Doesn’t break the color pie. Protection from things other than colors is considered a Blue ability.
That said, TNN’s protection is indeed very powerful. But answers are available for any deck that are both sideboard and main deck appropriate. Council’s Judgment, Golgari Charm, Marsh Casualties, blue counters, and red counters all remove it. Green has Trample to damage the player through a TNN blocking. And Eldrazi with Annihilator are playable as well.
Card is also 3 mana, which will be much harder to get to without DRS in the format (assuming DRS gets axed). Without the ubiquitous elf around, the format’s midrange decks will slow down.
TNN is fine and absolutely should not be banned.
Here is 9-16:
09) Lands 10) Grixis Delver 11) Infect 12) Tin Fins 13) Czech Pile 14) Czech Pile 15) Turbo Depth 16) Czech Pile
WotC has officially and emphatically commented on this, even as recently as 18 months ago, saying:
>"A discussion emerged on the internet, particularly on Reddit and Twitter, about Wizards of the Coast's policy on proxies and in-store play. There is clearly a lot of confusion about what our policy is, where we stand on some of the finer points, and why we're trying to kill Legacy and Vintage (we're not).
>"Our stated policy specifically applies to DCI-sanctioned events. Cards used in DCI-sanctioned events must be authentic Magic cards.
>"Wizards of the Coast has no desire to police playtest cards made for personal, non-commercial use, even if that usage takes place in a store. A playtest card is most commonly a basic land with the name of a different card written on it with a marker. Playtest cards aren't trying to be reproductions of real Magic cards; they don't have official art and they wouldn't pass even as the real thing under the most cursory glance."
There are plenty of LGSs that run playtest/proxy Legacy events, and they can (and will) continue to do so. But don't expect SCG, CFB, or any other major TO to permit proxies.
Slivers in 2018!?! It warms my heart. The list is even surprisingly similar to classic versions, albeit much faster thanks to Vial and greater redundancy.
> someone
You can find his decklist from yesterday's Legacy Challenge he Top4'ed here
Generally speaking: if you ask me, SFM has been nearly unplayable in Legacy since 2014. It survived in Death & Taxes because the deck has been really good for quite a while, but outside of that it was one of those cards you really had to like to still play. From 2014-2017, Miracles made short work of Stoneblade decks...and now Czech Pile also happens to be quite good against them. I can totally see where Marc is going with this approach.
> it was banned for time considerations.
While time considerations did have their place, wasn't Top mainly banned because Miracles was OP?
They weren't confusing them. Confetti was made in tribute to the rumored practice of people actually tearing up their Orbs back in the day.
> "There are a few stories about people ripping up Chaos Orbs in the first couple of years after Magic was released. The story is that someone ripped up a Chaos Orb and dropped the pieces onto the playing area in order to hit as many permanents as possible. The player ended up clearing most of the opponent's lands and creatures and won the game shortly afterward. The story says that the player didn't care about the value of the Orb since people didn't realize how valuable cards were going to be, especially the Beta rares. This story might be an urban legend or it might be real. It doesn't really matter since it's a fun story and it led to the creation of Chaos Confetti. I would guess that there is indeed an element of truth to the story.
- Ask Wizards, December 2002
Giga-Bites can be found at 1803 Roswell Rd suite 1851 Marietta, GA 30062 In the Restaurant Depot shopping center off the 120 loop Conveniently located near i75 phone: 770-578-1497
most other lists are 4c good stuff, i'm surprised at this one
the 4c decks end up looking like Pile lists except with a lot more spicy 1-ofs and more varied removal/draw suite
you can find a list here:
Totally for supporting Bryant for all the work he puts into the content and maintenance of the site, but a VPS does seem excessive for a php site.
I'd look into Digital Ocean's standard options. I've run heavy traffic, dynamic applications on their $10 droplets without a problem.
Sure, I've been talking with her a bit about it. Here is the list she played. She liked the 75 pretty well, but was considering the 4th Jailer over the 2nd Holy Light.
Here's my last 5-0 with it. I'd make a couple of changes now. +1 Plains, -1 City of Traitors. -2 Faerie Macabre, +2 Rest in Peace. -1 Aegis of the Gods, -1 Warping Wail, +2 Cast Out. The other Warping Wail also might be better off as something else as well, but I haven't figured out what that is yet.
There's been some small buzz about a Human deck that went 5-0 in a Legacy league (, bottom one). Apparently Caleb Durward went 4-1 with it in his stream also and could have gone 5-0 if not for some mistake.
