That's not remotely true. Methamphetamine (brand name Pervitin) was available over the counter. Millions of Germans took it during the Nazi years. In 1943, they took it off the counter only because the literal millions of pills Germany produced were being gobbled up by the armed forces.
Furthermore, in the Weimar republic that preceded the third Reich not only were cocaine and heroin available without a prescription but coke was served in some restaurants.
There's a book called "Was Hitler Ill? by Hans-Joachim Neumann and Henrik Eberle that go into a detailed analysis of Hitlers drug use, health problems, and how it affected his daily life and decision making. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in this subject.
A short answer would be that although he was on these drugs, it is overblown how much he took and how much they affected his motivations.
It is a dangerous precedent to suggest that Nazism was a drug fuelled spell cast over the German people, rather than a hateful ideology with deep motivations and carefully thought out plan of genocidal intentions.
Here's the full article for free for anyone that wants to see it:
Fuck paywalls that block science. Let the progression of knowledge be free for all.
Here in the UK we often use ones like these already. Have been for a few years.
> 100% made from the starch of corn, vegetable oils and PBAT(fully compostable polymers).
One of our supermarkets has switched over to using these exclusively. Only thing is they smell a bit funny.
Thank you for making me aware of prop money! I am so tempted to buy some. Also found this product:
> Kevide Gold Money Gun Money Gun Money Spray Gun Making A Cash Rain
Redditisfun app lets you block users, and has a Fliter option that lets you block out subreddits, certain words in titles, urls and flairs. You can even have filters for specific subreddits.
For example, sometimes when an celeb dies/arrested/trends I'll "fliter" their name to reduce the amount of repetitive posts I see. Similarly, I am not from the states so I will regularly block a lot of political subreddits.
It is also Ad-free, which is beautiful too. I cant remember if it is a "paid" option or not because I've been using the app for so long.
"Sync for Reddit" is a reddit mobile app.
I've tried "reddit is fun," "relay for Reddit," and something about bacon but this is by far my favorite app.
Time you should do some reading, my know it all friend. You can start here: The Tiger is a true story of how a pissed off tiger stalked and killed modern armed hunters:
Outside a remote village in Russia’s Far East a man-eating tiger is on the prowl. The tiger isn’t just killing people, it’s murdering them, almost as if it has a vendetta. A team of trackers is dispatched to hunt down the tiger before it strikes again. They know the creature is cunning, injured, and starving, making it even more dangerous.
Read that book and come back here once you get a real idea just how scary a big cat can be. I hunt, and it even creeped me out.
Which I find surprising, tbh. Considering the structure looks like this
I was surprised that the Young's modulus is so similar in the axial and transverse directions.
If you’re always this angry and indignant you may want to consider if it is your diet, especially since you got absurdly defensive over a pretty innocuous comment. Check out The Food Mood Solution and maybe take a look at all the research recently on the gut brain axis and how important gut health is to our mental health.
Yeah I've tried magnesium and tons of other vitamins and drugs. If you haven't seen it I would recommend this book It's a couple dollars on Kindle.
Venezuelans - get Reserve App to help mint your bolivars into dollars and send to friends and businesses!
To add on to other comments suggesting not using the services. You can check your browser settings and set access rules to things like your microphone, clipboard, location, etc. to off or promptas you see fit, and in your cookies settings you'd block facebook and others as you see fit. Personally I prefer blocking all and allowing specific sites.
More in depth ways would be setting rules to block traffic, either on your device or devices you route through.
Firewall settings, router, or installing an app that acts like a VPN service but sends network packets to no where (for example, Netguard, ) are ways to handle that.
Interestingly, if you block, they try send data to, which is owned by facebook.
Modern MRI magnets are coils of superconducting wire that are bathed in liquid helium... that's... a lot more trouble than it's worth going through here.
Though I guess you could find one of those old several ton permanent magnets they used to use (or sometimes use in those shittier "open MRI" machines). Even if you could get someone to sell it to you, expect a price tag in the tens of thousands range - the salvage price of the metal is already high enough up there, and transporting it is going to be an absolute bitch.
