a 30% winrate game into a 0% game.
> and big mage
Big mage is just not a strong archetype right now. The card pool is too small to make such a reactive deck work. Early rotation metas (and really hearthstone in general) are about making a proactive strategy work. Cubelock does this, but so do token paladin decks, Spiteful Druid, Odd Rogue, Quest Rogue, Dragon Priest etc. The metagame doesn't have enough diverse reactive tools to counter everything a proactive deck can throw at you and the meta naturally settles on the proactive strategies that don't have clear answers that fit in a viable deck. Over the year, the relative strength of such decks will improve to some degree as the card pool increases.
-1 counterspell -1 conjurer +2 intellect
you cannot go long against mid/control decks without drawing cards, period.
check my twitch and my recent broadcasts for vods of the deck at high legend.
also - yeah, this is the right place to ask these kinds of questions. Thanks for reading the rules first; as a moderator, it warms my cold heart
It's based off of an MTG article which classified players into 3 types. Spike is the player who plays for the win, and doesn't mind playing a "boring" deck if it gets him to the top. Here's the full article:
Any tips on how to improve my zoo deck?
I don't have a single adventure except first wing of Naxx :(
Any tips would be greatly appreciated mate!
I used my version of Malygos Rogue this season to climb from Rank 5 to Legend with a 65% winrate. I think both it and Oil Rogue are strong in the meta at the moment. My list has an easier time against Hunter thanks to the the double Shiv (and has less clunky hands than a double Sprint double Oil list).
One Auto-Barber or a Senjin is a decent tech-in also, as others have said. I'd say the 'correct' amount of healing is one ERF and one Antique Healbot. Piloted Shredder > Teacher if you are meeting Grim Patron/Hunter. I would also recommend running BGH in Rogue, it's great for a tempo-based deck, and gives you a better answer than Sap in quite a few cases (or burning eviscerates/trading in).
No, you can't xfer your stuff. My suggestion is to get an underground VPN. If you use something like ExpressVPN it will disconnect a lot, but underground VPNs are actually more reliable. They will disconnect too, but less often and they're back up quicker. I think this is because the government specifically targets big-name VPNs, but not underground ones
I like others thought inspire was kind of lacking prior to TGT release but holy fucking crap is midrange paladin so much stronger now.
gormok, trueheart, and especially warhorse trainer and MURLOC KNIGHT are all ridiculous cards.
no longer are you forced to run cards like belcher or shredders or lay on hands, the deck has board presence the entire game and that also leads to cards like cult master being fucking ridiculous.
i've been trying saraad and eadric for funsies as well, saraad is actually surprisingly strong and has single handedly won me games (notably ripping a savage roar when I had a full board and letting me do 40+ damage in one turn), eadric hasn't really come into play yet since I either win before he needs to come out or I can endlessly trade my infinite dudes / murlocs into their creatures anyways, I don't think hes worth it overall and will probably cut him for another garrison commander or a silver hand regent.
Decklist I've used so far
Select a deck that you want to play until the end of the season. If you genuinely want to get good at the game pick something skill heavy. If you just want the ranks pick something easy to play. If you pick something difficult to play then you will progress through the ranks slower but when you come to playing easier decks you will pick them up straight away. Right now I would recommend Patron. It's cheap, strong in the meta and has a lot of decision making.
Download OBS. Use this to record yourself.
Play and record three games. When the three games are over review them. Find out the key turns which won or lost you the game and what you could have done differently. Work out if there was a play to win you the game.
Keep doing this. It doesn't matter if you lose ranks, you are improving.
If you find yourself struggling against a particular match up, go through all your recordings, try to find patterns that come up time and again in that matchup.
Study your opponent's mulligan. Try to work out what he has in his hand based on the amount of cards that he kept. Your optimal play is often different if the opponent kept all of his cards to if he mulliganed them all away.