The deck uses Kitesail Freebooter and Unclaimed Territory, and probably could and even should use Hostage Taker too.
So I run into this because many of my cards are shared between decks (Painter/Eldrazi/Red Prison all share cards, as do Maverick/D&T/Some of my Modern decks). Cards that aren't in use just stay in their inner sleeves (Perfect Hards for the foil Red/Chalice Deck stuff, Perfect Blacks for the rest) when not in use. This helps prevent uneven wear - if I keep the Eldrazi stuff sleeved in outer sleeves and just swap those cards in, it becomes marked, as those cards will have significantly less wear than the Red cards I use more often.
As for the actual storage mechanism, I just have multi-row boxes (like this one: that I keep spare cards in for every format.
Round 3 of the SCG philly open I punted hard against Tom Ross. Here's the match, meat of the game starts around 3:30. Last turn of the game, my ponder found probe, decay, red blast, against a blighted agent. Several outcomes could have came out of this scenario, several of which would have led to a win. I really fucked it somehow :D
If they have that kind of data on Standard, then they have that kind of data on every format.
I mean, if we need to really dig into the etymology of the word, OG = original gangstas, first used by the L.A. crips in reference to themselves in the mid 70s, then as used in hip hop since at least the late 80s (Ice-T has an ablum called O.G. over 20 years ago.) It's kind of uncommon parlance, but does get used to refer to an original anything in some North American slang, and somewhat frequently used in Magic to refer to the ABUR duals.
Went back to check, because that's not how I remember it.
Looks like he was DQ'ed in Round 13, not in the final Round.
>to clear things out i don't play the format
Then why are you complaining about this here? I feel like you didn't even read the article WotC put out with the banned and restricted update. Because if you did read it you wouldn't be asking:
>Did top get banned cause what it did to the format or because what it did to the feelings of the other players?
Here's WotC official statement since it seems you haven't done your research:
>In Legacy, Miracles—a deck that is focused on combining Counterbalance and Sensei's Divining Top to control what opponents can or (mostly) cannot resolve—has been the best deck in the format for some time. We were hopeful that this would change over time, but it has not. That alone is not necessarily enough to move to ban a card from the deck, but Sensei's Divining Top comes with its own host of issues that center around the timely conclusion of matches in a tournament setting. The necessity of repeated Top activations to play the card slows down match play and leads to tournament delays. Coupled with the power of the Miracles deck, this is reason enough for us to take action on Top. Therefore, Sensei's Divining Top is banned in Legacy.
So to sum it up, Miracles was too good for too long (they hoped that we would adapt), and Sensei's Top brings its own host of logistical problems like time constraints.
Seems like this deck would want Goyf. As you probably know a bunch of Modern Goyf/Death Shadow decks dominated GP Vancouver. I'd have a look at them and start from there.
The idea of Force of Will pumping shadow +1/+1 is pretty lulzy, there is also [[Contagen]] and [[Snuff Out]] that I can think of off the top of my head. [[Lim Dul's Vault]] could be used to sculpt the perfect hand. Lots of alternate cost and Symmetrical effects you can take advantage of. [[Rouse]] pumps Shadow for
I don't know if [[Traverse the Ulvenwald]] is fast enough in this format, but you can try. It's sort of the guts of the deck and delirium synergizes well with Goyf. I don't know if you can get around running something like a Mishra's Bauble, but at least you can replace it with [[Urza's Bauble]] if you have too. You can also run [[Worldly Tutor]] instead of Traverse, but it's not optimal either. Tarfire hits a number of things in the format, and if you have a big fat goyf on deck you can pretty much steam roll everything else. [[Unearth]] lets you rebuy any of your threats that may eat a kill spell.
I've fooled around with the idea of running a copy or two of [[Cruel Bargain]], that combined with Berserk can deliver the one swing kill you're looking for, plus it draws you cards, delicious cards. I saw someone brewing a control style version with [[Malaren of the Mournsong]], don't know how that's going to turn out for him but I wish him luck.
Jund aggro might be worth a thought, run things like [[Flame Rift]], and [[Earthquake]] style effects. Play [[Ediolon of the Great Revel]] and just laugh as you run through your hand anyways, pumping your Avatar all the while. With red you can also run [[Madcap Experiment]] into [[Platinum Angel]] so long as you don't have any other artifacts in your deck, that shit is real.
