Don’t give treats when you get home, that makes her more anxious for you to get home. Get puzzle boxes/balls and put treats in them when you walk out the door. So she sees you leaving as a good thing. Give her interactive toys to play with and play with her for 20 mins before you leave and more throughout the day to tire her out. It’s mostly loneliness and lack of stimulation. In the future you may want to get her a feline friend to keep her company. Things like this are good: Cat Amazing – Best Cat Toy Ever! Interactive Treat Maze & Puzzle Feeder for Cats
It’s a good idea, especially on indoor cat’s. I really like Zen clippers because you don’t have to worry about cutting into the quick (the size #2 XS is for adult cats).
I'd try to keep your dog on a leash. You can get long leashes like This that allow them to run around freely but you still have control if you need too.
Both my dogs love to roll around in whatever dead, nasty, or dirty things they find in my yard. My vet said it's a normal behavior because in the wild, they will do that to mask thier scent. That being said, i was able to give them baths everytime they did.
Does he have enough toys? A cat tower to shred and climb? Neutered? Neutering can calm cats down. You might just have an incautious furball, and he wants to be were you are, pet parent. Can you use a feather on a stick to wear him out? Your cat sounds a lot like my human toddler...
I'm sorry that happened OP, glad cat is doing better.
Chicken flavor toothpaste has been our flavor of choice. Petrodex Enzymatic Toothpaste Dog Poultry Flavor, 6.2 oz
First, a possible solution is feliway spray. personally I would recommend spraying down/placing it areas she frequents (her bed or tower or your bedroom) because my boy seems to get that when we've had take him somewhere new, that the sprayed areas are safe zones
Worst case scenario that helps her chill out enough to realize she at least doesn't need to be a stressed out ball of defense.
She could just be overwhelmed because of the move. The house likely smells of your brother and between that and all your/her stuff being there she's accepted that home now includes him and was dealing okay-ish (they are known for being good at hiding their discomfort) but the considerably more unfamiliar friend of your brother that's moving too could've just been the straw that broke the camel's back when it comes to all the new stuff. Cats can also take several months to become used to a new place, despite however well mannered they seem about most things. I overall wouldn't worry too much unless that spray/diffuser doesn't help at all and seems like it would become a trend.
These two baby girls, Lanta and Lucia, are being fostered by a friend of mine while they recover from kennel cough and a bad case of mange. They're in foster care for at least two more months while they are treated.
Despite the illness, I still think they are adorable :)
EDIT They have a FB page if anyone wants more pics!
Get a window fan. It will keep air circulating and keep the cat it. And it’s pretty cheap.
Holmes Window Fan with Twin 6-Inch Reversible Airflow Blades, White
If you don't have camera yet, I recommend Wyze. Great cameras that are inexpensive and offer continuous recording with an SD card.
Have you had a vet check him? Sometimes they avoid the litter box because they associate it with pain. If you're not having success with any other methods you might consider speaking with a vet to see if they can test him for problems.
And if that isn't an issue I highly suggest one of these litter boxes. My cat adapted to it just fine, and I no longer have litter all over the
She wants in to sleep with you. You can put a door mat, i use this one. Solved my problem
CarPET Scratch Stopper 30 - Stop Cats From Scratching Carpet at Doorway
Is it a catnip toy?? My cat has only ever done this with one type of toy; catnip teabags .
Sometimes he leaves them and goes back to drink his "tea". Other times he drags the soggy bag out and goes to town chewing and nursing on it. A few times he's decided he, in fact, does not want catnip tea and just flips the entire bowl over and cries because he now has no water.
I've found them in my dishwater when soaking pans, the dog's water bowl (he never uses), the toilet (leave the lid up at night). He'll take them to the bathtub as soon as we get out from a shower.
I have no clue why he does it. Maybe he somehow figured out the nip is more potent or refreshed when wet. Lol
What about some toys that are like this? I use toys like these. They are prompted by the cat playing with it but are also encouraging them to keep playing by maintaining their interest.
WTF! get this dog to an organization that will get her adopted. look online, anything! check here:
There's gotta be some place that will spay her, right? beautiful dog - stories like this kill me.
EDIT: please post something here, someone may be able to help:
SmartSHIELD -3mm 24"x50Ft Reflective Insulation roll, Foam Core Radiant Barrier, Thermal Insulation Shield - Engineered Foil
they should get her a doggie mobility wheelchair. Pretty cheap on Amazon:
You need to get a smaller e-collar or something like this. If she is already licking at her stitches she will likely keep at it until she pulls them especially after it starts to heal because it will drive her crazy. Another alternative would be to use something like this to keep her from having access at all to the site. If she is panicking you might want to limit her recovery space to one room until she settles down. Make sure it stays quiet but check on her periodically.
