I see 2 updates on Trello in the last 60 days. How reflective is that to the amount of work being done behind the scenes? Is this most likely the pace going forward in regards to Beta/Mainnet with concent?
If you haven't even read the whitepaper (the credentials start p. 25) you should indeed start doing some homework before investing and spare us the passive-aggressive fearmongering.
You can back up your Golem wallet as per https://golem.network/documentation/10-backing-up-your-golem-wallet/
There will always be people who lose access to their wallets, send their GNT to wrong addresses etc. There’s not a whole lot that can be done about that, but since it reduces available supply it’s kind of a good thing for other GNT holders.
Golem's scope is much larger. It strives to be a decentralized marketplace for computing resources which is not possible without blockchain tech, whatever the trolls in residence here might think or say (which most likely isn't the same). Read the whitepaper:
Especially p. 6:
"Long term vision: Golem as a building block of Web 3.0
We believe the future Internet will be a truly decentralized network, enabling users to securely and directly exchange content, without sharing it with corporations or other middlemen. Accordingly, Golem will be useful not only to compute specific tasks, but also to bulk-rent machines in order to perform operations within a self-organizing network. Of course, this will require the simultaneous development of other technologies, many of which have gained significant traction in recent years.
Better data-sharing technologies are necessary, but taking into account the ongoing development of IPFS/Filecoin and Swarm, the appropriate solutions seem to be within reach. Eventually, the Ethereum network will become more scalable, more efficient, and include a fully functional network of micropayment channels. Once these technologies become available, it is easy to imagine Golem primarily as a platform for microservices, allowing users to run both small (e.g. a note-taking app) and large (e.g. a streaming service) applications in a completely decentralized way. Although ambitious, this vision seems to be the ultimate argument for Golem’s long-term potential."
You cannot mine Golem. But you can run Golem as a Provider and earn GNT from Requestors on the network. You can download and install Golem here:
You can learn more about how to use Golem from our docs and videos:
https://golem.network/rendering/download/ (videos can be found under the "How to Use?" header.
Hi u/TomisCZ, as you might know, the Golem project is an ambitious project. The team is doing all they can to work on it but also share the progress they make with the community. Please, feel free to have a look at Golem's GitHub as well as the Trello Kanban to see the evolution over time. I also invite you to download the latest Alpha version and try it out by yourself. As per the videos, you might not find them helpful but many of the community members are actually glad to see the team discussing various aspects of the project, hear from new partnerships or on new hires. If you have any specific question, the team is available on the chat or on all Golem's social media channels!
You can currently download and test the alpha. Note that as this is still an alpha version and on the Rinkeby testnet, you won't be able to earn or spend real GNT yet (such as the GNT you purchased from Coinspot), but you will be given 1000 tGNT (tesnet GNT) and a small amount of tETH (testnet ETH) so that you are able to help test the alpha. If you are interested in doing this, I recommend signing up to the [Golem RocketChat server] and joining the #testers channel so that you can get troubleshooting help as needed.
People are still throwing around quotes from the old whitepaper. It has been updated and it is very clear in the matter at hand (p. 7):
"Golem Network Token (GNT)
The Golem Network Token ("GNT") account is a core component of Golem and is designed to ensure flexibility and control over the future evolution of the project. GNT is created during the crowdfunding period (described in this whitepaper) and, following the first major release of Golem, GNT will be attributed a variety of functions in the Golem network.
● Payments from requestors to providers for resource usage, and remuneration for software developers is going to be exclusively conducted in GNT.
● Once the Application Registry and Transaction Framework are implemented, GNT will be necessary for other interactions with Golem, such as submitting deposits by providers and software developers or participation in the process of software validation and certification (as described in the Application Registry section).
● The general conditions for using GNT will be set in the Transaction Framework, but specific parameters of these interactions will be possible to define within each software integration.
The supply of GNT will be limited to the pool of tokens created during crowdfunding period."
Where did you get those figures from? They certainly aren't the figures in the whitepaper's roadmap:
Iron is scheduled to be completed 36-48 months from crowdfunding.
