The project and the demo can be viewed on Behance:
Close-up view of the menu:
Direct link to the interactive demo:
Please share your feedback
For low fidelity wire frames, I print out a bunch of these Printable Templates and just use pencil.
For slightly higher fidelity, I just use my design tool (Sketch or Figma). I try using the Material Design or iOS UI kit or our team’s existing component library to quickly arrange components, or just draw rectangles to see what it feels like.
First off, get rid of your dev team. I understand you have already sunk money into the project but you need to be able to cut your losses. I say this for 2 reasons: First, you need to know when your project is getting completed (and it sounds like that isn't the case), any good developer will more or less hold themselves accountable to a specific timeframe. Second, if these guys are writing bad code, "revamping" later on will literally require you starting from scratch. No good developer is going to waste time going through lines of poorly written code, it is more efficient to start over.
2 solutions, depending on your remaining budget.
Hire a new developer, interview them before you enter a contract. oDesk ( is a good place to start looking for someone. Hire someone in America!! Im assuming you are from here.
Create your own MVP prototype. Try Marvel ( It won't be a fully functioning product, but you can definitely use it to convey how your concept will work.
Here is the link to the prototype app -
Keep in mind, it’s really clunky as it was my first UI/UX assessment and all, it’s only showcasing the improved aspects: e.g. optional FB log-in, fan-out Pokéball menu, take a selfie with Buddy Pokémon (I’d love to add an option to tap the Buddy Pokémon face to change expressions: happy, sad, angry, shocked), option to share said selfie via FB and as mentioned earlier, the swipe-able screens/tabs in Pokémon storage and Pokédex.
I would love to completely redo it all as my skills have improved, add the redesigned menu idea I did here and present it to Niantic. I think the selfie with Buddy Pokémon would be really fun but that’s just me haha
The best you're going to get on iPad is Marvel for iOS and Inspr Pro. These are designed for lightweight prototyping and that's about it, but they're still nice to have. I have actually used the Marvel app during user testing studies to display hand drawn prototypes in a digitally interactive way, that way we could rapidly iterate during testing -- it was actually a descent experience and I could see us doing it again.
I used a lot of different software tools, but I found that unless you need animated mockups, paper is king. If your prototype needs to be interactive, try throwing your mockups into something like Marvel app
Yes but sketch and co allow you to do quick mockups but also design icons and images in a vector based format so that they can easily be scaled.
1) It starts on paper, at least of me it does. I'm "proper" UX practitioner (and a bit of a pretentious one at that apparently) so really the design for me start by interviewing users, creating taxonomy and maps and user journey and all the stuff that helps me figure out what is needed to achieve an objective. I end up with process flows (visio, ) and low-fi mockup for which I like tools like balsamiq, marvel pop ( and actual paper.
This allows to validate high level concept with the client without having to deal with his sense of aesthetic.
2) Then I use a design tool like sketch or XD to formalize what I want and work out the actual style. I could do it in HTML and CSS but it's slower so I would be less inclined to try different things. Photoshop or Gimp is used to edit bitmaps (like photograph).
3) Finally a prototype tool (like invision or XD) allows you to pretend to browse your design to see if "it works" for the purpose. If it doesn't it's easier to change than code.
This allows to validate the aesthetic and the flow.
4) Then goes the coding.
If you have followed the process above there is less chance that you'll get a "That's not what I had in mind" than if you skipped any of the steps.
In reality it's not such a stage-gate process and I don't do everything with as much detail every time, each project has it's specificity. There is often some back and forth between the stages but really the point is not to finish 4 and be sent back to 1.
You could use Marvel App to make a prototype and then show the semi 'working' app to people and see if there is any interest in it, and see what it could look like on a phone screen and/or as a website. That is where I would start. Learning to code for 6-12 months to make your app can be overwhelming when you have what you think is a good idea. I would make a Marvel app first because it is fast and easy and fun, and you get the results right away. If people like it and there is a lot of interest, you can start learning to code, or pay someone to make it. Either way you have a great foundation on where to start.
Not really 100% x-wing related, but I’m testing this through the X-wing community and it will (I hope) greatly benefit them one day.
A little while ago we reached out to the boardgame community in order to start a dialogue about finding new players. We did this in a video and through a livestream and the response was very helpful. Thanks to these insights we feel we’ve identified certain difficulties we wish to combat.