No, absolutely not. I have (and have had) many chinchillas (I breed them for a number of years) and have always had dogs. Chinchillas are fragile animals and should not be around dogs.
Food is pretty cheap. I've never been to a pet store that did not have chin food that did not meet nutritional needs.
Not as much as a dog but more than a cat. Handling, holding, and run around time every day.
Depends on how often they will be in their cage. Multiple levels for jumping, if it is small get them a large wheel. My chin runs on her wheel for hours every day even with a large cage.
Get them outside (weather permitted) with supervision so they can run on the grass, great time for their baths. I have had chinchillas that like to play with balls (cat toys) and will just shove them and chase them around.
Temperature and moisture. Two big big things. They need to be kept in a cool dry place that is quiet during the day (they are nocturnal).
Make sure they have lots of chew toys, pumice, wood (mine love fresh apple), cedar and a few others can be toxic. If they can't chew this happens. Keep an eye on their droppings, great indicator of health. Treats to make them love you (treats, not everyday food); dehydrated fruits, unsalted shelled peanuts, fresh hay. Good luck.
Okay this might sound strange but I would purchase some double-sided tape that they use to prevent cats from clawing on furniture. I would put that all over the top floor or the roof or wherever the cats are coming in to prevent them from walking up and going in there. If it's outside, from how it sounds in the post I don't think it would last more than the weekend but it should be fine and holds out throughout the weekend and prevent them from going up there. If its not outside it will last a long time. I have cats and wherever I put that stuff they don't go near it or walk on it at all. They actively avoid it like the plague(or COVID). I think that might be the cheapest and best solution for you to be able to go to your girlfriend's house on her birthday. If you want to go all out I would buy keep away spray as well as use the tape, I have personally never tried it but I have heard good things when it came to training cats no to go near certain things.
[thick 4" tape like this]
You can try a ssscat device, you can buy it online and possibly at a local pet store. It is motion sensored so when it cat comes near it will put out a puff of air and it won't go into your room. We use it to keep the cats away from our door at night or they will lick our faces when we sleep.
Here is a link to amazon and reviews
I've been reading a lot about this lately, because I have a 4 mo. old who is very bitey and I want to discourage him. The most important thing is to redirect him to a toy whenever you can. Do not under any circumstances encourage him to use your hands and feet as toys, even if he is super adorable.
If you're willing to make an under $10 purchase and trust an internet stranger, I highly recommend this toy:
It may look like other cat toys, but it is special. Give it a try!
Windowsill shelf cat bed. My two furfaces fight over it. K&H Kitty Sill Deluxe Bolster Cat Bed, 14-Inch by 24-Inch, Tan Kitty Print
Whoooah you have a load of problems. I'm just going to try and give you as much advice as I can with as few words as I can else we'll be here all day.
That's all I know about fish. Take a sample of your water to your local pet store and they can test your pH level and ammonia levels to let you know if you're doing a good job or not.
PS - initially, you may want to restart your tank completely and throw some good bacteria (ask the pet shop about these) in there so your three fish can live in the water.
I have a VERY needy VERY active cat as well (even though she's almost 12!). She wants to play and be in my lap or snuggle or just be all up in my business ALL the time and also yowls outside my door when I'm working or sleeping. I got her this toy a few years ago and she LOVES IT. I buy her so many goddamn toys, a lot are expensive and interactive, but this is the one she loves THE MOST by far. A lot of other cats love it too. It looks like it might be semi-sold out on amazon right now but they have it a lot of places and it's normally only around $12. It has lasted years now despite her constant aggressive attacks. Whenever she's annoying me I turn it on and she immediately runs over to it and goes nuts. Highly recommend.
Also, getting draft guards for under your interior doors (bedroom door, office, etc) really, really helps to muffle the noise. I got them because my cat would reach her paw under the door and violently jiggle it back and forth, making a ton of noise, but after I installed them I learned it also really cut down on noise from the other side (aka her constant cries for attention).
You additionally need to be consistent with not responding to her going nuts. If your office is in an individual room, close the door while you're working and don't let her in no matter what. I used to let her sleep in my bed and when my boyfriend (now husband) started staying over a lot he was like, because she knocks over everything in the room very aggressively at like 4am to wake me up. She was very mad at first but now she's used to it and she has plenty of very comfy places all over the house to sleep instead.
