Hi! Are you in the US? I have scalp psoriasis and my derm actually did UV light therapy in form of a laser on my scalp. My insurance covered it all except for $10 office visit copay. I had to go 3/week for about 3 months but I have so much improvement. I also use a tea tree oil shampoo WITH a scalp brush. I’ll link it from amazon. I got a pack of 6 and they are so inexpensive but also SUPER effective! It’s not too harsh and I even keep one in my bag for during the day just to use when I feel itchy bc I also have a tendency to be a picker.
Scalpmaster Shampoo Brush Lot of 6 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009NTDVSM?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
>Whats taltz? Steroid? What are the side effects
The substance acts by blocking interleukin 17, reducing inflammation
Be careful on that. 60,000 iu's daily can be toxic according to Mayo
I would say get a blood panel done, but that can get expensive.
That does not look like psoriasis. I'm no medical professional, but I know there are bad things you can get on the back end of a strep infection. Scarlet fever is one. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/scarlet-fever/basics/definition/con-20030976 Suggest you get to a doctor soon to get that checked out.
Nag Champa Soap - since washing hands all the time my hands cracked, bleeding..switched to this soap my hands at 99% clear also shower and rest of body to 80% clear
I get that dead skin under my nails too, I use Nonyx gel and that helps a lot. I put it on after I get out of the shower, it also takes time to dry too. Here is a link to Amazon.
You may have to see ophthalmology. I did and they said when it's around your eyes, it's blepharitis: dandruff of the eyelashes. They prescribed antibiotic ointment for me for this. For my ears, I like the prescription oil: dermasmooth and I also use an otc: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07RL7BBJ7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_us0fFbS96JY8C
I don't have a suggestion so much as an example.
I use the app Clue to track my periods. But it's more than just a calendar. With it, I can track my moods, whether I've taken birth control, what type of birth control I took that day, my sexual activity, what I'm craving, how much I weigh, how heavy my period is, what my digestion has been like, if I've broken out, how much energy I have, how much sleep I've gotten and on and on and on.
It's a very extensive app, meant to help women understand their own bodies better, to help them better prepare for their hormonal cycles, and to know when something is wrong/abnormal for them. It gives you more power to be able to talk about something with your doctor, because you have a long-term 'study' of yourself.
I think something like that for skin conditions like Psoriasis would be insanely useful. It could track where plaques are, how long they've been there, if they're clearing, your emotions, your diet, reminders for your medications/treatments, if you've exercised and so on.
A couple other things that make Clue great is that it's stylized but not kitschy, and it's discrete. No one would guess what my 'Clue' app was about if I didn't tell them, and it can be password protected if I choose for it to be. People might really like the same for apps for their skin conditions. At the same time, I believe there are Clue-run communities, if people want to talk about what's going on with them at the moment/don't mind being part of a discussion.
Another thing is that Clue takes all of that data that people input and uses it as research. I believe you can opt out of it if you're uncomfortable with that, but it's all anonymous. I think that could be very valuable for so many skin conditions, which seem so wildly underfunded/under-researched and are difficult to track in, say, a hand-written diary.
Lots of good stuff in responses to this post.
I work to maintain a balanced diet of carbs/protein/fat and eat small, regular meals and snacks. Really basic.
Exercise is a must for me also.
Psoriasis is certainly related to inflammation. I react strongly to inflammatory foods. Especially sugar and refined flour products. I try to eat an anti-inflammatory diet, which looks a lot like just a balanced diet with few processed foods. Here is a good reference I found on anti-inflammatory diet.
Diet alone may or may not clear up psoriasis. It varies so much person to person. For me, I still need biologics. What the diet does though is keep things calm so I'm nearly clear while if I behave myself and let the meds do their thing.
Haha i understand. I'm sorry for my language i was very stressed last night.
Here's some additional info about tacrolimus
Also have a look at this. It's very informative.
Personally speaking, this is my arsenal for now
Also staying stress free, reducing porn/self-stimulation, healthy foods, exercise, good sleep and staying overall happy reduces it a lot. So, if someone has a severe psychological condition like depression or anxiety, it teams up with psoriasis and makes it very hard to manage.
This just isn't true. Diet can improve psoriasis, as certain allergies and sensitivities can flare it, but it is NOT "caused by a leaky gut". You shouldn't be saying things like that...it's irresponsible.
The cause of psoriasis isn't fully understood, but it's thought to be related to an immune system problem with T cells and other white blood cells, called neutrophils, in your body.
Definitely related, at least for Guttate psoriasis.
Same thing happened to me my senior year in High School. Totally confused about the whole thing... wasn't long until we realized my grandpa who passed away when my mom was 5 yrs old had psoriasis too. Thanks POPS!
Just picked up Selenium Sulfide shampoo from the pharmacy today for the spot on the back of my neck that goes into my scalp. By far the most annoying area, especially when I sweat 😒 will let you know how it goes.
I have always had pretty thick hair so I have never actually seen the psoriasis on my scalp. The worst that happens is the white flaking which I can comb out or otherwise keep from causing a problem.
When I got my haircut today, I couldn't believe how bad the scalp actually was. Really bad. Luckily, my hair will probably grow back enough to cover this within a week or two but it was really horrifying to see.
I shot a 5 second video of it as well: https://sendvid.com/9ddwf8lj
Regular conditioner doesn't do a thing, although a scalp conditioner was working really well : a dead see scalp conditioner
Too bad I moved country and it's too expensive here
This is the one?
I’m not sure if it’s marketed differently elsewhere, I bought it at my docs office. I had a bad flare and usually after it heals I have the dark patches like you do. I’ve been using this lotion once a day for the past two months and noticed a big difference in smoothness and coloration.
I'm prescribed fluocinolone acetonide oil and use one of these to massage it in, by squirting the oil directly on the brush first. It doesn't fully avoid the greasy hair (I still wear a shower cap to bed mostly due to greasy scalp) but it works reasonably well enough.