Golem Alpha IV reveal (yagna v0.6.0, which enables mainnet utilisation*)* was not the mainnet launch for the New Golem. It was a releae candidate to be tested in production (TIP) and as such not widely announced -- just a blogpost; no gitcoin bounties nor hackathon this time, so that’s one reason why there’s not much traffic there yet. It was also not fully backward compatible with v0.5.0 and previous, so it is the second reason (we are still in alpha phase, but the next release -- the mainnet launch -- will be backward compatible with v0.6.0).
We just wanted to share our goodies with you: our most active and eager community members, to know how it feels from your perspective. We know the limitations of v0.6.0 but we love it and are proud of it.
On the other hand it is a question to you: will you need and want to buy/rent computational resources via the New Golem Network? I believe the answer is simple and is positive.
We can't wait to find out what the traffic will be some time after we launch mainnet and developers start deploying apps.
Minimum Requirements to run Golem:
We support Windows 10, OS X Sierra and higher, and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
In general we recommend a processor with multiple cores and lots of RAM. At minimum, you can run Golem with:
2 GB RAM 2 cores 20 GB HDD public IP or ability to forward ports or router with UPnP activated
For more demanding renders like the Production Benchmark you will need at least:
16 GB RAM 6 cores
> Could someone explain to me how the Golem network works?
Start by reading through the whitepaper and the blog posts then post again here if you have more specific questions.
> Does it use a traditional blockchain?
It uses the Ethereum blockchain for handling payments in GNT (GNT aka Golem Network Tokens are Ethereum based tokens).
> What stops someone from "stealing" rendered animations or information?
There are multiple factors that make it hard for a provider to view what is being computed (the subtask runs inside a Docker container, the subtask is only a portion of the whole task, a provider doesn't get to choose which subtasks they will get), however it is (at least currently) still possible for someone who is determined enough to see what is being computed on their own node.
I don't think so. Yet. If you look at the official Golem Kanban for Brass, you can see that there's still some work to do in the first and second column. I don't know if they only update the Kanban after every release or in between as well, though.
When the first and second column are completed, expect Brass Beta.
No need to buy new hardware to set up a node, any laptop or desktop would work just fine. With such little demand (Golem only supporting 1 use case currently) there is very little tasks availabe for you to get your rig working on. This is also the beauty of Golem. Currently you don't need an 18 core CPU and 4 Titan XP's to earn a decent amount of GNT. However, this should improve in the future. For now, just get your everyday computer and download the client at golem.network and follow the instructions there. Otherwise, I suggest heading over to chat.golem.network to get some more help there. If you only run Golem when you are online, the node is Always profitable, that is my take on it ;)
Long term vision: Golem as a building block of Web 3.0
We believe the future Internet will be a truly decentralized network, enabling users to securely and directly exchange content, without sharing it with corporations or other middlemen. Accordingly, Golem will be useful not only to compute specific tasks, but also to bulk-rent machines in order to perform operations within a self-organizing network. Of course, this will require the simultaneous development of other technologies, many of which have gained significant traction in recent years.
Better data-sharing technologies are necessary, but taking into account the ongoing development of IPFS/Filecoin and Swarm, the appropriate solutions seem to be within reach. Eventually, the Ethereum network will become more scalable, more efficient, and include a fully functional network of micropayment channels. Once these technologies become available, it is easy to imagine Golem primarily as a platform for microservices, allowing users to run both small (e.g. a note-taking app) and large (e.g. a streaming service) applications in a completely decentralized way. Although ambitious, this vision seems to be the ultimate argument for Golem’s long-term potential.
p. 6
Here you can view a snapshot of each team member's background and experience via their LinkedIn profile. And here Ethereum cofounder Gavin Wood praises their work at IMAPP for the Etheruem Foundation. One of the devs is still part of the EF. Another dev created the DEVp2p protocol for Ethereum. To find out more, you have to do more research, for example, by asking people who are well-respected developers/researchers in the Ethereum community.