Jackson Galaxy is a good resource for re-directing aggressive behaviour. Personally the best decision we ever made with our cat was to buy Da Bird. Our cat goes crazy for it. You can buy cheap refills on Amazon as well once your cat destroys the first one.
Check out Handicapped Pets - I know he's not handicapped but they have some great harnesses that you can put on him to assist him getting into the car. A very good resource for an older dog. Wheelchair never worked for our dog, but we did pickup a really nice dog stroller (LARGE - he was 50lbs) from Amazon and he loved taking rides in it. Good luck with your doggo!
Microchipping a dog places a small glass bead that has circuitry under the skin. The device is passive (meaning it has no power) but gets powered up when you run a scanner over it. They do not allow you to track a dog, but if it is lost and recovered by a good Samaritan or Animal Control, they can use a chip scanner to ID the dog. Chip scanners are common at shelters and vets offices (being in rescue, I also bought one for myself).
If you want an app to track them at any time, you need a collar that has a GPS Beacon on it. These will typically need to be charged daily. One example is the GIBI Tracker.
This is my opinion, and it might be controversial.
The other day I went on Amazon, and decided to check out best seller wet food products for cats. I compared what I'm feeding right now, to some of the fancier brands, and some that idk could be independent producers. I found no difference between the cheap, super market products, and the fancier stuff. They all had the same non-food additives, ie minerals, guar gum etc. The ones labelled grain free still had some sort of non-meat product in it, like blueberries, for antioxidants. How many cats do you see eating blueberries as it is. And you know what, meat by-products aren't evil. That just means stuff that isn't chicken breast. It includes organ meat, and bones, and it's not rendered meaning it's as it is, not cooked. And in wild, non-domesticated cat does eat all of it's prey, skin bones and all. And that's healthy. It just makes us queasy to think an animal is eating organ meat, but it's ok for the animal, even good. The supermarket stuff can't be sold until it's AAFCO approved anyways. So just read up the ingredients, and find out what you're ok with and most importantly, what your cat thinks is good enough for it :D
However, I did find this product which I liked because it wasn't just meat. It had other stuff, and the ingredient list looked short. And the price point looked good too.
You could also try raw food, home made recipes. The internet is full of those recipes, and I can see why that might be attractive in terms of price because it does turn out to be cheaper to buy raw meat and grind it up. Of course get supplements which you will add to the meat and those are easily available online as well.
I haven't needed to use one before, my cats' trigger is me being near the "food cabinet". I would say pick one on amazon that fits your budget and has a lot of good reviews. Another thing to remember, this time with your baby being up will pass, the baby will eventually sleep through your cats annoyances. Ultimately you need to do what is right for your family and if that means rehoming your cat then you'll know what's best but I do think this is a frustrating but ultimately temporary situation.
I found one online that is $80, has a 4 star review after over 400 reviews, and says that it's tamper proof.
We have this multi-tier fountain from PetSafe that we got from amazon.
My cat never drank water from a bowl, no matter how many different materials/shapes/places/temperatures that we tried to encourage her. But she loves her water fountain and drinks from it daily. It does get annoying to have to wash, and you'll probably have to do it more frequently with 3 cats, but it's worth it.
I can’t speak much to the training aspect. But I seriously recommend putting both the boys in belly bands while they are getting used to each other. Prevents them from marking all over the house. these on Amazon are washable and reusable. Can also get disposable ones at Walmart, etc. I do not recommend the washable ones sold at PetSmart/Petco, I’ve used several different kinds from there and they all sucked.
I had an older lab/border collie mix (Sadie) that went through the same thing. She was diagnosed with cancer along her spine causing her back legs to be completely paralyzed. Unfortunately for Sadie a wheeler chair was not an option because her arthritis was too severe in her front legs. However for your pup it sounds like a wheelchair would be great! As far as not being able to go to the bathroom on their own we purchased a harness that went around Sadie’s waist and we were able to place her legs in a position that made it able for her to urinate while we held her up in the harness. We learned if we gently pressed on her lower abdomen it helped to get her to start peeing. We also purchased reusable waterproof pads to put over her bed incase of accidents and made sure to clean any urine off of her as soon as we noticed it to avoid pee scald. We would typically wipe her down with a warm wet towel followed by baby wipes. I hope this helps a little! Here are the links to the harness and water proof pads. Good luck to your little guy and his journey!