I am going through the exact same thing right now with feet. You need to soak and scrub that excess dead skin off. https://www.amazon.com/Amope-Splashproof-Electronic-Pedicure-Remover-Pedi/dp/B07RHMHB34/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=amope&qid=1619105646&rdc=1&sr=8-6 I use this when my feet are really dry and use it for 20 mins till all the skin is nice and soft and smooth. Then I use Aquaphor lotion on it wrapped in saran wrap with a sock over it when I go to sleep. That keeps the feet from cracking and I'm able to walk at least without feeling like my feet are walking on glass. I shower in the morning so I will scrub my feet with soap to clean the extra lotion off. I will wrap my feet again in the Aquaphor/Saran Wrap and go to work with it. I have a soaking foot spa that I use bleach and tea tree oil to clean the lotion off when I get home. For you hands, you need to scrub it as well to keep it from cracking so much. https://www.amazon.com/Amope-Splashproof-Electronic-Pedicure-Remover-Pedi/dp/B07RHMHB34/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=amope&qid=1619105646&rdc=1&sr=8-6
I don’t use anything on my skin when I lay out in the sun bc I don’t want a barrier, I haven’t found anything that makes it penetrate better. The legs are the hardest body part IMO to get clear with sun. They always seem to need more time/sessions. As far as creating ocean water, you can use Dead Sea mineral salts in the bath tub. If you do it often enough it should help! I’m going to try it too, I have before and idr what the salts were exactly. But I am going to get this one from Amazon. Good luck!
19 Lbs Raw Dead Sea Salt, Not Cleaned, Still Contains All Dead Sea Minerals Including Dead Sea Mud, Fine Medium Grain, Resealable Bulk Pack, Better Absorption & Leaves Your Skin Softer Then Epsom Salt https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07LGGPXYJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_9AGV0QZCY9NXKZ07WJTC
I'll recommend something that has worked for me. I have scalp psoriasis and my hands get like yours from time to time over the years. After the topical corticosteroids stopped working, I came across this by accident and discovered it works really well for me. It uses an extract which is OTC but has been shown to be as effective as steroids without the skin thinning and losing effectiveness over time. Good luck! https://www.amazon.com/Boericke-Tafel-Florasone-Relief-Cream/dp/B0009EIN2O/ref=sr_1_1?crid=19WE39RMA588J&dchild=1&keywords=florasone+cream&qid=1617215059&sprefix=florasone%2Caps%2C180&sr=8-1
i first got a small bottle. it sucked, barely can use it upside down, cus of its size you have no choise using it upside down. then i got a better quality one thats bigger in this link. its not perfect though, it comes in a set and the first 2 of them was defective but the others works good enough. a good bottle is really worth the investment if youre gonna use oil for your body.
hopefully this link works.
i was recommended to use cold pressed coconut oil threw this reddit. it stays liquid form in room temperature.
that one bottle is enough for almost an entire year of use
Of course! I didn't realize there were multiple kinds. :)
Revitaderm I use : https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00I7XJ9GI/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_F7ncAbF5J343N
And here's the soap: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00QU12NIA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_U8ncAb4A82B25
I would shop around for better prices. I just grabbed the first result on Amazon. I buy them at CVS. I think Amazon had it for like two dollars cheaper than I've found it in store.
Hang in there, I know there's no cure but definitely can be controlled. I heard an audiobook Healing-Psorasis on Amazon that helped me controlled my psoriasis. I went on a life changing diet and avoid foods that causes leaky gut. It slowed down my psoriasis and eventually went away. Some of the food I avoid: Wheat, rice, soy, spelt, gluten, milk, sugar, GMOs, refined oil, tap water, antibiotics, night shade, and alcohol. Check out the audiobook, it's really worth a listen. GL :)
You can get Eucerin with 10% urea on Amazon . It helps with the scales and makes me feel a bit better, but it doesn’t stop flare-ups.
cerave made a face cleanser specially for psoriasis. https://www.amazon.com/CeraVe-Psoriasis-Therapy-Cleanser-Ounce/dp/B075N8CDGT also read the wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/Psoriasis/wiki/faq-facial-psoriasis urea based moisturizers should help you out as well.
The paraben/sulfate free dandruff I use is Jason! Umm sorry, I’m on mobile lol https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000FGDIAS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_t1_2.0dFb382GZ2B It’s also at target online, for $5 cheaper! Shop around.
I do not use conditioner. My hair is really fine but thick, and conditioner tends to weigh it down. I will use conditioner once in a blue moon, also paraben/sulfate free. This is the one I have, but I got it on clearance at Walmart. It’s nice, but it’s for my hair on occasion, and does nothing for my scalp. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B076HNNV4L/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_t1_mc1dFbVT12WAZ
I let the shampoo sit long enough to basically shave and scrub a dub dub the rest of me.
In my personal experience, I am always going to recommend avoiding sulfate shampoo if you’ve got scalp issues. Legit, the difference was night and day. I will never ever go back.
It helps a lot. The redness is thin skin (your blood showing through). So if you can relieve it some, it’ll help. I’ll admit that it’s a problem I haven’t had to focus on a lot, because I have darker skin. I tend to focus more on stopping the flakes and the pain. The flakes show up waaaayyyy too contrasted with my skin haha
If you’re wanting to try the new routine without breaking the bank, email some companies and see if they’ll send you a foil packet to try. The scalp scrubber is only a few bucks on amazon (I have the purple one) and that super helps with flakes and pain, so if you don’t do the shampoo routes at all, I’d at least do that.
I just started Humira in September. I was incredibly afraid to start it. I don’t do well with needles or medical procedures. I tend to pass out.
Once I got over the initial injection, it became much easier. Today’s an injection day, and I’m not even concerned about it anymore. I do take Humira at night before bedtime.
I put ice on the injection site for a few minutes to numb the area. Then I clean the injection site with rubbing alcohol. I put the injector on the site, hold it there, look away, and make sure to hold the button until it’s done. You’ll hear a small hissing sound when it’s almost done.
I bought myself Shot Blockers. They’re supposed to help lessen injection site pain. They were made with kids in mind. You can order single Shot Blockers from ebay and etsy. I’m trying it for the first time today - I’ll let you know how it goes!
Try this: https://www.amazon.com/Boericke-Tafel-Florasone-Relief-Cream/dp/B0009EIN2O/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1PIYQZLA8YY3Q&keywords=florasone&qid=1669055449&sprefix=florasone%2Caps%2C664&sr=8-1 I've had hand psoriasis for years and this works without the thinning and reduction in effectiveness you get from steroids.