Any form of rendering (blender now for instance, but think of CAD too), deep learning, huge data analytical tasks, biological databases concerning proteins and DNA and analyses as well as simulations of these, simulate ecosystems or the entire universe (yes it is do-able), basically anything that requires a lot of computational power. Golem could in theory also be used for file storage I think. At the moment, only CPU is supported, however, there are strong signs the team is working on GPU support as well which should really boost the computational power capacity of the network. You can follow the progress on https://trello.com/b/YL1qZ2pZ/brass-golem-progress-board . As you can see, 'machine learning' is also a projected milestone! :D
For reference, here is the Amazon equivalent service: https://aws.amazon.com/lambda/
Was wondering if Golem works like that, with a reference virtual machine running on each of the miners. Also, what about GPUs, is it possible to run OpenCL style code on Golem?
In order for Golem to work it needs to create a Docker VM, this allows for computations to be completed in an isolated environement from the Requestor and Provider host machines.
There is a lot more to the project:
Long term vision: Golem as a building block of Web 3.0
We believe the future Internet will be a truly decentralized network, enabling users to securely and directly exchange content, without sharing it with corporations or other middlemen. Accordingly, Golem will be useful not only to compute specific tasks, but also to bulk-rent machines in order to perform operations within a self-organizing network. Of course, this will require the simultaneous development of other technologies, many of which have gained significant traction in recent years.
Better data-sharing technologies are necessary, but taking into account the ongoing development of IPFS/Filecoin and Swarm, the appropriate solutions seem to be within reach. Eventually, the Ethereum network will become more scalable, more efficient, and include a fully functional network of micropayment channels. Once these technologies become available, it is easy to imagine Golem primarily as a platform for microservices, allowing users to run both small (e.g. a note-taking app) and large (e.g. a streaming service) applications in a completely decentralized way. Although ambitious, this vision seems to be the ultimate argument for Golem’s long-term potential.
Source: Golem whitepaper, p. 6
Yes, I was referring to https://trello.com/b/YL1qZ2pZ/brass-golem-progress-board ; I guess you miss a thing, these are rather so called epics (products) than tasks so don’t expect everyday updates, but rather changes every a few weeks (and according to any Agile methodology I believe they won’t update anything before a sprint ends, review is done and the code merged).
If you look for agile tasks than you should follow their github repositories. Lots of day to day developments, merges and updates.
Yes, you can help with testing and then report back on the "golem_testers" channel on the Slack. Here are some demo files to render: https://www.blender.org/download/demo-files/
Hello, all these tasks are recent, the tasks seem completed, but you just need to wait for the batch of transactions to get processed. As per our FAQs:
"Transactions that are awaiting could be due to the other node not verifying the task yet, it could be offline at the moment for example. It also has to do with the timing of batch transactions. GNT is sent to multiple nodes in batches to save users on Gas price. Some batches leave sooner than others. An imperfect but useful analogy would be like a train that waits for a certain number of passengers before it leaves. Network speed and the amount of transactions can change the time GNT is "awaiting". A payment could be rejected if the node went offline at a critical time during verification. In this case, that transaction is likely lost.
This is something that our Concent service will address in the future, right now it is a risk of using the Beta. In this case, the transaction could still be waiting for the node to verify the work completed, IE, download the task."
That said, it can happen that payments take more than a month.. It can also simply be an issue with the UI as detected here.
Please check your logs, following these instructions and send them over to [email protected] to be able to identify what's going on without assumptions. Thanks
It's to early to tell.
Here is the whitepapers. It has their timeline and what they expect Golem can do in the future. The timeline is A VERRYYY ROUGH timeline.
Which Kanbban boards are you looking at? It's true they have not been updating stories as often as one would expect, having made a kanban board public and all...
Last two changes for the Brass Golem Progress Board:
Aug 2 at 1:44 AM Ilona Biskupska changed the background of this board
Jul 23 at 1:10 AM Blue added Checklist to Concent docs/onboarding
The only two changes for the new Golem mid-term goals board:
Aug 2 at 9:42 AM Grzegorz Nowakowski made this board visible to the public
Aug 2 at 9:03 AM Grzegorz Nowakowski copied this board from another board
Today is August 11
Brass Golem Progress board:
Golem mid-term goals board:
I love Golem as much as anyone, but I am confused as to why they made now two boards public that rarely show any activity on them. My company follows the SaFE agile methodology and I have to mark time spent on tasks for stories & defects under features/epics, blockers, completions every single day or I get called into my managers office to find out what I've been doing. I'm sure they are coding away and have other progress tasks/stories being worked on that are not public, but then, why make these particular things public when they don't change that often? The application of the idea seems to be backfiring a bit.
