>Hasn't Godes been claiming a COP around 4, meaning excess heat 3 times input. This result is more like excess heat 0.3 times input. Is a result 10 times smaller accurately called a replication? Also results such as 1.01, 1.03 are deemed to be "within experimental error"
The news title "SRI Successfully Replicated Brillouin’s LENR Technology" is misleading: the Brillouin Energy Corp. enabled the SRI to measure the thermal effects in their reactor - but the SRI didn't organize independent experiments, created this reactor on its very own the less... Most of measurements did actually run at the place of Brillouin Energy Corp under supervision and assistance of its employees and SRI probably even didn't get all details of the technology tested. The tests did run as part of SRI International Project P21429 under leading of Francis Tanzella, Principal Investigator.
Brillouin is a snore unless they have vastly improved versions of the technology they are secretly keeping hidden. Single digit watts of output with a low COP from a large device is not impressive and not worthy of a press release.
Yasushi Kawashima believes from thermogravimetric analysis, that the octane molecules get protonated during it. Personally I don't see any reason for it and I also don't understand, how it could help to explain the high temperature superconductivity. It is known that acidic functional groups are terminated at edges on the air-cleaved HOPG surface and they increase their acidity via reactions with water. However, it is most unlikely that they protonate n-alkanes at near room temperature such as superacids.
Mapping CO2 degassing and fluxes along the Mid-Ocean Ridge system Bottom of oceans releases way more carbon dioxide than expected...
>our Universe has a preferred status, and this is the basis of the so-called Anthropic Principle
This is like if shark would think, the marine water has adjusted density in such a way, the shark can swim in it without bladder. The anthropic principle belongs together with multiverse into modern metaphysics. The life can survive only very narrow zone of the Universe.
>the age of the Universe must be large enough to allow for the formation of galaxies, stars and planets
In AWT the age of Universe is infinite, or at least much bigger than the Big Bang theory assumes. The Big Bang cosmology belongs into another modern metaphysics (actually it's just a salary generator for people involved).
According to Dessiato, as Q increases, so do the losses from resistance due to higher power and current, and the thrust increases accordingly. The reason we haven't heard about the great performance of a superconducting frustum, is because when all the resistive losses are removed, so is the thrust. Shawyer is probably still trying to figure out why it doesn't work with 1000X more thrust than the non-superconducting drive.
New Study Shows mRNA Vaccines Suppress The Immune System And Allow Deadly Diseases To Thrive about study Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes and microRNAs
People have two types of immunity in essence: innate and evolved one. Innate immunity applies for children, whose cells are dividing fast as it doesn't require learning of immune cells the particular pathogens. Instead of this, another type of immune cells simply kill every infected cell without asking. Unfortunately what m-RNA vaccines just do is the labelling healthy cells as infected ones by stipulating production of viral protein inside of them. The fundamental problem of m-RNA vaccines is thus exposing viral proteins INSIDE of cells instead of leaving them OUTSIDE as all previous vaccine generations did.
Global Warming Causes Stratospheric Cooling Increased levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere have resulted in the warming of the troposphere and cooling of the stratosphere
Recently prof. Hawking issued a new warning against instability of Universe. He changed his opinion by 360° in this way. But IMO Hawking just seeks for attention and the LHC collisions are relatively safe. They even cannot lead to black holes, because these these black holes are already formed during this routinely - they're represented just with elementary particles formed during collisions. The quantum mechanics prohibits the collapse of matter into singularities at much wider scale, than the scientists believe. Therefore in my opinion our Universe appears pretty stable. But even the slightest change of vacuum density would bring a problems for us, like the global warming. So that the "stable" still doesn't mean "fully safe" for us.
>Of course if the universe were too stable, that could lead to other problems, such as the idea that we are actually just Boltzmann brains
Actually the evolution of intelligent life requires rather stable but still dynamic conditions for billions of years. The inteligent life is quite brittle with respect to capabilities of forces inside of Universe. The first supernova explosion at proximity would stripe off the biosphere from the surface of Earth with no mercy. Which is why we are living in the middle distance from the center of mature but not overly giant galaxy, in the middle distance from average star (Sun), etc. The AWT is just based on the perspective of mildly dynamic universe, which we are observing like the most complex density fluctuations of it - the Boltzmann brain. It's not a problem, but a feature of this model, because the Boltzmann brain idea fits the Occam razor principle. It removes most of ad-hoced assumptions and postulates introduced into Universe behavior
Sour grapes? Science does not always come out of academia. These corporations will also want to improve their business models and scientific advancements could come from it. Also, there is no point in having science if it's not going to be used, for example hierarchical deep learning is accomplishment of just the recent era. So even if it's 20 year old techniques they are using, we learn things from large scale use of scientific principles. Despite the fact that Henry Ford never got a single pub in Science he made a tremendous impact on all of us. Sorry but DeDeo just sounds like a whiny jackass.