The most important thing though is to remember that your rank doesn't mean anything. It is just pixels. All you should try to do is improve at the game (and enjoy it). Don't tilt and get desperate if you go on a losing streak and lose ranks. Downswings happen. If you evaluate your play you can see whether the fault is your own or that of bad draws.
So I'm participating in F2K_FalconePunch55's Showtime tournament and I've made it to the final opponent Nicslay. I hear he did pretty damn good in the Blizzcon Qualifiers and tends to play a lot of Patron and rogue? I really want to preform my best in this tournament, the prize pool is generously large for the event and I really want to invest it into a streaming setup.
Basically I'm here because as expected in a competitive subreddit, pretty much all of you know what you are talking about. I want help preparing to beat Nicslay and I'm hoping you lot can provide some of it. So lets talk linups.
The 4 decks I bought vs my first opponent were Malygos Torch Freeze Mage, Fuegan/Stallag Renolock, Face Shaman & Elise Fatigue Warrior. My plan here was to target Warrior with my ban and bring my own Warrior as a ban magnet, however while I did get to ban his Warrior as planned, he banned my Warlock instead. As for the other 3 decks, Renolock is by far my most comfortable deck as of lately, Face Shaman (Despite my inexperience with it) feels like a defwin in Conquest atm & Freeze Mage had been working out for me on ladder recently and I felt the surprise factor of Malygos could benefit me. You can watch the VoD of the Bo5 Here.
So anyway I now must face Nicslay in a bo5, my plan is to bring Elise Fatigue Warrior, Face Shaman, Midrange Druid & either Reno or Zoo Lock. I aim to ban Warrior since patron is apparently his best deck.
So I would like to hear:
Thank you all in advance /CompetitiveHS I hope that I will be able to take home the victory on Monday!
Hey man, I'm afraid not. Too much work for my current situation!
I played a variation with Sinister Strike on the way to Legend last season, so you might want to try that. It's quite different, but just as good I think. Better vs. Mid-range/non-Face Hunter Aggro because of the power of Violet Teacher, but not as good at racing Face Hunter, or as good at finishing early vs. Control. You do have to be more careful with Emperor timing, it's a bit more dependent on Maly.
I haven't played Maly, or much Hstone generally, this season.
Well you get the option to bet on your own loss, you are rewarded for the skill of predicting the outcome.
We gain the advantage as observers to not watch 98% win games over 15 turns as it is never truly reasonable to surrender exceot at checkmate.(and even then the enemy could missclick) (except tillt)
And in the end a fundamental part of hearthstones longterm mainstream esport success is how watchable it is. (Just a stupid little badly made poll as visualisation)
Esports is still in its infancy and i think we need to be ready to think outside the box in order to improve and establish it in the mainstream and reveal its full potential.
Yes my post is daring and difficult, is it likely to be applied in this form? No.
But could this approach potentially lead to a slight improvement or be at least worth looking at.
I think yes.
But you are entitled to you opinion, thank you for sharing.
SURE! The only difference is I realized I dropped a harvest golem for a defender of argus for more taunts. I would run out of cards towards the late game but by that time I was pretty far ahead. You are using duplicate to either duplicate an awesome midgame minion (water ele, loatheb, sludge) or a card draw minion, if you can help it. I also had loatheb duplicated against a control warrior during the grind to legend which was hilarious.
I believe this deck is really consistent. You just have to know when to play duplicate (if mad scientist didnt pick it for you) and when to hold it. I would always mulligan for mana worms, scientists, frostbolts, loot hoarders, and undertakers.
At least until I manage to revive my old 7up deck via the Warlock Quest and the new board clear, I am having a lot of fun with this deck. It's one of those deck constructed in a way that give you a different gameplan than dropping critters.
It's also absurdly strong so far, but I think the deck still suffers from lack of card draw.
I saw a deck just like this on Trump's stream last night. Noodled with it and found it to be more consistent/faster like this
Hope I didn't break any rules to post the screenshot.
Basically, if you tell the program to simulate 10 million legend attempts with certain settings, all you get back is the number of attempts that were succesful.
If you repeat the same experiment (i.e. another 10 million attempts) due to the non-deterministic nature of the algorithm you will very likely get a different number.
For each pair of values of (p, N) I did three batches of 10 million simulations each, yielding three different results. In order to limit the impact of randomness I picked the median value (i.e. the one that remains when you discard the highest and the lowest) for each of them.
I'm using Arcane Tracker too, but since I've never heard of Inspire tracker, I was curious about it.
After searching a little, this is what I've found.
Judging by the UI, I believe Arcane Tracker is superior, and since the latter is in the Play Store while the former is not, I would think twice before installing it.
Hey /u/jeeves_1017, the Thalnos question seems to have been covered so I'll comment on the list. Malygos Rogue is a perfectly viable ladder list for any point in the ladder if you build it correctly.
I have been experimenting this season with a variation that includes a Sinister Strike. I'm really happy with the current list; sitting at 68% win rate over the last 3 days and about to hit Legend (took it very slow this month!). In my opinion, it is really important to make the list not all about Malygos; you can see this in my original write-up, and in my current variation. Consistency and flexibility are my two favourite words.
I would definitely recommend fitting Violet Teacher in; when you don't have Oil to worry about that card is a fantastic win-condition and value machine. It helps you be very pro-active in the mid-game - as opposed to hoping to draw your combo quickly before getting run over. Off to work now but will edit further when I get back; hope some of that helps.
I used my version of Malygos Rogue this season to climb from Rank 5 to Legend with a 65% winrate.
When looking at your list, you don't have enough draw for a deck that really wants to draw it's combo pieces + Emperor etc. I know when you look at it it seems enough, but you don't have the opportunity to cycle it all in the early to mid-game in order to hunt for Emperor.
I run double Shiv, one Fan, because double Fan is a liability vs. Patron/Control Warrior (and slower as a cycle when you really want to be saving at least one prep for Malygos). Shiv combos well with Auctioneer and Emperor cost reduction, and helps you out vs. more aggressive decks (allowing you to avoid daggering Leper Gnomes, giving you turn 4 eviscerate/turn 5 SI:7 combos etc.).
Dr. Boom doesn't really fit Malygos Rogue (you don't really need the threat, you just want to draw and clear) - you'd be better off running another draw source - a 2nd Sprint or (my preference) an Auctioneer. I would also recommend trying BGH out - it gives you a better answer than Sap (or burning eviscerates/trading in) in quite a few cases (Dr. Boom!).
I also use one Conceal > Sinister Strike, reasoning for which you can find here.
Hope some of the rambling above helps - I'm not suggesting you take my deck card-for-card and just play it 'because it's better', I'm just offering you some options and suggesting you try them out - find what you like!
This Is the one I currently run, seems to be getting a lot more popular.
Tide's This is the list tides has been using thats also gained some steam, both are good. There may be a couple more variations but these are the 2 i've seen the most.
There's also another version of alex miracle that pulls a sap for a sprint, both are options.
Gotcha. Thanks for the info, it's super helpful. I can put the idea of xfering my stuff to rest now.
Yeah, they definitely target some of the bigger VPNs -- I've had a lot of problems with ExpressVPN. Astrill's better but still has its problems. I'll try out underground ones. In the meantime, I'll settle at rank 5 and go back to playing Arena.
> I'm on my phone now
If you have an android phone, there's actually a deck tracker, the one I use is called Arcane Tracker. It's not perfect, but it works pretty well if you don't have access to a computer.
A bit off-topic: I play a lot on my phone also, and recently found this one to track my games: Hope will help you :wink:
Back on topic: I will definitely try this one. I got kicked my arse with my Aggro Pala and Tempo Rogue by decks looking like this one. Imho next month the meta will be really dominated by Pala and Priests and Locks, we might see decks like these more often I guess...
Try to gain an understanding of the game state that is deep enough that, when you lose, you can understand why. Did you make some sort of misplay at any point? Note it and move on as a lesson learned. Did your opponent draw the nuts? Don't beat yourself up about it. Some days Lady Luck just hates you.
As you get better, try to extend this to your wins, as well. What did you do correctly, and how did your opponent react to it properly (or not)? Did your opponent make any misplays, and did you take advantage of them if they happened? Or did you win by luck alone? This sort of insight can help bring a levelheadedness to your gameplay.
Regarding your opponents: While BMing and the odd emote are fun, and arguably part of the lore and expected gameplay of Hearthstone, you, personally, should never feel contempt or hatred towards your opponent. If this is happening to you, you need to put the game aside and calm down.
If this happens to you in every match (or at least most of them), regardless of past wins or losses, you should concentrate on placing your emotions under your control, as a life goal, before you resume playing any competitive games. I recommend mindfulness meditation, particularly the version described in Mindfulness in Plain English, by Bhante Henepola Gunaratana.
As long as we're talking meditative literature, Siddhartha, by Herman Hesse, is particularly relevant in places, especially when gambling is discussed. This book is not just for people who are interested in mindfulness, but all readers.
I usually do a video-recording of my screen when playing Ranked, the quality does not have to be that high, so the vid does not eat up to much space.
When I loose, I try to look at the video right away, because I usually have a rough feeling where I made an error, and my thought process from the game is still there. It always amazes me what you see when looking at the game a second time, many things you just were not aware of or completely missed during the actual game.
I started with his method because I was playing a lot on my phone, where tracking software is not available. After I found AZ Screen Recorder I started with the videos.
I do not know if this is the most effective method, but it has helped me a lot.
Hiya! On Android devices it looks like you may be able to use Google Play Games to record gameplay videos, view them after, and even upload direct to Youtube. The Nexus 7 here says it can store four hours of gameplay video at 720p, which is crazy. You could video your Hearthstone sessions that way and extract any screenshots you need from the videos, even.
If Google Play Games doesn't support this in your area, you could also try AZ Screen Recorder.
I just downloaded this, looks pretty good. It looks like you have to fill in everything manually and it doesn't looks like you could say which specific decks you won / lost against, but that's okay I guess.
This has been my recent attempt at a new hunter deck archetype. It has a bit of everything, but it's basicly a midranged with a bit more late game oriented.
I have ram wrangler because of the fact that you it gets charge when played off of Tundra, so it's a great 10 mana combo, and I also use Tundra to charge off Highmane. It's basically a taunt, because if it doesn't get killed, you can get a charged highmane, and the hyenas it drops, also gets charge.
This is my current deck, minus a Sprint at the bottom as it's cut off
I don't have a lot of cards so I'm making do with what I've got but so far I've won 5 out of 6 unranked games and the one I lost was my fault for missing lethal. I find Beneath The Ground is such a good card!
Any thoughts on how to improve the deck?
Updated list. Call pet has been doing serious work. I did take out one because 2 was lackluster, but the other one is not leaving this list. I've played it turn 2 twice, played a 2-mana highmane on turn twice, and both times the opponent quit out instantly, at rank 4. Even when it doesn't draw a beast it's been drawing me cards that do work the next turn.
Climbed from rank 5 to 3 with no problem so far. 11-1
Hey if you're facing a lot of aggro I'd recommend running my Sinister Strike variation. Auto-Barber + double Fan + double Violet Teacher is really good vs. Aggro.
I would not cut Sap altogether, it's still pretty good vs. Aggro (Scientist, Leper Gnome, buffed cards etc.). The changes you made make it really hard to beat Mid-range/Control. You also don't have any silence targets in the deck so it's unlikely Sludge Belcher will do much. In the Sinister I linked you could try cutting a Drake for a second Shiv, but otherwise the list should be pretty solid vs. Aggro. Make sure you're mulliganing aggressively for Prep + removal.
If you want to stick with the original list you can cut a Drake for Fan, and Conceal or BGH for a Sen'jin or Auto-Barber perhaps.
I love the idea of having the shadowboxer replaced with gilbin and I'll try it out. The whole idea though was having a stealth minion to almost guarantee a velens target. This is my current list. I have modified it to be more proactive and seems to work out fairly well. Handlock is near impossible to win. You need to make zero mistakes.
Download OBS (free). Record your games. Play them back and try to see if there was any order you could have played your cards to win. This is the best way to improve bar having an expert spectate your games and tell you your misplays. Even then you should both go over everything.
> Getting the legend proof out of the way early:
Use for smooth images, it was made for reddit :) Just a tip on the way, and thanks for sharing that post and those decks with us!
Well, your first steps would be research the minimum/recommend specs for Hearthstone and use that as your benchmark. Pretty much all modern computers/laptops can "watch Youtube videos and Word Process", so if you can figure out what specs you require specifically for HS then you can start researching into prices for computers.
Then you'd need to actually visit electrical/computer shops in your country/town/city or find the model you want to see what kind of prices you can get for it online.
I was thinking about it too. Drake is really poor vs. Aggro, and often too slow in Zoo/Mid-range match-ups. My thought process was running Snobold + Shiv to replace Drake, allowing us to run Belcher at 5. Having the spell damage a turn earlier for Backstab/Prep-Fan, and the high-health body is definitely appealing. Getting to run Belcher is also a huge plus.
This is an anti-aggro list I could see using near the start of the season. Obviously it's got a bad Warrior/Priest match-up, would definitely be a meta call. I'd cut a Shiv/Fan for the 2nd Oil, just uploaded it quickly while theory-crafting. Could run 1/2 Snobold and 2/1 Shredder vs. a more varied meta game.
I'm also excited to see if it makes a slower Rogue more viable when you can make your 'Tempo' removal a lot more efficient with the spell damage.
Here's the updated code. Let me know what you find out, I'm too lazy to work out the results.
The short version: if you start with 65% aggro and switch to 80% control, it takes 67.5 +-17 games, of those about half (31.7) games are playing the aggro. If you just play the 80% control, it takes 55+-10 games.
So, if aggro time is A and control time is C, you need 31A+36C < 55C, hence 31 aggro games being faster than 19 control games to show a profit. I don't think that's the case, based on the stats published in the 60,000 game lengths thread, but there's a lot more exploration to be done on this, I think.
No idea where the OP is, but a Xiaomi tablet (Mi Pad 4) might fit the bill without breaking the bank :)
Not sure how it'll perform with a deck tracker in the background, but I play Hearthstone on a lower specced Xiaomi and it works well.
So probably late, but last 2 days I've maxed out daily gold limit just on tavern brawl with shaman. 67 wins. probably around 6 or so losses. Games take ~5 minutes (1 run won 10 in an hour).
Since I don't want to sign up to imgur, my list was.
2 Earth shock 2 Echoing Ooze 2 Flametongue totem 2 Haunted Creeper 2 Ironbeak Owl 2 Whirling Zap-o-matic 2 Hex 2 Lil' Exorcist 2 Mind Control Tech 1 Baron Rivendare 2 Piloted Shredder 1 Spellbreaker 2 Bloodlust 2 Sludge Belcher 2 Fire Elemental 2 Sea Giant
It's tough to say what card was the pure and clear stand out MVP. Bloodlust did close out a ton of games on turn 5-6. Whirling is a powerhouse if not stopped immediately. The synergy between echoing ooze and flametounge totem is amazing (makes wisp and target dummies real threats), 5 silences stops taunts and the fact that 4 of them are 1-2 mana is great for tempo. Shredder is amazing when it pops out 2 creatures and game ending when it can pop out 4 with Baron (rare but it does happen). Your opponent needs silence for belcher but rare that they have it since all your creatures need to be silence. MCT and Lil' are alright but necessary imo. Fire elemental amazingly carries a lot of weight. Sea giant, amazingly, is probably the weakest card in the deck but..I can't see building without it. Maybe a pair of crackles would be better but, I think this list is top-notch.
The only trouble (i.e. rare games I've lost) are to hunters with lots of rush and traps. They can keep up the aggro of this list plus they have mass removal and the hunters hero power is tough to overcome if you're already low on life.
This patron mirror from yesterdays Session. Was almost 30 min game and last game of evening. Was super exhausted after trying to calculate all possible lethals for like 15 turns. Haven't played THAT much this deck yet to see all the possible damages automaticly.
Ghoul+2x Frothing+Warsong+Armorsmith -->3x WW isn't too hard to calculate as its 2x3x6+2+2+4+1 =45 + 4 draws for the opponent. However it gets trickier with Ghoul+Frothing+Patron+Warsong+Inner Rage+3x WW. What is the max damage you can get from hand with patrons? I've gotten to 48 so far, but I'm not sure about the spawning orders and sequencing.
On top of this he obviously draws 4 cards so there will be fatigue damage.
I'm glad we got the same value for getting at least 1 stealth occurrence in the 5 adapts for Galvadon to be the same, 0.83. When you added the likelyhood for two effects you forgot something very important, you can only choose one at a time. This kills the probabilities. I calculated if you wanted to get two and only two effects, the likely hood after 5 adapts is only 69% (not the 98% you say). I have it written down, reminder that p = 0.3, the likely hood of getting exactly one effect from one adapt. I just followed the branches and multiplied the conditional probabilities then added all the ones that ended with S and W, Stealth and Windfury, N is neither.
> could you also post your bash scripts?
They weren't really meant for sharing, I just wrote some random stuff. The only meaningful one is this:
It has been slightly modified to be usable outside of my computer, but that's pretty much what I used.
It just prints out a bunch of numbers. Everything else was literally just stupid pipelines to format them into something that could be imported into google docs.
Completely agree. I used to keep a notebook for that. But now there is an app in overwolf called firestone that does just that. Only on pc though. It can be found here:
In addition, you are undervaluing playstyle and personal preferences in a competitive environment.
I'll give a zero-sum game like chess as an example. You would think that playstyle would be irrelevant, but I would direct you to an article like this:
Highly respected top-tier players (GMs) in the world, aside from the occasional pragmatic player like Magnus or Anand all have strengths and weaknesses that they around. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses as a player is key to performing well.
To give examples in hearthstone, I would point you to highly respected players such as Fibonacci or Zetalot who consistently hit legend with their respective decks. I personally know that Paladin suits my playstyle the best, and have consistently been hitting legend with the class, as far back as TGT when they were considered pretty garbage.
I would argue to you that it's so much more important to know the reasons behind card choices & how to play them than it is to know the detailed statistics if you are aiming to improve your competitive skill & win rate, which is why my advice focuses on gameplay situations.
How to improve this deck? Don't have enough to craft 2nd Wisp of the Old Gods and Mulch, any recommendations for improvement please?
This is my collection:
I have 0 dust even tho it says otherwise since I crafted stuff that you see in the deck including legendary, yogg etc.
Any tips on how to improve my zoo deck?
I don't have a single adventure except first wing of Naxx :(
Any tips would be greatly appreciated mate!
I've gotten to rank 3 with a hobgoblin priest 2 seasons ago. This decklist - lance carrier + shrinkmeister.
I'm fairly sure museum curator would work in the deck, but i have to grind the gold first.
I've been laddering with hobgoblin priest, and its been working fairly well, but i'm not sure how should i improve it. i've had 2 squires at first and 1 nova, but it feels like squires are useless against control without buffs, so i cut one.
I've been playing around with a priest hobgoblin deck. I think its far from competitive, but if refined a bit, could be a fun deck. I'm not really sold on argent squires, while they're great against aggro, against control they feel realy underwhelming if not comboed.
I've been tinkering with hunter lately, and wanting to see how a lock and load deck would work came up with this instead.
Since i usually have a couple of early minions the curve is topheavy enough that Elekk is often a free draw. Same thing with experimenter, i can usually get a spell off him. The idea is to weather the storm early game with traps, bow and removal, and then finish them off with either big minions or leeroy + unleash or other burst. I'm around rank 5 with this so while it isn't the strongest of competition, i'm facing mostly legit decks.
I've been tinkering with hunter lately, and wanting to see how a lock and load deck would work came up with this instead.
Since i usually have a couple of early minions the curve is topheavy enough that Elekk is often a free draw. Same thing with experimenter, i can usually get a spell off him. The idea is to weather the storm early game with traps, bow and removal, and then finish him off with either big minions or burst.
edited out errors
This is a deck I've been using since coming back to the game after about a two year hiatus. I've reached ranked level 18 with ease in Standard, but I'm wondering if there are some easy upgrades or other cards I should consider for various slots.
This is basically Reynad's aggro face warrior deck from like 3 years ago with some slight modifications.
Hello /r/CompetitiveHS I'm fairly new to HS (played for around 2 weeks) i managed to end at rank 16 last season (which ik probably isn't good) and i was wondering what I could do in order to make my deck better. Deck building has been the hardest thing for me to learn because I search a guide and don't own 40% of the cards needed for the deck. I have not bought nax or blackrock but will likely buy them in the next week however for now what could I do to improve my deck? This is my deck currently: keep in mind i am a mage main and don't own many cards let alone legendaries. Also i know kind mukla isnt a very good card but its about the best 3 drop i have. One last thing I don't really know what stuff like zoo means (i know a few things like control warrior and tempo mage cause I started watching Trump to get better)
Stats for Ranks 16-5. My stats looked about the same for the Rank 5-Legend climb last season.
I'd say Aggro Paladin is pretty rough (Divine Favour). Any Mill/Fatigue decks (not that I've faced any). Anything that curves well into a Loatheb. Oil Rogue is slightly favoured against you, as is a defensive Control Warrior draw (despite stats). Priest and Hunter are very favourable match-ups, Malylock and Handlock also. Ramp Druid also. Sorry I'm rambling rather - very tired! Only got the match-up section to write of my article and struggling to cover it concisely!
I have screenshoted some situations, where I would like to hear your opinions:
You can comment on imgbox or here :)
I play all decks a secret pala with 6 or 7 secrets.
I think its better to not post my thoughts first.
Thank you for your answers. Sadly, I literally only have 10 dust left (crafted Sylvanas 2 days ago because I could use it in a lot of decks) and I am not able to craft it. Also, maybe Im not looking right, but if I try to google a Miracle Rogue version with Alexstrasza I don't find anything.
Edit: is this it?
For those not familiar with Reddit Enhancement Suite (RES), it's a browser extension for popular browsers.
I'm not sure what makes an image RES-friendly. Perhaps the mods can shed some light on that topic.
It agreed with yours, which actually surprised me. I was thinking that not being able to get the last 4 quests you've finished would worsen the benefits of rerolling 50s, but rerolling a 50 will still give you an extra 1 gold on average (the average, with rerolling the 50s, is 59.9 gold). I'll probably post my findings on the main subreddit, but if you'd like to look at the code, here it is!
BTW folks, there was a great post by u/svangen a month back about this very topic, with full math proofs about what is optimal (in terms of the Nash equilibrium).
Turns out finding the exact Nash requires jumping through a few hoops, but in conquest it should only affect your WR a percentage point here or there no matter how you decide to queue.
I don't know Clank!
For physical deck builders, my favorite is the newer LotR solo card game. (Not the older multi-player collectible card game, although that also has its merits.)
I definitely recommend switching to Reddit is Fun! The app is much better than the reddit app for general purposes and you can actually isolate text in a comment for copy/paste!
TAW recruits mature players who seek a friendly environment to hone their skills, play in or cast tournaments, coach other players and make some friends along the way.
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Very good and well written article (even if it did come off a little bit like a sales pitch for that book ;p)
I think it would be a good idea to point out that (at least on Android) playing on a phone/tablet is no excuse for not running a deck tracker and watching replays thanks to /r/arcanetracker Google Play link :)