Wow! That is the worst Ive ever seen...
I would look for 95% anthro pine bark extract (powder, I get it in capsules)
When I was taking like 400mg 2x a day, it seemed to really help. I also cut my triggers out before starting. The pine bark seemed to help on top of that.
I would also look for a tea tree/olive/macadamia nut oil ointment, like this: https://www.amazon.com/Tea-Tree-Therapy-Ointment-Ounce/dp/B01CTKE7BG
I use this in all sensitive areas and in my ears, it helps to get the flakes off and keeps fungal infections from forming.
Im sure he could get on a biologic, I wish you all the best. In the u.s, someone like him could qualify to get it for free, or a derm office might offer free samples
I have a long arm clip attached to the back of the bed for long scrolling sessions if that’s viable?
Similar to this
I found this stuff to be really nice and I pair it with raw Shae butter
Hands are tricky to diagnois with psoriasis because lots of other things can be causing contact dermatitis -- allergies, etc. You use your hands for everything, etc.
I used to have bad splits on my hands (and so does my mother). I have psoriasis and my mother does not. Oddly enough, when I quit smoking years ago, my hands cleared up, but I still had psoriasis on other parts of my body. If I use a continually use a strong hand soap, or do heavy cleaning my skin will break out.
I would go see a dermatologist, not just an MD. they are better able to examine skin and would be able to give you a topical cream to help.
Aloe vera is like my least favorite of the moisteriziers.
You can also buy cotton gloves to wear while sleeping to help heal your skin splits and I would lather on one of the heavier moisturiers like petroleum jelly, nivea cream or Aquaphor after making sure my hands were softened and cleaned from soaking.
I have a bidet unrelated to psoriasis and while I love it, it does nothing for my psoriasis. It certainly keeps UTIs at a minimum though. The one I got is about $30 on amazon and I got it through woot before woot was taken over. It is pretty easy to install, though I would recommend replacing the plastic bits with metal ones on the hoses.
Regarding your girl bits, my obgyn usually prescribes me triple cream for the rashes. You will be prone to your psoriasis getting either yeast or bacterial infections and the triple cream with hit it with a steroid, an antifungal and an antibiotic, which covers a multitude of sins. Definitely bring it up on your next annual. You can't really use steroids for very long in those areas, but there are plenty of options available, including pills.
Awww. I’m sorry. Maybe a Shot Blocker would help?
Can you go to a derm and actually have it diagnosed? Let's assume it is I'll tell you what worked for me.
I've had P on my elbow and ears for I don't know how long.
Not bad enough for me to feel like I needed to go on anything past creams the derm prescribed. Nothing worked.
Then I said fuck it and started buying random creams that didn't work at all. Then I bought this... 3 days later I was better. 1 week and it's gone.
I'm out of the country in Italy for a week and decided not to bring it to see if it'd come back. Got here Saturday. Still clear for now.
No, I don't own this company lol
Seborrheic Dermatitis Cream,... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09Y279LYK?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
For $20 why not give it a whirl.
Foot and Body Oil with Tea Tree... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M1ORIHF?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I ordered this one it’s super helpful the smell is a little strong so i put it on before bed and let it sit all night, try to not take super hot showers also it will irritate your skin worse. If you can get a humidifier for your bedroom also to help from having dryer air especially when you’re using the heat in the winter
The short answer is it doesn't really sound like it. I have plaque psoriasis, and when it first started to show symptoms, it was itchy, red, and had flakiness. It only itched where it was coming in, and the itching didn't last a long time. I'm sure it's different for everyone.
Here's something I found on the Mayo Clinic website. I would definitely check it out, and see if it matches what's going on. It also has some tips on how to help it.
The best advice I can give is: do some research, and see a dermatologist. You know your body and what symptoms you have better than anyone, and you may be able to find some temporary relief.
I'm able to tolerate up to 5% spandex with my cotton so I like these: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09Z6DY4BJ?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details
The boxer style is a must for me because my groin crease sometimes gets inflames. There are a lot of ladies' boxers out there but very few cotton ones.
It's not a cream, but I've had a good long-term experience with emu oil (https://www.amazon.com/PRO-EMU-OIL-Natural-Emu/dp/B001DKF08S). I find that it keeps my skin moisturized throughout the day, which helps lessen the itchiness. I think it's also anti-inflammatory and helps with wound healing (cuts and burns). Right now, I'm dealing with scalp psoriasis / alopecia areata, and emu oil mixed with other essential oils has been helpful in reducing skin peeling and itchiness, as well as excessive hair shedding.
To stop scratching is one the main keys. And diet may be a hidden trigger, so it's good to be aware of any potential allergic reactions you're having. Hope this helps :)
For medicine: They make clobetasol in a spray and topical foam that work really well if you can get your derm to prescribe them.
The ointment can make your hair super greasy....
For hydration and getting rid of the flakes: Any sort of hydrating oil will work of course but I had good luck with Greek Remedy: https://www.amazon.com/Organic-Lavender-Grapeseed-Vitamin-Moisturizer/dp/B01B12KCGC?ref_=ast_sto_dp
I look like I haven't bathed in weeks after I spray it on my scalp but after a wash, my hair feels pretty hydrated and the skin flakes come right out
I would start with the little Activia plus shakes everyday and moisturizing the area with coconut oil. If you haven't gone to a dermatologist yet for an official diagnosis I would just so you have better peace of mind and know for sure that it's psoriasis. They will more than likely try to prescribe you a topical steroid for your head and I personally wouldn't go that route because it thins your skin and can give you hair thinning overtime. Because my skin is so sensitive to stuff like that I saw thinning within a week. It was after that I learned about adding probiotics to my daily routine. It was such a huge help I couldn't believe it. I'm not sure where you live or how much sun you get but adding vitamin D/k22 would probably also benefit you. but everybody's different and that's why I was suggesting talking to a dermatologist. But if you're in the desperate stages like I was go ahead and give everything a whirl. I'm sure others will have more info. I just wanted to pipe up because my whole scalp was covered with plaques last March and I know how you feel. I couldn't move without it looking like snow falling from my head and I was wearing hats as soon as I woke up all the way until I went to bed to try and avoid snowing on everybody and everything LOL it sucked then but I laugh now. Hopefully this info helps. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0771R5L28/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apanp_nBX1CQls6MK39
This is the one I use! I didn't buy a six pack like this listing, but if you travel or shower at multiple houses (I stay the weekend at my parents fairly often), then it could be nice to have a bunch.