Why most data scientists are frauds, according to a data scientist Former Vice President Al Gore references computer modeling to suggest that the north polar ice cap may lose virtually all of its ice within the next seven years. “Some of the models suggest that there is a 75 percent chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during some of the summer months, could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven years,” Gore said before seven years.
>Also after seeing this paper referenced on Mike McCulloch's site, I am more inclined to think this may be a true phenomenon
I also think, that this effect is real, but I don't think the reactionless drive could be explained by theory based on transverse wave spreading. Instead of this, the standing wave could create a permanent magnetic component, which would interfere with geomagnetic field, in this sense the EM drive would behave as a macroscopic rectifying diode. In this case the EMDrive thrust would depend on its orientation, which is important to check before drawing another conclusions from experiments.
Synopsis of Refereed Publications on Condensed Matter Nuclear Reactions
IMO multiple LENR reactions can share common introductory and final step via lattice Mossbauer effects (i.e. low-dimensional collisions and entanglement of multiple atoms, which decreases the activation energy barrier). This mechanism is able to accelerate quite wide spectrum of nuclear reactions (from cold fusion to beta decay) and also decelerate/thermalize their products, so they evade the detection.
We could also call it solid phase collider (Astroblaster/Gaussian gun) effect. In most of systems the line of inert atom nuclei (like the nickel) serve as an anvil for nuclear reactions between limited number of active atom nuclei and it dilutes the nuclear reaction in such a way, it cannot propagate further.
But we could apply this principle into solid lithium deuteride systems with no inert atoms and after then the cold fusion could run away into hot fusion. It's sorta tickling the dragon's tail. We should face the nonzero probability, that the future progress in cold fusion research could enable to construct and initiate the thermonuclear weapons in a way accessible for nearly every amateur.
Cold fusion is real, repeatable and peer reviewed (presentation) Significant level excess-heat evolution data were obtained for PNZ-type (Pd1Ni10/ZrO2), CNZ-type CNS-type samples at 200-400 °C temperature, while no excess heat power data were obtained for single nano-metal samples as PS-type and NZ-type. By using binary-nano-metal/ceramics-supported samples as melt-span PNZ-type and CNZ-type and wet-fabricated CNS-type, we observed excess heat data of maximum 26,000 MJ per mol-H(D)-transferred or 85 MJ per mol-D of total absorption in sample. Excess heat generation with PNZ-type samples has been also confirmed by DSC experiments, at Kyushu University, using very small (0.04 to 0.1 g) samples at 200 to 500 °C condition.
Lattice Energy LLC: LENR experiment conducted by The Aerospace Corporation repeated Japanese NEDO projects reported excess heat results - June 6 2018.
20 grams of Ni:Pd nanoparticles has been embedded in μ-sized ZrO2 particles. After conditioning the cells, both were heated to near 300°C in the hydrogen atmosphere for a period of 1000 hours (40 days). During this period, the test cell registered 7.5% more power (approximately 1 W) than the input power. The control cell measured approximately 0.05 W of excess power. The error in the excess power measurement was ± 0.05 W. Assuming that the active material is the 5.44 g of Ni+Pd yields a specific energy of 635 MJ/kg.
For comparison, the highest specific energy of a hydrocarbon fuel (methane) is 55.5 MJ/kg. The highest chemical specific energy listed (see Energy Density topic in Wikipedia) is 142 MJ/kg for hydrogen compressed to 700 bar. Based on these results, it is unlikely that the source of heat energy was chemical in origin.
The extremely fast moving Pontella crustaceans developed unique vision strategy - they don't use a composite eyes, but they're looking at the world with Newton telescopes of three lenses. They're extremely farsighted, because they move only with fast jumps. If you will run with telescopic spectacles on the eyes, you'll think, you're running more slowly. Apparently the evolution doesn't care about complexity, until the resulting solution works.
How about Yandex.com? I've just entered "site:e-catworld.com rossi" into it and got thousands of results, all relevant. It's very ironic how the big Russian-based search engine is freely providing results while the big American-based one maintains what amounts to an "Iron Curtain".
Tiziano Camporesi, spokesperson of the CMS experiment, declares he accepts 20:1 bets that the signal is a fake.
Evaluation and verification of three dimensional acoustic Black Hole based on acoustic metamaterial
Nice thing about is that the black hole model used looks like spikey hypersphere..
Compare also Developing a Scientific Virtue-Based Approach to Science Ethics Training Social Scientists, such as the authors of this research, are very likely to falsify or otherwise misrepresent or mis-analyze their research. 2 out of 3 papers evaluated aren't replicable. Second, you can not determine a person's values by asking him/her: the only way to do it is to observe them in contexts where they must choose between various alternatives, that is at crunch time. I note that these guys (research subjects) are at the "top" of their professions and yet report their students aren't being provided with the "right" training. If not them, who? If not now, when? There seems to be an obvious contradiction there.
>It’s interesting here to see Rossi defend mainstream science, and show little respect towards the LENR community in general
This is merely a political stance, nothing more. Rossi just doesn't want to make more enemies, than he already has. Of course the community of mainstream physics is not homogeneous, but if we define it with usage of peer-review, then we can clearly see, that the mainstream physicists avoid the peer-reviewed replications of cold fusion findings like the devil avoids the cross - we simply have none after twenty-five years or so (not to say about older transmutation findings, which are dated back to 1925 year).
This is simply manifestation of pluralistic ignorance if not outright dismissal from ideological reasons - nothing else.
One of IEC investors, Woody deleted his Disqus profile. All his comments in this thread are gone (I don't know if this happens automatically, or if he deleted them manually). It destroyed the context of many older discussions, which would have been interesting to refer to in the future.
Karl Walsh: Rare earth magnets are extremely brittle and shatter if dropped. IEC magnets are rugged and handle impact without damage, thanks to the unique, proprietary manufacturing process.
Kerry Welsh (the videographer for the above video) writes this as one of the YT comments:
"in a few weeks a world-renowned NASA/SpaceX energy systems consultant will be doing the definitive 3rd party testing that many have requested. This fellow has already confirmed the motor is a closed system with no external power source. Now he and his team will measure precisely how much power it can generate, and for how long (up to several days). And when this fellow with decades of experience gives it his approval, the world’s largest aerospace companies will stand up and take notice."
>The Nexus graviton is Dark Matter and constitutes space-time
Space-time is not dark matter. The space-time formed with particles is essentially aether model, but the aether doesn't imply any special properties for these particles.
Original study (PDF) This theory has nothing to do with quantum gravity - simply because of the absence of quantum mechanics in any form.
>The Nexus graviton itself is a perturbation of this graviton field
Still not quite perfect at the conceptual level. How the perturbation of field formed with gravitons can be graviton? It's like to say, that the density fluctuation of water (which is formed with water molecules) is the water molecule itself or that the Higgs field is formed with Higgs boson.... BTW What the "pulse" of space-time is supposed to be? Anyway, we can consider this study as another example of creeping of aether model back into mainstream physics - just masked under new exotic names.
Bottle of Lies: The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom Generics, through reverse-engineering, are produced to act like the parent, brand drugs from which they are derived. They are not identical to these, but are meant to be bio-equivalent.
Valeriy Y. Tarasov: h-SPACE THEORY: The Theory of Everything
The book presents a variant of the unified physical theory, the theory of everything. This theory was constructed from the ground up on the basis of a unique ratio of the primary notions: n-dimensional space, energy, length and velocity of objects. A system of equations of the primary notions was introduced in the first part of the book, and it was further developed in the second part. In the third part, this system was applied to describe the known physical phenomena. The presented interpretations of the physical phenomena can be read in the first place to understand the pros and cons of the proposed logical framework. Predictions of the theory, beyond modern physics, are collected in the fourth part of book. The last part of the book contains the descriptions of experiments that can be conducted to verify the presented theory.
Author applies his theory to cold fusion, where he proposes that at the distance 10^-5 meter between two electrons there is a maximum repulsion. When distance increases the repulsion is weaker, that we know from Coulomb equation. But, in h-space theory the repulsion is also decreasing with decreasing distance (R) from this 10^-5 meter (proportional to 1/R2) up to zero repulsion at the distance 10^-10 meter and less. So, electrons have more stable position if they are close to each other when the distance less than 10^-5 meter, i.e. electron can be tightly packed if they overcome the maximum repulsion at 10^-5 meter.
Why not - after all, I consider that at similar distances the repulsive forces of atom nuclei will get similarly compensated by attractive Casimir field-like force, which is applying most intensively in linear arrangement.
The fundamental thing about quaternion, octonions etc. is, they involve extradimensions of sort. The quaternion-based Maxwell theory anticipated quantum and scalar wave effects, which the current Maxwell theory cannot. So there are good reasons for utilizing the octonion math within contemporary physics. The opposite problem is, such a vector math is too dependent on right-angled Cartesian system. And once the number of dimensions increases, the things stop to become right angled anymore - the extradimensions violate Euclidean geometry too. The octonion-based theory will be still usable, but overly complicated, over-parametrized and as such suboptimal.