With we I mean: me and a team of specialists from all fields (computer technology, marketing, design and more). Together we’ve formed a small business called ‘The Dicey Company’ - and we’ve got something to we want you test!
We are making an app which is going to make it easier for players to find their fellow boardgamers near them.. for now let’s call it ‘Tinder for Boardgames’?
In the video below I go through the demo and we wish to have to criticism, feedback and input. What would you do differently? We’d also like a suggestion for a name (Tinder seems taken for some reason).
If you’re interested in testing the beta (soon-TM), leave a message!
Thanks again for everything and your continued feedback and support. You can follow The Dicey Company on Facebook ( and Twitter (
Link to the demo:
Link to video:
In my opinion you could improve the colours, fonts and spacing. Here's an example of what I mean.
Click the screen to jump between the 2 designs.
Birdy is an upcoming minimal, simple, and elegant news reader. Birdy gathers all your news into one, convenient place, so you never have to switch between all your different news apps ever again.
Check out Birdy's Kickstarter Campaign here. Make sure to contribute and share so that Birdy can become a reality! And, if you really can't wait, check out a prototype here!
Don't go to the trouble of making it yourself and then selling it to them - you could waste a huge amount of development time if it gets rejected, even if it is a simple app. If it's a learning matter then this is a different matter.
Regardless, use a prototype tool (like and the design vision you make there to hopefully sell it to them. You'll save a huge amount of time in the progress.
Love the design of the website, I don't necessarily trust , but I do trust brave browser and the amount of exposure this will bring.
I hope one day we can create more viable ways of buying DFI, like using XLM or AVAX wallets within the Defi App to crosschain networks, just a thought as I am very new to this, but if Defichain wallet expanded to creating multiple crypto wallets for transfer purposes it can become very very bullish as a means of investing.
Currently in college and created a tech startup would love to hear more about your background if you’re interested! Don’t have any cash but am more than happy to offer equity if it’s the right fit for both of us.
Here’s a link to the app prototype:
Let me know what you think 👍
First step before you spend money and time on developing the MVP (Minimum Viable Product), you need to get validation within your target market. There are a couple of ways to do this. First, fake the app with powerpoint or a fake app generator like Second, show this to your target market. Literally give it to them to test out and get feedback from them. Show the value proposition within the app and how you will monetize. You can also use survey software to develop questions and screenshots of your product to target your audience., mechanical turk and surveymonkey are good options. If you get feedback from your target market that is positive and not influenced by you, you can go into the next stage of developing the MVP on the cheap to prove out the model a bit more.
First draft for a dead simple mobile wallet UX
Ideally, it would only allow the use of integrated addresses when sending and use a new subwallet address after each time a payment is received.
Looking for feedback, I'll try to write up something more detailed than just a prototype later this week.
You don't need a perfect product from the begining. Focus on understanding your potential customer and find the shortest route to market.
You don't need much capital these days to get started you need it to scale up. Get a bare bones MVP out there, even if it is just a bunch of images that link to other images of the next step.
You don't need anything fancy or anything that even properly works, you need to test and see what people want so bad they will use your crappy product.
Building wireframes is so easy these days, in fact look at which helps with prototyping.
Once you can start getting feedback and some traction with customers at least from a prototype you can start thinking about raising a bit of money for a rudimentary app. You don't need much, but build something small, get feedback and iterate. It's a process and isn't quick. I have seen companies raise £100,000 + and waste all that money on something which people didn't use.
I'm not entirely done with the designs, but something like this:
Basically it's a simple one page site, with a lightbox portfolio view. Extras: logo open / close animation on rollover, menu open /close with animation on click, floating menu and logo on top. A wide stroke around the site like here: - this stroke + the logo + the menu would change color as you reach the red background by scrolling down, a bit like here: , but with a fade effect instead of masking. Some tiny animations on rollovers, portfolio view, here and there.
Couldn't agree more. The hard stuff isn't code. It's the UX. It's nutting out all the tiny decisions.
My advice: Build it in Marvel App and start with pencils and markers. Absolutely no coding. You just make all the screens and add all the click points. Friends and family can "install" it to have a play and give feedback. Once you have it tied down the dev bit is a commodity.
Here's a really early prototype of a timesheet entry system I hacked up in about 15 minutes:
After fleshing it out with a few more iterations of pen and paper I built all the screens in a proper graphics program (another commodity you can outsource).
