>After five hours, the plot doesn't get much better. Third-person cutscenes constantly break your perspective and work against the sense of immersion Eidos Montreal is adamant it is working hard to instil. Excruciating dialogue from Garrett, such as when he visits the game's signature horror level and wonders aloud, "Is it the asylum that's haunted, or me?" doesn't help. I can't yet see what Eidos Montreal is going for. Cantin tells us that this Thief tells a "more mature" story, but the only evidence of that so far has been characters using actual profanity instead of "taffer," along with a nudity-heavy mission in a whorehouse.
Looks like it! Source
As others have said, use TFix (well known patch that fixes nearly every issue). I you're interested, there's also an HD mod.
In terms of difficulty, i'd go with Expert. I like the way Thief handles difficulty bc it's not like modern games in which they simply buff the AI to ridiculous levels...it's mostly about imposing rectrictions/goals to make to feel like a real thief: most commonly being "no kills" + "steal at least 90% of the loot"
I wrote up some steps to get FMs installed and running here: https://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Thief_II:_The_Metal_Age#Fan_Missions
Hope they make sense!
I used the Philippines thru FlyVPN. I've done it for a couple of games. Here is what you do:
Belive me. i feel you man. I really like the mechanics of nuThief! I think the AI is p good and the people complaining about it are forgetting how simplistic most AI in games are and how difficult it is to make passable AI. I would rub my dick with a cactus if it would make SE release a level editor.
Have you played the Bank Mission DLC? Its soo good. Multiple entrances, multiple ways through, secrets to find. SE knew how to make a Thief mission! I'm actually mad the entire fucking game wasn't like that. The entire game should have just been a series of heists.
The story is so embarrassingly shit I cant believe people were paid to write it. Like I feel like we should be charging them for letting their fanfiction-quality tripe take up so much of our time. I want to scream at Stephen Gallagher. I want to force him to read Stephen King's On Writing and then break all of his fingers. I am overly passionate about this subject. I think this is my contempt for the story manifesting where I just want to put an arrow between the eyes of every fool screaming about the graven dawn.
What kind of ergonomic mouse do you use? Have you tried those vertical ones that look like old-style joysticks? For example: https://www.amazon.com/3M-Ergonomic-Patented-Compatibility-EM500GPL/dp/B00008KWWF
I disagree. I can see you not liking the newer effects, but all you gotta do is use an earlier version...iirc v1.0 is the best one without the bad effects. I find it pretty good.
Pretty much anything tagged as version 1.2 here: https://www.moddb.com/mods/thief-gold-hd-texture-mod/images/thief-1-hd-mod-127#imagebox
Way too gloomy.
I think someone already helped you out. Awesome!
If you are planning on playing more Thief games in the future, buy them from GOG.com. The original trilogy is now in sale actually, and you can buy all three games for just $3, if I'm correct. The GOG installers are already patched and work perfectly, so that you don't have to worry about anything.
Can confirm that the hex editing solution on this page works:
I used this hex editor and it worked great:
Both shroud and horrible flashing white light removed.
It's this, it says that it's discontinued by the manufacturer but there seems to be some used ones available from around 7 dollars. I'm not sure if it's suitable but it's all I could find