Honestly too, I don't soap up much. Maybe once a week, or if I've been out all day working in the garden. Otherwise, I just swipe the extra shampoo on me and it's fine. Soap dries the skin out and strips it of the oils, so when I do use soap, I always make sure to lotion up before I'm fully dry so that the moisture gets locked in.
I use First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair cream all over, even on my face. I love their products in general - it doesn't irritate my skin and stuff like that cream calms it. I don't put coal tar on my face, but I do on teh rest of my body and that helps make it go away.
My sister had two large patches around her eyes - she looked like a raccoon. I got her on vitamin D (2k (you can OD on vitamin D, so start low)), and biotin (10K), which helped some (I'm on the same stuff and went from 15% coverage to about 3%). Then it stopped helping, and I found her this Dr Blaine's stuff which she said has helped sooooo much. I haven't seen her in person to check her face, but I advised her once every other day because face skin is so delicate. Coal tar is how we fix it in my family lol
Biologics lower your immune system. I've been trying to fix mine from the inside out, and it's gotten down to a manageable level. My trigger is stress, and it takes a week from teh stressful event to flareup. See if you can't track yourself to figure out your trigger.
If you ever wanna talk, rant, whatever, feel free to DM me <3 I know it's tough. I've had it since I was a little kid, and on every place on my body imaginable.
As much as you want to, don't go with no foot on the clippers, the bare blades irritate mine really bad.
I use this instead of shampoo, seems to help a bit.
Olive Oil Soap Bar - Natural,... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FFH2T87?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
If you are really serious about healing your psoriasis.
I’ve been using Head & Shoulders Scalp Daily Moisturizer. My scalp isn’t as itchy, and feels more relaxed.
Gotcha! Certainly a dermatologist visit, when you have insurance again or can afford it, is best, obviously, but in the meantime, my tips would be:
I would recommend Neutrogena T/Gel shampoo:
Avoid washing your hair/scalp with water that is too hot for too long.
Sunlight is your friend!
Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!
Salicylic acid is the ingredient you're looking for to reduce scaling
And then my most common treatment is to smoke a joint, park on my couch, watch something stupid on TV, and forget about all of my/the world's problems, but I'm not sure if that one works for you or not.
Coal Tar & Salicylic Acid Ointment
^ Here’s the link!! And thank you for the sun advice! Where I live happens to be very hot, so I hate going outside but I’ve also been going to the beach now and then so hopefully my continued trips will help!
It's been about 6 months and I'm basically flake free with daily washing.
Someone posted here recently recommending a prebiotic (4 a day) and a specific shampoo for thinning hair. You can get both on Amazon (I will link below). I take the pills am and pm and wash almost daily with the shampoo (smells ok). It has been a month and I'm almost flake free and my scalps appears normal. I also use psoriasis honey scalp conditioner, prose conditioner on the ends. I use psoriasis honey serum and lotion 2x a day and my body is also healing. I'm so grateful.
I wish I could find her original post. I am having great results!!
Jarrow Formulas Saccharomyces Boulardii + MOS - 5 Billion Viable Organisms Per Serving - 90 Delayed Release Veggie Caps, 2 Pack - Probiotic + Prebiotic - Intestinal Tract Support - Up to 180 Servings https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NW49TC7/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_0K8W4Y2XM0C8Q51F1MAP?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Revita Hair Growth Shampoo For Thinning Hair and Hair Loss by DS Laboratories, Volumizing and Thickening Shampoo for Men and Women, Shampoo for Hair Growth, Hair Strengthening, Sulfate Free, DHT Blocker (925ml) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00Z0HE2UM/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_5GFHXG2GZ5EQ3DF294GA
I hope you find relief!!
This is the brand I've been using for a few months now. https://www.amazon.com/Vitamin-K2-MK7-Supplement-Vegetarian/dp/B0771R5L28/ref=sr_1_5?crid=1A5WZPXOBXMXM&keywords=vitamin+d3+with+k2&qid=1656613643&s=hpc&sprefix=vitamin+d3+with+k2%2Chpc%2C126&sr=1-5
It's 5000 IU of D3 with the proper amount of K2 added to ensure you don't get calcium build up problems. If you are wanting to go even higher in the amount of D3 you are taking for a short period of time like the poster of this thread, they are on Amazon too. It's just easier for me to take a D3/K2 combo pill than trying to take them all separately.
Using wild plantain is really clever, and at no cost is hard to beat.
But if you’re interested there’s a local company in my state that makes a hand-cream with plantain in it, and if you’re so-inclined I highly recommend giving them a try. I use it a lot in the winter as my hands get especially dry. I’ve never tried using it on my psoriasis specifically, but maybe I should.
Anyway they’re on Amazon, this is the hand cream: https://www.amazon.com/Little-Seed-Farm-Hand-aid-Healing/dp/B00X2X8CFC/ref=mp_s_a_1_16?adgrpid=67831735116&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1s_yw5zH-AIV58LCBB0gAw23EAAYASAAEgKNDPD_BwE&hvadid=337692035407&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9013188&hvnetw=g&...
I've tried most of the kits under $200. So far dermasolve is the most consistently successful.
They have a great cream for all skin. It's good on the scalp for dissolving flakes. But it can leave hair greasy. I use it on all the red patches.
The scalp oil isn't as noticeable in the hair, especially if applied for overnight.
Their scalp oil is excellent at stopping the itch. Apply generously. Use a brush, comb or Nizoral Hair Shampoo Brush - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08ZYYVKPX?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
To get the oil evenly spread. This oil is great for around the ears and any patches. So just rub any excess into your ears, neck, face.
I can't recommend the Nizoral brush enough. It's flexible silicone spikes. An ergonomic grip makes it comfortable to scrub flakes loose.
