I'm only familiar with ones in the suburbs. Why don't you try Amazon?
Wait why does the KKK sell clothes?!
I took Calc I,II,III(AB,BC), and Multivariate in high school. My math teacher was the best one I've ever had. His note's were much more in depth than anything Drexel has to offer. Here is a summary of the entire 3 (4 at Drexel) courses.
Print it and use it for notes. Good luck, man.
Using: http://www.reddit.com/r/trackers/comments/hrgmv/tracker_with_pdfsebooks_of_college_textbooks/c1xrq44
Custom search of all of those sites: https://www.google.com/cse/home?cx=000661023013169144559:a1-kkiboeco
"For Students, By Students" https://sites.google.com/site/drexelfsbs/ Pretty much you get a good idea for a group, and they fund you, we went the tech route and were able to purchases awesome speakers and sound systems
You could say that I am pretty much guaranteed a entry-level position as a Business Analyst or even possibly Junior IT Project Manager at the company that I am currently working at.
I am also confident that if I transfer out for my 4th and 5th years at Drexel (3rd and 4th at another college), I would be able to retain my internship/part-time job at this company until I receive my degree at which point I would be hired full-time.
As for the background information; I am majoring in MIS (management information systems) and minoring in communications. The estimated yearly salary for a Business Analyst is $79,000 in Philadelphia according to indeed.com (not sure how credible)
Your thoughts?
Edit: words
So we at DragonLAN now have an editable document going with some Minecraft servers that students are either hosting or going to be hosting once fall term rolls around.
Here's the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/dragonlan/doc/232982640086029/
Another Drexel student also has a Facebook group going for strictly Minecraft stuff, if you'd like to join, go here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/120878651324989/
DragonLAN President/Anime & Gaming Organization video game chair here, thanks for the shout out!
I really didn't expect someone to link the group :P That said, I'll link this discussion thread on Facebook to let danopia know that I'm pretty sure there will be some demand for a Minecraft server.
I'd be happy to help organize getting multiple servers set up if we want to allow for different game types (the Facebook post is on the subject of a made-up game type on Minecraft based on The Hunger Games).
This deal pops up on my email today. Take a look to see if you like it: Dell Laptop
For $380, this seems like a good deal (2nd Generation Core i3 and 2 USB 3.0 ports). Assume that you're not gonna do anything intensive with it beside regular school work. If you do, upgrading to 8 GB of RAM is also an option for later.
Vulnerabilities because it is a version old? Or because it comes from a site that archives old versions of installers. Mozilla has been inflating their version number to catch up with Chrome, so the changes between each version are minor.
Anyway, if you really want to, they give steps for having multiple versions of Firefox installed as well: http://www.oldversion.com/blog/how-to-install-and-run-multiple-versions-of-firefox/
As the gentleman said in the other reply, Drexel has a bunch of TD ATMs, so it's probably good for you to keep them.
Personally, I'm a big fan of Philadelphia Federal Credit Union, which has branches all over the city. The nearest branch IS a little far away from campus though. Withdrawls are surcharge-free at 7/11, and it's just a really decent, helpful local credit union. No fees, and the minimum balance in your account is $5. Walk in with 2 forms of ID, and you can walk out 15 minutes later with a debit card.
I also have a Simple Card with a bunch of neat features, you can tie all of your other accounts to it and move money between them for free, do the photo check-deposit thing (purportedly, I've never tried) and they have a really streamlined UI. I get a notification on my phone every time I spend money on it (although this can be turned off), and it auto-categorizes purchases really well, so I can search for the tag 'gas' and all of my fuel purchases will show up automagically. Note that this is an internet-only bank with no locations, but if you call for help, in my experience they're real people in the midwest where it's based out of, and super friendly/helpful. If you want an invite, let me know (doesn't benefit me in any way that I'm aware of, they just invite people by word-of-mouth). Oh, no fees on this as well.
If you don't find anyone soon you might want to check out airbnb.com in the meantime. You could also try roommates.com and post as "having a place available", although I'm not sure that would work with your situation.
If you already got a warning, then why did you do it again?
“First time may have been a mistake. A torrenting program may still have been open from when He was homeboy a different network”. That’s likely the thinking behind gracing the first offense.
But they already gave you grace. Then you showed actual intent to violate the law to them torrenting again.
Having “disrespected” that grace, now you must now face the consequences.
Anything from conduct code to violating copyright law is on your plate now. Present your case like you did here and you might get away with a reduced sentence. Evidence of purchase at what time should do to show you did indeed purchase the game prior to violating the law on their network.
My friend was fined for 2000€ because he downloaded Saints Row 3. And now has a criminal record in Germany.
As a fellow pirate, I can rate your performance only as “poor”. If you already spent the money on a game, then a VPN like “Private Internet Access” (PIA) for less than 2$ a month should be no big deal for the security it provides, especially for torrenting a sizable 5Gb game from 2013 where the slightly reduced download speed of a VPN should be an issue. You would have gotten away with using a VPN. Many other students have this way.
My only question is this: Did you use the same computer for torrenting both times?
This Math 102? From what I've found, it's similar to concepts in Calculus I.
Have you tried Khan Academy? It's a great free way to really help you through the material.
If you want flexible views (i.e. list, calendar, etc) then Notion has a free tier + some great templates for this sort of use case (https://www.notion.so/85e5aa88d3714ff79498279035bbdd3c?v=048acd46931d4831b947d09f833ea989)
I personally like keeping things simple and use a to-do app that lets me set due dates (I prefer Microsoft To-Do) and ditch the calendar completely. I use this in combination with a daily to-do list. Two to-do lists, one that's "longer term", and one for the day. Works great for me.
So it turns out my parents don't really want me to take that TV but said I can get a monitor. This one looks good... 27" (so def will fit in desk unless you think it won't lol), can connect to Roku and has a bigger base so I probably won't need the 2x4, (right?)
Ik you're not a tech expert but since you lived in Millenium thought you might know if this looks good: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B078HSKBG3/ref=ox\_sc\_act\_title\_3?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&th=1
I picked up this one last fall when my old one finally wore out. It carries an insane amount of stuff -- large enough for a laptop, books, lunch, various electronic projects, an umbrella, and more.
Yeah, it's large / geeky. I'm too old to care. It's spacious.
Is that one each of these two? They have different stands, so are presumably different models. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08FRRNRXW/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_g_65KE6QHKQK65WFVPHP2R
Sceptre 24" Professional Thin 75Hz 1080p LED Monitor 2x HDMI VGA Build-in Speakers, Machine Black (E248W-19203R Series) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0773ZY26F/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_K7KCC5S598V8W2DJSY23
The "Trolley Trail" near/around Belmont Plateau is great, too. See https://www.alltrails.com/explore/trail/us/pennsylvania/trolley-trail. It is typically less crowded than the Wissahickon trails.
In general, the All Trails site has some good info and makes planning a bike/hike outing easy. Getting elevation data and seeing what other write is useful for planning.
All Trails does try to push paid memberships to their Pro level, but you don't need to be a member to research, plan routes, or even record rides. The main thing that Pro provides is the ability to download map plans to your phone for offline use. Since cellular signal is pretty good for most city trails, Pro isn't terribly useful.
Given the subject matter, I'm speaking for myself and not for Drexel IT in this thread.
Here are some tips so you make yourself/Drexel look good while not giving them too much of your time.
New BA 2 plus on Amazon for $28, don't waste your money on a used calculator if $25 is what you are willing to pay
I assume you are referring to Southco in concordville, PA. You will want to have a car to get there
It looks like the address should actually be 3250 S 78th St (map).
Basically Trolley 36 to 80th-Eastwick or the Airport Line to Eastwick. Either way you'll have to do a bit of walking.
It looks like you can take the 36 almost there from campus:
EDIT: Apparently that link didn't store the directions... I used the public trans option in getting directions from "Drexel University" and it showed what I said above.
I'm sure it's a possibility, but if you're there to keep an eye on it it should go smoothly.
Microwaves have their place. I've actually become fond of a little extra virgin olive oil, some salt and pepper on veggies in the microwave for a minute or so VS sautéing them. So much less work, less clean-up and so easy to get right after a long day at work. Don't discount the venerable microwave, it does have its place, but I do feel you on not wanting to nuke everything.
I travelled for a living for some years and lived out of hotels. I bought a camp stove and would go sit in the parking lot and cook steaks and stirfrys. Not saying it'll be an easy thing for you, but if you don't mind funny stares you could always set up shop outside somewhere and camp cook in the urban jungle.
For anyone else who was as confused as I was (googled it):
Fitbit makes fitness a fun, achievable part of everyday life. Our products track your health and fitness, then sync wirelessly to offer insight and encouragement whether you're online or on the go. So get ready to go farther.
Yes, you're definitely right. But it is much more easier to mitigate the crisis that way when the school is off to begin with. If you've had the chance to take a look at the curve that shows the rate at which cases have been increasing outside China, it is of an exponential nature.
Considering the minimal amount of quarantine measures taken by the school, the more the time spent in limbo, the higher the chance this shit spreads.
Why not use something better than the *wire collection? Might I suggest Soulseek. Might be Drexel looks for the popular, and not the obscure. Also, Soulseek & Utorrent allow you to change ports.
Something like this would probably work, check to see what material your couch is made of and make sure the color matches.
You’re probably fine with just some shoe polish or a sharpie tho
It looks like it's available on Amazon. (Check the ISBN from your syllabus to make sure this is the right edition.)
I'm pretty sure you can go into Plaza and get a list of everything included, but I'll tell you what I remember being in there:
I can tell you right now, you're also going to need micron pens and black gouache for Visual Communications 1, and you absolutely need 3M positionable adhesive. I think it's cheapest on Amazon but definitely check Plaza's price. It's not in the freshman kit because you only start using it sophomore year, but I swear you will use it for every project.
Welcome to the program, it's pretty great. Take classes from Sandy and Bill; avoid Jack. Let me know if you have other questions.
If your classes are using these books as reference without homework problems or external media (CDs, Online material), the 6th edition of Comparative Politics can be bought $2.30 used from Amazon and the 13th edition of the Management Science book is less than $20 used. Older editions of textbooks usually contain roughly similar content with some older information and/or different problems.
If they are using problems from the book directly, the 7th edition of Comparative Politics is on reserve in the library and the 13th edition of Management Science is as well.
It made a ton of sense when I was there (08-13), but make sure to get something small and economical. You want a compact laser printer like this. I later moved up to a duplexing (double-sided printing) brother printer like this - the toner is cheaper and it's a more user-friendly than the HP, but the compact size of the HP was perfect for a dorm room. Wireless or not, don't mess with the wifi in the dorms - disable it and used it wired. Don't tell people you have cheap printing available!
TL;DR: get a cheap black/white laser printer for convenience.
Former Millenium resident. The bed is high and you can jack it up higher to store things under it. You will likely want to bring something that can act as a night stand (something like this ). I also bought these. Stuff like that will help. Also, bring your own microwaves, pots, pans, dishes, utensils, etc. They will not be provided.