Then, once I'd road tested it a bit with colleagues, the development was all about just implementing the already 'built' app.
Full disclosure: I'm a product designer and software developer but have no association with Marvel App beyond being a huge fan.
Birdy is an upcoming minimal, simple, and elegant news reader. Birdy gathers all your news into one, convenient place, so you never have to switch between all your different news apps ever again.
Check out Birdy's Kickstarter Campaign here. Make sure to contribute and share so that Birdy can become a reality! And, if you really can't wait, check out a prototype here!
You should really move the singup form and the tagline to the header, and you should add a clear and larger "call to action".
Same with the footer you have the tagline "Need a Post-Workout Meal? Try this instead of Yelp!" - add a button here as well which would scroll back to the form (for example: "Get early access").
Furthermore I would recommend using for mobile prototyping; also you can now embed your prototype (see details and example here: This would be a beautiful replacement for thost plain screenshots.
As a product manager / designer who has played with most of the tools mentioned here, I can give a big +1 for Sketch -- extremely straightforward, intuitive and affordable, plus lets you easily beam to mobile devices for a prototype-like experience. It's a proper design tool more than prototyping software, but very good for fast/rough mock ups as well as polished work.
The prototyping app Marvel had a Sketch integration featured on Product Hunt earlier this week; haven't had a chance to play with it yet but looks promising.
I use Marvel App, and I freakin love it. It syncs with Dropbox so when I update a file and save it in Dropbox, it automatically updates it in the prototype. They also have this neat feature to share and embed your prototypes with the device border.
As you said you are a creative person then you can combine both UX/UI design and front end development. These two things do not need to be definitely separated and can be used together.
During my Bachelor studies I took a UX/UI course and although we did design the interfaces we also implemented our designs through Javascript framework Vue. And not only that but also we learnt SASS (an extension to CSS). So we combined both UX/UI knowledge and also knowledge in front end development. Not to mention touching also automated UX testing ( which also requires programming part.
If you're on the fence about Proctorio I'd suggest checking out this link:
It shows the instructor view of Proctorio through Connect. Not sure if you're using Connect or another testing system as I'm not in the class but I found this really useful to see what information is and isn't collected by the prof. Unless the instructor is charging you the $15/student use the "Plus" features, its really not doing anything more than recording your camera and limiting what you can click on. Doesn't notify the prof of suspicious activity levels or record movement on your screen. Seems like a poorly designed proctoring system unless you're willing to charge students for the "Plus" features. Hope this helps and maybe gives some reassurance about the program!
P.S. In regards to the other post about collecting banking information and what not - I think this is because if your instructor chooses to use the "Plus" features you would need to enter banking info to pay for it.
So there’s a couple of things in your message I’ve had a think about, you feel like you are stuck with one program, and you don’t know what you want to do from a research perspective, and you feel stuck with what to do.
There’s a couple of avenues you should think about - you can smash our projects and work on you wireframing and your design skills in silo without having to do research and you can work on research projects without having to do design. If it’s too overwhelming break it down and just do a portion, not the end to end process.
Feeling stuck with xd? Grab a pen and paper and start sketching, forget about xd! Once you have a ton of paper wires try assembling a paper prototype with pop - , it’s free. Or you could try figma, it’s also free for single people. Why not try to find a free wire framing kit to get up and running, or buy one as there are tons out there that are really great.
Just start and do something, try to work on something you like, what cool feature would you build to makes something easier for one of your hobbies?
With no capital you're probably going to have to find a technical co-founder who's going to build it. You're going to have to give them a pretty good reason to work with you for free instead of getting a job at a well established business throwing stacks of money at them (IT professionals are well paid in general). You could find an IT student or someone who's not that experienced (but knows more than yourself) but with no money it might still be tricky to convince them to work for free. There are some programmes here and other platforms (like indie hackers) who are looking for a project to join. I don't know how easy it is to find one, but I myself am pretty picky when it comes to finding a project this way because for me, I must feel very convinced by the project, its potential to make money and how much I like the idea. Whatever your going to do, if you're serious about it then start with a design. Wireframes showing each screen so that you can guide developer through functionality and the flow of the application are going to be necessary. If you can, a simple mock up would be even better (there are free tools like As a programmer I can give you some general advice (regarding the programming side of things) so DM me if you have any questions.
oh dear....this is nice to play with it, but take it to real life and it becomes useless. Is just, not worth it to put your time on it.