AMZpets Large Dog Lift Harness. Helps Dogs with Weak Front or Back Legs. Lifting Support Sling is Recommended by Veterinarians for Pain Relief, Rehabilitation, Surgeries and Handicapped Canines
Simple Solution Large Washable Training and Travel Dog and Puppy Pad, Large - 2-Count
My daughter had a dog with severe thunder anxiety, and she bought one of these thundershirts that really helped the dog calm down. I have no idea how/why they work, but I have heard good things about them from other people too.
Good luck!
I have this one which I bought after reading this review from Wirecutter. I first got one when I lived in a 600 sq ft apartment with 3 kittens, and it was a workhorse. Now I have a house and I've gotten 3 more of the same model because I think it's so efficient. I especially like that you can take it apart and vacuum out the hair and dust instead of replacing the filters. I clean it about once per month or every other month, which definitely improves performance. I got a new HEPA filter after 2 years of non-stop use.
I think the combination of baking soda in the litter plus an air filter for the dust is key. I also splurged for a Modkat box with a lid and one with top entry, and those configurations plus their liners make it easier to replace all the litter and clean the box itself every few weeks. Our old boxes got scratched up, making them smellier and harder to keep clean.
Put down the lid. They have lids that close slowly and don't slam, makes it easier to do every time. I have a Catit fountain that all my cats have loved. Catit Design Senses Fountain with Water Softening Cartridge
I personally grew up with pets in the household and have a very strong immune system due in part to it. Here is a link for a Finnish study about the benefits of having a dog in the baby’s life during the first year and the benefits it can have.
Have you tried tethering the leashes? You can buy tethered leashes, but when I walk my neighbor's dog, who is also a "bad" walker, I just tie his leash to my dogs leash. He pretty much has no option but to follow her lead and does so with pretty much no protest.
Maybe this?
It is possible to identify pills by their size, shape, and markings. Yes, it differs by manufacturer, but they can easily be identified online if you have the full number from the tablet. I just tried googling "white pill with brown specks" and looked for pills that had a 7 on them.
edit: Also, this is a useful tool you can try for identification:
If crating him is not an option, I swear by pee pads, at least certainly for peeing. they also make this indoor artificial turf pad you can try. I have absolutely no idea if it's worthwhile.
I've never bought pet insurance.
Consumer Reports 2011:
Pros and Cons :
So... personal decision
My piggies had mites after they visited a friend's house. I noticed it when one of my pig's fur was a bit thin toward his rump. Mites irriate the skin, causing a really painful near burning itch so when you touch on it it may press the fur down causing irritation. Which could explain her aggitated nibbling. I took mine to the vet right away and they did a skin scrape, he screamed quite a bit and it did cost a lot. However I looked this up for you and reviewed a few of my old piggie books. So if you are determined to try fixing it yourself..
However I would just take her to the vet, as the antiparasitic cream is hard to find and on the net it's a bit expensive. However the cream can be applied topically unlike what that guide says. Usually in the hairless places piggies already have like behind the ears. I would not recommend trying to do this on your own, as the doses have to be applied to the piggies exact weight and have to be monitored. The treatments as far as I remember can take over a span of 10 days. If you give too much the sow will die.
At least you could take the pig in for a check up, or even better there has to be a vet training school in your area? They are much, much less and are very kind. That's where I treated my dogs and wished I had known about it sooner when I had my g.pigs.
Hope this helped!
Their website:
pictures of their dogs:
EDIT: They have purebreds, mixes, big dogs and little dogs, if you're looking for a new friend, look here first, you might be surprised!
I use TP-Link Tapo Smart Cam Pan Tilt Home WiFi Camera | Wireless Indoor Security Camera 1080p (Full HD) | Up to 30 ft Night Vision | Up to 128 GB microSD Card Slot | Works w/Alexa and Google (Tapo C200) . We love it
TETHYS Wireless Security Camera 1080P Indoor [Work with Alexa] Pan/Tilt WiFi Smart IP Camera Dome Surveillance System w/Night Vision,Motion Detection,2-Way Audio,Cloud for Home,Business, Baby Monitor
I got this camera as a gift and I use it as a puppy cam. I can talk to them through it too
Yes, my cat is generally okay as long as I am, but we had a horrible hot spell of over 100 degree weather while in a non air-conditioned home a few years ago, and our cat was showing signs of distress. He was breathing hard and fast and just wasn’t himself, so I tried to cool him down with ice packs under towels. Probably not the best method, but luckily it worked. After that, we immediately bought a small window air conditioning unit just for the bedroom, so there is always a cool place for him (and us). I have just started using cooling towels while I work out myself, but I have discovered that he really likes them when the weather is hot, too. They are super inexpensive, too. This is what we use: Cooling Towel Pack of 3 Sports Towels SKL Stay Cool Towel for Sports, Swimming, Women, Yoga, Workout, Athletes, Gym, Neck, Golf, Travel 36 inch x 12 inch (Blue-Purple-Grey)
I use this one to feed my cats wet food while I'm at work:
There are icepacks at the bottom to keep the food cold.
To add to this comment, this is a good addition to the house to keep a room open to the cat but dog-free when you're not around to enforce it.
I bought the Aspen Pet LeBistro Portion Control Automatic Pet Feeder. Would definitely recommend it. You'll see in the Amazon reviews it does have a few possible flaws, but I haven't experienced any of them personally.
2nd this. FOOD GRADE ONLY.
You can get a massive bag that will cover your house/apt 10 times over on Amazon for $20
This also will kill spiders, ants, cockroaches, etc (any hard shelled insect). You can sprinkle some on the animals as well, but it will dry out their skin (and yours).
Feliway can be expensive, but they have collars too. You can get them on Amazon like 4 for 11. They helped my cat.
These are what I got.
YES definitely this.
my cat was a big old chubber when i got her.... that and i was a pretty busy grad student at the time, i wouldn't always be home to feed her. got a $40 one off amazon that has been working for about 3 years now. the only thing i do is leave her dinner time one empty so that she can get some wet food in her diet but that is it!
They make window guards specifically for this! Here is an Amazon link for one. Alternately, you could try to find a baby/pet gate that would fit your window.
Is the litter a bit lightweight? Maybe switching to a heavier litter (bigger granules if it's clay) could cause less litter flinging by the cats.
Also, there's higher litter boxes available with 10"-11" high walls. (You can find it on other sites like, Petco/Petsmart. Usually goes for less than $11 bucks on Amazon, but right now it's out of stock or something.)
Here's another one:
Good luck!
There isn't really much you can do unless you can find something that soothes her. You could talk to the vet about some calming treats. I would also get a Feliway diffuser or spray. She wont stop crying until she feels safe and that won't happen 100% until she bonds to you or has someone or something that makes her calm.
Feliway Kit - you can get smaller ones or even just a spray bottle but a diffuser is pretty good option because you won't have to re-apply often and freak out the cat more.
Calming Treats - These are the ones I like to use but they are out of stock on Chewy. You might find them in a local pet store or on amazon.
At the odds of starting to sound like an infomercial for Jackson Galaxy because I'm always recommending him, I'm going to tell you that you should buy and read the book Total Cat Mojo by him. The guy really knows cats. He does the show "My Cat From Hell" which is how I discovered him and even though I grew up with cats, I learned so much from him. If you would rather watch videos I believe Amazon has the seasons for rent/purchase. Either way trust me following his advice will really up your game.
We have a cheap Amazon webcam that sends us motion alerts to our phones to monitor our cats. It works really well. If you set one up indoors pointing at the backdoor entrance, should catch the dog when it comes into frame. It does not require a subscription. Here's a link to the one we use. It works great.
Have you tried a maze bowl? You can get one on Amazon or at pet smart, it might help.
Mind you DONT pay 56 bucks for one hahahaha you can find them way cheaper but that gives you an idea what I mean lol
Doesn't matter. This is the one I use. It's more about fit than dogs vs cats. Even a small dog's harness may be too big depending on your cat. The other thing is usually retractable leashes aren't great on dogs but they can be a good thing for cats. You just need to make sure they don't pull much on the harness so the tension needs to be REALLY low. Walking a cat is a bit different than walking a dog. They don't go as far but explore more as you walk. You really don't want to use a collar to walk them for this reason.
This behavior is called “bunting” and they do it to mark their territory. Cats have multiple scent glands around their mouths, chin, and cheeks. When they rub their face on something they’re basically saying, “This is mine.” It’s not just a marking behavior, though. Sometimes they rub on something because they’re itchy. Cats can reach most areas of their bodies to bite at itchy spots, but for their own heads they have to use their feet or another object to scratch that itch.
You can use child-proofing safety bumpers to protect corners and edges you don’t want damaged. Just be sure to put it along the back/outside edge of the laptop screen so it doesn’t keep the laptop from shutting. You can also try training the cat to leave your stuff alone by puffing a bit of canned air at them when they start biting. The combo of air in their face and the hissing sound it makes seems to work pretty well.
