This app was mentioned in 125 comments, with an average of 2.26 upvotes
download this app, open her instagram account and toggle the universal button. the app will retrieve all the text and symbols from bio
Universal Copy is an app which let's you copy text based content from basically any screen. It's extremely handy and convenient.
Google Now on tap.
invoke Now on tap, select "touching finger" icon and copy the text:
Universal Copy is a better alternative to this in my opinion. Feels more like the Now on Tap implementation which was removed for no well explained reason.
3 dot menu, copy, select and copy. Joey for Reddit does it the same way.
You could use Universal Copy as your assist app and copy text on your screen in any app. That's assuming you don't use Assistant.
If you are on android, use this app
Don't know if it's on iOS
Allows you to copy any words on your screen like screen search in Google Now used to do before they ruined it.
I use UniversalCopy. After copying from the application, the text is automatically translated by GoogleTranslate. There is an option to translate from the clipboard.
I'd recommend checking out Universal Copy on the Google Play Store. It's a free app that allows you to enter "copy mode" which will allow you to copy any text on screen. I find it super useful, and have it bound to activate when long pressing the back key.
EDIT: Looks something like this when you activate copy mode.
Since it works so fast & so well on any language, I assume it is like Universal Copy
It extracts text instead of identifying the shape then converting it to text.
This probably means it doesn't work on images, unlike Google Now. Thanks for the replies.
You can do this without Xposed. You can highlight text with Google Now on Tap (or "screen search") and copy it from there.
This app also allows for this function.
Accessibility based readers such as
To prevent a mild peformance loss, disable the accessibility permission once you're done.
If the accessibility permission seems like much, disable network connectivity before starting, and uninstall it once done.
There is also the option of taking a screenshot and having the a device understand the text in it with an OCR program such as tesseract (though it might see O as zero); unless the app uses flag_secure.
Just tried it but I like Universal Copy better because you can activate it using the notifications. Also I can use ocr mode which means I can copy text from anywhere even images. Just giving you ideas of what you could add.
The old Google Now on Tap had that feature, but alas it is among the dead in the Google graveyard. Text selection should also work in Android Pie recents menu, but I think it only works on Pixels atm(?).
You could try an app like Universal copy.
Google Lens also has an upload feature (second button in the top right), you could take a screenshot and open it in there. If you have Tasker, you could try this to do it all for you.
Sadly it seems like it isn't coming to other devices anytime soon. But if you only want universal text selection, you can try an app like this one
There's an app that does universal copy using the accessability apis, maybe you could give it a try:
I have it as a quick setting tile for easy access, but now I won't be needing it anymore.
Yes, no perfect workaround, but a few nonetheless. This webpage explains how to disable Assistant 2 ways: either by changing your language (no root needed) or editing the build.prop file (root needed). I have root, but I haven't gotten around to editing build.prop yet. I have changed my system language to English - US Virgin Islands, but I've been switching back and forth cause it annoys me that the date is formatted differently. Virgin Islands seems closest to regular US English though, so that's good. Of course I don't know where you are located, but you can experiment with different languages without much trouble.
If you want to keep Google Assistant but have an alternate way too select text (even "un-selectable" text! Not images though, I don't think) then download Universal Copy and you can activate copy mode either with a Quick Settings tile on 7.x or through the notification shade below 7.x.
I feel your pain, BTW. The text selection issue is hands down my biggest complaint about Assistant, followed closely by the fact that I have to use voice search: no typing my search discreetly like before!
If you swipe up in Assistant it will give you context results for things on screen.
If you don't want to talk, use Allo (or the regular Google Search box)
There's an app called Universal Copy that will let you copy text fields that you can't copy the normal way.
It's not FOSS, I use Universal Copy with the internet blocked, tested in the meme of your comment and it worked correctly
let's you copy text from places you normally can't like images or some social media. It Can be programmed to a variety of inputs, I personally have it set to holding the home button
Universal Copy | 3.6 ⭐️ | Free with IAP | 33MB |
> Universal Copy is the fastest way to copy text on Android, even from the apps that won’t let you or inside images. In any app, launch Universal Copy, select the text you want to copy, ...
^(Legend: |🏠: Family Library| ▶️: Play Pass|)
okay so.. you just need to scan for text right?
In my experience, Universal Copy does this perfectly.
You can just open your camera, tap Universal Copy's icon on the notification panel, put it on scanner mode and it automatically scans for text which you can then immediately copy.
It can do this anywhere too, from apps that don't allow you to copy texts, to images in your gallery, to even pausing a video at one frame. Best thing about it is you can do all this offline!
Apparently tho the ads are annoying, but since I set my dns to, I don't really get ads so. Try it out if you like it!
Universal Copy | 3.7 ⭐️ | Free with IAP | 5.1MB |
> Sometimes you want to copy text from an app or image and you cannot use the default Android long press? Universal Copy takes that pain away! In any app, activate the Universal Copy mode and select the ...
^(Legend: |🏠: Family Library| ▶️: Play Pass|)
It's actually a 18.5:9 aspect ratio, not 16:9.
(I have a S9.)
Also, check out Universal Copy to copy text from any screen and translate. There might be a better alternative but this is what I'm using now.
If you're on Android, Universal Copy will make it a relatively easy copy-n-paste operation - it includes an OCR mode for getting text from pictures like this one.
I don't exactly get the point. You want to know how to copy selected text to clipboard? Or do you want to know if Tasker can select/mark non-editable text for copying, like e.g. in dialogs?
The first is to long tap on the selection and choose copy.
Second: No, not possible. How should that be triggered? You have to use 3rd party tool(s) to do that, e.g. Universal Copy (@Play Store)
The third is maybe the one I'm missing/not getting ...
On the user side, my workaround for this problem is apps like This. (Note, that's just the first one I found years ago, I'm not endorsing it specifically beyond "Works for me.")
I could recommend you two apps. Universal Copy, which lets you copy text you normally couldn't copy, like Yt comments or even text in images (but you have to pay for the second feature) and [removed] for reddit, which let's you see deleted Reddit comments by sharing them to this app
I use Universal Copy and have it set to activate when I long-press the app-switcher button - works a treat for most apps that don't allow selecting text.
I recommend using an on screen reader app. Idk if IOS has them but on Android there are several apps you can use that quickly screenshot your screen and instantly allow you to copy text. It can even copy text from images.
With these apps you can often bind the trigger to a button. So with a press of a button you can copy an address and input them into a GPS.
Here's the one I use.
Before you just say hit the "navigate" button. GPS apps often take you to the incorrect address or a block of addresses. Doing it manually MAKES SURE it's absolutely where you wanted to navigate.
Meteor swipe can a lot, but almost no app can do "smart select".
Therefore i recommend Universal copy. It lets you OCR your screen and make text selectable. Else you could take a screenshot and then use Google lens in Gallery app
And again:
Universal Copy:
Very easy. OCR is not needed.
I think you're using a phone, if so there are different ways for different apps. However, I'd like to recommend a great app that can help you copy text from anything! Check out Universal Copy.
I am the main developer of Universal Copy ( .
I can assure you that not any data is sent over the network except from usage statistics (like device version etc).
What you can see and copy with the app stays on your phone.
What iampizza said is true, the accessibility service warning is a default Android warning and we cannot customize its content. An app with an accessibility service can indeed get access to a lot of data, that's why this warning can be scary. That's also why Google is very strict with apps that use accessibility (at some point they almost kicked all of these apps out of the store, without checking which app is safe and which app is not). So I can guarantee you that if we did something shady with your data the app would not be in the Play Store anymore! Also, be sure to only use our official app from the Play Store: a hacked version could get access to all the data you're copying. If you stick to the official version your data is safe.
Let me know if you need more details.
Yes, there's an app that also allows that. It kind of takes a screenshot and uses the accessability apis to read the content, very useful and now it's built in the overview. Here's the app
Hit or miss. Use on browser if not working on FB app. Short tap highlights fb post. Long tap shows editable texts.
Install at your own risk.
I'll try using Universal Copy to transfer from Swype to Multiling O Keyboard when I get some free time today. I'll let you know how it goes.
Did you try clearing data of google app? (And after that don't update it.) If that doesn't work try to clear data of both google play services and google app. Also if there is an option like 'uninstall updates' for google app. Also do that.
This works for me. I had this same problem with google assistant. Selecting text functionality was awesome on google now on tap. Eventually I moved on and settled with google assistant. You can use third party apps like universal copy.
Edit: I cleared data of google app & then uninstalled updates. I got google now on tap back. check this
I use the universal copy app. Works great and I have it set to where it activates when I long press the recents button.
Also with google now on tap can copy any words that you select. I know assistant can copy phone numbers or email id,, adress. But, It doesn't let you select & copy any words that you want. It's just a basic function. Why google is not adding it. It's Very useful when you want to copy texts from apps that Don't allow you to copy. You don't have to install 3rd party apps for it.
Normally I'd be right there with you complaining about Google removing trivial things I happen to love, but that stubbornness loses a bit of its oomph with every new knockoff that floods the market.
This is the one I'm using
neat. I've been using Universal Copy
I use Universal Copy, it works really well.
Since a lot of apps doesn't have this feature, I use this app on Android
Some final little extra apps that'll make life easier. These are my top picks
Universal Copy: copy any text from any screen or app.
Clipboard Actions: do instant stuff with the text in your clipboard, this is really very handy
InstaSaver: save for quality photos from Instagram by just clicking Copy Link.
Google Files Go: handy file manager and cleaner
I prefer Universal Copy, as it can be launched via a quick tile instead of long pressing the home button.
You could use this in the meantime.
Try this as a workaround.
I use an app called "Universal Copy" - it let me select and copy text from any app. You can try it.
Try Universal Copy.
This could be helpful to you.
Also this. So far, it can select most texts (for me).
Universal copy should work:
I'm on Reddit mobile beta for Android and it's bugged so I use Universal Copy
OP is right. They just didn't include useful features from Google now on tap. With Google now on tap you can manually select detected words to copy, translate etc. From my experience It was slightly better than Universal copy in terms of detecting words from screen.
It was also useful when you want to copy something from app that doesn't let you copy texts. (For example YouTube. Google assistant can not do that. It's not perfect and magical but google now on tap had better implementation compared to "what's on my screen" feature of google assistant.
Lastly i found it It is working in all aps Edit: it was for android sorry
AFAIK there isn't a way to do this in the app, but you can use this as a workaround.
Universal Copy comes close.
This app has an OCR mode to copy most anything from a screen.
A few markers I should note: I switch between Mac and PC regularly, preferring Mac overall because there's a shortcut key that allows you to read anything that's highlighted.
TTS Stuff
iPhones have a fantastic native TTS, I urge anyone with an iPhone to enable this setting.
For Softwares on PC, the best I could find was Kurzweil 3000 which integrates with the browser of your choice and has it's own software, however it can be a bit costly (if you call them, they may be able to knock it down to student price but there's no guarantee). I always recommend this hands down for great features including OCR, dictation, PDF to MP3 conversion, vocal corrections and much more. I've used them since College, so when it comes to reliability, Kurzweil 3000 is often my base line for comparison. I do not recommend Kurzweil 3000 on Macs though, absolutely underwhelming.
For my Android phone, I use quite a selection of apps but the main ones are @Voice Aloud Reader (TTS Reader), this is hands down absolutely reliable, I can get through so many manuals thanks to this program. I strongly recommend using the entire suite to get the most functionality out of your phone.
Another selection for Android that I would like to recommend is Universal Copy, this can grab text that doesn't allow for highlighting and allows you to transfer it to a different app (I usually transfer the text to @Voice app mentioned above)
Black/Dark Themed Backgrounds:
Macs had this for probably a year or two by now, as long as you're on a more recent OS, Octave, Mojave, this should work. Enter Command + Space, type "General" in the search bar, select "Dark" theme at the top.
For Chrome (this setting can follow you from PC to Mac as long as you sync your account) and Microsoft Edge, add this Morpheon Dark would darkened Chrome if the Standard OS hasn't done so already.
Another for both Chrome and Edge, Deluminate darkens webpages, but you can edit how it can be darkened. There's other apps available, including Darkness and Dark Reader but personally Deluminate does everything I need it to do without overcomplicating the darkening process.
There's this article that informs users how to enable Dark mode on the device of their choice, I know there's a lot that I'm forgetting that's covered here.
and when in doubt, go to the settings window of any up-to-date app and see if the feature is already available.
It's not exactly what you want. But universal copy in combination with easy copy will allow you to copy any text on any screen, and will provide you with options to act on that you copied.
If you just want to search, you could use 'select text to search' which ads a 'search on web' button when you highlight text.
However both will open the search results in your browser.
Check out Universal Copy
have you tried an app like Universal Copy?
The title jajajsja
You have to use another app called universal copy cuz YouTube doesn't let you copy in the way chrome does.
Universal copy lets you copy text from any screen with it's OCR feature but it's paid though
You can use universal copy for this, it works very well.
While we wait for this to happen, Android users can use this app to copy any text shown on screen
Universal Copy can do the same from a quick tile if you don't want to give up your assistant shortcut.
This Android app allows you to copy any text in almost any app by taping on a notification or a quick settings tile.
I use Universal Copy for this. It's a great app.
This app can offer the same feature, except for photos. It only works for text.
Universal Copy can do text.
I use this to copy anything on my phone.
For copying from apps that do not allow that, I use Universal Copy
Universal Copy - stays in notification bar until you activate it. Works very well.
I didn't test this, but is this like what you're looking for?
You can use Universal Copy if you have Android. It's really useful for a lot of things.
Use the universal copy app
Also a link
Universal Copy works nicely IMHO..
Link me : universal copy
Oh sorry I thought the robot with link the app, maybe something wrong, here's the link for the app Universal Copy
Also, there's an app named Universal Copy. Doesn't even require xposed.
Heres a similar app if you dont have it yet:
If you want to copy text on the screen, try Universal Copy:
If you want OCR, you can share an image to Google Lens and generally it works great.