I bought these shorts on Amazon. My daughter hates them, she calls them my John Cena shorts. But they’re so comfortable and such big pockets
People! You must understand - snus is prohibited. Corvus is not a snus. This is "analogue WITHOUT tobacco". The guys decided to make money by releasing a "harmless mix." It sucks. KITATA from the manufacturer "Corvus is an alternative to classic Swedish snus. Products are manufactured using innovative technology without the use of tobacco, based on mint impregnated with functional additives." https://vk.com/corvus_russia
Sure eliminates out a lot of cutting:
I was even buying cheap tea at the dollar store and emptying the tea to get the empty bags!
It's becoming more and more common. My employer and two of my friend's employers test. I am prohibited from using on the clock, and pay an increased rate on my insurance as a tobacco user, as do both of my friends at different companies.
It's becoming more and more common. My employer and two of my friend's employers test. I am prohibited from using on the clock, and pay an increased rate on my insurance as a tobacco user, as do both of my friends at different companies.
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I think it only comes in this pack, but there's a few circular ones in there so it's totally worth https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09B1XL73C/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_J66MDGSSJA00VVNWJB9D?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Thanks a lot! The site itself is pretty basic Wordpress. I already had a web server in AWS, so all I've really put in to it besides the content was $9 or so on the domain name.
You might want to give Wordpress a try at https://wordpress.com/free/ just to see if it's something you can / want to work with. If you like it, and can work within their free tier, it's just a matter of pointing a domain to it if you want one.
Or if you like it but want more customization, I can totally help you get it going on a cheap hosting company. (I used to work for a hosting company, so I can point you toward some places that aren't expensive and have decent support.)
> don't buy more snus, and say no when people offer it to you
I would like to add to this by saying it helps to start dissociating yourself from the mental image you have of yourself being a snus user. What I mean by this is, start thinking about yourself in terms of "I don't use snus" and convince yourself that you are someone who doesn't snus.
OP, I recommend that you read this. (yeah its long but you can snus while reading it, don't worry) By the end you won't want to use anymore.
Yeah I faced the same problem, but then I got a prepaid creditcard from Revolut. If you want to try it too, you get a free card if you use this link (not sure if it's allowed to post here, so I'm sorry if it's not): Sign up with my link and get a free Revolut card for awesome exchange rates abroad. https://revolut.com/r/jandlio Don't forget to enable online payments in the settings.
That's great to here. Do you have a few minutes this weekend to review my snus app prototype?
The link below has the first clickable paper prototype. Its very low-fi but should help get the general idea across for user testing. I designed it to work on mobile so if you are on desktop please use the back button on your browser.
If you have time to click through I appreciate any feedback. "There is a leave comments" button per screen or you can just pm me here. https://marvelapp.com/6dadgd6
That's an old swedish kitchen aid machine, brand name is Electrolux. I'm not sure they even make those things anymore, but there are modern machines that would work.
Something like this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08TTXCVSM/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_g_AAAD5FDRKD2RWRFVD3F4
This will manage ur dried leafs, will take thicker stems. Its about 120g done snus per plant. Depends on size of plants ofc. Wrote a simple recipe above.
This is the light I carry most often, it takes a single AA. Click the button to turn it on, half press to change the brightness.
Budget friendly, ANSI certified for drops up to 6ft, made in an ISO facility (means every item they make is perfect when it leaves the facility. Water and Dust proof as well
/u/xscuttlex shared his amazing amazon find and mine came yesterday. $10 free prime shipping. The top design is okay but I wished it was just blank or something more minimal.
Actually does come with O-RING! it's great. Fits 10 Onyx portions well. Size comparison is very similar to a lip wax that you've probably seen around. It's the shape of a YO-YO.
I love it since it can last me all day since I only snus about 6 a day. This will not hold any more than 8-10 is my guess.
Found the same can with different logo here, I am going to get this one next much more minimalistic logo.
It is the same EXACT can, don't worry about that random 1 star review.
It’s been a great little thing! For $40 it’s perfect �� https://www.amazon.com/Gourmia-GMF600-Thermoelectric-Fridge-Cooler/dp/B07FN9ZFYG/ref=mp_s_a_1_11?keywords=mini+fridge&qid=1573701960&sr=8-11 here is a link for the same one just in case you want it!
I thought: Impossible to get in my country. Instead Amazon Italy sells it. There's everything everywhere, except for good snus.
https://www.amazon.it/dp/B000GFYRHG/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_U_x_0aw9AbXXFBNYK via
I hate that as well, for me if I rush it I end up messing it up so I go slow with good results. If you can get a perfect can and or catch lid out of a roll just use that one. There is also stuff like this https://www.amazon.com/Scotty-Peelers-Label-Sticker-Remover/dp/B0068QIQVA
Buy those and you'll be sorted. Never have dry snus again.
I picked up some of these. Used one in an open can that was beginning to dry out. Popped it in the fridge with one in the can. Works great. http://www.amazon.com/Moisture-Pouch-Buttons-Fresh-Tobacco/dp/B00326GR9W/ref=sr_1_35?ie=UTF8&qid=1426185497&sr=8-35&keywords=mudjug