Dermasolve shampoo and conditioner worked well for a few months. But then it didn't. I've been switching with all the others. Nothing is working but the cream and scalp oil. And that fanged brush!🤣
Prior to getting on Skyrizi, I used bioderma for years. Definitely helped hydrate and kept the flakes away. Here's the link to the product at Amazon, if you'd like more information. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0161ZC5GY/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_0TRANFB84D07CFWC0XJM?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
The best luck I have had is with this kid's rosemary/tea tree shampoo that's meant to repel lice. This stuff: [product link]
But when I wash my hair I USUALLY only use the conditioner because it'll dry my hair out really bad if I do both on a regular basis, and the conditioner keeps my hair clean enough.
It's not perfect, but it also doesn't inflame my existing psoriasis, and most shampoos I've tried make my psoriasis worse.
Someone posted here recently recommending a prebiotic (4 a day) and a specific shampoo for thinning hair. You can get both on Amazon (I will link below). I take the pills am and pm and wash almost daily with the shampoo (smells ok). It has been a month and I'm almost flake free and my scalps appears normal. I also use psoriasis honey scalp conditioner, prose conditioner on the ends. I use psoriasis honey serum and lotion 2x a day and my body is also healing. I'm so grateful.
I wish I could find her original post. I am having great results!!
Jarrow Formulas Saccharomyces Boulardii + MOS - 5 Billion Viable Organisms Per Serving - 90 Delayed Release Veggie Caps, 2 Pack - Probiotic + Prebiotic - Intestinal Tract Support - Up to 180 Servings https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NW49TC7/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_0K8W4Y2XM0C8Q51F1MAP?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Revita Hair Growth Shampoo For Thinning Hair and Hair Loss by DS Laboratories, Volumizing and Thickening Shampoo for Men and Women, Shampoo for Hair Growth, Hair Strengthening, Sulfate Free, DHT Blocker (925ml) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00Z0HE2UM/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_5GFHXG2GZ5EQ3DF294GA
I hope you find relief!!
Someone posted here recently recommending a prebiotic (4 a day) and a specific shampoo for thinning hair. You can get both on Amazon (I will link below). I take the pills am and pm and wash almost daily with the shampoo (smells ok). It has been a month and I'm almost flake free and my scalps appears normal. I also use psoriasis honey scalp conditioner, prose conditioner on the ends. I use psoriasis honey serum and lotion 2x a day and my body is also healing. I'm so grateful.
I wish I could find her original post. I am having great results!!
Jarrow Formulas Saccharomyces Boulardii + MOS - 5 Billion Viable Organisms Per Serving - 90 Delayed Release Veggie Caps, 2 Pack - Probiotic + Prebiotic - Intestinal Tract Support - Up to 180 Servings https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NW49TC7/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_0K8W4Y2XM0C8Q51F1MAP?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Revita Hair Growth Shampoo For Thinning Hair and Hair Loss by DS Laboratories, Volumizing and Thickening Shampoo for Men and Women, Shampoo for Hair Growth, Hair Strengthening, Sulfate Free, DHT Blocker (925ml) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00Z0HE2UM/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_5GFHXG2GZ5EQ3DF294GA
I hope you find relief!!
I keep a cerave night moisturizer and a eucerin urea scalp lotion with me. Every time I go to the restroom, I check and put some on my hairline. Keeping it moisturized helps hide it.
This is the one I just bought to try
Chewable Oral Probiotics for Mouth — Bad Breath Treatment, Gingivitis & Gum Disease Supplement - Oral Care Tablet w/BLIS K12 M18 — Dentist Formulated 60 Lozenge Mint Flavor eBook Included (1 Pack) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KDQW1XU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_RQVAZ58QP4JJRND7H6KB?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This is what I wore - theyre incredibly soft and pretty stretchy so they move better than boxers, didnt chafe when walking, and still provided some decent support.
Banana Bucket Men’s Running Workout Gym Active Shorts Lounge Sleep Bottoms https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074NP2SJR/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_H5FAEPK7SFGZVXCZKZJ1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I have this one and have been really happy with it. It about killed me to spend so much, but in the two years I've had it, I'm sure it's saved me at least $300 on calcipotriene. It takes a long time since my psoriasis is spread out, but I just lay in bed reading or watching a movie while I do it.
I've used tea tree shampoo and hair mask. It cools my scalp burning a lot. For the flakes I use something like this
Hair Scalp Massager Shampoo Brush, MAXSOFT Scalp Care Brush https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074ZDXFL6/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_49QWZ4ED4W2FZ8SSM77Y
If you want to try something much better/meant for psoriasis, give this one a try! I’ve been using it for years and it’s awesome- I only really need to use a little once a week to really clear it up
Someone posted here recently recommending a prebiotic (4 a day) and a specific shampoo for thinning hair. You can get both on Amazon (I will link below). I take the pills am and pm and wash almost daily with the shampoo (smells ok). It has been a month and I'm almost flake free and my scalps appears normal. I also use psoriasis honey scalp conditioner, prose conditioner on the ends. I use psoriasis honey serum and lotion 2x a day and my body is also healing. I'm so grateful.
I wish I could find her original post. I am having great results!!
Jarrow Formulas Saccharomyces Boulardii + MOS - 5 Billion Viable Organisms Per Serving - 90 Delayed Release Veggie Caps, 2 Pack - Probiotic + Prebiotic - Intestinal Tract Support - Up to 180 Servings https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NW49TC7/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_0K8W4Y2XM0C8Q51F1MAP?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Revita Hair Growth Shampoo For Thinning Hair and Hair Loss by DS Laboratories, Volumizing and Thickening Shampoo for Men and Women, Shampoo for Hair Growth, Hair Strengthening, Sulfate Free, DHT Blocker (925ml) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00Z0HE2UM/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_5GFHXG2GZ5EQ3DF294GA
I hope you find relief!!
Someone posted here recently recommending a prebiotic (4 a day) and a specific shampoo for thinning hair. You can get both on Amazon (I will link below). I take the pills am and pm and wash almost daily with the shampoo (smells ok). It has been a month and I'm almost flake free and my scalps appears normal. I also use psoriasis honey scalp conditioner, prose conditioner on the ends. I use psoriasis honey serum and lotion 2x a day and my body is also healing. I'm so grateful.
I wish I could find her original post. I am having great results!!