Good luck and happy brewing.
not sure about gaming specific sites, but i do webdev and graphic design for a friends shop and we've looked into similar options; tshirts and hats and such can be spendy.
we went through this list and settled on custom ink because they have nice quality shirts (ie fabric), but there are literally dozens of these businesses available online. locally we had an option that was reasonable @ 12$/shirt, but they had crappy shirts.
vistaprint was going to do their own tshirt thing, but idk if they ever did or not. been using them for business cards for years, and they've always given me a good product.
Yes, I was referring to the 3 caverns guy. The difference between 3 and 4 caverns is extremely important.
And I went and did the math; script here:
I'll post the script and some details on The Source later this week after I'm more sure that the calculations are correct (I'm going out of town for a few days), but my preliminary numbers support my intuition about the 4th cavern. Numbers are assuming you are on the play and mulliganing bad hands in a certain way (similar to the strategy in the Frank Analysis article I linked before, but with more nuance because of Vials).
4 Cavern version
Pontiff on Turn 3: 50%
Pontiff on Turn 4: 68%
Pontiff on Turn 7: 81%
3 Cavern version
Pontiff on Turn 3: 40%
Pontiff on Turn 4: 60%
Pontiff on Turn 7: 74%
Here's the list that did well at EW and the last week.
I should say the deck has a pretty good chance to come out as over hyped and just a worse version of DnT. It is defiantly a brew right now so buying in too soon might leave you disappointed.
That being said having that many hate bears in one pile does make for interesting games so if you're into that kind of thing it could just be fun enough to play even if the deck isn't T1 or T2.
Stores are free to run casual events with any number of proxies allowed. The trouble arises when they run sanctioned events.
I understand your concerns but the real-time price updating is coded independently from the number of cards that are uploaded, so there will be no stress tests for the servers to update prices. Of course there will be some management work in the background but that should be not the problem.
Any way to can do a step by step of how you guys are doing your setups? So I seen the phone on top of cardboard or deck boxes over a playmat, with a computer next to it. So the 2 player both log in with their computers and phones to what software then what?
Edit: Nevermind I found it:
Welcome to MTG Paper Legacy, your source for paper Legacy gameplay via webcam.
If you are looking for a game please go to <#656285972383662091> and join the <@&656515418617544704> rank by entering:
?rank pingme
After you have joined this rank you can go to <#656285163155750932> and <@&656515418617544704> everyone who is in the rank and they will be notified that you are looking for a game.
We recommend that you use one of the following free meeting applications:
Once you've joined the meeting please mute yourself and use one of our voice channels (i.e. Paper 1 VC).
Using the voice channels allows others to hear the match as well as view it using your chosen application.
just use Discord Video Call with your opponent if you prefer and skip the "Paper 1-4 VC" Channels. It's as easy as that!
If you are using your phone rather than a webcam make sure your phone is elevated high enough so you can click the camera button when in a video call and switch to the front camera. Some phones have multiple front cameras, so you may need to cycle through by pressing the button a few times. An easy setup would be to use 2 large deck boxes as a stand for your phone.
Let's keep Legacy alive!
Thanks for the kind words! :)
We are indeed thinking of upgrading our audio setup with earpieces so that you only hear the player and not everything around them.
We are not sure yet what to buy. I think at least something wireless is a good start. Does anybody have some experience with ear piecing with a mic for audio recording?
For example something like this:\_1\_2\_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=wireless+mic&qid=1629813083&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExWkYxOThHNFVYQjVE...
Thanks! :)
This is affiliate link spam. Just in case anybody actually wants to buy these without supporting this spammer:
Magic The Gathering Kaldheim Commander Deck – Elven Empire | 100 Card Ready-to-Play Deck | Green-Black
Magic The Gathering 2021 Challenger Deck – Mono Red Aggro
I use a Logitech webcam taped to the back of my computer monitor it works well. It cost me like $40. Test your lighting for glare on your sleeves. Below is a link for amazon of the current model that I use.
Logitech C270 Desktop or Laptop Webcam, HD 720p Widescreen for Video Calling and Recording
Here’s a link for the blue ones You can get them in other colors as well not sure if the fronts are matte
Here ya go, my dude.
After the thread here: I figured I'd try to disprove the rumor that the text is the biggest give-away (hint: it's not), and bring some degree of confidence to those who do want to buy duals (hint: just buy a $5 loupe!)
Here's the loupe I use: