Sure! I think the pieces SHOULD be available in the colors used, but I didn't check all of them. The "inner workings" (in terms of structure and stability) of the model are not perfect, but they should get the job done (i got some inspiration from the official Saturn V model they released a while back, which is seriously amazing in terms of lego "architecture"). Also, I'm not sure if the Captain's shirt exists in that form, but that should only be a minor problem.
Should you get around to building it, be sure to share pictures!
Link to the file
The program used (for all who want to take a look themselves) is the Lego Digital Designer awailable for free
EDIT: To anyone opening the file, note that in the "groups" ledger you can hide certain parts of the model to better view the insides.
Soon is soon. It's just that Devs don't work in minutes, but usually in weeks or months.
And yes, soon is "sometime this month".
Yup. There's three I've found so far. That code, and then teh two issue numbers that are different between and
I already got this! It's called Ansel! Not sure if that is a GPU specific thing though. But it does exactly what you want. Edit: It's the third thing under New Features
"Lord Craven's thoughts are with New London. Sending positive energy their way."
>Miss-correlation with the wealth needed to access a Generator:
It may be that the wealthy could indeed buy access to the generator. However, as the expeditions continued, they needed more and more people.
Its heavily implied there are supposed to be multiple expeditions. At some point it may entirely be possible there are no "wealthy" people left and they still needed people to maintain a viable population/have enough hands. The Arks and Refugees all have generators and in The Arks there is a second generator(New Manchester)
Even if you take the New Home Scenario as the only canon scenario, The beginning mentions that there was supposed to be people already at the generator having it turned on and supplies and buildings ready. Winterhome is mentioned, and in the end there are people fleeing north and not in such small amounts that it could have been small groups travelling. (Then again without a compass I cant say they were going north,)
Not to mention convoys that you can find that they say they were trying to reach winterhome, not your city. Meaning it couldnt have been that long.
>dimming of a star
Alt history magic aside this may not necessarily because of something blocking the star,
Maunder minimum, Allegedly the last time this happened extreme cold occurred.
It could possible be that in this alt history the maunder minimum occured again sooner, faster producing this rapid onset cold.
>, a bolted metal plate reads the ships sunk in 1888
It could be possible that the ships were grounded in 1887 but then found they could not be refloated in 1888. Thus "sunk" in 1888. That being said it does not explain why our city and winterhome are in '87 but the Americans say '88.
DOSBox comments are very old but seems the game is fairly poor on PC
Also known as Arctic Baron in some markets
It was mentioned on their site and here several times -
This gatekeeping of OSX doesn't do games needs to stop. People will game on what they have and in my case, my laptop is a mac and when I travel I use OSX as my gaming environment.
Just started 2 days ago playing Frostpunk. Great game, even though I hate the "Ark".
Your post made me search and I found this.
I've only read a few pages but I've got Amazon Prime so I will read it after I play "Endless: Serenity".
Merry Holiday and stay safe.
What a second...
This is the settlemento of the next campain!
Free camera positioning seems to be a feature of Ansel:
"Freeze your game for that perfect moment and reposition the camera for just the right angle. Ansel overcomes the limitations of traditional screenshot capture, giving you the power to capture truly unique photographs."
You are wrong! You're thinking of the 2008 version to Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. (Also Nintendo DS and ios). In this research we are focusing on Civilization VI on Ps4 and Xbox One, which has seen major changes to it's menu layout and control schemes when moving from PC to Console.
Here's a reference:
If you have no graphics card and you want a decent one for 150€ (idk how much it is in romania) you can get an AMD RX 570 xx card.
It should give you about 60 fps and you can put it on medium settings. Everything cheaper just doesnt make sense from a price performance pov.
Do you have an issue with any other games? Do you play any other games?
An investment that may be worth while if this person is bed ridden and likes PC games is a lapboard.
I just chose the first choice on Amazon but there are plenty others and I'm sure someone from the PC Gaming subreddit could give better feedback.
Yeah the "Victorian Edition". Comes with an Artbook and a steelbook case.