You'd be better off buying one of those heavy neodymium magnets from Amazon or eBay that have a several hundred pound load capacity. This guy is advertised at 1700lbs.
And I wouldn't even advise that, since high power magnets of any shape or size are actually fairly dangerous just to have lying around and are going to be shit at pulling nails since, you know, they're magnets and not the Magneto from the X-Men or whatever you're expecting to happen here. A magnetic nail puller would need to have an exceptionally high field strength in a very small area, which practically precludes permanent magnets and would require high enough currents to be both lethally dangerous and extremely awkward to maneuver around.
You are confusing two different technologies.
Noice cancelation works by sending out sound waves that zero out the external noise. This does not, in and of itself, provide any reliable hearing protection.
The 3M headset work by passively blocking all noise, just like a regular set of protective ear muffs, and using a microphone and speaker setup to send sound through the barrier as electrical signals.
I have a set of these, and when they get loud noises (say, gunshots) they simply stop sending sound through and become passive earmuffs.
I read a book written about this incident (Sex on the Moon by Ben Mezrich - he also wrote Accidental Billionaire and Bringing Down the House)… from what I remember, the rocks actually didn’t hold much of any scientific value by the time he was rocking on the rocks. At one point, the rocks did indeed hold value and were studied, but at some point, the rocks could no longer be used for any additional value and were instead locked away in an Indians Jones type of warehouse.
Seems to be available on Amazon:,aps,155&sr=8-6&language=en_US&currency=USD
Look for "Balance Counting Toy"
Tension tables have been a thing for a while. Only 55$ cad
There are weights at the bottom that close in when you throw it.
First of all, those corpses are not bobsled racers. That's a common misconception.
They might be luge racers, and eventually they'll probably be skeleton racers. Please don't spread misinformation.
I absolutely love it when people completely ignorant of a culture try to explain it to someone who is actually from that culture.
These people are not going out to dress as crusaders and these costumes are not historically accurate, You are ignorant of this, have some humility and accept you are not an authority on things you have no knowledge of. They are just generic medieval knight outfits because they're a cultural symbol of England. If you go to amazon and search for 'English knight costume' this is the first link that appears. It does say crusader in the title but it also says viking so there is 0 intention for this to look like anything beyond a vague idea of a knight. Hell, this one even specifies its for football.
Again, Nordic people wear Viking helmets and we dont think its because they're pro-rape of the English coastlines.
And no, the BBC did not 'call them out'. The source for that article is something called BBC iwonder which I've not even heard of. It seems to be a tiny opinion blogging site that only existed for about 12 months. It was just picked up by some other sites because its easy clickbait.
If you're so worried about being offensive perhaps you should begin by not acting like you are an authority on other cultures you know nothing about.
But I dont think you are, since you seem to have a massive amount of your post-history dedicated to defending Qatar and their human rights record so maybe you dont care about being offensive and you're just not a very nice person.
non-tracking link (remove everything after ref=)
Yeah plastic cards - i use to have (Probably still got) them somewhere.
sigh This is bit of a longer comment.
>Considering I'm mixed native American I can pretty soundly say that the United States is no longer genociding anybody
On US soil? Probably not. Even then, there are legal scholars that argue the government is still deliberately inflicting horrendous living conditions on native American reservations. To the point it causes serious mental and even physical harm, or force them to leave the reservations. They argue the US government is potentially breaking article 2 section b and c of the ICC genocide convention.
In case you weren't aware, sanctions designed with the intent to bring about hunger and desperation can also fall under the UN genocide convention. Specifically under article 2 section b and c. As long as there's actual evidence of intent. Which there is, for the current cases of North Korea, Cuba, and Afghanistan.
And the US is also heavily complicit in the crimes committed by Israel, which is arguably genocide, and in any case is blatant segregation. And then there's also the US' heavy involvement in the genocide in Yemen.