I mean, look at marvels app style guide, that's worth using, is a stunning style guide.
I've created the mock-ups using the tools at I don't know how it compares to other applications. I did a basic search and it seemed to be good enough to start. I'm certainly open to alternative suggestions.
Do you know how I could get in touch with people in MIS or CS? (I currently live in the mid-west.)
That's not the proper way to show the behavior of your app through gifs... There's so many options theses days, try adobe xd, basically you can create a functional prototype of your app for people to interact, and publish it. Online you have Marvel: But there's so many more, just look for it... Cheers.
Try using POP which stands for prototype on paper. Draw out your screens and animations to have a functioning example of what your app can do. Then you can pay someone to develop or start doing it yourself
Hey! How's it going?
Would love to help you with this. Here's something I'm currently working on, I'm sure you'll like it:
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
You're welcome!
Everything is just mockups. For UserWing (one of the many failed ideas) we used Photoshop designs + Marvel is great for designers without any knowledge of motion graphics like me.
Right now I am playing with Marvel It says I can embed external video in it. I'll let you know how it goes. It's so disappointing that XD doesn't have this feature, its great otherwise.
If you have basic skills on photoshop or sketch you definitely don’t need a dev team.
You should look into to fake a homepage or several pages to walk through potential users through your concept and get their feed back.
Or if you want to create an app allows you to rapidly design, prototype, and wireframe using static images that to a potential users visiting your prototype that would allow you to pretend that you already have an MVP that you can walk potential users through and they could click on the buttons and it would appear to function like an app despite the fact that you would know it’s comprised of static images.
>URL: (Prototype not optimized for mobile viewing)
>Purpose of Startup: App to help users maintain friendships post-college.
>Technologies Used: Swift, Node.js, MySQL Database
>Feedback or Support Requested:
>-Looking for feedback in regards to idea validation/ product market fit.
>- Looking to recruit a CTO
>- Progress to Date: MVP completion is approximately 3 weeks away.
>- Currently have 70+ Beta Testors, but am always looking for new perspectives.
You could look into something like MarvelApp for some prototyping without needing to code. I think there is a free option as well. Not sure if Figma has prototyping options yet or not, too.
The HangScope App
>URL: Prototype Link- (Circle was the old name)
>Purpose of Startup: Help us spend more time with our friends and family.
>Technologies Used: Swift
>Feedback or Support Requested: I would love to hear any feedback that you may have. I am also looking for beta testors and would be more than willing to give out a FREE one-year subscription to you guys.
>Problem's with Texting:
>1. You don't know when people are free until you message them.
>2. As a result, we are afraid we are going to bother people when they are busy and may be afraid of rejection due to past invite history.
>Solutions with the HangScope App:
>1. Shows you when your friends and family are free and what they would like to do today and a week ahead of time. Tap the arrow next to their name and you get sent to a chat after you already know that they are free.
>2. The app sends you a notification when you and the person you are trying to meet are free at the same time.
>-Eliminates the fear that you may bother people because they are only going to be notified when they are free at the same time
>-Eliminates the fear of rejection as you will only get notified when your friends are free when you are.
here's 3 steps to get started
Name: Circle
Offering a free year subscription for r/startups Subscribers!
Prototype: <strong></strong>
Location: Los Angeles, California
Elevator Pitch: The Circle app allows you to spend less time planning on hangout, and more time actually hanging out with your friends.
-Get a notification when the friends you are looking to chill with are free at the same time as you.
-See what your friends would like to do and when they are free today.
-See what your friends would like to do and when they are free ahead of time this week.
-Hit the Circle chat when you already know your friends are free to talk about any changes.
-See who your closest friends are through Circle Streaks.
Just sit back, relax, and let Circle make planning to hang with your friends as simple as tapping a button!
Stage: The App is currently under development. I am the sole founder.
Looking For: Any feedback is more than welcome. I am also looking for beta testors if anyone is interested.
Thank you all very much for your time!
That's great to here. Do you have a few minutes this weekend to review my snus app prototype?
The link below has the first clickable paper prototype. Its very low-fi but should help get the general idea across for user testing. I designed it to work on mobile so if you are on desktop please use the back button on your browser.
If you have time to click through I appreciate any feedback. "There is a leave comments" button per screen or you can just pm me here.
Hello, I need to Dribbble invite, can you help me please? My website: My dribbble profile:
My last work
Thanks, I hope you will help me.
Very clean, I like it!
I recommend if at all possible using actual images instead of blue squares. They are somewhat distracting in contrast with the rest of the content, which is there. Kudo's on not using lorem ipsum :)
If you want to take it to the next level, check out
You can upload your page images and then link them together using clickable hot spots. This can give your client an idea of how it may actually feel to navigate the website.
Why do you need a fully functioning app to present at a conference? If you've got a user interface designed already, you can make a pretty "functioning" prototype using the Marvel App:
Can the product start as something much simpler? Is the solution only valid for the education market or would it work in the commercial market?
A complicated product for a bureaucratic, stingy market sounds like a tough first entrepreneurial project.
Assuming this is the right project: here's another vote for the "validate it" as your next step.
Validate the problem
Do school decision makers and teachers experience the pain as much as you think? (Sounds like you are on this path.)
To validate the problem they have, you aren't showing them any solution of yours at this stage. You are investigating their pains with the current options out there, not selling your solution. How acute is the pain? What are the specific pains? What language do they use to describe these pains?
Validate Your Solution
You can weave those screen designs you mentioned into an image-only rapid prototype using services like or others.
You can create a one page landing page that describes the problem and your solution and collects emails of those interested.
You can run customer interviews with school decision makers and teachers now with your prototype and learn how much they value it. Don't just ask "would you use it." Most likely, they will say nice things to not be rude. Instead, walk them through certain tasks with your prototype. Are they saying things like "Wow, that was easy. Normally I have to..." or are they getting stuck? or not seeing as big a difference between what they do now and this?
A consideration: one way to sell school decision makers might be to convince them how much of their teachers are clamoring for this and how much it can help them. "X% of teachers we've talked to said they would drop the current solution for this because if they no longer need to do task Y, it will save them 2 to 3 hours a week and get Z to their students about a day earlier." etc...
I used to use it, but was limited by the free version. I switched to marvelapp. It uses your dropbox account to store your files and will do almost everything Invision does. You can even save your working files on dropbox and it'll automatically update.
I use , which is similar to invision. You can also mock up in browser if you choose to, upload images or PSD from dropbox (and others). it may not be as robust as invision, but it's free'er. :)
Okay, UK only so not for me :)
Anyway, I had a look at the mockup. That looks pretty neat and useful. It looks like you're targeting CHAdeMO fast-chargers (exclusively?) that's a neat trick and I'd like to have something like this for bigger trips (I currently have to plot longer trips manually by checking ChargeMap or similar apps, making sure the charger is actually working, and then adding a waypoint in Google Maps.)
One thing I noticed though is that the third charging point (this one) is at a car dealership. Now I'm not sure about the UK but here in The Netherlands some these are behind gates and only accessible during business hours. Do you accomodate for these things in the app?
Although I do mine in photoshop but use MarvelApp to link the screens. Now they have a canvas feature with all the primitive stuff websites are coded with (circles, squares, text, image, alignments, positioning, opacity, border props).
Good thing is it's not bloated with useless stuff
For mobile UX anything as simple as drawing on a piece of paper and using an app like to get a feel for how it feels. If you want web+mobile and more high fidelity UX testing works pretty well. Anything that allows you to quickly get the ideas out of your head and onto something testable the better. You can always iterate from there.
I'd check my network, if I were you. What you are getting is the classic sign of a "man in the middle attack.". I'm not saying someone is tampering with your connection, but it's possible, especially if you are accessing from a public wifi network.
You'll have to pay if you want more than one project, and your free project only allows a max. of 10 screens. I cheat a little and just delete my project and make another one when I do another app. I don't make stuff often, in fact I've only used it twice, but if I did stuff on a regular basis a lot, I'd pay for it.
If you are good at making stuff in something like photoshop, Marvel is another great prototyping tool as well:
It lets you link stuff and syncs with your drop box, so there's no fiddling around with re-uploading your designs, just edit straight from photoshop (or whatever you use).
Also, thanks to the the genius of I now have a clickable prototype of the Grpzi - (Effortless Group Management) app here -
If you would like to contribute to the construction of Grpzi come join the team here: