Read the book The Power Of Now from Eckhart Tolle, Its a very nice guide that lead to spiritual enlightenment. Its not about psychedelics but the writing is very clear and can be very helpful to read before going into psychedelic trips
Prior to the crackdown in the 1960's (which was enacted because hippies/LSD users and blacks/marijuana users were enemies in common of the Republican Party under Nixon), several psychiatrists were conducting into the treatment of schizophrenia, particularly severe childhood schizophrenia, with LSD and psilocybin. Here is an archive of Gary Fisher's research, and here is an interview on the topic.
Your objection to the use of psychedelics for psychiatric/psychological healing is similar to an objection to the use of knives, which are dangerous weapons that cut people, in the use of medicine.
Thats the million dollar question that only the dead know... and they're not talking.
Everyone has their beliefs. Some don't believe in life after death and some do. This is why I find psychedelics fascinating! The typical hard core, non religious, no life after death person has never done psychedelics. The experience raises questions, good questions, like this.
Just watched this documentary yesterday that talks somewhat about this. The "having visited the well of the souls" part of this one was also fascinating.
I’d do a quick google search and try to find a therapist that specializes in PTSD and disassociation. Also, it just so happens in reading a book on it that I can’t recommend enough.
Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation: Skills Training for Patients and Therapists (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology)
I hope it helps!
Link to the MAPS store.
I just started reading The Varieties of Psychedelic Experience: The First Comprehensive Guide to the Effects of LSD on Human Personality, which has some great reviews on amazon but also from people who are in, or used to be in the field. Timothy Leary said of it, for example:
>A wonderful book...the best book ever written in this complicated field.
Ello there! I do wonder whether this podcast episode on integrating psychedelic experiences may be specifically useful for you on this one. It's with a professional psychedelic experience facilitator who does retreats but also focuses specifically on how you can integrate such macro-level experiences :) I hope you find some value in it
It's really warm-hearted, down-to-earth, and the interviewee is very sincere in her wisdom. Here's the link
The topics explored include: • Facilitating psychedelic retreats • The place/role of peak experiences • The place of ritual, cycles, and deep listening • How community can support individual integration • Therapists and their laughter-based trips • The commodification of psychedelics • Bad trip lessons • How psychedelics and ritual supported Biz with her father's death
I hope you get some value from it (and if you do please do let me know)
All the best from a past (albeit somewhat clumsy) psychonaut,
Paul Stamets is THE man (as far as I know) when it comes to psilocybin and really all types of mushrooms. I've seen his appearances on Joe Rogan but haven't dug any deeper. I would probably start with his work. He has a book that is literally what you're asking for:
You must read the Amazon reviews of morning glory seed packets:
Half of them are trip reports.
I was also curious. Found it on amazon in 10 different colors :)
I added Botany of Desire to my reading list, thanks! Also, I feel like I'm the only person in the world who didn't like "How to Change Your Mind." It was way too much psychedelic history and personal anecdotes vs. how to actually change your mind. The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide is the true must-read book IMO.
Psychedelics are great for getting out of your mind, but they can't do it alone. Read a spiritual book that emphasizes presence and quieting your mind. As a fellow overthinker, I highly recommend The Power Of Now, by Eckhart Tolle.
For an excellent early ‘60s chronicle, Utopiates: The Use and Users of LSD 25 (Behavioral Science Series). Among other things, it covers the time Tim Leary was running something resembling a study in Mexico, at least until deported, chronicled by people who were there. It was after Harvard fired him but before he really got his dog and pony show going.
Found this link looking at the negative effects of "pain catastrophizing," defined as "an exaggerated negative orientation towards pain stimuli and pain experience." I.e. not only feeling pain, but also feeling upset about the fact that you're in pain.
This is the classic "pain is inevitable, but suffering is not" attitude found in Buddhism and surrounding philosophies, which can likely be induced by/in psychedelic experiences.
It's unclear what you mean by "I have immensely alleviated pain that can last for days after the trip," though. Are you saying that the alleviation of pain can last for days? There's literature on the use of psychedelics to treat cluster headaches, but not anything like chronic back pain. What kind of chronic pain are we talking about?
Goal | Description | Completed? |
B | Don’t die | Yes |
A | Finish race | YES |
A while back after hearing from a coworker that long distance running is something only Kenyans should do, I decided to run a 50 mile long ultramarathon on LSD to shut her up, and to combine two long-time bucket list items of mine.
I turned the whole experience into a book that is free to read here
AMA about running on psychedelics, or other stuff, like what's the best washing machine brand?
Pharmako Gnosis by Dale Pendell. There are three books in this series, I recommend them all. This one is on plant psychedelics (e.g. yopo, mushrooms, lotus), one is on stimulants (e.g. khat, caffeine), the third is on plant poisons (e.g. belladonna, opium).
Pharmako Gnosis by Dale Pendell. There are three books in this series, I recommend them all. This one is on plant psychedelics (e.g. yopo, mushrooms, lotus), one is on stimulants (e.g. khat, caffeine), the third is on plant poisons (e.g. belladonna, opium).
Pharmako Gnosis by Dale Pendell. There are three books in this series, I recommend them all. This one is on plant psychedelics (e.g. yopo, mushrooms, lotus), one is on stimulants (e.g. khat, caffeine), the third is on plant poisons (e.g. belladonna, opium).
I don’t have a link to a free version, just the book:
Definitely a must read if one also cares about the science or psychedelics, not just the experience.
Sure, you may be interested in this book as well, if you don't know about it already.
Christopher Bache LSD and the Mind of the Universe
Check out John Lilly's experiences doing this in the early 1960's, as part of his research on human-dolphin communication, and his book Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer.
He had a pair of toys similar to THIS but the flexible bit was shorter, came straight out the top, didn’t spin and just the ball illuminated. The flexible shaft was firm and returned to an upright position when you were done flailing about in a whacked out haze. Lol sorry for the poor description just think of the snoos antenna if it were straight. Please help!
Hey maybe you can help me since you told me what poi is. I am looking for something similar to these. poi wand thingy
But the thin part with the ball comes straight out the top and doesn’t spin like a mantracas. Just a short flexible whip with led ball end. My friend who passed away had them and I really want them. Google is failing me.
It means you should spend the less than twenty bucks to get a scale good for .1g
Written by Dennis McKenna, brother of the legendary Terrance McKenna:
Ethnopharmacologic Search for Psychoactive Drugs (Vol. 1 & 2): 50 Years of Research
This current price is amazing. My parents got it for me for Christmas for the full price, when I got it, and it is one of my most priceless and prized possessions. It’s so fascinating, all they mention from 50 years ago, and all they mention as of recent — both are equally utilitarian, but in different ways. I almost prefer volume 1 (from 50 years ago). And this is the combo pack of volume 1 and 2. Massive information, tons of plants most people here haven’t ever even heard of, yet. So cool that research was so extensively done on psychedelic plants, over 50 years ago, with the same degree of scientific interest as books such as PIHKaL and TIHKaL, by Alexander Shulgin.
So, do I have my calculations right?
I have this mold - 24 squares
Chocolate bar I have is 2.25oz (and can fit into the entire mold)
If I want to ensure that each square contains roughly 200 mg each, I would need roughly 4800 mg (4.8 grams) of ground up powdered shrooms mixed into the chocolate to give me a proper microdose per square.
Ask him to read this and look further into set, setting and intent rather than a higher dose..
Could be an interesting trip though. Dissolving the Ego and the world around us is such a freeing experience.
Do you what he's looking for with regards to the outcome of the trip?
It's a game that uses text characters for graphics, been in development for almost 20 years by two people -
It's pretty complex and interesting, as the simulation is deep enough to account for.a stubbed toe etc.
The more human scale concerted evil is denoted in this original text. "Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion" I suggest suspending disbelief and take note of the patterns used in this text seen around the globe.
Source to download OG TEXT
Maybe something like this would help? It wont 100% muffle the noise but it will dampen it like 25-35%
Michael Pollan’s How To Change Your Mind is both a history of scientific psychedelic research and a personal account by the materialist, scientifically-minded, rational author of his own journey into this.
I did this on acid. It’s not my best work, I was on 1.6 mg that time. But everyone says they can see emotion in in. As a professional artist it makes me feel ugh but the more I look at it the more I like it. I had no plans. Just want at the canvas with acrylics and graphite.
If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite— / For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things through narrow chinks of his cavern”
As most others have said they are very different.
Given you've had negative experiences with cannabis the normal advice for psychs of START LOW AND GO SLOW would be particularly relevant to you. But unless there's other reasons I don't see your cannabis experience as strong evidence against trying psychs.
I'd also say be extra careful with your set and setting given you might be more nervous than the average first timer. Consider if you'd like to have a sitter or not.
I''d also recommend doing as much reading on it as you can to sort out any questions and nervousness. Jim Fadiman's Psychedelic Explorers Guide is an excellent book if you want a deeper dive. Includes checklists for both the traveller and sitter as well as trip reports from various perspectives.
Good luck and safe travels.
Usually I dry and finely grind my shrooms and I put them in jars by type. When I need to transport them, I do a few capsule (00 size) and it works like a charm !
For other ways, I plan on buy this :
the same scam baboo experience
Be carefull My three first orders were perfects, good quality and quick delivery, but i m still waiting to my two last orders, i've paid my products and the ups shipping but from many days, i can see by the UPS's tracking that they """"haven't shipping""" my two orders, i sent 3 mails, but i ""don't have feedback"" at all... i ve lost 100€! Very disappointed..
Help my pal and a Maestro himself fund the rest of his beautiful documentary about his experience learning about the Ayauascquero healing tradition of the Ashanincan people of Peru. Maestro Juan Flores is Jims teacher and a humble servant of the planet and the people. Juans medicine/the plants have helped me and many others in tremendous ways. I think this plant will have a lot to do with the future of how deeply we find ourselves relating to the planet and each other. I'm contributing cuz I share in this mission to spread the healing and indigenous wisdom in 2014.
Postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Michigan, Alan Kooi Davis, discusses his 5-MeO-DMT online survey and forthcoming human research at Johns Hopkins.
Amazing! But this humor isn't mine, Vivaldi is a web browser and the reason it has been named after the classical musician is because the developers of Vivaldi were working for Opera before.
Check it out! It has some slick features you can't find on other browsers such as tabs grouping and tiling. Link:
Orgonite Crystal Ultimate Triple Weight Loss Pyramid with Tiger Eye, Sunstone and Amethyst Healing Crystals –Boost Your Metabolism and Inner Strength for Weight Management Some stuff like this maybe
I got it on Amazon here I wanted a cool shower curtain but they don’t make too many cool ones in the size I needed so I went with this!
If you do end up buying those, ping me and I can instruct you how to use it properly.
Trippy art. Art that you enjoy. Weird art. Colorful stuff that will look cool in the land of psychedelia. There's a ton of different LED light strips on amazon- they're all pretty much the same. They come with a remote to change the colors. You can line them behind furniture and stuff to make them glow from behind. Here's an example:
A while back I ran an ultramarathon on LSD. It was fun. Will probably not redo it. Big into running though.
Now I’m aware this might count as a bit of self promotion, but maybe mods will have a twenty bit of oversight if it’s given out for free! It will be free on Amazon until June tenth, so if you see this after this date send me a message and I’ll send you a copy directly!
Look into going on another trip and focus the whole trip on "reading" the actual book BE HERE NOW. If you can manage that, you may come out a changed person for the better.
Possibly the greatest book of all time for psychedelic awakenings.
This ones pretty sweet too:
The Time is Now Wood Wall Clocks Decorative Living Room Battery Operated Non Ticking 12 Inches Birthday Christmas
I wrote about aboutme running an ultra on LSD, made it free on Amazon.
Hope you get a handle on this. A left-of-field idea is some kind of spiritual entity who latched on to you while you were in an open state. Maybe jumped onto you from the meth head.
Further reading and jump off points on this:
Can't help much as I've had the same issue with light weight masks but something like this might be useful?
Moldable or heavier weight ones should do it
Pretty cool! I'm using this one tho, it's amazing
All my artwork hand-drawn! super excited that i finished first published thing I’ve made, I’m proud of it put lots love into it. thank you for supporting artists!l
thank you for supporting artists y'all are dope! A customer review would really help thanks!
(second and last time posting this book here just wanted to share to more people thanks guys!)
thank you for supporting artists y'all are dope!
(second and last time posting this book here just wanted to share to more people thanks guys!)
All my artwork! check it out thank you for supporting artists! :)
(posted this before just wanted to post one last time so more people can enjoy it hopefully if you seen this post this is the last thank you)
You all might be interested in Rick Strassman's latest book on this very subject:
thanks for supporting artists all hand drawn! Thanks! Stay high
They're called curtain lights, or fairy curtain lights. They change color on their own or you can set them to a solid color. The shower curtain was purchased on Amazon as well.
cheaper on amazon they take a few weeks to arrive, but you get more in quantity than you pay for......... if they send you the right thing.
This book reads like a textbook, super dry. But it’s also staggeringly fascinating. Ying and yang baby!
But anyways Stan Grof wrote it. He is/was the worlds leading expert on clinical psychedelic assisted psychotherapy. The bulk of his work was conducted in Europe and America before it became illegal. He defined Psychedelic (high dose, low interval) therapy from psycholytic (low dose, higher interval) therapy. He also defined and characterized the Birth Perinatal Matricies (the tendency for patients to revisit latent memories of childhood often including ones memory of birth itself!)
But yeah besides the sessions he conducted personally, he also taught other clinicians and oversaw over 4000 psychedelic therapy sessions.
Must read if you’re looking into this. Enjoy!
I’ve tripped solo a dozen times. The most profound experience I’ve EVER had was with this. Buy it. Sit in front of it and play with the mist with your fingers. It is sooooo crazy!!!
God I sat in front of it for 8 hours. It blew my mind! Hold stuff in front of it and what the mathematical magic of sacred geometry when the particles move like magic
I would say it ended up being crazier than my dmt trips. After this experience you’ll realize the butterfly effect is true. Even moving your finger half a centimeter will change the course of what the weather will be like 50 years from now. Look up chaos theory and weather patterns/jet streams while tripping too. PLEASE get back to me after you experience this.
I found it also in the Google apps.. If you'd prefer just to buy a copy (I'm not advertising, but I saw it for $15 there) without a subscription, you could use Google Play Books.
Not sure what you want to know but you can ask away. Only on android atm
Made in unity with primary synty studio assets. Learn how to do everything in it. Working with a guy in Austria, I'm from Australia, to upload it for iOS. It started out as an AR app Then because of the rona I turned it completely digital here you are if you ever decide to buy it :). Check around and make sure you can’t find it cheaper though.
Hehehe. Get "The Bible"...
It's expensive but worth it... and there are some things as (or more!) amazing than DMT.
"The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants: Ethnopharmacology and Its Applications"
Um, well, I've always wanted to break in to Martin Logan, but haven't had the means to do so. I was going to purchase these a while ago, but went for the Sennheisers, because of the smoking deal on Massdrop.
MartinLogan Mikros 90 -- They're known for their clarity and detail, which I've been looking for since I've been wanting to get back in to Music Production.
Thanks! There’s a really popular book that is famous for helping people quit.
PHOPOLLO LED Strip Lights, 32.8ft...
These are the ones I got but I honestly wish I did a little more looking because the power cord is large and gets in the way and I saw some now that have a slimmer power cord
Amazon has some blotter art check out this one my freind got for me a while back!
Isn’t it?! I wish she made it, but we just ordered it off amazon, I’ll put the link here. It’s kind of pain to clean but totally worth it, looks awesome!
You can get them from Amazon
Idk about OP’s, but I had bought this tapestry before (from Amazon) and I ended up returning it because the design wasn’t very “crisp.” Like the branches were almost kind blurry unfortunately ��
If so, it’s similar enough to this one (I bought it like 5 years ago)
Moonsofter Window Curtain Lights 300 LED USB Powered Fairy String Lights with Remote, 8 Settings Twinkle Lights for Bedroom Parties,Weddings,Wall Decorations (9.8x9.8Ft Multi-Color)
There's a lot of anthropological evidence for shamanistic guidance of psychedelic experiences going back tens of thousands of years. Stanislov Grof wrote a whole book on the subject. It may be the oldest formal pratice in all of human existence. And it continues thanks to people like the Navajo and the Mazatec.
Black Light, OPPSK 27W 9LED UV Bar Glow in the Dark Party Supplies for Blacklight Party Birthday Wedding Stage Lighting
This one seems like a good choice all the reviews are good one review specifically said 2 lights was plenty for a 40'x20' room.
I heard the book "How to Change Your Mind" is very good and might be what you need to convince your friend. :)
Amazon link:
This is a good book to get a hang on the basics of growing mushrooms:
However the techniques have advanced over time and I would suggest checking the Shroomery forum guides as well, it's the best place for beginners and advanced growers alike:
If you want to start growing psilocybe mushrooms, the best and easiest technique is called PF Tek and you'll find instructions at Shroomery. All you need is to buy some spores online (which are lega), brown rice flour and vermiculite then you're set for growing your first magical friends
It's a great hobby, whether you are growing active or edible mushrooms
Maybe I ordered bad seeds? I got them from Amazon..
Hmm. Oh well. Awful experience, worse diarrhea then when I had the Norovirus (which is saying a lot)
I would highly recommend a book called "The Psychedelic Experience" by Timothy Leary. It's a trip guide based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead, only 8 dollars on Amazon and you can get through it in a day. It was extremely helpful and reassuring for me. Hope this helps. The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead (Citadel Underground)