That is just what is actively going on, US involvement in genocide in recent history is even worse. As not long ago the genocide of of native Americans was still actively taking place, for which there still has been no justice. The list goes on, I think you realise that quite well.
Based on the quote KamiTwenty posted, I found this site:
Which links to this book:
Their link in the article is to though I used .com.
Certainly! I recommend this book (He is partial to Everett - but that is neither here nor there):
Of course the entire discussion revolves around the measurement problem in Quantum mechanics. But one thing is clear. 'Measurement' requires that data/information has leaked from the system and is available to an observer. That was the whole point of the Schrodingers Cat thought experiment.
Costco used to sell a Bug repellent by Greenerways, I thrn found it on Amazon, and now not even amazon sells it, but i feel like it was a good repellent, and it calmed any itchiness from being outdoors. My gf at the time didnt like the smell, tho.
looks like reviewers say a puncture fixes, but testing by knife slice doesn't:
lol to the lad that bought it, sliced it & says will buy again
no kidding, you just sliced up your first one.
You should get one of these. More comfortable for the dog.
> It is a widespread myth that the reason vehicles provide protection from lightning is due to the tires.
> In actuality, lightning flows around the outside of a car, and the majority of the current flows from the car's metal cage into the ground below. In essence, a car acts like a mobile Faraday cage.
You will find a lot of articles like these, lightning is something to be feared.
It's a good option but not the best. The best option is to plant great whales.
"Machismo and weaponry. “Machismo implies both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality.”"
As an ideology that prefers traditional ways, fascism emphasized a hierarchical relationship between male and female relations, one that was grounded in a patriarchal view of gender dynamics.[2] Arguments were made by the fascist government that the involvement of females in traditionally all-male workplaces would disrupt the power hierarchy that supported society.[2] In addition, arguments were put forth that a mother working in the workplace would be transferring all her maternal responsibilities to that of the husband, which may become exasperated with the aspect of familial caretaking all together, further endangering the integrity and sustenance of the family unit.[2] As per issues involving masculinity, fascist rhetoric advocated for misogynistic, homophobic, and virilistic values in their campaign during the 1920s and made direct references as to the accepted and unaccepted gender codes, as explained in this passage:
"The deviant male was above all a bourgeois, egoistic and unpatriotic as well as scarcely virile (because he was unfit or reluctant to repeatedly impregnate the female); the deviant female was the too 'modern' woman, Americanized, independent and masculinized. The social damages provoked by these two converging deviants were most serious: a widespread and 'excessive loosening of family hierarchical relations, a decline in the main of that robust virility that fascism, with much love and perseverance, pursues in other ways"[4]
You may want to check out this book. He explains in detail how FB tracks you. He came up with the methodology. It’s a fairly complex algorithm.
Good for u
Then u r a very rare evolutionary exception to mankind. Most people will evolve and adapt to the new and changing environment surrounding them. U on the other hand, remains consistently the same ever since u were born till today. All of the values and behaviors u have is learnt. They r all original since conception. No wiping ass need, can run and talk immediately! Behave the same when making love to Ladies and to other people. Never lies, and pretend to be interstate. Always true. Lmao
So either u r too ignorant of urself or u r intellectually deceptive.
In any case
This exists, but I can't find a really long one. Retractable-Story-Escape-Ladder
Yeah, this was the book I read. From memory, even the standard foot soldiers in the German army were routinely prescribed a form of amphetamine for some time, it was said to have given them a massive advantage for a while...until it didnt...
In case you or anyone else hasnt read it
Well worth a read.
About the van: the British sniper Dan Mills talks about this sort of thing in his book Sniper One. He wasn’t at this location but he said that US forces regularly shot first responders, but UK forces were trained not to. He had a kind of sneaky admiration for the US attitude, but his troops followed their own orders.
US troops appear to have picked up their rules of engagement from Vietnam. The British developed theirs in Northern Ireland, where shooting civilians was a major propaganda blunder.