This is btw also the fact, which ruined string theory too and a general problem of every hyperdimensional theory: they apply only in flat 3D space-time following the Cartesian system and their validity scope is thus constrained to very subtle phenomena, which don't violate the dimensionality of space-time in which they reside too much (i.e. dark matter fluctuations). Even the best brains on the planet don't know what to do with it (a renormalization problem of switching extrinsic and intrinsic perspectives). As famous blogger L. Motl noted the octonion based math is the same case of fancy but void formal approach, like this one criticized recently by Hossenefelder - who indeed had the string theory of L. Motl on mind instead... ;-)
Cancer as a Metabolic Disease: On the Origin, Management, and Prevention of Cancer by Thomas Seyfried An extremely dense, but still somewhat accessible book about the nutrition side of cancer. The author builds on the Warburg effect and argues that cancer is not primarily caused by mutations, but by a reversal of the cell's energy production to a more primitive state (of yeast). This state uses glucose and certain proteins to produce energy via fermentation instead of oxygen. Working from this premise the author suggests fasting and a ketogenic diet to prevent cancer. While the author's arguments were convincing, it sometimes feels he's drifting too far away from mainstream diet and I'd like to see his conclusions supported by more large studies.
Robert B. Laughlin, Nobel Laureate in Physics, endowed chair in physics, Stanford University, had this to say about aether in contemporary theoretical physics (source):
"It is ironic that Einstein's most creative work, the general theory of relativity, should boil down to conceptualizing space as a medium when his original premise [in special relativity] was that no such medium existed [..] The word 'ether' has extremely negative connotations in theoretical physics because of its past association with opposition to relativity. This is unfortunate because, stripped of these connotations, it rather nicely captures the way most physicists actually think about the vacuum. . . . Relativity actually says nothing about the existence or nonexistence of matter pervading the universe, only that any such matter must have relativistic symmetry. [..] It turns out that such matter exists. About the time relativity was becoming accepted, studies of radioactivity began showing that the empty vacuum of space had spectroscopic structure similar to that of ordinary quantum solids and fluids. Subsequent studies with large particle accelerators have now led us to understand that space is more like a piece of window glass than ideal Newtonian emptiness. It is filled with 'stuff' that is normally transparent but can be made visible by hitting it sufficiently hard to knock out a part. The modern concept of the vacuum of space, confirmed every day by experiment, is a relativistic ether. But we do not call it this because it is taboo."
That’s what Henry Bauer recommends in his books, especially Dogmatism in Science and Medicine. The focus on attempting to ‘increase science literacy’ and close the ‘knowledge deficit’ in the public is to attempt to indoctrinate them with facts. Carnall argues that this is leading to a distrust of science, and I agree. Educating the public (not to mention students!) about the scientific process, reasoning and critical thinking would be a much better approach. See also Science is a Sacred Cow, from 1950
The Quantum Storm Inside of a Superfluid provide the strongest known analogy for the quantum vacuum - the "substance" of spacetime that matter and energy represent excitations of.
The Quantum Storm Inside of a Superfluid provide the strongest known analogy for the quantum vacuum - the "substance" of spacetime that matter and energy represent excitations of.
David Lindley The End Of Physics - The Myth Of A Unified Theory His argument for why a theory of everything would remain a “myth” is essentially that it would be hard to test, something that nobody can really disagree on. Well, some others fear of Unified theory from exactly the opposite reason: it will be selfevident and transparent.
According to BSM the universe is static. Only very seldom movement between galaxies exist, or mergers like the antennae galaxies, but those are always accompanied by cloudy structures with hard edges.
The Background Radiation is a signature of the Zero Point Energy dynamic which is a direct result of the geometric organization of our vacuum. Derived in Chapter 5.
Because each galaxy produces its own CL space. Due the fact that every galaxy had an own process, the masses and energies involved where different, follows that the length/diameter ratio of the prisms differ. These are the fundamental building-blocks of high level structures as well as the CL-space. This differences cause a suboptimal energy transfer and refurbishment of the photon on the separation surface (GSS) between galaxies - in fact, between any different CL spaces. There are 3 other effects happening on the GSS at the same time that additionally influence the photon shifting.
But in general, there is no expansion whatsoever, it's static and very, very old - 100s of billions of years.
Due the way the crystallization of a galaxy is governed, it is ensured, that no galaxy grows to big otherwise it will loose matter to it's neighbors early in the cycle.
Please note, that globular clusters are not galaxies in the BSM sense, but fossils of previous cycles.
Yes. Proton is not a point mass. Our vacuum is not empty. Under the simplest assumptions possible, galaxies and the universe as we know it, is a logical consequence. understand this model and everything will make sense: https://www.amazon.com/Basic-Structures-Matter-Supergravitation-Unified/dp/1412083877
Dr. Jay L. Wile: Review of Bill Nye's Undeniable (a detailed list of the errors he found while reading Undeniable: Evolution and the Science of Creation)