>Oh buddy, I’m sorry to have to embarrass you like this but I’m afraid that link lists many awards... including 10 fan voted awards for TLOU2.
Oh Buddy, I’m sorry but 36 GOTY awards and 10’fan voted ones is baby numbers for what’s supposed to be the “game of the generation”. Considering Witcher 3 got 257 of them, 58 fan voted, 249 for the masterpiece known as The Last of Us, 249 of them, 58 also fan voted, GOW got 200, 72 fan voted, BotW got 192, 52 fan voted, etc. Want me to keep going on? Oh but 36 awards is so good isn’t it buddy?
>RIP iCallOutSimps, if only they looked properly at the link I posted twice, maybe they wouldn’t have died of embarrassment.
RIP TangoWhiskeyFoxtrot_ thinking that showing a bunch of numbers from shill journos and irrelevant articles somehow proves the point that “ThE mAjOriTy LoVeD tHe GaMe, YoU sNoWflaKe”. Metacritic user scores, the pinned post, many YouTube likes and dislikes and a whole host of reviews disagrees with you. Even some of the journalists that gave the game the GOTY are moving away from that position. But sure, you’re still the majority right
>Third time, in their memory.
You know, looking at your history, it’s incredibly sad how you spent 17 days doing absolutely nothing on Reddit and then decide to start posting a bunch of comments to, I guess downvote farm, hiding behind “the truth” and “exposing the narrative and agenda of haters”, when the only narrative is that gamers aren’t as stupid as devs think
Take your own advice. Your game isn’t going to ever reach the success of this
They're all fabricated by games media. Just like the Oscars, Emmys, Grammys, and Tonys are all fabricated by their industries.
This is just a meme but the point I was making is that despite all their pandering, grandstanding, bullying, and virtue signaling this game is a financial failure.
>When someone anywhere on the globe can show me a legit pic of a copy in a shop with the GOTY seal printed on the box art (not a sticker) then I will concede it was a commercial success.
Perhaps you'd like to help them out and buy a Collector's Edition. There's still plenty left in stock.
Shout out to the guy who sent this to me. Full HD (remove brackets) mediafi(re.co)m/file/j178jv43y8wpsmb/First_2_hours.mp4/file
Also on this one you dont have to download but its only in 360p
People from that crowd are just hypocrites, liars and opportunists. They wouldn't hesitate to bully a person to his death just to claim victimhood..
IMHO, this first-world feminism we have currently is a scam and a billion dollar business. They don't want equality. They want special privilege. If you haven't, I recommend the red pill documentary directed by former feminist.
The one on the left is the limited UK edition that only ships to UK. Here’s the Amazon UK Listing. The one on the right is the more common one we see that comes with the special/collector/Ellie edition steelbook.
Here is a list of all of his review scores: https://opencritic.com/critic/2579/jonathon-dornbush
-He rarely gives anything a 9+ rating
-His only 10/10 was God of War
-He’s reviewed several of The Walking Dead installments
>As well many leaks that were shown were confirmed that they were very old versions of the game(Possibly even years old builds
Absoulutley false. The oldest build of the leak was February 2020, some are even from April 2020.
Don't belive me? look it up for yourself: https://www.filemail.com/d/lvzrppfraxqvwvb
It's pretty simple, I used the software Balabolka. It's a text to speech Windows app. You just type in what you want to say, and then save the audio file. And then I removed the audio from certain parts of the clip, and pasted in my audio clips. Here is their website http://www.cross-plus-a.com/balabolka.htm
The shittiest games in the world do well on Amazon's reviews. The worst game on xbox 360 got a 4/5. lol
It metacritic'ed a 38 if you must know... You're right, seems really in line with how the public feels...
Amazon UK knocked 5 quid off the price. Resident Evil 3 remake costs more. lol
It's all a bit meh.
As a comparisons,
It's mildly cool that a building collapsed onto another building and is now overgrown with vegetation.
There's nothing exciting like a clicker.
Here you go dawg
Shout out to the guy who sent this to me.
Full HD (remove brackets) mediafi(re.co)m/file/j178jv43y8wpsmb/First_2_hours.mp4/file
Also on this one you dont have to download but its only in 360p
So obvious examples are, as you mentioned macs and chrome books. But there are also PCs and laptops that come with Linux pre-installed. Or you can buy a pc and or laptop without an os and install your own.
https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Sexist-Games%3DSexist-Gamers-A-Longitudinal-Study-on-Breuer-Kowert/79dd7ba8de2d49c4070531d11bc95e92c78ce3ca View the PDF on it and actually READ it. I'll be making a post on it and showcasing your idiocy.
>Cool, so don't sneak by them... You're still shot on sight. Ellie only kills those who are trying to kill her. Where's the ludonarrative dissonance with that?
Do you know how to articulate what you say? Or do you have a mental disorder or disability? Which is it?
Thanks, It's even worse for the one sold by Amazon
Thanks, it's even worse for the one sold by Amazon
what kind of morality do you have that makes you think cheating is not shitty? it's always shitty.
hmm what is a 3d character? let's ask the experts. according to https://prowritingaid.com/art/308/How-to-Construct-a-3D-Main-Character.aspx this is how you write a 3d character
check. abby killing joel certainly came as a surprise
check. abby did, through saving lev and yara
check check check
yep, abby's emotions are very real-life
so yeah, i'm no expert, but basing from experts, i can say abby is 3 dimensional character
I didn't just suddenly come up with a median score, this data is openly available to anyone at any time https://opencritic.com/outlet/269/the-angry-joe-show
Neither of those are gaming media. If you're counting non-gaming "major players", I'll throw in Washington Post, ScreenRant, The Telegraph, The Guardian, The Financial Post, The Daily Star, Metro, CNet, and The Verge.
But here you go buddy, sorted by popularity of the outlet:
And I don't care about the game, but I am greatly entertained by the mental gymnastics going on in this subreddit.
>like you does > >I saw that you are an alt right conspirationist
A what now? Is this more of your own verified facts? https://www.wordnik.com/words/conspirationist
Must be making up your own language too. Maybe you should spend more time learning, and less time shitting outside.
Oh, any proof I'm alt right, or is that in la la land too?
You're not done. You'll be back.
All these reminds me of an Aesop's fable that I read as a kid.
Hercules was once travelling along a narrow road when he saw lying on the ground in front of him what appeared to be an apple, and as he passed he stamped upon it with his heel. To his astonishment, instead of being crushed it doubled in size; and, on his attacking it again and smiting it with his club, it swelled up to an enormous size and blocked up the whole road. Upon this he dropped his club, and stood looking at it in amazement. Just then Minerva appeared, and said to him, "Leave it alone, my friend; that which you see before you is the apple of discord: if you do not meddle with it, it remains small as it was at first, but if you resort to violence it swells into the thing you see."
All these reminds me of an Aesop's fable that I read as a kid.
Hercules was once travelling along a narrow road when he saw lying on the ground in front of him what appeared to be an apple, and as he passed he stamped upon it with his heel. To his astonishment, instead of being crushed it doubled in size; and, on his attacking it again and smiting it with his club, it swelled up to an enormous size and blocked up the whole road. Upon this he dropped his club, and stood looking at it in amazement. Just then Minerva appeared, and said to him, "Leave it alone, my friend; that which you see before you is the apple of discord: if you do not meddle with it, it remains small as it was at first, but if you resort to violence it swells into the thing you see."
Just like I shared my sentiments on other posts (also my personal review here), I can say for most who have freshly finished the game that we felt empty. It's going to take a while to process everything because ND played with everyones emotions. It's not because of the controversies going around, it's because that as gamers, we have our own level of expectations and the game may failed on delivering it on some aspect.
I'm no expert in storytelling but there is a concept of Chekov's gun and clearly the gun wasn't fired at the end or there may be more interpretation to that. (You can check more on this link)
Trailers are not contractual. There is no ground for legal procedure.
Crunch is very interesting. A lot of employees do commit into crunch willfully, and as long as there is a form of compensation, it is technically legal. It is of course morally debatable, and it is cool this topic is on the table, but the outrage tends to be pretty selective. A lot of games are shipped through "blood sweat & pixels" to quote Jason Schreier's book (https://www.amazon.com/Blood-Sweat-Pixels-Triumphant-Turbulent/dp/0062651234) and gamers tend outlook that as long as they like the game. This sub dislikes TLOU2 heavily and is critical towards ND's alleged work practices, that's fair, it is a relevant critic, but at the same time there are a lot good reviews of RDR2 here, which was made under conditions much worse than TLOU2.
Agreed... but this Amazon deal is more sweet if you don’t want the PS4 Pro: PS4 500GB with 3 PS Hits Game Bundle (PS4) (Exclusive to Amazon.co.uk) https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07TDKSC6F/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_oh2-EbWHB0BAS