I understand. I currently feed her this brand of food, and when I took her to the vet last time, the vet did not recommend me changing her diet at all, but perhaps I should revisit that conversation with her?
I'm a recent graduate from college, money comes and goes. I was in a much better place financially when I first got her.
I do feed her wet food. I feed her raw, Primal nuggets. She has been on this diet for the past ~10 months.
I discussed this with the vet as well, but she did not recommend any type of prescription diet. Should I revisit that conversation with her?
Thank you very much for this post. I use treats trying to get her to listen to commands inside but didn't think to bring some for walks. I'm going to use all of this advice.
I'm not 100% on how old she is. I would imagine 2 months the oldest. I can post a picture of her if you think you'd be able to tell. I'd like to know myself. Edit: This is a pic I took when I picked her up. I prefer tinypic so I don't have to make an account, but I assure you tinypic is a safe image hosting site.
Is there any way to tell if a dog has had its shots already, and is it dangerous to have the shots again if they already had them? The person told us she had her shots but I have reason to believe they don't know/aren't being honest.
I saved this hoping that someone would post a response because I was interested too, but since no one has answered I went ahead and did a search. I think this is what youre looking for...
Walmart seems to be the best option. Chewy has a few but theyre upwards of like 70 dollars.
similar problem myself one day.. he now has this attached to his tags makes finding him when hes playing ninja cat much easier
Hm, yeah, I have a bit of the same problem with Buddy. I have a hard time being dominant, so when I get home he's always trying to jump on me, and he doesn't like to listen to me. The most important thing for Amanda to remember is to be calm and assertive. Dogs feed off energy, so if she is mentally convinced that Sailor will listen to her, then a lot of times he will. It just takes time.
I've never heard of thundershirt, so I don't know what it is or if it'll help. But! Dog Whisperer is free on Hulu hopefully some of the episodes currently online will help you guys :)
Also! You're very welcome for feedback! A dog with anxiety is no fun for owner or animal =( I just hope I can help!
Try giving a gentle tug on the leash until he begins to raise his head. As soon as he moves, release the tension in the leash. Repeat, and he should move a little more each time. Think of it as training his brain that the pressure on the leash can be countered by moving forward.
Here's a good except from Dog Whisperer showing this technique to get a dog to move off a chair:
Here's how to make a sweet eye patch for her. Hope she heals up and feels better. Rest assured your dogs cool points just went up by quite a bit.
Pioneer Pet Raindrop Ceramic Drinking Fountain for Pets, White
They have a stainless steel one also but I read the ceramic is easier to keep clean. I believe there's a larger one for dogs as well (or a larger number of cats) but for my two this size was plenty. Be aware there's a little bit of maintenance involved, replacement filters and cleaning, but I do think it's worth it. My kitties seem to drink lots more since I got it.
Try a bed brush and then vacuum normally (as you'll be brushing it onto the floor). Bed brushes are large and cover sheets, comforters, and upholstery quickly. I used mine for cat hair and it works very well. This is the one I use:
he looks older than a week..which is good...if he was that tiny and you did not know animals and limited money...well bottle feeding baby animals takes a bit a of knowledge and a bit of money...
as perky as his ears are i would guess at least over two weeks, seeing his face/eyes/teeth would make it easier to guess.
you can make replacement milk for dogs...
but if he is a bit older you can supplement with wet dog knowing his age is rather important.
I have been through a big expensive allergy problem with my dog and I learned a lot about food allergies during the process. TL:DR my dog did not have a food allergy after all, he had separation anxiety and when I got another dog his horrible rash went away.
I cooked my own dog food for a while and the best way to do this is to google homemade dogfood recipes
Having said this, keep the ingredients simple,follow their basic rules, and it may help your dog. I do know that fish and potato is supposedly the gold standard dog food to determine allergies, feed her a commercial fish and potato food and see if her itching stops.(I say commercial because if a company goes to the trouble to make a fish and potato, it will be a quality food, plus your dog will get the proper nutrients). I used Verus Fish and potato for this, and I still use the brand, just all of the flavors now, because it is such a good food! Good luck
No, unfortunately they wouldn't. Budgies actually don't need that much cage space because they're supposed to come out and spend time in the house with you, whereas finches are a lot more delicate and jittery and in the vast majority of cases need to stay in their cages 24/7. So they have to have room to exercise in the cage.
I use this 18"x18"x30" cage for my finches. It's about the right size for a pair (they need a lot of horizontal space to fly). The perches that come with it aren't very good for their little feet, though (too thick, too smooth, all the same width), so I put in some thinner dowels from the craft section at Walmart (sanded to remove splinters and provide texture). Just make sure they still have uninterrupted flying space.
The cage you posted might be good as a travel cage if you're taking a bird to the vet, but I wouldn't make them live in it. Definitely not enough room.
Ohhh you have a kitten! I’d say put a super small amount of water in the tub. Just enough for their feet to get a little wet. Maybe even start with a cookie sheet tray thing. And put the ice on that. I used to put a tray of ice in water and put that behind a fan. It’ll spread the cool air through the room.
At night, I open my windows and let the cool air in with the fan right in front of the window. Close during the day.
These fans work wonders if you don’t have an AC. If you use it at night, bring the cool air on one side and suck the hot air on the other side. Cools a room pretty quickly!
Holmes Dual 8" Blade Twin Window Fan with Manual Controls, 3 Speed Settings, White
The reversible air controls are worth the price.
We use this one because our cats love a faucet.
Pioneer Pet Swan Pet Drinking Fountain: 80oz Water Capacity
We have had a few different types and what we learned was even the stainless steel options have plastic components, so don’t be fooled. We also learned you have to wash them and scrub the filter every 3-4 days.
Yes it does get worse first. Just keep it up. Buy a 365 NM black light (link below) to keep up with it. Only 50% of strains Glow but they are the most common strains. It will glow bright green on the cat where the ringworm is so you can really see where it is and when it dies
At the rescue where I volunteer we use extendable back scratchers and those duster type wands to be able to simulate petting from a “safe” distance. You will need to keep trying but also carefully read your cat’s body language to see when he’s had enough. Trying to feed him wet food from your hand or a spoon is another way to form a positive association with you. We have also had success with those Churu squeezable treats. Leaving a worn shirt or sweater in the area where he sleeps will help form a positive bond. Slow blinking and speaking with slow calming voice are also good things to do. Try to engage in play (wands with feathers, toy mice, crinkle balls, balls with bells inside, maybe a catnip toy would also be welcomed).
Check out this product (gonna link it, hope it doesn't get deleted by mods). You could portion out a days food, and freeze it, then put it into the trays in the morning.
I like this one: CatMate Shell Fountain
I clean it every few weeks by putting the plastic parts in the dishwasher and wiping off the motor for a minute or so.
Try something like.
That wasjust tbe firat result of the style of pill squirter you need so shop around.
It takes some practice but they work very well with most cats. The trick is the be quick and calm. Open the cats mouth by side feom behind wirh one hand then immediatey sqiirt the pill into its mouth wirh the other hand. If uou too slow then the cats has rime to get worked up and fight. Too fast and you might hurt it. It took me a month to learn the right ballence but now I have my cat finally takes her meds without drama daily. Yòur mileage may vary as your cat has bad teeth which may hurt to touch but it's worth a go.
Just did an Amazon search for "narrow baby gate", this came up: North States Supergate Expandable Swing Gate
Looks like there are lots of options if you are willing to screw into the doorframe.
Edit: this one also adjusts from 26": North States Industries Supergate Classic Plastic Gate Mounts (Discontinued by Manufacturer)
Wet food is really important even if it's just a 5.5oz can split between them a day of Friskies (~$0.60/can or less with sales or by the case). Especially since they're getting older their kidney function will decline and they're more prone to utis, crystals, blockages etc (esp. In males). Cats get most of their moisture from their diet and it could help tremendously.
If you have Amazon you can save even more. $0.47/can for 24 cans
It's always better to get two when they're kittens -- they socialize better and drive you less crazy. Kittens get bored easily, so having a playmate is a huge help for them. Your instincts are right on the money. :)
Blue is decent; they make a grain-free variety. My own cats get Nature's Variety Instinct, but that's a little pricier in most places. My fosters have to get less upscale food than my own cats, unfortunately, because I don't want to give them food-avoidance issues when they go to their new homes. They will actually eat less as adults, as odd as that sounds. Kittens burn a LOT of calories while they're growing.
The bottle-upside-down bowls are plastic, unfortunately. Plastic water bowls tend to attract and harbor bacteria and micro-organisms, and can lead to facial acne for cats (seriously). Plus, the water from a stainless or porcelain fountain is cleaner, as a rule. i have one from Pioneer Pet that's stainless steel that I got on Amazon for $30, so they're not as ridiculously priced as it might seem. The foam-style filters that come with them can be washed to get more life out of them -- no soap, just hot water and finger-scrubbing. The bottle-waterers are still better than still water for getting them to drink, though.
Getting your scent into their 'good smells' database is probably the best bonding tool there is. :) Touching them gently often will help the bonding process a lot, too.
Kitten-proofing is a great idea. Be careful to move fragile things, too, even if it seems like they shouldn't be able to get at it. I've had kittens get into places that even now, boggle my mind.
This is the one I have! My cats LOVE it. The bed itself is not that great, but my spoiled lil furballs love to be warm.
PS: I use amazon smile to donate to a charity, and so the link looks weird...but I couldn't figure out how to give you the regular link. I think it should go away when you open it. Either way, not an affiliate link. I promise! I am just failing at being tech savvy right now.
I sent a PM, but basically because there's a lack of outdoor clothes for cats, I got dog clothes for my cat instead. I went to local pet stores to try on dog clothes in person to make sure the fit is ok.
There's some sweaters on Amazon that fit well but unsure if it's available in Canada. I personally have this one:
A self-warming bed might work too if that one is out of your budget! Amazon: Self Warming Pet Blanket
You can protect the electrical cords and your cat from electrocution with Split Loom Tubes. Check them out at Amazon:
Many sizes are available.
Precious Cat Ultra Litter Attractant on Amazon.
Just add it to your usual litter. I think I bought mine at Petco.
If you want to save your legs, look into getting her a ComfyCone! It's padded and more comfortable for her and anyone she may run into (and the walls!). It has a type of removable boning in it, too, to maintain rigidity when she can't be watched. You can get it on Amazon cheaper than you'd find it at most pet stores.
Get this: Either gift it to your roommate or get him to pay for it, but it should effectively keep your cat busy at a time for at least 20 mins.
Get this as well Find it on aliexpress or elsewhere on Amazon. Take it out of the fuzzy stuff and let it loose around the house.
Our cat loved to try and climb up, on and around our TV. We tried everything, but this did the trick. We had an acupuncture pad lying around and she refused to walk on it. So I cut it into strips and surrounded the TV with it, including taping it to the top of the TV; which is coveted cat territory. After awhile we removed the pieces just keeping the couple on top. Now they are all long gone and she still knows not to climb in the TV! Here's one on Amazon: ProSource Acupressure Mat and Pillow Set for Back/Neck Pain Relief and Muscle Relaxation
I got these Armarkat Pet Steps for my cat and they're great. They're available in 3- and 4-step configurations so you can pick the step depth that's best for your dog (I got the 4-step as my cat was tiny). I got mine from Amazon Warehouse too, so the price was notably reduced but it was brand new.
When I lived in an 850 sq ft condo, I put the litter box in a closet I didn't use. Worked great because I could close the door far enough to keep the smell inside, but open enough for them to get in/out.
Tip: Get litter that is dust free. If the container says it's dust free, go to Amazon or another site w/customer reviews and see if reviewers agree that it really is. I bought some that claimed to be 99% dust free from Costco, but it left dust everywhere. I ended up buying this grass-based litter from Amazon that has worked really well.
Also, get a Litter Genie or Litter Locker to put the waste in. They are airtight so you won't smell anything.
I got my cat an outdoor enclosure from Amazon. She wasn't crazy about it at first but now begs for it since it's gotten warm. Now she can sunbathe, watch birds,etc. It was this but its currently unavailable
I got a cheap a roll of [carpet protector]( from amazon that I cut to size with a utility knife and put over the places my cat likes to scratch. Initially I taped it down with the double sided anti scratch tape, but I've found that's not really necessary. I started this too late with my old apartment, but so far no damage at my new place!
We used to have a chonker, if you put “museum glue” underneath (assuming hard surface) it helps with stability without hurting the surface. Kept my 20ish pound main coon from yanking it over.
Ready America 33111 Museum Gel, Clear
I've used these which seem to work. They do treats in the same brand, but my girl wouldn't touch them as they were rock hard
That cat might need please talk to your vet.
Our cat also has allergies so we have to give him this
please dont give the cat anything without talking to a vet.
All the dogs I've had are complete babies with nail trims. I just hold on and go as fast as I can when they decide to be still. Then when they struggle, just keep holding the paw and try again. Reward them when they are still. You can try those slow eating sticky mats (like this: ) so they are distracted while you do it. Always reward when done.
I personally just tip the nail then grind them. When you are getting the nails to be short again, grinding them every 2-3 days is ideal or at most once a week. They will get used to it.
Have you tried several litters? This one might help. It has good reviews on amazon for troublesome kitties.