Look at this blog post my friend:
"Once we are ready to switch to the mainnet (after two iterations of Concent testnet), we are going to conduct an external audit and move to production. And that’s it. We’ll have reached Brass. Again, we are not giving precise dates yet, but we want you to see some major progress this year."
now take a look at the kanban system on trello:
I am a big golem fan. I am not trying to FUD. I dislike Fuders like Nicky and Brassboy. Golem will be big but it needs time. I was very optimistic during the spring when everybody thought Brass would be released Q2 2017. I was noob back then. Hell i still am, but i am finally starting to think more rationally now.
Hi everyone I am new to Golem. Why does this site list GNT if everyone says that Golem is still on testnet?
Likewise Shapeshift offers it:
If I use shapeshift am I buying testnet coin?
You'll need to delete the files that store your wallet keys before re-installing. You can find the location depending on your OS here: https://golem.network/documentation/10-backing-up-your-golem-wallet/
Yes. From the whitepaper:
> Golem is a generalized global supercomputer, and as such, it will no doubt find its niche with vastly varied applications. They might need very diverse remuneration models. We are not able to design a one-size-fits-all payment system for Golem, nor will we attempt to force one upon application authors.
> When a developer integrates her application with Golem, she has the freedom to decide which transaction model she implements, as long as it is compliant with Golem's Transaction Framework.
> Example transaction framework components:
> ● Diverse payout schemes such as nanopayments, batching
> ● Off-chain payment channels
> ● Custom receipts
> ● Payment to software developer
> ● Per-unit use of software (per-node, per-hour, etc.)
You can view the whitepaper here - just keep in mind that this was from before the crowdfunding, so the dates are no longer accurate, but the general plan/roadmap is. You should also spend some time reading through the blog posts as they will fill you in on what has happened since then.
You need a few things running in the backgroudn with golem. Mainly Docker and VM core files. If they as well as golem arent working, you wont get past the connection screen. I had issues after a windows refresh, so I uninstalled everything then did a fresh install, imported my wallet files back over and everything was good. You might want to do the same (uninstall VM and docker and golem) just make sure you properly back up your golem mainnet folder properly first using this instruction page
No, you don't get reimbursed. You earn money from renting, and then the real income would be actually up to your electricity costs.
I recommend you read the documentation, it has all the info you need https://golem.network/documentation/understanding-beta/ and if you still have doubts, just ask.
Yes you can use your CPU while running Golem :) and you choose the times you decide to be active.
As of right now I believe for Windows OS, Golem only supports Windows 10.
"Minimum Requirements to run Golem: We support Windows 10, OS X Sierra and higher, and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS."
Usefulness of the Golem Network Token is explained in the whitepaper as: >Payments from requestors to providers for resource usage, and remuneration for software developers is going to be exclusively conducted in GNT.
I help moderate the Slack and this subreddit. I'm not a part of Golem Factory GmbH though. My point was that we're not investors in Golem Factory GmbH simply because we hold GNT - we're "investors" in our own holdings only. It's largely a moot point anyway since the team have been very open and transparent. OP is also wrong - the crowdsale terms made it very clear that the team didn't consider them as investors: https://golem.network/doc/GNTterms.pdf
Short answer: Noone knows yet.
But for sure it is something the developers have considered. I am thinking it will be regulated by supply/demand, that would only be logical. Please bear in mind "Golem" is not released yet per se. Right now it's an Alpha version. The first "real" Golem release will be Brass and we're all waiting with excitement for that to come.
Please read the offical whitepaper for the developers' big vision - and how to reach that big vision: https://golem.network/doc/Golemwhitepaper.pdf
This part of Golem Whitepaper addressing that:
>The function of Golem as the backbone of a decentralized market for computing power can be considered both Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), as well as Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS). However, Golem reveals its true potential by adding dedicated software integrations to the equation. Any interested party is free to create and deploy software to the Golem network by publishing it to the Application Registry. Together with the Transaction Framework, developers can also extend and customize the payment mechanism resulting in unique mechanisms for monetizing software.
The plan has changed. There is no fee any longer and GNT is used for transactions. Please refer to this blog post for details why we have done that and to whitepaper for details of what is proposed now.
This will be possible with FriendUP - a new cloud OS. Essentially, FriendUP is software that gives you a JavaScript based desktop environment that connects to the cloud. By integrating with Golem, it will give you exactly what you're talking about; A decentralized OS that leverages cloud resources to amplify your computer. The only requirements on the local machine would be the ability to run a hardware accelerated web view. In essence, a secure, decentralized thin client technology that runs as your desktop environment.
Check it out here: https://friendup.cloud
BOINC was specifically designed for volunteer projects. Yes, there are options now to incentivise participants, but that was never the focus of BOINC. See "Which applications are suitable for BOINC" in https://boinc.berkeley.edu/boinc.pdf
Well sorry that you UGH but this is not a roadmap question. You can check our current kanban, to ask questions about the tech elements and milestones in the future.
>Amazon EC2 Spot instances allow you to bid on spare Amazon EC2 computing capacity. Since Spot instances are often available at a discount compared to On-Demand pricing, you can significantly reduce the cost of running your applications, grow your application’s compute capacity and throughput for the same budget, and enable new types of cloud computing applications.
> My only complaint right now on Alpha is not receiving any tasks to work on.
The majority of alpha testers aren't submitting tasks or are only submitting them very infrequently. Of course, you're welcome to submit some tasks yourself. You can get demo files from golem.timjones.id.au or the Blender Demo Files page
You don't need to know anything about Blender to submit a test task - you don't even need Blender installed. You can get a demo blender file from one of the following sites and submit it as a task to be rendered:
http://golem.timjones.id.au/ (disclaimer - this is my site)
Nice answer! This is pretty spot on.
It's quite unlikely for Golem to be able to end up being used as a decentralized alternative to something like shadow tech. Probably at least not in the next 10 years.
Yes we are always seeking to solve UX issues, and usually every release comes with some improvements in this front. However some issues on port forwarding don't depend on us. We did upgrade all documentation to help those as well, and continue to do so: https://golem.network/documentation/09-common-issues-troubleshooting/port-forwarding-connection-errors/
Hi, thank you for your feedback. The team is analysing it and will answer very soon. Bear with us. In the meantime, please check the troubleshooting for this particular subject: https://golem.network/documentation/09-common-issues-troubleshooting/docker-errors-on-windows-10/
Hello, please set the price to default. As we do not know how much you pay for energy, we are not able to asses this question.
That said, here are our minimum requirements: https://golem.network/documentation/03-installation/ .
As the marketplace is p2p and we got more providers than requestors, earnings are naturally slowed down, but that does not mean that Golem is not able to generate income, just not as fast as some would wish.
If anybody runs into issues, refer to this page for some potential troubleshooting help : https://golem.network/documentation/09-common-issues-troubleshooting/docker-errors-on-windows-10/
Check against the golem error log file, which that page also shows you how to find
Hi! please head to https://golem.network/documentation/understanding-beta/ our tech support team has prepared a pretty neat guide. If that's not enough, please head to our chat https://chat.golem.network/channel/testers
You can check the logs at
More info at:
You can also contact the team at:
The commands on this list helped me install the docker and get golem up and running.
what do you see when you input 'docker-machine ls' into the command prompt?
Golem is so far ahead of SONM, it’s not even a competition right now. Just compare SONM’s “mvp” with Golem’s alpha.
As for your "downsides":
Golem does have a community (just check the number on the right hand side of this page).
Golem does have a live product: https://golem.network/alpha.html
And the fact that other, centralized players like Amazon, Google and Microsoft are already active in this field only goes to show that there is money to be made here.
> https://golem.network/doc/Golemwhitepaper.pdf
This is literally the only bit about use cases other than CGI rendering:
"it is easy to imagine Golem primarily as a platform for microservices, allowing users to run both small (e.g. a note-taking app) and large (e.g. a streaming service) applications in a completely decentralized way. "
Why would anyone run a note-taking app on a decentralized compute system when you can run it on your local machine? This is so asinine I am baffled as to how they could include this in the white paper. Then you have streaming services - okay. What makes these streaming services effective in a decentralized manner? Why would it be any better to run a streaming service on 1000 machines vs 1. Costs? I have stated that cost economics of GNT make zero sense in another thread.
Instead of quoting a white paper that has zero information, perhaps think of some actual tangible, realistic examples? Oh sorry, I don't think you could because GNT team themselves couldn't think of any. CGI rendering, protein folding, looking for extraterrestial life is already all done on cloud platforms. I don't see how golem changes anything.
Brass is Golem's proof of concept, a network for rendering only. See the whitepaper p. 13:
As for a general purpose computer (not necessarily getting your "Mac to run faster") the Golem team is cooperating with QubesOS:
> But this is no different than how any interested developer could earn fees on the platform, correct?
> To what extent is software developed for the platform by the golem team going to be closed source, vs all platform code will be open source?
I believe they could make it closed source. It would be up to providers to decide if they want to run it.
> Do you have a source to somewhere that the golem team clarifies this?
Page 6 of the whitepaper: "...could also become an interesting way to distribute existing proprietary and open source software."
That document is from 2007. See their homepage now, specifically: "Companies: use BOINC for desktop Grid computing" where it again mentions businesses right at the top. Focuses change after decades...
Could you give a link or provide some steps on how you do port forwarding with NordVPN? I was looking into this before and then I saw this on their website -Started/1047408432/Do-you-offer-port\ . Here they specifically says they don't support port forwarding.
U/mariapaulafn is the Kanban still being updated regularly? It seems as though the “tasks completed” aren’t reflective of the progress. Maybe I’m mistaken though.
I think you are going down the wrong road.
> The needs for Golem represents a different market, and in a given period, the computational resources that are joining the network surely have a different growth rate than the movements of the ETH factors. So, i guess, with using GNT, after its use becomes widespread, the price will stabilize (or at least go into a stably increasing trend).
GNT's current price is composed of the value of ETH under control by GNT people and a speculation component that bets on its future demand.
Later, GNT's price will mirror closely its competition: https://aws.amazon.com/emr/pricing/
1 USD of GNT will buy you slightly more computation than 1 USD of Amazon Credit. Otherwise, people will spin up AWS instances and arbitrage the difference.
Yet, there is no other reason than accounting for the existence of the GNT token itself!
Coming to think of it, one side effect may be that GNT can become a very stable unit because of this pricing equation.
EDIT: 1 USD of GNT will buy you slightly LESS computation than 1 USD of Amazon Credit. Otherwise, people will spin up AWS instances and arbitrage the difference.
Hi! we do! last year we were sponsors https://www.blender.org/conference/2018/news/announcing-blender-conference-2018-sponsors This year we will be attending as well - we would have liked to ship Brass supporting 2.80 to go big at the conference but we still need some time to do so..
Hello, Golem is a private company, and development and community building have never stopped. There are no reasons for "refunds". Please refer to crowdfunding terms in case of any questions.
It's just a suggestion if case want to try maximize the tasks your node completes, not a requirement. You can run Golem with Windows too just by going to the download page. Looking at the stats page I'd guess 30-40% of nodes are Windows OS.
Hey! As you may know we can't assess you financially, or even make a prediction of what's to come. You are the only one responsible for your financial choices. GNT is a utility token and it's been on the free market since the end of 2016, so we have no control over the price and fluctuations.
I believe as well, that you bought on the open market, not on the Crowdfunding - but I think that the same advice that went to the Crowdfunding people would work for you. You bought in a project and a vision, not a house, or a gold bar. You funded development - and we did not make any promiseson return on invest to our token holders because we crowdfunded to finance the building of the project.
We are really building the best platform we can and researching on enhancing utility, but we don't know if this will impact you in the way you want.
I believe that the best place to find some kind of advice from the trader community is u/golemtrader
After downloading the latest release from that link I think it's working.
Previously I downloaded it before from https://golem.network/rendering/download/windows/.
Now the golem.log is getting spammed with "Task's deadline already in the past. " and " Task request rejected. ... reason: <REASON.NotMyTask: 'NotMyTask'> "
Is that normal?
Even at current eth prices, it's easy to live the high life when you're sitting on 820,000 Eth. https://www.newsbtc.com/2016/11/20/golem-ico-decentralized-internet/ or https://golem.network/crowdfunding/index.html
Someone posted the wallet address a while back, but I can't find it. Pretty sure they still have at least 400k eth. So yeah, let the good times roll. They'll be able to tinker and play for decades, putting 3D Realms and Duke Nuke'm Forever to shame.
> the price of the token may have dropped by 90% but the price of rendering didn't
The price of rendering defenitely dropped because the ratio of providers against requestors icnreased massively. I can render scenes for a few GNT if I wanted to and chose my pricing right.
>How long does it take to cut a task up into slices, render it and serve the results for chirst's sake. Golem was created in 2016 and raised millions... It's now (the end of) 2019.
>To compare a normal render farm will take 3 weeks to set up and cost less than 200k and I can even use AWS with Nvidia virtualisation to deliver variable amounts of rendering power adaptable by the hour.
What you are not considering is that AWS is backed by thousands of software engineers and billions in development costs, resulting in a centralized product that is thus cheap to maintain and service and relatively easy to develop.
If you go to golem.network and just count the amount of software engineers and compare that to AWS, there is your answer. Seeing what these people have done (funds dont necessarily play a role in this, you cant spend hundreds of millions on an employee pool of ~50) is nothing short of remarkable for this amount of time. You are free to disagree, even though thats strange.
Blender and Golem are not intertwined at the app level, yet. The Golem team has mentioned it would be nice to have a Blender plugin that allows direct rendering/interaction in Blender itself, but that's a ways off. Not sure if they would take ownership of such a plugin or hope for someone else to create it.
In the meantime...
In a nutshell: You launch Golem and then create a new job/tasks pointing Golem to your Blender file(s).
Can search for tutorials for specific steps on youtube/Google.
Can also start reading at Golem's website:
Hi thanks for spotting this. Would you please send the logs to [email protected]?
To get the logs --> https://golem.network/documentation/15-understanding-logs/
Then I dont understand the example given by Golem:
Should the price not getting higher, the lower the Subtask Timeout is? Since I am asking for the work to be done faster?
I don`t understand the logic yet
Anytime! let me know how it goes!
There are some guides related to this, for example: https://golem.network/documentation/09-common-issues-troubleshooting/docker-errors-on-windows-10/
We are working on improving both the docs and the application as new issues are found :)
It will update the application itself, but you shouldn't lose your settings or your wallet (and therefore GNT). As always though, you should make sure you have a backup of your wallet.
Shouldn't you just do some portforwarding on your router? see: https://golem.network/documentation/03-installation/
forward ports 40102,40103 and 3282 to your machine from your router for Golem to accept tasks
Did you forward the correct ports or does your router support UPnP?
You can view router specific instructions on port forwarding here:
In some cases the connection is also blocked by your firewall. You can change settings to allow incoming connections or make exceptions for the required ports.
If you continue to have issues please reach out to and we can take a closer look :)
try enabling statistic sharing then hitting the tab
key to reach the button. Or changing the window size. If that does not work then run the commands from here after shutting down golem:
Check virtualisation enabled in BIOS, app is allowed in firewall (if on Windows), and ports are forwarded. Being stuck on TOS means golem crashed, check the logs for the real error (GOLEM logs). Here is a guide for understanding the logs --> https://golem.network/documentation/15-understanding-logs/
If you continue with this issues, reach the devs here https://chat.golem.network/channel/testers
What do your advanced allocation settings look like? How many cores are you sharing with the network?
We do not recommend changing default price settings this early in the networks usage. The default settings are the way they are to provide an optimal starting point for all the new mainnet users.
If your ports appear to be blocked on canyouseeme.org then you may need to adjust firewall settings or even check with your ISP to see if they are blocking the ports. Running a quick check of your connection can help to. Type:
golemcli network status
into your command line. The result should always say "connected". If it doesn't then something needs to change about your port forwarding or UPnP router settings.