All in all, if Assange’s disclosures can bring this to public attention and into a topic of open discussion, he has done a useful service, as fas this goes.
nice. check out mine Yopo - Guano Macabro App Game
this appears to be the same model, there are tonnes of others though I would look into it more.
There is a great sequence in Dragon Teeth involving a bison stampede.
The scope of their life force was so much bigger than I imagined.
Consider reading sources that are more contemporary. The end of the paragraph you're citing states that those numbers are 50-70 years old, when American archaeology was more interested in T-Rex bones than updating outdated anthropological ideas that would make white people look bad.
Here's one for you:
It's difficult. Everything can be going great, but if you don't love yourself every day can be a nightmare.
I have struggled for different reasons. But what I can tell you is that the Buddha was right--struggle is inevitable, but suffering isn't.
I've written so much about what I went through, about my efforts to recover.
It all starts with whether you can love yourself though.
There are so many things I used to heal.
I guess I would recommend starting with 2--they're both books. Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It and The Power of Now.
>I’ve watched and read so many Holocaust stories because my brain just can’t accept that people can treat other people like this
I've heard good things about this book and need to get around to reading it myself:
Something like this:
A pistol is pretty shit against fast moving targets. Also zero stopping power. Especially against moose or bears.
The first original 13 states was a colony "mate". Also I'm gonna leave this right here "mate". Aussie subjugate Aborigines
Not all white people are evil. But as a collective we're pretty fucking devious.
Thing Explainer: Complicated Stuff in Simple Words Maybe he was one of the source materials for Randall Munroe's book (the guy who makes the XKCD comic)
This is the history you should read: or a nice recap here:
TLDR: in WWII we prevented wage and price increases, so companies started offering healthcare instead.
Grandma's were more bird looking, but you get the gist
This is some retarded ass research. One of the articles:
> The book at the heart of Hines’ complaint is "In the Dream House" by Carmen Maria Machado, an award-winning memoir that tells the story of Machado’s experience in an abusive relationship with an ex-girlfriend. Hines read several passages aloud, including one that referenced a sex toy, hence the prop, she said.
The point of these books aren't to sexualize our children. What the fuck.
Another example of a "pedophile" book.
This shit is retarded. We can't learn about sexual abuse or identity in schools because anything "sexual" is "pornographic". These articles are concerned with highschool students learning about sexuality. This shit is absolutely retarded.
>Product Description 2020 ALA Alex Award Winner 2020 Stonewall — Israel Fishman Non-fiction Award Honor Book
>In 2014, Maia Kobabe, who uses e/em/eir pronouns, thought that a comic of reading statistics would be the last autobiographical comic e would ever write. At the time, it was the only thing e felt comfortable with strangers knowing about em. Now, Gender Queer is here. Maia’s intensely cathartic autobiography charts eir journey of self-identity, which includes the mortification and confusion of adolescent crushes, grappling with how to come out to family and society, bonding with friends over erotic gay fanfiction, and facing the trauma and fundamental violation of pap smears.
>Started as a way to explain to eir family what it means to be nonbinary and asexual, Gender Queer is more than a personal story: it is a useful and touching guide on gender identity—what it means and how to think about it—for advocates, friends, and humans everywhere.
>"It’s also a great resource for those who identify as nonbinary or asexual as well as for those who know someone who identifies that way and wish to better understand." — SLJ (starred review)
Sounds like calling this "pornographic" is a hell of a stretch.
Lol you mean the autobiographical graphic novel Gender Queer?
Just because a book talks about gender doesn’t means it’s “pornographic”.
Even the Book's primary Amazon listing states that the books intended audience is 18 and up. Sounds like a dumb teacher saw the cover, read the blurb, and went "Ah! This looks good!" But didn't realize it's an autobiography...
Not every "Comic" is nice and clean... Few are.
Seems like an isolated incident of dumb teachers assigning something that they didn't realize was adult material.
You don't put the coke in the mixer. You put the whiskey and the lime in the mixer and top it with the coke using this..
It's like they've never worked on a construction bar or something...
I'd gladly pay a bit more to the landlord than have my (hypothetical) kids end up dead or even worse having to pay big hospital bills/s just because I didnt put a few screws for some cheap straps.. although there are obviously more aesthetic options..
What Is a Break Stick? A break stick is a device inserted into the mouth of a pit bull (behind the molars) to facilitate the release of its grip on another dog.
Translation: you are not the brightest bulb. Is a link to Amazon where you can buy a "PITBULL BREAK STICK" enough?
My old coworker from Starbucks was in a death metal band, his band actually contacted this dude to make a Big Giant Sword. They ended up coming out on Season. 1 Ep. 5 "Hell's Hounds" cause their band is called Hound Of Hades. Don't know how to describe their sword so here's how it looks I didn't even realize they used their sword as the cover of the Dvd till now
Tonight was the Flower Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse... on a different note, check out this book... Blood Moons: Decoding the Imminent Heavenly Signs
Well then the history and reality of capitalism d
Let us not forget that the word capitalism was created by socialists in the middle 1800s to describe the big government, leftist, economic framework known as Mercantilism which was practiced by nations in the West at that time to include Russia
Today, no nation practices Mercantilism, capitalism, today as defined by socialists. The vast majority practice Democratic Socialism with a few outliers still practicing communism. Democratic Socialism has much in common with Mercantilism especially in terms of the GOVERNMENT SACTIONED institutions known as corporations and the State getting a cut of the profits and controlling said institution though regulations instead of charters back in the day of Mercantilism
The problems we have today are problems created by the ideology of Democratic Socialism and not free markets, an economy, which is composed of the currency, labor, trade, and industry, which is free from government meddling
Listings in question
get mass reporting guys..
Bro I keep telling my wife I'm going to get one of those cool traditional korean hats that I see in the dramas she watches.
Yeah, it's 30 bucks, you can order it off Amazon. It's officially for "birthday presents".
It has a pinched tip and no actual 'bullet' in the cartridge as seen in this link
It may also have a wax cap instead of a pinched end. But those are blanks. There are also full dummy rounds that do not fire at all. They will have colored plastic 'bullets' and no primer as seen here
There are also other varieties that can be used. Chalk rounds for instance that can hurt but cause no serious injury.
Baldwin certainly isnt the ONLY person at fault but anyone that uses a potentially deadly weapon in an act where they must point it at someone should share blame. He was the final defense for that gun and he failed just like all the other people that failed leading up to it. A ten minute class showing at the very least, differing types of ammunition and impressing the necessity of being certain would have spared a life.
Also, hiring an expert and then deciding to go ahead with a scene where you must point the gun at someone when that expert is absent is asinine. If you know so little about a gun that you can not tell a blank from a live round and you decide to point and pull the trigger at someone while your hired expert is not there, you are criminally dumb and shoulder some blame. He handled something dangerous with no training. He is at least partially at fault.
No one votes for the NPC... And the people are the local level, which you can vote for, are nominated by the government. Its only at the very lowest levels of power in China, that there is some resemblance of democracy, and even that is controlled.
I recommend this book: That way you don't spread more misinformation.
Let us not forget that the word capitalism was created by socialists in the middle 1800s to describe the big government, leftist, economic framework known as Mercantilism which was practiced by nations in the West at that time to include Russia
Today, no nation practices Mercantilism, capitalism, today as defined by socialists. The vast majority practice Democratic Socialism with a few outliers still practicing communism. Democratic Socialism has much in common with Mercantilism especially in terms of the GOVERNMENT SACTIONED institutions known as corporations and the State getting a cut of the profits and controlling said institution though regulations instead of charters back in the day of Mercantilism
The problems we have today are problems created by the ideology of Democratic Socialism and not free markets, an economy, which is composed of the currency, labor, trade, and industry, which is free from government meddling
>It’s an ad
You realise ads are propaganda, right? Typically for commercial purposes. The early advertisers a hundred years ago called themselves propagandists and only changed their name to "advertisers" and "marketers" after the word propaganda became associated with something the "other side" did in the interwar period.
I'd recommend giving a read of Propaganda, by Edward Bernays, a man considered the godfather of advertising.
I'm telling you, buy this brand of chocolate bars. Your life will be changed:
Israel is an apartheid state backed by the United States. Israel controls American from the inside and their crimes backed in full by the American Evangelist/fundamentalist Christian movement.
Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy
And on terrorism…
State of Terror: How Terrorism Created Modern Israel
Yes i have my ipad on a mount that can sit directly in front of you by using the headrest poles. Or you can attach the tablet holding part to the end of the mount and it slides to be in between the two seats.
This is the one i bought but there are cheaper ones out there
I really like watching stuff on my breaks at work instead of sitting in a lunch room and with the new car and having a panoramic sunroof it feels like youre sitting outside with how much window there is
TIL “A downburst is an area of strong, downward moving air associated with a downdraft from a thunderstorm... a downburst that spans a distance less than 2.5 miles in diameter is considered a microburst.”
Here’s a collection of interviews with veterans and some civilians with various different backgrounds that were made during the 60s. If you’re outside the UK, try using a UK VPN.
Looking it up, this is from a 17m platform (55 ft) on a cruise ship called Harmony of the Seas.
Here are a few more details about this dive, and per this calculator she hit the water at about 65 kph (or 40 mph).
Winnie the Pooh isn't banned. You can check yourself on chinese google.
Nobody denies Tiananmen square, though it can be evaluated differently.
One of many crazy events detailed in the book (Death in Yellowstone)[]
I have no connection to this book other than owning it, so don't think this is an ad. It's just a really interesting book.
that wasn't the thumbnail on netflix but could have been a still from the "movie" i had a look on amazon and found this:
totally different thumbnail to what was on netflix, but could be a rebranding or something, the description seems to reflect what the content was.
Lock Picking Lawyer has used a similar model and found that it cuts through locks that cost more than the cutters themselves.
I am by no means a pantheist or some-such, but I enjoy reading Howard Bloom take on how with the addition of networks to human communication, we now function as if we are individual neurons and that while global-brain consciousness may not rear its head in the conventional sense, one of the way it manifests for us is an increased rate of synchronicity, for example. I just try to remember that a single neuron in our brain has no means by which to describe or think about our mind, either.
This figure also has some good illustrations for the antenna and setup.
Here's the full story translated from Russian:
Naryn region: A landslide occurred at the Kara-Keche coal deposit. No injuries.
From Aizhamal Jamankulov - September 15, 2020
The press service of the Ministry of Transport and Roads reported that a landslide occurred at the Kara-Keche coal deposit in Naryn region. According to preliminary data, the volume of descended rock mass was 900 thousand cubic meters. There were no victims or injured.
The landslide occurred at the 37th kilometer of Dyikan - Kara - Keche highway. The mountain mass blocked the Kara-Keche riverbed, destroyed power lines and blocked the road on this section. According to the decision of the Civil Protection Commission of Zhumgalsky district, the road is temporarily closed due to the danger of passing this section.
"At present, the earth mass is slipping into the Kara-Keche River. Measures are being taken to eliminate the consequences of a landslide," said Zarylbek Monoshev, head of the Road Maintenance Department of the Ministry of Transport, who is now at the scene.
Kara-Keche is considered one of the largest coal deposits in Kyrgyzstan. Coal reserves there are estimated at 400 million tons. Three companies - "Charbon", "Ak-Zhol" and "Kara-Keche" branch of "Kyrgyzkomur" State Enterprise - mine coal on the territory of the deposit. They provide coal to the city of Bishkek, as well as Chui, Talas, Jalalabad and Naryn regions.
Kyrgyzstan consumes at least 2.5 million tons of coal annually. The bulk of coal is mined at the Kara-Keche deposit. CHP of Bishkek consumes 1 million 140 thousand tons of coal per year, of which 680 tons are supplied from Kara-Keche.
Translated with (free version)
100 million murdered, but the also includes the Chinese Communists.
Estwing Ball Peen Hammer - 32 oz Metalworking Tool with Forged Steel Construction & Shock Reduction Grip - E3-32BP
u/Dreck_Landy said 25m but I gotta say it's higher than that.
Let's say that guy is 6 feet, and lets round up and say 6 feet is 2m.
There are way way way more than 13 of that guy that fit in the height of that cliff. I know there's a little camera fuckery and perspective going on, but it looks really fucking high.
Also I found a little free fall calculator from which you can calculate height by the amount of seconds of free fall. (
I know the video is a little slowed down during his fall but we can say he falls from 0:04 to 0:08. Accounting for the slow-mo, let's say he falls from 0:04 to 0:07. That would mean a 3 second free fall, which in the calculator would give us a 44m drop. 2.5 seconds would give us 30m. 2.7 would give us 35.7m.
The only uncertain variable is the amount of time the slowmo adds to the video. It seems like a "slight" slowmo effect and not one of those full-blown x0.5 or x0.25 slowmos. I'd say it looks like a x0.75 or x0.8 slowmo. So it wouldn't be insane to think the slowmo would only "add" maybe a second to an 4 second video.
According to the above calculator, assuming the 'size of a penny' means 'radius of a penny' (diameter 19.05, radius 9.525), it would have the mass of 1.074 Earths.
> A black hole the size of a penny will probably weigh more than entire continents or even more than our planet.
A US penny has a diameter of 19.05 mm. A non-rotating black hole with a Schwarzschild Radius of 9.525 mm would have a mass of 1.074 Earths, so you're right, slightly heavier than the Earth itself. I guess in this animation, Earth technically landed on it. It gets far more complicated if the thing is rotating.
Note the Schwarzschild Radius measures the distance from the central point of a non-rotating black hole to the edge of it's event horizon. It isn't exactly a physical measurement, so don't imagine it as a solid object the size of a penny. Rather the mass is entirely bound up in an infinity small point at the center of object.
Also interesting, as it is about the same size as Earth, it would have almost the same gravitational pull once you were as far from it as we are from the center of the Earth (6357 km). At that distance you'd feel about 1 G, and conventional rockets would escape it just as they can escape Earth. In fact if Earth itself collapsed into such a black hole it would have almost no effect on the rest of the solar system. It would continue to orbit the sun as usual, and be orbited by the moon and our satellites. Unless you got closer than one Earth radius to it, you wouldn't notice any significant difference in gravitational effects.
Interestingly a black hole the size of a penny would have about the same mass (and therefore the same gravitational field) as the Earth. 1.1444 Earths to be exact if you can trust
Was curious on how much mass it would have.
Taking the volume of a penny to be 442.45 cubic mm (just based on some sources online), if it were a sphere that would give it a radius of 4.73 mm.
Knowing this radius now, we can use the Schwarzschild Radius equation, which calculates the radius at which a given mass needs to be compressed into in order to become a black hole. If it seems like a simple equation for such an apparently complex/dramatic phenomenon, it's because it is a solution for figuring out at what point a mass would be compressed enough so that its surface escape velocity would equal c, the speed of light in a vacuum.
So, all this put together, a black hole the 'size' of a penny would have a mass of about 0.533 Earths.
This video in particular interests me too because it doesn't show the earth mass just instantly disappearing, but beginning to orbit and accrete around the black hole, and all that mass beginning to heat up as a result. Black holes just use gravity, they're not magic space vacuums, and because of a black hole's surface area (quite small in this case) there's a limit to how much mass it can 'eat' at once too, so the actual addition of mass to the black hole can take some time.
Not an astrophysicist, just an enthusiast, anyone can please feel free to correct me on any of this if I'm misunderstanding/misrepresenting things.
Well to be fair, a black hole with a radius of 5mm (0.2in) has over half the Earth (America & co.) in mass.
Though we'd feel the gravitational effects long before it actually makes contact. That penny black hole has far greater mass than the moon (about 1.2% Earth mass). Imagine if the moon came hurtling toward us.