If you're a Garek fan, don't fail to read "A Stitch in Time," written by Andrew Robinson himself
You can stream What We Left Beind on Amazon for about $5.
A large chunk of the hate mail was about fans in the 90s not liking the idea of a Star Trek spinoff that wasn't about a ship exploring space. Some of the hate mail was about the show being character driven ( what I liked ) and some people didn't like some of the characters.
How about the prop used as Sisko's raktijino mug, the one that comes out of the Cardassian replicators?
I have one and I love it. Best mug ever. Also you can actually drink out of it, unlike the blood wine cup.
Apparently the physical copies are hard to find, I got mine as an ebook and read it on my phone (it's pretty short). Also it was [written by the actor](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Stitch_in_Time_(book) who played Garak as a way to finish his story.
It's a book, actually. Lemme see if... Yes! here it is! I don't think it's technically canon, but it's Quark's actor, along with Ira Steven Behr and Robert Wolfe, so... It's the next best thing.
If you want to use a pound sign (#) at the beginning of your comment, insert a backslash ( \ ) first. Like so:
Which does:
#2 is the best Garak/Bashir moment...
Pound signs have special formatting properties in Markdown, which is used in reddit comments.
It's available on Amazon Kindle which you can read on a smart phone or even your computer.
So I followed your link and found an ebay auction for Captain Picard's tea cups. I'd drink so much tea...
Upscaling using this software isn't as good as a real remaster from the studio. The software can upscale but it tends not to improve things like colors, etc. so much, and it won't add true HDR, etc.. Sometimes the results are mixed too - Some of the upscales look decent, but sometimes IMO they don't look quite as good as one would hope. Trials and Tribble-Ations has been upscaled to 4K, by the way..
Let it soak in for a few months, and watch it all again. You will notice things the second time through that you don't the first. It's a fun second watch.
Also, the DS9 documentary, What We Left Behind
Sorry. Here's a link for everyone asking https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nstenterprises.lcars_lock
I'm also happy to share the wallpaper to anyone that PMs me.
Hello, I'm a bot! The movie you linked is called Profit and Loss, here are some Trailers
If you're in the market for podcasts, there's one I do at https://anchor.fm/unitedfederation
The idea around it is Star Trek as seen through Reddit Star Trek communities.
It's also on other platforms like Google Podcasts and iTunes, etc
Oh yeah, it makes great background telly. He is so brilliant.
I haven't actually seen any of the other ones bar an episode here and there of the OG ones, although I have watched all of Discovery and Picard, both of which I really like. I feel like I'm the kind of person who (controversial point coming up) would actually like Voyager but that's not based on anything other than I think it's an underdog much like DS9 and I like an underdog.
Yeah, he's like a sexy dark prince. Even though Mark Alaimo was like 50 when was playing the part. Have you seen the DS9 documentary? He's hilarious in it.
Haha, I do actually, but she's from my dad's first marriage, lives in Brazil, and I've never met her so cannot speak to her taste in, well, anything. :P I met my hubby on Match.com as I was living in Edinburgh and he was in London at the time, so can HIGHLY recommend that, as we'd never have met otherwise.
Idk, it's free on American YT. It's a documentary so it's probably on some other platforms... you could try IMDB https://www.imdb.com/tv/watch/tt6332276?ref_=tt_wbr_fdv
Also the Avatar books are great. They pick up a few months after the end of season 7. Avatar Book One: Star Trek Deep Space Nine (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
You need an app called KWGT Pro to use the widgets. The app will let you customize the widgets as you see fit. Unfortunately, it's a paid app though.