If you send your logs to we can take a closer look at what might be the connection issue.
This is most likely due to Docker not starting without errors. My friend couldn't click accept due to him not enabling VT-x in his BIOS.
If you follow these steps, they might lead you closer to why it doesn't work.
The blog has all the install links. And the official explanation. It's not "another blog". It's our most important piece of information in the last year. But here are more install links: https://golem.network/rendering/download/
Another blog? I asked where it was, the thing the announcement is about. I had to scroll all the way down to the bottom of that blog to find a link to the thing they say is released. https://golem.network/
If something is launched, don't you think we should share it? At least a big fat link at the top of the blog.
> Current rates and without special equipment, you'll end up paying more in electricity than you might earn
Where could I find the current rates? I just had a look at the website but I didn't see them.
I received this SCAM today. Please be aware it is a SCAM! The text they sent me was the following.
“Golem Airdrop Announcement Hi, As you may know, 7% of GNT tokens has been set aside from the total issuance, ready to be distributed by an automatic airdrop. Every Ethereum address that has a balance over a minimum threshold of 0.1 ETH or 1 GNT can receive a share of this 7% that is proportionate to their share of ETH or GNT.
For every 1 ETH that you hold, you can receive proportionate 390 GNT tokens as an airdrop. For every 1 GNT that you hold, you can receive 0.3 GNT tokens as an airdrop.
Calculate how much GNT tokens you can get and claim your airdrop: https://golem.network/airdrop/
Read our blog post and learn more about the GNT airdrop: https://golem.network/blog/airdrop-announcement
Thank you for your attention, Golem Team”
The url you are redirected is not the usual Golem domain. PLEASE DO NOT send your private key or any other information.
I don't think Golem even know this yet. If you check out the white paper > https://golem.network/doc/Golemwhitepaper.pdf It looks like Clay Golem will have support for ML. They will also offer an API so it can be built into 3rd party products such as Tensorflow.
Check out countdown here. Now it counts down to 11 Nov 3 pm. Once we deploy the contract on 10 Nov, it will be counting down to the exact block the crowdfunding starts (which we will try to estimate to be close to 3 pm). Starting block will be communicated.
If you download the Ethereum wallet, you'll have to download the whole blockchain.
If you want a lite wallet, there's MetaMask: https://metamask.io/. Although I'm not sure about Golem support... Anyone have more info on that?
I believe you can store most ERC20 tokens with the nano ledger, but if you're too lazy, Exodus desktop wallet is another good option. Obviously not as secure as as a Ledger, but it's the next best thing if you don't want to keep it on an exchange.
You can store them in exodus (https://www.exodus.io/). It's similar to Jaxx and in some ways e.g protolfio splash screen even better. Also Jaxx are apparently going to support erc20 tokens like Golem very very soon... I hope they keep their word.
Looks like there's nothing stopping you from packaging Houdini in a headless Docker environment https://www.sidefx.com/forum/topic/68302/ and running it on the network.
Then there's licensing but that's a whole nother story
about centralized: Unfortunately, BOINC can be seen and used as a weakness of Gridcoin :-(
"I have mentioned already (DDOS of BOINC servers; cheating by BOINC admins themselves by editing the database and add credits so they can get rewards in form of GRC; hacking possibility of BOINC servers since some BOINC admins are not well-versed in "sysadmin stuff"; cheating by BOINC users: wingman attacks, cherry picking, claiming a PFC; ... see more) BOINC's flaws"
see only some other, current problems here
This event is held by Cosmos, NEAR, Polkadot, Protocol Labs, Tezos, Celo and Solana. We're just excited to be participating! There's still one day left to the event if you get a chance to get involved and check it out, I would highly recommend it.
NordVPN indeed does not support port forwarding... I'm a little reluctant to telling the whole of reddit which VPN to use as I'm pretty sure one server can only forward one port to one IP address, so having all 3282, 40102 and 40103 ports taken on the VPN services I use would kinda suck for me :( But there are plenty out there, just do some research, it takes a little bit of digging but it's pretty easy to find one :)