Jarrow Formulas Saccharomyces Boulardii + MOS - 5 Billion Viable Organisms Per Serving - 90 Delayed Release Veggie Caps, 2 Pack - Probiotic + Prebiotic - Intestinal Tract Support - Up to 180 Servings https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NW49TC7/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_0K8W4Y2XM0C8Q51F1MAP?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Revita Hair Growth Shampoo For Thinning Hair and Hair Loss by DS Laboratories, Volumizing and Thickening Shampoo for Men and Women, Shampoo for Hair Growth, Hair Strengthening, Sulfate Free, DHT Blocker (925ml) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00Z0HE2UM/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_5GFHXG2GZ5EQ3DF294GA
I hope you find relief!!
This will help clear it up. I wouldn’t rely on it, but myself and many other have had great luck with this cream.
Advanced Psoriasis Treatment Cream Moisturizer, Natural Eczema Treatment Psoriasis Cream Chinese Medicine Cream for Skin Disease https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0924DGFH2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_W9Y6VH6Z78JSHHMYVPTW
Maybe get a phototherapy wand you can use at home.
I posted in more detail below buy this shampoo is amazing. The bottle is huge and will last me months.
Revita Hair Growth Shampoo For Thinning Hair and Hair Loss by DS Laboratories, Volumizing and Thickening Shampoo for Men and Women, Shampoo for Hair Growth, Hair Strengthening, Sulfate Free, DHT Blocker (925ml) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00Z0HE2UM/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_5GFHXG2GZ5EQ3DF294GA
Someone posted here recently recommending a prebiotic (4 a day) and a specific shampoo for thinning hair. You can get both on Amazon (I will link below). I take the pills am and pm and wash almost daily with the shampoo (smells ok). It has been a month and I'm almost flake free and my scalps appears normal. I also use psoriasis honey scalp conditioner, prose conditioner on the ends. I use psoriasis honey serum and lotion 2x a day and my body is also healing. I'm so grateful.
I wish I could find her original post. I am having great results!!
Jarrow Formulas Saccharomyces Boulardii + MOS - 5 Billion Viable Organisms Per Serving - 90 Delayed Release Veggie Caps, 2 Pack - Probiotic + Prebiotic - Intestinal Tract Support - Up to 180 Servings https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NW49TC7/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_0K8W4Y2XM0C8Q51F1MAP?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Revita Hair Growth Shampoo For Thinning Hair and Hair Loss by DS Laboratories, Volumizing and Thickening Shampoo for Men and Women, Shampoo for Hair Growth, Hair Strengthening, Sulfate Free, DHT Blocker (925ml) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00Z0HE2UM/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_5GFHXG2GZ5EQ3DF294GA
More than anything you should find some relief if you keep your spots moist. I find that showering daily to soften them and then gently scrubbing as much surface scale off with a wash cloth (gently). Immediately after my shower I apply a serum to my worst spots and let it sit for a minute. Then I apply an oil for scaring with vitamin b and let it sit and finally I use psoriasis honey lotion on my whole body.
I keep psoriasis honey serum by my toilet and anytime I am in the bathroom I dab some on. My spots are half the size in a month and my scalp is almost healed.
I hope you find relief!!
Someone posted here recently recommending a prebiotic (4 a day) and a specific shampoo for thinning hair. You can get both on Amazon (I will link below). I take the pills am and pm and wash almost daily with the shampoo (smells ok). It has been a month and I'm almost flake free and my scalps appears normal. I also use psoriasis honey scalp conditioner, prose conditioner on the ends. I use psoriasis honey serum and lotion 2x a day and my body is also healing. I'm so grateful.
I wish I could find her original post. I am having great results!!
Jarrow Formulas Saccharomyces Boulardii + MOS - 5 Billion Viable Organisms Per Serving - 90 Delayed Release Veggie Caps, 2 Pack - Probiotic + Prebiotic - Intestinal Tract Support - Up to 180 Servings https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NW49TC7/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_0K8W4Y2XM0C8Q51F1MAP?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Revita Hair Growth Shampoo For Thinning Hair and Hair Loss by DS Laboratories, Volumizing and Thickening Shampoo for Men and Women, Shampoo for Hair Growth, Hair Strengthening, Sulfate Free, DHT Blocker (925ml) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00Z0HE2UM/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_5GFHXG2GZ5EQ3DF294GA
Hyaluronic Acid Serum for Skin-- 100% Pure-Highest Quality, Anti-Aging Serum-- Intense Hydration + Moisture, Non-greasy, Paraben-free-Best Hyaluronic Acid for Your Face (Pro Formula) 2 oz https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0090UJFYI/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_V3CYE5A1F5TEBQYNQ3QW
Someone posted here recently recommending a prebiotic (4 a day) and a specific shampoo for thinning hair. You can get both on Amazon (I will link below). I take the pills am and pm and wash almost daily with the shampoo (smells ok). It has been a month and I'm almost flake free and my scalps appears normal. I also use psoriasis honey scalp conditioner, prose conditioner on the ends. I use psoriasis honey serum and lotion 2x a day and my body is also healing. I'm so grateful.
I wish I could find her original post. I am having great results!!
Jarrow Formulas Saccharomyces Boulardii + MOS - 5 Billion Viable Organisms Per Serving - 90 Delayed Release Veggie Caps, 2 Pack - Probiotic + Prebiotic - Intestinal Tract Support - Up to 180 Servings https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NW49TC7/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_0K8W4Y2XM0C8Q51F1MAP?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Revita Hair Growth Shampoo For Thinning Hair and Hair Loss by DS Laboratories, Volumizing and Thickening Shampoo for Men and Women, Shampoo for Hair Growth, Hair Strengthening, Sulfate Free, DHT Blocker (925ml) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00Z0HE2UM/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_5GFHXG2GZ5EQ3DF294GA
Someone posted here recently recommending a prebiotic (4 a day) and a specific shampoo for thinning hair. You can get both on Amazon (I will link below). I take the pills am and pm and wash almost daily with the shampoo (smells ok). It has been a month and I'm almost flake free and my scalps appears normal. I also use psoriasis honey scalp conditioner, prose conditioner on the ends. I use psoriasis honey serum and lotion 2x a day and my body is also healing. I'm so grateful.
I wish I could find her original post. I am having great results!!
Jarrow Formulas Saccharomyces Boulardii + MOS - 5 Billion Viable Organisms Per Serving - 90 Delayed Release Veggie Caps, 2 Pack - Probiotic + Prebiotic - Intestinal Tract Support - Up to 180 Servings https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NW49TC7/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_0K8W4Y2XM0C8Q51F1MAP?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Revita Hair Growth Shampoo For Thinning Hair and Hair Loss by DS Laboratories, Volumizing and Thickening Shampoo for Men and Women, Shampoo for Hair Growth, Hair Strengthening, Sulfate Free, DHT Blocker (925ml) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00Z0HE2UM/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_5GFHXG2GZ5EQ3DF294GA
Someone posted here recently recommending a prebiotic (4 a day) and a specific shampoo for thinning hair. You can get both on Amazon (I will link below). I take the pills am and pm and wash almost daily with the shampoo (smells ok). It has been a month and I'm almost flake free and my scalps appears normal. I also use psoriasis honey scalp conditioner, prose conditioner on the ends. I use psoriasis honey serum and lotion 2x a day and my body is also healing. I'm so grateful.
I wish I could find her original post. I am having great results!!
Jarrow Formulas Saccharomyces Boulardii + MOS - 5 Billion Viable Organisms Per Serving - 90 Delayed Release Veggie Caps, 2 Pack - Probiotic + Prebiotic - Intestinal Tract Support - Up to 180 Servings https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NW49TC7/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_0K8W4Y2XM0C8Q51F1MAP?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Revita Hair Growth Shampoo For Thinning Hair and Hair Loss by DS Laboratories, Volumizing and Thickening Shampoo for Men and Women, Shampoo for Hair Growth, Hair Strengthening, Sulfate Free, DHT Blocker (925ml) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00Z0HE2UM/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_5GFHXG2GZ5EQ3DF294GA
I am just copy and pasting a previous comment I made with my products.
Someone posted here recently recommending a prebiotic (4 a day) and a specific shampoo for thinning hair. You can get both on Amazon (I will link below). I take the pills am and pm and wash almost daily with the shampoo (smells ok). It has been a month and I'm almost flake free and my scalps appears normal. I also use psoriasis honey scalp conditioner, prose conditioner on the ends. I use psoriasis honey serum and lotion 2x a day and my body is also healing. I'm so grateful.
I wish I could find her original post. I am having great results!!
Jarrow Formulas Saccharomyces Boulardii + MOS - 5 Billion Viable Organisms Per Serving - 90 Delayed Release Veggie Caps, 2 Pack - Probiotic + Prebiotic - Intestinal Tract Support - Up to 180 Servings https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NW49TC7/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_0K8W4Y2XM0C8Q51F1MAP?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Revita Hair Growth Shampoo For Thinning Hair and Hair Loss by DS Laboratories, Volumizing and Thickening Shampoo for Men and Women, Shampoo for Hair Growth, Hair Strengthening, Sulfate Free, DHT Blocker (925ml) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00Z0HE2UM/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_5GFHXG2GZ5EQ3DF294GA
The tape is flexible but a lot more firm than a bandage. I have used it on my thumbs when the cracks are really deep and it’s a bit harder to type but I get by. The finger nail glue works wonders because it’s easier to control how much glue and it sets fast. I am not sure what finger cots are but these are the protective finger
Wisdompro 16 Pcs Finger Tips, 4 Sizes Anti-Slip and Reusable Silicone Fingertip Protector Guard Pads for Paper Sorting, Collating, Sewing, Money Counting, Guitar Playing - Pink and Translucent https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B08F7BF7MN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_9N7JTTFW3MXDRGN2BDXT?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I feel you, I’m sorry you’re in so much pain :( I’ve been using this lotion for a couple years for instant itch relief & cooling- it works really well if you’d want to try it! Good luck https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007D6C1WY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_H4DBP3BC5RFZDPERAR2G?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I use nizoral with great results. like this.
Someone posted here recently recommending a prebiotic (4 a day) and a specific shampoo for thinning hair. You can get both on Amazon (I will link below). I take the pills am and pm and wash almost daily with the shampoo (smells ok). It has been 2 weeks and I'm almost flake free and my scalps appears normal. I also use psoriasis honey scalp conditioner, prose conditioner on the ends. I use psoriasis honey serum and lotion 2x a day and my body is also healing. I'm so grateful.
I wish I could find her original post. I am having great results!!
Jarrow Formulas Saccharomyces Boulardii + MOS - 5 Billion Viable Organisms Per Serving - 90 Delayed Release Veggie Caps, 2 Pack - Probiotic + Prebiotic - Intestinal Tract Support - Up to 180 Servings https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NW49TC7/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_0K8W4Y2XM0C8Q51F1MAP?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Revita Hair Growth Shampoo For Thinning Hair and Hair Loss by DS Laboratories, Volumizing and Thickening Shampoo for Men and Women, Shampoo for Hair Growth, Hair Strengthening, Sulfate Free, DHT Blocker (925ml) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00Z0HE2UM/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_5GFHXG2GZ5EQ3DF294GA
Eczema Psoriasis Cream for Dry Itchy Cracked Irritated Skin- Manuka Honey & Colloidal Oatmeal Treatment for Dermatitis, Shingles, Acne, Rosacea- Natural Anti-itch Relief for Kids, Adults, Baby Eczema https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074RDF9WN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_6S59GB0S66S8KX6AG78K?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 Where I got it from
If you don't live near the beach, buy a folding kiddie pool and sit in tbe sun!
Toozey Kiddie and Dog Pool, Foldable PVC Dog and Kiddie Pet Swimming Pool, https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07QBPN6ZL/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_V4QQKQVMKER0CQGTKZVN?psc=1
The sun is great for psoriasis. Get your confidence up, maybe go with a friend, and hit the beach. Don't worry about what others think! You'll, more than likely, be pleasantly surprised by others at the beach who are also overweight and rocking it!
If your psoriasis is really bad, buy a rash guard. You'll still get the benefits of the sun! Here's an example of a rash guard!
LALAGEN Women's Long Sleeve Sun Protection Rashguard Swimwear Athletic Tankini https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B078NSK7Y1/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_G6ZF7ZCXY6X3XMDFH012
Someone posted here recently recommending a prebiotic (4 a day) and a specific shampoo for thinning hair. You can get both on Amazon (I will link below). I take the pills am and pm and wash almost daily with the shampoo (smells ok). It has been 2 weeks and I'm almost flake free. I also use psoriasis honey scalp conditioner, prose conditioner on the ends. I use psoriasis honey serum and lotion 2x a day and my body is also healing. I'm so grateful.
I wish I could find her original post.
Jarrow Formulas Saccharomyces Boulardii + MOS - 5 Billion Viable Organisms Per Serving - 90 Delayed Release Veggie Caps, 2 Pack - Probiotic + Prebiotic - Intestinal Tract Support - Up to 180 Servings https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NW49TC7/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_0K8W4Y2XM0C8Q51F1MAP?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Revita Hair Growth Shampoo For Thinning Hair and Hair Loss by DS Laboratories, Volumizing and Thickening Shampoo for Men and Women, Shampoo for Hair Growth, Hair Strengthening, Sulfate Free, DHT Blocker (925ml) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00Z0HE2UM/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_5GFHXG2GZ5EQ3DF294GA
Revita Hair Growth Shampoo For Thinning Hair and Hair Loss by DS Laboratories, Volumizing and Thickening Shampoo for Men and Women, Shampoo for Hair Growth, Hair Strengthening, Sulfate Free, DHT Blocker (925ml) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00Z0HE2UM/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_4ETQE3PGSA814M9WY3RW
Jarrow Formulas Saccharomyces Boulardii + MOS - 5 Billion Viable Organisms Per Serving - 90 Delayed Release Veggie Caps, 2 Pack - Probiotic + Prebiotic - Intestinal Tract Support - Up to 180 Servings https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NW49TC7/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_Y9GKKX8NDM3PVKJNEJNY?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Alphosyl 2-In-1 Medicated Shampoo, 250 ml https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B006EHYRK2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_C67NVNGZMD1RB0XJTD0W
Hey, I found tgel useless also, i now use this and it’s amazing and smells much better than tgel too. Just remember to follow the instructions for it to work properly. (Lather and wait 2 mins, rinse, lather again and wait another 2 mins before rinsing) this is also the same for tgel.
Childs Farm Children's Moisturiser, Hydrating, Sensitive Skin, with Shea & Cocoa Butter, 250 ml (Pack of 1), Unfragranced https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08N67JSX7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_5CH42QHJ7T6PZJP5NM32
This is the best moisturiser I have ever tried, but as I get big pumps of E45 on prescription for free I’m reluctant to buy it. If money isn’t a problem I would definitely recommend you give it a try.
Can you please verify that this is the one you use? (Or, if not, show pic or link to the one you do use?)
http://Jarrow Formulas Saccharomyces Boulardii + MOS - 5 Billion Viable Organisms Per Serving - 180 Delayed Release Veggie Caps - Probiotic + Prebiotic - Intestinal Tract Support - Up to 180 Servings https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B0056GCLVO/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_glt_i_TZCY2B4V1G6KPD9W48QD
between this and cutting out gluten... magic.
I was on steroid cream for many years.. temporary relief but trashes your skin and punishes you if you stop using it. My advice, use sparingly
This is the link to the one i got, idk its quality..didnt do research on the brand or potency but it seems to work for me
Sundown Super Alpha Lipoic Acid 600 mg, 60 Capsules (Packaging May Vary) Non-GMOˆ, Free of Gluten, Dairy, Artificial Flavors https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004G9Q7IA/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_PFHXH03VDVXCHQYEH14T?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Okay, I looked up Suprachol on pubchem and it gave me this:
Dehydrocholate Sodium, aka Suprachol
I think this is our substance. Question is, where to get it? I made inquiries on many websites and I'm waiting to hear back to see if they have it in stock.
I found this: http://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/CAS-145-41-5-Sodium-dehydrocholate_60769928634.html?spm=a2700.7724838.2017115.1.1f115ecaUCNtVw&s=p on Alibaba, but I don't know if it's exactly the same molecule.
Any Biochemists in the house?
That seems a bit harsh - they OP is just sharing their experience. Yeah it could have been worded better but there's no reason to jump all over them because that may discourage others from sharing what works for them. All ideas should be welcomed.
Also, anyone with a food allergy is already careful what they eat so it's not really fair to put that onus on the OP.
> Kefir Helps Lactose Intolerance
> Yogurt-Like Kefir Is Easily Digestible, Nutrient-Dense
Also this:
> Kefir is made using starter “grains,” which in reality are a combination of bacteria and yeasts that interact with the milk to make the lightly fermented drink that even lactose intolerant people can drink! (1) It can be made from any source of milk, such as goat, sheep, cow, soy, rice or coconut. It can even be made using coconut water. Scientifically speaking, kefir grains contain a complex microbial symbiotic mixture of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts in a polysaccharide–protein matrix. Read on to see how this can benefit your health.
dish gloves yes! Hope this helps. And I totally feel your pain. My finger tips split and crack where I have psoriasis under my nails. The simplest tasks are painful 😓 I hope your hands get better.
Amazing! Just the thought of taking these measures makes me feel at ease. I already got recommendations for nice gloves. Ill add vaseline, cotton gloves and handled brush. For the cotton gloves would something like these help from Amazon?
do i look for UVB lights? I've found this one but can't find the philips ones
The lotion from Amazon too
CeraVe Moisturizing Cream for Psoriasis Treatment | With Salicylic Acid for Dry Skin Itch Relief & Urea for Moisturizing | Fragrance Free & Allergy Tested | 8 Oz https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075N8392D/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_QVZRBS3G8PTEP33BWHZ1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I got this on Amazon
DermaHarmony 2% Pyrithione Zinc (ZnP) Bar Soap 4 oz - Crafted for Those with Skin Conditions - Seborrheic Dermatitis, Dandruff, Psoriasis, Eczema, etc. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00MWB0ZGE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_MPFHK52D3DVVS0P21JH6?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Hey man, I just got a couple 6oz. bottles of .5% coal tar shampoo at Amazon. I second the suggestion for .05% Clobetasol Propionate. Other good topicals include Olux foam (if you have short hair) and Diprolene Gel (the nuclear option, but it really works). Here is a link for the shampoo and good luck: